CanadaDid interview yesterday and denied!
QUOTE (Avery @ Nov 8 2009, 10:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Last I got was an e-mail on Saturday saying they are reviewing the file and will get back to me in 2-6 weeks. (LOLOLOL I love the variance of time) Either way after the 4 weeks are up (as per their own documentation) on Nov. 21 of them receiving our papers, we are calling our state senate and seeing if we can't swing something that way.

We both quit our job and gave up our apartment and definitely over staying our welcome where we are now. =( The money is running thin and it feels worse that we have to look at getting jobs just to maintain while they play their little thumb twiddling game. I am very upset. Not to mention we actually both have jobs waiting for us asking, when are you getting here? =/

Thats just a bit extreme, so how long in total have you been waiting now?
jonesg111MaleCanada2009-11-09 09:06:00
CanadaDid interview yesterday and denied!
QUOTE (trailmix @ Nov 8 2009, 10:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Takes them quite a while to respond from what I have seen. INK hasn't posted in a while but in October she had still been waiting 9 weeks.

Yea I've talked with him a few times and still no response.
jonesg111MaleCanada2009-11-08 15:12:00
CanadaDid interview yesterday and denied!
QUOTE (trailmix @ Jul 2 2009, 06:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (LindsayVictor @ Jul 1 2009, 11:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey, this was not in Canada, but me and my fiance had the exact same thing happen at our interview. I have been living in Honduras the past two years and the interviewer also said I should go back to the US right away to get a job, etc. She used that same stupid line " US immigration is here to bring families together". It was really frustrating and I know what you're going through. I am now back in the US and we sent the embassy a letter from my job and a few other things. But I am worried the embassy will take forever to get back to us because there is now a political crisis going on in Honduras. Just our luck.

I wonder if they would have just accepted more proof from you instead of you having to move back first? Hope they are quick getting the visa to your wife now!

Jones, have you sent the stuff back to Montreal yet?

Sorry I did not notice your last question until 5 months later! But yes we sent it in 2 weeks ago. I'm just nervous now with the time that they're taking to respond.
jonesg111MaleCanada2009-11-07 21:41:00
CanadaDid interview yesterday and denied!
QUOTE (trailmix @ Jun 20 2009, 09:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes, it's totally up the the CO - so in your friends case it sounds like they had someone that was willing to sit with them and have a conversation and get it sorted out.

The fact that the CO that interviewed you mentioned stuff about your wife moving back to the U.S. to establish domicile - well that's just weird.

I also was asked for more proof of domicile - but from NVC. I had sent in quite a few things, however one of the things I sent back with the RFE was that lease from my Sister (and proof that we had sold our house in Calgary etc).

In looking at what wowswift mentions he sent back as proof, I wonder if that 'lease' is one of the deciding items. What made me think of it is reading over the domicile guidelines in the I-864 - proof that you have rented or purchased property in the U.S. is one of the things listed - maybe they just look for anything that is actually on that list.

That item of lease/mortgage/rental agreement does seem to pop up over and over. I think if I were to advise anyone else or do it again that would be the main thing that I would recommend.

The part about an RFE, thats the part that irks me the most is that had they not had sufficient information from me to begin with then I could see getting a letter from the NVC, but they approved everything and then this guy wants more.
jonesg111MaleCanada2009-06-20 19:43:00
CanadaDid interview yesterday and denied!
I talked with a friend of mine today that went through the interview last Sept. He and his family had also been living in Canada but for just over 5 years, much longer then the one year that we had been here.

Anyway, when they got to the proving domicile part, they basically had nothing, just one bank account. The lady that was doing the interview told them the usual stuff, like why were they in Canada for so long, and they needed more proof. They told her that the reason they were there for so long was because they had to go through this immigration paperwork that took them two years to complete, putting the blame back on them for keeping them in Canada.

The long and short of it is that she gave them the visa after a brief discussion. No asking for additional paperwork or anything, which I think just goes to prove my point that the official that we got was just being a jerk. We had plenty of evidence of domicile and yet he asked for more, for whatever reason.

His words were " US immigration is here to bring families together", wacko.gif saying that since we were together that we did not need to move to the US? UUUUUHHH DUUUHHH

Sorry, but this just irks me, I know its not a big deal and I can just send in some more meaningless papers and it will be done, but wow do we need to be imbeciles to work at the interview desk in US immigration?

Thanks for listening, and good day biggrin.gif
jonesg111MaleCanada2009-06-20 10:10:00
CanadaDid interview yesterday and denied!
QUOTE (wowswift @ Jun 18 2009, 09:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jonesg111 @ Jun 18 2009, 09:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (wowswift @ Jun 18 2009, 06:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i caused a scene, but that's cuz im a psycho american chick who was ready to gtfo of canada. biggrin.gif

Did causing a scene help? If it did I would love to learn exactly what you did so that I can do the same! kicking.gif

lol no, I don't think so cuz i wouldn't have had to send anything back lol, but I just faxed in what she was asking and it was approved after that. i was crying and saying why would i even petition for my husband if we didn't want to leave. told her i refuse to leave with out him, and all this ####### lol. i said how ridiculous it is to ask for a lease with my mother. i like you had all the goodies, bank account, proof of voting, etc. which she wouldn't look at so i just sent that in with the lease with my mom, some car insurance, and some other things i could do. i guess i could've brought a moving quote or something, but we did it ourselves anyways and didn't reserve a u-haul till we actually had his passport back.

So you faxed that stuff in? I thought it had to be mailed, plus they want my passport back for that as well.

So all these responses seem to validate my idea that he's just being a jerk. Seriously why would anyone go through all this hassle just to say that they're not moving. And then they basically ask for the same information that they have already been sent, why not say specifically what they're looking for to begin with!!
jonesg111MaleCanada2009-06-19 07:53:00
CanadaDid interview yesterday and denied!
QUOTE (wowswift @ Jun 18 2009, 06:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i caused a scene, but that's cuz im a psycho american chick who was ready to gtfo of canada. biggrin.gif

Did causing a scene help? If it did I would love to learn exactly what you did so that I can do the same! kicking.gif
jonesg111MaleCanada2009-06-18 21:43:00
CanadaDid interview yesterday and denied!
Yea, thats the weird part about it all. We put all that information in the initial application. We showed that she had bank accounts, credit cards, vehicle registration and insurance all still there.

Oh well, we'll just put together some more papers for them to look at I guess and hope that satisfies them.

The other part that doesn't make sense is that he said "Your wife will just have to move back to the US and establish domicile and then send in those papers. Just read this paper (about establishing domicile) and you'll be ok."

Well in those papers it specifically says that you dont have to have domicile but that you will in good faith reestablish it no later then the intending immigrant. So not to repeat myself too much, but that is exactly what we did during the application with all that paper work and then a letter that was signed saying those exact words.

As much as I sound ticked off I'm really not, it just seems like I went all that way and then didn't accomplish anything. The good part is that we don't have to go back again. just send in some papers and then they'll mail everything back.

We didn't make any kind of scene or yell at anyone, just said thanks and went our way. It was my wife that wanted to pop off and let him know what she really thought devil.gif
jonesg111MaleCanada2009-06-18 18:41:00
CanadaDid interview yesterday and denied!
So here is the short version since I have to get back to work. We went to the consulate, followed all the tips by getting there early etc.

After going through all the paperwork and fingerprints we got called into the little office where you do the swearing with the immigration official. He asks us a bunch of questions and then says "Yea, it all looks pretty good, you'll just have one little hurdle yet to climb"

He says that he needs more proof of domicile!! He wants utility bills, mortgage, etc to prove that we intend to move. What kind of nonsense is that?! I mean would we be going through all this hassle and money just to say.... uuuhhh yea we're not moving?!

Anyway, I'm not terribly concerned since I plan on getting a letter from my in-laws written up like a rental agreement and then someone who owns a company will write an employment offer letter to my wife who is the USC.

The guy at the window was really asking for things that we would not have had even if my wife had been living in the US. She has lived with her parents prior to getting married to me and moving to Canada, so she had no mortgage or utility bills.

Personally I think he is just being a "pencil-pusher" and making himself feel important.

Has anyone else ran into this at the interview? I know that we sent in all the paperwork during the application to prove domicile, bank accounts, car registration, insurance, but apparently thats not good enough since my wife has been "visiting" me for too long.

jonesg111MaleCanada2009-06-18 09:06:00
CanadaEstablishing Domicile and Reestablishing Domicile
An update here on my case, I talked with my wife's senator's office this morning and they sounded helpful. I told the situation to the guy there and he said that Montreal is required to respond to a Senator's request within 2 weeks but normally its quicker then that. I basically told him that we were getting vague and misleading information and needed to know exactly what they want from us.

Once I hear back I'll post what they say. BTW he did ask for the CO's name, so those of you who dealt with this same guy dont hesitate to call your Senator and get him involved, that is what they're there for!
jonesg111MaleCanada2009-11-30 15:31:00
CanadaIR1 Immigrant Visa Denied
We also had the same problem as most of you already know. What we're doing is getting my wife's Senator involved. They have sent in a request to the Montreal consulate for information on what they require.

The funny part is that they were asking for things from you that we showed them earlier, such as my wife's US drivers license, job offer, etc. This seems to becoming a major issue for Montreal, once I hear from the Senator I'll defiantly post what they found out.
jonesg111MaleCanada2009-12-12 10:13:00
CanadaStill waiting for my Visa
I would not worry too much. When I was waiting for a response I emailed many times and never got a response. Then one day I got a letter in the mail saying I was denied. I'm sure you'll be fine with what you sent in but don't be too concerned if you dont hear anything. It took them 4 weeks to get my letter back.

QUOTE (Missmystery @ Dec 5 2009, 08:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Missmystery @ Nov 30 2009, 03:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Sam and Ben @ Nov 26 2009, 10:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
While I don't believe you can appear in person to inquire, there's no harm in emailing again. Be sure to list your case number in the Subject line, and keep your email short and to the point. Calling could possibly render you an answer too, though I don't know how much the consulate shares info with NVC after the interview stage.

As Inky said, though, it can take a couple of weeks for them to even process the information you fax them, and then time after that to render a decision, then deal with the Post. Montreal is extremely backlogged right now, and it takes awhile to do anything.

But certainly, inquire politely on the status of your case, include your case number, and hopefully you'll hear word soon.

Good luck.

Thanks guys smile.gif

Well I am really nervous now its more than 3 weeks and I have still not received my visa, send so many emails asking for the update
but no reply sad.gif am going insane

jonesg111MaleCanada2009-12-05 10:40:00
CanadaUpdate on Domicile
I'll post a quick update here.

We were supposed to hear back from Montreal by this past Friday Jan 22 which was two weeks from when the Senator's office put in their last request. I had emailed the Senator's office and called this past Friday but have not heard anything yet.

I'm normally pretty positive on most things but this is government we're dealing with here so I'm not holding my breath. I do have some more avenues that I would try before I just give up and do what the CO says which is clearly laid out that one does not have to move back to the US before their spouse.

Once I get an answer I will post it here.
jonesg111MaleCanada2010-01-23 17:28:00
CanadaUpdate on Domicile

Hi Jones,

I was just wondering how you were getting on and noticed you had posted this and I missed it.

I can't believe that you still haven't heard anything back - sounds like they are at a standstill waiting for information from you when you have already provided everything you have to give them.

Hope you get this sorted out soon.

Yea I'm really surprised as well as to the amount of time it takes to get a response even when they have a "mandatory" time to respond.
jonesg111MaleCanada2010-01-12 21:43:00
CanadaUpdate on Domicile
Well its been a long time since I've posted anything on here in regards to our domicile issue. Here is the short version...

Near the beginning of December we contacted my wife's Senator's office and explained our situation, if you want to find out about that you'll have to find the thread since I'm too lazy. :)

I was told that they would contact the consulate in Montreal to get some information and that the consulate had to respond within two weeks. Well after two weeks there was no response so they contacted the State Dept in Washington DC. The information there was that my case was in "administrative processing". What that essentially means is that they're awaiting further information from me. However as I had explained earlier to them we had already sent in any and all information that we had relating to domicile.

So as of this morning they have contacted the consulate in Montreal again, and once more they have two weeks to respond.

Here is an excerpt from the email I received this morning.

I did also ask VisaNet about systemic issues that might be plaguing the Montreal Consulate. The liaison acknowledged that Montreal has been short staffed since the beginning of 2009. She indicated that they have since filled the problematic vacancies and are working to bring processing back up to speed. However, it also appears that those new hires are still in a training period of sorts.

So they are having problems keeping up, maybe that will change soon.
jonesg111MaleCanada2010-01-08 13:42:00
CanadaHow is the wait time for Montreal when sending documents
QUOTE (brocku00 @ Nov 26 2009, 05:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Everyone,
I will be sending in more proof of domicile probably the first week of January but I was just wondering what the wait time seems like right now. The first time I sent proof back it took about 4 weeks (August/September), the second time I sent in proof (beginning of Sept.) it took 9 weeks. So, just wondering if anyone has any knowledge of the wait. Is there anyone out there that has sent in proof of domicile or something else and is waiting?? Thanks for your help.

As you know for me it took 1 month almost to the day for mine to be rejected and sent back.
jonesg111MaleCanada2009-11-26 20:12:00
CanadaWaiting NINE WEEKS now (DCF Montreal, requested further proof domicile)

but what equals a respondance?? lol "I'll get back to ya" One just has to keep at it, eventually someone will get tired of it, and do something!!

Yea exactly! I also asked what happens if they dont respond within two weeks. No answer to that question.
jonesg111MaleCanada2010-02-25 23:15:00
CanadaWaiting NINE WEEKS now (DCF Montreal, requested further proof domicile)

Is that a legal requirement or a suggestion?

From what he said it sounded like a legal requirment. His words were "Montreal has to respond within two weeks to a information request from a senator's office."
jonesg111MaleCanada2010-02-25 20:17:00
CanadaWaiting NINE WEEKS now (DCF Montreal, requested further proof domicile)

Lets hope Feb.9th is lucky for the both of us Jones!! How long do the senators take to reply back to you? I preferred to be contacted via email because I'm not home during their office hours because I'm working....

The Senator's office usually calls me back within a few hours if I dont get a hold of him when I call. The main delay is how long it takes for them to get an answer from Montreal. They told us last time that Montreal is required to respond to Senatorial requests within 2 weeks but last time it took 5-6 weeks and two seperate requests. So much for a requirment eh?
jonesg111MaleCanada2010-02-25 17:38:00
CanadaWaiting NINE WEEKS now (DCF Montreal, requested further proof domicile)
We also sent in additional proof of domicile for the third time Feb 9th. I've also contacted the Senator's office again to get them to check up on Montreal. Sooner or later they've got to respond to these.... right? :blink:
jonesg111MaleCanada2010-02-25 09:48:00
CanadaPassport to be sent along with the additional docs??
We also sent in more domicile information yesterday. We'll see how long of a wait time it is now. Back in October we got a rejection in just 4 weeks.
jonesg111MaleCanada2010-02-12 00:02:00
CanadaI will NEVER contact Montreal Consulate AGAIN!!
So how long was it from the time you sent in the additional information?
jonesg111MaleCanada2010-03-03 19:07:00
CanadaGet married in Canada, and wait out the CR-1 process..

As a follow-up, we just read through the domicile thread. It wasn't exaclty a positive thing to scan through. We are very concerned with the issue of domicile.

In hind sight that would also be my main concern. I think it really depends on your situation which route you should take. If you want to be in Canada for an indefinite amount of time then go the CR-1 route since you may get hung up on the domicile issue. We went this way because of my job that I had and the idea of me not being able to work for a few months right after getting married just didn't seem like the best idea. We did not want to be in "limbo" like we are now for almost a year after our interview and again in hind site I think we would have gone k-1.
jonesg111MaleCanada2010-03-21 23:19:00
CanadaUpdate on Domicile

Hi Jones,
When you mailed of your documents to Montreal, how long did it take them to even pick up the package from the post office. Our documents are sitting in the post office and it says on hold upon recipient's request...just wondering. I don't want it to sit there forever until Montreal decides to pick it up...

I'm not sure, we mailed them directly to the consulate. I've never heard of what you guys had happen where they're holding them, very very strange!
jonesg111MaleCanada2010-02-03 23:19:00
CanadaUpdate on Domicile
Yea doesnt that seem silly? Send in all the same information as before just change some words so its more formal? Oh well, we'll try again and won't give up if we get the same response. If nothing else they'll eventually get sick of us and we might get a straight answer.
jonesg111MaleCanada2010-01-28 20:32:00
CanadaUpdate on Domicile
Here is a copy of the emails that went between the Consulate and the Senator's office.

These are in reverse order so start reading the bottom one and work your way up... hope that doesnt confuse anyone.

Good morning, *** and ***,

Per our conversations, we called the U.S. Consulate General in Montreal on your behalf to clarify what documentation you might need to produce to complete your file for processing.

Essentially, the Consulate General has indicated that your application would best be served by the addition of formalized, specific documentation of employment and housing. ***'s offer of employment letter would be most useful if the potential employer can provide a job title and possible start date. Likewise, the housing arrangements you have set up should be reflected in a formal, signed lease agreement. Also, as we discussed, you should resubmit ***’s US drivers license, registration, and proof of insurance (if you have it). Finally, we were also told that confirmation of utility arrangement/set-up may also help.

Again, we cannot guarantee that supplying the above will automatically fix the situation, but it is our understanding that it should help significantly. Please keep in mind, too, that the current Haitian crisis may temporarily delay finalization of your application as the Consulate in Montreal has seen a significant and sudden influx of work related to that situation.

Please let us know once you have provided the requested proof of domicile. At that time, we would be happy to verify its receipt by post. As always, please feel free to let me know if you have any additional concerns or questions in the meantime.



From: U.S. Consulate Montreal
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2010 11:21 AM
Subject: RE:


In follow-up to our phone conversation, please advise petitioner and applicant to courier lease agreement, employment offer and anything they can present that demonstrates that they are establishing primary residence in the U.S.


*** ****

Chief, Immigrant Visa Unit

U.S. Consulate Montreal

Sent: Friday, January 08, 2010 10:57 AM
To: U.S. Consulate Montreal

Good morning, Mr. ***,

Thank you for your reply regarding Mr. ***'s immigrant visa application (MTL****). Since receiving your e-mail, our office had a chance to speak with the ***es regarding the case.

In that subsequent conversation, Mr. *** provided our office with a copy of the November 19, 2009 letter you cited. The information sheet included with that letter explains, “steps [to establishing domicile] might include finding U.S. employment, locating a place to live, registering children in U.S. schools, and other indications of residence.” Mr. *** asserts that in October 2009 he and his wife provided the Consulate with an offer of employment from a ***-based company, a lease agreement, and proof a voter registration for Ms. ***. Thus receiving the request for such documentation after providing it has caused some confusion and concern to the applicants. Specifically, they have asked that we verify that the Consulate is in receipt of those three pieces of documentation. If they have, indeed, been received but the consular staff have deemed it not enough, the ***es have asked for clarification as to what other types of documentation would satisfy the Consulate’s concerns. The constituents have expressed a willingness to provide the Consulate with whatever evidence is needed but are requesting guidance as to how that might be accomplished.

Thank you in advance for your continued attention to this matter and for any further information or assistance you may be able to offer.


jonesg111MaleCanada2010-01-28 18:27:00
CanadaUpdate on Domicile

You could always get the Verizon Canada plan that lets you use the phone while in Canada or the US. I don't think it's that expensive. Just a thought.

Good idea, I'll look into that tonight, thanks!
jonesg111MaleCanada2010-01-27 14:21:00
CanadaUpdate on Domicile
Well that email I was supposed to get this morning from the Senator so I'll follow up on that and once I get it I'll post it here so we can all see exactly what it says.

As for the cell phone bill we had thought about that but again since we don't know exactly when we're moving we'd rather not spend money on a monthly bill that we may not use for 3-4 months.

I do hope that I can get some stuff in writing so that we all can get some definite answers. I would encourage others to also call their Senator's and get them involved. If enough people ask questions then it'll get sorted out for everyone else a lot quicker.
jonesg111MaleCanada2010-01-27 14:09:00
CanadaUpdate on Domicile
Oh you bet I've read all the other threads about domicile!

I've also got an email from the Senator's office with the response from the Deputy Consul General stating what is required. So if that does not do it then nothing will. What they are blaming a lot of these domicile misunderstandings on is new employees at the Montreal Consulate. All those folks that were essentially forced to split up was entirely unnecessary but I understand why they would do it. I think our particular situation is one where we can take the time to get some answers because what they're telling people in Montreal about domicile and how you have to move back to the US first is bogus!
jonesg111MaleCanada2010-01-27 09:24:00
CanadaUpdate on Domicile
So we finally got a response from Montreal today. The Senator's office had to call the Consul General in Montreal and then the Deputy Consul General in order to get some info but this is what they said.

They basically want all the paperwork that I sent in earlier back again with a few minor modifications.

The job offer needs to be really specific on the job, the date its effective and for how long the offer stands.
The lease agreement needs to be formal, the kind with all the legalize on it.
Try to come up with some utility bills, now even the Deputy Consul General agreed that this is near impossible to do without living in the US first but try your best to get some. HUH??
Drivers license, vehicle registration from the US

So we're going to get this together and send it in towards the end of this week.

He did also say that they are moving people around to deal with the situation in Haiti so that could be delaying some progress in Montreal so to keep that in mind as well.
jonesg111MaleCanada2010-01-26 23:27:00
CanadaAdditional proof of domicile

Hi Jones
Sorry to bug you I have been
following your journey, and read the correspondence with
Montreal and your Senator.
Did you finally get your Visa? I looked carefully
but didn't see a follow up to your story after that correspondance.
Many thanks,

(I am sure you won't be surprised to hear that my husband's Visa was
refused last week because of my lack of proof of domicile!)

Well, I will post a new thread, but the Senator's office called me today and said they had contacted Montreal and were told that it was mailed on Saturday. So we should have it sometime this week!
jonesg111MaleCanada2010-03-23 23:07:00
CanadaAdditional proof of domicile
Good for you Ink!

I just got a letter in the mail as well..... I will post more on a new thread but it was a rejection letter!!! They said they need to see additional proof of domicile!!! How in the world am I supposed to do that?!?!?! I sent in what they requested, job letter for my wife the USC, rental agreement, bank statements, moving quote, voter registration, etc!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Right now I am quite mad... can you tell?
jonesg111MaleCanada2009-11-24 20:14:00
CanadaAdditional proof of domicile
QUOTE (INK @ Oct 22 2009, 09:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Nope - they said that thye sent email in error. we are still waiting 9 weeks in. There is another member waiting for 7 weeks now. No idea what is going on but it seems like there are significant delays

We sent in our stuff on Friday, the tracking number said it was received this morning. Hopefully we get a response quick!
jonesg111MaleCanada2009-10-26 21:51:00
CanadaAdditional proof of domicile
QUOTE (INK @ Sep 26 2009, 02:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jonesg111 @ Sep 22 2009, 07:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (INK @ Sep 22 2009, 07:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (INK @ Aug 27 2009, 09:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jonesg111 @ Aug 12 2009, 09:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just curious for those that at the interview were asked to submit additional "proof of domicile", how long after you mailed it in did you get your visa? They were saying at our interview that once we mailed in the additional documents we would see it within 2 weeks.

Now we have not sent anything in just yet since we're waiting for our condo to sell and we have one year to send in those documents. We just wanted to make sure we were not up against a 6 month deadline.

sent evidence last week - they confirmed via email this week that they have received it and are reviewing it. Will let you know when it is approved/issued.

Quick update - received email yesterday exactly 5 weeks after sending evidence that visa has been issued and we should recvieve it this week. I would say 4 - 6 weeks is the right range for this processing.

Thanks for the update!

They emailed us last Monday that visa has been issued and you shoud recieve it this week. We have not received it yet. I thought the mailer takes two days only - is this normal?

Have you got anything from them yet?
jonesg111MaleCanada2009-10-22 21:55:00
CanadaAdditional proof of domicile
QUOTE (INK @ Sep 22 2009, 07:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (INK @ Aug 27 2009, 09:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jonesg111 @ Aug 12 2009, 09:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just curious for those that at the interview were asked to submit additional "proof of domicile", how long after you mailed it in did you get your visa? They were saying at our interview that once we mailed in the additional documents we would see it within 2 weeks.

Now we have not sent anything in just yet since we're waiting for our condo to sell and we have one year to send in those documents. We just wanted to make sure we were not up against a 6 month deadline.

sent evidence last week - they confirmed via email this week that they have received it and are reviewing it. Will let you know when it is approved/issued.

Quick update - received email yesterday exactly 5 weeks after sending evidence that visa has been issued and we should recvieve it this week. I would say 4 - 6 weeks is the right range for this processing.

Thanks for the update!
jonesg111MaleCanada2009-09-22 18:22:00
CanadaAdditional proof of domicile
Just curious for those that at the interview were asked to submit additional "proof of domicile", how long after you mailed it in did you get your visa? They were saying at our interview that once we mailed in the additional documents we would see it within 2 weeks.

Now we have not sent anything in just yet since we're waiting for our condo to sell and we have one year to send in those documents. We just wanted to make sure we were not up against a 6 month deadline.
jonesg111MaleCanada2009-08-12 20:03:00
CanadaHow to file a complaint
This is the link that I got from the Senator's office for filing a formal complaint. The website talks mostly about fraud, but it does mention mismanagement, abuse, and misconduct.

Like I told the Senator's office, my motivation is not to get someone fired or to "smash heads". But to make sure that the correct procedure is being followed, which, in the past year it has defiantly not been the case.
jonesg111MaleCanada2010-03-24 13:23:00
CanadaVisa on its way!
I now have the visa!! Woohoooo!! It just arrived this afternoon and we picked it up at the post office a half hour ago!
jonesg111MaleCanada2010-03-25 19:20:00
CanadaVisa on its way!

How long has it been since your interview?? We are calling the congressman in MO tomorrow. When did you send your paperwork in? And PLEASE send me the complaint link!!

Thank you, And CONGRATS!!!! :) :dance:

We had our interview last June 17th or there abouts. They asked for more proof of domicile which we sent in October, we get a rejection back in November. Then we contacted the Senator's office and after 6 weeks they got in touch with Montreal. They were told that we should send in the same papers we had already sent in, only add some "bigger" more formal words on the lease agreement and job offer.

So we resent that information with the big, formal words on February 10th and on March 5th contacted the Senator's office again since we had not heard anything. On March 18th I called the Senator's office again to find out if Montreal had responded within their two weeks as required, but no. So then yesterday March 23rd I emailed again to the Senator's office and they called me back later that morning saying they had talked to the Consul General and he said it was approved and mailed last Saturday.

That is the Cole's notes version of our Story :-)
jonesg111MaleCanada2010-03-24 08:40:00
CanadaVisa on its way!
So I got a call from the Senator's office this morning. They had contacted the consul general in Montreal and he checked our file and told them that it was approved and mailed out this past Saturday!

Needless to say we're kind of excited about that! I expect it to arrive at our place either tomorrow or Thursday.

We also inquired about filing a formal complaint on how this whole process went and were given a website to do so on. I would post it here but since I've had "complaint" related threads deleted in the past I will not do so. However if you would like that information just let me know and I'll give you that information.

The funniest/strangest part is that the information that we most recently sent it that we got approval on for domicile was the exact same information that was sent in at the very beginning. This is the main basis for our complaint that I will be filing shortly.

Anyhow, we can now list our place and hopefully sell and move before the end of May!!! Wooohooo!
jonesg111MaleCanada2010-03-23 23:16:00