IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresProof of address since 16 years old?
I am filling out out DS-230 and it only asks for name of city, province and from/to. Thank God I don't need addresses. I have moved about 32 times since I was 16!!!


I'm just getting ready to fill out the DS-260 for my hubby and I know that he needs to provide where he's lived since he was 16 years old. He was 16 quite a while ago, before internet and email and all of that. He was in the USA from 16-21 on an athletic visa and still has his american social security card. He has NO idea the addresses of where he lived when he was in the US for those 5 years. He lived with a billet from Sep-July each year, and each year it was a different home, and then he would go back to Canada in the summer.

He was so young when he was doing this that I don't think he has any formal record of where he lived during that 5 year span. Is there any way to find out his addresses? I don't want to omit them from the DS-260 because I'm sure they will show up tied to his Social Security Card.

Thoughts? Thanks!

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-03-04 23:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMontreal Interviews
Our IV bill showed as paid on March 5th. Still haven't heard a word from NVC. Am I expecting it too quickly? should I be filling out some forms while waiting for instructions? We are going with the CR1. Any advice?
edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-03-10 18:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresit drives me crazy!!!
Have you opted in for electronic processing? When I received the first email that said 10 days it actually was 3 weeks. Since then it has always been 3 weeks for them to respond to any emails.

Hey guys! This process is driving me crazy!!! NVC gave my number case on march, 28th. In the same day I emailed them the DS-3032. Yesterday they emailed me back saying:

Dear Sir/Madam:

Your inquiry has been received at the National Visa Center (NVC).

We updated the mailing/email address for this case. Please continue to notify the NVC of any change of mailing/email address, or change in personal situation that may affect the principal applicant's entitlement to a visa.

We are unable to add agent information to the case record at this time. Please continue to notify the NVC of any change in the petitioner's or principal applicant's address.

This petition is now eligible for further processing. The petitioner, beneficiary and/or attorney of record will receive an Instruction Package regarding further processing of the petition.

If a period of one year passes from the last date of contact with the NVC (by email, telephone or mail), all submitted fees and documents will expire. In that case, your fees will need to be repaid and documents will need to be resubmitted in order to continue the immigration process.

I am reading the topics here and they say NVC takes 7-10 days to generate Invoice Identification Number. So Should I wait till next week and email them again? I appreciate your help guys! thanks!

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-03-30 10:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNeed some advice, comfort, anything...
Hang in there. I am at the same stage. DS-260 submitted and waiting for their review then hopefully an interview and medical in Montreal. It has been a longggggggggggggggg stretch since first filing in Sept 2010. I can almost see the end of the tunnel. I haven't seen my husband since Christmas and just started a new job so won't see him till he comes to get me.

Take a deep breath and don't set any expectations of time, you will only disappoint yourself. Good Luck.

Sept 13, 2009 - Met Online
June 18, 2010 - Married in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Sept 3, 2010 : I-130 Sent
Sept 14, 2010: NOA1 Issued (Hard Copy)
Dec 10, 2010: NOA2 Approval!!!
85 Days since NOA1 - NOA2
NVC Received File - Dec 14, 2010
Dec 31, 2010 Received Case #/
Dec 31, 2010: I-864(AOS) fee ($88) payment Received
Jan 4, 2011: I-864 (AOS) PAID
Jan 5, 2011: AOS package Via Mail
Jan 7, 2011: Sent 3032 through email and Opt In
Called Jan 19th, said waiting for 3032 form.
Jan 24, 2011 - Got email from NVC saying they have me as Opted In.
Jan 24, 2011 - Accepted 3032
Feb 3, 2011 - IV Bill Invoiced - $404.00
March 3, 2011: IV Bill Paid
March 12, 2011:DS 260 Forms Emailed Via Email for Electronic Processing
Mar 22, 2011 - Supporting Documents sent to NVC
edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-03-30 11:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHorror Stories
As great as that would be its called the waiting game. I told myself right from the beginning it will take 9 mos to a year for the process just so I wouldn't get disappointed. It was hard reading about everyone going through rather quickly. We got married in June and I have only been here a couple of short visits since. We too Skype every night or phone calls. We were very surprised that our file went through USCIS in 3 months instead of the 5 that was indicated. It was a bonus. Our file was sent to NVC early December and have already put in paperwork for them. We are keeping out fingers crossed things go quickly with them too and things get sent to the Consulate in Canada. Good luck on your journey and please try to be patient. Our married life is in someone else's hands for now and there isn't a whole lot we can do about it.

I have read many posts on this forum and it seems a good 30% of the people have difficulty with USCIS and getting out of the I-130 stage.. I see petitions that were filed in June and have been put on hold or transferred to TSC.This is January and still these documents are not completed. This isn't isolated incidents. I find it difficult to believe that people have to wait a year to get their spouses to this country.
I am only 1 month in the process and I wonder if this happens to me, I may just pack up all my belongings and move to where the wife is.. It's absolutely insane for people who try to obtain these visa's legally to be treated in this manner.
It's been 7 weeks since I left Georgia and me and the wife skype everyday and we also shed tears everyday.. We have known each other for over 2 years and it's not like we are trying to do anything illegal..We fell in love on skype and our meeting made the bond much stronger. She is my soulmate!!!

For the people who had their petitions transferred to TSC I wonder if they stayed in CSC, that they would be finished.
What really upsets me is that these documents sit on someone's desk for 2 months and are not even looked at. Then they find a mistake, a missing document or a blank box and then they want the process to start over. Why not simplify things and have someone check all this before the check is cashed..
It just seems to me that this is a very poor way of conducting a process that is so important to us.
Life is 2 short to have someone else control our destiny in such a manner.
I have been lucky to have Officers at tier 2 level that are compassionate and very informative. I hope that I never have to cope with the insensitive behavior of certain USCIS officials that I have read about on this forum.

When I was in Georgia the consulate told me 5-7 months maximum and my wife would have her visa.
Now I begin to wonder.........

Let's hope USCIS gets the New Year started in timely fashion................

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-01-05 13:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresApprox. NVC Wait Time
We have been with NVC since Jan 24, 2011 and still waiting for approval. They kept losing documents so had to resend several times.

What have been people's wait times from sending in the AOS and IV packages until you know that your case is approved?
Thanks for all your input! Especially most recent!

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-05-05 13:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresmedical
Once you receive the letter from NVC saying your case is closed and they give you a date for your interview, then you go ahead and book the medical.

Another question for the experienced. I am trying to plan ahead because travel to the big city is involved. The PCC is required with the NVC package. But when do they tell you to do the medical? After the embassy appointment is set by NVC? Thanks in advance to anyone who can answer.

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-05-19 12:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Complete!
You shoujld have an email within a week. We got approved on May 11 and got our letter showing the interview date on the 13th of May. Interview is set for June 29th. Good Luck. yes I agree it can be done smoothly and painlessly. We had a few hickups along the way when they said they didn't get any of our paperwork after we had sent it in twice. But all in all it went smoothly. We first applied Sept 9, 2010 so 8 mos from start to end.

We are so happy! Our case at NVC is complete on May 20th, sign-in failed today for the first time...!!
Now just have to wait for a date in Montreal.
I cannot believe how smooth this is going for us... although I have to add; we have been so diligent in making sure we did everything which suggested to us by this group and it works.!!

So please people; before you send your stuff in, before you ask simple questions, my advise to you is to read and reread until you understand the process.
It can be overwhelming and tedious but it goes work if only you will take the time to make sure everything is in perfect order before you send your paperwork in.

Thank you Visa Journey, this site is most helpful and I appreciate all the time and effort by everyone....

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :wow:

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-06-01 01:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues
Hi All. Our case is at NVC, got there Dec 29, 2010. Jan 7 I Opted In and sent my 3032. Jan 24, I got an email saying they have received my 3032 and they say it will be 4-6 weeks before I get the next package with instructions. The old waiting game again!!!

Sept 13, 2009 - Met Online
June 18, 2010 - Married in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Sept 3, 2010 : I-130 Sent
Sept 14, 2010: NOA1 Issued (Hard Copy)
Dec 10, 2010: NOA2 Approval!!!
85 Days since NOA1 - NOA2
NVC Received File - Dec 14, 2010
Dec 31, 2010 Received Case #/

Dec 31, 2010: I-864(AOS) fee ($88) payment Received
Jan 4, 2011: I-864 (AOS) PAID
Jan 5, 2011: AOS package Via Mail
Jan 7, 2011: Sent 3032 through email and Opt In
Called Jan 19th, said waiting for 3032 form.
Jan 24, 2011 - Got email from NVC saying they have me as Opted In.
Jan 24, 2011 - Accepted 3032
edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-01-28 10:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOur Story
I am from Canada and my husband from USA. We too had none of the things you have. No joint checking account, my name isn't on the house yet, none of htat stuff and we got through just fine. He did the affidavit of support and that was it. We had the tickets, wedding pics etc and it worked. You will be fine.

Hi again all. My second post so be gentle. If you good folks wouldn't mind i'd like to quickly run mine and my wife's story by the other members just to get a rough idea of how easy or hard our process might be. My wife is a US citizen and i am a British citizen

My wife and i first got to know each other in a yahoo chatroom mid 2006.
We chatted for around a year, typing and voice chats.
We first physically met in July 2007 in San Francisco and spent 10 days together.
I flew to the US again in november 2007 for a week for Thanksgiving.
She then visited me for 4 days in January 2008 and then again for 4 months over the summer of 2008. She first met my parents during these trips. We got engaged in July 2008
I returned home to the US with her for 3 weeks in September 2008 and first met her parents and stayed at her parents home. She still lives with her parents.
I visited the US again over March/April 2009 for 5 weeks and again November/December 2009 for 5 weeks. Both times staying at her parents home. I get along with her family very well.
I visited again for 6 weeks in July/August 2010.
I am posting this while in California at the moment and i am returning home to the UK in the morning.
During this most recent visit we got married. We weren't supposed to be married until 2012 after she brought me here but her mother was recently diagnosed with stage 4 cancer so we got married back in May this year.
At the moment we are printing all our forms out and gathering everything together for the I-130 petition and we are just wondering about a few things from reading various posts on here and peoples different experiences.


Quite a lot of email correspondence.
Some Skype call records
Some airline information and itineraries and boarding passes for our separate trips and of 2 trips we took together.
Passport stamps of all our trips.
Lots of photos mostly of me in various places around San Francisco and in her parents home.
Lots of wedding pictures of both of us with a lot of her family and my parents who came over for the wedding.
We will have affidavits of support from her family and my family and some friends. Her brother is a San Francisco Police Officer. We'll have a letter from him.
She has kept a blog for the past 4 years with is basically a blog about me. Lots of pictures of me and stories and things we've done, places we've gone and what we've got up to.


Any kind of financial records or documents with both our names on it.
No real estate or rental agreements or utility bills with our names on them. We have never lived together before to get these things.
Apart from the wedding pictures we don't have very many pictures of us both over the 6 years. It's usually her taking pictures of me and 1 or 2 of her with her back turned because she hates having her picture taken.
Any of the early chat records because neither of us use the accounts we used back then. They are most likely deleted and if not we'd have no idea what the passwords were anyway. We mostly used voice chat.

Given all of the above may i ask for your various opinions on how our petition might go? Not expecting anyone to foresee the future but does it seem like a pretty straight forward case?

Thanks in advance

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-07-18 09:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHeart broken, case returned to USA after 2 interviews
We are on a CR1 visa. We met online Sept 13, 2009, met face to face Oct 7, 2009 and were married Sept 18, 2010. One year after intially talking online. We are now at the medical and interview stage, medical June 22, interview June 29. 10 mos after applying for CR1.

I would like to know, because it seems that there are three of you who have CR-1 Petitions, how long it was from meeting each other to when you got married? I saw that for one of you it was 8 months, and on the first visit. How about the others?

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-06-16 10:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow soon to expect Green Card?
We went through CR1 and I had put on my application that they apply for my SSN. I was told it should arrive within 3 weeks of POE which was only a week ago tomorrow. Also at the POE they took my fingerprints and said they send in the paperwork for my green card which should arrive within 6 months but once I receive my SSN card I can use the stamp in my passport and SSN to apply for work.
edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-08-03 07:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS-230 Question #35
I listed the big ones, like to Hawaii and my first couple of trips to visit hubby. I had crossed numerous times growing up so just put from date A to date B numerous crossings. They accepted it.

I had to use a DS-230 and a DS-156. Both forms wanted, in slightly different formats, a list of all trips to the US. What I, and many others, have done is simply list every trip you can remember or have documentation for, and then include a line item of "Numerous trips to the US between <year> and <year>, all less than 48 hours." Because Canadians can enter the US visa-free [and until 2009, passport-free!] and even now do not typically get their passports stamped if it's at a land crossing, the US consulates in Canada know it's fairly normal for Canadians to have made many day or weekend trips to the US over a typical lifetime that have little or no extant documentation.

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-08-04 10:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhile waiting...
From NOA1 to NOA2 is around 5 months.

:dance: yeeayy I was waiting for you to comment :) Yeap I looked it up, NO POLICE RECORDS FOR MEXICO! So what do you advise me to do in the mean while Rick?

:whistle: I don't like to wait but I guess this process will teach me to be patient!! :star:

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-07-01 20:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInstructions for filing taxes with spouse outside of the country
Thank you so much. I will pass this on to the hubby.

It doesn't matter where you are in the world, if you were married as of December 31st, you have to claim either "married filing jointly", or married filing separately".

Married filing jointly usually has the best tax benefits.

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-02-14 14:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInstructions for filing taxes with spouse outside of the country
We married in Canada on June 18. I am still living here and my husband lives in USA

All that matters is where you married as of December 31st 2010. Physical presence and all those tests only matter if you're not married.

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-02-14 14:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInstructions for filing taxes with spouse outside of the country
To claim a foreing spouse tho, doesn't the spouse have to be in the foreign country with you for a certain amount of time during that year? I am from Canada and my husband is in the USA. Last year I was only physically present in the USA after marriage for 5 weeks. My husband did his taxes already and he said he read that I had to be there at least 6 months out of the year for him to claim me.
edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-02-14 12:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQUESTION ON DS 260 PLEASE HELP
I just filled out the DS260 and there was only one spot for employment. Which type of company I worked for and the address, I added two others. Nothing about supervisors or phone numbers of employers.

It was mostly hella easy ........ just my hubby had to look for the address and name of supervisor for the previous employers for ten years, and telephone #'s. And just to let ya know it gives an option of do not know for name of previous employer. And when it asks for previous dates of visits and dates of previous employment my hubby wasn't sure on the exact day so he just put month and allowed for the day section to be blank. I'll telll ya though it wants the address of freaking everything.

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-03-11 16:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 Received!!!!
Thank you for all the support and congratulations. Things are moving along nicely. On Dec 31 we received the first invoice for AOS which has been paid. Now waiting for package to arrive in mail. I am in Arizona visiting hubby now and heading back to Canada on Thurs to await package and interview date. Hopefully by spring at this rate. I sure never expected things to go this fast but its a bonus when it does.
edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-01-03 08:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 Received!!!!
Well I expected to wait the 5 months for the NOA2 out of California. My husband received it today!!!! Only 3 months and no REF's. We are very excited now. I have checked on timelines for Montreal from NOA2 to interview. Says 225 days. anyone get there sooner?????
edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2010-12-12 01:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow Accurate are Timeline Adjudications
Hi. We sent in our I-130 and it was sent back to us because we didn't put N/A under one area only. They are very particular. We resent it and within a week received the NOA1. We received the NOA2 three months later and two weeks later got our fee invoice from NVC. Our number we received on the NOA1 is the one we enter on the site and it has always worked. Nothing has ever been mentioned about the 485 form.(don't know what that is)

1.They say the settlement may be first week of March. They received my I-130 11-29-10. When I go to USCIS and try to put receipt number in... it doesn't recognize the number. I called USCIS 2 weeks ago and they said give it another week. It's been 2 weeks and still nothing. If the March estimate is correct this is 3.5 months, but.... how do I know if my case has even been touched??

2.The only mistake I made on the document was leaving alien registration blank. I asked Tier 2 CSR officer about this and they said that was ok. But after reading all the horror stories on these forums I begin to wonder how credible the CSR's are.

3. I have heard that when you do CR1 then the 485 form doesn't need to be sent in.. They say my wife will get her Greencard because of this type of Visa..

4. PS I hope everyone had great holidays and we must all keep the faith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-01-03 10:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresShould I be worried?
When we sent our original I-130 we received it back in the mail two weeks later because we hadn't put N/A in one spot. Don't be surprised if you receive it back also for not putting your wife's birthdate. They are very particular. Good Luck. Oh we put the N/A and sent it back and had our notice a week later.


I sent my I-130 package for my wife on 22nd January (Last Saturday) and it reach the Chicago Lockbox facility on Sunday night (I know its bit unusual, but according to USPS that was the day and time). So far I haven't recieved any email or text message notification (I filled in the G-1145 form). My personal check hasn't been cashed yet. How long do would I have to wait? Should I be worried? On the side note, I forgot to put my wife's birth date on I-130. I have put her birthdate on G25A as well as a copy of her birth certificate. Thanks in advance.

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-01-28 10:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPaying IV Bill
Thanks. I guess the hubby will be paying for it. LOL

Posted Image

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-02-05 10:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPaying IV Bill
Thanks so much

All fees are to be paid in US dollars. If you actually go to the embassy I believe you can pay the equivalent in your own currency, at current exchange rates.

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-02-04 10:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPaying IV Bill
I received my IV Bill today by email. I was just wondering something. Can other Canadians tell me if our Canadian Banks can do the cheque paying over email. Also do I pay the bill in American funds or Canadian. Its just says $404.00, not what currency. Appreciate any advice.

Sept 13, 2009 - Met Online
June 18, 2010 - Married in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Sept 3, 2010 : I-130 Sent
Sept 14, 2010: NOA1 Issued (Hard Copy)
Dec 10, 2010: NOA2 Approval!!!
85 Days since NOA1 - NOA2
NVC Received File - Dec 14, 2010
Dec 31, 2010 Received Case #/

Dec 31, 2010: I-864(AOS) fee ($88) payment Received
Jan 4, 2011: I-864 (AOS) PAID
Jan 5, 2011: AOS package Via Mail
Jan 7, 2011: Sent 3032 through email and Opt In
Called Jan 19th, said waiting for 3032 form.
Jan 24, 2011 - Got email from NVC saying they have me as Opted In.
Jan 24, 2011 - Accepted 3032
Feb 3, 2011 - IV Bill Invoiced - $404.00
edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-02-03 19:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmet within the last two years
Hi. Just curious about the "expediate request through congressman". How does one go about that? That seemed to really speed things up for you two.

I think you have misunderstood the requirement.
You have to have met atleast once during the last 2 years to file the petition, it doesn't matter when the first time you met was.

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2010-10-14 11:23:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC Final Review
How did you find out your case in in final review???? I have no idea where our is standing right now.

Anyone know how long the EP final review is taking currently? From sending the email to case complete was a month which surprised me with how slow it was. I think we've given up hope on a may interview since our final review started May 2nd.

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-05-04 13:22:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCanadian embassy
Thanks all for the help. Well that is a bit of a pain isn't it? I am going to try and schedule a medical to be done three days prior to the interview so I don't have to spend the money on two trips to Montreal. My sister said she would come with me so I won't be alone there. I don't speak any French and I remember the past few times it was hard to even order a coffee. LOL. Someone mentioned joining the Canadian side of Visa Journey. How do I do that? Isn't it all the same?

I live in Alberta, Canada and was told by someone that only the Montreal embassy looks after the K3 or CR1. Is that true? I was hoping maybe it would be sent to the Vancouver embassy which is closer to home. Who makes that decision? Does NVC decide which embassy you go to or can you request it? Thanks for any help given.

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-01-07 06:49:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCanadian embassy
I live in Alberta, Canada and was told by someone that only the Montreal embassy looks after the K3 or CR1. Is that true? I was hoping maybe it would be sent to the Vancouver embassy which is closer to home. Who makes that decision? Does NVC decide which embassy you go to or can you request it? Thanks for any help given.
edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-01-03 10:03:00
CanadaImmunization Records for Medical...
I came across the same problem. I checked with my old school board and the Immunization Dept. Both said records are destroyed after 20 yrs. I had to get a recent flu shot so also got Tetanus and Diphtheria. As far as MMR I am too old, apparently I can have a blood test that shows immunities in the body to these as I have had both Measles and Chickenpox as a child. Now I just have to get Hep A and B. I guess the Dr. at the medical will decide if I need anything else.
edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-01-05 08:24:00
CanadaOpting In
Thanks for that. Yup still doing the waiting game. congrats on getting your interview date.

You will not be done with NVC within 3 weeks. There is a current back log. I have just successfully finished going through EP. It is faster specially if you receive RFE's. Just be patient. You'll have to wait like most of us. They are streamlining the process though, and you should get through faster and receive an interview

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-01-14 15:09:00
CanadaOpting In
I have sent the Opting In email to start getting paperwork by email. Its supposed to be faster and more efficient. Now what i don't understand is after i sent it I got an email back saying its handled on a first come first serve basis, and it should be answered in 10 days. What the heck?? That is faster??? I see most people are done with NVC within 3 weeks or so, we have paid bills and sent everything requested, now have to wait the 10 days? We got notice of NVC taking over on Dec 31. Hopefully will hear something soon or get something in the mail or by email. Anyone else run into this or doing this process?
edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-01-14 10:53:00
CanadaFellow Canucks WATCH THIS
I watched this program the other night. It was quite eye opening. didn't think we had those problems right here in Canada. When I arrive in USA I will have a conditional residency so have to apply for permanent in 2 years. I can't believe that husband who dumped her then collected welfare which she is responsible for!!!! Now he can't be sent back because he is a permanent resident of Canada. #######?????
edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-02-04 14:36:00
CanadaJob Interview
Thanks for that. Its true. This online applications sucks. No personal contact, no first impressions. And some of them are so friggin long!!!! They want everything but your first born it seems. I even looked at one online application where they wanted a picture submitted!! Isn't that illegal or something in the hiring field??

The techniques for job hunting has changed a lot! I know many places won't even accept a resume if ya walk into their hospital---Its--here is the website, apply that way! Which doesn't give one a happy, comfy feeling. Its a frustrating experience for many of us canucks that have to start back at zero!!

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-02-05 10:30:00
CanadaJob Interview
I would call and ask how the hiring process is going as you haven't heard back. Do you all work in Canada or are these jobs for where you are moving? I have too been applying for months and now the calls start coming. Had one interview, are phoning today to set up second, then I have one today. The worse part is I can't tell them I am married to am American and moving to the USA. Our case could be complete within the next three months. then I will have to ask for a week off to go to Montreal (medical and interview), I don't think a company will allow that - so will probably have to quit for Montreal and hope like hell we get accepted. What to do.

Oh you mentioned credit report. From what I understand the two major credit bureaus are connected so they can check your credit rating from the USA. Hope this helps.

Sept 13, 2009 - Met Online
June 18, 2010 - Married in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Sept 3, 2010 : I-130 Sent
Sept 14, 2010: NOA1 Issued (Hard Copy)
Dec 10, 2010: NOA2 Approval!!!
85 Days since NOA1 - NOA2
NVC Received File - Dec 14, 2010
Dec 31, 2010 Received Case #/

Dec 31, 2010: I-864(AOS) fee ($88) payment Received
Jan 4, 2011: I-864 (AOS) PAID
Jan 5, 2011: AOS package Via Mail
Jan 7, 2011: Sent 3032 through email and Opt In
Called Jan 19th, said waiting for 3032 form.
Jan 24, 2011 - Got email from NVC saying they have me as Opted In.
Jan 24, 2011 - Accepted 3032
Feb 3, 2011 - IV Bill Invoiced - $404.00
edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-02-04 14:48:00
CanadaPacking it up and taking it across the border
Are you moving your stuff down before the KI is approved? Chances are they won't let you. I was going down just to stay 4 months with my fiance, we have been married since, my car with filled with clothes and stuff to keep me going and we ran into a lot of problems. They thought I was moving there. They finally let me cross but only for 5 weeks and I had to recross with everything I had in my car.

I am brand spankin' new here, so please forgive me if I am posting in the wrong thread, or about something that is obviously stated somewhere else.

My fiance is from Texas and I am from SK Canada. I am going to be starting the K-1 visa process here right away, but am wondering... what comes AFTER? Besides the AoS, of course.

We will be driving down to TX with a majority of my stuff, including my dog, computer, etc. My main question is, what are the customs rules for bringing items of large monetary value into the US? Or are there any rules? Do we need to fill out a special declaration card, or anything like that? I really don't want to sell my computer and TV here, just to buy new stuff down there..

Thanks for any help!

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-02-14 11:19:00
Canadainterview completed, visa approved
Congratulations on the approval and thanks for helping people like us, with interviews coming up in near future, feel more relaxed about the interview. Was teh hotel you stayed in reasonably priced? Does it have a shuttle bus from the airport?

After many sleepless nights, and we finally came down to deal with it. My wife and i stayed at La Centerville hotel right across from the consulate office where 1 min walking distance. We got there around 5 after 7 and couple mins later, a lady showed up and follow more ppl gathering in front of the door. The security didnt open door until 730. They checked us in and make sure we have no metal, cellphone or any electronic devices, no big bag, so we used our shopping bag to carry our documents and pictures. We went down stair and waited for another security to escort us up to 19th floor. we waited again until they called us to their window, we gave them 2 passport pictures and all the requirement docs. The interview was so quick by a nice gentlement, he asked us couple question such as how do we met, my wife have any problem when crossing the border, any criminal records, living any country other than the one listed. And he said to us congratulation and gave her welcome letter. Everything was quick and easy, more than what we could think of. good luck with everyone have interview this months and any months follow that. thanks VJ alot, this really helpful and gave us a lot of inf

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-02-14 11:13:00
Wow it really works. Thanks so much. There are pages and pages of them!!!! LOL

There's a wonderful program I use to get my call logs called Skype Call Exporter. Program discussed here (5th post explains how to use program): Program can be downloaded here: If you want to see all chat logs, go to this thread: http://www.visajourn...d-chat-records/ and download the first program called Skype LogView. I use both these programs and they're amazing for Skype call and chat logs.

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-03-04 18:52:00
Thank you all for your help. You would think it would be easier but I will try the copy and paste thingy. When we first met we had over 1000 emails back and forth from the website we met on. We never knew where this would lead so never saved them and have since lost them all as we basically went to phone instead. But under a monthly fee for the phone company they dont send details of when calls were made so lost them too.
edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-03-04 10:10:00
My husband and I use Skype to communicate. We also use his cell but its a pay as you go so no record of calls. How does one print off anything from skype?? I can't do a screen print of communication and can't get how to print off any messages sent. Any help would be appreciated. On another topic, I have not read anywhere that anyone has ever had to show the book of proof of relationship at the interview. Should I still have one put together??? Wasn't that already proven when I sent the package in the original I130???? We have just paid our IV bill so now waiting on instructions of what to do next. Am filling out the DS-230 to have it ready when they say to send it. Thanks.

Sept 13, 2009 - Met Online
June 18, 2010 - Married in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Sept 3, 2010 : I-130 Sent
Sept 14, 2010: NOA1 Issued (Hard Copy)
Dec 10, 2010: NOA2 Approval!!!
85 Days since NOA1 - NOA2
NVC Received File - Dec 14, 2010
Dec 31, 2010 Received Case #/

Dec 31, 2010: I-864(AOS) fee ($88) payment Received
Jan 4, 2011: I-864 (AOS) PAID
Jan 5, 2011: AOS package Via Mail
Jan 7, 2011: Sent 3032 through email and Opt In
Called Jan 19th, said waiting for 3032 form.
Jan 24, 2011 - Got email from NVC saying they have me as Opted In.
Jan 24, 2011 - Accepted 3032
Feb 3, 2011 - IV Bill Invoiced - $404.00
March 3, 2011: IV Bill Paid
edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-03-04 00:59:00