Middle East and North AfricaAnyone here in UAE? (Dubai)
sad.gif I haven't even begun to get my paperwork together. I had to go visit my family in the states for 4 months since one grandmother broke her hip and the other broke her neck. ohmy.gif I just got back a month ago and all my time has been consumed looking for work and going on job interviews. I've had a few offers but I want to secure something that will pay well enough for us to pay our expenses and save on the side for the big move in a year or so. A few months after I find work we will go to Turkey, Cyprus or Thailand to marry in a civil ceremony (hopefully on the beach) and then do DCF in Abu Dhabi. We can't get married here in Dubai due to the religious requirements. I guess we'll only be able to do the medical in Dubai. That's so damned inconvenient.
Der BücherwurmFemaleIran2008-11-17 08:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnyone here in UAE? (Dubai)
Oops, that's correct. You have to go to the embassy in Abu Dhabi for the DCF. I think it's just the interviews that might be held in Dubai.
Der BücherwurmFemaleIran2008-11-16 06:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnyone here in UAE? (Dubai)
Oh, and here's a forum for expats in Dubai that might have some useful information for you:

Expat Forum: Dubai
Der BücherwurmFemaleIran2008-11-15 01:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnyone here in UAE? (Dubai)
Just go down to the American Consulate, it's at the World Trade Center. But don't forget to take your passport otherwise security won't let you through. DCF for your spouse is supposed to be the quickest way to get the visa/greencard for them and then they can start working in the states right away instead of waiting around for 90 days on the traditional fiance visa. I'm doing things this way since I knew there was no way I could support him for 3 months.
Der BücherwurmFemaleIran2008-11-15 01:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnyone here in UAE? (Dubai)
Hey there, I'm in the UAE too. I'm the citizen, he's the Iranian that has been living here a while. I decided there was no way I could file for a fiance visa and sit around at my parents place while I wait. So I packed my bags and returned to the UAE. Later, once Hoom and I have gotten married (sometime in the next 6 or 7 months) we will do DCF.

You have to have been resident here for 6 months before you can file. Then I've been told it can be a wait of 8 months or more before he gets his visa, etc. I expect us to be here another year or two.
Der BücherwurmFemaleIran2008-11-13 11:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaSerious Doubts
To be quite honest the headscarf has nothing to do with religion. Wearing the headscarf predates the invention of islam. People in the desert would wear long dresses and a headscarf simply to keep the sand off their body and hair. Here in the GCC countries even the men wear them. They really like to keep the sand off as well. The younger Emirati males here will sometimes trade the headscarf for an American style baseball cap. They just want something on the head to keep clean. Wearing headcovering started out just as a functional item to keep sand off the body. Then later religious people decided it was a way of proving your modesty. Which is a joke because their are muslim prostitutes (temporary wives) that wear the headscarf. In reality it proves nothing other than your desire to keep the sand out of your hair. If you don't live in a sandy environment then what do you need a headscarf for unless it's cold out? If he gets this upset over something like this what else will he try to control or change about you. Marriages between people of different faiths or differing levels of the same faith have a higher failure rate. You need to decide for yourself what is important for you and what aspects of your personal beliefs you are willing to sacrifice to please a man.
Der BücherwurmFemaleIran2008-11-16 01:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaYou know you're in a MENA relationship when....
QUOTE (ZaidsMommy @ Nov 17 2008, 08:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Alot of the "you know your married to an arab" crack me up. Do some of your hubbys really take 3 showers a day?? lol...I guess after Sofyan being here now for 3 years he has become quite americanized.

Well I thought my man was taking showers 3 times a day. But when he'd come out of the bathroom after an hour with dry hair I realized he was showering only every other day but washing his ### with the toilet hose for 45 long friggin minutes each time he did his business.

Der BücherwurmFemaleIran2008-11-17 08:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaYou know you're in a MENA relationship when....
This thread was mildly amusing until Platy posted, then it got hilarious. jest.gif You'd understand if you'd ever hung out with Brits, they have a culture of taking the piss and you have to be able to take it as well as you give it or they lose respect for you. I think alot of people in Mena like to dish it out but then can't take it. There's quite a few in Mena those four things he posted apply to, even to some that said it didn't. Quite a few in mena like to post negative things about America and non-muslims and then put on their rose colored glasses when discussing islam and muslim men then get angry when you point out the negatives they're in denial about or that they didn't notice because they were only there for a brief vacation. If you are going to discuss the ME culture, relationships, etc; I think both sides of the coin should be discussed, even in jest, otherwise how can you give good advice to people that might be in danger of being taken advantage of which is pretty common when muslim men pick western women.
Der BücherwurmFemaleIran2008-11-17 07:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaFree calling to and from MENA
QUOTE (Nawal @ Nov 13 2008, 02:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
In all seriousness, I think the last time I actually watched a part of an Oprah show, was when it was on the news...when Tom Cruise was jumping up and down like an azz over Katie Holmes. laughing.gif

I did see her election night! She looked marvelous! But her thanks! tongue.gif

It's actually my grandmother that watches Oprah all the time so I had to watch it by default when I was with her. I noticed even they use Skype when video interviewing people that couldn't make it to the studio.

Well, I can see why Tom would make an azz of himself over a woman half his age. I'm sure I'd do the same if I were a middle-aged woman with a 20-something yr old guy. No wait, I forget. I don't want to be a mother. tongue.gif biggrin.gif
Der BücherwurmFemaleIran2008-11-13 14:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaFree calling to and from MENA
Forgot to add the link:

Call PC to PC for FREE with SKYPE!

Now you guys are only a PC away from calling and seeing your loved ones for free. I seriously can't believe you people haven't heard of it. Where do you all live...Post Katrina Louisiana? blink.gif
Der BücherwurmFemaleIran2008-11-13 11:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaFree calling to and from MENA
Haven't you people heard of Skype? Don't you people watch Oprah? Sheesh, I thought everyone used Skype to video chat with their family over the PC.


You can call a landline or mobile phone using Skype but it costs something. I think it's cheaper than if you just call using a regular phone though.

But Skype is free to download and free to use to call PC to PC. Just download skype to your computer, set it up, make sure you have a headset with microphone and then your friends and family download and set up Skype on their computer as well. Then you can instant message or call your family on skype and talk as long as you want for free and if you have a webcam they can see you live too. Unfortunately my mom doesn't have a webcam so I don't get to see her but I turn on my webcam for her to see me unless i'm having a bad hairday. whistling.gif

Now that my old mum has figured out how to use Skype we talk every day. kicking.gif
Der BücherwurmFemaleIran2008-11-13 11:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaIs the romance gone?
QUOTE (cindishah @ Nov 11 2008, 09:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Muslim wife=momma substitute, congratulations on the adoption!!

I think all men are like that to an extent. It's just generally Asian & ME guys are the worst. But what can you expect when the parents assign so many chores to daughters while letting their precious favored sons just run around and play.

I'm working hard to house train my man and he's getting more helpful. But a lot of times when he's being helpful he just ends up making a bigger mess for me to have to clean up after him. He just needs to learn how to cook something other than Persian style rice and I'll be happy not having to cook all the time. He's great at giving complements and attention though.
Der BücherwurmFemaleIran2008-11-11 23:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaMahr - What Determines Worth?
Hanging In there: I really hope you kicked that ####### to the curb. It's outrageous that he trashed you. It's appalling that he's trashing your kid.

Edited by Hoomsfuturewife, 18 November 2008 - 10:57 PM.

Der BücherwurmFemaleIran2008-11-18 22:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaFrustrated
QUOTE (Leyla @ Nov 21 2008, 08:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am little frustrated. I need to pay my phone bill today. I call my husband to get the card number so I can do the automatic bill pay from my phone. I told him about this for WEEKS. I just called him and said I needed the number. He asked how much and when I told him he freaked out! "Are we always going to live this way?" "Does all my money go to the bills?" "What am I supposed to do?" Then he hung up and he will not answer my calls.

Recently I've been thinking (a lot) and I really don't know if this marriage has the ability to last. We love each other, but the rest of it is not falling into place. I don't know if it's just temporary. But now when I try to imagine our lives together.... I can't. What should I do?

He sounds really immature. Divorce isn't necessarily a bad thing. One of my best friends was twice divorced because she didn't like that she was expected to do all the household chores even though she worked full-time too. She still remained best friends with both of her exes. Sometimes love is not all you need. You need responsibility, maturity, equality, respect, cooperation, etc.
Der BücherwurmFemaleIran2008-11-21 23:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA men and their family
To book a round-trip and a one-wayer, just go on travelocity or orbitz and book both at the same time. After booking the roundtrip just make sure the flight-number and times are the same for your return and his one-way ticket. Sometimes you can even go online a day or so before the flight to select your seats so that you can sit together.
Der BücherwurmFemaleIran2008-11-20 22:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hijab is a symbol of oppression, sexism and perversion - Agree or disagree?
QUOTE (morocco4ever @ Nov 23 2008, 12:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Trolls are like an onion, well that's what I heard anyway. tongue.gif

You mean they make you cry when you slice them? I wouldn't know. I've never murdered a troll before. But now that I know what your past-time is... helpsmilie.gif
Der BücherwurmFemaleIran2008-11-23 14:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hijab is a symbol of oppression, sexism and perversion - Agree or disagree?
QUOTE (PlatyPius @ Nov 23 2008, 02:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Nah, "Heathens" is the term used by Asatruar and Odinists. Trolls are strictly forbidden from worshipping the old gods.

Especially trolls that smell like curry.

That's good to know. But for the record, I much prefer the trolls that smell like salmon. They lead you to the best fishing holes.
Der BücherwurmFemaleIran2008-11-23 03:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hijab is a symbol of oppression, sexism and perversion - Agree or disagree?
QUOTE (*Len* @ Nov 23 2008, 01:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Sinergy @ Nov 22 2008, 09:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
AJ your a troll now? whistling.gif

A Christian Troll rofl.gif

I thought trolls were Pagan and worship the Norse gods. Are you telling me they converted?! If so, they should immediately be killed for apostasy.

Der BücherwurmFemaleIran2008-11-23 02:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hijab is a symbol of oppression, sexism and perversion - Agree or disagree?
QUOTE (charles! @ Nov 22 2008, 05:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i'm in a subsect - the bottle beer church. we don't get along too well with the canned beer sect. happy.gif

And what's your opinion of the boxed wine sect? Are they heretics/infidels? Keep in mind that the bottled wine sect disapproves of the boxed wine sect due to their lower caste status. Let's not even get started on the wine cooler sect... Everybody knows they are fanatics.
Der BücherwurmFemaleIran2008-11-23 02:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaLinks between Islam and Terrorism
QUOTE (humpkinpumpkin @ Dec 1 2008, 12:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
wahrania are you serious? I thought you were muslim........ According to all that I have read and been told Islam was always first starting with Adam. Islam is sooo not based on the Judaic faith.

Are you serious!? headbonk.gif blink.gif wacko.gif Don't tell me you're yet another stepford girl that willingly submitted to a total personality/identity/religion transplant that just takes her 'owner's' word as truth. I think you have some homework to do. Judaism was based upon a previous older religion. Christianity was based upon Judaism as they outright plagiarized the Jewish old testament and Islam ripped off, changed around and warped the Torah and Bible and some hadiths were thrown around to justify the 'propeht's' greed and sexual perversions so all a 'man' that wants to marry an underage child needs to do is point to the fact that the prophet did it so it's ok. blink.gif wacko.gif At the end of the day, misguided morons use these mythologies as tools for controlling the masses and as a weapon against those that refuse to submit. If there were a god, I can guarantee you that She would never set foot in a mosque, church or synagogue for all the evil that has come out of those places.

Edited by Hoomsfuturewife, 01 December 2008 - 10:42 PM.

Der BücherwurmFemaleIran2008-12-01 22:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaLinks between Islam and Terrorism
?sdo?s ???? ????? u? s??u??nos ?s??oo? ??? ???s ???? '??? ????? ?????u? s?s??ppnq ?????d ??n? ? '?s?uo? ?q o?
Der BücherwurmFemaleIran2008-12-01 10:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaAmerican women vs Arab women raising children
Personally, I think this thread shows that too many Arabs/muslims are immigrating to the west for the wrong reasons. Wanting to make more money in the US or wanting to take advantage of the welfare system in Europe is not a valid ground for immigration. Immigration is not a right it is a privilege! And privileges have to be earned. If you have no desire to assimilate to the culture of the country that you chose to move to then you have no right to stay. If you want to wear an abaya and live like a ME muslim then you should stay in the ME. I think it should be far harder for muslims to immigrate to the west as the majority refuse to assimilate and insult those that were generous enough to allow them the privilege of living in their country. We have as much right to maintain our more advanced and egalitarian standard of living as you do to retain your old-fashioned way of life. After all, if islam and the ME is so great then why are you trying to leave it? I'm getting sick of Arabs whine about the prejudice they experience in the west when the extremely mild difficulties they face in the west are nothing compared to what foreigners/non-muslims suffer in the ME. You can smell the hypocrisy coming off the average arab from a mile away. And I think Hanginginthere's description is a pretty mild and tame depiction of the average Arab, not all of them; but the average and it wasn't racist, it was pretty accurate. Only when you say All rather than some, average or most is there a problem. Sometimes pointing out the truth of what the average person in a culture behaves like hurts. And that is what we are pointing out here, the average; not all. And when individuals or whole societies refuse to admit their faults then they are doomed to continue those faults.
Der BücherwurmFemaleIran2008-10-08 08:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaEGYPT: Bridget Jones, the Cairo version
QUOTE (Rajaa_Reda @ Dec 6 2008, 10:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
awwwww that's sad sad.gif

At least my coworker got to choose her mate. She'd known the guy a few years and then he proposed and she accepted. So then the older sis felt pressure to marry and decided she was ready and would agree to who they arranged for her to marry.

Most marriages are arranged in their culture. I have another Indian friend who was Hindu but had been dating this christian guy for many years. They want to marry but her family disapproves. His family is ok with it though. Her sister and BIL are completely against it and my friend had to talk to her mother to try and convince her to no avail. They still don't approve but my friend finally decided that she has to do what's right for her. So she plans on marrying the guy and has already converted to christianity anyway and is hoping her family will come around eventually. I had a really long talk with her about it and she said that before I talked with her she was actually going to give in and agree to an arranged marriage to a total stranger and throw away her 4 year relationship with someone she loved just to please her family.
Der BücherwurmFemaleIran2008-12-06 01:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaEGYPT: Bridget Jones, the Cairo version
An Indian coworker of mine that is engaged was saying she couldn't get married until after her older sister got married. Girls have to get married in succession because if a younger sister marries before the older one then a lot of men will wonder what is 'wrong' with the older sister and not want to marry her. Finally my coworker's older sister agreed to go back to India for an arranged marriage.
Der BücherwurmFemaleIran2008-12-06 00:36:00
Middle East and North Africamena men and smoking
QUOTE (Hanging in there @ Dec 7 2008, 05:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Life over there is just like life everywhere...Everything is just more discreet and quiet cause its very very against the law there....Everything we have here they have there in different forms....

Just to put this in proper context... People are people all over the world. Men are gonna do what they are going to do all over the world no matter what laws you put on them.Its hypocritical for anyone from over there to start talking about how decadent our society is and not recognise that their society has exactly the same ills except they are covert and released differently. Just cause you dont see things, doesnt mean they dont exist. Bigger cities have more of it.. smaller cities less but it still exists. Some cities are very well known for it.. Its always existed over there just like it exists over here its not a run down of a society. Its just something that maybe if you are a tourist you arent aware of.

But for anyone over there to act like the USA is soooooooooooo bad and nothing is going on over there is a bunch of bumpkiss. Its hypocrisy thats so annoying ...not the acts... Its everywhere and there is good and bad everywhere..and everything that exists stateside is over there too


That is so true HIT. The VJ girls don't understand where my views come from because they were just over there for 2 weeks and had all their experiences shielded and filtered by their husbands so they didn't see the hypocrisy and double standards that I see living here in the UAE on a daily basis. They have all the negative things over here that you find everywhere else but what they don't have here is the choice and freedom that you enjoy in the west. Women have only half the rights of a man and even the men don't have the same amount of freedom as in the west. Just try to criticize the government or royal families and see what happens. The problem I have with the ME isn't that they have problems it's that they deny and hide it and then have the nerve to turn and point fingers and trash the west, particularly western women. I find the muslims here get down and dirty much worse and more often than anything you'll ever see in the west. They just disguise it and make themselves hypocrites on top of it all when people would have a better impression and be ok with it if they'd just be honest about it. But if you've ever lived in the ME you know that honesty doesn't come easy here if at all. I swear if one more arab hypocrite in a lily white dress starts trashing western women around me I'm gonna rip the white rag off his head and strangle him with it and give him an earful about the things I've seen and experienced here.
Der BücherwurmFemaleIran2008-12-07 09:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaEgypt lashes out at Iran for Gaza support


Man they traded down.
Der BücherwurmFemaleIran2008-12-13 05:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaEgypt lashes out at Iran for Gaza support
I honestly don't think there will be an independent Kurdistan. There's not enough worldwide support for their plight. I met an Iraqi Kurd in Norway and the poor guy actually thought the US would really help their people to have their own independent state. I felt a little guilty telling him the US would probly cave to the demands of those in the region that don't want there to ever be a Kurdistan.

As for the Basques, they have a really crazy language. It's not like any other language in the region. I've been to Basque country (Donostia, on the northern coast of Spain). I don't really see the point in them or Catalan for that matter seceding from Spain. Why secede from Spain only to be a part of the EU. They're going to be united one way or the other. Either under the Spanish flag or the EU flag.
Der BücherwurmFemaleIran2008-12-13 01:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaEgypt lashes out at Iran for Gaza support
QUOTE (Olivia* @ Dec 13 2008, 12:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
"The Persians are trying to devour the Arab states," Kuwaiti daily al-Jarida quoted him as saying in a meeting with members of the Egyptian ruling party.


The Persians can't even sort out their own sorry state...neither can the Arab states either, mind you. whistling.gif But that statement is just funny to me on so many levels. Especially when it's the Arab state I'm currently living in that's trying to lay claim to some Persian territory.

Also, I think it kind of says a lot that Muslims always want to bring up the Palestinian issue while completely swiping the Kurdish issue under the rug. Meanwhile, Turks and Arabs get away with oppressing Kurds, denying them their own state and all around doing to Kurds what they complain about when it's Jews doing no worse to the Palestinians. wacko.gif
My fiance says the Kurds in Iran are better treated but I'm not so sure. I'd rather hear it straight from the mouth of an Iranian Kurd before I'd believe as much.
Der BücherwurmFemaleIran2008-12-12 23:08:00
Middle East and North Africafeelings about revenge and deportation when things dont work out
I just hope you won't be held financially responsible for the loser.
Der BücherwurmFemaleIran2008-12-13 01:38:00
Middle East and North Africafeelings about revenge and deportation when things dont work out
QUOTE (Hanging in there @ Dec 13 2008, 08:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am not importing more.. I just am tired of being pissed off and sad about it anymore.. I cant help the american taxpayers out with this one.. I did my best..

Understood. wink.gif
Der BücherwurmFemaleIran2008-12-12 23:43:00
Middle East and North Africafeelings about revenge and deportation when things dont work out
I get the need to just move on and forget about it but don't you think America has enough jerks as it is without importing more? It kind of makes me angry to see all the people getting in illegally across the borders or through greencard fraud, etc. Your ex sounds like a psychopath that definitely belongs where he came from. Unfortunately, I see American taxpayers having to foot the bill to support him in prison or pay for welfare for his future kids. I've met so many educated, intelligent and honest foreigners that would really benefit our society but they don't get in because schmucks like your ex and others take their place. That's one of my pet peeves actually.
Der BücherwurmFemaleIran2008-12-12 22:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaTurned down "promotion"
QUOTE (Lost pilgrim @ Dec 13 2008, 08:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I've never "lived to work." Don't get me wrong, when I work, I do a good job, always apply my best efforts. But I also know how to step back and enjoy life. After 2 years of working, a couple of months backpacking in the Himalayas will be pure bliss and good for me.

That's my philosophy as well. I don't much care for the chained to your desk lifestyle. Wish I could join you. Europe was nice because of all the labor laws. Dubai is even worse than the US as far as stress, work hours, high prices and long commutes so I can't wait to get out of here. An employer pretty much owns you here. mad.gif (We're so fed up we've decided to apply for jobs while we are away on our honeymoon.)

Glad things are better for you with the Hubby too. Have fun!
Der BücherwurmFemaleIran2008-12-12 23:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaTurned down "promotion"
QUOTE (Lost pilgrim @ Dec 12 2008, 04:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
UPDATE - from Nutty

After tax season ends, I am going to India for three months!!!

Love NUTTY (now the lost pilgrm)

Well, I hope you find yourself in India and are a little less nutty for it. wink.gif

Do you find work when you are in India or just live off your savings?
Der BücherwurmFemaleIran2008-12-11 22:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaWomen arrested for wearing Hijab in traffic court!
QUOTE (TamaraLovesAdam @ Dec 18 2008, 07:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
this article had nothing to do with the fact she is black or even stated whether or not where she was born or from.

I know what its like to be in a home where you dress head to toe nearly covered. Been there done that for most my young adult life, I also know that cursing to get your point across never does. And whether she was wearing hijab or not - anyone that curses in the courtroom would be arrested.

Exactly. But everyone today is trying to obtain victimhood status because you get so much for so little effort by being a victim. Sadly, sometimes you even get famous for it. And one thing you can always count on is the media to spin things and make more out of something than there really is. If you want to be treated equally then you have to behave equally. The same rules should apply to all regardless of their choice of religion. It's a shame this individual chose to make the wrong decision and speak in a foul manner. If I cursed at an officer anywhere, I'd be arrested whether it was inside a courtroom or anywhere else. Likewise, if I had on a hat or bandana in a govt. building and refused to remove it when asked I'd expect to be searched or asked to leave. Something is being made out of nothing. This shouldn't have even made the news.
Der BücherwurmFemaleIran2008-12-18 10:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaWomen arrested for wearing Hijab in traffic court!

Well, humtydumty some people actually have lives. But hanging out in cyberspace seems to be the extent of yours. The fact of the matter is, religious nutters have been cramming their religion in people's faces for centuries, often violently, without caring what others think. Then they cry wolf and/or scream bloody murder over the slightest little inconvenience placed upon them for a change. I've never heard of anyone even being allowed to wear a hat in a courthouse so why should exceptions be made in this instance? I don't think a person should be allowed to wear a headscarf to get a driver's license either for that matter, when one wouldn't be able to wear a mask or some other disguise that defeats the purpose of identification. The twit should have either removed the scarf or left. It's as simple as that. Cursing like a little ingrate did nothing for her cause and I hope she gets charged with contempt.
Der BücherwurmFemaleIran2008-12-18 10:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaWomen arrested for wearing Hijab in traffic court!
QUOTE (TamaraLovesAdam @ Dec 18 2008, 02:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hmm seems as though if shes more worried about outward modesty than what comes outta her mouth. Cursing is what got her arrested it seems. She could have explained her situation to the judge instead of cursing them out.
It doesnt matter how modest you dress on the outside, if you dont have good words coming out of your mouth then it doesnt mean a thing.


That's exactly what I've learned living in the ME. The hypocrites here seem to think that wearing a headscarf excuses the most foul behavior and speech imaginable. And using foul language would get you arrested and fined in the ME as well. I hope she gets a huge fine for her stupidity, arrogance and hypocrisy.
Der BücherwurmFemaleIran2008-12-18 08:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow would you feel
QUOTE (Pattu Rani @ Jan 27 2009, 04:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I did a similar thing in '93-95, temped, lived at home and saved up only $3K plus airfare and took off for Venice - my dream city at the time. I ended up babysitting and teaching English for this family who owned a hostel - they kindof exploited me (4 hours per day in exchange for a bed, no meals) mad.gif but it enabled me to live in Venice. I also did some off the books English teaching through private language schools, private tutoring and translation(I speak Italian). I had a great time but I was really living on the edge. I remember August was the worst because schools weren't in session - a family who owned a little restaurant would let me teach their son English in exchange for a big bowl of pasta.

I love Italy. Never made it to Venice; just Rome, Pisa, Florence and Milan. Sorry you were taken advantage of but that's more often the case with nannies. I really struck gold with the family I lived with in Germany.

If Nepal is so cheap I will definitely go for a visit at some point in my life.
Der BücherwurmFemaleIran2009-01-27 09:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow would you feel
QUOTE (teenutty @ Jan 27 2009, 04:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Medical tourism....

Cost of medical treatment in India and Thailand is far cheaper than that of the US. Met plenty of "medical tourists" from USA in both countries. Additionally, India has great cardiologists. A few times I did get sick abroad. What kept me there versus coming back was this thought, "Should I rush back and pay thousands out of pocket - or - stay here and get treated for a couple hundred bucks???" mean, storage don't you? I came back to USA two years ago with nothing. I have some items. But not a lot. I can get monthly storage at my mom's apartment for $20.00 a month. When I come back it would be $4000.00 (first, last, security and some extra cash)

Filing for divorce (simple with no children, no real property, no debts) is straightfoward enough. The filing fee is $200.00 and maybe some other fees. But not a lot. I am a legal assistant and can navigate the legalspeak of the forms.

Don't misunderstand, it isn't so easy to leave. It takes a lot of planning and saving. But it isn't impossible.

Most Americans don't travel abroad so they don't realize how cheap other countries can be if you know how to get around. I worked my butt off for 2 years temping like you before saving up for airfare plus $7k to live off of for a year and a half in Germany and Europe is a heck of a lot more expensive than Asia. This was back when the dollar was actually more valuable than the Euro so it would be harder to do that again today though. I just found a wealthy American couple looking for a dogsitter for their old pooch. I lived in their nice big house rent free with board included plus 75 Euro beer money per week and I enjoyed myself for almost 2 years in Bonn without hardly working. They even had a maid so I didn't even have to do any housecleaning outside of helping with the dishes after dinner.

If I wasn't happy with who I married I'd sure as hell be tagging along with you to Thailand and India!
Those are two countries I've been planning on visiting for years but haven't gotten around to it. I wanted to spend my honeymoon in Thailand but we opted at the last minute for Istanbul so Hoom's family could attend the wedding. There are 3 Thai guys I became friends with in Germany and I could even save more money than you by staying with their relatives in Thailand and eating their home cooked meals. And I became friends with a Tamil Indian girl in Dubai and she plans on marrying in a year so I will attend the wedding and stay with her family most likely. So do send me a virtual postcard and your personal recommendations of places to see and things to do wherever you go in Asia.
Der BücherwurmFemaleIran2009-01-26 23:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow would you feel
I think the more modern and less religious Iranians would think your husband is a bit off. telling you he was only half-way happy with you in Iran says it all. Denying you healthcare insurance is just crazy. Separation, then running off to Thailand/India sounds like the perfect solution for you.
Der BücherwurmFemaleIran2009-01-22 00:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaJust got fired from job!
Well I hope you get to enjoy your trip to India. Have you considered maybe looking for a job with a western company there so you could stay even longer without worrying?
Der BücherwurmFemaleIran2009-01-31 02:03:00