Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
He's coming over on a K3" right? won't he be able to work when he arrives in the US? The extra income would help.

He is coming on a CR1 but he will need to adjust for at least a month. I remember trying to get work for myself when I was in college here and it was hard. He will start GED classes first and then add part time work. When reading this thread everyone at first said it was hard for their SO to get a job or a real good paying one.

Craig was VERY fortunate to be able to work when he got here (cause my client works for immigration). He started his 1st job a month after he got here and that actually helped him learn alot! He even took the bus to and from and he said he likes that alot because it helps him get to know the area (although for a 20 min regular drive it takes about 2 hours by bus). He worked in a warehouse for a football (equipment & apparel) company and when they moved their offices and was laid off, he's employed by 3 different temp agencies and keeping pretty busy (except for the past 2 weeks). His lowest paid job has been $10.50/hour and he'll start a new one on Monday at $15/hour. I don't think that's to bad??

Grocery shopping....between my son & Craig, we are at the grocery store at least 2x a week. Craig loves ALL food here, well except for broccoli & mushrooms. He says he sometimes misses Jamaican food but he absolutely LOVES the food that I "put together". I'm one of the cooks that just throws things together and makes up stuff as I go along. Craig makes AWESOME chicken and he's learning all the time to "throw stuff" together like me.

Kaaaaaaaaaaaaaarin ----where are ya girl???
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-02-27 19:56:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
HAPPY Valentine's Day !!

How cool is it to be "Mrs Valentine" **on** Valentine's Day. Hope everyone is enjoying their day ....for us over here with snow, sleet & rain...argh.

luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-02-14 12:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

No school here in IL! Yippee our 3rd weather day off. The wind is wiping real fast and snow should be coming. The only bad part is that I have to work until June now. I should go back to bed.

Good morning Yardie Family!


My son just walked in the door.....most schools in our area had off today, but they just got out an hr 1/2 early ?? I'm on my way to my part-time job...argh.

Make it a great day everyone....stay warm :thumbs:
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-02-13 13:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Today must be my lucky day! I called the embassy and got thru on the first try :dance: and I've got a interview date March 20 at 915 :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

:dance: :dance: :dance:
YIPPPPEEEEE! Doesnt it feel good! Now you dont have to make anymore calls for awhile. Lets just hope the appointment letter comes soon in the mail!!

I wish I could answer some peoples questions on the site but I dont feel that I have the expertese. I'll leave that to the veterans.

I think that some (or most) of us **want** to answer your questions, but really....the "newbies" ARE going to be the veterans because everything has changed sooooo much since we've all gone through this. For example, the private room-compared to the window. My interview was a joke because "I" was interviewed NOT my Jamaican fiance (now husband). They gave ME an extreeeemely hard time about our age difference and my tax stuff.

If anyone has any questions, please feel free to PM me .....I'll try to help as best as "I" can.

luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-02-13 07:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

And yes it is stand-by but I am prepared! It is US Airways and if there are any seats in First Class, it's only $20.00 to upgrade, I've never flown first class hmmmmm....

Are you sure of those prices? We just paid $50 to upgrade to 1st class from Detroit to Philly and another $200 from Philly to Barbados on U.S. Airways :wacko: How does stand-by work? You go to the airport and check your luggage and then hope you get on a plane? How do you get your luggage back if you can't get on? I've never done it before and always wondered.

With flying standby -using an airline employees're the *last* to get on the plane and can check in and be put on the standby list up to 4 hours prior ...and just sit and play the waiting game. It's nerve racking as ALL get out !!! I did it for 6 yrs and 2x to Hawaii. Captains and flight attendants have 1st priority over everyone, than confirmed passengers flying standby, than come the employees---by employment date(s) seniority level, then spouses, the children of spouses, then "buddy passes" for whomever the airline employee gave them to. I don't know how US Airways works their program, but with 2 other airlines that I've worked for rules were just slightly different. One of them if you were confirmed at your outbound destination, you would be confirmed until your destination, for the other airline, every single leg of the trip was "standby", so you would have to get off the plane and try again for the connecting flight. The "hubs" are the hardest, like Philadelphia, Chicago, Miami, can even be sitting on the flippin plane and if they (the airline) NEEDS your seat, you will be asked to "come to the front with your belongings" and get off the plane. That is absolutely humiliating, I've had it done a TON of times. Another thing is, flying standby, when the flight attendant comes by with food (if there's food on the flight), standby person, has to ask "if there's enough"...key words to let them know you're flying standby and sometimes IF there's not enough food, you don't get fed. ALSO, you HAVE to "dress up"...doesn't matter if you're flying coach, you have to dress "business attire" and depending on the airline, some are just a little laxed in that area than others.....but NO jeans!! You can be denied, especially if you get upgraded to 1st class!!

My suggestion to you Sarah.....pack small and able to carryon with you, because if you check any luggage and you aren't confirmed (meaning you don't get on that flight), your bags still go !!!

My prayers go out to you and your family.

What part of Arizona do you live? I used to live out there....

luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-02-12 11:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)


I think you've gotten the deal of the year :thumbs: I thought about applying for a part time job at the airport just to get the discounts that they offer the employees :lol:

FutureMrs ---is that standby or positive space?

Sonshyne, working for an airline in any fly FREE, but it's mostly standby, which trust me......stinks bigtime, ESPECIALLY during holidays like spring break time OR when you *have* to be somewhere and flights aren't so sold out. I worked in the airline industry for 6 years (before becoming a travel agent) ....and I flew ALOT and have been everywhere, I took BIG TIME advantage of my FREE flying benefits. Now that I have to buy tickets, stinks. Being a travel we don't get "cheap" flight benefits, but having direct access to all the airlines is bonus because we can see who has the best deals, etc....most of the times before the general public does.
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-02-11 15:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
[quote name='Denden' post='707619' date='Feb 5 2007, 11:24 PM'][quote name='Jonesie' post='706733' date='Feb 5 2007, 05:54 PM']1. Jamie
2. Squitto
3. Jonesie
4. Rhonda
5. Mindy
6. Nannygirl
7. Kimlbs
8. Kelly
9. SJB
10. Elizabeth (not sure where she is but she's on my list!)
11. Jax
12. Anna
13. Trinilad/Iffisha (sp)[/quote]

Please push me to da bottum....or off is good B) . It's not like we haven't tried and tried ....just don't think it's gonna happen.

luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-02-06 11:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
[quote name='Denden' post='707619' date='Feb 5 2007, 11:24 PM'][quote name='Jonesie' post='706733' date='Feb 5 2007, 05:54 PM']1. Jamie
2. Squitto
3. Jonesie
4. Rhonda
5. Mindy
6. Nannygirl
7. Kimlbs
8. Kelly
9. SJB
10. Elizabeth (not sure where she is but she's on my list!)
11. Jax
12. Anna
13. Trinilad/Iffisha (sp)[/quote]

Please push me to da bottum....or off is good B) . It's not like we haven't tried and tried ....just don't think it's gonna happen.

luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-02-06 11:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Well I just wanted to share some USCIS news with you all...looks like its gonna get harder than ever to go through this whole AOS process...

USCIS Press Release

Holy ####### :o I just read this and it's crazy!

The I-485 fee (for adjustment of status) will increase from $325 to $905!!!! :o :angry: :ranting:

Oh #######! Ihave to get my butt in gear and finish this paperwork. That is just outrageous......

All I have left is the Medical supplement. Now I really have to mail this off fast!!! :o .

i think it will only take effect next year....2008/2009...and my take on it is that they are trying to condense some of the forms together so that you can pay for everything with one payment instead of paying for 3 seperate things....kinda like a bundle package....because i think they were loosing money on the travel form so they are going to make it one whole from and less paper work and less delay for least that is what i got from it....

If you do add up all of the fees, well for at least Maryland, it's about $800.00 ....and that doesn't include the medical which can be anywhere from $80-200.00 depending on where you go.
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-02-01 14:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
[quote name='Jamaica to CT' date='Jan 30 2007, 09:37 PM' post='694749']
[quote name='darlene' post='694614' date='Jan 30 2007, 08:37 PM']

Hey Michelle,

This business is soooooooooo up and down. The hardest thing for me when I went out on my own (home based agency) 2 yrs ago (after working *for* another travel agency--who went out of business) not having a paycheck week to week. Travel agencies (agents) get paid AFTER our clients return from their travel. When it's a hotel or car reservation, payment isn't received until 2-3 months after the client has returned.

I have been in the travel industry for 16 1/2 yrs now, and I've built a really nice (and repeat) client base. I'm receiving up to 8 referrals each week. Commissions haven't been cut dramatically with suppliers, hotels, cars, cruises, packages, and tours....just the airfare. We (travel agencies) haven't been paid for airfare for almost 6 yrs now and I only charge a small fee for this service --just like the airlines are charging as well and some are charging more than I do with ALOT less customer service !!

It's very rewarding, but extreeeemely challenging industry. The internet doesn't affect me (or my business) personally, but those agencies that are storefront...are closing every day because of the overhead to keep them open. I work from home I have that flexibility to come and go and also be here for my son (teenager ...). I do have a part-time job which is really nice, pays well and at least I can still get a paycheck every 2 weeks.

If you (or anyone) need any information in regards to opening up your own home based's easy. Just PM or email me and I'll be happy to share the information with you......but, as I **have** to have a "following" or good client base to keep on truckin !!

luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-02-01 14:47:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Well we just found out the the my company will be shutting down and laying off everyone within 60 days. Time to dust off that resume'.[/quote]

Michelle, I'm sorry to hear the news. That stinks.... temp agencies in this area are you have any idea how they are up there?

it's going great my mom and sister are doing it all :wacko: :lol: i am away with the family i work for so i have no time to do it and they wanted to do it so there it is...all i know is that it is a v-day theme.....they are keeping it a surprise which i think is cute...

Shauna girl....can't wait to see the pics !!!
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-01-30 21:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
All is well. No com.plaints here. We are just trying to keep up with hectic schedules between school and work and family life. She is coping great with the weather. Much better that I expected. Trying to post a pic. Hopefully I will be sucessful

Stephen, beautiful picture and her dress is absolutely stunning!!
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-01-28 23:09:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
That was like the best game ever!!! Yes my family and I are so happy. My uncle scored 2 Superbowl tickets with his season tickets. My uncles son and my dad are going. He is so happy!! Then he asked my brothers if they wanted to go if he found tickets. Those are going to be major bucks because my dad's ticket alone cost 600 smacks. Dad said once in a lifetime and he is going. They just need to find airfare and a hotel. He told me Jax you don't want to go right? I said yes I do. He said you can't you need 2 personal days from work to attend the interview in Jamaica. I said okay but I can't afford that. He said well the interview and trip is on me. I said come again.... This is like the best day ever. Waiting for hubby to get off work to tell him the fantastic news!!!! Woooooooooooooopie!!

Superbowl here we come Miami!!!!!

Hey Jax,

Great games yesterday !!! Good luck finding hotel accommodations. I had been watching for the past 4 months --just in case the Ravens made it again to the superbowl, because last time they did I booked 3 months in advance (before I knew who was going to even be in it). There are still hotel rooms available, but anywhere from $500-$1000/night and alot with a minimum night stay --of 3 or 4 nights!!!
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-01-22 12:18:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Anyone see this???

Man who wants wife’s last name files lawsuit
Husband sues California for discrimination because of complex process

Interesting.....give props to this couple !!! He was estranged from his own father and was not attached to his own last name and she had no brothers but wanted to prolong the family name.

I'm keeping my name for personal reasons as well.

DARN Ravens !!! What a crappy game yesterday !!!!

luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-01-14 11:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
AND =--= there was a time when people were talking about "certified photos" -- I don't think anyone here ever got their photos "certified" in fact, I'm not sure we ever figured out what that was suppose to be. I know Roy didn't do that and we had no problems.[/color]

Trinilad -- It's so nice to hear Iffiesha is doing well.

Craig got his signed by a JP. I told him he didn't *have* to, but he wanted to to be on the safe side.
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-01-06 18:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCalling the Embassy
Hey Everyone,

Anyone that is familiar with calling the flippin Embassy especially the most recent folk.

Did the phone just ring and ring and ring and ring? If so, did anyone ever answer and if you waited, how long di you wait ?

Did you find a particular day (or time) of the week better to get through than another? I've been trying since 1:30pm (their time) and I've had no problems getting through to that final 1 through 3, but it just keeps ringin and ringin.

After the DS230 was dropped off, how long should I expect (yeah, expect....) anyway, when do you think they'll "know" when my date is actually scheduled for? Right away? wait a couple of days? a week?

Please provide me with some insight, of course that will help other "newbies".


luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-05-12 14:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Okay, the darn color thing didn't work !!!!

I've been so darn busy, but forgot to tell ya client, that works for immigration, was able to get Craig a work autorization --just as a walk up this past Monday. He's been checking into EVERYthing and since we live within walkin distance to lots and lots of stuff, hopefully he'll be able to find something. He really wants to work at the bowling alley (right up the street from our place).............but..............he needs a flippin shave and is afraid to do it himself !! argh....

Safe travels to those that have upcoming travel :D

dag and I can't type either........that was work Authorization ....
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-07-13 14:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
QUESTION (married)
Do you guys have any strategy when dealing with disagreements, any rules? [color=#6666CC]No "rules", we just talk and talk and talk. It seems some sinks in with him and some things don't, but it's a male thing they just don't take in what we (as women) do!! That's the frustrating part. Also raising a son, has reeeeally helped me.
How do you make up?
Who normally appologize first or do you both take the wrong? [color=#33CCFF] Depends....who started the stupid disagreement.
What do you do when you feel you are heading for an argument to diffuse the situation? [color=#33CCFF] by saying....okay, we NEED to talk this out !!! "I" am a communicator, bigtime....he's still learning and last night we just sat out on the porch, drank a couple of beers, ate dinner and just chatted. Meanwhile I had a TON of stuff to catchup on with my business, but....that hour is all worth it !!!
Is it just some Jamaican men or do all seem to be a little hard-headed- meaning when they belive something, no matter how much you prove it is not-so, they still have trouble bending..and how do you cope? [color=#33CCFF] Men in general, well and of course those that can't "understand" the American life--ways and styles....are veeeeeeeeeeeery hard headed !!!! I HAD to get my friend, who is a guy (that I've been best friends with for 18 yrs), on the speaker phone the other day and have HIM tell Craig about the whole job jobs do NOT come to you, you HAVE to go out and find one!!!!

Communicating is the major thing!! Granted the other day, I was pissed and I got in the car and left for 20 minutes to chill out, when I came home, we talked it all out. If things get's like having a child, you HAVE to put yourself in time out for like 20 seconds....come back and TALK !!!

I tell my son, go in your room, you have 5 minutes to chill out and come back out when you're ready to disguss ....whatever it is.....without an attitude, etc etc

Good Luck !!!

I hope the color thing on this worked....1st time using it.

luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-07-13 14:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Thanks for the info about shaving.....but....still neeeeeeeed more!!!! Please send more info, just trying to give him ALL kinds of ideas!!!

Jamie, I'm so happy that your babies have arrived back. There was a coyote sighting here in my area last week and it almost killed a little dog, but the owner was able to scare it off !
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-07-12 17:18:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Shoot, I think I posted this in the wrong place....oh well, but I NEED some advice......

Just do your men shave their faces? With a shaver? clipper? or razor ? Do they do anything *special* to not have and/or get bumps?

Craig is driving me absolutely NUTS about shaving....cause he can't go to the "barber" to get a flippin shave (like he did in Jamaica)....and when he used my clipper set (don't know if he used the right settings), he got bumps.

ANY and ALL help with giving him some advice would be GREATLY appreciated ASAP !!!!

luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-07-12 07:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Yes.....where is Mrs Dee, Shemonya, Mrs. Squito, Michele, Nanny, Kelly, Jamie, Julie??????????

Those folks have left us high and dry!!!

I'm still here !!! I was in New York yesterday doing a site inspection of a cruise ship and in between just trying to play catchup with work stuff.

Everything is still going veeeeery well. Craig has been exploring the neighborhood on his own when I'm not here.

My client (that works for immigration) left a message for me yesterday, saying that Craig needs to sign up for the info pass so that he can get a job for the 90 days he's here?? Haven't had time to jump in and check that all out.

We're going to go to see fireworks about 5 minutes from our place, it's an all day thing that they do on the waterfront.

Have a safe and wonderful weekend ! For those that are off on Monday, have a happy 4th !

Safe travel to those that are traveling.

luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-06-30 09:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
We have been fighting an awful battle here, I havent said anything to anything because it is so embarassing..but the doc did finally say we had scabies. Believe it or not, I picked it up back in February when we went on that vacation/cruise to Mexico. Then when I went to the doctor in April, she still wasnt able to diagnose it, and gave me steroid pills, thinkin it was an allergic reaction. It was so horrible and I itched so bad, I was crying every evening when it got bad, taking two/three showers a day, using calamine with little results... Well if the doc would have diagnosed it correctly then, we could have gotten rid of it, but nooo, by May I had given it to my Mom and sis and Lake. In this last two months its been the most horrible thing I have ever experienced. We have washed and dried the sheets, clothes, bedclothes until the washing machine is about shot and the dryer broke. :crying: We have Boraxed everything til the cars almost have a stream of white while going down the road...(ha) If its not one thing its another. We have used the prescription stuff 3 times now, and I am afraid to use again becuz its serious poison. We have spent over $1000 on this. :( I have finally turned to naturals (Neem oil, etc) and we are doing a cleanse I read about where you take pills (NOW I have a serious tummy ache from THEM) Thing is, Mom has them in her eyes and you cant put poison on your eyes. I have NO ideas, I have prayed to be enlightened. I wouldnt wish this on my very worst enemy, I swear. AND you really dont know if you are rid of them for about a month after you I am paranoid bout the least lil bug...Eeeeeeks!
On top of this, trying to get the trailer ready and then...we are cleaning out the basement and painting down there. Its so sad, we havent got to see my grand niece since she came home from the hospital for fear of her getting them. :crying:
So thats my rant...I didnt realize you could get something like this from traveling, its enuff to make you stay HOME! But then, you can get them from a movie theater seat, etc, as :crying:

My son had scabies 2 weeks ago, the doctor said he could get them from ANYwhere. He gave he a prescription of some type of cream. I didn't even look to see what it was called. He took a shower that night, put on the cream from HEAD to TOE and every nook and cranny and he was better the next day. I washed his sheets and that was it.

I had scabies about 9 years ago, the doctor said I got it from my boyfriend at the time, because he worked in around alot of elderly people. My case was more severe than my sons. I had to put cream from head to toe for about a week.

It's just one of those crazy things that happens.
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-06-30 08:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
[quote name='Jamaica to CT' date='Jun 24 2006, 04:32 PM' post='271969']
Kelly-glad to hear everyone's adjusting well. I'm always curious about newcomer's reactions and misconceptions about their new surroundings. So, for Craig and Kelly and those whose SO's have never been to the US before their visa was issued; what was the biggest misconception they had about the US?

Kelly do you have a wedding date set yet? Small or large wedding? I know that you mentioned in the past that your family probably will not be receptive to Craig (interracial marriage). Do you think they'll change their minds once you get married?

He was sooo surprised about how BIG the roads are and everything SO spread out. He can't believe how everything is so strict, like having to wear a seat back, especially in the back seat (Craig and my son play "shot gun" and Craig always loses). We have neighbors that have dogs and he couldn't believe you just can't let the dogs run around..... leash law, here AND pick up after your dog !!

We're shooting for Aug 18th...but I haven't even thought about it. He wants BIG, but that won't be happenin this go no funds. I said to Craig, we'll save and we'll have that big celebration in Jamaica, hopefully next year. A good friend of mine said we can get married in his backyard and his gfriend decorates (and bakes) cakes. Another good friend of mine, is marrying us. Craig knows all of my friends that will be there to support us and his brother is here (for a year) and lives in Philly, he'll be maybe 2 of his cousins.

My parents and family won't know that I'm getting their eyes, Craig will be "my friend". They don't need to know the rest, cause they don't care.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

I haven't even looked and researched into the next steps...............what comes next ? or what *should* I start working on?

-Social Security Card?
-then the paperwork for AOS & EAD ? How long after we're married to I have to get that paperwork in? Just before 90 days are over? How about more medical stuff ?

When did you get joint bank accounts and the sharing of things? After the marriage?

Thanks....the questions now start....
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-06-25 15:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Kelly -- How is Craig adjusting? Congratulations on finally getting him here!!

Craig is doing great !!! He's still "adjusting" to our surroundings at getting used to 2 cats and one is about 30 lbs (and sleeps at the end of my bed) and the other afraid of Craig. As I type, Craig is playing with the likkle one with a cat toy.

He just told me that he wants to make dinner tonight, so we're gonna go to his 1st "big" grocery store today (cause I haven't had any time to go shopping) and my son wants to go take him to Toys R Us.

Welcome back home...I love San Diego.

I'll be checking in with eveyone in a couple days.
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-06-24 08:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
It is really dead in here today or what.. Did everyone fly away or is on vacation??? What are u all up to?

Hey Kim ...welcome home. Email me when you get a moment.

I'm just gearin up for Craig's arrival TONIGHT !!! and his flippin flight is an hour late....argh! I can't believe he's finally going to be here !! My son is BOUNCING off the walls with excitment !!

My apartment is still a total wreck from my hot water heater exploding this past Sat am (the day we were leaving for my son's soccer tournament in Delaware), and as I was moving a bookshelf (no books in it) with my son, I threw out my back the point that I fell to the floor in the most excruciating pain I've ever felt and also my neighbors pipe in her bathroom bursting (and leaked into my bedroom closet) a couple of days before that!! All of the work is STILL not finished....tomorrow they say, but stuff is EVERYwhere !!!!

Craig, welcome to MY crazy busy life !!!

Now... onto the NEXT crazy madness part of this journey !

Oh and Craig had said the day that he went to back to the Embassy....they were giving our VISA's out like candy !!! He said the place was JAMmed packed. I told him what happened to Ms Squitto-in-law.....and he was like ??? huh, what could that be?? I hope the congress person really helps you with this !!!

Thanks again for the support :thumbs:
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-06-22 18:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Good morning everyone. I'm a bit peeved right now :angry: I really really hate the Kingston Embassy, it's staffed with complete and total a$$holes. I just got a call from Squito's mom. She was denied for her visitor's visa. She brought with her an invitation letter from Squito and I, the actual wedding invitation, a letter from her school (she's a teacher), her bank statements, and her pay stubs. And she was denied anyway. This is a 65 year old married woman who owns her home and works full time. She has very strong ties to the island is NOT a flight risk in the least. It's so upsetting that even after explaining to the officer that she only plans to stay for 2 weeks to attend her son's wedding they denied her anyway. :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

I'm so sorry to hear about their ignorance !!!! I wonder if it was the Window 10 lady. She was comPLETELY rude to a lady when we were there. That just doesn't make ANY sense WHATsoever!!!! There's no compassion AT all and tons of proof to her ties. Just ridiculous !!!!

Are you having someone video tape the big day? If so, I would send her a copy .... or someone video tape a personal one *just* for her !!! or have a special message during the ceremony *for* her??
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-06-20 12:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
[quote name='rhondapayter' date='Jun 15 2006, 05:37 PM' post='253552']
[quote name='luvtravlin' post='251901' date='Jun 14 2006, 11:56 PM']
Okay, what "everything else" will they be taking from him? Are you talking about when he gets to BWI ? Is there other stuff in the brown envelope that they will open up and take? Or is he supposed to be "handing in" paperwork? When he checks in at Mobay, he'll just show his Passport and VISA? is there anything else?

I'm just trying to prepare him as best as I can. I had already printed out everything and gave it to him this last trip about "what to expect" from going to the airport him a copy of the immigration and airport info that was inside the Sky Writings magazine from Air Jamaica. Baggage requirements and then what to expect when he gets on the plane, what he'll need to do, they'll feed him, maybe watch a movie, then when he gets to BWI, etc etc blah blah.....

He's starting to get reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally nervous and wishes that I could fly with him ...and "hold his hand".

The only thing they will take from him at POE is the big brown envelope that he's not supposed to open. He is supposed to carry his other envelope with his X-ray in it, but no one ever looked at it at all :no: They will also ask for his Passport of course w/ his Visa inside. Then if I remember right, they take a fingerprint. They pulled us into the little room because we had the wrong pictures in our packet :o Luckily I had copies of the right ones too - it was right while they were in the midst of changing the picture requirements so there was a lot of confusion. All they were going to do was take more pics for us if we didn't have them.

As for the plane ride, let him know that there are forms that he'll have to fill out on the plane - Customs and Immigration stuff. The flight attendants can always help him w/ this if he needs it. Make sure he knows your address and all that stuff or has it written down so he had all the info. he needs. Also, he'll have to claim if he's bringing anything with him like White Rum :lol: like we do every time we go down there!!!

Good luck!

Thanks for the info. I already gave him the information (customs/immigration form, a copy) already filled out, so he'll just "cheat" off of that one and put it all in his own writing. He knows my address by heart. He's memorized it. I know they will fingerprint him, well not even fingerprint him, just ask him to put his finger onto that machine and check his fingerprint.

I'm confused, so will he have 2 envelopes ?? I'll have to ask him if he was given 2. They asked you for *more* passport pictures?? Why would they do that? Didn't they already have everything in the packet from the interview ?

So when he gets to immigration ....they ask him for his "big brown envelope"? They'll pull what they need out of it ? and hand him back his x-ray(s)?

Are there any weird questions that he'll be you remember if your guys were asked any bizarre questions? Like, why are you here? How long are you staying ? That kind of stuff...

Not worried about any rum....I don't drink it and he's not much of a rum drinker either. In the 26x I've been to Jamaica, I've never carried any liquor back for myself. Oh wait, I did bring back banana rum cream....when I got home I was putting it on top of the lost it's balance......and toppled off and broke eeeeeverywhere!!!

Headin to bed....nighty night!
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-06-15 22:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
[quote name='luvtravlin' post='251901' date='Jun 14 2006, 11:56 PM']
Congrats Kelly :dance: :dance: This was a long time coming. We have Squito's chest x-ray stashed in our storage closet. They took everything else from him at the airport. AOS sure is a PITA but at least you have a little break in between. Spend some QT with your man and enjoy planning your wedding. :luv:

Okay, what "everything else" will they be taking from him? Are you talking about when he gets to BWI ? Is there other stuff in the brown envelope that they will open up and take? Or is he supposed to be "handing in" paperwork? When he checks in at Mobay, he'll just show his Passport and VISA? is there anything else?

I'm just trying to prepare him as best as I can. I had already printed out everything and gave it to him this last trip about "what to expect" from going to the airport him a copy of the immigration and airport info that was inside the Sky Writings magazine from Air Jamaica. Baggage requirements and then what to expect when he gets on the plane, what he'll need to do, they'll feed him, maybe watch a movie, then when he gets to BWI, etc etc blah blah.....

He's starting to get reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally nervous and wishes that I could fly with him ...and "hold his hand".

Whoa Ten, 200 people!!!! .....I'm hoping ours won't be MORE than 10, if that !!! None of my family (except for my son) will be there and very very close SUPPORTIVE friends and Craig knows my friends really well and that's what's really important.

When I say "Everything else" I mean their entire brown envelope and it's contents. They say you're not supposed to open it, but Squito and I did anyway and peeked to see what was in there. It's pretty much just your entire file that you submitted originally. Yeah this wedding is outta control. We've now exceeded 200 :unsure: wish me luck!!!

Good morning's almost Friday!!! :thumbs: :yes: :dance:

Okay, that's good to know...thanks. I had to laugh, he said to me last, Kelly....the package accidentally ripped a little. I was NOT OPEN the brown envelope!!

A client of mine is sending me Hershey Park and Kings Dominion tickets....I told Craig we'll have to find time to check them out and he was, I can't go on roller coasters. I was like, you at least have to *try*!!! We'll probably end up on the slow train ride and petting zoo just like Damien !!!

ONE WEEK AND COUNTING !!!! aaaahhhhh.....but meanwhile, my neighbor had a huge water leak of some kind and it leaked ALL into my closet and now into my bedroom. Maintenance, plumbers and carpet people were in and out of my place yesterday. Ripped up my entire rug in the closet and 1/2 of my bedroom and I have stuff ALL over my place and they said it will take 2 days for it to *maybe* dry. They gave me this LOUD machine thing to help dry it all up!!! Then we're going to Delaware Sat for the night --soccer tournament........ahhhhhhhh and I gotta make room and clean up ????!!!! When ??
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-06-15 09:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

kelly, i feel u with the family not supporting u. My family does not want tme to go thru with it. They keep sayin wat if he leaves u when he gets here? I do understand their concerns because i know that is a chance i'm taking.

It's not that "I" care about what they say or feel, it's just that my parents, unfortunately are VERY very prejudice and they just have nothing ever nice to say about "black" people. My son brought 2 of his close friends to my parents pool (with my mom's permission first, but he didn't say who he was bringing) last weekend and they did not say ONE word to their grandson OR his friends their ENTIRE couple of hours that we were there, just because they are black.

My feelings about that........WHATever, get over it..... I haven't raised my son like that, with that ignorance and he knows that it's MY parents problem, not ours!!! They've never ever been supportive, ever, in my life....and they certainly won't be in this aspect of my life either. Their loss !!!

Craig's mom is soooo darn sweet to me and that's very cool--my trip last month, staying with his mom was a really nice time and I'm so happy that we finally got to meet and most of his family and that was sooooo awesome!!! Craig knows how my parents "feel" ....he doesn't care, he's not "dating" my parents --he says.
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-06-14 23:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Congrats Kelly :dance: :dance: This was a long time coming. We have Squito's chest x-ray stashed in our storage closet. They took everything else from him at the airport. AOS sure is a PITA but at least you have a little break in between. Spend some QT with your man and enjoy planning your wedding. :luv:

Okay, what "everything else" will they be taking from him? Are you talking about when he gets to BWI ? Is there other stuff in the brown envelope that they will open up and take? Or is he supposed to be "handing in" paperwork? When he checks in at Mobay, he'll just show his Passport and VISA? is there anything else?

I'm just trying to prepare him as best as I can. I had already printed out everything and gave it to him this last trip about "what to expect" from going to the airport him a copy of the immigration and airport info that was inside the Sky Writings magazine from Air Jamaica. Baggage requirements and then what to expect when he gets on the plane, what he'll need to do, they'll feed him, maybe watch a movie, then when he gets to BWI, etc etc blah blah.....

He's starting to get reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally nervous and wishes that I could fly with him ...and "hold his hand".

Whoa Ten, 200 people!!!! .....I'm hoping ours won't be MORE than 10, if that !!! None of my family (except for my son) will be there and very very close SUPPORTIVE friends and Craig knows my friends really well and that's what's really important.
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-06-14 22:56:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Hopefully they will replace the not so nice ones that are there right now !!!

Kelly -- Any news on when Craig is coming? Did they find the medical records yet?

Yes, Kelly - we're all wondering how things are going for you and Craig :yes: Did he finally get his Visa? When is he flying here? We're all on the edge of our seats! Aren't you going crazy waiting when it's so close to actually happening now? You've waited for so long. The anticipation must be killin you ;)

Hey Everyone,

I'm sorry that I haven't been able to checkin and post. My travel business has been sooooo awesome this summer and keeping me completely crazy busy !!!! he's now FINALLY APPROVED !!!!!!!!!!!!! as of yesterday. VISA should be delivered to him next Tues and then he's coming to the states Thursday, June 22nd (1st day with CHEAP airfare) !!! We are ALL soooooooooooo darn excited, nervous and everything else that goes along with it!! My son, is (surprisingly) VERY excited !!!

My family will totally NOT be supportive and I have to laugh, cause we're having a family get-together sometime over the July 4th weekend....should be reeeeeeeeeeeeeeally interesting !!!

So remind me, what does he do with the "big brown envelope"? Do they do anything with it when he arrives into the states? For anyone who has flown to BWI, how was going through customs? Do they take him to a separate area? or is everything done right there at the both ?? This last trip was a breeze for me, but all my trips before that, I've been 3x looked over, asked questions and bizarre ones, etc etc. Craig is getting a little nervous about flying for the 1st time. His brother just called him yesterday, he's now in Philly on a tourist visa, so that'll be cool that he'll be an hour 1/2 from us.

As for getting will be VERY small, not into the whole hoopla of the big wedding thing. We're shooting for the 18th of "a" month (cause his b-day is the 18th of Feb, mine is the 18th of May and we wanted our anniversary date to be the 18th of ??). My friend is going to marry us....wherever.

I can't believe we're at this point and ready to start the next PITA (pain in the ya know) point !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sure I'll have TONS of questions.

Thanks for all of your support over this past year !!

luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-06-14 07:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

hi everyone!!!
just checking in...moved into the apartement with some minor problems.....but other than that all is good...can't to leave in 11 days to get my mike fix :yes: :lol: :innocent:
paging miss kimmy... :P
kelly did you fall off the face of the earth???? :P

hope all is well with everyone!!!!!!!

Hey Shauna,

Just buuuusy with flippin soccer. Soccer tryouts yesterday, game today and then end of the year party. Just got home and I'm tarred out and going to sleep. I'll be around after 11am tomorrow all day.

Hope everyone had a nice weekend.
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-06-11 21:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
[quote name='babyjules' date='Jun 10 2006, 11:45 AM' post='243972']
thanks. this baby is so reluctant to take the breast. he's just 2 weeks old and i know i should be breastfeeding, but he doesnt want it. i'm tired of forcing him so its just formula. if i'm lucky he'll take the breast for 3 minutes but thats only when he wants to sleep, and he sucks on it like its his pacifier.

quote name='leoschampion' date='Jun 10 2006, 11:39 AM' post='243964']
[quote name='babyjules' post='243940' date='Jun 10 2006, 11:21 AM']

i have a question for all u mothers. is there a downside to microwaving formula after u've mixed it and stored it in the refrigerator? has anyone ever done that?

I have two sons,and breastfed both...and with my second son I supplemented on formula,and put in the microwave at times,but not until he got a little older I did that.My goddaughter mother used the microwave all the time,and shes fine.Also you don't need it to be so so warm...long as it room temp. its fine.

No worries, I never breast fed....had no desire to. My son had formula and I put the bottle in water in a pot on the stove and then when I got a microwave (back in the day), then I microwaved it. He's totally fine and knock on wood....never ever ever sick ! The "do's" and "don'ts" about breast feeding and circumcisions....??

[quote name='babyjules' post='243940' date='Jun 10 2006, 11:21 AM']

i have a question for all u mothers. is there a downside to microwaving formula after u've mixed it and stored it in the refrigerator? has anyone ever done that?

Oh yeah, and then I forgot, I did get a bottle warmer......that was a GREEEEEEAT investment !!! My son was always "underweight" (95% of height and 25% of weight) but took formula and lots of it and my doctors never ever worried about him. Austin is healthy as a horse and is "normal" weight today (at 12) and veeery active in sports --well especially soccer (since he was 5).
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-06-10 19:21:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Whoopie.... I just found out three of my friends are going to be immgration officers in JA!! They start tranning in July for 13 weeks in Kingston. Maybe I will get one of them for my interview when it comes up next year that would be so cool. I wonder where they will be working though... :P

Hopefully they will replace the not so nice ones that are there right now !!!
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-06-08 17:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Hey everyone,

Just checking in and wanted to say HELLO....I am doing fine and I hope everyone else is.

Kelly - what a horrible time you had at the for our interview we went to window 10 and the lady was nice to us...they did not have his medical either from Andrew's hosp....she said to come back on Tues or Thurs but I asked her if we went that day to the Hosp and they had sent it to the embassy already could we come back...she said yes and gave us a card that said we could come back that day at 1pm. We went to the Hosp and they said they had just delivered it to the embassy....(they must have delivered it while we were doing to interview or right after the interview)??? GOOD Luck when he goes back hopefully everything will work out..

Kim - congrats on your interview date...things are moving along for you.

The Window 10 lady was reeeeeally rude to the Jamaican lady and her grand-daughter. I just felt SO sorry for her. She was not sympathetic at all!!!

This guy was adamant about us NOT being able to return that same day. I even said to him, my fiancee lives 4 hours away and I leave tomorrow, there's nothing that we can do about coming back today?? and he just shrugged his shoulders, like ....oh well !! If that glass wasn't there, I woulda whipped out my can of WHOOP A&& !!!!

Craig is heading back down on Thursday!
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-06-06 12:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Kelly -- Congratulations on being approved(?) Yeah, you are approved :dance:

Sorry you had such a hard time....they can be real jerks! This will really help those who are coming after you.

So, when is Craig coming? I know, pending the medical showing up but do you guys have any plans?

P.S. I love (and miss) the Hilton

Well, he was going to go today...who knows, it's exhausting the trek back and forth. It's anywhere from 4 to 5 hours (each way) and that doesn't include the wait for the bus to fill up from where he lives to Kingston. He said, he'll try to make it Thursday. Trying to get an answer as to WHERE the paperwork is, is like pulling teeth. He's afraid that if he goes alllllllllllll the way there, that they'll's not here, but you have to go there and find out.... he's as frustrated as I am at this point.

I'll keep ya'll posted.
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-06-06 09:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
I'm back....but I had to catch up on my travel business stuff. Sorry about the delay...

All in all my trip was GREAT, exhausting.....but.....except for my Embassy experience !! Here it goes...

We stayed the night at the Hilton (awesome place), right around the corner (short walking distance) from the Embassy. We got there at 6:30am, there was about 40 or so people already in line. We got in about 7:30am. Dropped off our interview letter at Window 1. Waited for about 30 minutes, called to Window 4. She (not so nice) asked Craig if he'd ever been to the states.....No.....who was his name. Asked why we had 2 I-134's, but kept both. Gave back all but 2004 & 2005 tax stuff. Then asked us to sit down to be called. Waited another 15 min called to Window 9 ....HE was BIGGEST a&&hole EVER !!!!!! He asked Craig to sign the forms, but we had forgotten to bring a pen. We asked NICELY if we could borrow a pen, he literally THREW down his headset and HUFFED and puffed away. He RELUCTANTLY let us BORROW a flippin pen. He asked Craig about 4x whether he'd been to the states. Asked if he'd ever been in trouble with the law, stopped by the police or had a criminal record. Craig answered that he had been in a car years ago, but nothing ever happened to him. Then he fingerprinted him.

He proceeded to look at our OLD paperwork, meticulously looked through our pictures --which were about 10 pages long. I asked him if he would like some additional pictures, letters, phone records, etc.....NEVER looked at me and said, that wouldn't be necessary. Then he asked Craig, to go sit down and he was going to talk WITH ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This guy, I'm tellin ya, was the most UNPLEASANT and sarcastic person. He gave me an extreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemely hard time about our age difference, asked if "I" thought there would be that passion and romance once he got to the states, like it was on the "beaches of Negril". I nicely reminded him that I've been coming to Jamaica for over 10 yrs and that I've been back several times since I met Craig in November of 2004. He gave me an extreeeeeeemely hard time about my income. I make WELL over the poverty limits, but he was looking at the paperwork TOTALLY incorrectly and I politely pointed that out to him. When you have your own business, you file differently than any personal income. That's why I had everything stapled together with a BRIGHT pink sticky note, stating the difference. Even making almost $27,000 (not including my child support and my part-time job) in 2004 was NOT "good enough" in his eyes. He never ever looked at my employment letters or child support statement proving the extra income. Never looked at the I-134, just kept going over and over and over again about the 2004 & 2005 income tax info ---which, in fact is OVER the "poverty level" !!!

Craig's medical still wasn't back from Andrews, so he gave us that Blue form....221 ? whatever it is. I asked him could we go by the Hospital and pick it up and bring it back, he said ...sure, but you can come back on Tuesday or Thursday, but NOT today !!!!! I asked him if he wanted to speak with Mr. V and he said, no and I thanked him and he said Good Luck. We were never "sworn in" either?? ya know raise your right hand....

So, we went over to the Hospital and they said it was already sent over to the Embassy. It's been a TOTAL runaround, god only KNOWS where the medical ####### is.

That's where we are.....I guess that means approved, pending the medical?? If I wasn't there, he would have totally denied Craig !!!!!

Now if anyone has to go to Window 10.......American chic was WAY WORSE than Window 9 guy. She was soooooo rude to the lady that was being interviewed next to us. I felt sooooooo sorry for her !!!

Saga still continues....till ????

Congrats to those and I'm sorry to hear about the loses as well.

luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-06-06 07:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Okay I think I have all of my ducks in a row....this is what I have prepared for my interview. If I'm missing something or anyone has any advice that I should add something PLEEEEASE, let me know. I would greatly appreciate it !

-DS-156 (2 copies)
-DS-156K (2 copies)
-DS-157 (2 copies)
-DS-230 Part I & II (the total 4 pages)
-New (updated) letters of intent (from each of us)
-copies of NOA 1 & 2
-I-134 (notarized and I have 2 copies)
-Tax forms from 2001, I don't have last years (from IRS) just copies of my tax forms that my accountant gave to me, will that be okay, I hope ??----do I need to make 2 copies of each tax forms??
-more pictures (from last 2 trips), a letter that a good friend wrote about our relationship, a CD that Craig made for me (he wrote on the inside), copies of itineraries from trips since July and ticket stubs, phone bill copies from October of last you think I should go back to July ???? I would have to get them out of storage.... argh
-bank letters for business and personal accounts (2 copies)
-letters from employers (2 copies from each)
-copy of original petition

Anything else anyone would suggest for me to bring ??? I leave on Wed, so if I'm missing anything, I have till Tuesday to get stuff.

Thanks and I hope everyone is (or was, depending on when you read this) having a safe and happy holiday !!

luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-05-27 12:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

I've never really done the whole tourist/resort thing in Jamaica, neither has Squito for that matter. Initially we wanted to go somewhere that neither of us has been for our honeymoon after our big wedding in July, but I'm concerned about visa and other entry issues. We've since decided that we'll go to Jamaica for a week in July and have the tourist/resort experience. I'm hoping that Squito's AP is received by then. I know many of you have done the whole resort thing, so I'm interested in some reviews.

I'm interested in going to Negril (since Squito's never been and I've only been there once when I was like 11). Can any of you recommend any good hotels/resorts in Negril?? Kelly, where are you???

Hey..... I'm here, just playing a trillion page catch-up.

Anyway, if you need info or help with the package please email me at - as I hardly have anytime to get on the VJ site and my email is up and running all day.

I know Negril extreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemely well as I've been going there for the past 10 yrs. I've stayed alllllll over Negril, seen and stayed in 99% of the places there so I'm very familiar with most.

Next week, I'm staying at Craig's place (in Bluefields / South coast area) for the 1st time (he lives with his mom and some cousins), should be veeeeeery interesting. His mom and I get along --well, at least over the phone, but I've never had the opportunity to meet her. It's going to be such a "rush" trip, cause we're going to head over and stay in Kingston for the night, before the interview.

So, please email me........I'm still here to help arrange trips, honeymoons, cruises, airline tickets, etc etc for ALL of my fellow VJ'rs !!!

It's just WAY to nice to be staying in today and I just have soooo much to catch up on. When you tell your clients you're going away, they think I'm never coming back !!

luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-05-24 13:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Did anyone watch Oprah's Legends Ball tonight...........all I gotta say is WOOWWW!!!! It was truly inspirational and just absolutely amazing !!!
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-05-22 20:01:00