K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEmployment letter
Has your fiancee been employed by this firm long enough to have a history of payments directly to her account, or for the bank to have a history of checks paid in? If she can provide additional evidence to support a letterhead stating the company policy and giving the phone number to contact, it may be more acceptable to USCIS. The objective is to ensure that your lady has the means to support you without you becoming a public charge, not to make it incredibly difficult for her or cause issues at her place of employment. She will, of course, need tax returns which confirm her past income anyway.

Embassy staff have probably seen many similar issues over the years. If it's something that worries her, have her call USCIS and confirm if they will accept that format. :)
Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-08-19 17:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp me! I'm confused!
When you download any forms from you will often see a link to Guidance notes for completing Form X next to it. Download these and read any preface notes on the form itself before you fill it in. A good habit to get into with immigration forms is to photocopy the blank form, or make several prints. That way you can complete them, review them, make changes in red pen until you're happy everything is perfect and then complete the original document correctly before submitting it. Yes, you get many shots at getting it right, but who wants to spend extra months waiting for RFE's? :)

The Guides link at the top of the page has excellent tips ( I see you've already discovered it, from the extract you posted), so keep reviewing them as they become applicable. :)
Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-08-19 17:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresilligitimate k2 with documentation to prove
Go talk to JAG about it, as they'll have the regulations available that you can have printed out to take to the DEERS office. Other than that, maybe approach the Philippine Consulate about a letter that indicates the applicable custody status of illegitimate children in PI or, if it's available online, print out any legal regulation that governs it.

Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-08-23 09:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUnsure plans while on K-1 Process
For your adjustment of status (AoS), you will want to fill in three forms - the I-485 (adjust from K1 fiancee to wife), I-765 (Employment Authorisation Document - until resident card supercedes it) and I-131 (Advance Parole aka Travel Document prior to Resident card). As the latter two are free if filed with the former, if there is any likelihood that you will want to work or return to the Phils for any family emergency, it's best to apply for all three at the same time.

Timeline for my process was :- Dec 19 applied for AoS/EAD/AP
Feb 20 received AP
Feb 28 received EAD
April 6 received Green card

Hope this gives you an idea of the timescales, although they may have changed in the last couple of years. Looking at timescales for people who apply in the couple of months before you do will often give a great idea of when to expect your paperwork to go through.
Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-26 19:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Fiancee Visa - for greencard holders too?
Is your fiance's visa sponsored by his employer? If so, are they able to offer any assistance with finding/providing a job and suitable sponsorship for yourself as well? Are you on a career path that is desirable in the US, that would aid you in finding employment here?

As the wait is impossibly long for you unless s/he becomes a US citizen, maybe it's time to start looking at alternatives that would allow you to be together sooner.
Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-10-20 13:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLawyer VS Visa Journey
Spend some time on the forums, reading the sorts of problems that crop up in other people's applications.

There are some obvious problems that require waivers and there are some personal histories that really need a GOOD lawyer to get through the immigration process.

Basically, only YOU and your fiance/e know the circumstances involved in your case. Go to and download ALL the forms that you would use in your process (from fiance visa right the way through to citizenship) and see how easily you can answer each of the questions, and provide evidence to support them.

If there is anything you have difficulty answering, ask questions here and, if you don't get an answer that sits well with you morally, go see a lawyer.

There are some wonderful and knowledgeable people on VJ, but they can only work with the degree of information you are prepared to share. Most people don't give the whole story, so they don't get the BEST advice available.

If you have a simple case with no arrest history, no drug history, no children or divorces involved, then you'll probably find it is something that you can happily do for yourself. However, each country has different issues that cause "red flags", so make sure you visit the regional forum based on your fiance/e's location. :)
Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-10-18 11:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNo Vaccination Records
Ask your doc if they can run a titer test for antibodies. That shows either vaccination or exposure by infection itself, based on the antibody levels in the blood.

If the NHS won't run it for you, I'm sure there are labs in the UK that will still provide the service for a fee.

Depending on your age, you could check with the school board for your TB and anything else that was administered via the school. NHS are pretty good about maintaining your accrued records as you move around doctors, so if they say they don't have vaccination history, I'd take their word for it.

Is your mum sure that you didn't have a World Health Organization card that shows any additional vaccinations? I know that most kids born pre-mid-70s were issued with them at the first vaccination, if that helps! :)

PS Nich/Nick is absolutely correct. I had full records of all shots administered and was still advised to have the "booster" shots prior to AoS. If you're marrying into the military, talk to the family clinic on post once you arrive in the US as many of them will issue you the vaccine number and a stamped, dated form confirming you've been immunised. Many shots are not required prior to AoS, but it's certainly a lot cheaper to have them in the UK than here in the US.

Edited by Brit Abroad, 16 November 2011 - 06:51 PM.

Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-11-16 18:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 & US Bank
A bank is legally required to retain 7 years worth of transactions. It's not a case of can't, it's more won't. You may have more luck in writing to them, or demanding prior statements if you truly need this evidence to support your application.

In terms of proving your income, there are better options available. Tax returns for prior years and pay stubs from your employer. :)
Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-08-22 21:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSSN
It's normally suggested that the immigrant get the SSN paperwork done prior to marriage as the name on the visa matches the name in the SSA database. It's also because the I-94 has a 90 day expiration date, and when you get close to the end of that visa the SSA offices often refuse to issue the card as you are close to the expiry date and your status either HAS changed from fiance/e to husband/wife or is about to.

Have a read of some of the threads where the fiancee/wife has been denied the SSN because of time restraints.

They shouldn't, but they do. Many people have had to take in the printed regulations concerning SSN issue to spousal immigrants in order to make the staff accept that the card SHOULD be issued with sufficient identification.
Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-12-04 23:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS and the IMPOSSIBLE R.F.E.

proof of the ex fiancee leaving the country isnt proof that they didnt marry though.

Correct. However, it narrows the frame of the search for a marriage record, no? :)
Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-12-06 19:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS and the IMPOSSIBLE R.F.E.
USCIS should have been able to verify that your ex-fiancee left the country, based on the airline boarding passes that they are obliged to provide to CBP. Obviously, someone has not done their job, your fiancee didn't leave, or the record itself has been lost.

If you remember the return date for your ex, and the airline (or even an approximation of her departure date) you can notify them and let them research it. Otherwise, try contacting her to see if she is, indeed, back in her home country and furnish USCIS with proof.

It seems an obvious oversight or assumption on the part of the official processing your application, but you have been presented with the hoop you must jump through. :/

Edited by Brit Abroad, 06 December 2011 - 04:22 PM.

Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-12-06 16:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoes he want to have children?
Most men who don't want children are easily read. They look away in discomfort, mutter, give you a blank stare or roll their eyes and/or grimace when you start talking "babies".

If your man is behaving like this on every occasion you go to baby displays or run into families with small children, I'd hazard a guess that he's probably interested in having them with you, and is using the opportunity to open you up. To discuss having a baby during sex is a strange time for a man disinterested in having children to raise the subject.

Time to bite the bullet, sit him down and ask him what his views on having children are and see if you can come to a mutual decision on it. Having a baby to please your partner is not the best way for a child to start life. It's a lot of hard work, expense and a lifetime commitment to that new person you created, and you need to be 100% happy that it's what you BOTH want. :)

Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-12-06 16:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWr got REf in Mail
Passport stamps, airline tickets, boarding passes. A photo can be falsified easily, but the other items can be verified, and explains why a photograph is regarded as secondary evidence.
Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-12-09 11:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFeeling of Solitude in a K-1 Engagement

Yet I have all of these women replying. I know we all have these feelings sometimes, even us men. I just talked with Nastya, she says that I should just go to sleep and I'll feel better in the morning :) - So true

I am the petitioner (male) waiting for my fiance, Anastasia, who will be leaving her friends and family.

Ah, well, in that case you can think of ways to integrate your beautiful lady into your life, and find activities that will make her feel less homesick.

Ask her for her favourite cooking recipes so you can find ingredients locally. Visit with YOUR friends and family and reestablish any broken connections, so there are more people for her to mix with when she arrives. Having a buffer of people who aren't "strangers" to both of you will help her find a "society" for the period that she can't work. Family tend to accept you with fewer conditions and are prepared to make more effort to help a new member fit in.

Write her a book of your life experiences and when she arrives update it with your coupledom. It will be an interesting way for her to learn about your past/childhood and eventually you'll probably have children and it will be a beautiful memento for them to keep. Traditionally a female activity, but sometimes men have a very nice way with words and make better authors. :)

Check if your local libraries have foreign language books available, or can get hold of them. If not, see if Anastasia would be interested in a kindle or something that allows her to read in her native tongue. Sometimes it's comforting not to have to think about translating everything, no matter how fluent one is in English. It also allows her to "keep a little piece of home" with her.

Are there any Russian communities in your area that you could join? Do you speak her language? How about taking a course before she arrives, that'd keep you busy and, of course, you'd have a willing helper to correct any mistakes when you practise on her!

Stop and consider what you'd like assistance with if you were moving abroad. Then think about how it could be made easier and you'll find ways to occupy your time, during which you're working towards making your bride happier.

Ignore those people who say that marriage is overrated. Marriage is what you choose to make it and, sadly, there are too many people out there who seem to expect a relationship to be perfect without wanting to make any effort. With love and good will on both sides, you'll build a long and happy life together.

PS This is a frustrating process, but it will end. We just celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary and I STILL remember how hard it was waiting on the mailman and wishing USCIS would work faster. Hang in there, your day will come! :)
Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-12-05 11:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFeeling of Solitude in a K-1 Engagement
This is the period that you will look back on and think "I wish I'd made more of the opportunity I had while I was still at home" once you get to the States.

Seriously, spend as much time with family and friends as you possibly can. You are leaving your homeland to live in America, potentially for the rest of your life. Build your memories, take photos, laugh, love, hug and cry while you still have the chance. You will certainly miss your loved ones and many familiar places and sights from home. Trust me. The first year in America is likely to be filled with sadness at how much you've lost, as much as happiness at what you've gained.

Missing your fiance is normal. Looking forward to a future with him is normal. Please don't forget to live your current life while you're waiting for the new one to start. :)

Also, you might want to start thinking about what you'll need once you arrive here in America. Perhaps ask your bank to build a financial portfolio showing your credit history (that may help establish your credit history here), all your academic/professional qualification paperwork, all your birth records, immunisation records, school history records, references from employers .. anything that may aid you in building status here. Look into getting a joint credit card with your fiance to start establishing credit, if his bank is agreeable. Take copies of all your paperwork.

Sort out your possessions at home. If there are items that you associate with others that you aren't bringing with you, make gifts of them to loved ones.

There are many things you can do to fill that time, that may make you feel less lonely. Your fiance shouldn't be the only significant person in your life, so hold on to those precious family and friends you have now.

Best of luck in your process. :)
Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-12-04 23:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCrossroads
Sometimes I think the long immigration process is a good test of how you are going to manage stress and relationship difficulties in your marriage.

LDRs are both easy and hard. Easy because there is no real give and take with the ability to log off or "have to go" when situations become awkward. Hard because there can never be enough contact with someone you love when they are in a distant country. Especially hard when your soul mate is from a high fraud country and your relationship is going to be scrutinised very closely.

The only advice I'd give you, without wishing to give any offence, is to use this time to be totally honest with him. Relationships are a two-way communication system. If you are unhappy, you need to be able to say "Hey, I love you and I wish you were here, but I'm struggling and I need more from you right now. Can you call me more often, or just let me know that you are thinking of me, please?". If you hold back on how you feel, he's not getting the REAL you, and isn't being offered the opportunity to do something about it. We assume so much about what our partners are thinking, that we don't actually ASK. It's easy to say that men are less communicative about their feelings than women; but maybe that's because we give them an "out" and we don't let them see how much their lack of action affects us. There is no room for emotional cowardice in a relationship.

You have a child together; this is about more than just you and him. Talk, and keep on talking, until you either know you are going to make this relationship work, come hell or high water, or you don't see it working and decide to come to an amicable end for your child's sake.

Best of luck to you, OP. :)

PS Sometimes it takes a little while to work out how your marital communication functions. People have different temperaments and experiences, and learn to express themselves in different ways. I'm not sure there's ever a right or wrong way, just a matter of finding the communication system that works best for both of you.
Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-12-22 13:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVaccinations needed for Colombian
Try checking out the Vaccination Requirements page at The requirements are for all immigrants, regardless of country of origin.
Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-11-22 10:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs a K-1 Fiance Visa Lawyer a waste of time?
If you are intelligent enough to read all the accompanying notes to the forms you need to complete (and, of course, the guides at the top of this forum) then you're certainly capable of filing for a visa yourself.

The most important thing is to make sure you understand all the evidence that is required and double check your "packet" before you submit it. Check the latest fees, the latest forms and ask any questions here on VJ. :)
Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-02 20:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 medical london

The only things they're interested in at the medical are:-


1. vaccination history

2. any significant diseases (anything communicable - TB, hepatitis, scarlet fever etc)

3. drug abuse

4. psychiatric history (depression, attempted suicide, psychosis)


Ask your GP to pull out anything relevant into a summary for you.    If you have a history of depression or depressive episodes, ask the doctor to write a letter that confirms whether s/he believes you are a danger to yourself or others or not.   Otherwise they'll write to the GP for clarification.

Other than that, don't worry - the medical is pretty easy stuff.  :)

Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-18 04:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUS Solider fiance visa to Chinese national


depends on how long you will be overseas with her, she is only allowed for a year I think, after that she's considered giving up on the permenent residency, 


This is not true for foreign spouses of military personnel posted overseas, as all US bases abroad are classed as US soil.  smile.png

Edited by Brit Abroad, 19 June 2013 - 05:51 AM.

Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-19 05:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPolice Report. How long is it good for??

The US Embassy has told you what it requires.  As it is the authority that will accept or deny your visa request, I would be inclined to follow THEIR instructions and not the organisation that issues the police report.


Strongly suggest you get an updated police report, unless you want an RFE and a further wait until you provide what is requested.

Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-27 04:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTWO ENVELOPES. Help me understand!
It's fine to open the plastic. The big, thick, dark yellow envelope is the one which contains your visa application and supporting evidence PLUS your medical notes and blood test results. It should be marked DO NOT OPEN.

Not sure what the other thin envelope is, as I didn't get one of those (but mine was 3+ years ago). Could it be a "film" from your chest X-ray at the medical?

The only other item I got in that packet (besides the passport with visa) was an A4 white sheet which was taped to the front of the big packet. When I checked in for my flight, they asked for it.

Basically, pull out the envelopes and check all sides for the DNO notice.

Congratulations, and hope your trip over is uneventful. :)
Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-12-25 19:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhere can we download all latest version forms for K1 visa?

Why not try going to their website?     There is a green bar across the top.  The first entry is Forms.

Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-21 13:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo they google you?


so if there something we dont want others to see we should delete it?

isnt that a breach of privacy?


There is no such thing as privacy on the internet.  This is why you should consider what you post BEFORE clicking the send button.  :)

Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-15 01:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy Fiance Overstayed UK W/Student Visa Exp/K-1 Approved Embassy Aware of Expiration

Unless he's committed a crime (overstaying a student visa doesn't really fall in that category) and comes up on a watchlist or a no-fly list, he will have no problems leaving the UK.    He's been issued a visa to enter the US, so he should be fine to either fly to America from the UK or from Morocco (if he chooses to go home and spend some time with family and putting his affairs in order before coming to live in the US).  

Good luck for the future.  smile.png

Edited by Brit Abroad, 09 November 2013 - 05:42 PM.

Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-09 17:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWho does USCIS contact?

This is part of the identity check.  While you may be the only person you know with your name, there is always a possibility that there may be another one, two or ten out there, and USCIS have to be sure that they are admitting the right person by confirming who you are.  :)


Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-24 21:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBirth cert name doesn't match passport

Put a covering letter in explaining the difference and that you don't use it.     I use my middle name and it was in all our correspondence as it's what my husband knew me as and they simply asked me to confirm at the interview.  :)


Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-27 05:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresvisiting while on K-1 petition

I visited my now-husband twice while the K1 was in play.   CBP asked me if I intended getting married during this visa, I said no.   Other than that, I had no problem entering the US at all.

Traditionally, the UK is not viewed as a high fraud country and they may be a little more lenient with Brits than many other countries.  It's worth a try to see your fiancee, right?  :)


Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-24 01:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan I get married abroad (ceremony only) and then still come on K1 visa?

How would immigration know if it is not recorded anywhere?


So, you think that nobody at the ceremony is going to take photos and plaster them all over Facebook and other social media?    It has been proven many times over that USCIS have access to FB records and they DO check.

If you want to take the risk, go for it, but do you want to risk a denial and a permanent notation on your record?   Actions can have consequences, and we've heard the horror stories of the model GC holder who applies for citizenship and is denied because they are found out in a lie (misrepresentation, which is a deportable offence) several years down the line.

Your choice.

Edited by Brit Abroad, 06 February 2014 - 07:05 PM.

Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-06 19:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Support

No.  Think about it.  

You could get hold of someone's signature. Scan it.  Paste it onto a document and rescan.    Original signatures are always required for legal documents, and this is a contract between the signatory and the government.

Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-10 04:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTouring Europe After K-1 is Issued BUT Before Entering US



US visa has no bearing in Europe, and a British passport holder has freedom of movement under the Schengen agreement within European borders.

The link above gives details for the US passport holder.  

Have a great holiday together.  smile.png


Edited by Brit Abroad, 17 February 2014 - 05:01 AM.

Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-17 04:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of having met in the past 2 years

Google Skype Exporter.  Within that nifty little app is the ability to export call lists to confirm the frequency of your conversations.  :)

Other than that, everyone has covered the major points for the application.   Good luck and a speedy process to you, OP.  

Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-03 17:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSurprise visit after K-1 sent in

Do this and remove any doubts ahead of time -



This is the redress system for flying passengers who have issues with identification, where a suspected no-fly person has the same or a similar name and it has presented problems for an innocent traveller.   It's not designed to evade the CBP check for visitors.

Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-29 13:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSurprise visit after K-1 sent in

Although your circumstances re job and lack of lease haven't changed, the fact that you have officially applied for your fiancee visa shows them that you are doing it the legal way.  Perhaps if you plan ahead and take a letter stating your intent to spend a couple of weeks with your fiance, that you will return to Canada on X date using the prebooked ticket and you will not be getting married during this visit it may go some way to pacifying any suspicion of intent to work around entry.

You could always try being upfront with them and stating that you were turned away (they will have a record in the system anyway) but you now have the receipt for your visa application.  Don't know if you have started booking anything for your wedding, but any evidence for that would certainly help, too.  :)

When I visited my now husband while the K1 was processing I didn't have a job and was living with my parents.  They didn't ask a lot of questions, but did "remind" me that I shouldn't be getting married during this visit.

Good luck and I hope your visa gets processed smoothly.  :)


Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-28 19:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresToo soon?

The K1 VISA doesn't require you to be engaged or have a ring.  It  requires you to be free and willing to marry.   :)

Britain is not a high fraud nation and there is a lot less scrutiny in most of the cases passing through the London embassy.

Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-08-15 13:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPending K1 visa, visiting US with pet

Do you have any original documents proving that the cat originated in the US?  Past vet records?  Adoption from a shelter, animal control or breeder?    Anything that links the cat to YOU, rather than your fiance.  

Obviously, you can write a statement outlining the history of puss' ownership and why s/he is now able to return to you.   Presumably you have all the records for your fiance to prove intent to return to the UK and wait it out, so it shouldn't be that much of an issue.

Good luck, and I hope kitty is a good traveller!  :)

Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-08-23 19:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSent I-129F to Belfast, only process in London

You will want to take note of time expiration on things like the police certificate and making sure that you plan to AoS within a year of your medical.  The latter because it exempts you from having to have another examination in the US to satisfy the requirement.     You would simply need to make sure you have any missing "shots" and then send evidence to support it, along with the copy form from your medical.

If you read the forms AND their accompanying notes you will see exactly what is required.  The VJ guides give some great additional ideas on evidence that you can send, but I wouldn't panic too much, as the UK is not regarded as a high fraud consulate and you won't be subject to the same level of scrutiny as a few of the other nationals.

Best of luck in your process.  :)

Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-08-25 23:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPLS HELP ME
QUOTE (Bobby_Umit @ Apr 25 2009, 10:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (epifreak @ Apr 25 2009, 12:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Karin und Otto @ Apr 25 2009, 07:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (yahya_marie @ Apr 25 2009, 08:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

The fact that you are disabled doesn't automatically require you obtain a co-sponsor - you must however earn (somehow) 125% of the Poverty Guidelines and be able to show evidence of such - if active duty military, you are allowed to earn only 100% (or the number indicated in the link you provided). good.gif

For a K-1 process you only need to meet the 100% rule if you are adjusting status then you need to meet the 125% rule.

Unfortunately - most embassies require the 125% level - she would need to check what they want.

QUOTE (yahya_marie @ Apr 25 2009, 11:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
can you apply with california if they say that you have to apply with vermont

No, you have to apply to the center that your current address requires.

If you send it to wrong place, they will foward it to the correct center.

oops8rh.gif Your right. I forgot about that. I don't remeber where I saw the 100% rule, but I'm thinking it could have been at my embassy/consulate website. I assume that the best thing to do is have a cosponsor. Better be safe than sorry correct.

epifreakFemaleMexico2009-04-25 11:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPLS HELP ME
QUOTE (Karin und Otto @ Apr 25 2009, 07:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (yahya_marie @ Apr 25 2009, 08:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

The fact that you are disabled doesn't automatically require you obtain a co-sponsor - you must however earn (somehow) 125% of the Poverty Guidelines and be able to show evidence of such - if active duty military, you are allowed to earn only 100% (or the number indicated in the link you provided). good.gif

For a K-1 process you only need to meet the 100% rule if you are adjusting status then you need to meet the 125% rule.
epifreakFemaleMexico2009-04-25 11:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresService Center Question

If you live in Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Washington, D.C., Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, U.S. Virgin Islands, and West Virginia.

Vermont Service Center

If you live in Alaska, American Samoa, Arizona, California, Colorado, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, Wisconsin, and Wyoming

California Service Center

Thank you for the reply, does the Texas Service Center not handle I-129F?
VisaSoldierMalePhilippines2011-01-12 22:38:00