United KingdomMissing home
Oh, I forgot to mention the other important piece for your homesick hubby.

He can subscribe to download sites for UK tv programs. I use Sometimes there is a waiting list to join, but it's worth checking back frequently as they open up randomly.

Just a case of getting a torrent download program and he can watch all sorts of programs here. Very often they will have the football, cricket and tennis in season. Radio programs are frequently uploaded.
Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-10 00:31:00
United KingdomMissing home
Sounds like good old homesickness. We all go through it at some stage, normally after the excitement of being with our fiance/e in a new country has worn off and the daily routine becomes established.

There are plenty of things you can do to help, though. Give him time to indulge his homesickness, maybe 3 months or so for the worst of it and then kick his ####### and tell him to start looking for ways to bring what he loved from the UK over here. Go out to a hardware store and buy some netting and some poles - make him his own garden badminton court and invite people round to learn how to play it. It's not a tough thing to do at all. Fish and chips? Easy to cook. Lots of recipes for beer batter on the UK food sites, and chips are beyond simple to do. Thick slice a potato into much, much chunkier fries and cook them in a saucepan with canola oil until they are golden brown on the outside and soft on the inside. I started making them as a comfort food for myself, now my husband begs for them. Cereal? What kind of cereal does he have that you can't buy the base ingredient here and add to it? I'm confused.

Driving can be intimidating in a new location. So can learning a new set of rules and being confident in using them. Encourage him to keep trying, he'll feel so much more independent if he just has the opportunity to be able to take off when homesickness bites. Every area has it's country roads, just a case of digging out that map and finding where best to go.

Many moons ago someone linked a graph about homesickness ... figured I'd share it again!Posted Image
Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-08 16:01:00
United KingdomTraveling to London. Anyone tried the drive INTO london ?
Not sure I'd want to risk having to pull over and consult an A-Z if I missed a road or got squeezed into the wrong lane, but if you're a fearless navigator it shouldn't be that difficult. People do it every day, after all.

I think driving to a Zone 5/6 tube station and getting a daily travel card is probably the easiest option. Provided you leave enough parking time on your car park ticket, it's a nice cheap way of going shopping in town. smile.gif

Edited by Brit Abroad, 10 June 2009 - 04:23 PM.

Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-06-10 16:22:00
United KingdomCoping with the move from the UK to the US
Great thread!

I only really have four things to add:-

1. Skype - These days nearly everyone has, or has access to, a computer. Webcams are cheap and Skype allows you to "be there in person" in a free phone call. I can't imagine life without it, especially as someone who is at home alone all day. :)

2. Shopping - Make a list of the things that you buy on a regular basis. Not just by it's British name, but a description of the item itself. Ask your partner and his/her family to recommend an item based on the description. You will be amazed at how many times someone comes up with an alternative that you, somehow, don't notice when you're in a store here.

3. Expectation of parity- One thing that every Brit who has "settled in" will tell you is that the bread and chocolate suck. They don't just suck, they're terrible. BUT, there's an easy way out of it. A simple loaf of bread is incredibly easy to bake (if you want a foolproof recipe, PM me) and the ingredients are freely available here. What you cannot get here, ask your UK family to mail you as a semi-regular treat and return the favour by sending US-only items. Mine enjoy mailing chocolate and visitors ALWAYS arrive bearing chocolatey gifts of goodness, Indian spices and branston pickle.

4. Communication - It's incredibly easy to fall into the whiney "I miss X" stage without even noticing it. Of course you'll miss it. You may even miss it more than you would ordinarily simply because you have to actually THINK about shopping once again. Set yourself some goals for dealing with the differences - do some research on the internet about different cuts of meat (this helps more than you know, terminology varies hugely by location in the US and cuts are different in the US); search for a butcher or baker locally if you absolutely cannot find something you want. Occasionally, just knowing that you CAN get it, even if you rarely do, will ease some of the homesickness.

I used to complain of being housebound and feeling trapped because I couldn't really get out without a car. My husband gave in and bought me a runabout. Now he is amused by the fact that the car sits idle most days and yet I don't feel trapped anymore. It's taken me many months to be able to say to him "Knowing the car is there and I can get out at any time has given me the freedom and comfort of being able to stay home. It's by choice, not by necessity!" and he finally understands how much of it was homesickness and coping with "difference".

Identify what you need as your "comfort zone" for the move, and find a way to source it in America. :)
Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-29 14:33:00
United Kingdomus embassy location
Here's a link to Jalbum, showing the Map to the Embassy (image1), the view from Upper Grosvenor St (image 2) and down from Brook St/Grosvenor Square (image3) - http://abroadbrit.ja...bassy-in-London

The Googlemaps link is;t=h&z=17

Easily found. Just look for the armed police guarding the place, the huge line and you've found it. :)
Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-07 11:59:00
United KingdomESTA question.. possibly my most stupid yet..
On the flight into America you will be offered three different forms. A green one (you don't need this, this is a visitor only form), a white non-US resident/citizen form (the I-94 which you fill in with YOUR details and it will be stapled into your passport by the CBP Officer) and a customs document which everyone entering America must complete.

Whatever you do, do NOT remove the white card stapled into your passport as you will later need this to Adjust your Status and be issued with your Alien Registration Card (green card).

EDIT: When you check in for your flight, the desk attendant will ask to see your form from the top of the sealed yellow packet. It helps to keep it handy for inspection. :)

Edited by Brit Abroad, 26 April 2011 - 09:12 AM.

Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-04-26 09:10:00
United KingdomTransferring money to US.
As a K1 you will not have a social security number until you visit the local SS Office with your passport and K1 paperwork to get it sent to you in the mail. Therefore, you cannot open or be added to a US bank account as they require a SSN of the account holder.

From here you have two options for money transfer (unless you want to risk carrying a large amount of cash through airports). Ask your bank to convert your account into a banker's draft (known in the US as a cashier's check). Before you get this done, I would ask your spouse-to-be if the bank you will be opening an account with prefers the draft/check in US currency or will accept foreign, and at what rate of conversion. Then once you are added to a joint account, or open your own, you simply pay in the draft/check as you would any other cheque in the UK.

If you elect to transfer money through the banking system you will need to compile the information required by the originating bank from the receiving one. Generally, this involves the recipient bank's SWIFT number, Account number, Mailing Address and Phone number, in addition to the full name and address of the account holder.

EDIT: Do some googling on banker's draft and electronic funds transfers for full details. :)

Edited by Brit Abroad, 26 April 2011 - 09:25 AM.

Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-04-26 09:25:00
United KingdomAny of y'all homesick?
Almost 3 years in and I still miss the food.

I detest American bread. It's so full of sugar that it's more like cake. Solution: Buy a breadmaker. Endless variety.

I miss jacket potatoes being sold in every cafe and bar, with the huge array of awesome (see, I'm almost American now) fillings. Tuna mayo corn, cheese and beans, cheese and coleslaw etc. Luckily, I can reproduce those at home, but sometimes a girl wants to eat lunch out, and endless burgers, hotdogs and breaded chicken just aren't on my wish list.

I miss lamb. Why do Americans seem to hate it so much? Lamb chops with mint sauce, buttery mashed potatoes and peas ..... well, comfort food is always welcome.

Victoria sponge, raspberry and apple lattice pies, raspberry meringue, cream slice, eccles cakes, cornish pasties, sausage rolls, chicken and mushroom pie from the chippy, non-chilled beer and ale, fruit squash, viennetta, proper bacon that isn't just rashers of fat, scampi, kippers on toast .. and, my final loss .. proper chocolate (Quality Street, caramel, starbar, mint aero, crunchie .. now I'm drooling).

Of course, to be fair, America has wonderful food, too. Seriously, you don't know what you'll miss until you arrive. Be kind to your spouse and reassure them that it's not personal, it's not that you hate America or the way America does things, it's that you miss the ease and comfort of familiarity at home. Accept that you traded familiarity for a wonderful person to share your life with and you'll soon be talking with a twang and telling people how wonderful America is when you go home for a visit. :)
Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-27 16:10:00
United KingdomProblems gaining paperwork
No Live Trace means there is an historical charge. I don't know how in-depth the search that USCIS initiates is, but in the interests of NOT getting an RFE for more information it is probably better to spend the time getting the documents in advance.

I had the same issue with depression. When you answer the medical form truthfully that you have had a diagnosis of depression, the medical examiner will ask about it. They will also check your arms and trunk for any self-harm. The next statement made was "I'll need to write to your GP for confirmation". My depression was YEARS earlier than my medical appointment (and based around work stress and bereavement), so believe me, it's relevant to your medical appointment. If you want more information on the medical, there's a huge thread (or two) about the Knightsbridge practice that handles it. It's under the UK regional forum and gives great detail about what is involved.

Never talk to a receptionist about what you need from a doctor. Make an appointment and discuss it with your doctor directly. They are going to be involved in writing a letter one way or the other, so it speeds up the process if they can write it in advance. If not, at least they will know the request is coming and how important it is to your visa. You won't need it before your medical. If possible, ask that your doctor also gives you a copy of the letter AND, if your med practice is willing, see if they will reproduce your medical notes for you to bring with you to the US. This is incredibly helpful for a new doctor. :) Mine were willing to do it, but needed a week's notice and charged me for the photocopy paper and the time of the receptionist to copy the non-computerised documents like blood tests/letters from consultants etc.

The depression isn't an issue that will stop your visa. At worst, it'll only slow down the medical examination case file from going to the Embassy until the doctor has confirmation from your GP. If your GP is on his/her toes, that can be turned around in a couple of days.

Not sure how efficient London is at the moment (mine was 3 years ago now), but it used to be that you received the interview letter than rang Knightsbridge docs to schedule the medical ahead of the interview.

Good luck with your visa application. May it be relatively painless and speedy! :)
Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-08-15 09:32:00
United KingdomMedical at Knightsbridge
Get your vaccinations at your local surgery. Check the CDC Required Vaccinations for Immigrants Notes and you can download the I-693 from List of USCIS forms. This is the document that you will get a Civil Surgeon to sign off on for your AoS once you are married. The one you visit at Knightsbridge will complete a DS3032 which is a summary schedule. If you have any vaccination records from the NHS in a booklet form (ie the WHO booklets that were big in the 70s) take them along to your appointment. Before I left the UK I wrote to my GP's practice manager and asked if I could pay a fee to have my computer notes summary printed out to bring with me to help doctors here in the US know my history. It cost £10 for the photocopy paper and was ready within 24 hours.

Regarding the depression, you can speed up the process for this by getting a letter from your GP stating that you didn't self harm or harm others and that you aren't a danger. If you don't take it in advance, they will ask you about depression and then you get to wait while they write to your GP and GP responds. Far easier to do it in advance.

I don't recall them asking about STI's, but it was a long time ago now. If you know you don't have one, respond no. They only take a cursory peek at your genital area to confirm that you are female/male as you state. This takes the form of them just lifting the hem of your knickers and taking a brief look. Nothing in-depth at all, so don't worry about it. :)

They will weigh you, take your height in bare feet, check your eyesight and take a look over your arms for any marks of self-harm, in addition to having the chest x-ray to confirm you don't have TB and the blood test for any transmissible diseases.

It's a simple process that takes about 30 mins in total. The worst part is filling in the questionnaire in the waiting room and waiting to be called, which takes forever.

Edited by Brit Abroad, 01 August 2011 - 03:26 PM.

Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-08-01 15:24:00
United Kingdomproof of ties to home...visiting whilst the visa is in process...
Just take a copy of the NOA2 and everything else you suggested, not the entire packet. :)

Don't know how comfortable your fiance is with giving you a copy of his orders, but if CBP know that the person you're intending to visit is only there for a limited period on RnR and your tickets correspond with those dates, they are probably going to be a little more receptive. Maybe a letter from his folks inviting you over for his leave period?

I flew to visit my (now) husband three times while we were waiting for visa processing. I travelled with a small case and just a handbag as hand luggage. If it's obvious you're not carrying much beyond your needs and you have evidence that you propose returning, don't worry too much about being refused entry as you have good documents to prove your intent.

Good luck to you, OP. :)
Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-20 20:34:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFirst time travel back Russia
QUOTE (slim @ Apr 13 2009, 08:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't see why it would be a problem, but you probably should get in line to renew your passport. If not in San Francisco, then when you go home for visit. (Time permitting.)

Unfortunately, the name in the passport has to be the one on the plane tickets. Unless you can afford two one-way tickets in maiden name on outward and married name on return, it's not really practical to renew your passport while you're visiting home.

I was planning to do that myself, only to discover that it's a Federal requirement that the ticket name and passport name match and the airline will refuse to carry you if they don't.

Either take your maiden name passport, marriage certificate and green card on your trip OR renew your passport before you leave America. Better to brave the queue than find yourself stuck back at home with the prospect of buying another ticket. smile.gif
Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-04-14 05:13:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusExplaining to your SO that you are poor
My husband moaned like crazy about the cost of living in the UK (not exactly a cheap alternative), until he got posted to Hawaii. Now he can't wait to return to mainland USA. smile.gif

It might benefit you both to draw up a monthly/quarterly spreadsheet of income and outgoings, showing your total outlay and how you spend any extra. If you can show her what allowance she would have if she doesn't work, and then chart the difference if she had an income, you might be helping her to understand the quality of life associated with her future choice(s).

It may also help you find unexpected areas where you can recoup money. To give you a simple example:- When I moved to the island the food bill went down hugely, as hubby had a fast food addiction to match his lack of cooking skill.
Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-13 19:04:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussians not welcome in Copenhagen?
Wikipedia has written it up nicely for you ... here!
Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-22 21:46:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)traveling after green card
QUOTE (Brad and Vika @ Mar 17 2009, 12:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am not sure this solution will work in Ukraine, necessarily. The support system works differently than in the US, and threatening the guy with that stuff might not provide much of a lever.

I am not a fan of "threats" at any time, let alone when there is more to gain by bartering and keeping things as neutral as possible, especially when the birth certificate is technically illegal and could land the OP and his new family in a world of legal pain.

The father has already stated disinterest in the child. In order to have sole legal custody, the OP needs the biological father to "sign off" on any parental rights. The easiest way to encourage this is by offering something in exchange. Who knows, maybe bio-dad would be happy to just sign the papers and be clear of any involvement at all. Without asking, nobody will ever know.
Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-18 05:50:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)traveling after green card
QUOTE (djwalker60+Alina @ Mar 14 2009, 07:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Gary and All;

I know i've written to some off line about this but my Fiancee has a 15 month old, the biological wants nothing to do with her or child since the day he found out she was having a baby. The US Embassy wants a letter for either missing parent, in this case the local govt will actually look for him and take a long time and she wants not to even talk with this person or else she feels that there will be a problem. Good point is that she made up the middle name and the last name on the birth certificate is hers. So the fathers name on the birth certificate is not a real person. According to the US Embassy In Kiev, they said all that they need is a "Thank you for your inquiry of March 10, 2009. The name of the document is "??????? ??? ??, ?? ?????? ?????? ????????? ?? ???? ??????". In English the document is called the way we wrote you in the previous emails.
If you have any other questions you can contact us via email."

then they said this

Thank you for your inquiry of March 10, 2009. This is the only document we require in this case.
We hope this information will be helpful.

Public Liaison Unit
Consular Section
U.S. Embassy,
Kyiv, Ukraine

The other way is to get a Ukrainian court to give her sole custody and in this case I have no idea how that would work. We have many months to wait for the interview and that is why i had her start now on getting one of these two options.

It appears that we are not going to have any issues, but wanted to throw this out there in case anyone else has had a similar issue at the Kiev Embassy.


I think in this situation, it would probably be better to approach the biological father and manoeuver him into signing away any parental rights, in exchange for not being pursued for any parental responsibilities (ie financial). If he hasn't seen the child and genuinely doesn't wish to have any relationship then this would stop a lot of worry further down the line.

You can dispute many things, but if he should pursue this later and a DNA test is ordered, it won't matter what names are on the birth certificate as the evidence isn't going to support any claim made.

It probably seems a difficult solution, but in the long run it's got to be worth a shot. I'd leave out anything about a relationship, immigration or otherwise. Quite simply, your fiancee just wants to take sole responsibility in a legal capacity.

Good luck smile.gif
Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-15 05:12:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Marriage to a German citizen in Germany
I'm not sure how much help you'll get here as this forum is for immigration to the US, not to Germany, but you may get lucky. Good Luck. :)

Otherwise, a quick Google of Immigration of US citizen to germany for marriage may net you a better option.
Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-04 19:17:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresGetting upset
You could start off by explaining that your question stems from a desire to be involved in her daily life rather than to be controlling her movements and censoring her life.

Basically, you are interested in her and what she does. It's natural to be curious about your future spouse! After all, you haven't known each other all your life and are acquainted with the things they like to do, how they do them and how much it means to them.

If she has a problem answering you about what she does, maybe she has a reason to be secretive .... then again, maybe she just isn't used to sharing her life with someone on the the other side of the planet. The only way you'll know is by talking it through with her.

Distance is hard, but it's a precursor of living together on a permanent basis (well, USCIS and I hope so!) is made much easier if you don't discover that one or both of you are very different to the other than you were expecting. smile.gif
Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-04-14 22:46:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisa cancellation/ relocation
I'm not sure the marriage fraud would be an issue if AoS is approved.

What would concern me more in that situation, is that withdrawing the AoS would put your wife into a 4 month overstay on her tourist visa. This is much more likely to be troublesome in connection with future visitor visas.

Personally, now that you have the AoS interview, I'd attend it, get the green card then write a letter stating that you intend living abroad and are therefore returning the green card.

Once a green card has been issued you're in the "system", which should make it simpler to reapply for it if you decide to return. It should also remove the overstay issue as well and the fact that you had been issued with a green card may help with a visitor visa for those return visits.
Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-04-21 13:53:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWill I EVER get to USA?
QUOTE (Y's_habibitk @ Apr 17 2009, 10:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The fact that your case has been "touched" kinda leads me to beleive you arent stuck in name checks anymore.

It looks promising that your case has been touched twice in the last few weeks, but still..

MrsB, I'm really sorry to hear of the mess that USCIS are making of your application. However, I strongly agree with the above poster. If you're getting touches frequently, it means your paperwork is being looked at, which means it's officially out of FBI checks and must have been approved.

They're both good signs, and *should* mean that an Immigration Officer should be able to look at the file for you if your husband calls.

If you'd had an RFE on the touches, you'd have heard by now, which is also another good sign.

Hold in there, it looks like things are finally moving, so stay positive, it WILL happen. smile.gif
Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-04-17 20:17:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI need some advice
Most people here on VJ have relatively "simple" cases. By that I mean, no criminal convictions, no drug use, no sexual abuse charges. If you fall into that category, it's certainly much cheaper to complete and submit the paperwork by yourselves.

My recommendation is to read up on the ENTIRE process, from K1 Fiance/e visa, through Adjustment of Status and Removal of Conditions. The links are at GUIDES on the very top menu of this page. Then pop over to the and print out all the forms for each process (this has the advantage that you get the latest versions, as some of the guides may not have been updated). Make some photocopies and see how you get on filling them out. If you run into problems, come and ask questions here on the forums and you're likely to get sufficient advice to complete them without paying a lawyer excessive amounts for it.

Personally, we found the most difficult part of the process was the waiting time. Provided you are thorough about accumulating the required paperwork and you take care to fill in the forms correctly, it's not a difficult process.

Best of luck to you, OP. :)
Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-06 12:50:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhere are the medical reviews?
Under the title, enter Knightsbridge into the Search bar and you'll find plenty of threads relating to people's medicals in London.

Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-04-30 11:50:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLost London embassy appointment letter!
Unlikely they would.

Look up the contact number for the Embassy, ask them to fax you a copy of the letter from your file, with a covering letter explaining the situation.

They can certainly check with the back office when you arrive for security, but it'll delay you, so make sure you allow plenty of time. smile.gif
Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-10 18:38:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview question london
Pay the visa fee at the cashier's office (the CO will direct you to it) and make sure you keep the receipt. If you are successful and the visa is approved, you will join the line near the entrance for the courier to take your passport return details. Other than these two costs, there should be no requirement for money, other than coins for the vending machines (snacks/drinks) while you wait. Bring a book or a couple of magazines as appointments don't seem to be on time very often. smile.gif
Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-09-26 00:49:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPOE flight
No problems at all with a return ticket. It's the use of the return portion that causes the problem, not the having it.

You'll be fine. Buy whatever is cheapest for you. You won't have any issues at PoE, I can't imagine there are many people who pay 3x 4x 5x the price of a return for a one-way, so the CBP won't bat an eyelid at you.

I came through Los Angeles. The only thing they're interested in is your sealed packet and the visa in your passport. Relax and enjoy the wait being over. smile.gif
Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-10 05:53:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical Question
AS per Nigel&Meggie, I had the same experience. All the nurse at Kensington will do is mark down on the sheet which you have had and the doctor will sign it off. Your GP should be able to confirm all childhood vaccinations from your medical records (most charge a small fee to put all your medical records onto a disk if they're computerised or photocopy your file for you to bring to your new doctor in the US) so you can confirm which you need. Provided you have the minimum legal requirement before you attempt to AoS so the Civil Surgeon can sign off the I-693 you'll be fine. :)
Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-04-27 09:29:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCarrying documents to embassy in plastic bag?
I took my documents in a transparent wallet (making sure I put a dark sheet at either side so no personal data was visible from the outside). The Snopake wallets are excellent. :)
Brit AbroadFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-12 09:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAffidativ of Support help!!!!!!
QUOTE (Cham @ Jan 17 2009, 12:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I will also add your cosponsor needs to make enough to sponsor YOU your fiancé and themselves and their Dependants if they have any.

yes you can have a cosponsor and have no job as LONG as that cosponsor makes enough for all of you:)

best wishes good.gif kicking.gif

Thanks for all your help. good.gif That really sets my mind at ease about one thing at least. Lol one less thing to stress about. I'm really excited and impatient specially because its getting close to my NOA2 approval time. I hope it doesn't delay any longer, I was hoping it would happen in February, but from looking at the timelines it looks more like march or april, so I guess we'll see unsure.gif

epifreakFemaleMexico2009-01-28 20:22:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAffidativ of Support help!!!!!!
Another thing that came to mind is that I'm only a part time since undergraduate students are only allowed to work 19 hours at school. Do I have to be employed full-time in order to apply for the affidativ support?
epifreakFemaleMexico2009-01-16 23:09:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAffidativ of Support help!!!!!!
I'm a student. I have the a job as a student assistant. I've heard I can get someone to cosponsor me because there is no way my yearly income is over $17,000. I barely make $10,000. sad.gif I graduate in May '09 and probably won't have a job after a graduate. Do I need to be employed to have a co-sponsor? Will being a student affect the decision they make about me and my fiance? sad.gif
epifreakFemaleMexico2009-01-16 22:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLetter from American Consulate
YEAH! that's right!
though it doesn't really matter.... it only matter that they have "sent" the package to him/or you, because as you can call them and ask about your package and if they tell you that your package has been "sent" ( even if you don't have hard copy of the letter) you can head to juarez... the only thing that matters from the package is the invitaion letter... which you can get printed out when you get to juarez (You already have so it doesnt matter) all the other documents you can print out from the web site!

So what I mean is you are good to go anytime to juarez!!!

( And I know the feeling I wish my guy was going inside with me too :-( )

wow.gif Wow that is awesome. I thought it would take way longer I just got my NVC notice, well I guess i wasn't expecting it so soon from all the things I've read I thought it would take atleast two to three months not two to three weeks. Yay I'm so happy. I better get to work on all those documents and stuff. YAY!!!!
Thanks for all your help
epifreakFemaleMexico2009-03-15 00:14:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLetter from American Consulate
QUOTE (cici_ortiz @ Mar 14 2009, 10:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
yeah, they tend to do that in juarez... they send a letter to both partys... they really don't trust mexican post.... and for good reason (lots of ppl never get there letter in mexico).... you (the american) will not be allow in the consulate( you will have to wait out side or in the hotel til your other half comes out... sorry)

Yeah I know I'm not allowed to be there crying.gif And its going to kill me, but I hope everything goes well, so does this mean that the package has been sent out to him??
epifreakFemaleMexico2009-03-14 23:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLetter from American Consulate
QUOTE (epifreak @ Mar 14 2009, 09:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi, I have a fiance in Mexico, I recently applied for a K-1, I was aware that my package had been sent to the American Consulate in Juarez, Mexico. I received a letter from them. One thing I thought very strange why did I receive it, shouldn't this letter be for my Fiance. The letter is directed to him but it has my name and address. It states:

This office is pleased to inform you that it can begin to process you fiance(e) visa case. Pleas read and follow all of the enclosed instructions very carefully.

Please notice that from the date of the receipt of this letter the beneficiary of the applicaton has an open appointment at this office any working day ......... and it goes on.

I'm confused why did I receive this letter. The Date on it is March 9, 2009. So does this mean that he can know go to the consulate for his appointment. Excuse my ignorance since I have never applied for a K1 visa I'm not sure what is going on. I could use all the help possible. Thanks to all of you for your help

blush.gif Just to make things clear the letter is from the American Consulate at Ciudad Juarez Chih, Mexico. Lol, sorry if I caused any confusion

epifreakFemaleMexico2009-03-14 23:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLetter from American Consulate
Hi, I have a fiance in Mexico, I recently applied for a K-1, I was aware that my package had been sent to the American Consulate in Juarez, Mexico. I received a letter from them. One thing I thought very strange why did I receive it, shouldn't this letter be for my Fiance. The letter is directed to him but it has my name and address. It states:

This office is pleased to inform you that it can begin to process you fiance(e) visa case. Pleas read and follow all of the enclosed instructions very carefully.

Please notice that from the date of the receipt of this letter the beneficiary of the applicaton has an open appointment at this office any working day ......... and it goes on.

I'm confused why did I receive this letter. The Date on it is March 9, 2009. So does this mean that he can know go to the consulate for his appointment. Excuse my ignorance since I have never applied for a K1 visa I'm not sure what is going on. I could use all the help possible. Thanks to all of you for your help
epifreakFemaleMexico2009-03-14 22:58:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 Cosponsor
Thanks guys for all your help!!!!
epifreakFemaleMexico2009-03-22 14:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 Cosponsor
Hope someone can help me since the forums seem to be empty all the time know. I'm filling out an affidavit of support i-134 for my fiance. I need a co-sponsor one also and my dad will gladly help me, but I had a question on what he needs to put on his affidavit:

Question 3. This affidavit is executed in behalf on the following person: ??? Who does he put, me or my fiance, and if he puts my fiance what shall he put under relationship to sponsor???

epifreakFemaleMexico2009-03-20 22:25:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDS-160
Has anyone used the DS-160 for your K-1 at the Juarez Consulate?
epifreakFemaleMexico2009-04-09 13:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCD Juarez Consulate Visa Appointments Cancelled
QUOTE (franklie @ Apr 29 2009, 09:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

the following is from the above link

In accordance with measures announced by the Government of Mexico to limit the congregation of large crowds, the Embassy in Mexico City and the U.S. Consulate General in Ciudad Juarez advise that all immigrant visa appointments are cancelled at the U.S. Consulate General in Ciudad Juarez beginning Thursday, April 30th through Friday, May 8th. The immigrant visa panel physicians will also be closed during this timeframe.

All immigrant visa applicants with appointments scheduled on these dates will be rescheduled for June 5th, 8th, and 9th and will receive a new appointment via regular mail. Applicants with serious health emergencies or petitioner’s in the military preparing for deployment may contact us at through our website listed in the last paragraph below To check rescheduled appointment status, applicants may contact the call center at 01-900-849-4949 (from Mexico) or 1-900-476-1212 (from the U.S.)

....K-1 (fiancée) applicants and approved waiver applicants who have received an open appointment letter may continue with their open appointments after May 8th.

Thank you so very much just what I was looking for. You are truly a life saver. Since for me this is a matter of life or death. dancin5hr.gif Thank you!!

epifreakFemaleMexico2009-04-29 16:47:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
QUOTE (epifreak @ Jun 1 2009, 10:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (franklie @ Jun 1 2009, 04:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (epifreak @ May 18 2009, 10:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Later he went to pay for the interview at BanaMex. He said he had to go several times. At first he forgot his passport at home so he had to go back and get it. When he came back he let them know that he was paying for the interview and he gave them the money in US dollars but they told him that he had to pay in pesos!! wacko.gif I thought that he could pay either in pesos or us dollars but I guess not. So then he had to go to get pesos. The total fee he had to pay for the interview was 1900 and something pesos, which is the equivalent of 148 us dollars. So know I'm worried because lately I've been hearing that you pay 171 us dollars. mad.gif I guess we will find out tommorrow. This is really frustrating because you can't even trust what the juarez consulate website has posted. In there posting it states you pay 131 us dollars and it says that it was updated on april 2009. But everyone here has been paying around 171 us dollars. I just hope that tommorrow everything will go well.

Is the $1900MN a special fee for the K-1 visas? Is it a separate fee from the $400 paid to the NVC? The consulate website says nothing about $1900MN in the Packet 4 pdf (linked here).

Well I don't know it's a special fee but it is a different payment if that's what you mean. This fee is for the interview at the consulate. The consulate website says the fee is 131 US dollars. For some reason though the banks were only accepting mexican pesos at the time my fiance did his visa process. I don't think the link you provided is the correct link for K-1. It says its for immigrant visas not for k-1 process. Are you looking at the K-1 process or at some other visa process? Here are K-1 links
This is the fee http://ciudadjuarez....wwfcdj446k3.pdf
This is where you will find more information on fiance visas http://ciudadjuarez....anceforms2.html
Hope this helps.

Sorry I just looked at your profile... you are doing a different visa process. I don't think this information applies to you. I wish I could help you out but I'm not familiar with any other visa process except K-1's. blush.gif

epifreakFemaleMexico2009-06-01 23:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
QUOTE (franklie @ Jun 1 2009, 04:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (epifreak @ May 18 2009, 10:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Later he went to pay for the interview at BanaMex. He said he had to go several times. At first he forgot his passport at home so he had to go back and get it. When he came back he let them know that he was paying for the interview and he gave them the money in US dollars but they told him that he had to pay in pesos!! wacko.gif I thought that he could pay either in pesos or us dollars but I guess not. So then he had to go to get pesos. The total fee he had to pay for the interview was 1900 and something pesos, which is the equivalent of 148 us dollars. So know I'm worried because lately I've been hearing that you pay 171 us dollars. mad.gif I guess we will find out tommorrow. This is really frustrating because you can't even trust what the juarez consulate website has posted. In there posting it states you pay 131 us dollars and it says that it was updated on april 2009. But everyone here has been paying around 171 us dollars. I just hope that tommorrow everything will go well.

Is the $1900MN a special fee for the K-1 visas? Is it a separate fee from the $400 paid to the NVC? The consulate website says nothing about $1900MN in the Packet 4 pdf (linked here).

Well I don't know it's a special fee but it is a different payment if that's what you mean. This fee is for the interview at the consulate. The consulate website says the fee is 131 US dollars. For some reason though the banks were only accepting mexican pesos at the time my fiance did his visa process. I don't think the link you provided is the correct link for K-1. It says its for immigrant visas not for k-1 process. Are you looking at the K-1 process or at some other visa process? Here are K-1 links
This is the fee http://ciudadjuarez....wwfcdj446k3.pdf
This is where you will find more information on fiance visas http://ciudadjuarez....anceforms2.html
Hope this helps.

epifreakFemaleMexico2009-06-01 23:03:00