Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
I suggest you get your facts straight before you accuse me of 'trashing' Jamaican men.
Actually, I am English.
Suprisingly enough I am moving to the US for LOVE ;)

Come on.................lighten up !!!! This is exactly WHY we've lost ladies (and maybe some men) from this thread !!! That's awesome that you ARE coming here for love...............but................please remember we are **mostly** talking about the "JA" MEN !!!!!!!!!!!

Just an FYI, here in our area (of Maryland) Craig not having a GED, has not prevented him from getting a job. He's applied (and has received) jobs from 4 different temp agencies ...not once have any asked about schooling. Just the technolgy school he wants to go to.
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-05-04 13:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)


While the men are waiting for AOS, can't they get into a training program or something. To keep them busy. I've already found three programs for him to do while he gets his AOS. One being his GED, which I found out last night he can get for free. He wanted to try and find a job right a way but I told him no, it's better to get that piece of paper first.

Now I'm not talking about two and three year programs. If every thing goes well, he'll be up here while i'm on maternity leave so we will have some stay at home time together.

Your posts have been very helpful. Just from reading your posts, have helped me talk about certain subjects with him in regards to when he comes here. As to him being/feeling independent. he has an independant income in JA that can help him when he comes as to paying for one of his training programs and bringing money to help out. So I hope it works out because of course he feels no need to rush about anything

I am kind of getting worried now, I went to school in Jamaica, and even though I have 10 years law enforcement experience, I am wondering if they accept CXC (Caribbean Examinations Council) passes as equivalent to GED??
I also finished a year in university but didn't finish my degree.....

Would be interested to hear if anyone's spouse's Jamaican qualification was accepted?

My friend told me his Jamaican schooling didn't mean squat when it came to getting a job here in the US and he had to get a GED. I would HIGHLY recommend, if you can swing it (meaning him getting to and from) getting him into any type of programs. Craig really wants to get into Air conditioning stuff .....but needs a GED for the place that he's interested in. It's just about finding the time..... Also with **some** they aren't the best at reading and writing. Craig can do both, although slow, but when he came here I made a bunch of blank copies of employment applications and helped him so that he knows how to fill them out correctly. This may sound childish, but I have some 1st and 2nd grade learning books that I've kept over the years and a phonics typing thing and Craig said that helps him ALOT.

So any "extra" positive programs/educational stuff like that.............definitely !!!!
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-05-04 12:54:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
America is the land of opportunity for SOME. Opportunity to get a degree, have a good job, continue education is also available for SOME in Jamaica. TO YOU 'so much more is offered here'. TO ME, and to some people from Jamaica, America does NOT offer more!!
'More' is subjective according to what you were used to in Jamaica.
To me, that statement sounds like 'he should be eternally grateful that some woman plucked him out of poverty, not knowing where his next meal was coming from, working six days a week, to live in the Promised Land'.

Now, NOT FOR ONE second do I condone Nannygirl's husband's actions. But your statement was wrong.
You may not have meant it that way, but that's how it sounded to me and others who have pm'd me on this issue.
Now, I am NOT looking for an argument, NOT trying to put you down, I am merely pointing out how your statement comes across. If I were married to someone who presumed I had to 'remember where I was coming from' or even insinuated that, I would be GONE.

Now easy girlfriend....

When we went to the Jamaican little restaurant there, I was chatting with the Jamaican girl taking our order. We talked about Jamaica, where she's from (didn't think Craig was Jamaican until she asked where we were both from), we talked about travel and she asked me for a business card, than SHE SAID, it's so nice and I love it when women go to Jamaica on vacation and bring back a man to HELP HIM !!! I said, oh this isn't 'bout helping him, we truly love each other. She said to Craig, you better treat your woman with TOTAL respect, do not get caught up in the AMERICAN ways and it seems like you met a great gal here!!

When we got in the car, I laughed and said, that's just funny how they (the folks that "I" have come in contact with) think that WE bring you guys here JUST to help you !!! Craig's mom thanks me ALL of the time for HELPING HIM to come here. I sometimes get annoyed by that, but ....she doesn't "get it" since she's never been here. From MY own personal experience, they **think** we are helping to bring them here *just* to help them. I told Craig, yeah, in a way I did help him and I'm happy that he gets to live in a place he really likes AND has more opportunities. Craig LOVES it here and would NEVER move back !! He said he wants to go **JUST** to go on vacation.
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-05-04 09:22:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
hey this is a suggestion....have any of who are having some marriagee problems ever thought about letting one man speak to another like maybe the guy who was felling messed up in the beginning with adjusting can speak to the one who is struggling now.

Been there, done that WAAAAAY to many times!!! I have a male Jamaican friend (who is 10 yrs older than Craig) that I've known from Negril for 10yrs that lives here in Maryland (12 miles from us) and Craig "knew" of him before he came here ...from the guys on the beach in Negril. Mophead (my friend) has spoken to Craig a TON of times and the "talks" worked for a couple of days and then Craig would go back to his BS because he spoke to his cousin or friends (in Jamaica) !!!

Craig and Mike (Shauna's man) .....TALK..... and yesterday Craig was way ticked and called Mike and had a SERIOUS heart to heart with him....but Mike had to hear from a guy who has been here (6 months longer than him), who has "been there, done that". Now it may just be a "quick fix", but was someone that he could lean on.

For the newbies..........I truly do feel that if there is a Jamaican man (of course a positive influence) here, that has been here for a little bit or better yet, has gone through the process already that your man could "lean on" when he gets here, would help tremendously !!! Just think 'bout it ....

TGIF !!!!!!!!!! The weather is supposed to be gorgeous here this weekend !!! Great soccer weather ;o) !!!
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-05-04 09:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

jlvr....You might consider rescheduling your trip next month to the actually date of interview. It is far better to actually attend the interview. In our case, they asked me most of the questions. Plus, the nerves are so crazy that he really need you at the interview to support him. Just my opinion....... :whistle:

Shauna-Call me girl......I think the adjustment for many of these men is really hard and they begin to act up . Duane and I had a LONGGGGG talk last night...(considering the fact that we are both stressed about me possibly being pregnant) and he gave me a wonderful view into how he is actually let me summarize for everyone so that each of us can learn something (especially for those of you that are in the stages of K-1 still:

So...he said that he came to America with so many expectations of how "foreign" was.....primarily based on what he heard or saw through television....even though I had gone over things a million times with him before he arrived, he says that once he arrived, he finally realized that everything was so different.....poverty to some degree was actually worse in America....our econony requires them to work three times harder than they ever worked back in Jamaica, everything is "on-hold" waiting for our crazy government to push the approved a man, he felt helpless and unable to provide, eveything in the house was "mine" and he did not feel anything was "his home", he was homesick, missed his kids, missed his family, he was starting his life all over in a place where he knows nobody but me and has very little to offer me. This can make any man feel worthless and depressed...they kill their free time by doing studid stuff on the internet, sleeping, eating and basically being depressed while we go on and live our life as usual..... after 10 months of being in this Country, he has finally started to understand my point of view. Our marriage is the main focus, making money to provide for us as a family and trying to save for all the good things like vacations, "new toys" and having good Christian values. He said that it has taken him months to finally get it....He realizes that the adjustment for both of us has been hard and he has acted extremely selfish at times because he only saw the impact that everything was having on him and NOT me........For the most part, we ALL would be kidding ourselves to think that these men did not see any opportunity in coming to America. There is more opportunity here than in Jamaica but for most of them.....this was not their primary goal or reason for coming...They did fall in love with us and most of these men truly do LOVE us and...they really want it to work out. They just do not know how to make it work in the beginning and it takes an incredibly amount of time, patience and energy......Now. some of you may not have had any of these adjustment problems and I admire you....I KNOW for a fact that Duane loves me to death and we have had some really tough times with this adjustment....this is HARD WORK......

So Miss Shauna.......ONLY YOU know how Mike truly feels about you and maybe you need to step back and really get in touch with those feelings. If you think this can be saved, hang does get better with time.....Duane has really worked hard to adjust and I would have kicked myself in the butt if I let him leave 4 months ago when I packed his SH.....ITTTT....So...hang in there girl..... :thumbs:

Kim..............EVERYTHING you had said is RIGHT ON THE MONEY, at least in "my/our" experience !!!!! Craig was bee-atching today about not having a job, not having money, not feeling like a man because HE can't help and WAA-LAA a call came in from a temp agency for him to work tomorrow and then another came in to start working at a hotel on Tuesday!!!! Craig does now (finally) help out around the house with dishes, laundry and making the's a start.

I know that Craig loves me as well, we are both very much commited to each other. We "get into it" differently now. Those women days are gone and he FINALLY realizes that STUPID S**T will NOT get him anywhere but BACK to Jamaica. He did it ONLY for "the money"....whatever. His priorities have TOTALLY changed, for the better. Our relationship and the relationship he has with my son is SOOO much better.

Craig has been...this month will be 11 months !

Hey Shemonya, have you guys ever been to the Jerk Pit in College Park ?? We went there was AWESOME!!! It's only about 25 min from our place. We met up with one of my clients out that way today and it was right around the corner. Thank god it's not closer, we'd go broke !!!

Shauna..........girl, I'm here for ya. He just needs a good ole butt -whoopin !!!
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-05-03 18:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

:yes: Hey Everyone,

I have decided to delete my VJ account today due to some issues from another thread. I strongly believe that some people on this site are very disrespectful and take pleasure in making others feel stupid. This is supposed to be an informational site and no one should feel stupid or be-littled (sp?) in any way. It really upsets me the way posts are being replied to and even when I first joined VJ, I was a little shocked at the way my posts were being answered. I don't like being disrespected, nor do I like to watch others being disrespected. I clearly indicated this in the thread "Do You Treat People The Same As Online" (Off Topic Form) and apparently someone took my comments as well as others as threatening.

So I am going to go to rid myself of this teenage chat room behavior because my “threatening” comments can be prevented if I didn’t come on this site. The last thing I want is for someone to think my 5’4, pregnant body could be threatening, when I can barely stand up in the morning.

Maybe I have anger management issues, but I can only operate based on where I come from, and whether it is online or in person, respect is expected regardless of where the other person is located. People are disrespectful online because they feel that they can be, and I just think it’s rude. And its seriously getting on my nerves.

So I hope everyone has the speediest approvals, I hope all marriages work out, I hope all babies are born healthy (hopefully we are all carrying one) and if you are pregnant I hope you wear a bikini on the beach because our big bellies are adorable! Maybe I will catch you all in JA someday. If do you want to get in touch with me, my email is: or I check my emails daily. Thanks for all the support, you guys were very helpful.

(F) Mrs. Jones

Are you talking 'bout the Yardie thread??? If so, did "I" miss something? If it's another part of the VJ site, shoot....I wouldn't listen to what some of them say. I go on other threads to try to find information and sometimes I'm just amazed at how rude some folks are. It's UNbelievable!!! We may say things on this Yardie thread, that are from **our** personal experience, but .....someone was very disrespectful and made someone feel stupid ??

I hope you stay, everyones insight is valuable in one way or another !!!!

MINDY WHERE ARE YOU??????????????????????
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-05-03 18:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

Is it recommeded that the petitioner attend the consulate interview for K-1? I really want to attend my fiance's interview when it comes to that time. He thinks it's a waste since he probably won't get to fly back with me. What do you think?

I would HIGHLY recommend it !!!! Even if you go the day before and fly back the day after....
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-05-02 14:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
Okay...have to vent....

I called 15 different places on the civil surgeon list for our surrounding areas and found one that would *only* charge $ I thought. ALLLLLL of the civil surgeons that I called will NOT just transfer the information, he HAD to do a complete physical, but suppovisely no extra shots were to be given !!! So we get there this morning (oh and by the way, this is the same place where Shemonya went and it only cost her $11.00 about a year ago)....Craig had to fill out about 15 different forms with ALLLL kinds of BS. Even on his 693 form the doctor at Andrews had checked off "not age appropriate" for the Hepatitis shot, BUT ...they would not accept that and we had to pay an additional $97.00 for just that flippin shot !! OH and they would not take his Xray's as proof of a TB test. So he had to get that and he has to go back in 2 days for them to *look* at his arm and then we have to wait a week for the bloodwork to all come back and go back and get the forms.

It seems that the "new deal", at least in Maryland (and Delaware), that they HAVE to do a complete Physical and no exceptions!!!

So the total .....$205.00 and 2 visits back ! Argh....
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-04-30 12:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

Ive been thinking about TExasbound all night. I am so sorry this happened to you. You know I would hire DOG THE BOUNTY HUNTER!!! : ) Im not kidding. I would track him down and make him look into my face as he went away. He wouldnt forget me ever again!

Today has been particulary very hard for me. Im doing my best to try to compose myselft at work without bursting into tears. I just cant understand. I prayed & waited for this for so long. I am at a loss. I am at a loss, I am at a loss.

I know this is very very hard for you ....just try to stay, taking your son out and doing *fun* things for the 2 of you.

Just remember, it's ALLLLL 'bout Karma and he WILL get what's coming to him !!!!!!!!
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-04-27 13:45:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

The Visa showed up today, Nickiesha will be able to make her flight tomorrow. :dance: :dance: :dance:

CONGRATS to you 2 Eric !!! Wow, what a great way to start off your weekend, huh??

luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-04-27 13:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

Thanks, Kel. I would only need help with flights cause we will stay at Andre's mom's house. They are even building another room on for us since they gutted out his old room. I will keep you in mind....we are looking at Christmas time maybe.

If you have an idea as to when you're traveling (or wherever), I keep a list of "airfare to watch" at my computer and I keep a constant eye out for airfare for my clients.....
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-04-26 12:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
Neither one of us know much about Ochi, whereabouts will you be?[/quote]
Awesome :dance: Yeah, we'll have to hook up. We'll be staying at "Rooms on the Beach" (formerly Club Jamaica). It's nice - recently all renovated with all the necessities and literally right on the beach!! It is located right in the heart of Ochi on Turtle Beach. It is just West of Sunset Jamaica Grande. If you're still looking for a hotel, it's a nice little 3 star - it usually goes for $95 a night for an ocean-view w/ balcony but we got it on special for $75 on :D

You can also PM me if you want.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO dont stay there. We just got back. I will tell you why..PM me.

Please post what you happened at that hotel. I have clients interested in staying there for their honeymoon and from the reviews that I've done, didn't seem like such a bad place. I've only been to Ochi 2x, but it was a long time ago. Rooms is a SuperClubs property as of 2004.

Please keep me in mind if you need help with any of your travel arrangements. Thanks :thumbs:

luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-04-26 12:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
I LOVE YS Falls and the Black River. I've been soooo many times. I've got some really really cool pics there too and of me petting Charlie, the "famous" crododile. I, personally, have no desire to go to Dunns River.
Yes, we saw Charlie, Tom and Jerry and another one!!
Dunns River has become so commercialized it has lost so much of it's appeal......YS was so much better, had this unspolit air about it.....Only bad thing, they've just installed a rope glider thingy that you pay $30 US to use.....Had to edit the wires out of my photos :(

Posted Image

Really?? When did they put that in there? I was there 2 July's ago. I LOVE the pool they put in, but don't like the bottom....all rocks !

Mayfield Falls is nice too. I just hope both of them don't get to comercialized... have you done the horseback riding at the Country Western Riding stables, closer to Negril --by the West End? ALOT of fun!!!

A friend of mine, who lives, took me for the day to hang out with her friend Jackie....of Jackies on the Reef. have GOT to check this place out. It was sooooooooooooooooo unbelievably relaxing !!!
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-04-25 13:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

This is a photo I took last week, it's at YS Falls......

Would love to see some favs of yours...

Posted Image

I LOVE YS Falls and the Black River. I've been soooo many times. I've got some really really cool pics there too and of me petting Charlie, the "famous" crododile. I, personally, have no desire to go to Dunns River.
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-04-25 10:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

Who lives in Atlanta?? We were planing to go to Atlanta for a PriAmerica siminar, but it looks as though we won't be attending the siminar, but we thought we could enjoy the city instead :jest: :energetic:

I'm hip to Arizona, but I've been to all the other places. I also really like Atlanta, although alot of traffic. The heck with "4 seaons". Up north in Arizona there's cold and snow, but I love it out there when I lived there. We're heading there for vacation in August. Takin my son tubin down the Salt River ...can't wait !!!

It's supposed to FINALLY be soooo nice here this weekend....what do we have, soccer and more soccer !!!

Have a great weekend everyone.
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-04-20 19:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
I have spoken to you a little about this subject privately, do you know my thoughts on most of this.

If I were in your shoes, I doubt I could've even been as patient as you have been for so long. I admire your strength and courage. I hope it all works out in the best possible light for you in the end.

Please contact me if you ever want to talk.

Jamie, you know I'm here for you, always !!!

This ENTIRE process is allllllllllllllllll about patience. Please remember that we are *married*....some have in their vows...for better or WORSE. Alot of us have seen and felt THE worse. We all know that this is also hard for our SO's, but do we deserve to be treated the way we are treated???????

Craig FINALLY gets it and how life is and how it's going to be and YES it's tough being in America and **having** to work hard for the things we have or want, but that's life and if you are not in it for the long run (rest of your life)......than....ya got to go !!!!!!

Take care of yourself Jamie and I HOPE that Andre gets HIS ####### together and knows that you are a really great person !!!

My hat is off to you for being open and honest with YOUR situation.

luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-04-20 12:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
I am getting married in the hometown of my SO, actually i'm getting married in Sav la Mar, but I want to have some sort of ceremony when he gets to the States, so I am looking for examples of what others have done.

My husband is from your SO from Sav ?
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-04-19 09:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
I am getting married in the hometown of my SO, actually i'm getting married in Sav la Mar, but I want to have some sort of ceremony when he gets to the States, so I am looking for examples of what others have done.

I got married in JA in Oct but it was very small. It was in front of two witnesses (Javon's sister and his brother-in-law). No one knows we are married except for them and my sister and her husband. We decided to keep it low key b/c of the drama that surrounded us when out I-129f petition was denied. We're going to have a bashment/reception in JA before he leaves for both our family and friends that are still in JA. Once he arrives we're going to do the "dream wedding" here in front of family and friends. It's hard keeping it a secret esp when my mom is asking me daily what's going on, but we figure this was the best way for us. Our first priority is immigration right now so once that is done we can plan anything we like.

We got married at the State park about 3 minutes from where we live. If you can get on our group yahoo site, I have pictures posted on there. It was absolutely beautiful and VERY romantic.........small and quiet just the way we wanted it.
It was just me, Craig, my son, my friend that performed the wedding, her boyfriend and then another friend who took pictures.

We were planning on going back this July (that's the only month "off" from soccer -due to my sons crazy travel schedule) to do a big bash. We're beach that's where we want to renew our vows....right on the beach at the hotel where we met. It won't be happening this July since we haven't filed for our AOS yet. We're going to *try* for next July.
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-04-19 09:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4) are a vet. You been around like many of us. It's good to hear from ya. :thumbs:

For giggles last night I was looking and seeing where our "vets" are and have been. Bringin back GOOD memories....

Anna - March
Mindy - March
Jamie - March
Jonesie - March
Jill - March
Popcorn - March
Lenoredou - March
sbys (Julie) - March
Doodle - April
luvtravlin (Kelly--ME) - May
leoschampion - May
Elizabeth - May
Squitto - June
Jamaicagyaldat - June
Ann Taylor - June
Dee - July
Mrs Parker - August
Babyjules - Sept
Woogietail (Dru) - Sept
Mrs Smith (Suzy) - Sept
Together - Oct
Michele - November
Jax - December
msthickness - December
Tenika - December
phatmadame81 - December

Some were in 2004 --
ricardoswife - February
Rhonda - April
jamaicadiva - June
Shemanya - August
tawand2000 - October

Gosh, those were the days !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wonder where most are nowadays ??
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-04-17 17:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

Ok ladies, so here's my dilemma: I already booked part of our next trip to Jamaica. The bad part is that it is for Nov. 3-10 and I will be about 8 months pregnant at that time :o I do NOT think we should be travelling to a foreign country that far along in my pregnancy :no: With my luck I would go into labor on the airplane :bonk:

What sucks is that I'm not sure when we're gonna go now. We didn't really want to go in the summer because it's actually nice and warm here and it's Tony's busiest time at work. And then Sept. and Oct. are the worst months for hurricane season. :help: We don't want to wait until next year, because Tony wants to see his family and friends. Any suggestions???

CONGRATS !!! Any mommy-to-be questions....ask away :dance:

It's really up to your doctor as to whether you'll be able to fly....I'm assuming no, because they don't want you flying in your 3rd trimester, especially to a "foreign" country. I flew Sept 13th-ish home (I live in Arizona at the time) to Maryland for my high school reunion ....and I was due in Dec, but doc told me that was my last flight till baby was born.

You won't get any money back for non-refundable tickets unless you booked a package and then depending on the package, they all have restrictions. Only if there is a death in the immediate family you'd be able to get any type of money refunded back to you. You could always write a letter to wherever you booked as ask for some type of compensation, but for being be honest, doubt you'd get any money??? Again, if you booked directly with the airline, the airline charges $100-$150 for canceling.

I personally wouldn't recommend flying that close to your due date, but again.....ask your doctor. Also call the airline and ask what their policy is as well.

luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-04-16 06:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
I wish you all the best of luck and hope all of you have long, happy <and PROBLEM FREE> marriages (L) [/color]

Mindy....PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE DON'T GO !!!!! You guys won't believe HOW MUCH this site has helped me !!!!! It's interesting to see how everyone feels about things. Although every marriage is NOT perfect and I truly don't understand why Craig has done things that he's done, but I gotta say after this weekend and MORE talking, spending the entire weekend in "quality time" (thank god for rain and canceling soccer ----God works in mysterious ways, huh?!!!) about his issues and how he feels about things,'s awesome!!!

We got to spend time with another VJ'r and her man, we all went to a Jamaican restaurant and then went bowling.....we had SUCH A GREAT TIME !!!!! It's just really to bad that we live so flippin far away from each other, well no *that* far, but not 10 min away !!!

I appreciate all of the positive support, especially for the veterans that have known me and my relationship for the past 2 yrs, especially you Mindy. I TRUUUULY truly please stick around and make us laugh !!! The, I just blow that all off !!!

Thanks again everyone :dance:

CONGRATS TO THE MOMS (and dads) TO BE !!!!
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-04-15 14:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
so do you have male friends or is that out to. is there a trust issue between the two of you. at this stage in your life you should be able to have a better understanding that you cant control a person. if he tells you that when you meet someone you cant be friends with them. then how r u feeling. maybe he is hiding it from you because you have such a issue about him having a female friend. if you meet a man do you always want to have a relation with him other than friends. im not trying to side with him on anything but only to look at it objectively and see why you may be having this problem. if you try to keep him controlled dont you think you will push him away. if you make him feel like he is a child. if he is looking for another woman then thats another thing. thats something you wont be able to control either.
all the best to you and i hope you work things out with your husband. i know you are feeling unappreciated but hang in there.

Yep, I absolutely do have male friends....and the male friends I've had I've been friends with for over 15 yrs and I've introduced Craig (within his 1st week of getting here). He has their numbers and he can contact each and everyone of them whenever he feels....that also goes along with my female friends. "I" am not out to find or meet "new" male friends....why should I ??? I don't need any new male friends. If Craig wants to have female friends, no problem, as long as they are both of our friends. We have ALOT of mutual friends in Jamaica.

I'm not sure what point of this you're not getting. At this point in our female friends?? for what??? companionship? to hang out with? to "talk" with??? The women he met (when he 1st got here) had NO CLUE he was married, never called the house phone....but that's all ended.

Craig didn't trust me ....don't know why, his own insecurity. He only goes by what he knows about American women and working in resorts ...sees them (most) of them come to Jamaica and totally cheat on THEIR own husbands. "I" not a cheat and never have been and it's hard for him to accept (I guess you wanna call it that) the "real deal"!!!

Oh and I'm FAR from being controlling....
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-04-15 13:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

I don't agree. We all know the trials and tribulations of this truly difficult and long process. It isn't only the Jamaican who gives up everything they know. I have had to rearrange my life more times then I like to count during this process. As I expected Jomo to do everything he could along the way to make it go smoothly, I still expect the same. I expect his love and attention. I expect him to adjust. I expect him to work hard. And, I expect him to respect me and work out our differences in an adult manner. I would be babying him if I didn't. He is a man, not a child. I don't baby him.

I have to agree whole heartedly with this :thumbs:
While I do have grace, patience and compassion for all the adjustment and changes that are going to be happening I still expect him to behave as a man and not a child. I expect him to handle things maturely and to act as the head of our household. Life isn’t easy not matter what situations are thrown your way but it is still your choice how you react and respond. I signed up to be the wife not the mommy.

AMEN SISTAS!! :thumbs:

TRIPLE AAAAAMEN to both of you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I did NOT sign up to be a mom to ANOTHER child !!!! Craig does NOT "act" the same way he did when he was in Jamaica, ie being a MAN !!!!!!!

You guys said it so nicely !!!
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-04-13 15:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
he cant have friends.

Heeeeelllll NO, NOT "NEW" female friends !!!!! now if he knew them and "I" was aware of them BEFORE he came here, different story......but no not acceptable to go out and meet "new" female friends....for ???? There's only ONE thing that a "new female friend" would be there for!!!

I found 7 different numbers, in his pants pockets and wallet (yep, he was that stupid for me to find them and yes I looked BECAUSE I did not trust him !!!) and when his cell phone bill came.... within the 1st 2 months. He doesn't know that I have his password to get into his phone, he had a message from one chic at 6:41 AM on say a Monday morning. We were at my sons soccer game and he left me a note saying he was at the movies ..........HE LIED !! He was at this chics house watching a movie !!! and I called her to find out the real deal!!!!

I love how you guys have been supportive. Yes, if he was an american shiiiiiiiittt he'd be SOOO gone by now, but I am MARRIED to him, 1st marriage and I'm 41 ....and I've put a TON of energy, time and money into this and as Kelly (jomo...) said.....I EXPECTED the same in return !!!!!!! and that's what he "promised" me CONSTANTLY !!!! Where's the MAN that I fell in love with ?? and "I" do NOT fall easily !!!

Now for the past 2 days he hasn't spoken to me. He went off on a MAJOR tangent yesterday and it's like having a roommate. I asked him yesterday to talk to me and let me know what's REALLY on his mind and he said "nothing" was on his mind...........yeah right !!! My son is spending the night at my parents tonight and I'm going to try to see what the deal is.

Craig and I have MANY MANY "REAL" TALKS !!!!! We talk about EVERYTHING and ANYTHING and yes, I truly felt like I knew him!!! Since there's no trust in our relationship any more, I try I really try to believe him, but EVERY time I take a step forward, he gets into it with me about something REEEEALLY petty and that brings me back 15 steps.

One of his MAJOR MAJOR hang-ups is that I do the travel for our professional (indoor) soccer team and the owner....have been for the past 10 yrs. It drives him absolutely NUTS when I work "past 5pm" or on weekends to provide customer service to this account. It's a HUGE account for me. He does NOT support the fact that I work from home and the fact that my job does NOT end at 5pm !!!! Plus, being that I do work 2 jobs, I have alot of catching up to do when I come home. If he was working....that would NOT be a problem !!!! Since he's not working right now, he does absolutely NOTHING to "help" around the house....the laundry sat in the washing machine for 5 that nice smelly smell to them, so I did them before I went to work today and MOST of them were his clothes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday I got a email from a client --that I had never met in person, at 1pm and he asked if he could swing by and pick up his 2pm. I was on-hold with an airline at the time. Meanwhile, hadn't showered cause I was really busy, house was a mess. Dishes in the sink, place needed to be vacuumed. I asked NICELY to Craig as he was sitting there watching TV....could he possibly help me straighten up the house because I have a client (new one) coming over in 45 min. He acted like I NEVER said anything !!!!! I asked him again nicely....and he acted like he NEVER heard I got pissed and just walked away!!!

I'm going back to read more....
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-04-13 15:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
Here is today's Tropical Weather Underground blog.....not good:

The Hurricane Hunters made their first penetration of Hurricane Dean this afternoon, and found a strong Category 1 hurricane--100 mph winds, and surface pressure of 974-979 mb. Dean is now a Category 2 hurricane. Once the winds rise to 115 mph, it will be a Category 3 storm--a major hurricane. Wind shear remains near 5 knots, and is expected to remain low for the next five days. Recent satellite loops and reports from the Hurricane Hunters show that an eye has appeared. The eye is not fully formed, and has a gap on the west side. This gap is probably due to the presence of dry air on the storm's northwest side, which is getting wrapped into the storm. This dry air will persist through at least Friday, and should act to prevent Dean from undergoing rapid intensification until it clears the Lesser Antilles Islands. Dean is steadily moistening the environment around it, and may be able to overcome the dry air on Friday and put on a burst of rapid intensification. I expect Dean will become a large and extremely dangerous major hurricane by Saturday.

Latest model runs
The latest (12Z) model runs from this morning don't show much change from yesterday's runs for the 1-3 day period, but have a wider spread for the 4-5 day period. All the models show Dean moving through the Caribbean, passing over or just south of Jamaica and the Cayman Islands on Sunday or Monday, then into the western Caribbean. At that point, the models diverge. The NOGAPS model has the southernmost solution, taking Dean into northern Belize/Southern Mexico. The GFDL takes Dean through the Yucatan Channel and northwestward, towards western Louisiana. The other models are in between, with both the HWRF and UKMET nudging their tracks more to the north, grazing the tip of the Yucatan Peninsula. The GFDL and HWRF intensity forecasts both project Dean will be a Category 5 hurricane when it nears the Yucatan Peninsula. Tonight marks the first flight of the NOAA jet, and we'll have a much more reliable set of model runs Friday morning. Hopefully, this will narrow down the uncertainty of what will happen when Dean reaches the Gulf of Mexico.

Impacts on the Caribbean
Two storms in the historical record with a similar tracks and intensities to what we might expect for Dean in the Caribbean were Hurricane Gilbert of 1988 and Hurricane Ivan of 2004. Gilbert intensified to a Category 3 hurricane as it passed south of Haiti, and made a direct hit on Jamaica, passing the entire length of the island. Gilbert then began a remarkable rapid intensification spurt as it moved over the Cayman islands into the Western Caribbean, reaching an all-time record low pressure of 888 mb before it slammed into the Yucatan Peninsula. Ivan tracked a bit further south in the Caribbean, but was also a Category 5 storm after it passed Jamaica.

If you have travel plans to go to Jamaica, plan on spending a lot of time praying for the hurricane to miss, because that is what the locals will be doing. This seemed to be what spared Jamaica in 2004, when Hurricane Ivan made a beeline for the island, then suddenly turned and wobbled around the island. Ivan still killed 17 people in Jamaica and left 18,000 people homeless. Most of the major resorts and hotels fared well, and reopened a few days after Ivan passed. Damage on Jamaica totaled $360 million. Jamaica did not fare as well in Hurricane Gilbert, which made a direct hit as a Category 3 hurricane, killing 45. Gilbert dumped up to 27 inches of rain in the mountainous areas of Jamaica, causing severe flash flooding. Gilbert was the worst hurricane to hit Jamaica since Hurricane Charlie in 1951. Gilbert left $4 billion dollars in damage, and it was difficult to leave the island for over a week due to blocked roads and closed airports. If Dean makes a direct hit on Jamaica, expect to be stranded on the island for many days, with no power. If Dean makes a close pass but misses, as is more likely, expect a few days of hassle. All Jamaica airports will likely close on Sunday when Dean will begin to batter the island.

Say lots of prayers!

TO ADD from one of my travel agency information sites --
8/17/2007 -

Hurricane Dean passed between St. Lucia and Martinique in the Caribbean this morning with winds up to 100 mph. The airports on both islands were closed, many hotels were evacuated, and tourists waited out the Category 2 storm in shelters. Hotels in Dominica also reported tourist evacuations from hotels.

Dean is expected to gain Category 3 strength in the region’s warmer waters as it approaches other parts of the Caribbean, including Jamaica, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, the Dominican Republic, and Haiti. By early next week, it could approach Cancun and Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula (with a possible upgrade to Category 4).

Many airlines serving the Caribbean have now posted new advisories waiving change fees and offering cancellation options for flights affected by Hurricane Dean. Check the following links for each carrier’s advisory: Air Jamaica, American, Continental, Delta, and US Airways. Also, Spirit Airlines put its “Hurricane Buster” policy into effect, allowing your clients to change travel plans to affected airports for tickets set from Aug. 17 through Aug. 20.

Meanwhile, Carnival Cruise Lines changed sailing plans for two ships in the region. The “Carnival Destiny” will stay at sea today, instead of stopping in Antigua, returning to San Juan as scheduled Sunday. The “Carnival Miracle” will call in Tortola today (instead of the day at sea originally planned), Grand Turk tomorrow (in place of San Juan), Half Moon Cay on Sunday (not St. Thomas), and Nassau (not Tortola) on Monday. Royal Caribbean issued a statement saying it will post an update on its Web site later today with any itinerary changes.

Meanwhile, the leftover rainstorms from Tropical Storm Erin could leave up to 15 inches in rain in parts of Texas through the day today.
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-08-17 08:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

Hey Everyone,

Just wanted to share in our excitement here at our place.....

My son (who is going into his freshman year) made the JV Soccer team (just found out today...after 3 days of 7:30am try-outs)!! He'll be playing for the high school team and still with his club U14 soccer team (that he's been on for 3 yrs) which means 7 days of soccer.....ugh.....

I'm soooooooooooo darn excited for him and it was ALOT of hard work !!!! Paid off for my boy!

TGIF !! and my prayers are with everyone's family in Jamaica.

luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-08-17 08:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

Posted Image

prayers are in order

Ok guys, I am officially FREAKING OUT now :crying: I don't want to cancel my trip!! And Tony is already down there!!

Rhonda, I would wait to see if the airline you are flying on has made any cancelations. You will need to check with them in regards to their penalties, rules, etc etc. Sometimes they'll allow you to change for a couple of days later without any penalties or if they close the airport altogether you get a full refund. I think you said you were flying on frequent flyer miles, I don't know what the rules are regarding those.
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-08-17 07:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

FYI....not sure of anyone has beend transferd to Cali for AOS...just checked uscis....they are about 2 months behind....

No word on your AOS? Any touches?
Maybe it was me but I checked the status 25 times a day so I think they got sick of me logging on.

i don't think they like to touch anymore :innocent:

I still can't check the status because we're still not in the system yet... A month later :wacko:

yes you have your noa 1 that has the number on it...

Thats the number I've been using, and this is what I keep getting:

Validation Error(s)
You must correct the following error(s) before proceeding:
Case Status Retrieval Failed
This Receipt Number cannot be found at this time in this automated system. Please check your case receipt number to see if it is correct. If you have questions or concerns about your case status, please contact the National Customer Service Center.

I'm kind of thinking that it's taking them longer to enter info due to the high volume of applications that got sent in before the fee increase took place.

I was reading on some other sites that you will be able to get in after they post or load, or whatever they do to you BIO.

There was a USCIS press release on Aug 10th and they are up to processing app, loading data entry & cashing checks up to July 26th.

luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-08-16 13:45:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)


Good mornin everyone!! how soon should or can i send in the ds230? do i really have to wait for packet 3? and for the medical you can just go right ? you need info from that packet? im a bit confused at this second part of the process anyone have a link to a thread where this was ever discussed

I believe, and I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong --because it's been forever since I went through this process, when Kingston receives the case, they will send out Packet 3 that includes the DS230 (and lots of other information). The DS230 then can either be mailed in or he has to schedule an appointment to hand it in. I do know that he canNOT go to the medical without the interview letter......or even make an appointment for the medical without the interview letter because they'll ask you when your interview date is scheduled for.

If you don't receive Packet 3 first, you have to be sure that the Embassy has his information, if not...they'll throw away his DS230.

Technically you don't have to have Packet 3 to hand in the DS230, but you have to make sure they have his case there first!!

Hope that helps. I have forms (Packet 3) on email ...but it's from 2005 ...if you're interested, please PM me your email address.
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-08-15 11:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)


I received an email back in the beginning of this month to go and update my VJ timeline info, I did and when I go in there it shows everything that I have updated, but my stuff to the left still says K1 ....not AOS pending. Does anyone have any advice as to how to change it ??




Okay....nevermind, I just figured out how to change the left side..... daaa.....I never "play around" on the site.

Disregard question.....

In my 10 1/2 yrs going to Jamaica....shoot it's eeeeverywhere!!! My best friend "smokes" and I do the drinkin. I've never touched the stuff, no cigarettes, cigars either. No desire. My parents were heavy cigarette smokers and like AlienUK, me and my brother & sister don't smoke (although they've both dabbled in other stuff).

I've always thought that maybe the reason why kids of heavy smokers don't really smoke is that the fact the parents smoke takes all the 'mystique' out of it....No shock value there!!!
In Jamaica though, none of my women friends smoke, it's seen as 'loose' or at least used to be, not sure how it is now...

I know a ton of women that smoke, both ganga and cigarettes in Jamaica, but alot of my male friends don't....bizarre.

When do you get a "heart" on your member stuff? How do you find out how many posts you need before you get a heart. I've been on here for 2 1/2 years, since I don't chat that much....I don't have a heart :o(....


I received an email back in the beginning of this month to go and update my VJ timeline info, I did and when I go in there it shows everything that I have updated, but my stuff to the left still says K1 ....not AOS pending. Does anyone have any advice as to how to change it ??




Okay, I just looked at my timeline to the left....and it's still not flippin updated. Can anyone tell me how that gets updated, when I've updated my info in the website above ???
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-08-14 09:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

I received an email back in the beginning of this month to go and update my VJ timeline info, I did and when I go in there it shows everything that I have updated, but my stuff to the left still says K1 ....not AOS pending. Does anyone have any advice as to how to change it ??



luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-08-14 09:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
I didnt realize it was so out of control till we all went to negril it was chris his two brother best friend and some of my friends ok the room was so smokey i took a chair out side the hotel room and sat down lol i was like its so much smoke my eyes hurt we would leave them and come back they in the same position and still smokin all day all night all mornin lol

In my 10 1/2 yrs going to Jamaica....shoot it's eeeeverywhere!!! My best friend "smokes" and I do the drinkin. I've never touched the stuff, no cigarettes, cigars either. No desire. My parents were heavy cigarette smokers and like AlienUK, me and my brother & sister don't smoke (although they've both dabbled in other stuff). When my son hasn't joined me on my trips to Jamaica and it's only me and my best friend.....and then Craig and friends, dear's crazy !!! I've been around the heeeeavy smokin.... I just pop open a cold one.

Craig was a a veeeeery very hard smoker (since he was 15) and after 3 weeks being in this country and not smoking, he went into some serious detox!!! That's when alot of changes occured (heads up for those men/women that smoke and won't be able to when they get here). I can't even remember the last time he's smoked now?? He says he doesn't miss it anymore.

Sending good vibes for those at their interviews today !! :thumbs:
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-08-14 09:22:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

One question about the police record does he need anything from the embassy at all to state why he wants the police record? Or does he just pop up there and ask for one.

I don't know how far back you have to go with the police records, but if he was living in another country.....I believe that he'll need one from each. Anyone else that had to do her out with this question?
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-08-13 10:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)


8/13/2007 - Delta Quietly Raises Passenger Fees
Delta Air Lines slipped through several fee increases effective Aug. 1, reports the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Change-of-ticket fees are now $75 (up from $50), same-day standby fees are now $50 (up from $25), and the fees for buying tickets from a Delta agent over the phone have doubled to $20. Other higher fees now apply to frequent flyer tickets and mileage re-deposits.

This means ALL other airlines will be raising their fees......UNbelievable !!!

Ummmmm......Delta charged me $100 the day I had to change my ticket.

The international fee is already $100....the $75.00 (now) is for domestic tickets..
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-08-13 10:18:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

8/13/2007 - Delta Quietly Raises Passenger Fees
Delta Air Lines slipped through several fee increases effective Aug. 1, reports the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Change-of-ticket fees are now $75 (up from $50), same-day standby fees are now $50 (up from $25), and the fees for buying tickets from a Delta agent over the phone have doubled to $20. Other higher fees now apply to frequent flyer tickets and mileage re-deposits.

This means ALL other airlines will be raising their fees......UNbelievable !!!
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-08-13 09:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

So funny, i was just there a couple months ago and I can't remember showing my ticket...I just showed my passport I think I maybe losing my mind :)

When I left in January Donna was not allowed to walk in with me even to the ticket counter which is just inside the door. I'll ask next week when I arrive. My concern with printing an itinerary out is getting it to Donna. I don't want to spend $30 to FedEx it to her.

You could fax it, Jay. Andre went to some place in Montego Bay and picked up faxes I sent to him. It cost him like $1.50 a page.

Thanks for all the good suggestions. So it sounds like it is less expensive to buy tickets on-line here in the States. Are tickets purchased in Jamaica that much more in cost?

Jay I apologize for not getting back to you this morning, I'm out of the office until 5pm-ish. I'll email you when I get in.....

Airfare, from my travel agent experience, has never been "cheaper" buying in Jamaica instead of here in the US.

Airlines do not issue "paper tickets"....haven't for quite some time. A very few will still do it, but for a fee....can be anywhere from $50 to $100.

She will not need anything to - itinerary or "tickets" to travel. Just will just show her passport (and other paperwork for immigration). Craig did not have anything---thank god, because I know for sure he would have lost or misplaced it!!

Airline tickets are "electronic". For international flights you won't have a boarding pass ahead of time because you have to show proof of citizenship, etc.

I haven't flown to Jamaica since last May, but can't you still go into the the ticket counter section, shops, etc, but of course can't get through the doors to the right (inside)???

Hope that helps...
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-08-03 13:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
Oh my...My fiance calls and wakes me up every morning. I just don't feel the same if we don't talk everyday. Megafons helps a lot.

I love the megaphone, even though it is a pain sometimes when it drops the calls or he can't get through or get a signal. I feel disconnected when we don't talk, so he calls me every morning so I can wake up to the roosters crowing in the back yard. He calls me sometimes at night before we go to bed to say goodnight. I work three days per week and gets up around the same time he does since we have a one hour time difference. On the days that I am off from work, I just roll over and go back to sleep with a big smile on my face thinking about him. :devil: LOL :blush: :blush:

Craig would wake me up several mornings as well, but we ALWAYS said goodnight to each other. We sometimes talked at least 3 times a day.

I TOTALLY don't miss those bills that's for sure !!!!!

I don't know how you can go weeks. I went on a cruise for 7 days and that was the longest we didn't talk!
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-08-03 07:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

Is it cheaper to buy a ticket to the US from the montego bay airport? Or online? Or from the US?

Any advice.

the price the American airlines agent quoted my husband from Mo Bay is the same I was able to get from their website, shop around

If you call any airline directly they have fees, if you book online there are "service fees".....everyone unfortunately has fees. Since the airline stopped paying travel agents/agencies about 6 yrs --we have fees (cause we can't work for free). My service fee is extremely reasonable. So....if you need me....don't hesitate to checkin with me. I have direct access to all of the airlines.
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-08-02 12:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

Is it cheaper to buy a ticket to the US from the montego bay airport? Or online? Or from the US?

Any advice.

Girl I say check anywhere anyone that is cheap..I stalk the internet sites as well as call a 100 times..never know from day to day

I want him to fly into JFK for the work authorization stamp. Air Jamaica and American Airlines have direct flight to JFK.

Usually you won't find deals on one way fares, unfortunately. I get email alerts from both Air JA and AA on deals, and so far I haven't seen any specials. If I get anything, I will let you know.

That's not entirely true about one way airfare, just depends on what's available and every city is entirely different.

Online deals are not always god forbid you had to make a's nearly impossible for anyone to help you !!

kk....I sent you an email ;o) ..

luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-08-02 12:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

Craig said that most of Kingston is all about Green so do NOT wear ANY green from now till Election Day. He says...wear White. For example "Orange" is Westmoreland's colors.

Labor writers (green) for the soldiers and PNP (Peoples National Party) is for the police (orange).

Hope that helps ;o) ...


Is Craig from Kingston??? Most of Kingston is NOT JLP.
Ask him about Rockfort, Harbour View, Dunkirk, Brown's Town, Rae Town, Port Royal, Manley Meadows, Bower Bank to name a FEW.

Not sure where you got the orange being Westmoreland's colours???

Green is for the Labour Party, aka Laborites, nothing to do with the JDF as a whole, orange/red is for PNP, has nothing to do with the ENTIRE police force....

Thanks for clarification...... he's from Westmoreland.
luvtravlinFemaleJamaica2007-08-01 18:27:00