Africa: Sub-SaharanNo Work Lots Of Love
Akatagirl and Zainab: stated my feelings exactly only more beautifully and tactfully than I could have. If you are considering taking this big of a step (i.e., marrying this man and starting the process to bring him to the States) then I suggest going to Senegal first to meet with him in person, spend some time together and make sure the timing is right. In the meantime I suggest researching here even more and learning all you can about the visa process so that you can know for yourself. Good luck to you!

Edited: also meant to ask is your S.O. in Senegal or Guinea-Bissau? You said in your post that he is in Senegal, but you have the flag from Guinea-Bissau in your profile. Just curious.

Edited by taurean, 02 November 2007 - 03:18 PM.

taureanFemaleSenegal2007-11-02 15:15:00
CONGRATUALTIONS Shanon!! kicking.gif kicking.gif I know you are beyond happy right now. Best wishes to both of you on the approval and have a happy reunion when the time comes.
taureanFemaleSenegal2007-10-18 14:44:00
Yeah and hopefully there is power in the cyber cafe. jk
taureanFemaleSenegal2007-10-16 10:07:00
Omoba: I know what you mean! I looked at the clock this morning as I was getting my coffee and knew they were probably in the Embassy at that moment.

Edited by taurean, 16 October 2007 - 09:56 AM.

taureanFemaleSenegal2007-10-16 09:55:00
I see I am not the only one who keeps checking in for news...

Shanon just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you!
taureanFemaleSenegal2007-10-16 09:42:00
Shanon: we've already talked, but just wishing you a public "Good Luck." Glad you had a safe trip to Dakar.
taureanFemaleSenegal2007-10-15 18:19:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanI hear crickets.....
Hello all!

I am not around VJ nearly as much as I used to be since we have a bit respite from USCIS now, but I do come around and lurk every now and then. It does seem that there is far less drama here in the Sub-Saharan forum than I see in others. But maybe that is a good thing.

Just wanted to encourage ALL of those still waiting to reunite with their loved ones to keep the faith. Even though I don't come around as much, I do come back to get updates. I can't believe some of the wait times for an interview after the petition arrives at the Embassy!! You all have the patience of saints!! LOL.

In any event, if I can be of assistance, don't hesitate, though I am sure that all of you are more versed in the visa process than I am now. Still though, if I can help in any way please let me know. And by the way I am curious to read those old Sub-Saharan thread myself.......

ETA: Congratulations Heather & Justice! I know receiving the GC is such a relief.

Edited by taurean, 17 November 2007 - 07:26 PM.

taureanFemaleSenegal2007-11-17 19:24:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanImpact of USC at the Interview
I went ahead and voted since my husband also went through the Embassy in Dakar. I was not a part of the interview, but I could see and hear what was going on because the interview was conducted in a public room. The CO knew I was there because I went up to the window when my husband's name was called. Wasn't asked any questions other than was I the fiancee. I was at the interview, he was approved, and yes I think to some extent it made a difference. I say to some extent, because you never really know what is in the CO's mind, and I think the facts of each situation will make a difference in whether the USC's presence is necessary for approval. What I can say, is that it doesn't hurt for the USC to be there.
taureanFemaleSenegal2007-12-08 13:57:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanGuide or Checkist: Once in the US
I am not sure if there is one comprehensive guide for how to proceed after K1 arrival. Perhaps this would be a good addition to the guides section on VJ. How to proceed will have a lot to do with where you live. For example, getting driver's license is different in each jursidiction. You may need a SSN first, or you might actually need the GC before getting the DL. Based on what I learned here on VJ, I knew the first order of business was to get a SSN. However, that took about 4 weeks and three trips to two different SS offices. Next, we tried to get some sort of state-issued ID (i.e., driver's license or photo ID card), but that was a fiasco. And for the record M still doesn't have state-issued ID, although we hope to remedy that in the next month. Once we got married we then filed for the AOS. So if you ask me, the most important things are the SSN, DL or Photo ID card (if you can get it), and then file for the AOS after you get married. You might also want to open a bank account together, and possibly add your FI or husband to your lease or other bills just to get a jump on providing evidence for the AOS.

And of course if you have questions you can always post here!
taureanFemaleSenegal2007-12-14 22:20:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanThank You, We've been granted visa
taureanFemaleSenegal2007-12-14 22:22:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanYay!!!! We're approved!!!! :D
Congratulations and best wishes on your interview!!
taureanFemaleSenegal2007-12-14 22:24:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanYAAAYYYY
Congratulations on the second interview! And here's to an approval and a reunion finally!!
taureanFemaleSenegal2007-12-08 14:00:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanPlease be honest with me...
Divine Mercy: This is a really HOT button topic you started here, so I hope you have thick skin.

Here is what I can briefly say on the issue because it's kind of complex. First, not all people African-American think alike, though I am sure that you already know this. So there isn't a general concensus on any issue with us. Second, I think like any issue, there are folks who are for it, against it, or some who just don't care. And it's not just a generational thing either. I know people from age 18-90 who think differently on interracial marriage. Some older folks I know are in the for it camp, some young people I know are against it and vice versa. So to know what an individual is really thinking you probably have to ask that person.

It can hurt to know that someone wouldn't accept your union because of their own beliefs and/or experiences. Heck, there are Black Americans I know that don't "approve" of my relationship with an African man, and I am Black! I just chalk it up to ignorance and the old adage that everyone is going to have an opinion on your life, warrented or not. Despite all of that, you seem to have adopted the right attitude regarding your situation.
taureanFemaleSenegal2007-12-23 12:21:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAP at NVC
Congratulations!!! What a relief to be out of NVC and AP! Best wishes on the next part of the journey.
taureanFemaleSenegal2008-01-14 21:30:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanDV
Awesome!! There is nothing like having family around.
taureanFemaleSenegal2008-01-18 09:09:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanLoving the African male
Sister Omoba: thanks for the welcome! biggrin.gif

I too value resolution!! You can't have issues just hanging out there ready to rear their ugly heads at another time. Moussa does ususally get very quiet when he is angry, upset or whatever the case may be. It took a while for me to deal with that because I like to have it out and get things resolved. However I now value the silence, because it prevents him from maybe saying something he regrets later. On the other hand, I put my foot in my mouth on the regular. whistling.gif The positive aspect is that we always end up talking things out at a later time after we have both cooled off and can communicate rationally.
taureanFemaleSenegal2008-01-14 21:22:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanLoving the African male
I REALLY need to come around here more often. Why is that while I am away things heat up???

I haven't had time to read all of the comments in this thread, but so far I can add that my husband also says "I don't want to talk about this again." I am glad that I am not the only one dealing with that. His saying that doesn't stop me from re-hashing something, but after reading the posts of those experience this same thing, I understand him a little more.

I'll be watching this thread very carefully. I hope to participate in the discussion as well! are wonderful to start this thread and book club!
taureanFemaleSenegal2008-01-14 16:07:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanChanging your last name
I am hyphenated! Decided not to change it professionally, but otherwise I am known as Ms. MyLastName-HisLastName. He actually suggested the hyphenation, and our kids' last names will be hyphenated. This name change works for me because I see it as a bridging of the cultures. biggrin.gif
taureanFemaleSenegal2008-01-22 21:35:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanGreat news from NVC
Great news, good luck with the next steps!
taureanFemaleSenegal2008-01-25 13:58:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanUpdate
You are a fountain of good news!! Congratulations on the birth of your daughter!!
taureanFemaleSenegal2008-01-25 14:00:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHaving a flood of emotions
I started typing a reply earlier today but ended up deleting it. However....JOMO said nearly exactly what I would have. The petition, then visa interview part and being separated IS difficult, and I feel your pain with that. It's sometimes very isolating to be in a situation where you are dealing with life apart from your SO. Isolating because as much as they love and care for you most of your friends and family just don't understand. So whatever feelings you have are pretty normal...the elation....and then the deflation. All I can say is that you are one step ahead of the game in recognizing all the feelings that come about during this process. No one can truly prepare you for the highs and lows, but if it is meant to will get through it!!!
taureanFemaleSenegal2008-01-18 17:25:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHusband and family think I am RICH! Hellllpppp
QUOTE (reeses16 @ Jan 23 2008, 11:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi! I just found this thread today. It was an interesting read.

For the original poster,

My hubby and I did a K1 visa. Before we were married and he was in Ethiopia we talked about money. He didn't think I was rich, but he really didn't understand my financial situation until he got here. Things have worked out very well for us.

Before your husband gets here I recommend you send him a bank statement, like someone else mentioned. Cross out your account #, (I know you trust him, but if he doesn't keep your info secure someone else may get it) and categorize everything; rent, food, transport, etc. and show him how much is left over...don't forget to include a credit card statement if you have it to show you have a bill you can't pay outright but must pay over time). Or just make an excel sheet and e-mail it. Try to explain your situation in a real context.

Once he's here....
People asking for money: None of my hubby's friends ask for money. Well, maybe they ask and he just tells them 'no' so its never discussed. The only person in our family who asks for money is his youngest brother. He's 25 and expects us to take care of him. The only time he calls is to ask my hubby for money. They've had some heated phone calls with my hubby telling him that he's an adult and should be on his own and that we will not send him money. I admire him for being firm; but thats just who my hubby is. After my hubby was in the US for 3 months he wrote a very long letter to his family explaining to everyone what life is like in America and how hard things are. Thats its not an easy life like you see in the movies, its hard to find a job, and hard to save money. He also told his family that he needs to concentrate on saving for our family and our future. It wasn't any easy thing to do, but everyone seems to understand except the youngest.

Sending Money home: We have a tight budget and we don't want to feel expected to send money. We've decided that we will not send money regularly, only on holidays and special occasion- if we can. We set an amount that we would like to send and save for it over 2 or 3 months.

Handling finances: At first I wanted him to be more involved with managing the money (I wanted it to be 50/50), but he preferred me to be in charge. I think its better that way (bills coming in different days, credit card interest rate etc). You mess up once and your interest rate my change. I manage the money and just give him a morning report on how much money we can spend, usually a post it stuck to his wallet. You can create some major problems if you give your hubby too much responsibility too quickly. Be careful.

reese: thanks for posting your comments! I can appreciate your post because it sounds a lot like mine and my husband's situation. As yet, there haven't been a lot of money request issues, but it could be because a lot of his family has either travelled abroad or is already living abroad (Europe mostly) and so already understand the financial realities. Personally I believe that there is an obligation to provide back at home, but there need to be parameters in place for doing that, and it is best for this to be an ongoing conversation. So going back to the OP's question, the best way to deal with it is just to accept the economic realities that your spouse, his family and friends are facing. Doing so might allow you to understand what issues can come up and help you better anticipate how things might be when your husband arrives.

The rule of thumb that we have adopted for handling finances is that we base financial contribution to the household on the percentage of income that each person brings in. This way no one feels like they are doing everything, and the numbers can be adjusted when financial situations change.

Edited by taurean, 25 January 2008 - 01:26 PM.

taureanFemaleSenegal2008-01-25 13:25:00
VietnamIncome requirement for HCMC consulate

I filed my i-129f in January and I'm hoping that it will be processed sometime in July/August. I have been working for my employer since June 2012, and my income on my w2 from last year reads ~$9,300. I'm working about 30 hours per week, but I estimated my annual income this year will be close to $16,500. I read the topics in this forum about co-sponsoring and from what I've read is that the HCMC consulate used to allow co-sponsors but not anymore. Does anybody know if the consulate uses the 100% of poverty income or 125% of poverty income on the i-134? My uncle, who makes over $50,000/year, said that he would co-sponsor her because I don't make enough for the 125% poverty and that is why I am asking. Any help regarding this would be appreciated :)

Attached Files

Tinh ve noi dauMaleVietnam2013-03-27 12:54:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I want to come home!!
That is too bad u r in this situation, i used to work for the INS as a interpreter, I have seen case in the past that people got deport, chances are they will never be able to come back to USA again. base on what u said ealier ]He did not leave and stayed in the the states for more than a year over the allotted 120 days given, then he was picked up at our home by INS INS takes seriously on immigration fraud, once u r on the black list u will be on the list for good. I hope u can find what good immigration lawyer.
good luck
Tinh ve noi dauMaleVietnam2009-12-29 09:25:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I want to come home!!
QUOTE (turtle_017 @ Dec 29 2009, 09:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ok, I am new to this so please do tell me if I have made a mistake in posting this in the wrong place or what not. I was researching everything on my own and came across this forum.

Anyway, this is my situation; My husband was deported from the US in October 2005. He was in the US on a student visa and violated his visa by working, he went through a court case and the verdict was that he would be given voluntary departure, and had to leave within 120 days. He did not leave and stayed in the the states for more than a year over the allotted 120 days given, then he was picked up at our home by INS in July 2005. He was detained in various facilities before he was actually deported because he had to wait for his flight. We were already married at the time, we were married on May 3rd 2004.

He was deported back to Pakistan (his home country) and I came over here to be with him. Now we have a child and have been here in Pakistan together for 4 years and three months. We cannot afford a lawyer, but the situation over here has escalated and I feel that me and my husband and son are no longer safe living here. There are bombings and threats everyday.

I am an American citizen by birth, I understand that the first step is filing the 1-212 and I-601, can anyone tell me what else I can do? I do not have any documents of his Where can I find his files, I know I have to file a FOIA, but where do I file for his deportation and court case stuff? How long does the I-212 and 601 process take? How often are the declined (I cannot afford to take chances and it be declined). What are the next steps after filing I-212 and 601 if they are accepted, and what are the steps if they are declined?

Tinh ve noi dauMaleVietnam2009-12-29 09:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCan any one tell me what date is USCIS wokring now for I-129F
Can any one tell me what date is USCIS wokring now for I-129F
Tinh ve noi dauMaleVietnam2009-06-01 11:04:00
Asia: East and PacificFood in the US and a VN bride
QUOTE (ScottThuy @ Jul 11 2009, 05:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ok gang..
This is for those that have gone through this already... I saw a discussion regarding food and folks from the philipines.. I would like to ask the same thing but in regards to VN spouses... When we were in Singapore I noticed that she did not want to eat anything other than VN food... Yes I found the 1 VN place downtown in Singapore so that provided her food there it took 2 days to find it.. I also have a friend with a VN restaurant here and the menu is very limited.. mostly just pho. so thats a good thing.. I know she loves to eat rice every day.. I can do that... but I want to know if there are foods here that someone from VN is more likely to eat over other foods.... I dont want to take her somewhere to eat that will be a thumbs down menu on her first night out in US...

chinese food or tai food will do certain vietnamese girl can be really picky on food they rather starve than eating the food that they don't like.
good luck
Tinh ve noi dauMaleVietnam2009-07-12 07:33:00
Asia: East and Pacificmy timeline
QUOTE (imfromaoi @ Aug 20 2009, 10:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
well back in my of 2008 i went to vietnam and my parents intro her to me. we hit it off and kept on talking when i came back to the states. i have boarding pass, receipts from hotels and restaurants even copies of letters back from 2008. not to mention i call her at least two times a week. isnt that enough? =/

Make sure u save all those copies, it will be a plus when u file and send those copies with yr I-130
Tinh ve noi dauMaleVietnam2009-08-20 22:02:00
Asia: East and Pacificmy timeline
QUOTE (imfromaoi @ Aug 20 2009, 10:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
this is kinda weird because i feel really overwhelmed with paperwork. and to be honest, without you guys i would be totally lost and would have to hire an immigrant attorney to do my work. i would like to do a timeline to help clarify things when asking questions here. my experience is different and unique, that goes the same for everyone else. maybe you all can help. please dont laugh.

i took off about a month and a half from work for vacation and here is what i did in vietnam. i am from the states and she is from vietnam.

july 1th 2009 - went to ho chi minh city to the united states consulate and sign a paper. forgot what it's called but all i had to do was pay about $30 united states cash, they wont take viet money, and said "i swear" that was that. waited well over an hour just to get up there and say two words and went to the water park. (p.s i dont recommend having coffee at the cafe across the street, they charge outragously just for a small glass of coffee)

july 4th 2009 - got married

july 9th 2009 - went and got our physicals, medical check, etc.

july 10th 2009 - went to the place called suu thu phap in soc trang and did a lot of paperwork. hand them my passport and she hand them her birth certs etc along with our medical stuff. signed a bunch of paperwork and she even said my signature wasnt consistant. geeezzz these folks are crazy about signatures.

july 20th - got our police clearance and went straight to the suu thu phap (i really hate this place) for our interviews. they ask simple question such as when/where/how we met. how much i make here at home, parents name, who intro used, and did any of our parents forced us to marry. no of course.

aug. 2nd 2009 - got dressed up. no tux for me but had a tailor cut me 2 pairs of pants and white shirts. i should have gotten more for work here because they are really nice. as for my wife she wore a white traditional vietnam dress. they took us to the room where we had our interview and gave us a marriage cert.

that's my story. now im working on my cr-1 with a million questions.

so i guess u r going to file I-130 paper work
How Does My Spouse (Husband/Wife) Get an Immigrant Visa?

The first step is to file a Petition for Alien Relative,
Form I-130 for your spouse (husband or wife) to immigrate to the United States. You file the petition with the Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Citizenship and Immigrations Services (USCIS) immigration Field Office in the United States that serves the area where you live. For instructions on how to file a petition see Petitioning Procedures: Bringing a Spouse (Husband of Wife) to Live in the United States
anh map chuc anh may man nhe

Tinh ve noi dauMaleVietnam2009-08-20 21:59:00
Asia: East and PacificK1 Visa
To all VJ members
I am very happy to say that thank you so much for all the support and all the questions/answers. Just got a phone call from my fiance in Taiwan, she turn in the missing document, she wait for a while then they told her to turn her passport in, and she was told within 3 days she should recieve her visa and passport in the mail. kicking.gif yeah kicking.gif thanks every one and thanks god. You guys were the best, all the waiting is finally pay off. thanks again. now i guess i will be the brother to help the younger in the future new members like every else. good.gif
Tinh ve noi dauMaleVietnam2009-08-20 21:51:00
Asia: East and Pacificsecond trip to the consulate Wish us luck!!
QUOTE (jeromebinh @ Aug 19 2009, 03:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well hopefully everything will work out today. Binh is going back to the consulate today. They have not called her about the resubmission of evidence and I am having her go back with all our proof, as well as with the new photos and airplane tickets and passport photo showing I went back this month. I have heard they will not give a second interview, but we feel it is better to go prepared than to go unprepared. I hope everyone out there will pray for us!!!!!! PINK PINK PINK PINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

chuc 2 nguoi duoc dau
Tinh ve noi dauMaleVietnam2009-08-20 22:18:00
Asia: East and PacificLinh's First Trip Home
QUOTE (Anh map @ Dec 20 2009, 01:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OK, so here's the question that Linh want's to have answered today rather than wait to call the embassy on Monday: Does she need to get a visa of some sort to enter Vietnam with her VN passport?

She's reading the Ministry of Foreign Affairs site and feels that she needs to get the Certificate of Visa Exemption (the same thing that I would apply for a spouse) in order to enter.

Any LPR's recently entering VN with their VN passport want to share their experience?


Roger & Linh

As long as her passport is still valid, she doesn't require a visa to enter viet nam, and when she comes back to usa, she can use her green card and a passport or green card with a usa re-entry permit if she desires not to use her vietnamese passport.
Tinh ve noi dauMaleVietnam2009-12-20 16:30:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Approved 601's from CDJ





Sorry about the post. This set up here is a little different than i2us. I have been following i2us since May 2005. I'm lexidoodle over there. Congrates on your approval. My daughter and alien husband are now waiting for an interview, I am guessing Feb, Mar 2007. I have been studying all of the waiver letters, I now have 2 paragraphs done! Phew! I am not a good writer, I seem to go on and on and on, then delete, change and then get frustrated and stop for a while. At least I found i2us in plenty of time so there won't be any surprises..................unless the laws or procedures change. Again, good luck, it's all behind you now.
Suegra!FemaleMexico2006-02-22 12:46:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Approved 601's from CDJ
First time post. I posted this earlier, but forgot the title. (don't know where it went) Good news should be shared with all. From the site, Three I601 waivers were approved in the last 2 days from Juarez! There is hope! :dance:
Suegra!FemaleMexico2006-02-22 08:53:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)dealing with I-601's
Happily Married: I PM'd you.
Suegra!FemaleMexico2006-08-17 09:56:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Long question.....
Waiting 4 tragedy and Alysa: go to Check the waivers there.
Suegra!FemaleMexico2006-09-14 13:18:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Does anybody know where I can send the hardship letter???
Nelly, if you don't get a response here, you can try There is a lot of info in regards to CDJ filings.

Sorry, I don't know the answer.
Suegra!FemaleMexico2006-10-02 14:58:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)POE Atlanta Airport after waiver approval anyone?
Is that you PP? I just came over to help look up the answer. :jest:
Suegra!FemaleMexico2007-02-25 20:37:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)CDJ I-601 waiver filing appt. through InfoPass PLEASE HELP!!
Immigrate2US had their first INFOPASS Pilot Program approval on 8 March 07. Waiver approved and VISA in hand by the end of the day.
Suegra!FemaleMexico2007-03-09 10:35:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I2US IS WORKING AGAIN is up and running. If you have the web address saved in your favorites you need to update the bookmark. Be sure it says

You will need to reregister.
Suegra!FemaleMexico2007-06-27 07:37:00