Middle East and North AfricaSultan's Kitchen
Amera's Almost Moroccan Chicken

I took a Moroccan recipe that I really like but only have a guess at how it's made. Anyway I made this Saturday night for our evening meal and we ate the whole thing!

1 whole chicken (1-1 1/2 lbs) - gutted and cleaned but left in 1 piece
salt and pepper
1/2 stick of butter (you can use olive oil but we like it with butter
olive oil
2 nests of pasta (angelhair nests) or any other thin pasta
chicken broth

First clean and skin the chicken really good. Make sure the butter is room temperature so that it will break apart. Put the spices (as much or as little to your liking in a bowl and add some olive oil to make a thick paste. Rub the entire chicken with this paste. Inside and outside. Let it marinade for at least 1 hr in the fridge longer if possible. Preheat oven to 350 and boil chicken broth. Put the nests of pasta in for 1-2 minutes just to soften them up. Drain. Stuff the chicken cavity with noodles and put into the oven. Place 3-5 small pats of butter all over the chicken. Do this again after 20-30 minutes. Bake for 1-1 1/2 hr until the chicken becomes golden brown. That's it! It is soooo good!
MrsAmeraFemaleMorocco2007-09-17 11:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaSultan's Kitchen
For iftar tonight I am making:

Birwat Bil Kefta:
1/4 c veg. oil
1 med onion finely chopped
1 1/2 lbs ground beef/lamb (I guess you could use chicken too)
2 tsp cinnamon
1/2tsp ginger
salt and pepper
pinch of chili pepper (i omit this because I don't do hot lol)
3 tbsp chopped flat leaf parsley
5 eggs lightly beaten
1 lb large fillo sheets
2/3c melted butter or oil

Heat oil in large skillet and saute onion until soft. Ad meat, spices, and cook crushing th emeat and turing it over for 5-10 minutes. Stir in parsley, eggs, and cook until eggs set to creamy consistency. Let the filling cool. You can add more spices to your taste at this point.

With a large scissors or knife cut all the fillo together, without seperating them into 3 strips of about 6 by 12" and put them together so they don't dry out. Brush the top sheet with the butter/oil.

Put a tablespoon of filling in a line along a short end, about 3/4in from the edge. Roll like a cigar, folding in the long sides at the halfway point so the filling doesn't fall out, continue to roll letting sides unforld so that the cigars appear to open. Place the rolls side by side on a greased baking tray and brush tops with buttter. Bake at 350 for 30 min or until golden brown. Serve hot, dust with confectioner's sugar and cinnamon.

They can also be deep fried (my favorite way) - in a medium hot vegetable oil, turing once until browned and drain on paper towels.


Almokhtalitat Bil Tamatem Wal Batata
Potato and Tomato Cake

1 lb baking potatoes peeled
1 lg onion chopped
2 tbsp olive oil
2 chopped garlic cloves (finely)
10 oz tomatoes chopped and peeled (blanche them to get the skins off quick)
salt and peper
1 tsp sugar
1/2 chili pepper finely chopped (optional)
4 eggs
3-4 tbsp chopped parsley
1 tbsp butter

Boil potatoes in salted water until tender, drain and mash. In a skillet fry oinions in oil until brown. Stir in garlic briefly. Add tomatoes, season with salt and pepper and sugar, add peppers if using, and cook over high heat stirring often until reduced to a thick jammy sauce.

Beat the eggs lightly then beat into mashed potatoes. Add this to the tomato sauce and mix vigorously. Stir in parsley and adjust seasoning .

Heat butter in large skillet. When it sizzles pour in omlette mixture. Cook over low heat until bottom sets (10 minutes) then cook the top under a preheated broiler until firm and lightly browned. Sever hot or cold.

----I like to add some parmesan cheese to the top too!!
MrsAmeraFemaleMorocco2007-09-15 07:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaSultan's Kitchen
We bake bread everyday and usually I pull out 1/4 of the bread dough to make some msemmen. I use just a general bread mix, water, salt, flour and some yeast. I pull the dough into golf size balls (or a little smaller) and oil them, and let them sit. Using plenty of oil I think is the key. Then I roll them out and fold them into thirds, and thirds again to make small squares and let them sit again (not too long). I use a rolling pin to roll them out flat into bigger squares. Throw them in a griddle on the stove until they are nice and browned (5 minutes). Again I oil them before I cook them. My hubby's happy with them :)
MrsAmeraFemaleMorocco2007-02-07 12:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaSultan's Kitchen
very thinly sliced turkey pastrami might be sorta close. I haven't found anything closer yet. :(
MrsAmeraFemaleMorocco2006-11-11 14:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaSultan's Kitchen
Henia - Bread Pudding Recipe for you:

3 extra large eggs
8 egg yoks
5c half and half or heavy cream
1 1/2c sugar
1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
6 croissants
1c raisins

Preheat oven to 350F
1) Whisk all eggs, half and half, sugar and vanilla together
2) Slice crossiants in half and place in the bottom of a pan
3) Add raisins and put the top of the croissants back on
4) Pour custard on top and let soak for 10 minutes
5) Place pan in a larger pan with 1" of hot water in bottom. Cover with tinfoil - tented so it doesn't touch the pudding.
6) Bake for 45 minutes and uncover. Bake for 40-45 more minutes until pudding puffs.
MrsAmeraFemaleMorocco2006-10-20 19:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaSultan's Kitchen
Thank you thank you thank you henia!!! As I said I had this in Prague and East Germany and LOVE it!!! I have a bread pudding recipe that's pretty easy and good - I'll post it tonight!
MrsAmeraFemaleMorocco2006-10-20 12:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaSultan's Kitchen
Henia --- no goulash recipe for me?? :(
MrsAmeraFemaleMorocco2006-10-20 10:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaSultan's Kitchen
Henia - I know you lived in Hungry --- do you have a good goulash recipe? When I lived in East Germany I ate Goulash and Knodlen (like a bread dumpling?) and it was my favorite but I have never seen goulash again!! I'd love it if you had one!
MrsAmeraFemaleMorocco2006-10-19 08:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaSultan's Kitchen

Dessert recipe

I know Eid is right around the corner, so here is a dessert recipe that will knock everyones socks off. :star:

3ish il Saraya

Orange Jam/marmalade

Could you use strawberry or another kind of jam/marmalade - I was just thinking that rose water with strawberry jam would be good!
MrsAmeraFemaleMorocco2006-10-18 19:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaReturning Petitions to the United States via 221g
Unless it says denied a 221 (g) is for additional processing. Is this what it looks like? Seems that it's just used if additional information is needed.

SO My fiance just has his interview in Amman, and he was given the Blue 221 (g) im sort of confused about what this means, because I know their are different types...but does this mean it is denied?

MrsAmeraFemaleMorocco2011-10-19 14:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaReturning Petitions to the United States via 221g
Has anyone had a down right denial of an IR1/CR1 after it was returned to DOS? I would love to talk to someone as soon as possible about this (for a friend).
MrsAmeraFemaleMorocco2011-01-24 14:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaReturning Petitions to the United States via 221g
It sounds like regular administrative processing.
MrsAmeraFemaleMorocco2009-01-21 14:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDelay of sending I-129F package
I don't think the dates that you sign the papers matters at all. Ours were dated in March but they didn't get sent until June - no problems. Yes you just need to pay the $170 with the package.
MrsAmeraFemaleMorocco2006-02-03 14:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of meeting/ongoing relationship
I think you have WAY enough with just those bolded things. For our application I sent in copies of my plane tickets (boarding passes), passport stamps, and pictures that included the dates. Maybe I sent in 10 pictures and copies of the other stuff. We had no problem. You're also going through Canada so I don't think they will question as highly whether you've met or not as it's pretty easy for either of you to travel either way.
MrsAmeraFemaleMorocco2006-06-28 11:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoes the USCIS (secretly) discriminate based on age?
My husband and I were 21 and 22 at the time our petition was approved. It has a lot to do with other things, where you live, where your fiance lives but I don't think age plays a huge issue (except if there's a big gap in your ages.)
MrsAmeraFemaleMorocco2006-12-11 18:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk-1 visa questions.
Hi - You can write his name in English (roman letters) we also wrote out his name in Arabic but I don't think it's absolutely neccesary. They understand the language differences there and almost all legal and other business transactions are done in French so the Roman alphabet is usually fine. (add it in Arabic just in case ;))
MrsAmeraFemaleMorocco2007-01-12 10:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE Requesting Certified Copies of Documents Already Submitted
Yes you will need to get all documents not in English translated. including birth certificates, national ID copies, military papers and anything else that might be submitted to USCIS. English is the language used for business in the United States - that's why all the papers are in English.
MrsAmeraFemaleMorocco2007-11-18 22:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed advice.. Will honesty help or hurt us?
You're not legally married in Egypt that's all that they care about. All your fiance needs to tell them is that you visited 4 times and the length of your stay. Include copies of your passport entry and exit stamps. Include plane ticket receipts/boarding passes. I visited my then fiance 4 times in Morocco and stayed with him or him and his family each time. There were no issues. Discussing the Orfi is confusing and will just add unneccesary burden to your case.
MrsAmeraFemaleMorocco2008-10-29 12:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaJust wondering....
3.9 years married wink.gif
MrsAmeraFemaleMorocco2009-12-28 18:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaB'Stilla
I have a recipe for "seafood bastilla" possibly the same as you're looking for with the chinese noodles - so here goes!

1 x 3oz packages of Chinese celophane noodles
2tbsp. dried Chinese black fungus, reconstituted in water (you don't have to add this!)
2tbsp. vegetable oil
3 cloves garlic finely chopped
4oz small firm champignon mushrooms sliced
1 med. squid cleaned and cut into squares (I don't add this either)
8 oz. fresh shrimp, cut into smaller pieces
8 oz white fish fillet cut into small pieces
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp ground ginger
large pinch of saffron
large pinch black pepper
juice of 1/2 lemon
1/4 c chopped cilantro leaves
1/4 c chopped flat leaf parsley
1/2 package of filo pastry (or 10 sheets ouarqa if you're really good at it lol)
1 egg yolk

Soak cellophane noodles in hot water for 10 minutes until they have softened (not boiling).

Drain and cut into short lengths - drain the black fungus (if you used it) and chop it into pieces.

In a large frying pan heat the oil with garlic, as soon as garlic starts to soften, add mushrooms and saute until they render juices and begin to brown. Add the fish fillet, squid and shrimp. Saute until cooked through. Off the heat, add the noodles, fungus, salt, spices, lemon juice, cilantro, parsley and stir well to combine. Transfer to a colander and allow to drain and cool. (I pop it in the fridge until it's cool).

Brush a round tray with vegetable oil and spread out 4 sheets of pastry, alling them to overlap and hang over the edge of the tray. Place another sheet on top (if using filo dough lightly brush each sheet with veggie oil as you go). Pile seafood mixture in the middle of the pastry sheets and cover with the remaining sheets, tucking the edges under to form a round pie shape.

Brush the top of th epie with beaten egg yolk and bake at 350F unitl golden brown.

You could also omit the egg yolk glaze and fry the pastry in a heavy frying pan until golden brown. Serve hot.

There ya go ladies :) It makes me want to go whip some up tonight!
MrsAmeraFemaleMorocco2006-08-10 19:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaFoolish friend wants to come to US on visitor visa & marry b/c fiancee won't fly to Morocco
Not true - there are plenty of wealthier individuals who do get visitors visas. I can think of 5 that I personally know off the top of my head. I won't weigh in on the situation but there are hundreds of couples who go through a paper marriage for immigration purposes and it seems this might perhaps be a legitimate relationship? Not condoning it but there are worse situations. Perhaps he will get the visitors visa, come and find out that they really don't want to get married. If one is lucky enough to be granted a visitors visa, it's no different from a USC going to Morocco to visit, finding out they do want to get married and doing so - IMO. IT could go either way.
MrsAmeraFemaleMorocco2009-11-07 09:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaVisa denied in Algeria
I have to agree with Staashi. I think there must be some other reason aside from the short visit that triggered such a severe reaction. That being said if it is an FBI name check issue or DHS thing - that doesn't mean it's accurate. I hate to say it but there also might be something in your spouse's past either distant or recent that he didn't think would be an issue but came up.
MrsAmeraFemaleMorocco2009-12-17 16:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaTransition time for kids
Doesn't happen often but I have to agree with Sofiyya. It does sound like the OP and her man have talked about this however and he's not going to be surprised to find seperate accomodations. My only concern was her catering to her son who I feel is way more than old enough to suck it up and adjust to the fact that mom is getting re-married. That's all :blush:
MrsAmeraFemaleMorocco2010-01-23 13:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaTransition time for kids
I think it's normal for any kid in that situation to have some hesitation. My parents divorced when I was 16 and my mom remarried when I was 18. I really disliked my step dad for a long time, mostly because I was really close to my mom and felt like he was taking her away. However I got over it. I guess if your son was younger I might concern myself more but he's almost an adult. Somethings in life just need to be accepted - he will work his way through his issues in time. Are you sub-leasing an apartment for your fiance only due to this issue? If so I think it's WAAAAY above and beyond what needs to be done. I'm a mom and I'm all for protecting your kid but not at your expense. At 17 he should understand the issue and while he may have reservations I guess to me this seems pretty severe.
MrsAmeraFemaleMorocco2010-01-20 21:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaCR1 question, special case.

Salam, you don't have to worry, the same happened to me, i got married at the court and got a small engagement party without consuming the marriage, at the interview i just told them that i had a small party because we didn't have time to plan for something bigger and there was no problem, the CO didn't ask me if we consumed our marriage or not....i had my wedding party 2 months after i got my visa of luck

You may have gotten lucky they didn't ask. I have heard of several others where they asked this and they also asked many more personal questions. Something to be very aware of.
MrsAmeraFemaleMorocco2010-01-25 20:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaCR1 question, special case.
New Beginnings is right - they may very well ask if the marriage has been consummated. I have heard of CO's asking such questions and much more probing quesitons before!
MrsAmeraFemaleMorocco2010-01-25 12:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaOnce there here!

Cheryl Mido have a business and they also dont have kids together.. Thats alot different than being the mom of small kids and not having alot of money and a husband demanding to go home instead of realising that you cant afford it...Thats selfish and you are being a very big person to take care of his needs and making sacrifices so he can be happy

How does their having a business have any relevance to the fact that going home and homesickness is an issue that is argued about? Also my husband isn't putting us in debt by going home to visit, as I've said before his money goes towards this, he doesn't purchase really anything else. My children and I are cared for. People have different priorities where they spend their money - some buy big screen Tv's and new cars, we don't.
MrsAmeraFemaleMorocco2010-01-24 10:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaOnce there here!
The only reason I support him in visiting yearly is because of his mother. I know that she is sick and doesn't have a lot of time left. He is very close to her as his father died in a freak accident about 8 years ago. If this were not the case, then I probably would be more harsh about the yearly visits. That being said - he is now at a point where he's ok not going yearly so long as we all can go. Which I stated in my original post.
MrsAmeraFemaleMorocco2010-01-24 10:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaOnce there here!

so are you saying your family then doesn't have extra money spent on them? you and the kids don't get extra money spent on you, it just goes towards his trips home? what about you, and the kids? do you guys get to go overseas every year to the country of your choosing? if bajih's 17 yr old son is way more than old enough to suck it up and adjust to his mother getting married, i would think a grown man with a wife and 2 children to support in the united states should be able to suck it up and adjust to the fact that he lives in the united states, and his wife and kids should be treated to lots of extras way before his whiny homesickness gets tended to. in our house, extra money gets spent on guitar lessons, gymnastics, baby gym, and family vacations where everyone comes along. every cent my husband makes goes towards his family. meaning his wife, and our children. i have to talk him into buying things for himself. either that, or just go buy it for him myself and surprise him with it when he gets home. not in a million years would it ever occur to him to force us to moderate all our other expenses around his going back to morocco every year funding.

There ya go - not sure why you got all up in arms about this, as far as I know I haven't ever attacked you. That being said, yea maybe extra does mean something for different people. Our needs are attended to but imo extra extends out a long way. I could want things for forever - what we need is another issue. I believe that Wantedtobelieve and Cheryl and Medo both said that the going home is an issue that is argued about - guess what it is/was in my house too, doesn't mean I was forced or coerced to do anything. I just said that it was easier to come to some compromise for the time being than to argue about it. From now on I'll make sure to spell things out so as not to garner any confusion.
MrsAmeraFemaleMorocco2010-01-24 08:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaOnce there here!
Yes well me and the kids are fine with the cardboard box he provides for us to sleep in. We love the ramen noodles and cabbage that keeps our diet balanced. At least I know he's happy......

Come on.

Have no fear my children are well taken care of and have everything they could want and more. I'm at no loss for anything either. Where did I say he forced us to do anything? This is not imposed on us - but something we agreed on. My husband's mother is ill and a widow and part of his homesickness is in part due to the fact he knows him mom is sick and he probably won't be there when she passes away. If sacrificing a few vacations or other items for now means that my husband spends time with his mother before she passes then far be it from me to stop that. He spends very little money on himself, and instead keeps it for his visits home. It's great that your spouse is the perfect man, if we all could be so lucky wouldn't the world be a wonderful place.

Also it's a long shot to even compare this with Bajih's situation. My opinion there is based on myself being a child of divorce and re-marriage and my feeling she shouldn't let her nearly adult son moderate her relationship. His non-acceptance of the situation was the reason she gave for the ulterior living arrangements.
MrsAmeraFemaleMorocco2010-01-23 22:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaOnce there here!
It's the only "extra" thing we spend money on really - he sends money home to his family but mostly only he goes home. We find cheap tickets and I shop all year long for gifts, and buy them when they're super cheap. He has a set amount of money that he takes with him and he has to be smart about how he spends it. We had to re-evaluate how we spent money in other areas and what we would put towards this. I did however know that when he came he would want to go back to visit, from seeing other people's stories in their adjustments I knew it would happen. I think he's now at the point where he isn't so set on going every year. He's now decided he won't go again until all of us can go together. He also felt entitled to this and in a way I know if the shoe were on the other foot I would feel the same way.
MrsAmeraFemaleMorocco2010-01-23 12:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaOnce there here!
I agree with ZaidsMommy - my husband has gone back every year because he thinks he needs to and he gets super homesick and for me it's been easier to just say ok fine go back then to fight with him about it.
MrsAmeraFemaleMorocco2010-01-23 09:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaSunday
Hubby cleaned the house yesterday so I'm off the hook for that - got some grocery shopping to do, homework and cooking some things for next week. Fun stuff...
MrsAmeraFemaleMorocco2010-01-31 09:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaOvernight in Istanbul
I am currently looking at a ticket to Morocco for my husband and I. The cheapest flight goes through Istanbul (way out of the way) but has a 23 hour layover one way and a 15 hour layover the other. I think it would be a great visit to another country for both of us so I am embracing the layover! That being said - any suggestions for a relatively cheap but nice hotel/hostel/bed and breakfast not too far from the airport - also if you had a limited time in Istanbul what would you make sure to see?
MrsAmeraFemaleMorocco2010-02-02 08:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaAirport changes in Morocco and customs
Yes Sara is right. If it's on your way back you would go through dropping off your bags etc where you started out, your connecting flight wouldn't have you picking up your bags - you would have to get them at your first entry point in the US and go through US customs.
MrsAmeraFemaleMorocco2010-02-04 10:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaEgypt crush Algeria 4-0

Serious enough for 100,000 to pray to God for victory


Praying to win a soccer game? I think God has bigger things to worry about. How ridiculous.
MrsAmeraFemaleMorocco2010-01-31 09:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaEgypt crush Algeria 4-0
Is this for real? Seriously? Whoa -
MrsAmeraFemaleMorocco2010-01-30 16:54:00
Middle East and North Africacasablanca consulate is LOONEYTUNES
The fax for the consul in casa is 212-2-220-4127
The phone number is telephone number is (212)(22)-26-45-50
MrsAmeraFemaleMorocco2010-02-01 13:29:00
Middle East and North Africacasablanca consulate is LOONEYTUNES
Ok so the red flags that you see are:

1) The name issue
2) Your 14 year age difference
3) Your marriage the first time you met him in person when you visited for ___ weeks?

How many times have you visited since your marriage? How long have you been married now? Was your SO married before? You said you were married at least one time before.

The name issue should be easily resolved by showing your original birth certificate and the amened one after your grandparents changed your name. The other two are going to be more difficult to overcome. If I were in that situation I would present reasons as to why you wanted to get married right away as opposed to meeting another time or filing a K1. Financial reasons? Religious reasons etc. Also if you can get letters of support from your family and from his that would be helpful.
MrsAmeraFemaleMorocco2010-01-31 09:38:00
Middle East and North Africacasablanca consulate is LOONEYTUNES
Did your husband mention to the CO that you were outside? If so what was their response?
MrsAmeraFemaleMorocco2010-01-30 15:52:00