Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Hello family.

Kelly - I'm so sorry you are going through this but I wouldn't contact Ms. Mississippi....your problem should be with Craig not her.

Sorry, I don't agree. She knows he's married and yet she calls him at all hours of the night!! Kick her %#@ Kelly! :bonk: :diablo: :ranting:

:no: Let's not lose our class now Rhonda. It's just not worth it.

What would you do if it was YOUR man? She is half of the problem, like it or not. If these women would quit trying to get involved with MARRIED men, the world would be a much better place <_<

:o No she is not Half the problem. He is all of the problem. If he was any kind of man, He would put her in check and not have her calling Kelly's house in the first damn place. :blink: HE had to give out the number. I know it hurts and I would hate to be in her shoes. But If I were, I wouldn't waste my time calling her. This is a matter of being mature. We are women not little girls. I've been through the little girl S#%#. and at this point in my life, If I were working on my second relationship and seeing how children are envolved. I would toerate no bull#$%. Life is too short ;)

The way I see it, the issue is with Craig. Kelly is married to him and he has an obligation to her as her husband. The outside party (Mississippi) is what her husband needs to deal with because he's the one that brought her in the middle of their relationship in the first place. If Craig wants Mississippi to stop callin he woulda put her in check, got the numbers changed, etc. a long time ago. It's pointless for Kelly to try and talk to her because Mississippi won't even respond to her (as she pointed out with leaving voicemails, etc. in the past asking her to call back) - and obviously Mississippi has no respect for their marriage or else she wouldn't still be around.

If Craig wants to make his marriage work then he needs to cut all ties with this woman and mean it. There is nothing Kelly can do about their relationship, all she can do is decide to stay in her marriage and try to work things out or kick his rass to the curb.

If it were my husband, I wouldn't deal with the other woman because she owes me nothing. He made the mistake by stepping out the marriage to have an affair (be it emotional or sexual) so he has to deal with it. I'd pray and trust that the Lord guide me to make the right decision.

Many people these days don't respect the bond and commitment of a marriage and you can't force them to do so. I agree that many women these days are disrespectful (in regards to being with married men), but again what is the husband doing to keep these women coming around, calling, flirting, etc.? He has to be giving signals.

I had a moment to finally come up for air..........

We were arguing on Fri Dec 8th, so I picked up the phone and called her (I know her number by heart...sad)...and left a message and said....Hi Kris, this is Kelly, Craig's wife......I just wanted to let you know that I'm kicking him out of the house and he needs money, but I don't have the money at this time and he says that YOU have if you could call him and help him out, that would be great because he said that YOU would help him.

She called his cell phone on Sunday night about 11:15pm (Craig was right there) and I answered it and she asked if Craig was there and she said is this Kelly and I kindof laughed and said, yes.... and she said I'm calling back like you said to....I said, he's no longer at this number like ...uh you know where he is? and I said, I have no idea and she said, did he go back and I said, yes, I sent him back. Do you know how to reach him and I said, again, I have no idea!!! and hung up.

Now....I think she's now gone....but, doesn't fix that fact about what's been happening for months and how my feelings are now. He "threatened" again this moring that he was leaving and I'm like.....pleeeease just go and then the whole, I don't have any money..... blah blah blah. I said the ONLY money that I'll be giving to you is for a plane ticket !!!!

I truly know that this is NOT going to work, it's just now getting him OUT of the house !!!!
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-12-12 17:54:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Is it me, am I losing it? where's the PM button ???
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-12-12 09:54:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Hi all...well, I just want to start out saying that I thank each and every one of you for the help that you have provided along the way for our K-1 journey. As you may know, our interview was on Thursday, and despite our best efforts, the visa was denied--due to his admitted marijuana use from about 2 1/2 years ago...You know, a couple of weeks before the medical I said to him, if they ask you about drugs just say that you've never used seemed fine then...he was like "cool"...but on the day of the medical he said that the doctor kept asking him had he used drugs in the past 3 years, and INSISTED to him that they would test to make, because I live here, and I guess I just know that weed can't be traced back any further than 30 days or so, I never really thought that that would be an issue...I just assumed that people pretty much knew that, but I guess not...unfortunately, he told them the truth because he was fearful that they would somehow find out and would deny him the visa...and for his honesty we have paid the price....I have never seen a man cry so much before in my life...and I have truly never felt more broken spirited and hopeless...I don't know where to go from here because I just knew that everything was going to work out according to plan...this has been the most devastating experience of my life....I wish everyone up here luck, and please please please heed the medical warnings---THESE PEOPLE ARE SO CANNIVING AND SNEAKY!! This was a hard lesson learned...I'm not sure what other options are available to us...we've talked, and we do both agree wholeheartedly that being together is what matters the most in the world to us...its just knowing what to do next (if there's anything we CAN do) that is the I said before, thank you for your well wishes!! I will definitely continue to post here and be of any help if I can...the actual interview experience-NO PROBLEM! Everyone have a wonderful evening and a good day at work tomorrow!!

I'm sorry to hear that you went through this.......but....the drug CAN be in your system for UP TO 90 days, especially when they do a blood test. Trust me........

See I am the kind of person who wouldn't let a person who disrespects me even to stay in my house. I would of found him the nearst shelter and took him there. Then I would of changed all my locks on my house. Even if he was from here or wasn't.

That all changes when you're married. According to the law (at least here in MI) IF you are married, it is HIS house too and you can not prevent him from coming in because he lives there. Unless you have legally filed for seperation or divorce, the cops can force you to let him in the house. Just an FYI.

Here in Maryland if they are in your home for 30's considered to be "their" home to. A good friend of mine went through this recently, it was reeeeeeeeeally ugly !!
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-12-12 07:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Jamie-we knew what you meant girl. Kelly has asked for honest opinions and she knows the personalities of many of us that have been around for a while, so I knew she didn't think we would sugarcoat anything. I think your equation is funny for anyone who fits the formula. I knew that you were not taking Kelly's situation in a light- hearted manner. Most of the time short and sweet(or sour) makes the best statements and has the most impact; rather than long and winded (like me :blush:).

I think what Jamie said is TOTALLY hilarious and I shared it with Craig.....he didn't think it was that fun, but....whatever!!! He made his bed now HE has to lie in it !!

Yes, I'm TOTALLY sick and exhausted of this entire situation, yes I guess I could call the police, yes I could PAY and have the locks changed, yes I could make TOTAL drama in my NOSEY apartment complex by calling the police and get my son WAY upset and yes I could put Craig out in the cold. We don't have shelters in our area like that.....but Craig is NOT a bad guy. He just makes really SH***Y and immature choices. He NEEDS to grow up and be a responsible man, husband and stepfather......."I" canNOT MAKE that happen, he has to learn and grow on his own. Like I've mentioned before, he has TOTALLY changed since he's been here. He's soooooooooo NOT the man that I fell in love with and now, I'm not in love with him. I do love him .....but the feelings are not there anymore.

I ask for others opinions, advice and suggestions ....because I want to hear what everyone says...good, bad or ugly. I am a very strong woman, I keep busy (more than usual) through all of this and I've had an absolutely amazing (you know who you guys are) support system that has helped me !!!! My son does NOT see (or hear) what me and Craig have been going through because he's not in the house when we get into our discussions, etc. When my son is home, Craig has been spending time with him. I did talk with my son the other night and told him that I've asked Craig to leave and told him a likkle bit about what is going on and he said, mommy I haven't said anything to you because I know this is your decision and I know you'll make everything okay in the end. I just LOVE that boy !!!!

Jamie, absolutely no offense taken....I think it was great !!!

We all do NOT live "perfect" lives and if anyone thinks this process was "easy"...or GOING to be with someone who has never ever traveled out of their 3rd world country is ....well, I don't even know what to say...

I live every day to the fullest. I've been sent down this path for whatever reasons and I'll just keep on truckin B)

Have a great weekend........stay warm!!
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-12-09 09:22:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Hello family.

Kelly - I'm so sorry you are going through this but I wouldn't contact Ms. Mississippi....your problem should be with Craig not her.

Sorry, I don't agree. She knows he's married and yet she calls him at all hours of the night!! Kick her %#@ Kelly! :bonk: :diablo: :ranting:

Here's the deal.....I called her back in Sept, cause Craig her if you want to talk to her. He would constantly say she's "a friend"....but at that time calling at 12:30am, 1:43am, 7am....not leave a message ON THE HOME PHONE, she's not a "friend", and I'm not a dummy. So, I called her and left a message for her to call me back, she immediately text msgd Craig's phone (was my pre-paid phone that he was borrowing at the time), tells him to call her ASAP. So I called her ...she didn't answer and I left yet another message....Hi ** this is Kelly, Craig's wife, I would love to talk to you and get to know you since you're one of Craig's FRIENDS, so please give me a know the number, but let me remind you, it's.....

She NEVER called me back !!!! yeah, surprise surprise. That's when SHE found out "I" was his wife (after we flippin got married). Craig's bags have been packed for I don't know how long.....because I'm TIRED of dealing with this chic. As a "typical" jamaican man, he can't get that *entire* truth out, so that's why I've wanted to "CHAT" with her to see WHY she continues to keep calling !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What I think I gotta do now is call her from his cell phone (his own phone now).

He told me yesterday after trying to figure out when he was going to leave and where he was going to stay...he "says" he called her (now 2 nights ago) and TOLD her not to call him anymore. I'm like....heeelllloooo dummy.....YOU HAVE TO STOP CALLING HER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IF she calls you do NOT answer your phone!!! He's already changed his phone number once, I'm may just HAVE to change it again !!!!

Now we're sitting here arguing about communicating with adults!!! It just TOTALLY amazes me the change since he's been here! He LAUGHS at me when I remind him that we have bills to be paid and he says, you don't need help with any bills, I'm going to work to pay for this process.

He said that when he goes to my sons soccer games that "I" want him to be all up in everyones stuff. TOTALLY not true, but how about INTRODUCING YOU (my husband) to the parents of the boys on the team. One couple I've known since high school. He says that he doesn't WANT to "mingle" with them, because they do NOTHING for him and he doesn't have anything IN common with them !!!!!


TGIF !!!
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-12-08 09:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

I've been to Jamaica 26x and right now is THE longest stretch in the past 10 yrs that I haven't been there.

Ok, scratch that, Kelly wins hands down :lol: She's got special advantages though!! :P

Well, I would say about 90% of my trips to Jamaica I've had to pay for the same airfare as anyone. Sometimes I receive a travel agent discount, but the other times, as a travel agent I get to "keep" my commission --that the supplier would pay me, so the package is cheaper that way too. My son and I venture 2x a year...his spring break and Thanksgiving. He just said to me the other day, hey...this is the 1st time since I was 5 that I haven't been to Jamaica for a whole year (he just turned 13 this week) !! WE'RE DUE !!!

I've been allllllllllll over the island of Barbados, actually did the entire island in a day. I LOVE it there! My friend that has an apartment there knows eeeeeeeveryone, so we went to some really really cool places.

I've been dying to go back.....but since they changed the passport rule to go to Barbados years ago.......sad to say, I don't have a passport !!! That's going to be part of our (me and my son) Christmas presents this year !!!

Got to....after Jan 23rd.....passports are needed!!!
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-12-08 07:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
[quote name='morantbaygirl' post='607366' date='Dec 7 2006, 10:42 AM'][quote name='luvtravlin' post='607267' date='Dec 7 2006, 08:59 AM']kelly (L)[/quote]

Okay's what's up in our camp. I don't like to air out my business, to...I need the support and someone to vent to about this entire MESS !!!

I have given it MY ALL and have gone waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over my limit and WAAAAY overdue !!!!!!!!!!!

I am going to PAY Craig to leave!!! I told him that I will BUY him a ticket back to Jamaica (basically take away from my sons Christmas....but that's no big deal) and Craig said, he's NOT going BACK !!! He's going to "run away" and I explained to him that if he runs and HAS to go back to Jamaica, he'll most likely be banned from coming to the states again. He could really care less. ALLLLLLLLLL Craig is about is making MONEY .....buying a car, getting 2 jobs and making MONEY. I'm sooooo sick and tired of the disrespect. He STILL talks to the Mississippi bee-atch and SHE calls him at ALL hours!!! He's young and WAY immature (that came out full blast about a month after he got here).

I am going to have him sign something agreeing on the date that he left and separation AND that I will not be responsible for him "running away"....or something like that.

Will "I" get in trouble?

Thanks for any and all advice!!


Kelly OMG

I don't know your race but you need to turn BLACK on that Brother :devil: and Ms Mississippi!!!!!! Ask him does he remember all ya'll( southern term) had to go through? Ask him will miss mississippi send him a plane ticket and furnish him somewhere to stay. I would buy him the ticket and put it in a christmas card. I would aslo write out a invoice for payment to ms mississippi for all you paid to bring homeboy over here. I am so mad and it's not me going through this!!!!!!

I'm white, but trust me, I've gone EVERY flippin color on him!!!!!! I told him today that he could go pawn his wedding ring and close both of our bank accounts and that would give him money until Monday!! I would LOVE to just buy an airline ticket, but I can't physically put him on the plane....or physically do ANYthing with him and I just don't have $400 to throw away!!! I don't want to get the police involved, cause for one I live in an apartment and I've been here a very long time and I have neighbors that I do NOT want (or need) in my business!!!!! I don't want to "get ugly" that way. He just needs to STEP up and be a flippin man and leave !!!!!!!!!

If he was a "citizen" and LIVED here in the states, his you know what would have been gone looooooooong ago !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He'll say, I don't have anywhere to go, meanwhile he has relatives (that he's really not that close with) ....I've told him to stay with ms her and have her wire money to go stay with her and then he says that she HAS a man !!!!!!!!!

Actually I've tried calling her several times, but she doesn't answer (I star 67 my number to block whose calling), but should I keep trying until she answers? or leave a message???

He "says" he doesn't WANT her that way and it was ONLY for her to help him with the money (AOS)....... it's just soooooooooooooooo long and drawn out and I'm just waaaaaaaaaaaay exhausted at this point !!!

but..............HAPPY HOLIDAYS !!!!

luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-12-07 12:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
kelly (L)

Okay's what's up in our camp. I don't like to air out my business, to...I need the support and someone to vent to about this entire MESS !!!

I have given it MY ALL and have gone waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over my limit and WAAAAY overdue !!!!!!!!!!!

I am going to PAY Craig to leave!!! I told him that I will BUY him a ticket back to Jamaica (basically take away from my sons Christmas....but that's no big deal) and Craig said, he's NOT going BACK !!! He's going to "run away" and I explained to him that if he runs and HAS to go back to Jamaica, he'll most likely be banned from coming to the states again. He could really care less. ALLLLLLLLLL Craig is about is making MONEY .....buying a car, getting 2 jobs and making MONEY. I'm sooooo sick and tired of the disrespect. He STILL talks to the Mississippi bee-atch and SHE calls him at ALL hours!!! He's young and WAY immature (that came out full blast about a month after he got here).

I am going to have him sign something agreeing on the date that he left and separation AND that I will not be responsible for him "running away"....or something like that.

Will "I" get in trouble?

Thanks for any and all advice!!


luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-12-07 08:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
:lol: Ok, how many times have you been to Jamaica? (I know we had this as a poll a while back but we have lots of newbies now) What other Caribbean islands have you been to? Where do you want to go for your next vacation? Can you tell I'm already sick of the cold weather and thinking of the tropics? :P B)

I have been to Jamaica a total of 8 times now!! I have been to San Juan, St. Thomas, St. Martin, and Cayman Islands briefly while on cruises. And I have been to Punta Cana (Dominican Republic). For our next vacation we're thinking about going to Barbados.

I've been to Jamaica 26x and right now is THE longest stretch in the past 10 yrs that I haven't been there. I'm sooooooo ready for a warm vacation !!! Also have ventured to Cancun, Riviera Maya, Cozumel, Barbados, Bermuda and Punta Cana. As many times as I've sent some of my clients to other islands, I feel like I've been there myself !! B)
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-12-07 08:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
[quote name='Jamaica to CT' date='Dec 5 2006, 08:57 PM' post='604561']
[quote name='Denden' post='603845' date='Dec 5 2006, 01:46 PM']
Do you know how to be a wife??? We think we want a husband. :huh: I didn't know the real meaning of being a wife, until God sent me my husband. So think long and hard for what you ask for you might just get it and not know what to do with it ;)
That's a good point Denise. In the most successful marriages that I have personally seen; if you have a truly good man and a great husband-then those qualites almost always bring out the best in the woman. So if the man takes the lead in being a good husband and father then it almost always follows that the woman will be a good wife. So another point of view is "does your man know how to be a husband?"


What is everyone's definition of a WIFE and HUSBAND ??
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-12-05 20:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
I think I will Triple AMEN that! :lol: It is so hard and frustrating at times but then other times it is wonderful! I totally agree with the explaining things over and over thing. If I have to explain about buying a car and down payments and interest and insurance and all that ####### one more time my head will explode. How many times do I have to say "They are not going to just GIVE you a brand new car without you giving them anything!'

Rant over :whistle:

I laugh when I gotta repeat stuff today AGAIN, about "I neeeed a car" and I'm like, you're FIRST priority is to get it together to pay for the AOS !!!! Yes, we STILL haven't sent in stuff, but the way things have been between us, didn't think we were going to go there!! I was like you have to make a "list" of security card (done), bank account (done), job (done---but now has to find a new job, since today was the last day because they shut down the warehouse). I'm proud of him going out and applying for jobs alllll by himself. I made copies of his resume and a "copy" of a job application that he takes with him to fill out applications. Next--AOS, license, car insurance, car, etc etc etc...

He wanted a pair of Tims soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad, but I was like, "priorities".....but when we were at the mall 2 weekends ago, Champs was having a buy one get 50% off the 2nd pair of shoes of ANY shoe in the store, so he got a cool pair (not the "norm" of Timberlands) for $39.99!!'s for Christmas.... he's soooooooooo happy, so another "goal" off the checklist.

He "listens" to these guys that he works with yeah man, you can just buy a cheap car....and drive it around and I'm like noooooooooo, you need a license, insurance and he says ALL of the time, but in Jamaica I drove and didn't have a license, blah blah blah.........and I gotta remind him once again, you are in the US of A WITH a trillion "rules" and restrictions!!!!!!!!!!!!

For those of us that have kids....that are older, we already *have* to be patient with our own children! That's what the most frustrating......Pete and Repeat were sittin on a fence, Pete fell off and who was left......Repeat....... and for those that don't have kids, whoa.........patience, whew....don't know if I could do this !!!! I mean I have a TON of patience, but ........I tell Craig you just ****have**** to take on the responsibility and do stuff and "learn" that way. I helped him with his cell phone bill on-line yesterday, he was supposed to have a $50 courtesy credit, but it wasn't taken off. I MADE him sit and listen to how I "handled" it ....I was on the phone for 45 min, but after speaking with a supervisor, I got it all situated and he was like, wow, I don't think I could do that. I'm like yes you could, just have patience, be calm AND nice (not rude) and you get what you need done !!!

Also, the Jamaican "rudeness"......that's a TOUGH one to break !!!! He tells me ALL the time I'm toooo nice!!! I said you can't go to the store or food place and say GIVE me....whatever HAVE to say please and thank you!!!

Have a nice weekend everyone.

luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-12-01 17:47:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Is there anyone here who can or will help me with the questions I've posted?????

Sorry for the late post, this is what I prepared for our interview --
-Updated -letter of intent (just use the sample off of the VJ website) & -His letter of intent (typed)
-Letters from 2 mutual friends (the embassy could have cared less about that....but ya never know)
-More receipts from trips and receipts from the hotels and copies of my passenger receipts and more copies of my HUGE phone bills (from my land line here). I kept his text messages, just printed them out
-We take loads of pictures. So I made more copies from my home copier/scanner onto photo paper I bought from Walmart. The interviewer didn't want to see "more" pics, he maticulously looked over the 5 pages that I had sent that they had already.

Our interview was bizarre than most, "I" was interviewed, Craig wasn't at all. The interviewer was a goofball and gave me a hard time about my age and my income.

If you have any other questions, please PM me.

Sorry that I haven't been on here much...........but I've been craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy busy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope all is well with everyone. We are still hangin in there. It's been a loooooooooooooong tough TOUGH road !!!!!! We both (Craig, my son and I) agree, the hardest that we've ever had to take !!! For those that don't know their men (or women) very well, or haven't been to Jamaica on several occassions and have gotten to know Jamaicans, the culture, the land, how they live, eat and breath (basically) etc etc.......take my word, you reeeeeeeally need to take the time to get to know them better. Craig and I have known each other for 2 years now (this week), but I've been going to Jamaica for the past 10 yrs (26 times) he's the only Jamaican that I've had a relationship with and I'm tellin ya, each and everyday is a TOTAL challenge !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If the USC is a STRONG individual and is patient --because you TRULY need to be, and when they get have to "babysit", be a teacher, motivator, financial advisor, employment counselor, have I missed anything else?.....

Anyone else feelin me????????

Where's some for the "old" VJ' Ms Parker, MrsSmith, Eric, Doodle, and the ones on our group yahoo, that we haven't seen around for awhile?

luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-12-01 14:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

So I am back up for air with a question.

My fiance gets a work permit on her arrival at JFK. Great, but we have a problem. So we go to social security to get a social security card and they are saying that the information on the I-94 was incorrect . I guess they are now immigration experts. Anyway, I figured that the immigration officer did make a mistake with the date given he put that the i-94 expired in February 2008 and not February 2007. So now we have to go to immigration at BWI airport to get a new I-94 card. The piss ### thing about this is that BWI does not give work permits. So we have a I-94 with a work permit that is no good, and we will get a corrected I-94 without a work permit. Short lived celebration huh? Iffeisha is handling it well cause we will just go ahead with school next year.

So I have a couple questions to those who been through this stage.

1) Did you have to wait till status was adjusted to get a social security card or did they give one with the I-94 only? What was the process involved in getting one. the guide on this site does not really give you a certainty, just a If scenario?

2) We are getting ready to file the I-485. Did you just do the vaccination supplement or do you have to do over the entire medical. Iffeisha has all her shots and did the vaccination supplement today for $25.00. The medical is $300.00. I am assuming the full medical is not needed. At least that is what is stated on thec I-485 package. Does anyone have an answer to this.

3) Now we have to get a new I-94 because the immigration officer here in Baltimore says that if we send in our status adjustment request with the one we have, we would get an RFE requesting a new I-94 because the data on the card is incorrect. Does this sound ok to you?

SS thing was unbelievably easy....Stephen we went to the SS office in Columbia and the entire process was about 10 min. All he needed was his I-94... and that was it.

Sorry you had to go through this....

Have a safe and happy Holiday everyone !!!!
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-11-22 10:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
JUST AN FYI -for anyone traveling during the Thanksgiving weekend....

11/6/2006 -
Travel experts predict crowded and congested airport security lines during this month’s Thanksgiving holiday travel period. The reason? Many Americans will head to the airports who haven’t flown since carry-on rules restricting liquids and gels were introduced this past summer.

The Air Tranport Association says more than 25 million passengers will hit the skies that week, with many airlines reporting load factors exceeding 80 percent.

The U.S. Transportation Security Administration recommends what it’s calling the “3-1-1” rule for air travel: Liquids and gels carried aboard a flight must be in containers that are three ounces or smaller, carried in only one one-quart transparent plastic bag, with a limit of one bag per passenger.

It’s the container size that counts -- not the amount of liquid or gel left in the container. (For example, you won’t get by with a six-ounce bottle of moisturizer that’s half full.)

AAA offers these additional reminders for the Thanksgiving travel season:

Program your travel agent’s phone number (and the airline’s 800 number) into your cell phones if you need help fast.

Fly as early during the Thanksgiving week as possible. Avoid the Tuesday and Wednesday before the holiday and the Sunday afterwards.

Fly as early in the day as possible, so that you’ll have more options for substitute flights if your current flight is delayed or canceled.
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-11-06 12:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

I was just going through my paperwork here and realized that our K-1 petition expires on 12/28...What should I do, seeing as how these B##@ches at the Embassy act like they can't even tell me an interview date? I think I should be preparing for the "what if" which seems like the inevitable! I sure wish these people would get it together...I have been so depressed the last few days... :(

When I had my case extended and put "extension" in the subject line they always seemed to email back to me within 24 hours. Maybe you could do that ....and ask the question about your interview date, etc etc ...maybe they'll respond quicker?? If not, I think they automatically extend it 4 months, I don't know if you *need* to contact them to request that since they are the ones moving and not fulfilling the interview date within that time frame.

Just on a travel note, if you get your interview date anywhere after say Dec 21st, airfare will most likely be sold out or WAAAAY expensive, all the way through Jan 7th.
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-11-06 09:18:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Help! I'm trying to organize George and his papers for the interview from 2000 miles away. He's really overwhelmed by all the paper. Am I correct that when you are first called in, you give them "your papers" and they tell you to go take a seat? Do you just hand them everything you have?


When we had our interview June drop off our interview letter at Window 1. Waited for about 30 minutes, called to Window 4. Asked a couple of questions, gave her paperwork...I-134, tax forms. Then asked us to sit down to be called. Waited another 15 min called to Window 9. Our interview was at 9:15am, we were there at 6:30am....and we were out of the building by 8:45am.
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-11-03 19:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Hi fambly,

Me dey ya....AND it's offical......I am MARRIED!!!!!! I still can't believe it but I'm happy, truly happy. Thanks


CONGRATS Anna......long overdue, huh??? PICS and details .... :D
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-11-01 15:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Congratulations to Shauna and Darlene!! And I'm sure Trini too!! Darlene thanks for posting the experience...I wonder why they made you go out and then called u back? Is this something that happens all of the time?? I am calling the Embassy TOMORROW to make sure they have given us a date...I thought I read somewhere up here that they are moving the Embassy---does anyone know how that will be affecting those that are supposed to have interviews in December? For those that just went down there, did you notice anything different? Did it look like they were moving?

Shauna said that they are doing that now...interviewing them and the USC separately!! Although in our case, they never even interviewed Craig.

CONGRATS Stephen !! Safe travels back...
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-10-30 20:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Hey Everyone,

Well, I just heard from Shauna....they were approved, but...... pending she get a co-sponsor. They would NOT accept the fact that she is making well over proverty level for 2006 and 2004. They ONLY wanted to see that she made over in 2005....even with the tons of documentation that she provided. So I guess you could go in not having a job this year, but prove that you had one last year????

Needleestosay, they are both entirely upset, although there is some good news ....her parents told her that they will now be her co-sponsor. This process will take approximately 2-2 1/2 weeks....

She says thank everyone for all of the well wishes!!

They are going to the pool and drinking !!!!!!!!!!
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-10-30 11:28:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

They are probably getting interviewed right now.

Sending good vibes their way.....

Their interviews were at 7:15am....
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-10-30 10:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

good Luck and Good vibes Nannygirl, everything will be just fine :yes:

SHAUUUUUUNA & STEEEEEEEPHEN ..........where are you guys ???? No news is good news :D We're anxiously waitin...

Hope everyone had a nice weekend !

luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-10-30 09:45:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

One more question... How do I post my timeline to where everyone can see it along with my posting??? I have searched around the site several times, and still can't figure it out.

You go into My Controls, then on the left side under personal, you click Edit Signature. That's at least how I've done it. If anyone else does something fancier....please let her (me) know...
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-10-27 11:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
I peeked in on the yahoo group and saw the new pics. Myisha, thanks for posting. Your children are adorable and growing so fast!! Elizabeth, I swear you and I have crossed paths. You look SO familiar :yes: :yes: :yes: Kelly, I never viewed your wedding pictures until today. The background is breathtaking!! Where was that?

We got married at one of the State Parks (Patapsco State Park-Hollofield) here in Maryland, 3 minutes from where we live. It has amazing views overlooking the river down below. It was a beautiful day :)
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-10-25 12:47:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Okay...One last question for the experts...

With all the paperwork I am taking the Embassy should I be stapling, paperclip, bind or what should I do?
I know one thing is to stop looking at everything and just pack it away.

We took a 1 inch (purple) 3 ring binder. I separated the papers in a different color (clear) dividers. I still have everything in there except for what they kept .. I-134, 2004 & 2005 tax stuff. They did not keep (nor want) any of our bank stuff, employers letters, and I asked if they wanted any other documentation.....never was answered.

RHONDA---the last 2 travel agency jobs (both agencies went out of business within 4 months of me leaving) were the absolute and TOTAL pits. I **hated** going to work every day, ya know that feeling when you pull into the parking lot and you just feel like throwing up !!! I went from having benefits to no benefits because they promised ALOT but after 3 yrs, promises were never kept. When I got word that they are going out of business (they didn't know I knew), I pursued going out on my own and opening up my own agency. I LOVE what I do, it's very challenging and gives me the flexibility that I need for my son.

As folks have mentioned, if this job is "ruining" your marriage, friendships, no social life OR no "me" time....than you gotta make a move to be happy. Life is just waaaaay to short. I work 2 jobs, my part-time is very flexible and I'm busy all of the time, but I don't *have* to be and can take off when I want.

Do you have another field that you're interested in pursuing? or something that you've always wanted to do, but just couldn't take that leap?? Craig is SOOO into the whole "money" thing and wants to be "rich"..and "make me happy" and I tell him over and over again, that money does NOT make you "happy"....yes, it'll help, but I'd rather be emotionally happy!!!

Good luck to ya...
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-10-24 16:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

My daughter heard me talking on the phone and asked me how do I get drunk.

:lol: That's priceless.....just another reason why I should NEVER have children :lol: OH, the questions I would be getting asked.....

Shoot Mindy, that's nothing !!! My son is very open with me and we talk about eeeeverything ..which is a good thing, but sometimes ...just toooo much TMI !!!

My son sees me have my occasional drink. He's been to many wine festivals, beer festivals, all kinds of festivals. He has only seen me get trashed on one trip to Jamaica a couple years back during Thanksgiving. I took my cousin (who had never been). We started drinking from the moment we got on the plane and didn't stop and I mixed soooo many different drinks. Not to be proud, but I can drink alot.....well, it caught up to me and the next day....Kelly was NOT feeling well and sitting/lying on the beach, spinning....I had to go and ya know, get sick. My son felt he HAD to join me ....he was *trying* to hold my hair back as I was hunched over the toilet. It was sweet....but I was like, I can do this myself and I'll be fine !!! Austin has seen it all with his many many trips to Jamaica. Nothing fazes that boy !!! Some of the "ladies of the night" in Negril actually necognize my son when we go out at night. He's played bartender at one of my friends bar in Negril (even made some good money from patrons tipping him) and then last year he was running between Negril Gardens and Alfred's serving us up all drinks. He made about $50 US in tips in an hour.

So Stephen, wait till she gets to middle school !!!!! The stuff they HAVE to learn !! UNbelievable !! really at age 10 my son HAD to watch a video in Health, how (and where) women put their tampons !!!!

At a SCHOOL dance (during the day) when my son was in 6th grade, nothing surprises me with these kids, but my jaw was on the floor when there were 5 or 6 girls FREAKIN each other, I mean rubbin up and down each other !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was like watchin child porn !!
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-10-20 13:22:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
These days I do not know what to wear. I get up on mornings, stick my hand out the window and then go to the closet. Sometimes it works, sometimes it does not. Had to open my windows last night to cool the house down.

This evening is my lil bachelor party. My friends are taking me to a bar close to work to get my drink on. last hurrah!

Dress warmly tonight's gonna be a chilly one :D
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-10-20 12:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
We got there at 6:30am, there was about 40 or so people already in line. We got in about 7:30am. Our interview was on a Friday at 9:15am

Stephen, is this weather crazy here today or what??? It was 75 degrees yesterday and now today, it rained this morning, windy as all get out now and supposed to be only 60 degrees !!!
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-10-20 11:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
That parent thing. Are you telling me your parents do not know you are marraid and have no idea who Craig is? Or maybe , I need to read that again. looks like that is what you said.

I live in baltimore City . When I get back from JA, maybe we can all get together. Maybe Craig just feel out of sorts and everyone around is foreign to him. Does he have any frinds here from Jamaica or the caribbean?

No my parents don't know. My parents are very prejudice folks (raised in Baltimore City, back in the day)....I never inherited THEIR ignorance. I've always had black, asian, whatever friends. I've raised my son to not to see color, but to be friends with the PERSON and not the color of their skin. My son has mostly all black friends and just this summer my parents were extreeeemely ignorant with his friends at their pool !!!! It's sad, truly sad, but that's THEIR ignorance, not mine. I've never been really close with them (although they live 6 miles from me), they don't ask about my life, never have, they aren't I go about my business and do what's best for me and my son.

Does he have any frinds here from Jamaica or the caribbean?

His brother is in Philly, he has a TON of cousins in New York, father just came to Philly (not that his father was in the picture and he's never called him since he's been here) but THEY make a million excuses about getting together. Some of the guys he works with are from Ghana, Trinidad and one from Jamaica, but they've all since been fired from the job. Craig is very hard working and this other guys got fired for their foolishness and lack of responsibility. I also have a very very good from that I've known from the Negril area for about 8 yrs and we've hung out with him a couple of times, but Craig and Mophead (my friend) have spoken on the phone several times.
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-10-20 11:03:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
You know I cannot respond to this one cause I get overly passionate about this issue me being a single parent myself. (For 3 weeks gain at least). Every relationsship with children has its own set of perculiar issues and no two are alike. My personal philosophy when it comes to my child is that I can chose my spouse, but my child I am stuck with for life. It's unfortunate that he feels he has to complete. Maybe he should try to take him to a soccer match or two, get on the sideline and do some cheering. My prayers are with you on this one. I guess I am too much of a cut and dry person for understand this so maybe someone with more of an objective head can give you some tips here. I need to take Craig with me and have a drink one of these days. We live close enough. Maybe he is having some difficulty understanding how easy this whole adjustment can be. Having a successful marraige and a happy home should not be so damn hard. maybe there is something that you are not sharing cause I cannot understand why he just insist on making this such a stressful experience. Maybe one Caribbean man to another, I may be able to share me lil bit of wisdom with him.

Shoot, I'd LOVE for him to go to the soccer games....he won't. He's been to a couple of practices, but won't mingle with the other adults!! Number one reason for not going, is because my parents are at the games and for now, my parents don't know ANYthing about Craig. They have noooo clue that I had a boyfriend for a year 1/2 and did the long distance thing and now marriage. He's sooooooo not ready for that automatic rejection, which my parents will NOT be supportive AT ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!! At last Sunday's game, my good friend (a black american guy) that I've been friends with for 20 yrs (even were roommates in the past) and his g-friend (a white girl) came to watch my son play. When he walked up into bleachers, I said to my parents remember my friend David? and this is his friend Jennifer. My dad NEVER acknowledged him and my mom took EVERYTHING from within just to say...oh, hi. When the game was over WHOOSH, my parents were SOOO gone with the wind. Never even said goodbye !!!

My guy friends have ALL offered to take him out, but ???? Who knows....but I would LOVE for you to do that!!! Where in the area do you live?

For even my close friends that know me (and know Craig), have NO CLUE why Craig is acting the way he acts and why HE is making this experience so flippin stressful.........maturity??!!! I said to him last night, we (me and my son) are SOOO laid back and we're NOT hard to live with.....but he just can't handle the fact that he DOES have to share........but again, this wasn't a "surprise" to him!!!!!!! I suggested to Craig that he reeeeeally needs to be around families WITH kids, my friends with their kids and COUPLES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My son is 12 and a true-blue teenager WITH a mouth at times, but I put him in check and Craig can't STAND when I get upset and raise my voice at my son (I don't discipline physically). I'm the type of parent that won't let my child get away with disrespect, etc and when I say you're grounded....I follow through. My son is a good kid, everyone that he goes and stays with and hangs out at their house compliments me alllll of the time.

Who knows?????????
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-10-20 10:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Kelly -- How are things going on your end? Hope all is well.....

Hey Mindy,

Thanks for asking.....

Things are a little better after not talking to each other for 3 days !!! We HAD to talk last night because I told him he needs to find another place to stay because this is TOTAL BS !!! Anyway, his "deal" is my relationship with my son. He *says* he's not jealous, but.......he asked, when is it ME and YOU time, you and Austin are ALWAYS together !!! Now, here's how things go in our house.....

He leaves for work at 7:30am and I take my son to school at 7:30am. My son has soccer practice Mon & Wed from 5-7pm, we don't get home until 7:30pm-ish. I NEVER know when Craig is going to get home from work, it can be anywhere from 6:30 to 9pm. His place of business is closing so his hours are all over the place. So when I get home, I gotta cook or find something for dinner, help my son with mounds of homework...catch-up on my travel stuff (because working my part-time job takes away from that on occassions), plus I scored the Baltimore Blast soccer team travel this year and that's keeping me VERY busy!! There are certain shows on TV that I like to chill out and watch and Craig likes the shows that I watch (except for The Bachelor). So we usually sit and watch them. My son goes to sleep at 9:30pm and Craig is shortly thereafter. Weekends --my son has soccer skill training Sat for 2 hours (times vary) and Sunday's we're off to anywhere in Maryland or Virginia for a game or tournament. This time of the year, I have a ton of travel functions and shows to go to in the evening and I'm gone till 9pm-ish.

I spend as MUCH time with Craig as I possibly can.........but, he does not "GET" the fact that "I" am my sons only support system. Yes, my son tries to take advantage of that, but I give a little here and I give a little there. For those of us that have kids, you know exactly how I'm feeling and what I'm talking's WAAAAY exhausting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tonight we have no plans, but ........who KNOWS when he'll be home and he's NOT a "planner". I know that we need more quality time, but being a single parent with a crazy busy schedule (and he totally knew this BEFORE he got here)......"I" NEED a vacation alone !!!

Anyone else feelin me ????????
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-10-20 09:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
I am staying over in Kingston. I actually fly into Montego Bay on Sunday from JFK and then we are driving to Kingston and overnight at the Knutsford. Do not feel like driving that early morning to get into Kingston.
I will e mail you my contact info in Jamiaca so we can at least maybe get together sometime before you leave. Is he supposed to be flying back with you? I am going to be there until Sunday when we fly back to JFK.

Cool, you and Shauna are staying at the same place !!!
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-10-20 09:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
:lol: :lol: ...kelly you are too's the weather????

Stephen...i have the same date as you and at 7:15 as well.....are you staying over in Kingston the night before??? I decided it would be best for us if we did and then we are also going to stay a extra night...i am sure we will see you there!!

Weather is actually a little on the sunny side and absolutely NO storms !!!

That's too cool that you guys have the same time!! You'll get to chat up in line and while waiting in the waiting room AND to support each other to take the edge off of being nervous!! Shauna, can you take some pics (travel agent shots) for me of the hotel ?
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-10-20 08:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
[quote name='Jamaica to CT' date='Oct 20 2006, 06:43 AM' post='517408']
[quote name='rhondapayter' post='517360' date='Oct 20 2006, 03:57 AM']
GOOD LUCK :thumbs: (F) Wow, we have 3 interviews coming up within the next 10 days :star:
DEFINITELY 2nd that........for GOOOOD VIBES to Darlene, Shauna and Stephen. Safe travels and best wishes to everyone!! I'm routin for ya !!

Stephen, where in Baltimore are you guys getting hitched?? I coulda hooked you up with my friend who married us. You can get married *anywhere* :D

Have a great weekend everyone !!! Hopefully us MD/VA/DC OR PA (if you were around) are going to be able to link up !!


This is probably a really stupid question and I'm still not used to this new site....since the change, how do I take a "quote" and respond to it, so that the entire thing doesn't show up?? Do you know what I mean?

luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-10-20 07:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
So my fiance and I were going through the pics and selecting the ones we were taking to the interview. I suggested to her to take the pictures of her and my daughter from Christmas and also some from when my daughter spent the last summer vacation with her. She thought this was silly since they need proof of us together which we already have and she thinks that pics of her with my daughter is not the same. I told her that any man who sends his 7 year old daughter to spend 3 months with a woman in a foreign country must be having a serious relationship with her and that is what we want this immigration officer to see. You know I got the "whatever." So I told her i am going to pass this one by you guys. Any opinion?

Any pictures ....which they'll keep (if they ask) ALWAYS good. I have a TON of pics of my son and Craig, but the goofball interviewer didn't want any more proof. My son also wrote a letter (to the Embassy), which he never bothered to read over, would your daughter be willing to do that too?
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-10-19 18:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
[quote name='Trinilad' date='Oct 19 2006, 03:44 PM' post='516207']
Last minute jitters I guess. OK I-134 question! I finally got my letter from the bank and all they give me is the date opened and current balance. Since I am using my income from my job to to show I meet the income requirements requirements, how important is this bank statement/ letter? I was able to get almost all the statements for the past year showing deposits and withdrawals, but I am not sure what information they are looking at when you have many transactions in one month? Did anyone who had a recent interview had thier bank statement or bank letter scrutinized? Did they actually ask for it after you provided the job letter and tax return or was it just one of those "just in case" documents that you walked with but never actually used?
I tell you I am already personally responsible for a forest or two disappearing from the earth and I just do not feel like this last minute rangle with the bank. I have the last three years tax return, the job letter, the last 6 months worth of pay stubs. Am I ok here or am I missing something

Here's how our interview went...this past May ---
Dropped off our interview letter at Window 1. Waited for about 30 minutes, called to Window 4. She (not so nice) asked Craig if he'd ever been to the states.....No.....who was his name. Asked why we had 2 I-134's, but kept both. Gave back all but 2004 & 2005 tax stuff. Then asked us to sit down to be called. Waited another 15 min called to Window 9 ....HE was BIGGEST a&&hole EVER !!!!!! He asked Craig to sign the forms, but we had forgotten to bring a pen. We asked NICELY if we could borrow a pen, he literally THREW down his headset and HUFFED and puffed away. He RELUCTANTLY let us BORROW a flippin pen. He asked Craig about 4x whether he'd been to the states. Asked if he'd ever been in trouble with the law, stopped by the police or had a criminal record. Craig answered that he had been in a car years ago, but nothing ever happened to him. Then he fingerprinted him.

He proceeded to look at our OLD paperwork, meticulously looked through our pictures --which were about 10 pages long. I asked him if he would like some additional pictures, letters, phone records, etc.....NEVER looked at me and said, that wouldn't be necessary. Then he asked Craig, to go sit down and he was going to talk WITH ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This guy, I'm tellin ya, was the most UNPLEASANT and sarcastic person. He gave me an extreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemely hard time about our age difference, asked if "I" thought there would be that passion and romance once he got to the states, like it was on the "beaches of Negril". I nicely reminded him that I've been coming to Jamaica for over 10 yrs and that I've been back several times since I met Craig in November of 2004. He gave me an extreeeeeeemely hard time about my income. I make WELL over the poverty limits, but he was looking at the paperwork TOTALLY incorrectly and I politely pointed that out to him. When you have your own business, you file differently than any personal income. That's why I had everything stapled together with a BRIGHT pink sticky note, stating the difference. Even making almost $27,000 (not including my child support AND my part-time job) in 2004 was NOT "good enough" in his eyes. He NEVER ever looked at my bank letters, employment letters or child support statement proving the extra income. Never looked at the I-134, just kept going over and over and over again about the 2004 & 2005 income tax info ---which, in fact is OVER the "poverty level" !!!

luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-10-19 16:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

One other question. So I went to dinner with my family last week. We are discussing my fiance moving here and everyone is so excited about it. My sister calls today and says she will bring over some coats and sweaters and boots since she and my fiance wear the same size. My grandmother leaves me a voice mail and say that she has some stuff too. My family are pricey shoppers so I know they will be giving her some good stuff cause they like to show off like that. So I was talking to my fiance about this a couple weeks ago and told her that they might have done this. Her response was that she does not like hand me downs and not a charity case.

It is not that we cannot afford to buy her winter clothes cause I made provisions for this. But I figure why turn away gifts that are given with the best of intentions. I am not one to get into a pissing match over something like this. I just do not want to offend my family, but I have a woman who has intense pride.( Yes, something to work on). I wish someone was this generous to me when I came here years ago with a sweater during a blizzard. Is it a man's thing that we will accept gifts like this, but women have difficulty doing this? Or am I marrying the exception to the rule here?

Craig does NOT like "hand me downs". He wants "new" stuff. I had 2 fleeze type jackets and a pullover (mens) that my son had won at something. He didn't put up a fight wearing them because as you know it's COLD here !!! He did go and buy a winter jacket 2 weekends ago at Walmart and LOVES it...and "can't wait" (but is also scared) to wear it. I have tons of gloves that I keep around and he's been wearing them to.

Maybe you could just accept the items from your family (they don't have to know she may not like or keep them) and then buy her something nice (and affordable....I buy my stuff at Old Navy--LOVE that store). Then maybe when she realizes HOW cold it is here, she'll be accepting of the "gifts" that family members have given to her. Maybe you could wrap them up in a nice box or something like that??

Tamisha ---I'm totally hip to hanging (depending on soccer--which is every weekend till Nov 12th). I've yet to meet Shemonya (and Damien) :cry: and we don't even live that far!! I met up with Woogietail when she lived in the area. We went to see a band called Jahworks. They are really awesome. That's the ONLY time that I will go out to a club/bar is to see this band.

Kim, I'm happy that you guys were able to work through everything. Communicating and TALKING without a heated argument, throwing stuff and whatnot really works wonders !!! Trust or no trust, having my man go to a "club", not happenin....just WAAAAY to much temptation!!! There are TONS of women (and men) that could give 2 you know whats if you're married, in a relationship or not!!!

How did the get together go up in north ???? Were you guys all able to get together and hang??

Michele, it's cccooooooolllldddd here !!! I had to scrape off ice on the window this morning. I can't STAND the cold weather!!! Craig said he likes it ??? Then he asked yesterday if I had heat here in the house (as he only had boxers and no shirt on???). Sitting out in it watching soccer in this flippin cold weather......argh (although I do keep that face/neck soccer mom tan happenin a likkle bit).

I too had a reunion, of sorts, Sat nite. It was for anyone that graduated from the elementary/middle school. The school has been open since's Kindergarten through 8th grade (private school). I took my son and it was veeeeery cool to see some old faces and reconnect. I've been to everyone of my highschool reunions and had SO much fun. I'm still good friends with about 5 girls that I've known since we were in the 6th grade and 2 other friends of mine (guys) that lived in my neighborhood, we talk every week (one of my friends son is on my sons soccer team). We had fun growing up and there's nothing like having friends that you've been friends with since your childhood!!!

CONGRATS to the Savanphils !!!!

Thanks again for all of your support !!!

Have a great day everyone, keep warm for those of us that are feelin chilly!!!

Kelly :star:
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-10-16 08:47:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Hi Everyone,

THANK YOU again for all of your support, advice, suggestions and opinions. I truly truly appreciate it !!!!

After the "coming out of the closet", we had hours upon hours upon hours of talking. This is in NO way shape or form brought us completely back to where we NEED to be......but yesterday he was back to the same ole same ole ...."a" you know what !!!

I am preparing to get my s**t together, try my best to proceed with an anulment. My lawyer friend gave me some really good information and I'll start making the calls on Monday.

Thanks again everyone.

Have a great weekend. It's cold as ......well, you know what here in Maryland !!!!

luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-10-14 07:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

In the closet, hiding? What's up with that?

At this point he should be on his hands and knees kissing your toes and begging for forgiveness.....Kelly, you know what you need to do.....and what you choose to do is 100% your choice and business. Do what your gut tells you to do. Life is too short to spend any time of it with regrets......

"I" KNOW that he SHOULD, but he's not !!!! That just reassures me that I AM doing the right thing. I printed what you've ALL said and I said to him (cause he THINKS I'm saying goodbye because of YOU all and your influence) ...I said, these are postings from MATURE, responsible adults ...some married and some getting married and you MAY learn something from what they've written. Although it's TOO LATE for us....

So he's reading and then says, I never told you about a girl that I work with. I said, no.....he said, yeah I have and I said, well you may have said you TALK with people at your work, but you NEVER mentioned anyones name called SWEETS ....and he said, oh well, I never said her name to you!!!!

DAG, he just does NOT get it. Don't worry, I'm not calling anyone. That's not my style and I KNOW it goest both ways......him AND her !!! What matters is HE allowed it.

He keeps thinking that this chic SLIPPING her number in his pocket is acceptable......and he says, what was I supposed to do? He said, I didn't put her number in my phone, because you keep checking my phone and I said, but keeping a NUMBER IN YOUR POCKET WAS OKAY?????????????????????????????? Without even TELLING me about it????

I was like, I'm someone that you can stay with SOON!!!!!!! It's over and he said, yeah I'm not going to fight you about this. You want it over it's over!!!
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-10-12 11:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
OKAY, get this one you guys !!!!!!

I took my son to school this morning at 7:30am, went to get some breakfast and sit and chill out in the parking lot where Craig catches the bus. I wanted to make sure that he GOT on the bus. He never showed, so I come back home and he's nowhere. This whole time (since 8:30am), I've been on the phone with friends, lawyer, client, cell phone company to get a report of his calls he's made, and one of my friends that I was confiding in, I was READING to her about what you guys ALL said.......outloud.

About 15 min ago.......walaa.....Craig comes out of my hall closet. Says that "I" am crazy, says that him and this girl are JUST chatting....what? he can't talk to a female that he works with (he said). He just does NOT GET the disrespect. He says, can you wait till next week when I get paid and I said, no you need to go NOW before my son gets home OR tomorrow morning at the latest (when he's gone). He said, I don't have any money and I said, a one way bus ticket to Philly or New York doesn't cost that much.

He's STILL sitting here saying, what did I do?? You are crazy. I didn't do anything wrong, what you want me to give you MY entire paycheck and then you just give me money for the bus.

HE DOES NOT GET IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm done, thank you ALL for your support. He's NOT sitting here apologizing, not fighting to KEEP me, nothing. This PROVES to me that he came here for ALL of the wrong reasons (although he says he didn't).

If anyone else wants to give me any advice, etc.........please do so!!!
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-10-12 11:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
I feel you on this one. This is where Air Jamaica comes in. There are some lines you do not cross. Trust is a vital part of any relationship. We have a saying in the islands "Monkey's know which trees to climb." Craig knows you will rant and rave but you will never want to admit that you know he is being dishonest and take action on it. I am not sure the extent of the relationship, but it suggest to me that he has not matured enough to understand what an exclusive relationship means. It means that he has to take the responsibility to set that woman straigh. That is not your job. I see women get into fights with other women over men. Do not get yourself to that point where you have to set a woman straight about your man. It may be a flirtatious thing, him liking the attention and I would have gone with that for a while. But you see that line about the friend at work putting him on her family plan, that is a slap in the face. It is insulting, demeaning, it smacks of lack of respect. You are already pissed about the phone number and he pulls some ###### like that?

I am not sure there is enough left to salvage here. The disrespect is just unacceptable and he is not getting the picture. He is working, therefore he could afford a ticket back home or he could afford to stay here on his own. Unfortumnately that is a call he would have to make. But the call you have to make at this time is how soon does he leave. Do not get into the pissing match with the girlfriend, or the explanations from him. You know what is happening. Your man is disrespecting you and he is trying to make a fool of you. Treat him like you would any man who is cheating. Visa or no visa, this is a straight forward case.

THANK YOU !!!! I've never gotten into a fight with another woman over my man....I just kicked his butt to the curb.

Now, I wonder what I can do, we haven't even filed for AOS. I just spoke with my client that works for immigration and she says she sees this ALL of the time. I emailed my lawyer to ask if I can get an anulment. Do I do this on my own, like would "I" need Craig to be there for any divorce/anulment proceedings????

Again, please keep the info coming!!!!!!!!
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2006-10-12 08:47:00