Vietnamgot pink
The Consulate probably needs to order more magenta ink cartridges to print out all the PINK sheets this week :dance:

Very nice for you both...chuc mung nhe!!!
Ronnie&HangMaleVietnam (no flag)2011-04-28 21:07:00
Congratz...!!! :dance:
Ronnie&HangMaleVietnam (no flag)2011-04-28 21:10:00
That's awesome..Congratz Frank. :thumbs:
Ronnie&HangMaleVietnam (no flag)2011-04-27 09:52:00
Well done on your interview!!! Be glad that huddle is over, enjoy that good news, relax and prepare for the sputum tests.
Will see you guys back here with the PINK and visa in a couple months..hope the rest will go well for both of you :thumbs:

Edited by Ronnie&Hang, 28 April 2011 - 08:58 PM.

Ronnie&HangMaleVietnam (no flag)2011-04-28 20:57:00
VietnamMy wife passed the interview!!
Wow..another PINK..congratz!!!

I think Walmart is about to run out of hangers soon this week :D
Ronnie&HangMaleVietnam (no flag)2011-04-28 20:41:00
VietnamInterview Date & Police Report Delay

So if she interviews on the 18th and they give her blue slip for missing PCs, with legit answers to why she doesn't have them yet, how long are these blue slips good for since we don't have a clear idea time frame on when to expect both certificates? (Longest sentence ever).

Jerry & Fiona

Let hope these PCs will be there in time for your interview. If not...and there's a blue..they will give you approx. 1 month to submit the missing doc. You can come back to submit early when the PCs are available.
Ronnie&HangMaleVietnam (no flag)2011-05-05 11:53:00
VietnamInterview Date & Police Report Delay
I second that..keep the interview date on the 18th, then submit the PC later..reschedule the interview will take another several months. If it's the Taiwain's PC then cafe money would not feasible. Good luck on your interview!!!
Ronnie&HangMaleVietnam (no flag)2011-05-04 23:26:00
Vietnamquickest way to send mail

Yes, will just eat my mistake and send the hard copy.

I haven't heard of a color scanned signature being accepted. I think the wet signature is always required. You may want to send her a few copies..just in case!!!
Ronnie&HangMaleVietnam (no flag)2011-05-06 14:47:00
VietnamWhen and How to submit 10 Years GC

anyone???? :help:

Besides AnhMap and maybe a few others oldies, there no one here in VN forum qualifies to answer this..sorree Loi!!! Try the AOS/ROC forums to see if you get some help you looking for..good luck Loi!!!
Ronnie&HangMaleVietnam (no flag)2011-04-29 15:30:00
VietnamI Have An Interview Date! (The Sequel)
Very nice..time to get busy prepare for the interview. With the new job, that means you won't be able to go back for her interview huh!! Good luck in 3 weeks..
Ronnie&HangMaleVietnam (no flag)2011-04-25 19:38:00
VietnamPink Achieved
Congratulations Jerry!!! :dance: :dance:
Ronnie&HangMaleVietnam (no flag)2011-05-27 22:08:00
Sorry to hear that Carl, hope you'll get better soon..take care and see you back here again!!
Ronnie&HangMaleVietnam (no flag)2011-06-25 22:04:00
Vietnamsubmitted Packet 3 on 5/25 And interview set for 7/14

Hi everyone!

Just called DOS and fiancee has interview scheduled for 7/15. Packet 3 was submitted on 5/25.
I'm really excited but nervous also because they didn't give us much time.
I want to be with my fiancee for interview so I can support her but with a 2 week notice it makes it tough especially after just coming back 6/12.
I'll bite the bullet and spend the money because I want to do everything within my power to increase our chances of pink.

Based on what I've been reading, although petitioners don't participate in interview, the COs seem to like that fiancé's support their SO.

What are your thoughts?

Wish us luck!

You have two priorities on your plate. Being there for her interview is definitely show a strong commitment in the eye of the CO, but since you just got back not too long along and not likely to request for another one...I suggest you focus your energy in getting everything ready for her interview.
If you can fly back, more power to you..I say do back and be with her (just like I suggested to Doanh).
Two weeks is not too much time..but you can do it..good lucks ok!!
Ronnie&HangMaleVietnam (no flag)2011-06-27 19:20:00
Vietnamcalled Department of State, Embassy already set up interview, have not received interview letter
Hi Doanh, tell her to go to the Window at the Consulate to get the Appointment Letter, they should be able to issue it to her. She will need the Letter for her immunization shots and Medical.
If you can, fly back to be at her interview. You will be able to be very close by when she's being interviewed, the CO would definitely know you are there, and it's a big plus.
Good lucks with everything...
Ronnie&HangMaleVietnam (no flag)2011-06-27 19:08:00
Vietnamhow long does it takes to get a police certificate?
The Police Certificate is required for beneficiary who is 16yr old and older and it's good for 1 year. Yes, it take a month or sometimes a little more to get, but if you have connection or some ho^'i lo^. will speed it up :whistle:
Ronnie&HangMaleVietnam (no flag)2011-06-29 18:27:00
VietnamMy Journey might be over

Thank you everyone for the advice, support, and offers to help.

I don't think we can save the relationship. Too much time passed from the filing until the visa. She doesn't love me. Maybe she thought it would change once she got here, but it didn't.

Anyway, We both want each other to be happy. I guess I'll let her go. She's a good woman and there aren't any bad feeling between us. I just wish it didn't go down like this.

Kevin..can you see how much supports and care from people here??? If nothing comes of it, at least I want you to give it a try, and knowing you have done your best.
My offer is standing for you any time you change your mind.
I would definitely hope you will reconsider this...
Ronnie&HangMaleVietnam (no flag)2011-06-08 16:41:00
VietnamMy Journey might be over
Kevin, it's been a sad morning just catching up on your news..but hang in there, your journey is NOT over yet, you worked too hard for it...

You said Tuyen is still over here in SJ with her relatives. Please fly over here ASAP and talk it out with her. It will be best face to face, and if she won't come back to MN for some will be your only chance and the sooner the better.

I live about an hour and half from SJ and go back to SJ every weekend to visit my family. If you fly over here, you're welcome to stay with me and I can take you down to SJ to see Tuyen.
Whatever you decide to do..I wish you the best nhe...

ps: Co gi nhan tin cho minh ok, se cho so dt de goi nchuyen them nhe..cheer up!!

Edited by Ronnie&Hang, 08 June 2011 - 03:45 PM.

Ronnie&HangMaleVietnam (no flag)2011-06-08 15:43:00
Vietnamafer K1 visa is issued, how long till benefiary has until he/she has to travel to the US

No it isn't. The norm now is that the visa is issued with a date that is 6 months from the date of the medical, so the medical is only good for 6 months. We just went through this 2 weeks ago and it has been the same for many members recently. If you wait for 7 months after the medical exam you will get a blue slip at best. What was valid when you got your visa approved isn't the same process now. :bonk:

I agree. I thought it's good for 1 yr too...My wife had about little over a month left when she got her visa..always check the expiration date on the visa.
My wife had a Medical in Saigon six months before when I applied for AOS here. When we went to the interview, USCIS said it was expired..she needs a full medical, not just the vaccination only on the I-693.
Ronnie&HangMaleVietnam (no flag)2011-07-03 22:59:00
VietnamG-325A Father birthday unknown

Thanks everyone for your responses. I think I am leaning toward Ryan H's suggestion of putting the year down and then attaching a statement that we do not know that exact date. I feel nervous about leaving it blank. My second choice would be to just pick a date but I don't like the idea very much. Neither her mother or her father have birth certificates so I hope that this does not end up getting asked for.


Later on at the interview, the bereficiary will have to submit her family registration book (Ho Khau). Just put in her Dad BD according to how it appears in the Ho Khau. You can further clarify it with an accompanied note, and you won't have any problem as long as you are consistent.
Ronnie&HangMaleVietnam (no flag)2011-07-05 23:35:00
VietnamFirst name of k-1 appointment letter swapped with Middle
No's just normal especially if there are 2 middle names.
The appointment letter for both of our interviews has different name set up each time. It was all alright at the end..
Ronnie&HangMaleVietnam (no flag)2011-07-10 12:35:00
VietnamK-1 nterview on 7/14/11

maybe they're out celebrating with a nice lunch!

i do subscribe to the theory bad news travel faster than good.

They got pink, he posted the results in the VN portal :unsure:
Ronnie&HangMaleVietnam (no flag)2011-07-15 18:29:00
VietnamK-1 nterview on 7/14/11

I don't want to get off topic but for somebody that is in AP, how often should they make an inquiry to the congressman like senators and representatives? Does this work? I really want to keep inquiring over and over but I worry they will get angry with me. What is your advise?

Hey, how are you doing? Hope you feel better since your last post a couple weeks ago..hang in there and be patient..things will work out for you.
Since it's only been a few weeks ago, give the process some time to work. The congressional staffs make the inquiries on you behalf so don't worry about getting anyone angry, just check in with them every few weeks to get updates. In the mean time, send email to the Consulate for status also.
The process is much faster now compares to years ago so I hope your case won't be in AP too long...if you can go back, visit the Consulate and make a personal inquiry/submit any more evidence you may have..IMO, I think this will have a positive impact since it shows a more personal commitment than just routine inquiries. Best of lucks to you!!!
Ronnie&HangMaleVietnam (no flag)2011-07-07 00:35:00
VietnamK-1 nterview on 7/14/11

Which is probably why Marc included letters from our first time as a couple nearly a quarter of a century ago ;) Those were the ones I kept at my mother's house - my fiance burned hers with her friends when we broke up.

May I ask what was the reason they put you guys in AP?

It was incompleted medical on the first interview, added to that was almost a year wait for the result of the sputum tests from the two Medical. The visa medical staff kept insisting on the sputum tests after her x-ray shows a tiny white spot which they thought it may be TB. Everything was clean, but it did take several months for the test to come back when the medical is only good for 6 months. Our case was on hold, didn't get touch and ran out of time until I showed up at the Consulate several times to request to expedite..2nd medical was done again..same test, same wait..but this time it was approved before the medical expired..Whew :thumbs:
This was all before the new Consulate chief got there..everything was much slower in the previous years.

So..keep in mind the expiration dates for these items: Police Cert. and Interview (1 yr), Medical (6 mons). If you get approved in the first round, then don't worry..but if the case gets delay for some reasons, pay attention to the deadline and press on (ie..Consulate visit, Congressional inquiry) to get the case look at and not going on the merry-go-round.
Good luck to you!!!
Ronnie&HangMaleVietnam (no flag)2011-07-06 21:29:00
VietnamK-1 nterview on 7/14/11

Do couples nowadays really still use hand written letters as a form of communication? We already video chat, talk on the phone, email, instant message so why would the consulate think that having hand-written snail mail letters make it appear more serious other than just putting on a show?

Just asking...

I still do think that hand-written letters are old-fashioned but very romantic...especially for fiancee or spousal visas. If I pursue a family/relative visa, then I would not..but this is your half-way-around-the world love-of-your-life. Can you feel how the CO look at it from their point of view?
In this electronic is much more convenience to communicate online, but letters IMO would add a more personal touch to the relationship that you're trying to prove..
At Hang's first interview, the CO asked for any hand-written letters between us. She handled over and they kept it throughout the AP and gave it back just before they approved her visa.
If someone put on a show..I think it's much harder to put on one with hand-written letters than email/chat. Try to sit down and write few pages letter..I don't know about most but for does take a long time to put the thoughts together, especially after just getting off the phone or logging off the IM with her.

Like others have said, you want to give your case a better chance to pass..and whatever little extra effort you think will help..wouldn't you do it!??

Also, I bet your SO would appreciate it when she calls and let you know that she has received your letter today :thumbs:
Ronnie&HangMaleVietnam (no flag)2011-07-06 14:03:00
VietnamK-1 nterview on 7/14/11
Look like you have most of the stuffs...and here are a few more to add to your list:

Appointment Letter
Visa photos
Her ID card (CMNN)
Her Passport
Household registration book – Ho Khau
Birth Certificates

Affidavit of Support, Form I-134 w/Letters of Intent

Hand-written letters

Have a safe flight back and good luck on the interview..
Ronnie&HangMaleVietnam (no flag)2011-07-06 01:56:00
VietnamPlease Help!... Cho Ray

Update: I just got a call from Cho Ray hospital with the results of the sputum culture. She passed!

But they also mentioned something about going in to pick up the x-ray/papers. Are these documents we would need to submit to the Embassy? I was under the assumption that Cho Ray was supposed to send the results directly over.

:thumbs: Good to hear your good news...yes, pickup the X-ray but the results will be forward to the Consulate by them. Just reply to you message...Congratz again!!!
Ronnie&HangMaleVietnam (no flag)2011-07-11 22:51:00
VietnamPlease Help!... Cho Ray
Good luck to you both..hang in there and don't let it drag you will be fine.
They had my wife tried the cough for at least 3 weeks before they offered the alternative collection procedure. It's just how ChoRay works..

Edited by Ronnie&Hang, 26 April 2011 - 10:59 PM.

Ronnie&HangMaleVietnam (no flag)2011-04-26 22:59:00
VietnamPlease Help!... Cho Ray
My wife went through the same thing at ChoRay..not once but twice. Both times she had problem producing enough sample for the test. The first time, luckily she was able to produce barely enough. However, on the second Medical, she tried for several weeks with the conventional cough method but to no avail. It was a very frustrating process for us and painful for her. After few weeks trying the cough, they collected it through a tube stuck to her nostril. It took four days to collect the 3-day sample for their tests.
I know it is a painful way to collect the sputum but do comfort her the best you can to get it done. I don't know about the third method you mention or if they do offer it at all. They didn't mention to my wife at that time.
I feel what you are going through right now..not to mention you will have to wait for 2-3 months for the culture test to come back. Be patient and hang in there ok..well wishes for you!!!
Ronnie&HangMaleVietnam (no flag)2011-04-25 22:25:00
VietnamVietnamese OF-169 Form

Thank you Anh map and Ronnie.

Quick question here; what is Packet 3 and Packet 4? I've seen Packet 4 (is that the IV bill, DS-230 stuff people talk about?) Then what is Packet 3? I've never heard of it.

Pls open the first link...Pkg 3 is the Instruction package: telling you to prepare for the required docs and submit the DS-2001 & DS-230 Part1 forms to set up the interview.
Pkg 4 is the Appointment package: basically the same info, telling you your interview date is schuduled. There is also an Appointment letter for your interview, which you will need to set the ball rolling for your immunization and medical.
Ronnie&HangMaleVietnam (no flag)2011-07-18 17:50:00
VietnamVietnamese OF-169 Form
OF-169 is a consulate specific form that lists the docs that you will need for the interview, most of the time we refered to it as Package 3 or 4.

Ronnie&HangMaleVietnam (no flag)2011-07-18 00:57:00
Good job on staying closed to the issue and pay attention to the deadlines...glad you guys get over it without further delays.
Congratz to you !!!
Ronnie&HangMaleVietnam (no flag)2011-07-29 09:58:00
VietnamThings need to do after came to the US?

My main concern is that although we're married officially and if her visa expired before she got the green card, so will she able to stay here?

How long it takes for someone to get the green card?

Thank you

Not a problem, if you get married before the I94 expired (90 days) then you've fullfilled that requirement (remember the Letter of Intent?)
Typically, it takes approx. 4 months for the GC process.
Ronnie&HangMaleVietnam (no flag)2011-08-25 11:44:00
VietnamThings need to do after came to the US?

So, we need to get marriage certificate before i can apply green card for my wife?
I need to apply green card for my wife within 90 days or i can do it after 90 days?

I'm currently unemployed and my weekly paycheck is $407 i wonder if it's enough income for i-864 or i need someone to co-sign me?


The requirement is to get married in 90 days for K1, then you can apply for AOS. You can apply for AOS anytime but the sooner the better...
Your 407/wk is $21,164/yr should be enough for 2 persons.

Hope this help..
Ronnie&HangMaleVietnam (no flag)2011-08-24 12:33:00
VietnamA tragic accident from my family member
Wish you and their family all the there for them is the best support you can do..tell them things will be ok.
Ronnie&HangMaleVietnam (no flag)2011-08-28 15:31:00
VietnamCrossing the street in Vietnam

we have alot of caucasian members here so i knew some might take the statement the wrong way...but yes most of them look miserable to me and not having any fun walking about in the harsh weather. unless you're a vietnam war buff, have family ties, or some business to be there...i don't see the reason to visit that hellhole (spoken with fondest term of endearment). it's always super muggy hot, super dirty, noisy, unsafe, people looking to rip you off everywhere etc.

i wouldn't be caught dead in iraq or afghanistan...and that's about the equivalent of vietnam to white folks imo in term of culture shock and comfort.

I love you guys and always respect your individual perpectives about VN but come guys ran off of a simple crossing-the-street video to ridicule your "mother land" like that is very very sad...if there is nothing positive to say then don't..respect the differences and always love your own kinds :P
Ronnie&HangMaleVietnam (no flag)2011-09-07 18:39:00
VietnamQuestions - HCMC K1 to AOS Interview

We go to interview in October for Green Card, I'm about ready to retire early and leave this country for Vietnam!

Wow, it takes that long for your AOS too huh! Good luck to you too Rich..just remember to come back in 21 months for her 10yr GC :P

Edited by Ronnie&Hang, 15 September 2011 - 06:45 PM.

Ronnie&HangMaleVietnam (no flag)2011-09-15 18:44:00
VietnamQuestions - HCMC K1 to AOS Interview

Dear Vietnam VJers,

We received our AOS interview date here in the US. My wife came over on a K1 visa from Vietnam. Could anyone who went the K1 route share some of their experience? It can't possibly be as difficult and tricky as at HCMC.

- What was the process like?
- What types of questions do they ask?
- Do you go in as a couple or do they interview you seperately?
- About how long did it take from the interview to the GC?

Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

Just follow the instruction on the interview's a painless process.

Our case was not transfer to CSC so we had the interview.
We both came in and the interview lasted about 15-20 min..just basic questions (BD, SSN, address, phone, etc) about the two of us.
After dropping off the interview letter and waited to be call, we followed the lady into her office. She said normally she was the only person interviewing us, but that day there was another gentlement already sat in her office. She said he was there auditing her..he did not participate in the interview.

We brought lots of support docs (pictures, beneficiary, utilities bills, bank statements..) but were never asked for it..except they only wants to photocopy Hang's Costco, Bank, Credit, and Kaiser cards. So, do bring your documents to show just in case they asked...
Hang was about 10 wks pregnant then, somehow she knew and asked about it and we showed her the first ultrasound picture, she asked for the due date and made a photocopy of that too..

For us, we had to redo the I-693 and resubmitted at the later date..then the GC came in the mail about a week it took just over a month for us with the delay. If you get approved on the spot, you should get the card in the mail very quick.

We can not bring camera or cell phone into the building..have to leave it at home or in the car.

ps: I read from the ROC forum that if you get an AOS may not get another one at Removing of Conditions (ROC)..but you may want to confirm this :)
Good luck and have fun with the interview...
Ronnie&HangMaleVietnam (no flag)2011-09-14 14:00:00
VietnamHelp I-864
From the instructions on page 7 of the I-864:

"Item 21f - Enter the number of lawful permanent residents whom you are currently obligated to support based on your previous submission of Form I-864 as a petitioning, substitute, or joint sponsor, or of Form I-864EZ as a petitioning sponsor. Include only those persons who have already immigrated to the United States. Do not include anyone for whom your obligation to support has ended through the sponsored immigrant's acquisition of U.S. citizenship, death, abandonment of lawful permanent residence in the United States, acquisition of 40 quarters of earned or credited work in the United States, or obtaining a new grant of adjustment of status while in removal proceedings based on a new affidavit of support, if one is required."

So if any of the above 'bold' items applies to the previous person he listed in his co-signed in the past then you should be ok.
Since you've already being approved..wait to get your visa and if it comes up..try to explain it to Consulate.
Mistake like that happens..and that household size portion of the I-864 kinda confuses some people before...
Ronnie&HangMaleVietnam (no flag)2011-09-23 18:14:00
VietnamInterview next month

My SO has her interview on October 17th. She gave me a list of what she needs from me:

I-134 Form original signed, which she mentioned I had already done... but I haven't... actually until this minute, I was thinking of a different form, but ok, that settles that one.
1040 & W-2 from 2010
Job Letter (what do we need for this, b/c I promise my job is one of those kinds that makes you go through a toll-free or website to verify employment)
Bank Statement
Birth Certificate

Why would they need my birth certificate? My citizenship has already been established on this side. They don't have a right to re-adjudicate that right?

She also asked for a copy of everything I sent in with the petition, which I hope I can find... though they should definitely have that.

Anyway, it's been a LOOOOOOONG while since I've been in the chats, being back to work and all, any important advice at this point? How has it been going in our beloved HCM lately?

You should download the appointment package from the Consulate website to get all the required docs ready..

Job letter - all you need is a one-page employment verification letter from personnel/HR stating your employment status, since when, job tittle..etc on a company letter head. You let them worry about verify it if needed :)

For the interview, if you read the appointment package..they need the original BC of both of you. May be not in your case, but lots of time..for example the last names are the same and they want to see if there is a family connection/relationship.

You should have made photocopies of the I129F package you sent in to USCIS..and gave her a copy. Bring back all the original bona fide stuffs for her interview.
Remember the new letter of intent for your I-134.

Go through the appointment package (Pkg 4) if you don't have it already..get most of items ready for the interview. Good luck!!
Ronnie&HangMaleVietnam (no flag)2011-09-21 19:20:00
VietnamI Gotta' Say...

Hanoi is AWESOME!

I know you are talking about all the lake scenes :thumbs:
Ronnie&HangMaleVietnam (no flag)2011-09-17 14:57:00