K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancee visa help....!!!
Our guess is as good as yours - or the timeline that USCIS recommended you use to estimate the time. Did you follow the link provided and get an idea? If so - that is your current best idea.
You keep asking if we 'know' how long it will take - and people have said several times that we can't guess. We don't know. No-one knows. How can we second guess the people actually DEALING with your case?
I'm not sure what you want us to say - should we pick a date out of thin air and post it? How will that be helpful?
Posted Image
Jaylen BritNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-07-12 03:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancee visa help....!!!
daisy - really no-one can tell you how long it will all take - as I, and many others have said already, every case is unique - some cases breeze thru the system, others don't. If they ask you for more info (aka 'RFE'), that will delay it, if they put you in administrative review, that will delay it, if you need to file a waiver, that will delay it etc etc And these delays may be long or short - we have no way of knowing.
One thing is for sure though, until you START the process there won't BE any progress. So that, and finding a decent immigration lawyer to help with all the complex issues, is your starting point.
Best of luck :thumbs:
Jaylen BritNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-07-03 04:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancee visa help....!!!
AP= Adminstrative processing = security checks
Jaylen BritNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-06-30 03:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancee visa help....!!!

OK I have another I see they will probably deny my visa but I was wondering when my interview will be - My initial receipt date is March 10th.....any suggestions??? :( :(

That's the $64,000 question..and the short answer is 'no idea'
If you get caught in AP it will take longer than average - look up the stats page on VJ showing AVERAGES for the Service center you are going thru, and then the Embassy you will be going thru for their average timelines..these figures are not set in stone as EACH case is decided on merit and is unique.
BTW - no-one knows FOR SURE if you WILL get denied - we aren't USCIS - we are all going on 'most likely scenario'. You MAY indeed get denied due to your circumstances - so the advice was to have a waiver ready just in case. If you are well prepared, and knowledable then that in itself is a time-saver.
Consult with an attorney - he will help guide you thru the paperwork if your case is not straightforward.
There are no shortcuts to this process and you will need time, strength and patience to go thru it
Jaylen BritNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-06-30 03:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancee visa help....!!!
And you havent 'lost all hope' - you havent TRIED yet to apply and see if you need a waiver, filed waiver and find out if its accepted..there are many more things to go thru and look into before 'all hope of re-entering the US is lost'
If you are going to give up at the first hurdle then you will never survive the NORMAL immigration visa process, never mind one with 'special circumstances'
Jaylen BritNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-06-28 17:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancee visa help....!!!
You will need a whole heck of a lot of patience for this process..average timeline of K1 thru CSC are around 6 months - that's average - some are faster, some slower - if you have RFE's it will increase waiting times - AP will also increase waiting time if you get a name hit.
IMBRA is currently slowing EVERYTHING down across the board - even the usually fast VSC has slowed up considerably to what they WERE doing.
As for which date CSC will use - I have no idea - one would HOPE they would use the earliest dates and process going by THOSE but its best not to assume anything. I dont think any VJer has yet got an NOA2 (which is post IMBRA new I-129F supplement compliant ) and gone on from there to NVC. Also one person's timeline really won't help MUCH - you need several to work out an average - as it depends so much on if you get an RFE, AP etc etc which might slow you down.
I know that doesn't help you much but at this stage no-one has any SOLID info as nothing is moving (apparently) out of CSC since IMBRA came into play
Jaylen BritNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-06-25 17:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNewbie
ouch.. sorry to hear of your tale - but you're right - as soon as she mentioned the word flag time (even tho she had innocent intentions)
As fr the wait - you will need to be more patient than Job; get SKYPE if you both have PC access or pay horrendous phone bills using normal phone (pick one), get a web cam..can you visit HER? If that as well.
Rememebr that the new IMBRA law is currently making the wait a little longer but fill in your timeline and you should get a ballpark idea of averages of the waits for your service center (although it goes ONLY by those who have filled in their timelines AND who are registered here; its not all-inclusive to eevry applicant that goes thru VSC).
Good luck :)

Edited by Jaylen Brit, 13 July 2006 - 03:24 PM.

Jaylen BritNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-07-13 15:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresshould i be worried??
women are famously more worrier types in these cases dmartmar! :lol:
Her fiance is probably saying 'it'll be FINE, don't stress!' :D
Jaylen BritNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-07-14 04:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK2 and issues of health ..
What do you haveplanned as far as his healthcare goes after you emigrate? Will you be added to your new husband's insurances? Will those insurers be ok with a pre-existing condition (even tho this will only be for check ups and likely not treatment?)
If all of this has already been sorted out, just explain that at interview - all they are really looking for is that neither you or son become a public charge (hence the requirement for I-134) and forward planning will help reassure them you have your bases covered.
If you havent yet sorted things out - get your fiance to enquire with his insurers about things - so you will have piece of mind your son's treatment/checkups can continue smoothly after you move.
I agree it's not a bad idea to have either medical records or, probably easier to obtain, a letter from your son's primary specialist to take to the visa medical, explaining the situation.
Best wishes to your boy for his op next month - I'm sure it will make a huge difference to his life (and yours) (F)
Jaylen BritNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-07-16 18:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan I throw away my application copies now?
I heard they often ask for a complete copy of yr original application at AOS time, so keep one at least.
Jaylen BritNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-07-17 08:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPassport/Immigration Photos
Never heard nayone being asked for PROOF the pics were taken within 30 days - doesn't mean it never happened but I never seen it on here as a question. I guess if you look VASTLY different they might question it - so no getting a haircut until AFTER the visa interview! :lol:
I wrote my name and case # on the back of my pics in PENCIL, not pen, (which can smear and come off) and very lightly as well.
Jaylen BritNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-07-17 08:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoes my NOA1 have est processing time on it?
Yes if you fill in your timeline it (it being the program on VJ that works out the averages) will guesstimate based on experinces of people on THIS SITE who have previously filled in their timelines.
Other than that, no-one can really give you any dates with anything approaching 'pinpoint accuracy' - especially if your case is less than straightforward (and to be honest, with the current delays caused by the IMBRA laws, even if IS fairly straightforward).
Jaylen BritNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-07-17 17:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresbirth certificate question....
Bella kimiON posted a great link in calidreamers thread called HELP ME! - Also re Canadian birth certs long form :)
Jaylen BritNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-07-18 07:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMedical
To schedule the medical in the UK you need the NVC reference number (which includes your country code - mine was LNDXXXXXXX - where LND = London)
They won't take the NOA2/USCIS code AFAIK tho I know some people once they get their NVC code have gone ahead and booked the medical and they didn't wait for packet 3.
Jaylen BritNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-07-18 07:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresvisitor visa while K1 process?
If you aren't part of the VWP, then getting a visitor visa (B1/2) may be difficult - can you perhaps both meet in a neutral country (like canada?) where it won't be an issue?
Jaylen BritNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-07-17 08:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMedical
Well, its unlikely you will ever see the medical people after your visa medical so who cares if you humiliate yourself? Don't stress over that part - it'll be over real quick and I bet they are used to people who are scared of needles (many peple have that fear). You can always tell them: 'Look, I'm scared of shots, so just ignore me if I dissolve into a complete mess..I DO want to have the ones I need'
Other than that I'm sure you'll be fine and I'm sure you'll have a good result (F)
Jaylen BritNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-07-17 08:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresScared Cos Fiance Has Had Arrests..
Email the US consulate (london) and ASK - dont guess - and right now you dont need a lawyer IMO - just email the consulate in London and get a more qualified opinion.
If they can't help THEN you may need to think about getting a lawyers advice
G'luck :)
Jaylen BritNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-01-29 17:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy Sordid Past
I guess we'll see but I cant personally see it happening that way - they are more worried about benficiary history - and the USC history seems to be important only if it involves crimes against persons like marital battery/assault history. Its all just speculation as yet tho cos the law hasnt come into being and hasnt been 'test-cased' yet..
Jaylen BritNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-27 16:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy Sordid Past
Its alos to make sure they aren't going to be importing any type of 'crime lord' (they have enough home grown types), or someone who has a suspect background (and might therefore be assumed to be a person who may commit further crimes once inside the USA).
If for example you had a lot of assault or sexual misconduct convictions you might also be someone they wouldn't want to 'import' - ditto any drug trafficking convictions. Its not soley to see if you are a terrorist or have terrorist links.
Jaylen BritNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-27 05:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApproved noa2
congrats :) But flippin eck that was quick
Jaylen BritNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-02 19:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUK police check details
I just looked at mine and it doesnt state the years - just that there are no records about me on their computers
When I filled in the form I gave what it asked for - which was the addresses lived at in the last 10 years..I'm also over 26 and its not a problem - but Ive never been in trouble with police at any time ever - not even verbal warnings or anything so I was confident about the result.
If in doubt speak to the officer at your local station - but they dont seem to NEED every address since you were 16 so I cant see the wisdom of adding those.
Jaylen BritNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-05 20:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMY apologies
Whatever it was you feel the need to apologise for, I am sure everyone on here will understand.

We have all been or are still going through this process and we all get setbacks so vent away, I am sure we can all take it without getting offended. :thumbs: it does you the world of good anyway. Hope you feel much better about things today :thumbs:
munchkinsNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-07-15 08:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI GOT IT!!! YES!
:dance: Congratulations, hope you speed through the next stage
munchkinsNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-08-04 10:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGot a feeling it is time for Gary's approval
Hope you are right, it would appear that this IMBRA has caused havoc with a lot of you, here's my good wishes that they do come out with lots of approvals this week :thumbs:
munchkinsNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-08-07 08:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThink you are ready? need somthing to do while waiting?
Goodness and I thought we were having it rough, Good on you, excellent idea and good wishes for a speedy end to such a horrendouse journey :thumbs:
munchkinsNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-08-08 11:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSent in!!!
Good luck to you on the journey, hope all goes well for you both :thumbs:
munchkinsNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-08-08 11:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdministrative Processing at NVC !!!!
definitely not alone, ours is stuck while they check the amended paperwork that was sent back, received on the 17th July and we are still waiting - told us it would be 2 - 4 weeks and we are now into our 3rd week, so here's hoping our case complete comes soon.

By the way, I phone NVC so many times :whistle: and they are not all smug I have had some lovely people on there so next time you check you may geta really nice one :thumbs: I was even discussing UK footballl with one guy as he had lived over in the UK for a few years, he was great and so helpful :thumbs:
munchkinsNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-08-10 23:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 APPROVAL AUG. 14th!!!!!
:dance: That's great news, good luck for the rest of the journey :dance:
munchkinsNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-08-15 08:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYay!
:dance: :dance: congratulations that is good news, hope you have a good journey to the US and a wonderful reunion :dance: :dance:
munchkinsNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-08-18 03:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA-2 after 404 days!
:dance: :dance: About time too, congratulations :dance: :dance:
munchkinsNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-08-23 03:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview Passed today
:dance: :dance: CONGRATULATIONS THAT IS GREAT NEWS :dance: :dance:
munchkinsNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-08-22 09:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApproved
Congratulations on that

We are IR5 (parents of USC) and our case was approved on the 9th August at the NVC and has now left for London (we think) as Icey said it depends on which Visa but good luck for the rest of the journey
munchkinsNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-08-29 06:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresA question for all of the British / English
United Kingdom where it would fit, UK where it wouldn't :thumbs:
munchkinsNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-08-29 10:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCriminal Record
I would suggest that you check out the waiver forum but I would start work on a waiver now if I was you. There are people who's offences were much longer than 10 years ago that have had to file waivers. Sometimes it can depend on ages, if the offender was a juvenile at the time but as I say read the waivers section for more info.

Hope things go well for you
munchkinsNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-09-11 09:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresomg, omg, OMG!
Congratulations Mandi hope the next stage goes quickly for you :thumbs:
munchkinsNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-09-12 03:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOh~My God...I got approved.
Congratulations :dance:
munchkinsNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-09-19 10:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDavid's visa was approved!!
WOOOOHOOOO, that is just fantastic news Jen, so many good wishes to both of you for a wonderful reunion and all the very best to you both on your wedding day. May health, wealth and much happiness be yours in your life together (F)

munchkinsNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-09-25 07:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFreak!
In a nutshell, Yes!!!!! check out a lot of other timelines, you have only just started and without wishing to be rude, you have a way to go and patience is needed
munchkinsNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-10-24 02:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresapproved with waiver
Congratulations that must be such a relief for you both
munchkinsNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-11-30 02:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI got it!!! NOA2!!!! Approved!!
Great news, good luck for the rest of the process
munchkinsNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-12-01 09:38:00