Middle East and North AfricaMy Husband's Father was Deported Yesterday
Once again, reading comprehension is clearly not your forté, JP. I would appreciate not putting words in my mouth, thank you. I never suggested when she should look at the links, I said it was a "good start" as is the formal complaint form that is provide by me. Nonetheless, I am dismayed that before commenting to the contrary about members that have taken time to read about her dilemma and offer HELPFUL support (yes, that comes in all sorts of packages, INCLUDING information!) that others wouldn't be somewhat more curious.

Edited by diadromous mermaid, 13 July 2008 - 05:34 PM.

diadromous mermaidFemale02008-07-13 17:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaMy Husband's Father was Deported Yesterday
QUOTE (?JP? @ Jul 13 2008, 06:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (diadromous mermaid @ Jul 13 2008, 03:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (?JP? @ Jul 13 2008, 06:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (rebeccajo @ Jul 13 2008, 02:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (allousa @ Jul 13 2008, 05:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wow....just wow!

What a way to kick someone when their down. Thanks alot.

Sorry. It's sure not intended to be that way.

Really? There have been repeeted attempts letting you and Diad know that all she needs right now is compassion and nothing more and yet you both keep going. I would say maybe its time you two left her alone. If she needs information, then she will start a thread asking for it.

In my last post, you said you didn't see Allousa objecting to anything being posted. Well she did, and no one is backing down yet. As she has already indicated SEVERAL times, she has an attorney.

Allousa - I really hope you don't feel the need to further justify your posts to those who want to question what happened. No one on this board was there and furthermore you have pages and pages of people who are supporting you and are just as outraged by the events that took place as you and your family rose.gif

I can say, and it doesn't happen often, but I am speechless at the callous disregard and disrespect of members that are willing to HELP.
The last post Allousa made, she asked questions. Are we not entitled to answer? And in point of fact, if she trully intends to see this matter through, compassion will get her nowhere. If she wants to fight this, she needs to arm herself with facts (which she is sadly devoid of, at this time) and knowledge.

The links Rebbecajo gave to her, which she has not yet looked at (God knows, I would have researched everything by day 3), are a good start, as is TRIP, but from my pespective those offerings that are proactive and helpful are being set aside for what appears to be more wallowing in melodrama.

I can't even believe that you think its your place to decide when she should look at those links. Who really cares what you would have done and by when, I think its been made very clear that SHE HAS AN ATTORNEY. Btw there was no drama on this thread until you started posting. Before that it was just 10 pages of people offering their support and compassion for what her and her family have been through.

Well, if that is trully the case, seems I should pop into MENA more often. smile.gif I see a smear campaign was brewing over there a few minutes ago, but thanks to Jackie, it's been held in abayance. I think I am going to have to get to know just what you do in your own little private forum, eh ;)
diadromous mermaidFemale02008-07-13 17:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaMy Husband's Father was Deported Yesterday
QUOTE (?JP? @ Jul 13 2008, 06:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (rebeccajo @ Jul 13 2008, 02:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (allousa @ Jul 13 2008, 05:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wow....just wow!

What a way to kick someone when their down. Thanks alot.

Sorry. It's sure not intended to be that way.

Really? There have been repeeted attempts letting you and Diad know that all she needs right now is compassion and nothing more and yet you both keep going. I would say maybe its time you two left her alone. If she needs information, then she will start a thread asking for it.

In my last post, you said you didn't see Allousa objecting to anything being posted. Well she did, and no one is backing down yet. As she has already indicated SEVERAL times, she has an attorney.

Allousa - I really hope you don't feel the need to further justify your posts to those who want to question what happened. No one on this board was there and furthermore you have pages and pages of people who are supporting you and are just as outraged by the events that took place as you and your family rose.gif

I can say, and it doesn't happen often, but I am speechless at the callous disregard and disrespect of members that are willing to HELP.
The last post Allousa made, she asked questions. Are we not entitled to answer? And in point of fact, if she trully intends to see this matter through, compassion will get her nowhere. If she wants to fight this, she needs to arm herself with facts (which she is sadly devoid of, at this time) and knowledge.

The links Rebbecajo gave to her, which she has not yet looked at (God knows, I would have researched everything by day 3), are a good start, as is TRIP, but from my pespective those offerings that are proactive and helpful are being set aside for what appears to be more wallowing in melodrama.
diadromous mermaidFemale02008-07-13 17:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaMy Husband's Father was Deported Yesterday
QUOTE (allousa @ Jul 13 2008, 05:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Was he asked if he wanted to sign something?
QUOTE (allousa @ Jul 13 2008, 05:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
From what my father in law told us, one of the CBP officers scratched through his passport but since they took it and put it in the sealed envelope to give to the German officials, we never saw what was written.

Where is the passport now? What is written in it?

P.S. I feel (a perception of course) like I am pulling teeth to get the information
diadromous mermaidFemale02008-07-13 16:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaMy Husband's Father was Deported Yesterday
QUOTE (allousa @ Jul 13 2008, 05:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Diad -


From what my father in law told us, one of the CBP officers scratched through his passport but since they took it and put it in the sealed envelope to give to the German officials, we never saw what was written.

The only questions that he was asked were pertaining to his job in Morocco. He owns 3 elementary schools that are legitmately registered with the Kingdom of Morocco. He was never asked any questions about his stay here in the States. Also, his passport was just renewed last year, so the validity of his passport being near to expiration doesn't fly either.

As far as telling me that I'm being "over-reactionary"....can't find the words to respond to that. After all that we have been through and you call me out for being "over-reactionary".

As I have said before, I get the point that you are perhaps being the devil's adovcate for lack of a better word right now, but if I felt in ANY WAY that my FIL might have the smallest inkling of issues that would give reason for the CBP to deny entry and treat him the way they did, I sure wouldn't be posting here. Even our own immigration attorney has expressed his comments with the Charlotte CBP not knowing proper procedures and laws.

I'm not sure as to why you and Rebecca feel the need to make me feel worse about this situation than I already do.

If I recall correctly, you stated that your FIL had not been to the USA since 9/11, but had made 4 visits prior. I see from your profile that your husband filed for Asylum, and then afterwards secured PR through your marriage. Why would you not think that the former asylum case, and relationship between father and son might have some bearing?

As for the reaction, I believe you have good reason to be upset, but that might be clouding your thinking at this time. As for your general state of health, neither Rebecca nor I can possibly have any impact on your feeling ill. Even the choice of words "calling you out" suggests to me that you are feeling like you need to be on the defensive. Not true. We are your allies not adversaries.
diadromous mermaidFemale02008-07-13 16:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaMy Husband's Father was Deported Yesterday
QUOTE (ME~n~HIM @ Jul 13 2008, 05:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (rebeccajo @ Jul 13 2008, 02:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
N -

I saw that post. I'm speaking of since then - since Diaddie further clarified her position.

Do we operate under the assumption here that someone isn't allowed to reasonably explain what they meant? It looks to me like allousa asked Diaddie more questions and she has since answered them, but allousa has not been back.

'Support' doesn't mean raging at others while the OP is absent from the thread.

If this is directed at me, Rebecca, I don't see where I was anywhere near "raging". innocent.gif

Nor I brutal and hardcore. smile.gif
diadromous mermaidFemale02008-07-13 16:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaMy Husband's Father was Deported Yesterday
QUOTE (allousa @ Jul 13 2008, 04:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
After reading diad's comments, I actually felt too ill to come back and read anymore for a while.

In all due respect, if my comments could make you ill, isn't it entirely possible that you are being a little over-reactionary? And quite possibly, could that not also have coloured your percetion of the incident itself? I haven't written anything that could upset you, let alone sicken you!
diadromous mermaidFemale02008-07-13 16:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaMy Husband's Father was Deported Yesterday
QUOTE (allousa @ Jul 13 2008, 04:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
After reading diad's comments, I actually felt too ill to come back and read anymore for a while.

Diad, I get the point that you are offering information about the parameters in which an ER can occur... I get that. After floating in the black hole of the Immigration process for SEVEN YEARS, I am familiar with many reasons why someone cannot enter, gain visas, resident status, so on and so on. I intentionally flew into my husband's POE with him because I know what the pitfalls can be. I am not in anyway professing to be an expert of the system...not even by a long shot.

You were not in the situation with us, so how you can deem what is appropriate behavior really bothers me. My FIL NEVER understood himself what he was being denied entry for and being removed. He was never given a choice and never told. I made it clear to the CBP officers that he did not understand and they would repeatedly tell us "Shut up and sit down. You don't have a RIGHT to ask questions. This does not involve you". Please explain to me in your infinite knowledge how talking to us like that is excusable. We cooperated with them in everyway, yet they continued to tell us lie after lie. Even after they detained all of us, they told us they would soon let us go. They told us that his father would be held in a room by his self, but was put in general population. And the fact that never did they tell us why this was happening....even criminals are allowed to know what they are being charged with.

YOU cannot know the anguish at watching your spouse have to explain the process of being jailed, searched and handcuffed to his father. YOU cannot know the sorrow at losing precious time spent between grandparents and their grandchild.

IF there was a miscommunication, then WHY would CBP not try and get the information from me or my husband. Detaining elderly people for 8 don't find that harsh at all??? YOU were not a witness to the humiliation that his parents had to suffer.

FORGIVE ME for being sensitive to your supposed offerings of the proccess of the CBP, however, I am educated to know what humane treatment is and that is NOT what we experienced from these officers.

And to address their genorisity at giving us 45 minutes, that brings even more questions to my mind. How come they changed so drastically from the evening of the incident to the next day? IF my FIL was such a threat, then why were we even allowed to see him? Why were even given gate passes to access the gate?

We are definitely pursuing this through legal means...especially since we've been told by counsel that not all procedures were followed as they should have been.

You know, this whole experience has been a bitter pill to swollow....I don't need you shoving it down my throat.

Allousa, I can well imagine the embarassment and dismay and your disappointment...but put that aside for a moment and read what I have offered. I haven't deemed this appropriate behaviour or procedure, because of one simple reason. At this point, no one here, including you, knows the reason it occurred. If we were aware of the reason your FIL was refused entry, then perhaps we could conclude that the agents acted in error, or outside their realm.

CBP has no obligation to share anything with YOU or your husband what they are doing with your family member, and while I am sure you were calm, sometimes trying to intervene could make matters worse, given certain circumstances. I do not condone their behaviour, but does it fall into the realm of unlawful? By now you should have some knowledge as to what if anything was written in your FIL's passport. Did they make a notation? Why have you not offered that information, if they did? Did you ask your FIL if he was asked to withdraw his admission? Did they offer him a paper to sign? All of these questions answered could shed light into what occurred.

You still appear to be fixated on your FIL's refusal being related to a "threat". Why can't you be open enough to accept that it could be a much less ominous reason?
diadromous mermaidFemale02008-07-13 16:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaMy Husband's Father was Deported Yesterday
You know, I'll state my position again, and without emotion, and then all of the naysayers can masticate it over to their hearts desire. The point is that Allousa experienced something that disturbed her. She is willing to take it further. It is not my position to encourage or discourage her from acting on her emotions. What I feel is important, is to provide the information upon which she can make an informed decision ~ whether it would be wise, fruitful and successful to pursue it or not. If it is determined that the agents acted within their scope, given facts that have not yet come to our attention, then any attempt Allousa made to rectify this matter would not only be fruitless, but could just perpetuate an unfortunate situation that might be best left alone. We don't know what occurred, yet.

Frankly, all of this discussion on what her FIL did to prompt his refusal is premature. Several days have passed and to my knowledge no one has posted what, if anything, was written in her FIL's passport, or what, if anything, was asked of her FIL that could lead to his immediate removal. That causes me more pause, frankly. One would think that would be easy to The matter at hand is to become informed of what lies within the scope of a proper refusal and a proper removal. Harsh to contemplate or otherwise, there are procedures to remove an otherwise inadmissible alien from our borders. Whether the agents acted within the scope of their authority remains to be seen, and is predicated on the reasons the FIL was to be removed and what, if anything, he did to cooperate with agents during that removal.

Anyone that leaps to the conclusion that he was wrongfully removed is doing just that ~ leaping. It might just turn out that he was removed wrongfully, but right now there are any number of reasons that could exist for his refusal. All within the scope of an agents duty. As I said earlier, hypothetically, ER can ensue from a passport expiring in less than 6 months and an applicant registering unwillingness to withdraw his application for admission! Would you conclude that if an agent discovered a tourist with a passport that was due to expire shortly, and he ordered the alien to return abusive? If such an alien refused to voluntarily leave the border, when an agent had due cause to request it, would you conclude that if ER occurred as a result, an abuse of the agent's power?

Simply put, we don't know all of the facts. How many more times must I state that before those that are making an issue of my posts will accept it?

Allousa remarked that since it was her FIL's 4th visit she expected he'd have no problem. Why? The more visits one makes to a country, isn't it entirely possible that a CBP agent could view that as a pattern? She also commented that they had visas, but we all know that a visa is not an automatic pass to enter. She also mentioned that the German authorities found nothing apparently wrong with his documents, but German authorities aren't US authorities, and the German authorities were not witness to any discussion at the port of entry. She was upset with the way they were not given any information on the disposition of her FIL's removal. But agents informed her that this was prohibited per the Patriot Act. None of this demonstrates misuse of power, yet, in my opinion.

As far as offering emotional support, I am all for it...and again, at some point, when all the facts come out, it just might be a case for her to pursue, if her FIL gave no reason to the CBP to refuse his entry. Right now, we simply don't know, given the facts that have been offered. Finally, it is one thin to offer support, but to blindly encourage a member to "go get 'em" before it has been determined that any wrong was committed is highly irresposible.
diadromous mermaidFemale02008-07-13 16:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaMy Husband's Father was Deported Yesterday
QUOTE (?JP? @ Jul 13 2008, 03:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (diadromous mermaid @ Jul 13 2008, 12:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (?JP? @ Jul 13 2008, 02:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You have offered plenty regarding what he may or may not have said, his intent to immigrate, if his documents& passport were indeed valid. Like others have said, it's very clear that Allousa and her family are getting legal support somewhere else. This situation could very well happen to anyone here and I'm pretty sure if it happened to you (God forbid) you may find yourself singing a different tune.

Maybe you believe that we shouldn't condemn the USA for treating an elderly man this way, but if we do that is OUR choice. From what we know, from Allousa and her family, he didn't pose any kind of threat and to be quie honest that is the only side I care about. She came here for support not for legal mumbo jumbo or for anyone here to point fingers at her FIL. I'm sure she is aware she will here that legal talk somewhere else, but it's different when that advice is solicited and comes from a professional.

Once again, and emphatically, let me spell it out again....I am not offering legal advice. I am offering facts as to when expedited removal is just, legal and within reason. And for your information, since you clearly missed the first time I indicated it, expedited removal is not simply due to someone being a perceived "threat" to the US. It can be a border agent's remedy to any one of a number of inadmissibility issues. Tens of thousands of aliens are refused entry to the US each year; some by virtue of their choice, are removed expeditiously; some, by virtue of misunderstanding their options, are defaulted to expedited removal because they refuse to surrender their application for entry. We don't know if this option was offered to Allousa's FIL, but to simply assume it wasn't is just as incorrect as the treatment you conclude was inappropriate. It could well be that he was offered to depart the USA, without ER, but didn't know what answer to give. How can any of us know right now?

Jumping to the conclusion that the US agents abused their authority is improper at this juncture, just as jumping to the conclusion that CBP wanted for Allousa's child to be in deplorable conditions, or that CBP chose that her FIL spent the night in jail rather than to take the flight back to Morrocco is improper. Why is it that you can't accept that it might have been for some other reason that the FIL was refused entry? Why is it that it is incomprehensible for you to consider that it could have been for a technicality? Why would you rather accuse the US of considering himn a threat to national security?

It may indeed have been a series of unfortunate coincidences. When I read the ouitrage, without consideration for the coincidences, this is the sort of "reverse discrimination" bothers me to read.

Then don't read it. I never said that I couldnt accept that maybe there were some other reasons for the FIL's removal. However, I am only here to offer my support to ALlousa and her family

Oh, another one-sided standard! If I write something you don't like, you feel entitled to accost me, insult me etc. If I read something I don't like. then I am not to read it. You don't grasp how it would be wise for you to practice what you preach,.eh?
diadromous mermaidFemale02008-07-13 14:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaMy Husband's Father was Deported Yesterday
QUOTE (?JP? @ Jul 13 2008, 02:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You have offered plenty regarding what he may or may not have said, his intent to immigrate, if his documents& passport were indeed valid. Like others have said, it's very clear that Allousa and her family are getting legal support somewhere else. This situation could very well happen to anyone here and I'm pretty sure if it happened to you (God forbid) you may find yourself singing a different tune.

Maybe you believe that we shouldn't condemn the USA for treating an elderly man this way, but if we do that is OUR choice. From what we know, from Allousa and her family, he didn't pose any kind of threat and to be quie honest that is the only side I care about. She came here for support not for legal mumbo jumbo or for anyone here to point fingers at her FIL. I'm sure she is aware she will here that legal talk somewhere else, but it's different when that advice is solicited and comes from a professional.

Once again, and emphatically, let me spell it out again....I am not offering legal advice. I am offering facts as to when expedited removal is just, legal and within reason. And for your information, since you clearly missed the first time I indicated it, expedited removal is not simply due to someone being a perceived "threat" to the US. It can be a border agent's remedy to any one of a number of inadmissibility issues. Tens of thousands of aliens are refused entry to the US each year; some by virtue of their choice, are removed expeditiously; some, by virtue of misunderstanding their options, are defaulted to expedited removal because they refuse to surrender their application for entry. We don't know if this option was offered to Allousa's FIL, but to simply assume it wasn't is just as incorrect as the treatment you conclude was inappropriate. It could well be that he was offered to depart the USA, without ER, but didn't know what answer to give. How can any of us know right now?

Jumping to the conclusion that the US agents abused their authority is improper at this juncture, just as jumping to the conclusion that CBP wanted for Allousa's child to be in deplorable conditions, or that CBP chose that her FIL spent the night in jail rather than to take the flight back to Morrocco is improper. Why is it that you can't accept that it might have been for some other reason that the FIL was refused entry? Why is it that it is incomprehensible for you to consider that it could have been for a technicality? Why would you rather accuse the US of considering himn a threat to national security?

It may indeed have been a series of unfortunate coincidences. When I read the ouitrage, without consideration for the coincidences, this is the sort of "reverse discrimination" bothers me to read.
diadromous mermaidFemale02008-07-13 14:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaMy Husband's Father was Deported Yesterday
QUOTE (S and S @ Jul 13 2008, 02:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (diadromous mermaid @ Jul 13 2008, 12:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ME~n~HIM @ Jul 13 2008, 01:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (diadromous mermaid @ Jul 13 2008, 12:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ME~n~HIM @ Jul 13 2008, 01:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wow, you're hardcore, Diaddie.... and brutal.

Hardcore and brutal? What is hardcore and brutal about providing information that outlines DHS's legal authority? I think you are improperly judging me, rather than looking at the situation objectively....which is ironic, because it is exactly that, an alleged and improper judgement that is outraging you. Do you not see that?

Clearly I do not. I still think you're pretty hardcore and brutal.... so sue me. Have you no compassion? I guess it's just all business w/ you..... Good thing there are plenty of others who are compassionate, which in my feeble assumption, is what Allousa is needing now. As Sara said, she seems to be getting the legal advice she needs elsewhere.

Oh I you are comparing my factual offering to the OP as heinous and brutal, I suppose, and just like the inappropriate treatment of her FIL? Now who is being brutal? The fact is that my post to direct Allousa to the regulations with respect to CBP and DHS's authority is not legal advice, it is designed to provide her with knowledge as to what events can precipitate an ER. By the way, Me~n~Him, how do you conclude that I have no compassion? One thing is certain, I do not judge people, I am not prejudiced and that, my dear, I am afraid I can't say about you!

While I agree it is good to know the regulations and what priveledges these officers have and anyone coming to the United States for a visa, I believe many of the priveledges for the officers were broadened after September 11th. Of course we wanted to see more secure boarders and airport security. These officers have the tough job of weading through everyone at the point of entry to determine if anyone is trying to enter illegally. Now, there are other countries which I will not name that I expect them to be tough a treat anyone they suspect with disrespect and maltreatment. What I find sad is that we have reduced ourselves to that level. That even on the slightest evidence (and I read all your examples) that this calls for treating not just the FIL but the MIL, Allousa and her husband this way is absolutely ridiculous. To allow a infant to wear a filthy diper for hours on end and force the mother to beg just to go get another one? I think when you start forcing other people who are not coming into the United States to be questioned and harrassed then they do have the right to know why. The laws may very well allow these officers to do exactly what you say they can, but if that is the case then I am deeply disturbed that our country has been reduced to this level. That we are becomming nothing short of a police state and no one is even crying out to stop it before it goes too far. There is always a right way and a wrong way. I've been in positions of authority where I could have done things worse than these guys do and no one would have stopped me, but my morals and belief in basic human rights always kept me from doing such horrible things. We weren't there, we don't know all the facts, but if it was your mother or father treated this way and you could only go by what they told you, would you just sit back and feel nothing? If you heard these same accounts but about your parents, could you just tell them that is standard procedure?

I have never said that I feel nothing, nor am I just willing to sit back. I have provided Allousa information so she would be well-armed to take action if none of the circumstances for expedited removal were legitimate. I have also not suggested that this is standard procedure; what I have suggested is that if expedited removal is determined, it is not atypical for an alien to be placed on the next available carrier, or held until the alien can fly back to his or her home land. What you fail to note is that according to Allousa's recount of the day the FIL spent the night in detention because the plane was experiencing mechanical failure. Not due to CBP, but simply due to the craft not being worthy of flight. As for the diaper issue, I can't say, but I do know that at International Entry points, there are security issues that might make going in and out a little more difficult than in any other public area of an airport, and as far as I can see there were gestures made toward the US resident family to make sure they were reunited and could spend 45 minutes together so they could say their goodbyes etc. While I agree this was an unfortunate incident, to paint it completely black is indirectly doing the OP injustice.
diadromous mermaidFemale02008-07-13 13:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaMy Husband's Father was Deported Yesterday
QUOTE (brnidokiegurl @ Jul 13 2008, 02:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Be a friend or let it end...

I see I am not being appreciated. Brnidokiegurl, I hope you can live up to your member message.
diadromous mermaidFemale02008-07-13 13:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaMy Husband's Father was Deported Yesterday
QUOTE (ME~n~HIM @ Jul 13 2008, 01:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (diadromous mermaid @ Jul 13 2008, 12:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ME~n~HIM @ Jul 13 2008, 01:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wow, you're hardcore, Diaddie.... and brutal.

Hardcore and brutal? What is hardcore and brutal about providing information that outlines DHS's legal authority? I think you are improperly judging me, rather than looking at the situation objectively....which is ironic, because it is exactly that, an alleged and improper judgement that is outraging you. Do you not see that?

Clearly I do not. I still think you're pretty hardcore and brutal.... so sue me. Have you no compassion? I guess it's just all business w/ you..... Good thing there are plenty of others who are compassionate, which in my feeble assumption, is what Allousa is needing now. As Sara said, she seems to be getting the legal advice she needs elsewhere.

Oh I you are comparing my factual offering to the OP as heinous and brutal, I suppose, and just like the inappropriate treatment of her FIL? Now who is being brutal? The fact is that my post to direct Allousa to the regulations with respect to CBP and DHS's authority is not legal advice, it is designed to provide her with knowledge as to what events can precipitate an ER. By the way, Me~n~Him, how do you conclude that I have no compassion? One thing is certain, I do not judge people, I am not prejudiced and that, my dear, I am afraid I can't say about you!
diadromous mermaidFemale02008-07-13 12:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaMy Husband's Father was Deported Yesterday
QUOTE (sara535 @ Jul 13 2008, 01:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have to agree. Diaddie I am sure your points have some legal validity and I am sure that Allousa and her family and lawyers will work hard to get to the bottom of it all. However in the meantime her family is feeling extremely sad and traumatized and they need some care and support. Allousa didnt post her story on here for legal advice, sounds like she is getting that elsewhere. She posted because we have been with her for a long time in the trials of her visa journey and has often come here for support. So lets give her that.

I am sure part of her outcry was for support, but to be specific, I believe her post was to say this...

but you need to know that this can happen and does. I pray that none of you have to go through the hell that we just did. What turns my stomach even more, not just from what they did to my FIL, but the fact that we endured such hell and separation for 7 years dealing with my husband's Immigration case only to have something like this happen.

diadromous mermaidFemale02008-07-13 12:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaMy Husband's Father was Deported Yesterday
QUOTE (ME~n~HIM @ Jul 13 2008, 01:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
There's no reason to be that harsh w/ a 70 y/o man unless he's wielding a gun in your face or has a bomb strapped to him. That's just wrong!

There are many Americans that would disagree with the above statement, but that has little to do with this discussion.
QUOTE (ME~n~HIM @ Jul 13 2008, 01:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wow, you're hardcore, Diaddie.... and brutal.

Hardcore and brutal? What is hardcore and brutal about providing information that outlines DHS's legal authority? I think you are improperly judging me, rather than looking at the situation objectively....which is ironic, because it is exactly that, an alleged and improper judgement that is outraging you. Do you not see that?

Edited by diadromous mermaid, 13 July 2008 - 12:21 PM.

diadromous mermaidFemale02008-07-13 12:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaMy Husband's Father was Deported Yesterday
QUOTE (?JP? @ Jul 13 2008, 01:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (diadromous mermaid @ Jul 13 2008, 09:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Maggie724 @ Jul 12 2008, 11:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (diadromous mermaid @ Jul 12 2008, 05:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (S and S @ Jul 12 2008, 08:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (diadromous mermaid @ Jul 12 2008, 07:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (allousa @ Jul 10 2008, 01:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Keep in mind that his father is 70 and mother 65 and only his father speaks a very small amount of English.

Is it at all possible that your FIL misunderstood a line of questioning in secondary inspection, that precipitated the CBP agents to believe that he was misusing his visa?

Techically, this is expedited removal, rather than deportation, btw.

I don't see how anything her FIL could have said made him deserve that kind of treatment. There is no excuse for that kind of behavior. It is something I would expect of some other countries, but I would like to think we are better than that.

I'm not condoning any harsh punishment, but expedited removal is a privilege afforded border agents to remove aliens that they have reason to believe are either misusing a document, or have counterfeit documents, or are otherwise inadmissible. Placing an alien in detention is customary, albeit, I would not wish to spend the night in jail, I can't imagine being in jail for any reason would be pleasant. The issue here is to find out why the CBP thought her FIL was not entitled to enter. Once that information is ascertained, it may or may not shed light onto whether his treatment was out of ordinary.

I cannot even begin to fathom your line of thinking here. IF the FIL said something 'incriminating' why could the patrol officers not tell the son why his father was being deported? Of even more concern is since it was probably obvious that the FIL didn't speak good english, why not allow some translator to make sure he understood. There is NO reason for the treatment this poor man received. I don't know Allousa personally but I'm ready to spit nails over this whole thing. Utterly embarassed to be a citizen of a country that allows this nonsense. How in God's name do these people sleep with themselves at night??? blink.gif I hope you are able to get some resolution Allousa. I know no amount of anything is going to make this go away, but at least knowing what happened that started the incident will give you some closure. Knowing that your FIL spent a night in jail for nothing....grrrrrrr.

I cannot "fathom" your willingness to jump to extremes without further information! Why would the CBP be obliged to inform the son of their actions? Is that a requirement? I believe that a translator was engaged, if I read the information offered properly. Whether the FIL understood the consequences of his choices (if any) or his answers doesn't simply rest on whether a translation was accurate. It could simply have been that he was unaware of what could render him inadmissible. Again, we don't know, but to jump to condemning the USA without specific facts is equally as irresponsible, in my opinion.

I believe you are offering quite of bit of speculation yourself without knowing exactly what happened either. If its ok for you to do that, then its ok for other members to express their outrage towards the situation as well. I'm not exactly sure why you are going to such great lenghs to defend the officers actions at this point. The fact is none of us really know what happened. But we are offering our support to Allousa and her family, which at this point is all we can do.

I'm offering no speculation at all! I am providing reasons that CBP chooses to refuse entry to non-immigrants, some that can result in an expedited removal. That's all! I have said, repeatedly, that we don't know the specifics in this case. So, without those facts, how can anyone become outraged? There could be facts that will unfold that provide a reasonable explanation for CBP's actions. Furthermore, I am not going to great lengths to defend the officers at all. Your reading comprehension is lacking if that is what you are deriving from this line of discourse. What I am doing is providing information as to the particular events that can and do precipitate an expedited removal. Whether the FIL falls into such a category is yet to be seen.
diadromous mermaidFemale02008-07-13 12:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaMy Husband's Father was Deported Yesterday
QUOTE (nu7015 @ Jul 12 2008, 11:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Even if a 70 year old man did say something by mistake to incriminate himself, I do not believe US officials of any kind are entitled to mistreat him so badly to the point his mouth was bleeding. I may be mistaken, but aren't law officers under strict guidelines as to how they are to treat criminals?? I know they can use force to bring a criminal under control, but I have a realllllllllllllllllllly hard time believing a 70 year old man was making any officer feel threatened or trying to put up a fight. Even if he was the most-wanted terrorist, I still don't believe they are entitled to abuse him.

I didn't realize that this was their 4th time coming to the states. Unbelievable.

That he was physically abused while detained is conjecture, admitted by the OP. Let's stick to the facts known, please.

Edited by diadromous mermaid, 13 July 2008 - 11:55 AM.

diadromous mermaidFemale02008-07-13 11:54:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionremoving conditions after divorce
Tax returns are important evidence.
QUOTE (sara9 @ Feb 20 2009, 03:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hello everybody
i m in desperate need of help. i got married with us citizen and as a result of domestici voilence i got divorced. my divorced got finalized in august and i filed for removal of conditions in october 2008. i submitted the following documents:

-divorce decree
-marriage certificate
-lease agreement
-checking account details
-his emails and e cards
-statement from the school where we took classes jointly
-airline tickets showing travel abroad together

to show my good faith marriage. but still i got RFE and they are asking for more evidence of good faith marriage. what should i do. i m so depresed and need your help. especially if mamatom is reading this message i really need your help because my case is very much similar to yours. plsssssssss help me.

diadromous mermaidFemale02009-02-20 20:42:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionDifferent slant on submitted evidence if filing as divorcee?
I would surmise not. The extension letter for jointly-filed petitions is standard course because it is unlikely that the application would be adjudicated within the 90-day window before the alien's green card would expire. With waivers, using the good faith grounds that is not necessarily the case. There could be an alien that has 18 months remaining on the green card but has now divorced. As soon as the decree is available that alien can self-petition. While waivers tend to take longer to adjudicate than jointly-filed petitions, I think the issuance of the extension letter is scheduled at a specific interval so that the alien has proof of status during the pendency of the application to remove conditions.

QUOTE (ukguy34 @ Feb 18 2009, 05:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Any one know if the extension of a year to the GC letter is sent out in the same timely fashion as if you were filing jointly?

Edited by diadromous mermaid, 18 February 2009 - 08:32 PM.

diadromous mermaidFemale02009-02-18 20:31:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionDifferent slant on submitted evidence if filing as divorcee?
I would surmise not. The extension letter for jointly-filed petitions is standard course because it is unlikely that the application would be adudicated within the 90-day window before the alien's green card would expire. With waivers, using the good faith grounds that is not necessaily the case. There could be an alien that has 18 months remaining on the green card but has now divorced. While waivers tend to take longer to adjudicate than jointly-filed petitions, I think the issuance of the extension letter is scheduled at a specific interval so that the alien has proof of status during the pendency of the application to remove conditions.

QUOTE (ukguy34 @ Feb 18 2009, 05:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Any one know if the extension of a year to the GC letter is sent out in the same timely fashion as if you were filing jointly?

diadromous mermaidFemale02009-02-18 20:28:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionDifferent slant on submitted evidence if filing as divorcee?
If this s indeed what 2 immigration officers told you, they were very mistaken! Simple as that. Rather than have me try *google* to prove I'm wrong, why not provide *google* references to try to prove you are right. I will say right now that I don't think you can find one. By the way, the statutes under the INA stipulate that a conditional resident is a legal permanent resident regardless of a divorce, as long as that resident can demonstrate that the marriage to the USC which has now ended was bonafide.

QUOTE (mamatom @ Feb 14 2009, 11:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (diadromous mermaid @ Feb 14 2009, 05:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (mamatom @ Feb 13 2009, 11:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi ,there is no specified time to file, if u read some post, as soon as you are divorced you become illegal in the eyes of immigration,your status was based on that marraige as soon as your divorce is final, file immeadiately.

This isn't correct. The OP is an LPR, whether there are conditions or not, he is not illegal upon divorce. If the deadline to remove conditions passes then he could fall out of status, unless he can demonstrate that failing to petition to remove conditions was through no fault of his own.

Trust me, when I was preparing my divorce papers I met with 2 Immigration officers whom I know personally and they told me this, Once you are the C resident, once your divorce is final, you automatically loose your right as a resident,based on the fact that the marraige / Status was based on the Con residency through marraige this is why you can file at anytime after your divorce, trust me, you go out of status once you get divorced, even though your card is still valid. this is the way they see it,if not we will all wait until 90 days before.
I work closely with DHS guys and I can assure you this is the case, try google and see what is says about it.

diadromous mermaidFemale02009-02-17 20:23:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionDifferent slant on submitted evidence if filing as divorcee?
QUOTE (mamatom @ Feb 13 2009, 11:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi ,there is no specified time to file, if u read some post, as soon as you are divorced you become illegal in the eyes of immigration,your status was based on that marraige as soon as your divorce is final, file immeadiately.

This isn't correct. The OP is an LPR, whether there are conditions or not, he is not illegal upon divorce. If the deadline to remove conditions passes then he could fall out of status, unless he can demonstrate that failing to petition to remove conditions was through no fault of his own.

diadromous mermaidFemale02009-02-14 17:28:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionextreme cruelty on I 751
Most of the grounds for self-petitioning require proof of a bonafide marriage anyway, the exceptions being: grounds (f.) "I am a conditional resident child who was battered by or subjected to extreme cruelty by my U.S. citizen or conditional resident parent(s)." which you are NOT and (g.) "The termination of my status and removal from the United States would result in an extreme hardship." which they have now claimed you are NOT eligible for.

If you were already divorced at the time you submitted your I-751, and provided a decree, then can you recall which box you checked. If you checked one other than (f.) and (g.) then there is no reasons to withdraw the pending I-751 as I see it, you can simply respond to the RFE with the information that supports a bonafide marriage. That is, if you can do so in time. In the event that you miss the window for providing the documentation again, then you would have to refile the I-751, citing (d.) and any and all other grounbds for which you can provide adequate documentation. Make sure you include enough documentation.
diadromous mermaidFemale02009-02-24 20:20:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 RETURNED WITH THIS LETTER.
It is a mistake and a mistake made by USCIS is not a bonus. USCIS might correct their error at no charge to the alien, when they become aware of it, but it is still an error and the alien is not eligible for a 10 year card at this time. Ignorance of the law is no defense. You should consult either with an attorney to correct this.
QUOTE (YuAndDan @ Mar 2 2009, 02:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Next up will be N-400 at three years of residency, if you wish to become a US citizen.

Their mistake is your bonus. I would hold on to that letter in case something comes up in the future.

diadromous mermaidFemale02009-03-02 18:05:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionDivorced
Why did you wait until now to file? You became eligible to remove the conditions by way of a waiver as soon as your divorce became final.
QUOTE (dave12 @ Mar 3 2009, 01:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Married 2 years ago and got my 2 year pernament resident card.The marriage only lasted a year due to different outlooks on life and stuff like that.We ware divorced and still talking and get on fine.It was a totally in love marriage but it didnt work.Now i must apply for the l751 waiver as it is approaching the 90 days.I would really like to know what would be the best way of going about it?Should i het a lawyer to do it or shouild i just file myself?i have been here 4 years now and love it.Even when i got my resident card i never left the U.S.This is my home now and i really dont want to mess it up.So anyone have any idea's about the best thing to do?

diadromous mermaidFemale02009-03-03 21:16:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionWife and I are divorcing but she wants to stay in US
Her presence in Fl is not an issue, especially if....
a.) He is out of the country
b.) They are separated
QUOTE (justashooter @ Mar 12 2009, 10:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
A statement from you (notarised) that your seperation was caused by your occupation and that you have since elected to divorce will be helpful. You can have a statement notarised in any US embassy or consulate in any country and airmailed back to US.

The only issue I can see that might be questioned is your wife's family presence in Fl. Your short marriage might be looked at as fraudulent in relation to this. You tell us it was sincere, so include a description of your circumstances of meeting (if they are favourable) & etc in your notarised statement.

diadromous mermaidFemale02009-03-12 18:00:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussioni-751 with divorce
Yes, sometimes waiver cases are approved without an interview.
QUOTE (Alawi @ Mar 14 2009, 08:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi guys i was wondering how long it take to hear an answer after you send the RFE? is the waivers sometime get approved without interview ? cuz i had sent a lot of evidence what we had shared together!! i'm just curious thanks.

diadromous mermaidFemale02009-03-15 13:33:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionMy I-751 was denied
Minya's wife,

If you think like an alien that is wishes to deceive USCIS into thinking that a marriage that was entered into for immigration benefit alone is bonafide, you'll see that documentation such as those listed doesn't necessarily mean that the couple spent one night together in a residence. It would be very easy for an alien intent on committing fraud to have his or her name added to a bank account, or a tax return, or even a deed and yet never spend one moment with the USC (of course this is typically ONLY the case with a spouse that goes along with the plan).

To prove shared residence one would normally supply evidence of mail and correspondence directed to the alien and received at a shared address, personal identification documents showing the shared address, bills for services for a particular shared address paid for or obliged to by the alien.
QUOTE (Minya's wife @ Mar 9 2009, 02:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Having a mortgage, for primary residence, with both names on it (at same address) is not proof of residing together? Or for that same token, having the same address appear on the tax and bank account statement? I understand that it is proof of shared financial obligations...but then how does one prove 'common residence'. These would be the types of things I would be considering I'm just curious.
QUOTE (diadromous mermaid @ Mar 8 2009, 07:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The bolded items demonstrate shared financial obligations, but not necessarily that the alien continues to share a common residence.
QUOTE (Minya's wife @ Mar 8 2009, 06:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (diadromous mermaid @ Mar 8 2009, 02:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If this is the extent of your evidence, I don't see much that demonstrates that the couple resided together. Have you moved since you filed for AOS? I am curious why you would not have received an RFE, if the reason for denial is a lack of sufficient evidence.
QUOTE (maryces21 @ Mar 8 2009, 01:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I filed for my I-751 on 02/15/08 jointly with my husband, we are still happily married. I sent my Mortgage, life insurance, health insurance, my 401k, taxes 2005, 2006, 2 letters from friends and my sister in law, house taxes, bank account statem,ents of the last 2 moths. I did not send pictures because all are in my computer and did not think they will even look at them (like last time in my interview for AOS).

The OP does not know the reason for the denial lack of evidence as the reason is only speculation. The bolded items, if they reflect both names, are demonstrative that the couple reside together (the other items can also be proof if they bear both names and the same address)...and I'm not sure what more could any petitioner offer to demonstrate co-habitation. unsure.gif

diadromous mermaidFemale02009-03-10 19:39:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionMy I-751 was denied
The bolded items demonstrate shared financial obligations, but not necessarily that the alien continues to share a common residence.
QUOTE (Minya's wife @ Mar 8 2009, 06:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (diadromous mermaid @ Mar 8 2009, 02:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If this is the extent of your evidence, I don't see much that demonstrates that the couple resided together. Have you moved since you filed for AOS? I am curious why you would not have received an RFE, if the reason for denial is a lack of sufficient evidence.
QUOTE (maryces21 @ Mar 8 2009, 01:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I filed for my I-751 on 02/15/08 jointly with my husband, we are still happily married. I sent my Mortgage, life insurance, health insurance, my 401k, taxes 2005, 2006, 2 letters from friends and my sister in law, house taxes, bank account statem,ents of the last 2 moths. I did not send pictures because all are in my computer and did not think they will even look at them (like last time in my interview for AOS).

The OP does not know the reason for the denial lack of evidence as the reason is only speculation. The bolded items, if they reflect both names, are demonstrative that the couple reside together (the other items can also be proof if they bear both names and the same address)...and I'm not sure what more could any petitioner offer to demonstrate co-habitation. unsure.gif

diadromous mermaidFemale02009-03-08 19:26:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionMy I-751 was denied
If this is the extent of your evidence, I don't see much that demonstrates that the couple resided together. Have you moved since you filed for AOS? I am curious why you would not have received an RFE, if the reason for denial is a lack of sufficient evidence.
QUOTE (maryces21 @ Mar 8 2009, 01:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I filed for my I-751 on 02/15/08 jointly with my husband, we are still happily married. I sent my Mortgage, life insurance, health insurance, my 401k, taxes 2005, 2006, 2 letters from friends and my sister in law, house taxes, bank account statem,ents of the last 2 moths. I did not send pictures because all are in my computer and did not think they will even look at them (like last time in my interview for AOS). I did received a biometrics letter on 03/26/08, i went and everything was ok. Because i did not received the extension letter I called 1800 and then is when they told me i have been transfered to Vermont (I did not received a actual letter), so i asked for a duplicate. I received the duplicate on April 19/08. Since then i did not hear from then, until i got woorry and my extension it was about to expire. I scheduled a INFOPASS appoinment last friday and there they told me my case was denied back in January (i have not received a letter as today) She also called Vermont from there and told me to wait, after an hour later Vermont called back and informed her that my case was in the clerical office (preparing the letter to be send) and that in the letter will explain the reason why i was denied. She did stamped my passport for another 60 days. We are desperated we do not understand why they will denied my case or why i have not received a letter or a explanation. She told me if in 30 days i do not hear from them i will have to come back.
Do anybody has heard about something like this before please advised us. We are worry. It really make me sad the idea of leave my Husband, my house, my family. My husband said he will go with me if i have to leave, but i do not think that is fair, He has a son from his previous marriage that i love like mine, and i know the kid need him too. We will have to start over again from Zero in my country, after working really hard to make this my home. I will really appreciate any advice.
She also told me that it could be something it will be resolved easy and she was really sorry that she could not tell me a reason or give me an advice or what to do.

Thank you VJ's and i really appreciate your best wishes.

diadromous mermaidFemale02009-03-08 15:18:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionMy conditional status never got removed and my card has expired
What do you mean "I was supposed to receive the removal of conditional status"? Do you mean that you expected that USCIS would remind you to apply to remove the conditions? Or, do you mean that you DID apply but left before you received any news on its status?
QUOTE (Johannes86 @ Jun 27 2009, 09:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi, My conditional green card has run out, and I never received an update, however at the time just before I was supposed to receive the removal of the conditional status I had to return to Germany for other reasons, My mother received hers (I was under her visa) but I never did. I'm not exactly suffering as I have a life over here as well, but I am wondering what is going to happen to all the data and my school courses, HMOs, etc when it is now expired, does it autmatically get erased or what, and for traveling do I now have to apply for a regular touristvisa?

Thanks In advance\


diadromous mermaidFemale02009-06-27 16:05:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Receipt-Dependents NOT Named on receipt even though were on application
Whose A number is on the receipt?
QUOTE (K-3 Sponsor @ Jul 2 2009, 03:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi everybody,

We sent in our I-751 for my wife and 2 stepchildren, including a check for $705 that covered the applciation fee plus 3 biometric fees. Vermont Service Center cashed the check and we received the receipt notice.

The problem:

The receipt notice did not name our 2 stepchildren who were included on the application, and who's conditional residence cards have also expired. There is no mention of any name/person/application/case number other than my wife.

The 2 stepchildren will be visiting their grandparents in Toronto in August. We will be joining them and re-entering the U.S. as a family. Can they re-enter with the receipt that only names my wife, and not them specifically? I don't want to encounter a major problem at the border. They're flying to Toronto from the U.S. on their own, but I don't think their U.S. immigration paperwork will be questioned when entering Canada, but it could. Either way I think USCIS should have named all persons who were on the same application, but of course they appear to have made yet another mistake on our paperwork.

I've tried to call Vermont for clarification, but the number listed on the receipt (802-527-4913) is "not in service." Big surprise considering the horrible service we've received along the way. wacko.gif

diadromous mermaidFemale02009-07-02 17:20:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionAHHG! USCIS address change FAIL. HELP!
INFOPASS at your new local office?
QUOTE (Eli @ Jul 16 2009, 08:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am really upset. I filed my petition May 12th. I moved out of state and changed my address on June 16th. I received a letter confirming the address change. 45 days from file date went by with no biometrics appointment letter. I called the USCIS on July 1st to ask they have my new local office to send me a Biometrics appointment. Today a letter made it to me through USPS forwarding land, from my old address in Seattle, which has an appointment for me at my OLD local office. The letter is dated July 7th, which means they set up an appointment at the old address 21 DAYS after they confirmed my new address! The appointment is for July 29th, which is 13 days away. I called USCIS again, and the woman on the phone who didn't have a clue finally said what I need to do is check the reschedule box and send the appointment notice back to Seattle, who will apparently be able to reschedule me to my new local office ... which sounds fishy to me.

My concern is that the soonest possible time I could have the letter back to them now is on Monday, which gives them less than 9 days to sort out the reschedule request before my appointment there. As we all know, if I miss that appointment my petition is considered ABANDONED, which is a ridiculous hassle I do not want to deal with if at all humanly possible. I don't trust them to reschedule my appointment in less than 9 days - I've never had any luck with them figuring things out reasonably - hence this problem.

It seems like my options are as follows:

-Mail back the appointment letter with a reschedule request and PRAY TO GOD they get it figured out before my appointment
-Fly back to Seattle and just go to the appointment in the wrong state

I'm not sure if there are any other good options so I'm turning to you guys in hopes that there is some kind of consensus on what would be the best course of action. I need to figure this out ASAP so that I can get that appointment letter back for rescheduling on Monday if that's the thing to do. I'd hate to burn money I don't have right now on flying to Seattle if I don't have to, but if that appointment gets missed I'd be out a ton more money hiring a lawyer to appeal the abandonment of my case. It's ultimately a miracle I even got this appointment letter considering they aren't supposed to be forwarded. God I'm pissed they screwed up the address ranting33va.gif

Please, PLEASE offer me your advice!

diadromous mermaidFemale02009-07-16 19:38:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussion751 with waiver now 16 months
What state do you reside in?
diadromous mermaidFemale02009-07-18 13:30:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionLanded in JFK after 10 months of absence from the US and with a Conditional Green Card still valid for a day only.
QUOTE (msdelila @ Jul 17 2009, 01:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That's not it's true purpose.

Shouldn't it be, 'That's not its true purpose'? wink.gif

All kidding aside, and back on topic, what I'd like to inform msdelila is that the statutes permit a Permanent Resident to leave the country, and for large slugs of time, as long as he/she maintains the USA as his/her permanent country of residence. It's not for us, or USCIS, CBP or DHS to determine what we do with our time, or where we choose to spend it, unless in doing so we fail to preserve the US as our permanent residence. As far as I can see, the OP is not violating any statute.

Edited by diadromous mermaid, 17 July 2009 - 12:51 PM.

diadromous mermaidFemale02009-07-17 12:48:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionLanded in JFK after 10 months of absence from the US and with a Conditional Green Card still valid for a day only.
Erhm, I hope that Master's Degree is not in English comprehension! He clearly said he was not interestedin Naturalising, so he is not about to venture into what you declare is reprehensible.

Notwithstanding, the OP should beware that spending large amounts of time outside of the USA, even if he has a re-entry permit does not necessarily preserve his right to remain a resident. He should take care and research abandonment of residency to ensure he doesn't get snared by his frequent absences.
QUOTE (msdelila @ Jul 17 2009, 09:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Why are you even bothering with becoming a citizen and such, if you plan on living in Egypt for the majority of the time? 10 months, and maybe 2 years next time. Do you even care to live in the USA?

I'm American, and I really don't like when people get their citizenship, only to get their passport and move back to their home countries the minute they get their passports. Then, they apply for all their family members, who do the same. And these people have the time to wait, since they don't do anything in their lives. I just hate it. And sorry to generalize, but I've met a lot of people who do that from the Middle East. First one person in their family gets citizenship, then they apply for the whole family, which is usually a lot.

A long time ago, wasn't your passport revoked, if you became a naturalized citizen and didn't live in the USA for the first 5 years in the country?

I think they should bring this law back.

For everyone else who wants to ask me, the only reason I am here in Israel is because I did my Masters Degree, and now I am moving back HOME to the USA.

diadromous mermaidFemale02009-07-17 08:53:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionLanded in JFK after 10 months of absence from the US and with a Conditional Green Card still valid for a day only.
Why all the bother over filing to remove conditions? He could have already done that (one can if one is out of the country, you know) , in fact, if you look at his signature, he notes he did on June 29. 2009. smile.gif
QUOTE (*Len* @ Jul 16 2009, 06:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
True. If he files by express mail he will be on time. good.gif

QUOTE (rika60607 @ Jul 16 2009, 02:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Actually, he can file today (by express mail) and still be on time.
If he does not file today and he is a few days late, he will likely be forgiven, because he was out of the country (better reason for being late than many).
Also, one can be outside of the US for up to 1 year and not lose the PR status (depending on other circumstances, and once he's in - he's in, he already did not lose his status). He will have to wait another 3 years before he becomes eligible to file for naturalization, but hey, may be he does not even want to naturalize.

QUOTE (*Len* @ Jul 17 2009, 12:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, don't sing victory. You obviously didn't apply in time for Removing the conditions of your residence; plus have remained outside of the country for more time than allowed in order to maintain your status.

I would not be surprised if you were soon notified of failure to comply and your GC revoked.

diadromous mermaidFemale02009-07-16 17:43:00
QUOTE (TexPamp @ May 17 2008, 03:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
First a little background. In March my sweetie went to the DFA in Manila to apply for a passport. She was told she needed one more form of ID in order to get a passport. She went to driving school and eventually got her drivers license.

On Thursday my sweetie went to the DFA in Manila and gave her all info and application and IDs, etc. She paid the fee and the extra 250p for expedited service and was told to return on Monday for an "apperance". What is this apperace all about. We both have no idea and at this point can only guess.

Can any one provide a step by step when getting a Filipine Passport. I am dying from curiousity.


Personal Appearances are only held at DFA Manila.

Personal Appearance Schedules are: Mon-Fri 8:30am-11:00am or 1:00pm-3:30pm; Sat 8:30am-10:00am only.

On appearance date all applicants need to line-up at Libertad St. entrance gate for inspection as part of DFA security measures. Then proceed to Pilipinas Teleserv area w/signage at GATE 3 to be assisted by our officers to PA section which will only take about 15 mins.

diadromous mermaidFemale02008-05-17 15:10:00
Philippineswhat kind of investigate?
QUOTE (jean&chard @ Jun 29 2008, 08:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hi everyone... i'm new in this site. so many questions ..

Somebody told me that they are doing investigation in your neighborhood about your petition. Is that true?. and what kind of investigation?
for instance, you filed for K1?

anyone had experience like this?

Occassionally, investigations are conducted to determine the legitimacy of the relationship.
diadromous mermaidFemale02008-06-29 20:22:00