CanadaLost Passport
My interview was June 29th. Been waiting for passport to be returned. Phoned DOS this morning and was told it was sent out July 7th. I never got an email and no waybill number for tracking. I phoned the Consulate and they said nothing shows that it was picked up or when. First DHL said the embassy puts up the waybill number, the consulate says DHL puts up the waybill number. So now my passport is either still in Montreal or in Edmonton and nobody knows anything. Any suggestions on what I do next?????? The consolate was no help.
edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-07-19 10:46:00
CanadaAnyone have their interview July 11th? or the week of?
That is great to hear. Good Luck.

Yeah as an update ours was picked up by DHL on Friday, so all is in plan. Driving my truck up tomorrow after work.

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-07-24 16:04:00
CanadaAnyone have their interview July 11th? or the week of?
I had my interiew and was approved on June 29th and I am still waiting for my passport and visa!!!! My husband flew up here to drive the truck back to Arizona and now looks like he will have to return home and I remain here to drive myself. You have only been two weeks, I am gong into my 5th week of waiting and can get nowhere with anyone. Good luck

YA.. they told me they were printing and mailing mine last friday via email.. hate waking up and checking and finding nothing. how is it people are interviewing and getting their visa that quickly! im so confused. Happy for them.. but not happy about my situation right now. I interviewed july 11th.. i live right outside toronto.. how long could it possible take?!

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-07-24 09:34:00
CanadaGeneral Runaround
Well you would think so wouldn't you??? We did fight with them and a supervisor phoned us back with the same BS. "We cannot trace without a waybill number". Got absolutley no where with them. But apparently it has been found. According to the email "there was an issue with the courier delivery service and delivery of your package".

If its with DHL in Montreal, can u call the Mtl office. I'd ask to speak with a DHL supervisor instead of the first person ur speaking with and quickly explain ur situation. I'm sure they can put a trace on it like the normal post office can!!

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-07-26 08:31:00
CanadaGeneral Runaround
We have contacted the Senator's office in Phoenix last week and had a couple of conversations with her. She told us she found our passport with DHL in Montreal but we haven't received anything and when we try to phone her back for her to give us the waybill number she does't return our phone calls or emails.

When I was having issues with my AOS I contacted our congressman's office and had my issue resolved within a couple of days. They generally have someone on staff that deals with strictly immigration issues. It only takes a couple of minutes, so it is defintiely worth trying.

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-07-25 19:58:00
CanadaGeneral Runaround
You have to laugh or you cry. Talk about the royal runaround. We have been trying to track down my passport and visa. We phone the Senator, she says she will get on it and get back to us, no answer. We phone Wash and tell them that the Senator's office doesn't return phone calls, he will look into it, nothing. Write to, get the automated response saying "We don't look into cases, please contact" We did, automated response is "We don't look into cases of missing passports or visas, please contact Talk about frustrating!!! The little peons have no "IN" at the embassy's. I did write the Supervisor but as yet have heard nothing back and according to thier automated response I won't as its an individual case. This is a lot of BS. Who to call now???
edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-07-25 18:26:00
Canadamedical questions at interview
Wasn't asked any questions on health at the interview. Just took my pkg from medical, handed me back my exray and carried on.
edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-07-26 15:31:00
Thanks. Yes its been a long haul. I interviewed on June 29 and apparently the visa was sent out July 7 but alas it got waylayed somewhere either at teh embassy or DHL.

Oh my gosh thats awful!! Congrats that you are finally going to get it! Its going to feel SO good once its finally in your hands.

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-07-26 15:27:00
Well here's hoping it shows up. Am not getting my hopes up until its in my hands. Still nothing on CSC site or the courier site as still have no waybill number. We are now planning the POE which looks like I will be doing alone. May meet up with my daughter in law in Great Falls Montana to continue the drive with me. Ed is flying home on Sunday, the day after my birthday. Thanks everyone for your support. Thank God I had this site to vent on.

Congratulations!! I'm glad it's finally turned up!!

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-07-26 13:26:00
Got an email this morning from the IV Supervisor at Montreal Consulate. "Due to unforseen circumstances with the courier delivery service your pkg was not delivered. (Now what the hell does that mean??) The issue has been solved and Your pkg will be picked up today July 26 and should be delivered to your location either tomorrow or the next day." Whoo Hoo!!!!! Still shows nothing on the CSC site. Now on to finding a truck in this city. It is moving week and no UHaul shows any trucks available for reserving. If we leave here Thurs we should be able to make it to Arizona for Ed to return to work on Monday, August 1. Still not going to get too over excited until the thing is in my hand.
edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-07-26 08:26:00
CanadaVisa and POE
I am not sure about the still working in Canada thing. I guess if you haven't actually made "the move" yet you should be okay. I think its cool that now I can go back to Canada and stay as long as I want with no hassles and can come to the States and stay as long as I want to with no hassles. Hubby is restricted to 6 mos in Canada at a time with a lot of questions. HEHEHE.

Edmonton to Arizona is a big change. It is so flippin hot here that I am restricted to staying indoors. May get cabin fever. I have been told that is like season changes. At home we stay in in the winter, here you stay in in the summer. You put flowering pots out from Jan to May rather than May to Oct.

The girl doing out border crossing was very friendly and wanted to make sure she had done everything right. Apparently there is 8 steps she had to do. They took my one finger print and they are the ones that generate my green card. Now waiting for my SSN to start looking for work which won't happen until after I return to Canada the end of September for the birth of first grandchild.

Congratulations! Glad to hear you are "landed" :-)
I went through Coutts on Friday, the long weekend Friday of all things and we were through in 45 minutes. No wait except for our turn. It is a smaller port but the officer knew his stuff and was very friendly.I asked him if he was going to officially welcome me to the USA and he smiled and did,,, haha We were a bit happy to say the least....

I find they are more lax at smaller crossings, the biggers ones tend to go more by the book. At least that's my experience, I have crossed here for the last 1 1/2 yrs with no hassles, tried to cross at New York whilie we were in Montreal to see my stepdaughter and her family and got turned back because they wanted 48 hrs notice to give me a parole.

I am going back home tomorrow, I work until Sept 15th and then I will move permanently, I still have a house to sell so can leave my furniture there until then. Apparently you have an indefinite time to do that. I think I will sell my car too, too much paperwork to bring it over and it's not worth it..

I do wonder now that I am officially in the US am I breaking the law by working in Canada until Sept 15??

Anyway, enjoy Arizona, big change from Edmonton Wow!!

I'm just 4 hrs south in Helena, not a big change just a different country!:dance:

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-08-01 07:31:00
CanadaVisa and POE
It is all finished!!!! I am already in Arizona. We got he email on Weds morning that my visa was available for pickup. We also found a truck at last minute so drove for 2.5 hours to get the truck, back to Edmonton, I went and picked up my visa and pkg, loaded truck and crossed border the next day. We went through Coutts. They never opened the truck or asked to see anything. We waited the 1.5 hours for a officer to do the paperwork. This was her first immigration so she wanted to make sure everything was done properly. No hassles. We arrived in Phoenix today. UHaul was great, no breakdowns at all. It took a long time to get that visa back and still have no explanation as to why.
edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-07-30 20:27:00
CanadaMedical at Montreal review
Good Luck on your medical today Lise!! Almost done the journey.

Yeah!! Another step done for you!

I am doing a semi-whirlwind medical in Toronto on Aug 2nd. I guess from what I have read I will have lots of time to kill between my medical and flight back home!

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-08-02 10:44:00
CanadaMedical at Montreal review
Sorry I missed your question. I see you have already had your medical. Time in the office was about 1.5 hours.

Hi, I'm doing my medical tomorrow in Montreal - August 1. Since I live in Ottawa, I'm driving there and back in the same day. Just curious to know about how long you were at the Doctor's office?


edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-08-02 07:41:00
CanadaMedical at Montreal review
I don't mind sitting at airports and people watching, although by the time I was sitting in Toronto airport I was falling asleep. Thank God my plane was a little late in Calgary as my connection was only 20 mins from getting out of one plane and leaving the airport to Edmonton. 4 flights in one day is a little much. Good luck for the rest of your journey. It will all be over soon. I told Medyskys' I was coming on the 28th to pick up results and she insisted I call first. Well as I explained to her, I can't "call" first. I get on a plane at 1:00 a.m. Tues morning, interview the next day. Its not like we like anywhere near the place. I am thinking it will all go well as I think if there were issues he would have mentioned it at the medical. I will call her when I land to see if I go directly there or to the hotel which won't be ready until 3. More time wasted.

Yeah!! Another step done for you!

I am doing a semi-whirlwind medical in Toronto on Aug 2nd. I guess from what I have read I will have lots of time to kill between my medical and flight back home!

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-06-23 08:01:00
CanadaMedical at Montreal review
Just got back from my whirlwind trip to Montreal for my medical. Seems like a whole lot of wasted time and money and energy for the shortness of the actual medical. Could have had that done at home and sent to them. My appointment was 9:30. I arrived at the airport at 7:10 a.m. (caught the plane in Edmonton at 1:30 a.m.) I decided to take a cab from the airport instead of trying to figure out buses and trains. It was 38.00 flat rate and that was right to Mediskys front door. Stood in line for about 2 mins and was called up. Was asked for my passport, letter of interview from NVC, three pictures (they attached these to three yellow papers, didn't see what they were about) and my immunization record. Was given a paper to fill out with medical history. Well I have quite a history so had it all on a separate piece of paper and she attached it. Handed that back in and about 10 mins later the Dr. came out and called me in. He asked a couple of questions then I got undressed. The medical consisted of looking in my mouth and ears, listening to my chest, a poke at the belly, a quick look (no touching) at my breasts and that was it. Got dressed and he sent me back to the waiting room. 5 mins later I was called and taken for a chest exray, they only take 2 pics. Back to the waiting room, called 5 mins later by another women who took me back and did one blood test, weight and height and eye chart reading. After that I was called to the desk again and paid 213.00 for the fees. I didn't have to get any more immunizations. Came out of the bldg, at the bottom of stairs turn right (had a smoke first) and walked 1/2 block to where cabs were waiting and caught one back to the airport as my plane home was leaving at 2 p.m. One part done, interview next Weds.
edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-06-22 23:17:00
CanadaSo if we were to ship a couple of boxes from Canada after I POE...
In the instruction sheet that comes with your passport/visa it says you can ship items of personal use up to 10 yrs after POE. Says to write Used Personal Belongings on your declaration form.

I'm curious about this procedure as well, since I don't have that much stuff and it needs to be mailed.

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-08-04 10:22:00
CanadaInterview Appointments - Montreal
On the CR1's we don't book our appointment. NVC does that for us.

I hope its easier to get an interview for CR1.

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-04-15 10:00:00
CanadaQuestion for Canadians
Hawkins Cheezies, Kinder eggs and Kinder chocolate, Tim's coffee

Hello all. I have a question for the Canadian expats that read this forum.

The backstory is that I married a Canadian, and we are almost at the point in the immigration where she can move in with me(finally!). I had the idea that I'd make her a gift basket, and have it waiting for her when she first walks through the door of our place. I want to fill the basket with Canadian things that aren't available in the states, and put in a card containing some lovey-dovey "this is to help with homesickness" type of message.

So, my question to you is what sort of food/candy/gift/misc items do you miss that are available in Canada but not in the states? I've got a few basic ideas, but I'm sure there are a million things I'm forgetting about. So please, remind me! Tell me all about Canadian stuff you'd love to have!

Oh and when I bought twizzlers there I was very disappointed. Not what we get here for sure so those can go on your list.

Hawkins Cheezies, Kinder eggs and Kinder chocolate, Tim's coffee

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-07-26 14:04:00
CanadaRECENT thread on Moving Companies
As I don't have much to move, we are renting a truck from U-Haul and driving to Arizona ourselves. A 10' ft truck for 7 days and 1800 free miles was only 987.00. Its a one way move.


I am trying to find a recent forum on advice on chosing a moving company from TO to Sacramento, I have only receieved one quote from United, and will try to 2 others, probably ATLAS and maybe one of Sirva's companies Allied or North American but have heard some horror stories with Sirva's affiliates..any advice would be appreciated.

The U-Pak/Pod option is about the same price as a moving company, so would prefer to use an experieced cross border company.

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-05-24 08:49:00
CanadaCanadian/U.S words & pronounciations
I still laugh at my husband when he uses phrases or words like : Filling station - I say gas station, I say going for groceries, he goes to the grocery store, I asked a clerk once where the washroom was, she look stunned and looked at my husband for clarification, he said the restroom or bathroom, she said she was going to direct me to the laundromat down the street, he says IN-surance, I say insurance, he says garaaage, I say garAge. My son in law says he can listen to me talk for hours, he loves the accent. I have to say tho I was raised in Alberta, lived 13 yrs in Ontario and was married to a Newfoundlander so I have a language all my own. LOL
edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-06-30 20:55:00
CanadaWaiting for our passports from Montreal
Thanks. I am giving it to the end of this week and if not on Friday I am going to the SSN office. When I called the number I was given at the border they said I had to wait and it would get confusing if I went and applied myself as I could end up with two SSN numbers. She had no record that I had even been entered yet.

Grats on your green card!

And actually, I've seen some people get the SSN first, before the green card.

And if it's been more than 3 weeks from POE for you, I'd suggest going to a local SSA office and applying. Don't wait more than 3 weeks for the SSN to arrive by mail. I waited 3 weeks and when mine didn't come, I went straight to my local SSA office and applied. Got the SSN in the mail 10 days later.

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-08-23 13:19:00
CanadaWaiting for our passports from Montreal
Received my green card in the mail on Friday. It only took 3 weeks from crossing and they had told me it could be 6 months. Glad something went fast. Now they also said my SSN would be here in three weeks. Still waiting for that. Still can't look for work without the thing. Apparently the green card comes first, then the paperwork is sent to SSN for processing.
edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-08-23 07:31:00
CanadaWaiting for our passports from Montreal
From what I understand they are all picked up around 4-5 p.m. at the Consulate. Most emails come in the evening when they get back to the warehouse and are entered in.

Have those who have gotten the waybill emailed to them from the consulate generally received them in the evening? I know there were a few who received them around 6pm, was just wondering if thats generally the case so i can stop checking my email religiously... haha

They are picked up every day. I was there on a Weds and the reception girl was also there with a stack of passports. Mine was picked up on a Tues and I got it delivered the next day, Weds.

I found out some interesting info today when i called DoS. Apparently the consulate (Montreal only?) only sends out packages by DHL on fridays. Can anyone else confirm if they have heard anything like this? I can confirm that when i was in for my interview (Friday August 5th) the receptionist did have a bunch of visas on her desk and she was putting them in DHL envelopes.

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-08-15 15:00:00
CanadaWaiting for our passports from Montreal
Similar here, I called DOS after the two week waiting period. They said it was sent out the week previous. Then it was trying to track it down. I finally got an email from the IV Unit 26 days later saying it would be sent out the next day which it was. They just said "unforseen circumstances regarding delivery service". That just clears everyone from blame. I never got the notice on CSC site until after I had picked the thing up from DHL.

I have been in this situation. The first time, the DOS agent couldnt tell me when the visa had been printed. The day after, another DOS agent was able to tell me when it had been printed. strange...
It took 2 more days to get an email from DHL.

I never managed to get information from DHL with the reference number. And I understood why when I saw how different the waybill number was. If your passport has been printed, you shouldn't wait too long.

Just to mentally prepare for more wait, I waited 9 days after the visa was printed to get it. And I have no idea why!

Good luck!

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-08-10 14:06:00
CanadaWaiting for our passports from Montreal
I actually emailed to IV Unit Supervisor at Put your casenumber in the subject line. I basically just wrote and told them exactly what was going on, that I had been accepted at the interview, told from DOS it was sent out but could get no where on tracking it down. You will get an auto response and its a long one describing that the IV Unit can do nothing with the cases etc but don't sent another email. Wait a few days for a reply.

I might try that as well, I am more than tired of waiting... :(

Could you give more information on the number to fax and the name of the supervisor - if you have it ?

What did you say so that they answered you?? Any magic words?

Thanks a lot!

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-08-04 14:43:00
CanadaWaiting for our passports from Montreal
I got an answer from them saying that due to circumstances beyond thier control BS, my passport would be sent out that night and it was. I was wrong on the 20 days, it was actually day 26. I had my interview and approved on June 29, received "lost" passport on July 26th.

When you say that you got the answer, you mean they replied to your email or they sent out your passport?

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-08-04 10:39:00
CanadaWaiting for our passports from Montreal
I did that also and got the answer two days later. I emailed him after the 20th day of waiting.

I ended up faxing the supervisor at the consulate and begging for his help to push this forward faster.

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-08-04 10:30:00
CanadaWaiting for our passports from Montreal
You will get the message from DHL before the Consulate. Hope it comes in timely fashion. I got the message from DHL about 7 p.m. All you can do is wait now.

So I called DOS this morning. She said it was printed and that I should hear from DHL soon. After reading VJers, I'm not sure if I can believe her or not? What do you think?

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-08-04 10:10:00
CanadaWaiting for our passports from Montreal
I remember when I talked to someone at the call centre at the Consolate (oh I found they are no where near the consulate), I told them I had talked to DOS and she asked me "who the DOS was and why I would be calling them?" Seems like one hand doesn't know what the other hand is doing.

Hey Guys!

Even I am still waiting for my passport back from Montreal. I had my interview date on July 26th. I called the DOS this afternoon and they said the visa was processed for me on the 27th of July. No waybill or tracking number has appeared on my CSC profile page. :/

My wedding is scheduled for August 19th. I am hoping to God that I somehow do not get screwed over.

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-08-04 08:10:00
CanadaWaiting for our passports from Montreal
There seems to be no rhyme or reason as to why one persons visa takes weeks and another persons visa is there in a few days. I swear they are like the POE's and they have to pick one person a week to screw with their heads. When I phoned DOS after two weeks I was told it was "sent out July 7" but wouldn't say where or how. We got our Senator on to it and it was received 4 weeks after approved interview. All the consulate said was "due to unforseen circumstances with the delivery courier, your package could not be delivered to the appropriate location". That was their was of saying we screwed up so now you can't blame anyone. All you can do is wait. Oh we never heard back from the Senators office to say they had anything to do with finding my lost passport. No explanation. But we finally did receive it and I am finally down in the States. Hope you get it soon.

2 weeks after interview today. Still no passport in sight.
I called DOS and they couldnt say whether the visa has been printed or not. It most likely hasnt been issued yet. I dont understand why it's taking so long... :(

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-08-03 07:48:00
CanadaWaiting for our passports from Montreal
Just reread your quote. I think you were asking where I was before the move. I was in Edmonton.

I was mildly curious about this as well. I am about as far away from Quebec as one can be (British Columbia) so I assume I'll wait longer than 1-3 business days!

@edsotherhalf: where about's are you?

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-08-02 07:47:00
CanadaWaiting for our passports from Montreal
I am in Glendale, Arizona. Where are you moving to??? Oh it took 20 business days for my passport to reach me but it was printed July 7, had my interview June 29. Somehow it got lost somewhere with DHL then back to the Consulate. Received it July 27.

I was mildly curious about this as well. I am about as far away from Quebec as one can be (British Columbia) so I assume I'll wait longer than 1-3 business days!

@edsotherhalf: where about's are you?

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-08-02 07:44:00
CanadaWaiting for our passports from Montreal
OMG 100 days!!!!! Did they ever tell you why it was held up?? How did you stay sane during that time? I am going crazy with it being a month since my interview and approval and no passport back.

Finally I got my passport back with visa after 100 days waiting. I was in AP but not sure why.
Thanks for everyone on this forum for support and all kind of information.

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-07-25 14:46:00
CanadaWaiting for our passports from Montreal
Day 27, Business Day 18, still no passport with visa.

This question gets asked a lot on this forum, is it possible to pin this post on the front page?

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-07-25 11:22:00
CanadaWaiting for our passports from Montreal
Okay, today is business day 11 and still no passport with visa. I am getting a little worried. We are supposed to leave here at the latest by next weekend. Still haven't booked the truck.
edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-07-18 08:56:00
CanadaWaiting for our passports from Montreal
Thanks so much. Its been two weeks today since my interview. I had the blonde lady so figured it would be here right away. Mind you my interview was the Weds before the holiday Friday and Monday. Don't know if htat will hold things up.

Tell the person online you want an update on your visa and they will ask for your MTL0000000000 number. Have that in hand and they might ask your name, date of birth and your fiance's. That's it :)

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-07-13 10:20:00
CanadaWaiting for our passports from Montreal
What info do you need when calling DOS? Passport number? Case number???

I had my interview on a Tuesday and I had my passport in hand that Friday, so only 3 days. I didn't even need to call DOS. I'm sure it helped that I lived in Montreal and chose the DHL location that was only 30 minutes away.

If you want to check on your status, call DOS at 202-663-1225. Press 1 and then 0 to speak with a visa specialist.

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-07-13 10:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresStuck waiting for the IV fee invoice
I was in the same boat, didn't know whether to send it again or not. DO NOT RESEND IT. Even tho it says in the email after opting in that you should hear in 10 days, you don't. It takes about 3 weeks for them to clear your OPT-IN email. You will get an email saying when they have processed it then takes another couple of weeks for you to receive your IV bill.

Damm it...I don't know what to do now, I called and ask why they haven't got my IV invoice yet, and they say they have to wait for my DS-3230 form. Just yesterday I recieved a hardcopy of that form, but last Friday I sent and Email attachment w/ DS-3230 form with a OPTIN EP email.

So do I have to wait for them to actually look at my email and consider my EP file and then accept the DS-3230 or did I skip a step and rush the email which is delaying my IV fee so that I can start the I-865 form...geeezz..

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-03-04 00:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresProof of address since 16 years old?
I am filling out out DS-230 and it only asks for name of city, province and from/to. Thank God I don't need addresses. I have moved about 32 times since I was 16!!!


I'm just getting ready to fill out the DS-260 for my hubby and I know that he needs to provide where he's lived since he was 16 years old. He was 16 quite a while ago, before internet and email and all of that. He was in the USA from 16-21 on an athletic visa and still has his american social security card. He has NO idea the addresses of where he lived when he was in the US for those 5 years. He lived with a billet from Sep-July each year, and each year it was a different home, and then he would go back to Canada in the summer.

He was so young when he was doing this that I don't think he has any formal record of where he lived during that 5 year span. Is there any way to find out his addresses? I don't want to omit them from the DS-260 because I'm sure they will show up tied to his Social Security Card.

Thoughts? Thanks!

edsotherhalfFemaleCanada2011-03-04 23:48:00