Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
QUOTE (AlienUKGirl @ Aug 27 2007, 07:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
His name is Tyler

He's absolutely gorgeous !!!
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-08-27 19:47:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
QUOTE (JA Tam @ Aug 27 2007, 04:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (nyseness @ Aug 27 2007, 04:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Right! Javon is telling me to drop it but I'm still upset. How are you going to charge me for something that is out of my control??? I went off on him this morning b/c of his "dunca" attitude but I quickly cld and him back to apologize. I know he means no harm but it's the freaking principal man!!! I also didn't want to stress him too much b/c today is his birthday.

Since it's his birthday, cut him some slack, but don't let Air J get away with that. I have told them in the past, that they don't know how to treat those who fly on the airline due to national pride; the ones who keep them afloat. They need to give better customer service. Even their attitude at the ticket counter is much to be desired most times. The last time I flew home, on my return flight, it was delayed by almost 3 hours. I asked the young lady at the counter why they didn't contact passengers and she had a complete don't care attitude! mad.gif

There is only ONE airline out there that knows how to treat their customers the "right way"......Southwest!! American, Air Jamaica, Delta, United, US Airways, America West and Continental ALLLLL suck !!!! I'm a former airline employee (of America West and Southwest) and sooooooooooo much has changed in the past 17 yrs with lack of customer service (actually customer service in ALL jobs nowadays) it STINKS !!! That's why I've been doing a HUGE amount of airline tickets this summer because my clients just do NOT want to deal directly with any airline, that becomes MY job !!! I HATE it, but being in the industry for a very long time, I have contacts and I never speak with a plain old reservation agent ....I got right to the supervisor !!!

QUOTE (sjb1221 @ Aug 27 2007, 05:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (AlienUKGirl @ Aug 27 2007, 03:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey all.....
My waters broke 4am Friday morning, had an emergency C-section at 9am!!
My son was 10lbs 2oz, even though he was 4 weeks early!!!
He's still having a few issues, he had some fluid on his lungs so he's still in the NICU, hopefully comes home before the weekend.
I was discharged today, was the hardest thing ever to leave him there, but I know he's in the best of hands...Can't wait to bring him home sad.gif

Congrats luv.gif

CONGRATS and I hope he comes home soon !!
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-08-27 17:47:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
QUOTE (nyseness @ Aug 27 2007, 04:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Hi Ladies, I'm soooo upset right now. mad.gif My daughter was suppose to come yesterday but the stupid ppl at KIN airport closed the flight so now she's coming home on Tuesday. Ordinally this wouldn't be a problem but now there charging me $75 for the change in flight. I cld Air JA reservation line and the lady told me there shouldn't be any other fees but of course it's out of jurisdiction. So I asked isn't this Air JA and she said yes but they don't cover the airports. So I asked her who does, the US blink.gif Her dumb a** couldn't say nothing but pause. She evenutally gave me the # to the Airport and gave me 3 ext's for the supervisor but of course they were all invalid. I finally got thru the the rattid man asked me what I he to do....I swear I wanted to I asked for the supervisor and then was transferred back to a v/m. I "0" out and someone picked up but didn't say anything. You could hear the freaking ppl in the back ground!!!!!!!!!!! I cld back to back and all morning BUT still no answer. Me and Javon even got into b/c he don't seem to understand why I'm so mad. First off she' coming back late as h*ll on Tuesday and w/Air JA reputation most likely they won't get here until midnight AND she starts school on Wed. Not only that another $75 for sh*t. Man, don't get me started!!!!!!!!!

I'm confused....what do you mean "closed the flight" ?? You PAID for your unaccompanied minor to fly...if THEY "closed the flight", than you would NOT have to pay any additional fees. Now if she got to the airport "late" and they closed the flight, that's a different story....and why are they making her come home next Tuesday ?? Am I reading this right, that they are making her come home a week later?? There's space available up through next Monday !!!

I'm going to email my Air Jamaica Rep and ask about this scenario.

DEMAND to speak to a supervisor through Air Jamaica directly...if that doesn't work and you can get to the airport, go to the ticket counter and DEMAND to speak with a supervisor.

Something just does not sound right....
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-08-27 17:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
QUOTE (sjb1221 @ Aug 27 2007, 06:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (WendyJunior @ Aug 26 2007, 06:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> kids start school tomorrow too. My oldest will be a sophmore! UGH! My sophmore year! whistling.gif Seems like yesterday. I know about the driving things too. My daughter has her temps and soon will be able to take off whenever. crying.gif

My daughter will be a sophmore next Tuesday...she can't wait for to start school so they can pick on the freshman blink.gif's the the 1st day of HS. I drove my son (and more friends, because their bus was late). Bus was supposed to be there at 6:45am. I went to school dropped off kids and came back and took some more and went back to school. Got home at 7:50am, bus was just showing up. UNbelievable !! but..................DAY to myself !!!!!! yeeeehaaaa kicking.gif
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-08-27 07:03:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
I am looking for ideas on kinds of jobs for a woman that Donna would be able to work. She has mentioned getting back to work soon after she arrives. Donna is having a hard time just sitting at home waiting on AirPak to call, now that she has quite her job there in Kingston. I also worry about her working and getting paid "under the table". Is this income just not reported to the IRS? I'm doing the right thing by bringing someone to the US legally and then getting them a job illegally? Am I looking at this the wrong way?

Ideas are endless. After she gets here EAD, do you have temp agencies in your area? If you can "afford" having her not work until EAD....than I wouldn't worry about it. If she's used to working, it will drive her absolutely nuts not to work for up to a year (depending on how long the process will take). FYI Jay, loads of people work "under the table", meaning IRS (and immigration) will not know about it. You'll just have to check around and see if there are any groups, organizations and/or volunteer work she can do in the meantime??
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-08-27 06:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
QUOTE (rhondapayter @ Aug 27 2007, 06:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (luvtravlin @ Aug 26 2007, 02:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Has anyone watched the movie, I think I love my wife with Chris Rock ?

Yeah, I just watched it. It was interesting...... Not really that funny like I thought it was supposed to be - they call it a comedy. What did you think?

I didn't think it was funny, just that it was a reality check for Mr.....
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-08-27 06:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
QUOTE (12/11/2006 @ Aug 26 2007, 07:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Okay, So i'm meeting my SO's mother for the first time on Saturday down in JA. He's close to his mother but hasn't lived with her for quite some time so everytime I went down there we just never got around to meeting her in Trelawny. I think he doesn't jive with the new guy she has. Anyway, what should I get her? She wants us all to go to the beach and hang out but I really don't want to go down there and not give her anything. I can't travel all the way from ABROAD and not bring her anything. lol Thats what JA peeps always say.

Any Ideas?

I had a really great picture of Craig that I blew up and put in a nice picture frame along with a picture of me and Craig and then one of me, Craig and my son. She literally cried when I gave them to her. The pictures are along her bedside. She still thanks me for them.
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-08-27 06:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
QUOTE (12/11/2006 @ Aug 26 2007, 03:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeah he laughs and calls me cheap when we talk on the phone and I tell him that I am eating left overs. I said OKAY wait until you get here. I'm not cooking every day and he will have to pack his lunch and all. I don't believe in spending money everyday for lunch. Lunch is anywhere from $8-12 a day............I don't think so!

Craig used to call me cheap when he 1st got here, but now eats those words !! From the "I'm going to buy expensive shoes, shirts, etc etc etc".... now he's hooked on Walmart, Target and Old Navy !!! We also have this really cool store called Alko.

When we were growing up we'd ask....what's for dinner, mother replied "Fall out", which is whatever falls out of the frig (not literally) we are eating. So now I do the same thing when we have leftovers. Craig used to loves having "fall out" for lunches for work !!!
For those that have kids starting school .....ours starts tomorrow at 7:25am. First day of high school for my son, he's nervous shoot, I don't know whose more nervous, but I think he's really excited. He had New student orientation on Friday, his freshman class is the largest with over 400 kids !! It's going to be soooooooooo darn overwhelming!!! None of his friends want to ride the bus, they all wanna drive with us ....ugh!

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-08-26 16:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
I guess it is different for everyone. This is not what happened in our situtation but my husband has many friends in the state line area. He got his drivers licenses right away and has freedom. He also found his past time of shooting pool and wants to be on the pool team at college. No trouble yet. I just might say though jobs are tough to find. No depression yet.

Absolutely different, but there are maaaaany of the men that have come here and have gotten into "trouble" on lots of different levels. Craig has loads of "freedom". He can get on a bus and literally go anywhere. We live in an area that has absolutely everything. A bowling alley (with pool tables) up the street.......with a bar. Like we've mentioned on here ions ago about drinking..............that there..............gets them into trouble. Not with the law, but other stuff. Making reeeeeeally bad choices all the way around!!!! In alot of the cases, it's a "learning" experience.

Depression for Craig is when his mother calls EVERY week beggin for money for this and that. He FINALLY told her yesterday, I DON'T HAVE IT !!! but, he was down on himself ALL flippin day !!!! He has a "family" here to help to support and when everything is taken care of here, and if there is any "extra" to go around, than he can help her out.....but until then. She works, always has....but blows her money and that apple doesn't fall very fall from the tree !!!

Craig now "gets" packing a lunch instead of buying out save money, just the little stuff like that.

Has anyone watched the movie, I think I love my wife with Chris Rock ?
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-08-26 13:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
QUOTE (nannygirl82 @ Aug 26 2007, 10:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (luvtravlin @ Aug 26 2007, 10:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (finesse @ Aug 26 2007, 09:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What is everyones thoughts on having your SO working before he gets the employment authorization....i mean doing some under the table straight cash kind of work? Do you think doing that would affect anything down the road....considering it is illegal (I think?????)?

Please keep in mind that the Jamaican male pride will come into play big time. Depression, sense of helplessness, anger (cause he/she can't contribute) will ALL come into play until they feel they will be able to contribute to the household. If money is tight now, it will get even tighter when he/she gets here!!!!!!

yes.gif depression was/is a big one with matter how long we talked about it...still didn't prepare him enough for what it was going to be like...luckly my boss was doing work to the outside of his house and mike worked sometimes the whole week sometimes a couple of days but when it got cold and the job was over he got bored...and got himself into trouble....and slowly he is getting better...and i mean SLOWLY...everyday is a new day...

Yeeeeah.....getting "into trouble" I totally feel ya on that one!!! When they are bored..... !!!! but as I tell my son, you CHOSE to be bored !!!!
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-08-26 09:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
QUOTE (finesse @ Aug 26 2007, 09:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What is everyones thoughts on having your SO working before he gets the employment authorization....i mean doing some under the table straight cash kind of work? Do you think doing that would affect anything down the road....considering it is illegal (I think?????)?

From the tons of research that I did on here, there's been noone that "got into trouble" if immigration found out they had been working, if they followed the rules on getting here legally. Craig worked "legally" for the 3 months after his painting job. He's been on many many job interviews and it's rare when they ask him for his EAD card. He's never ever been asked for any HS diploma.

Please keep in mind that the Jamaican male pride will come into play big time. Depression, sense of helplessness, anger (cause he/she can't contribute) will ALL come into play until they feel they will be able to contribute to the household. If money is tight now, it will get even tighter when he/she gets here!!!!!!

Craig was a lifeguard most of his working career in JA, so getting warehouse jobs (and he's had all kinds) and being able to do those tasks that Damien did and did well, makes them feel really good about themselves. His favorite job was building chalk boards for classrooms. The hours were okay, but then they lost their contract with the temp agency.

Craig isn't making much money now, but he loves what he's doing and it's a start.
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-08-26 09:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
What kinds of jobs have you all encourage your SO to go for once they come over on a K-1 or any visa for that matter? I have been looking in his field (certified plumber) here in Philadelphia but i'm not sure he will be able to jump right into that. He might have to go back to school for recertifications from here and all types of things. How long does it usually take for them to get a job when they first come over? Sorry if you are sick of answering these questions but i'm very very concerned!

If you SO flies into JFK, they only give the work authorization stamp that is good for 90 days. If he doesn't come through JFK, than you have to wait until after you file for AOS and with how busy they are now..... they haven't even cashed my check that they received on Aug 1st !

So, that just really depends on how "busy" and/or "fast" the process for AOS is at the time.

If you have any "connections", friends, family and/or associates that would be willing to let him work ....painting, shoveling, gardening, plumbing "on the side" ?? ....than go that route. Craig got an EAD card here in MD because a client of mine works for immigration.
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-08-25 09:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
I was just taking a look at the new immigration fees (I know I'm a little late) but man! I told him that we are going to need some time before he comes up. He might have to wait like 4 months or so. They are high!! That is a sure way to discourage people from filing or at least fake filing. Thats crazy.

What kinds of jobs have you all encourage your SO to go for once they come over on a K-1 or any visa for that matter? I have been looking in his field (certified plumber) here in Philadelphia but i'm not sure he will be able to jump right into that. He might have to go back to school for recertifications from here and all types of things. How long does it usually take for them to get a job when they first come over? Sorry if you are sick of answering these questions but i'm very very concerned!

Craig was willing to take any type of job. I sent an email out to friends and associates that "may be hiring". He 1st went to work for a friend of mine who is the President of a college here in the area, painting classrooms (last summer). She paid him "cash". Every week we get a like a county newspaper and he would look through it, highlight jobs that he was interested in and then we would sit down and go over them together to see if they were in the area, the transportation, hours, qualifications, etc. He highlighted a warehouse job that an old friend of mine is a Natl Sales Rep, so I contacted him and he offered him the job. He worked there for 3 months and gained loads of experience, then the warehouse closed down and moved to Texas. Than I went online looked at temp agencies for warehouse, laborers, painters in the area. Printed out information and Craig would call and set up appointments for interviews, etc. Right now, he's listed with 3 temp agencies in our area.

He really wants to get into air conditioning/heating type of a job, but that requires years of experience. If and when he gets his GC, he wants to go to a Tech school in the area to be able to get qualified and experience to go into that field.

Hope that helps.
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-08-25 09:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
QUOTE (nyseness @ Aug 23 2007, 04:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

It's been a while but what information is suppose to be on the employment letter? I can' t seem to remember at this moment.

Hey Anna,

On company letterhead ....


To Whom It May Concern,

This is to verify that Mrs. Anna xxxx is a (permanent part-time, full-time ==whatever your employment is) employee who will earn xxxxx or put approximately $xxxxx. Mrs. xxxxx’ start date with xxxxwhatever companyxxxx was DATE. This employee’s outlook for future employment with our company is excellent.

Thank you.


Hope that helps.

luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-08-23 21:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
QUOTE (Jomo @ Aug 23 2007, 03:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (AlienUKGirl @ Aug 23 2007, 12:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Empress @ Aug 23 2007, 09:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks for all of your concern ladies yes.gif but I am sure he made the best choice by being honest. I feel like yall are just bringing more doubt on our already dubious situation instead of trying to be uplifting. What's up with that?

I think everyone here is extremely supportive.
But the thing is not to loose sight of the fact that this is also an important resource for hundreds of people agonizing over what is the best choice to make.
Nothing anyone says here can affect the outcome of your personal case, but people reading where you may have gone wrong is an invaluable resource to them.
This is most definitely a place to come to and receive support, but if someone does something that may not be the wisest move, I think others should be able to point that out for the benefit of everyone else.
Doesn't mean they are being mean, spiteful or not being supportive, all it does is show that they are being objective about the situation.

It has often been said here to NEVER EVER admit drug taking.
To admit is YOUR CALL, for you it might very be the best choice.
But for someone wondering whether to admit it who is reading the thread, the general consensus is NEVER admit it.
So for everyone to come along and say 'Oh you'll be fine, don't worry' is a double-edged sword, yes you feel happy and supported, but what about other people who might very see what you decided to do and thought 'oh she did the right thing, let me do the same'.

You are a wise one, AG. Thanks for putting what I was thinking in words.

Couldn't have said this any better!!!
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-08-23 14:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
QUOTE (Empress @ Aug 23 2007, 08:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (AlienUKGirl @ Aug 23 2007, 07:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Empress @ Aug 22 2007, 10:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
And don't tek the urine weed test as gospel many people have been given blood and/or hair tests yes.gif

I'll get back to you about whether they gave him the results or not.

Are you SURE this is right?
I have NEVER heard of anyone being given a hair test at ANY embassy...I could of course be wrong.

I would not have posted it if I wasn't sure. Just because you've never heard of it doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

I heard this from one of my Jamaican friends that they did this a long looong time ago, didn't think (or ever hear) of them doing this now.

Gosh Empress...... I truly hope that you have a nice interviewer. I know a TON of people that smoke and "lie" and came clean and have gotten through, but I haven't heard of anyone "admitting" and getting through.

Didn't Jilly Bean go through the same stuff ?? and he was denied.

OK.....KK & mydestiny...........where the heck are you 2 ?? If it's bad news (which we ALL are hoping that it is not), please please post and let us know. Your post may be able to help another VJr going through this process.

We, that haven't heard from you guys are worried. If it's good news............??? Why oh why haven't you guys said anything to us?? We are all here for you guys...... good, bad, ugly or indifferent !!!
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-08-23 08:45:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
QUOTE (12/11/2006 @ Aug 22 2007, 02:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jme3584 @ Aug 22 2007, 01:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We heard from one of Andre's brothers last night who doesn't live in the family home but in Spring Village a ways away. He said his house that he rents got severe water damage and has a hole in the roof, so he is staying with another friend. He hasn't been able to get in touch with anyone in the family in May Pen and he tried to go and see them yesterday but the roads were blocked and he didn't have the time to walk the whole way - so still no word from them at all.

Anna, I heard the same type of thing about the power. I know a lot of people go to major businesses and take the chance of "stealing" the power to charge their phones. I remember the last hurricane one of the gas stations was selling charges for X amount of dollars...crazy wacko.gif

I can't even imagine not having power for a whole 2 months. A lot of power lines are down in JA and my mom and I was talking about how long it was going to take. Its just crazy because you would think that the electrical company would employ more people to take care of this matter. I'm not just talking now but on a regular basis. The first thing that JA should respect is Preparedness for Disasters. If you know that an attempt of a Hurricane happens so offten or the actual hurricane, then wouldn't it just make sense to make the necessary precautions and develop a quick response team. It just all seems like common sense to me. I don't even know what he is going to do to get power for the cell phones. I know that I'll be down there and we better get our friggin visa because what woman you know is going to travel miles away to be in the friggin dark in another country if she doesn't truly love the person and it isn't legit. Sorry guys I am just pissed off because the country is just to lax for me. We always talk about moving back there after a while but I'm a tell you, I can't move somewhere that is so backwards. They are going to have to make some serious changes for me to live there. I love the beach and the freedom but I also love civilization and common sense.

I don't want this to get out of hand, but Shonnie.....just a quick question....have you traveled to any other 3rd world countries? or know of anyone that lives in another country (even the USA) that has been devasted by mother nature?? After traveling to Jamaica for 10 yrs and other countries all of my life and seeing, hanging and getting to know the island, the people, way of life, etc etc etc, we all "appreciate" the comforts that most of us have here at home. Craig was petrified of me going to stay at his place because of no hot water, just the way the house is.....but I LOVE his home, the cold water....whatever I dealt with it. Having to run a hose from one house to another. Not having running water to do dishes, clothes, etc etc..........that was absolutely no big deal to me. My Uncle has a beach (summer) house, we grew up staying there for the summers when we were kids. We had no hot water, air conditioning, heat. It was pretty rundown (in normal standards), but ........we LOVED going there. I love the fact that I'm able to show my son how other cultures live and appreciate the things that he has, which trust me, he doesn't get everything "he" wants. He just bought his own Xbox 360. Worked all summer and paid $400.00 for it !!

If it's only for a few days, work with it. You are going to be with a man that is from a totally different culture. For the 1st year that he's here, you'll be "training" him to do and use alllllllllllllllllllllllllllll sorts of things. Going to the grocery store....he won't believe his eyes !! You think you are frustrated??? just wait till he gets here !!!

I am not being mean....and I know that you are frustrated, it's frustrating that some have to live the way they do, even in good ole US of A !!!!
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-08-22 15:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
QUOTE (nannygirl82 @ Aug 22 2007, 08:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (AlienUKGirl @ Aug 22 2007, 04:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (12/11/2006 @ Aug 21 2007, 08:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So Melvin was scheduled to go for his medical exam today in Mobay but then they called and said for him to come tomorrow 8/22 so we will see how that goes. We are not even sure if the he will be able to get to Mobay due to the uprooted trees and electricity poles down on the streets. We are hoping for a positive outcome tomorrow. He still has no electricity in Bala Clava, some of Santa Cruz, and Mulgrave. He has been talking to me since the hurricane and immediately turning off both phones. Melvin did find a Juicy Beef in Santa Cruz, bought something to eat and drink, and then used an outlet to charge his phone under the table. Of course he had to act like he wasn't loittering blush.gif blink.gif .

If he doesn't get to go to the medical tomorrow, I am afraid that he will not have it back in time. I told him that we would still go to the embassy anyway. But really, whats the sense of me going to JA if I know that he will receive a blue paper because of his missing medical exam? Yes, to see him but the main reason was to accompany him at the interview. Quite frankly, I am a little confused helpsmilie.gif . It will cost me $100 dollars to change the ticket and he would probably be rescheduled for another interview date once the medical exam comes in. We'll see. Maybe I am just jumping the gun and over exaggerating (hype).

Any great words of wisdom? Thanks very much appreciated.

The airlines should let you change your ticket for free because of the hurricane. check with them!

not when it has to do with the weather that is out of their control....a airplane malfunction yes....but weather pretty sure not....Kelly will be better able to tell you....

If the interview date doesn't get rescheduled, I would recommend still attending. If his medical isn't ready, that's no biggy.... Craig's wasn't ready either, but like I've mentioned in previous posts, Craig would have definitely been denied if I didn't attend. Getting that behind you and only getting the infamous blue slip worries !

ALL Airlines have restrictions for changing airlines tickets for weather, especially Hurricanes. They allow changes without a fee, but will only give you up to a certain date to make changes and/or travel.....or sometimes a full refund.
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-08-22 10:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
I had orig plan to visit again oct 18-23 the fares did go down its a fall sale ive been gettin emails about them air jamaica from Newark is 189 and JFK is 199 without tax. However i dunno if i should book that trip ?? But its cheap! and im up her trying to guesstimate when our interview will be so far i just got NVC letter today. They sent case to Kingston last thurday. Any ideas??

That is cheap, I wish I had access to Air Jamaica they always seem to have pretty good deals. The nearest location for me to catch Air JA is from Los Angles CA. I'm in Sacramento thats about 6 hrs away. By the time I catch a flight from here to there and then from there to JA, the cost would be the same as if I'd left from home. So what good is that?

However I did find a flight the 2nd week of Oct for $400, not bad no0pb.gif


I get those emails but everytime I try to book a flight, it is always unavailable. So, I called them on day to explain this to them and the Customer Rep was like oh because you aren't flying on the days of the special. Its weird. The tickets are cheap but the selection is limited.

Just to remind you all .....Air Jamaica does not always have *the* cheapest airfare out there. Most of the time, ALL airlines have the same exact airfare....just depends upon restrictions and what each individual airlines rules are at that time.

There are about 150-180 different airfares in **each** market. Rates can change daily. Airfare is on a "1st come/1st serve basis", when the cheapest sells out it goes to the next highest and so on and so on and so on. Sometimes airlines put on a "sale" to help sell those last few seats on a particular day --like Tues, Wed & Sat.

For example, I've been watching airfare for a client from BWI to Dallas for about a week. The airfare has changed 4x and yesterday when I went to book her flight, they changed the airfare from the time I looked at it at 9am till she called me at 2pm. The airline put in a "new" airfare of Tues/Wed/Sat travel (for the cheapest) and took out the old airfare which was $40 less expensive.

I've been in the travel industry for 17 yrs now......still can't explain why airlines do what they do, when they do it.

So if anyone needs help or is contemplating on traveling in the future, I have a list at my desk of clients "airfare to watch", as long as you are committed to working with me, I'm happy to help you get the best possible rates !!

It's raining like crazy madness here in Maryland today.........but we desperately need it!! Craig's mom lives in Westmoreland and from what Craig told me, the storm didn't hit much......who knows ?? His mom last phone service from Sunday about 5pm till yesterday morning. travels !
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-08-21 08:09:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
if on their page, go to their profile picture on the left look directly under it it says options and save as friend will be there or if your in the thread where u read everyones messages, click on that persons name to the left and it will give those same options there as well

Thank you .....preciate it ! good.gif
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-08-18 08:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
Hey Jamie,

Since noone answered my flippin question do I make someone "my friend" here ? Ya know the "friends" to the right. I haven't figured that out....

Hope all is well. My prayers are with you and Andre's family. Craig's mom doesn't seem to be to worried....

Off to take Austin to high school soccer practice.... 7:30am ....ugh !!

luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-08-18 06:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
How do you make someone your "friend" ????

How do you make someone your "friend" ????

On this thing.........not in general :whistle:
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-08-17 13:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
Kelly - Congrats to your son!!! What an accomplishment! I bet you can't wait til he can drive himself all over the place :P

THANKS, "I" am still on a high. My son is soooo darn laid back, he's low key excited, but not bouncing off of the walls. It hasn't really hit him that he "made it"....out of 27 boys-they are only keeping 16 of them !!! But.........I would LOVE for him to have his license for these early practices, like tomorrow at flippin 8am !! That won't happen for another 3 years ...argh
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-08-17 13:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
QUOTE (Jomo @ Sep 28 2007, 04:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey, guys. Please could we move on to something else? Everyone is pretty much stuck in their own opinions, with their own reasons, and it is what it is. It's all incredibly stressful and sad today.

I agree to disagree or agree with you, whatever the case may be.

Have a good weekend everyone. I'm out.

QUOTE (jamerican @ Sep 28 2007, 03:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Marlita @ Sep 28 2007, 01:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (luvtravlin @ Sep 28 2007, 07:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Minfay @ Sep 28 2007, 07:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Deyoungting @ Sep 28 2007, 06:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You are no longer worth the effort or my VALUABLE time to sit down and respond to your obilivious statements.

You've GOT to be kidding me!!!!

This forum was started for US to have a place to help each other -- not BASH each other every chance we get.

What is wrong with someone having an opinion? That's just fine if you don't agree with it but do we have to get so nasty?

I have been around (and been a party to) plenty of prejudice in my life. It is what it is. Yeah, it's a shame that in this day and age things like this still go on -- I am sorry for that. I really am. But I don't go around making it worse. Whatever......

Ya know Mindy.....I TOTALLY miss the good ole days when we used to laugh, joke, support, be caring, etc etc and not have ANY of this BS drama on here !!!!! Where the heck are all of our "veterans"????!!!

Oh LORD!!! Get over the veterans already!!!! It sounds quite insulting to those who are "newbies" on here! Like they are unwanted or something. I have seen you make this comment many times before, even when I was a newbie and all it made me do is not like the veterans. so that comment really gets the thread no where. Its gonna become a battle of the newbie verse the vet in a minute and of course the newbie will win, cause there are WAY more of them. The thread is what it is! It evolves just like everyting else in life! It has its ups and downs.

The problem on here is what I see on many other forums that have to do with Jamaica and the Americans who love it. People have a high-octane opinion, mixed with their love for a country but really have never walked a mile in the shoes of the people from the country. I think people who are not Black don't understand when things SEEM to always have a "racial" issue behind them because they only see the surface. They only see what the media presents to them.

I gotta say, there's a WHOLE underground, unspoken world that Black people from ALL OVER THE WORLD share. Only WE share it so other races and cultures don't get it. Blacks meet from the US, UK, Africa, Caribbean, and they all have someting in common. The way they have been treated throughout the history of this world. They all have heard horrible tear causing stories from their granparents, and even their own children. The all know whats its like to be a ethnic minority, even when they live in a country or continent where they are the majority. When we don't live in areas where there are many of us we gravitate to one another, giving each other an unspoken look, or head nod just to show, we acknowledge each others Blackness. When we are around each other we embrace our Blackness and our culture much more than we do when we are around others. WE wear our hair differently, we dress differently, we talk about differnet things. We have converstaions and speech patterns we would never share with other races no matter how down we think they are. When we do it fuels debates like the one on here cause others just don't understand.

I know this may be new for many to understand, even if you've been around Black people for years, dated Black men, had Black friends, listen to reggae, rap, soul and R&B. There are just somethings that you will never get. Either you can't physically experience them, like having someone call you a N----, have people tell you to cover your nappy hair, spit at you cause your Black, through hateful slurs at you, say your pretty for a Black girl, ask if you wash your hair, sit in an office of all whites, sit in a school of all whites, sit on a bus, at a movie, in the mall......its a different world from our eyes. Then there's just the stuff we as Black folks talk about in the privacy of or Black neighborhoods, some of that stuff will never come out to the public til the day we all die!!!!

SO when issues like JENA 6 come out well you're just getting a bit of a taste of what we talk about and how we talk on the DL.


Girl you hit the nail on the head! Thank you for your eloquent, well written, enlightful post. Oh but maybe my ideas or throughts aren't worthy because I am a "NEWBIE"!!!!! #######???? I think it is quite the opposite because you see we all have more experience .................(let it go......)

Thanks again....

I think the veterans comments were made as far as the spirit of the way previous discussions have occured and not necessarily what was said.

But....once AGAIN, everything was taken completely out of context !!! No wonder folks are droppin like flies....
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-09-29 11:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
QUOTE (Minfay @ Sep 28 2007, 07:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Deyoungting @ Sep 28 2007, 06:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You are no longer worth the effort or my VALUABLE time to sit down and respond to your obilivious statements.

You've GOT to be kidding me!!!!

This forum was started for US to have a place to help each other -- not BASH each other every chance we get.

What is wrong with someone having an opinion? That's just fine if you don't agree with it but do we have to get so nasty?

I have been around (and been a party to) plenty of prejudice in my life. It is what it is. Yeah, it's a shame that in this day and age things like this still go on -- I am sorry for that. I really am. But I don't go around making it worse. Whatever......

Ya know Mindy.....I TOTALLY miss the good ole days when we used to laugh, joke, support, be caring, etc etc and not have ANY of this BS drama on here !!!!! Where the heck are all of our "veterans"????!!!
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-09-28 09:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
QUOTE (kimmykashi @ Sep 25 2007, 05:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Kelly, I hate any kind of discrimination based on color whether it be black or white. I seen many many black people jump thru those same hoops when trying to help when in need. I have seen white people LIVE on welfare as well as black people for years. It is hard for the people sho need it in their hard times, that have something but just not enough. I do feel u on the whole staring thing..just not acceptable, but then again is this a reaction to what they have been taught for so many years? Can not get past a "white" woman being with "their" black men b/c of the hatred they dealt with for so long. people get mad when u listen to "their" music b/c black people faught hard to have something to call their own ? These r questions. I on the other hand do not give a rats a$$ who or what anyone dates.

QUOTE (luvtravlin @ Sep 25 2007, 04:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jawi876 @ Sep 25 2007, 02:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (luvtravlin @ Sep 25 2007, 02:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jamerican @ Sep 25 2007, 03:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (rhondapayter @ Sep 24 2007, 10:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (kimmykashi @ Sep 24 2007, 02:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That is for sure. Have to support the fight for justice no matter the dawg gone color of ur skin

Let me ask you this, how would you feel if you were the mother of the kid who got beat up? Would you want the bully's to get away with it and get no punishment whatsoever? Those 6 boys were in the wrong no matter how you look at it.

I don't think you EVER heard anyone condone the boys for the fighting...nor say that they shouldn't be punished. It is all about the inequality of punishment in society mainly where it involves black males. Don't say you don't want to open up a can of worms then make a statement like this because that is EXACTLY what you wanted to do! In answer to your question...If my son had gotten beaten up I would first be angry and would want the ones involved punished. If the punishment was for attempted murder for a street fight where my son had a black eye and wasn't hospitalized...was able to attend a school function the same night...had no major injuries such as broken or fractured bones then I would want an assault charge filed but not attempted MURDER for teenage boys when the shoe could have easily been on the other shoe being that my son is black IF I WAS WHITE...I may have the feelings of many whites of white priviledge thus yes I would want them tried for ATTEMPTED MURDER and then I would also see nothing wrong with the 3 nooses hanging from the tree and maybe make jokes that "oh, don't take it so seriously...they were only playing" or see no wrong in the incidents of the black boys being charged for theft of a gun because they restled it from the white boy who was threatening to shoot them. I really hope you look further at situations than the surface as to only see that the boys were wrong and that the protest were about them having no punishment!

I wasn't going to add anything to the comments being said....but....please keep in mind that this is from **MY** own personal experience.

I'm 100% caucasian and so is my son. Most of my friends and then also my sons friends are black...male & female. I've liked (and listen to) hip/hop, reggae, soul and R&B music since I think I was in the 3rd or 4th grade. I've gone to a ton of "black" concerts, functions, etc etc. Now, as a white woman, I have personally received tons and TONS of stares, rolling of eyes and have even had comments made to me about the music that I listen to from black....mostly women...... over the many years. I blow it off cause it's stupid. I was raised in a home where the word "n..r" was used almost everyday....still does. I think it again, is just ignorant & stupid!!! I have not raised my son to see color and tell him .... You do NOT like (or not like) a person just because of the color of their skin!!! I never dated a "certain color" (before I got married), I dated ...the guy, didn't matter his color. Now that I'm with (and married) to a black what, just happens to be the color of his skin. We both don't "see color" our different colors.....but....the LOOKS and comments we get, again, from mostly black women totally and absolutely blows my mind !!!!

So I guess the point I'm trying to make is the way we are (or our children) are raised and are being raised. If you are "taught" to fight....than they will fight. If you are "taught" to make racial comments/slurs ....than that's what the child/teenager will do. It is completely UNacceptable in my house, even by his black friends, to make comments OR even say the "n" word. I won't tolerate it at all !!!! They all know it too and completely respect me. If they behave in a way that is inappropriate (or try to, in my home), than I tell them...the acceptable way to act. Even though "I" know that it is totally appropriate in their home/environment. My son will make a comment that someone, say from his high school soccer team (a sophomore) is being a total jerk and that he wants to just "bop" them ....I tell him IGNORE that person and don't give them the satisfaction of being such an a&& !!!

I remember back about 20 yrs ago, I drove from Maryland down to Florida with 2 black friends (guys), the BS that was said and looks given to us !!! I remember going to the gas station and the attendant popped open his door JUST to watch us. We were being goofy. I'm sure he thought that "I" was being kidnapped!! We all just laughed about it.

It makes ME sick to DEATH that our country, even today, we still live with these absoLUTELY ridiculous prejudices !!!!! Come on....can't we all just GET ALONG ?????!!!!!!

I'm not trying to offend anyone at all, just giving you *my* personal experiences.

I understand your experiences, and to be stared at just because you are married to a Black man is crazy...and it is not cool. You stated that if a child is "taught" to fight or sees certain things done in their household...then their actions will reflect the same. However, you are contradicting yourself because you came from the same "said" environment...but you are convinced that you are different from your parents, and race does not matter to you. Care to clarify? You made an assumption that the Black boys were taught to fight at home. That may or may not be true, but you can't make that assumption without the same assumption being made about you because of your family background. Just a thought.

Understand "my" experiences??? um....I don't think so. I get stared at just because I'm listening to music that I love, just so happens to be R&B/hip Hop, reggae, soul, etc. So do you get stares and rolling of the eyes from white people when you're with your black man ???

It is not an assumption, and if you read my post, I didn't associate fighting with a "color"!!! I said, if you are taught to fight, than you'll go out and fight, etc etc...... there's no color on that stupidity !!!! Shoot....go to a bar and these teenagers (well 21 yr olds)....WHITE BOYS fight all the flippin time, absolutely and totally ridiculous over petty stuff !!!

I also had said ....from **my** personal experiences ...meaning my sons black friends (male/female) and 98% of his black friends are "city" kids. One of the boys fathers tells him (cause the boy has told me), if someone says something he doesn't agree with...beat him down and I tell this boy, that's not how you're "supposed" to react!!!! He's a VERY veeeery angry boy, is totally the way he is being raised ... "positive role model parents"....not!!! Trust me, it would break your heart if I told you the stories with this boy, it's completely unbelievable. Most recently how his flippin mother BIT him in her rage/anger and he came running to our house for safety!!! Another one of his other close friends father was shot and killed on his door step 1 week before school let out in June....random act of robbery.

I am absolutely and totally different from my parents!!! My parents and I, like I've mentioned in the past, are not close, never have been because they are just way to ignorant for me and I've told them that a million times! I've asked them how on earth can they judge someone by JUST their skin color??? because "I" personally do not get that!! I don't walk around saying this person is a "n" and that person is a "n" !! I'm SOOO far from being "racist" !!! I'm the only person in ALL of my family that has friends of all races, colors, shapes and sizes. My brother, sister, cousins AND parents do not and I'm not sure why that is!!!! I personally DO NOT "see color"....I see THE PERSON !!! I've also experienced our "welfare" system (years and years ago) and you wanna talk about prejudiceness towards white people!! Me being an educated white woman and just in need of some help?? I had to flippin jump through hoops!!!

It SUCKS, once again, really REALLY sucks how this country and especially in certain areas that "different races/colors" can't and won't get along. It's stupid, really stupid !!!

But when did R&B, hip/hop & Soul become **just** for black folk ???? Here it is....being taught that --then again is this a reaction to what they have been taught for so many years? ...okay, isn't *that* being racist ???

I mean if a black woman dates a white man, who cares???? I've never said, oh my gosh....why is she with "my" white man??? More power to her....if they are happy, that's awesome !!! A close friend of mine (woman), who is black would only date white men and, now she's married to a white guy. My guy friends that are black (most of them) will only date/marry white women.......but see, I just don't get that ****only**** dating a certain color/race ??? I've never been a person to do that !!

Have any of the black women on here dated or been in a serious relationship with a white man or another "color"?? If not..........why not ????
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-09-25 16:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
QUOTE (jawi876 @ Sep 25 2007, 02:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (luvtravlin @ Sep 25 2007, 02:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jamerican @ Sep 25 2007, 03:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (rhondapayter @ Sep 24 2007, 10:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (kimmykashi @ Sep 24 2007, 02:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That is for sure. Have to support the fight for justice no matter the dawg gone color of ur skin

Let me ask you this, how would you feel if you were the mother of the kid who got beat up? Would you want the bully's to get away with it and get no punishment whatsoever? Those 6 boys were in the wrong no matter how you look at it.

I don't think you EVER heard anyone condone the boys for the fighting...nor say that they shouldn't be punished. It is all about the inequality of punishment in society mainly where it involves black males. Don't say you don't want to open up a can of worms then make a statement like this because that is EXACTLY what you wanted to do! In answer to your question...If my son had gotten beaten up I would first be angry and would want the ones involved punished. If the punishment was for attempted murder for a street fight where my son had a black eye and wasn't hospitalized...was able to attend a school function the same night...had no major injuries such as broken or fractured bones then I would want an assault charge filed but not attempted MURDER for teenage boys when the shoe could have easily been on the other shoe being that my son is black IF I WAS WHITE...I may have the feelings of many whites of white priviledge thus yes I would want them tried for ATTEMPTED MURDER and then I would also see nothing wrong with the 3 nooses hanging from the tree and maybe make jokes that "oh, don't take it so seriously...they were only playing" or see no wrong in the incidents of the black boys being charged for theft of a gun because they restled it from the white boy who was threatening to shoot them. I really hope you look further at situations than the surface as to only see that the boys were wrong and that the protest were about them having no punishment!

I wasn't going to add anything to the comments being said....but....please keep in mind that this is from **MY** own personal experience.

I'm 100% caucasian and so is my son. Most of my friends and then also my sons friends are black...male & female. I've liked (and listen to) hip/hop, reggae, soul and R&B music since I think I was in the 3rd or 4th grade. I've gone to a ton of "black" concerts, functions, etc etc. Now, as a white woman, I have personally received tons and TONS of stares, rolling of eyes and have even had comments made to me about the music that I listen to from black....mostly women...... over the many years. I blow it off cause it's stupid. I was raised in a home where the word "n..r" was used almost everyday....still does. I think it again, is just ignorant & stupid!!! I have not raised my son to see color and tell him .... You do NOT like (or not like) a person just because of the color of their skin!!! I never dated a "certain color" (before I got married), I dated ...the guy, didn't matter his color. Now that I'm with (and married) to a black what, just happens to be the color of his skin. We both don't "see color" our different colors.....but....the LOOKS and comments we get, again, from mostly black women totally and absolutely blows my mind !!!!

So I guess the point I'm trying to make is the way we are (or our children) are raised and are being raised. If you are "taught" to fight....than they will fight. If you are "taught" to make racial comments/slurs ....than that's what the child/teenager will do. It is completely UNacceptable in my house, even by his black friends, to make comments OR even say the "n" word. I won't tolerate it at all !!!! They all know it too and completely respect me. If they behave in a way that is inappropriate (or try to, in my home), than I tell them...the acceptable way to act. Even though "I" know that it is totally appropriate in their home/environment. My son will make a comment that someone, say from his high school soccer team (a sophomore) is being a total jerk and that he wants to just "bop" them ....I tell him IGNORE that person and don't give them the satisfaction of being such an a&& !!!

I remember back about 20 yrs ago, I drove from Maryland down to Florida with 2 black friends (guys), the BS that was said and looks given to us !!! I remember going to the gas station and the attendant popped open his door JUST to watch us. We were being goofy. I'm sure he thought that "I" was being kidnapped!! We all just laughed about it.

It makes ME sick to DEATH that our country, even today, we still live with these absoLUTELY ridiculous prejudices !!!!! Come on....can't we all just GET ALONG ?????!!!!!!

I'm not trying to offend anyone at all, just giving you *my* personal experiences.

I understand your experiences, and to be stared at just because you are married to a Black man is crazy...and it is not cool. You stated that if a child is "taught" to fight or sees certain things done in their household...then their actions will reflect the same. However, you are contradicting yourself because you came from the same "said" environment...but you are convinced that you are different from your parents, and race does not matter to you. Care to clarify? You made an assumption that the Black boys were taught to fight at home. That may or may not be true, but you can't make that assumption without the same assumption being made about you because of your family background. Just a thought.

Understand "my" experiences??? um....I don't think so. I get stared at just because I'm listening to music that I love, just so happens to be R&B/hip Hop, reggae, soul, etc. So do you get stares and rolling of the eyes from white people when you're with your black man ???

It is not an assumption, and if you read my post, I didn't associate fighting with a "color"!!! I said, if you are taught to fight, than you'll go out and fight, etc etc...... there's no color on that stupidity !!!! Shoot....go to a bar and these teenagers (well 21 yr olds)....WHITE BOYS fight all the flippin time, absolutely and totally ridiculous over petty stuff !!!

I also had said ....from **my** personal experiences ...meaning my sons black friends (male/female) and 98% of his black friends are "city" kids. One of the boys fathers tells him (cause the boy has told me), if someone says something he doesn't agree with...beat him down and I tell this boy, that's not how you're "supposed" to react!!!! He's a VERY veeeery angry boy, is totally the way he is being raised ... "positive role model parents"....not!!! Trust me, it would break your heart if I told you the stories with this boy, it's completely unbelievable. Most recently how his flippin mother BIT him in her rage/anger and he came running to our house for safety!!! Another one of his other close friends father was shot and killed on his door step 1 week before school let out in June....random act of robbery.

I am absolutely and totally different from my parents!!! My parents and I, like I've mentioned in the past, are not close, never have been because they are just way to ignorant for me and I've told them that a million times! I've asked them how on earth can they judge someone by JUST their skin color??? because "I" personally do not get that!! I don't walk around saying this person is a "n" and that person is a "n" !! I'm SOOO far from being "racist" !!! I'm the only person in ALL of my family that has friends of all races, colors, shapes and sizes. My brother, sister, cousins AND parents do not and I'm not sure why that is!!!! I personally DO NOT "see color"....I see THE PERSON !!! I've also experienced our "welfare" system (years and years ago) and you wanna talk about prejudiceness towards white people!! Me being an educated white woman and just in need of some help?? I had to flippin jump through hoops!!!

It SUCKS, once again, really REALLY sucks how this country and especially in certain areas that "different races/colors" can't and won't get along. It's stupid, really stupid !!!
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-09-25 15:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
QUOTE (Marlita @ Sep 25 2007, 02:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (luvtravlin @ Sep 25 2007, 11:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I wasn't going to add anything to the comments being said....but....please keep in mind that this is from **MY** own personal experience.

I'm 100% caucasian and so is my son. Most of my friends and then also my sons friends are black...male & female. I've liked (and listen to) hip/hop, reggae, soul and R&B music since I think I was in the 3rd or 4th grade. I've gone to a ton of "black" concerts, functions, etc etc. Now, as a white woman, I have personally received tons and TONS of stares, rolling of eyes and have even had comments made to me about the music that I listen to from black....mostly women...... over the many years. I blow it off cause it's stupid. I was raised in a home where the word "n..r" was used almost everyday....still does. I think it again, is just ignorant & stupid!!! I have not raised my son to see color and tell him .... You do NOT like (or not like) a person just because of the color of their skin!!! I never dated a "certain color" (before I got married), I dated ...the guy, didn't matter his color. Now that I'm with (and married) to a black what, just happens to be the color of his skin. We both don't "see color" our different colors.....but....the LOOKS and comments we get, again, from mostly black women totally and absolutely blows my mind !!!!
So I guess the point I'm trying to make is the way we are (or our children) are raised and are being raised. If you are "taught" to fight....than they will fight. If you are "taught" to make racial comments/slurs ....than that's what the child/teenager will do. It is completely UNacceptable in my house, even by his black friends, to make comments OR even say the "n" word. I won't tolerate it at all !!!! They all know it too and completely respect me. If they behave in a way that is inappropriate (or try to, in my home), than I tell them...the acceptable way to act. Even though "I" know that it is totally appropriate in their home/environment. My son will make a comment that someone, say from his high school soccer team (a sophomore) is being a total jerk and that he wants to just "bop" them ....I tell him IGNORE that person and don't give them the satisfaction of being such an a&& !!!

I remember back about 20 yrs ago, I drove from Maryland down to Florida with 2 black friends (guys), the BS that was said and looks given to us !!! I remember going to the gas station and the attendant popped open his door JUST to watch us. We were being goofy. I'm sure he thought that "I" was being kidnapped!! We all just laughed about it.

It makes ME sick to DEATH that our country, even today, we still live with these absoLUTELY ridiculous prejudices !!!!! Come on....can't we all just GET ALONG ?????!!!!!!

I'm not trying to offend anyone at all, just giving you *my* personal experiences.

Well the reason they stare is a whole nother issue, we won't go into on here. At least not today.

Please enlighten me !!!
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-09-25 13:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
QUOTE (jawi876 @ Sep 25 2007, 02:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

You seem to be pretty cool in my short period of time here. I do not wish to sound like I am jumping on your case for your opinion, but I feel in this case, we will have to continue to beat a dead horse because I'm coming in late.

With that said, you no longer have the luxury to say you are tired of everyone making things a race issue, or to bury your head in the sand like the racial struggle is of a bygone era buried with our forefathers. You are happily married to a BLACK man, albeit of Jamaican heritage. His skin color AND his nationality will often make him GUILTY before any crime is committed. When you get tired of hearing the racial play on certain situations, try placing your husband in that same situation. This should give you idea of the outrage we feel when these acts of hatred slap us in our BLACK faces. This could have easily happened to your husband just because of the color of skin, before he had a chance to utter a word.

I know that you wish for racial equality and for everyone to just get along (I am assuming because you are in an interracial marriage). However, you have to make yourself aware of the ONGOING struggle your husband will deal with when he leaves the comfort of your home.

I do not think any of the children involved should go without punishment for their deeds and actions. However, the punishment by all means should fit the crime...not the skin. In most states, the mere fact that the White young man pulled a gun, would merit that he be charged with the crime of attempted murder, aggravated assault or the appropriate punishment based on the fact that he initiated a crime and threatened another human being's life...whether he or his friends got hurt as result or not. The Black young men acted in self defense for all intensive purposes.

Moreover, the nooses hanging from a tree were not a childish prank, it was a hate crime through and through. I cannot believe that this fact is not obvious to some. I guess it would not truly be a hate crime unless there was a Black neck in the noose and a body hanging from it...often charred beyond recognition. Again, this was an obvious and omnious threat against another human being's life.

We cannot give it a rest and pretend it doesn't exsist because the struggle and journey is not over simply because our freedom marchers are not marching everyday on Selma or boycotting. We are hit every year with some type of hate crime news...such as the Black man being dragged to his death in Texas..simply for being a BLACK man at the wrong place and time. Or the young BLACK man that was hung from a tree outside his home...that was conveniently explained away as a suicide...although the mystery of how he got himself in the noose on the tree by himself was never explained.

Rhonda, sweetie, your struggle with race relations is FAAAARRR from is actually just beginning. I hope that you love your BLACK Jamaican man for eternity...until death you do part...but growing weary of his JOURNEY is not a option in the equation.

Very well said !!!
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-09-25 13:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
QUOTE (jamerican @ Sep 25 2007, 03:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (rhondapayter @ Sep 24 2007, 10:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (kimmykashi @ Sep 24 2007, 02:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That is for sure. Have to support the fight for justice no matter the dawg gone color of ur skin

Let me ask you this, how would you feel if you were the mother of the kid who got beat up? Would you want the bully's to get away with it and get no punishment whatsoever? Those 6 boys were in the wrong no matter how you look at it.

I don't think you EVER heard anyone condone the boys for the fighting...nor say that they shouldn't be punished. It is all about the inequality of punishment in society mainly where it involves black males. Don't say you don't want to open up a can of worms then make a statement like this because that is EXACTLY what you wanted to do! In answer to your question...If my son had gotten beaten up I would first be angry and would want the ones involved punished. If the punishment was for attempted murder for a street fight where my son had a black eye and wasn't hospitalized...was able to attend a school function the same night...had no major injuries such as broken or fractured bones then I would want an assault charge filed but not attempted MURDER for teenage boys when the shoe could have easily been on the other shoe being that my son is black IF I WAS WHITE...I may have the feelings of many whites of white priviledge thus yes I would want them tried for ATTEMPTED MURDER and then I would also see nothing wrong with the 3 nooses hanging from the tree and maybe make jokes that "oh, don't take it so seriously...they were only playing" or see no wrong in the incidents of the black boys being charged for theft of a gun because they restled it from the white boy who was threatening to shoot them. I really hope you look further at situations than the surface as to only see that the boys were wrong and that the protest were about them having no punishment!

I wasn't going to add anything to the comments being said....but....please keep in mind that this is from **MY** own personal experience.

I'm 100% caucasian and so is my son. Most of my friends and then also my sons friends are black...male & female. I've liked (and listen to) hip/hop, reggae, soul and R&B music since I think I was in the 3rd or 4th grade. I've gone to a ton of "black" concerts, functions, etc etc. Now, as a white woman, I have personally received tons and TONS of stares, rolling of eyes and have even had comments made to me about the music that I listen to from black....mostly women...... over the many years. I blow it off cause it's stupid. I was raised in a home where the word "n..r" was used almost everyday....still does. I think it again, is just ignorant & stupid!!! I have not raised my son to see color and tell him .... You do NOT like (or not like) a person just because of the color of their skin!!! I never dated a "certain color" (before I got married), I dated ...the guy, didn't matter his color. Now that I'm with (and married) to a black what, just happens to be the color of his skin. We both don't "see color" our different colors.....but....the LOOKS and comments we get, again, from mostly black women totally and absolutely blows my mind !!!!

So I guess the point I'm trying to make is the way we are (or our children) are raised and are being raised. If you are "taught" to fight....than they will fight. If you are "taught" to make racial comments/slurs ....than that's what the child/teenager will do. It is completely UNacceptable in my house, even by his black friends, to make comments OR even say the "n" word. I won't tolerate it at all !!!! They all know it too and completely respect me. If they behave in a way that is inappropriate (or try to, in my home), than I tell them...the acceptable way to act. Even though "I" know that it is totally appropriate in their home/environment. My son will make a comment that someone, say from his high school soccer team (a sophomore) is being a total jerk and that he wants to just "bop" them ....I tell him IGNORE that person and don't give them the satisfaction of being such an a&& !!!

I remember back about 20 yrs ago, I drove from Maryland down to Florida with 2 black friends (guys), the BS that was said and looks given to us !!! I remember going to the gas station and the attendant popped open his door JUST to watch us. We were being goofy. I'm sure he thought that "I" was being kidnapped!! We all just laughed about it.

It makes ME sick to DEATH that our country, even today, we still live with these absoLUTELY ridiculous prejudices !!!!! Come on....can't we all just GET ALONG ?????!!!!!!

I'm not trying to offend anyone at all, just giving you *my* personal experiences.
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-09-25 13:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
QUOTE (jamerican @ Sep 21 2007, 02:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This just out.....To stimulate sluggish fall sales, Air Jamaica has slashed airfares from North America by up to 50 per cent.


All the airlines did !!
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-09-21 20:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

A friend sent this to me today....

Bill Gates recently gave a speech at a High School about 11 things they did not and will not learn in school. He talks about how feel-good, politically correct teachings created a generation of kids with no concept of reality and how this concept set them up for failure in the real world.

Rule 1 : Life is not fair - get used to it!

Rule 2 : The world won't care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something BEFORE you feel good about yourself.

Rule 3 : You will NOT make $60,000. a year right out of high school. You won't be a vice-president with a car phone until you earn both.

Rule 4 : If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss.

Rule 5 : Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your Grandparents had a different word for burger flipping: they called it opportunity.

Rule 6 : If you mess up, it's not your parents' fault, so don't whine about your mistakes, learn from them!!!

Rule 7 : Before you were born, your parent(s) weren't as boring as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about how cool you thought you were. So before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parent's generation, try delousing the closet in your own room.

Rule 8 : Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life HAS NOT. In some schools, they have abolished failing grades and they'll give you as MANY TIMES as you want to get the right answer. This does NOT bear the slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life!!!

Rule 9 : Life is not divided into semesters. You don't get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you FIND YOURSELF. Do that on your own time.

Rule 10 : Television is NOT real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.

Rule 11 : Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one; if you are one, congratulations on your hard work!

If you agree, pass it on.
If you can read this - Thank a teacher!
If you are reading it in English -Thank a soldier!
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-09-21 10:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
QUOTE (Jomo @ Sep 21 2007, 10:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (FutureMrs @ Sep 20 2007, 04:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I forgot to mention/ask advice about this.

The Miami POE kept the whole packet that Marlon presented to them. Any chance that we may get it back? It's not a big deal as Marlon has an extra copy of his BC. I know that we have to submit the certified copy of our marriage license for AOS and I only paid for one, it was $18.50. The lady at the court advised me to use it first to change my name and for my SS card and passport name change before we send it for AOS. Does that sound about right?

Also Kelly (Luvtrav) Marlon will be emailing you if he hasn't done so already in order for his dad and step mom to book some tickets through you for Jamaica.

I told you they were going to keep it. That's the main reason I advise everyone to have their SO get an extra BC before they leave jamaica.

It sounds right, Sarah. I needed my certified marriage certificate to change my name on everything: SSN, DL, Passport, credit cards, the bank....and for a few misc. things like health insurance, car insurance,and life insurance, etc..........I would really advise you get at least one more copy so you have less to worry about. With the passport, I had to mail it off and HOPE it came back safe and sound. It did, btw!!!!!

Our marriage license was $25.00. You will need (AFTER you get married) a copy of your marriage certificate to send with your AOS packet. Then if you get an interview, you may need the original if they chose to keep it. Craig only has 1 flippin extra of his original birth certificate, but we haven't had to use it for any far. I only needed his passport to get the marriage license and he didn't have to be present with me. Unless they will keep it if and when we get an interview?? Craig has his xray....but that didn't mean squat when he went to get his medical done because there wasn't documentation from the doctor saying anything about the xray --even though there was a stamp on the envelope from Andrews Medical and he had the doctors form filled out. Again that didn't matter when it came time to do the in our area. I haven't change my name for other I can't help you out with that question.

Make sure you look at his medical information and check when the expiration date is that it's good for!!!
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-09-21 09:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
QUOTE (JALOVE @ Sep 19 2007, 04:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (luvtravlin @ Sep 19 2007, 03:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (brownnskinn @ Sep 19 2007, 02:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (kimmykashi @ Sep 18 2007, 01:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Can I vent for a minute

I AM SICK AND TIRED OF COOKING..DUMPLIN, RICE, CHICKEN (CURRY,STEWED, BAKED,BBQ), FISH SHRIMP, CABBAGE AND CALALOO EVERY FREAKING WEEK..I WANT A CHANGE headbonk.gif crying.gif ranting33va.gif and he doesn't want to try any other Italian or anything ..he's driving me nuts and I LOVE pasta

I'm late but me too, I have to cook three meals, one for me, the kids and then hubby blink.gif

Craig eats absolutely everything....well except for broccoli. I've cooked everything, every which way and he eats every last drop... never ever complains. I just throw dishes together and he jokes that I'm trying to kill him. I am the one that just can't stomach ackee and calaloo, actually most jamaican food. He makes dumplings and they are okay. He makes the best darn chicken dishes!! He says he doesn't really "miss" jamaican food, sometimes he would like to have some...but there's no JA restaurants close to us and the one place we went to (30 min from us)....just way too darn expensive!!

Have you tried Tashes Ankh, in Randallstown on Liberty Road, thats not too far from Elicott City arent you there? Then theres Judy's on Park Heights i like that one best but there are so many others. Tashes is the closest ive never tried them.

Tashes Ankh Caribbean Carryout is located at 8045 Liberty Rd Windsor Mill, MD. Phone: 410-922-9196

Judy's Island Grill and Bake Shop
5216 Park Heights Ave.
Park Heights
Baltimore, MD

Thanks for the info, never heard of either of those places!! Even my jamaican friend never told me 'bout them. The 1st one is 15 min from us.
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-09-20 06:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
QUOTE (rhondapayter @ Sep 19 2007, 04:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
All you mommies out there - do you have any solutions for lower back pain? I'm dying over here crying.gif Any tips, advice, solutions, remedies would be helpful.....

I had absolutely horrible lower back pains starting my 4th month and lasted up to birth-day. I just tried a ton of stretching exercises. Now my lower back hurts from other stuff....but I bought this orthopedic/contour pillow thing from Linens and things that goes between the legs (upper thigh area). It has done WONDERS!!!!!! I sleep with it every night...and my back pain is totally gone!!!
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-09-19 14:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
QUOTE (brownnskinn @ Sep 19 2007, 02:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (kimmykashi @ Sep 18 2007, 01:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Can I vent for a minute

I AM SICK AND TIRED OF COOKING..DUMPLIN, RICE, CHICKEN (CURRY,STEWED, BAKED,BBQ), FISH SHRIMP, CABBAGE AND CALALOO EVERY FREAKING WEEK..I WANT A CHANGE headbonk.gif crying.gif ranting33va.gif and he doesn't want to try any other Italian or anything ..he's driving me nuts and I LOVE pasta

I'm late but me too, I have to cook three meals, one for me, the kids and then hubby blink.gif

Craig eats absolutely everything....well except for broccoli. I've cooked everything, every which way and he eats every last drop... never ever complains. I just throw dishes together and he jokes that I'm trying to kill him. I am the one that just can't stomach ackee and calaloo, actually most jamaican food. He makes dumplings and they are okay. He makes the best darn chicken dishes!! He says he doesn't really "miss" jamaican food, sometimes he would like to have some...but there's no JA restaurants close to us and the one place we went to (30 min from us)....just way too darn expensive!!
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-09-19 14:56:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
QUOTE (Jomo @ Sep 18 2007, 09:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (kimmykashi @ Sep 17 2007, 05:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hahhaaaa..all u'll crazy talkin bout take off from wife and mommy...did u'll figet we are "SUPERWOMEN" wecan't take a day off.... mad.gif tongue_ss.gif ...although, I REALLY WANT ONE "ARGH"! i'm starting to plan my vaca for next year...since we caaan afford JA yet..we may go to Disney

Do you get some sort of deals at Disney? The whole reason I ended up in Jamaica on my very first trip was cause it was cheaper then going to Florida and Disney.

I want to take Andre to Disney, Sea World, and Universal Studios.

Disney is WAY expensive and goes up in price every year!!! especially if you stay on Disney properties. I've stayed all over down there and have been a million much, we're Disney'ed out. This one place we stay (off Disney) it's a great place, walking distance to alot of great places to eat and is 1/2 between Disney and Universal. I love Universal !! Sea World, unless you can do the behind the scene (backstage tour), not worth going.

You couldn't pay me to go during a major Thanksgiving or Christmas, just WAY to many people that it's not very enjoyable. We've gone during times when school is off for a 3 day weekend, or I've taken my son out for a day or 2. My parents went (drove from Maryland) a couple years ago (not listening to their travel professional daughter) to Disney parents learned their lesson the hard way. Two 2 hour waits, minimum to get into anything!!! Traffic they said....horrendous!!!

My sons club soccer coach wants to take the team down there (he's not paying for it...of course) to play next year over Christmas....I'm like....have fun !!!
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-09-18 09:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
QUOTE (kkholiday2006 @ Sep 17 2007, 03:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (nannygirl82 @ Sep 17 2007, 02:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Deyoungting @ Sep 17 2007, 02:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (nannygirl82 @ Sep 17 2007, 02:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (kkholiday2006 @ Sep 17 2007, 12:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It's really slow on VJ today....people must be on VACATION?????

i really do need a vacation cool.gif

i was just looking at our aos ticker...can't believe it has been 6 months and nothing...hhhmmm i think i need to call a senator's office yes.gif


You and me BOTH!!!! yes.gif yes.gif

for sure...i want to just go some where and be pampered like a princess..... yes.gif laughing.gif

I think that's a reasonable request for us all. A spa sounds nice.

Girl, I double triple that !!!! Just to be able to get away and not be a mommy and a wife !!!!!!! Ahhh, that would be SOOOO NICE right now.....

Okay, wake up, back to reality .....argh !!
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-09-17 17:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
QUOTE (rhondapayter @ Sep 13 2007, 04:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (luvtravlin @ Sep 12 2007, 10:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My son asked me when he got his schedule for HS..... do I have a reading class? I said, nope....doesn't happen after middle school !!!

What???!!!!! ohmy.gif Doesn't he have an English class? We HAD to take English - or Language Arts or composition or writing or whatever you want to call it - every year of our 4 years in high school. I had to read a TON of books in high school and then write papers on them. Not a problem for me as I love to read - a lot of the kids bought Cliff Notes to try to avoid reading the whole book! But there was no escaping it.

All the way up to the 8th grade, here in our county, there is Reading *and* English classes. Two totally separate graded classes, so not having it in HS, confused my son (as well as myself). Since he's been always "labeled" below reading level because of never passing any County assessments, they put him in the smaller English class (of 11 kids) and 2 teachers. English was NEVER his favorite subject, ever...... now you ask him what his favorite class is........English !!
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-09-13 10:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
QUOTE (kkholiday2006 @ Sep 12 2007, 06:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (luvtravlin @ Sep 12 2007, 06:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jengles @ Sep 12 2007, 05:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (kkholiday2006 @ Sep 12 2007, 05:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jomo @ Sep 12 2007, 04:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (kkholiday2006 @ Sep 12 2007, 03:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jomo @ Sep 12 2007, 04:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (kkholiday2006 @ Sep 12 2007, 03:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jomo @ Sep 12 2007, 03:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (kkholiday2006 @ Sep 12 2007, 02:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Does anyone have to deal with a competitive environment at work? If so, how do you deal with it without being unethical? Just a question to through out there.

I think you are going to have to elaborate just a bit on this one, KK, for me to form an answer.

LOL. I guess I'll describe my situation. I'm working with a team where I'm new fairly too. Well, I had to listen for an hour about a former team member that wanted to be the "STAR." And how she would try to give her suggestions all the time. Well, I'm seeing it from another light. It doesn't seem like the old team member was the only fault. I've had conversations with the team on what should be done and was shut down. One team member call manager and manager says same thing I said. Then she just disregarded that I said anything. I'm very technical and can quote standards (Policies and Procedures) and not to say I know everything..but I have something to offer. If I don't know something, I'm going to research the heck out of it. So far several ocassions has past where I put my two cents in and got robbed. LOL. Now, I'm really in the mood to just speak my mind and not in a polite way. mad.gif

How new are you to the team? To the company? Maybe you just have to wait out that period of time where you all get to know each other better and learn to appreciate what everyone has to offer.

I love when someone comes in, knowing important things already; but not running all over everyone. I always step back and see how they interact before I accept them fully. I've had so many new people come in and take over, only to crash and burn later, leaving me to pick up the pieces. Thus, the reason I am cautious. Could it be something like that?

Umm...I guess. But when she is quoting the wrong references...It gets kind of funny. I'm laughing inside right now. laughing.gif no0pb.gif

One....Cause she is "teaching" the group ,using white board and all, on how to do some work. But she is referenceing the wrong references...and the fact that that reference has been superceded by new ones. She should know this.

Two....She calls the manager for everything. Where I came from you made decisions and presented it to the managers. It just make her look weak.

Third....I'm new but we are both "supervisors", why is she reviewing my work. Keep in mind One and Two above. I was told by the manager that he would review. I don't trust her review comments. She don't even know what the correct standard we are following.

That's a little more touchy, KK. Even though I would feel like saying, hey you have to be more tactful. You might have to just pull her aside and tell her you thought it was this instead of this or something like that.

Part of your scenario sounds to me like you will just have to wait out the newness. Part of it makes me wonder if she isn't an idiot. Just bide you time, girl. If she is a clown, your time will come to show her up in a very tactful, yet important way, where everyone will notice.

innocent.gif I invited her to a meeting with the client that I'm running. And, I will politely reference the right standards. innocent.gif

just be careful about the reviewing your work, this should be a temporary thing I'm assuming because your new, don't let it become permanent...she probably feels threatned by you because your new. Try making her feel at ease,

If I just read all of this correctly and not knowing the field you're in....... could you go to your supervisor and say.... I just want to make sure that I have up-to-date information/standards or whatever term you would use .... and show him/her what you have been given. Then it would be up to your boss to make sure that everyone (ie that other goofball) has her correct info straight? Is your supervisor one to do something about issues ? or stand back and not take any heat ? Cause those types....argh !!

At my pt-time job my boss (he owns a financial planning business out of his home) just hired 2 new people in the last week. I've been there a little over 2 yrs and he's been through 3 people for that position. I am the one moving desks and having to be inconvenienced to say the least....but I tell him!!! The work that he hired for is VERY easy, but not busy work. The last chic (just quit)...24 yrs old, married to an "older man" (he's 38) and she's a step-mother to his autistic son (I've seen her with him....lets just say she needs ALOT of parenting classes --told me SHE doesn't want kids because that would take up all of HER free time!!!), and then she sucks her thumb !!!! She made a MILLION mistakes, but I made it known that since SHE was making the mistakes and it was reflecting my job and not getting done what "I" need to do to be productive. I'm only there a couple of hours a week, not doing my job AND her job!!!

So one of the employees (a woman) ....thinks SHE knows everything about anything !! I'm not sure how long she's going to last. When my boss called her references, warning flags by a couple of her last employers said, watch her attendance!!! Yesterday when I was there, she was complaining that she thought she was getting sick.....and she's only been there 4 days !!!!

Good luck ! It's a tough position to be in.

It's just hard not being heard.

I totally hear ya....that's the problem with the 2 travel agencies....older folk SET in their ways and their ways, especially in this fast paced industry was NEVER going to work !!!! That's why they are both out of business and here I am truckin along.

Some how, some way..... we gotta get you "heard" !!!! What type of job/position are you in?
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-09-12 17:28:00