Asia: East and PacificTelephone Bills

1-900 calls :whistle:

Funny...No 1-900 calls. :innocent: Just other personal phone calls. hehehehe
reach449MaleThailand2007-02-15 01:01:00
Asia: East and PacificTelephone Bills
Hi Everyone,

I posted this same post in the K-1 BB, but thought I would post here too. :)

When we send in our telephone bills to show proof of a relationship, is it ok to black out phone calls that are not to our fiancee'? I make a lot of telephone calls and I really don't want more people than necessary to know who I call, even goverment workers.

Has anyone done this when they send in their phone bills? Is it ok to do?

Thanks everyone,

Randy :unsure:
reach449MaleThailand2007-02-15 00:46:00
Asia: East and PacificHow long time for Vaccinations in BKK?


Okay, there are a lot of people coming from Thailand here so someone has to know the answer. Packet 3 comes with a form for vaccinations that has a to of shots on it. Does anybody know if this is all done on the same medical visit or if we should start with the vaccinations sooner? A guy from Chonburi here a while ago said he took his girl a couple months prior and had to come back for follow-up shots. Anybody know if this is true?

Please help

Now you have me wandering. :unsure: I will contact my attorney in BKK and ask him. PM me if you are still interested. I will get back to you.

reach449MaleThailand2007-03-22 05:56:00
Asia: East and PacificPhone Cards
Hello Everyone,

I have been calling my fiancee' in Thailand for about 7 months now. Is started off by using my long-distance carrier and then switched to and used various internet phone cards. I have to say that I have finally found one that is fantastic! I have had no disconnects and the calls are crystal clear. My rates to Thailand are 4.4 cents a minute with no other charges. I don't know what other rates for other countries are, but this is one of the best I have found and I have looked at a lot. There are some out there that I have used, that were a little cheaper, but I had many disconnects and un-clear calls.

Here is the website: I have absolutely no affilitation with this company. I just found it on a long internet search. It is such a professional and great calling card company with good rates, that I thought I would let everyone know about it.


reach449MaleThailand2007-04-09 15:07:00
Asia: East and PacificHomesickness and Adjusting to America
Does anyone know about getting Thai TV channnels here in the states?
reach449MaleThailand2007-04-22 01:31:00
Asia: East and PacificHere comes a good news!

Hello guys,

God gave me the miracle that was i received the packet 4 from US Consulate yesterday afternoon. It ended my worries of losing the document somewhere :D It arrived earlier than i expected. My interview date will be taken place in the mid of June.

Tks God for the miracle that You gave me. Tks for those whom have been supporting me whenever i raise my question.


Congratulations!! :dance: :dance: I wish you the very best. Let us know how it goes.

reach449MaleThailand2007-05-18 23:07:00
Asia: East and PacificWhat's going in Saigon Now?

Huh? I know my girl doesn't mess around and neither do I? Are you serious? If so, I suggest you reassess getting married right now. Maybe wait some time and get cool in the mind.

I must agree!! Give my girl permission to have sex with someone else....NO WAY!
reach449MaleThailand2007-03-10 01:48:00
Asia: East and PacificWriting to Congressman

I'm planning to write to my Congressman soon to see if they can help me with my case. My Congressman has a form that I need to fill out before they can help me.

For description of situation, would it be better if I sent them something that's about one full page or just a few sentences to explain my situation?

Hello......What is your situation? Where is your timeline?
reach449MaleThailand2007-06-15 01:34:00
Asia: East and PacificAbout My Income- Need your advices !!!

In 2004 I made about 25000 , in 2005, I made about 26000$ . In 2006 (last year) I made only 5500$ due to 4 trips to vietnam. I left the company as absence (didnt get paid while I was away, and I can come back after a period of time like 6 or 9 months something like that) . so my situation now is full time employed by IBM Corp, I also have a letter from my manager stated that I've been working for the company since 2004 and my rate is 18$/hour . so when my fiancee goes to the intview, can she bring my income tax of 2004, 2005 and the 2007 pay stubs plus my bank statement ? Do I need a co-sponsor for this case ?

Thank you in advance .

Just my opinion----I think you will be ok. There was only one year, (2006), that you were below guidelines. Now you have your letter from IBM stating that you are a full time employee. Even though you were below guidelines in 2006, NOW you are showing you are fully capable of supporting your future spouse. In the whole scheme of things they want to make sure that you can support your spouse in the future. I don't know, maybe a letter for the interview explaining income in 2006?

Of-course a co-sponser would take care of everything. But maybe that want be necessary.

I probably got you more confused. :unsure:

All of this is just my opinion, of-course.

Good luck my friend.

reach449MaleThailand2007-03-02 21:53:00
Asia: East and PacificBangkok Interviews
Hi Guys and Gals,

Anyone know how often the BKK Embassy updates the interview schedule on their website? The last time it was updated was June 26th. We have finished "everything" and just waiting for interview date. We are getting soooo close now. :) Can anyone tell me how long after you get notified how long of a wait it is for your interview date? I have heard around 3 to 4 weeks.

Just a tidbit of information. When I was in Bangkok this week, I met with my attorney and he said that during the summer there are not as many applicants for the embassy to interview. So he said the interview process moves quicker. Good news! Also he said they have a new person starting this week doing the interviews. He was slightly concerned because he was used to the last person who did the interviews and he doesn't know a lot about this new person. He had a real good working relationship with the last interviewer, but now he will have to establish one with the new person. But all and all he said nothing will really change.

Take care everyone. Love to hear from some Thailand couples who are in about the same place we are with the the process.


reach449MaleThailand2007-06-29 20:58:00
Asia: East and PacificInterview Date!
Sao finally got her interview date!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: August 6th, 2007 @ 0700! We are sooooo excited! After NVC sends the package to the embassy, everything moves so quickly! We can finally see a light at the end of the tunnel.

I am still in shock! I can't believe this will all be over with in August. Then we start the next journey of the AOS. But at least we will be able to do that side-by-side.

reach449MaleThailand2007-07-02 15:54:00
Asia: East and PacificHow best to prepare for the interview?

Although it is still some time away, I would like to start preparing my fiancee for the interview in BKK. Has anyone done any mock interviews? I'm just trying to come up with some ideas to help her with this. I want to be there with her, but I'm not yet sure if I will be able to take time off from work.

I will let you know in about a month. My fiancee has her interview on August 6th in BKK. :dance: There are post-interview reports on this website under the tab, "Embassy/USCIS interviews". There is a lot of good info in there. I really don't think there is much preparing to do. They will just ask her questions to make sure your and her relationship is bonifide. Don't worry about it too much. Just keep a lot of evidence of your relationship, (emails, telephone logs, chat sessions, VISITS, photos,etc,), as they will need these at the interview. Good luck man.

reach449MaleThailand2007-07-06 04:47:00
Asia: East and PacificInterview July 2nd
Congratulations! I wish you the very best in your new lives together! :)

reach449MaleThailand2007-07-07 01:18:00
Asia: East and PacificDivorce Decrees

This is not the last time that you may need certified copies of the divorce decrees. So get a few of them when you are at the courthouses.

Thanks...good point. I will get a couple or three. :thumbs:

reach449MaleThailand2007-07-20 23:14:00
Asia: East and PacificDivorce Decrees
What a wealth of information from everyone! Thanks! I live in Tennessee and my two divorces was in Los Angeles and Oakland, Ca. I was on the telephone all day trying to get certified copies mailed to me by next week. It just is not going to happen. Both counties said it would take 3 to 4 weeks to get certified copies sent to me. Her interview is in two weeks! I have the originals, however they are so old that they look like copies. I never did see the packet three as my attorney took care of all the paperwork for us.

So I will be flying to LAX Sunday night and then drive to Oakland all day Monday. I will pick up the one in Oakland on Tuesday and fly back to Tennessee on Tuesday afternoon.

These "originals" will cost me around $1000.00 after airfares, hotels, and car rental. :wacko: Oh well, NOTHING is worth taking the chance of having something like not having the proper paperwork at the interview. I don't want to be delayed in anyway.

So it is all worth it, to have my fiancee' here on time with no stress for either one of us.

Thanks again everyone. Appreciate all the answers. By the way I know VJ guidelines are just that...guidelines. That is why I asked if there was any goverment website that would tell me exactly what was needed for the interview. But it is all a "moot" point now, as I will go get the docs in person.

Thanks again,

reach449MaleThailand2007-07-20 21:04:00
Asia: East and PacificDivorce Decrees
My attorney in BANGKOK just called TWO weeks before my SO's interview and said the U.S. Embassy requires the original decrees of my divorces; not copies. Has anyone ever heard of this? Is this true? The VJ guidelines state copies of the decrees.

Has anyone's SO had their interview yet that the interviewer has required originals? Can anyone point me to USCIS or DHS webpage that states these requirements? Or is it up to the embassy to what they want?


reach449MaleThailand2007-07-20 08:24:00
Asia: East and PacificThailand Sub-forum

That Thailand post in the K1 forum that is over 100 pages long. I think we need our own place.... :yes:

Yes it is over 100 pages long and very old also. I would like a new sub-forum for Thailand also. :thumbs: Thanks.

reach449MaleThailand2007-07-09 02:22:00
Asia: East and Pacificairfare from BKK to USA

That is good to hear. I was under the impression that even if you were fully prepared, this woman was still difficult. That is somewhat of a relief.

Yeah, you know I have "heard" this on VisaJourney...but we are a very small percentage of the people being interviewed at the BKK embassy. Just guessing...I would say they interview around 30 to 50 a day, but I don't really know. It would be nice to get the statistics. My fiancee' is a member of Thailand's version of VisaJourney, ( and most of the girls on that website write about their interviews. She has told me that most people going thru the interview process on that website have had good experiences. On that website it seems a lot more people report how their interview went.

I think that people tend to report more of the bad things that happen than the good. It is just human nature. However, there might be a little truth about the interviewer. I am just trying not to worry and stay confident for Sao's interview next Monday. I feel my application is very much in order with no "red flags", but all we can do is our best and hope for a good outcome. :thumbs:

I will most surely write a long entry when her interview is finished.


Edited by reach449, 30 July 2007 - 04:36 AM.

reach449MaleThailand2007-07-30 04:33:00
Asia: East and Pacificairfare from BKK to USA
My SO got a one way ticket to Memphis with Northwest Airlines for $1000.00, Via Japan and LAX. She has a 3 hour layover at LAX, so that should be enough time to process through.

The other subject that is being discussed here concerning the new interviewer; there are some good reviews about her on VJ in the Embassy review section. I think if you have everything in order, you will be fine. After all if you have everything you are supposed too, then there is no reason for them to ask for additional evidence. My attorney has been dealing with her on an almost a daily basis and has had no problems with her.

reach449MaleThailand2007-07-28 22:57:00
Asia: East and PacificFinally!!!

where do i start. went to the interview on july 20th. got blue slipped. they asked my wife typical questions. what's your husband's name, bday, when was the fist time your husband came to vn. when was the 2nd time... anyone from your husband's side attended the wedding? who? and that was it. looked at the pics, phone records, and letters briefly. saw the tax paperwork and then, bam. blue slipped. they said your husband doesn't make enough to support you. for 2006, we submitted a w2 and two 1099. i think they just saw the two 1099's and figured i didn't make enough. so, took a look at the blue slip, just said something like it's not a bona fide relationship. sooo, thinking i just just need to resubmit my 06 tax papers, we sould be good to go. wrong. went back to the consulate and rejected. this was friday afternoon. so we had the weekend to figure things out. i felt since they didn't ask for any specific evidence i would submit the whole package again. come monday, that's what we did. picture, phone bills, letters, money transfers, etc. my wife went inside while i waited. we got there at noonish, five hours later, around closing time my wife out. said they lost our package. dam. can you believe that. they said to go home and they will call us when they find it. dam. what else to do but to go home. this was the 23rd of july. next day my wife calls the consulate to ask what's up, they say they haven't found it yet and not to call back for three or four months. dam. so i called, spoke in english, they said they'll call me when they find it. next day, i call again, they said they will email me when they find it. next day, just before i was about to call them again, they said they found it and we were approved. they will mail us an invitation to pick up the pink slip. so today we got the pick slip. funny thing was the pink slip was signed and dated on the 23rd. and we were supposed to have picked up the visa and the 26th. but i ain't complaining. thanks everyone for your support. i'll fill you in with more details later.

After reading your post, it makes me so angry. These people in the embassy are a**holes! Come back in 3 or 4 months? Are they crazy? They don't seem to give a rat's ars about what their applicants have been going through for the last year! They are dealing with people's lives here! They are so cold it makes me sick.

Anyway, congratulations on getting your PINK. I can't imagine what you were going thru those days when it was first dis-approved. But you are finished now and you won't have to deal with those arsholes anymore at the embassy.


reach449MaleThailand2007-07-31 17:53:00
Asia: East and PacificShe Passed Interview!!!!
My lady got her Visa this morning! :dance: :dance: :dance: Six questions and the interviewer said: "I can give you your're Visa". That was it. I will update more in much detail in a while. I will give all possible information I can about the interview when I talk to Sao some more.

What a wonderful feeling.......what a relief!!! :dance: :dance:

reach449MaleThailand2007-08-06 00:25:00
Asia: East and Pacificin USA
Welcome to the US of A! Remember what someone famous said. "The coldest day I ever spent was a summer day in San Francisco". At least I think the quote is close to that.

reach449MaleThailand2007-08-03 22:12:00
Asia: East and PacificMy wife is my best friend

From Vietnam to sunny California to FARGO, North Dakota. Thats the journey my wife has taken. I had a good job opportunity with my employer to transfer to our Fargo division. My wife and I drove across this great land seeing all the wonderful things. Once we arrived in Fargo two things suprised me the most, #1. My wifes love for the winter and extreme cold and #2 the rather large Vietnamese community here in Fargo. She has the choice of two good sized Asian markets to shop for our favorite veggies and fish, don't forget the noodles.
So, here are some facts about North Dakota, I call it the Frontier. The population of the entire state is approx. 700,000. there are only 3 cities with a population of over 20,000. I have yet to see a traffic jam. This is a good place for my wife to learn to drive snow or ice.

We are having the time of our lives, fishing in the Red river is great too.

I want to pass on to everyone else going through your visa journey, keep your chin up, be patient, read read and read some more. Get the facts and in the end you will come out on top.

God bless all of you!!!

Bruce & Han

You guys seem so happy! God Bless!

reach449MaleThailand2007-08-17 22:17:00
Asia: East and PacificBig Favor

Reach449 CONGRATS...!!!

I'll drop you a PM and we can get them in touch via e-mail. Thanks very much. I really want her to feel more engaged in the whole process if you know what I mean. All this sitting and waiting I fear will make her crazy if she doesn't feel more a part of it all.

Lookimg forward to hearing from you. :)

reach449MaleThailand2007-08-17 22:13:00
Asia: East and PacificBig Favor

I'm going to move this to the Thailand forum. You might have greater luck with finding someone who speaks Thai there.

Thailand Forum???? Where is that??? :blink:
reach449MaleThailand2007-08-17 20:04:00
Asia: East and PacificBig Favor
We are finished now and my fiancee is due here from Thailand in a couple of days. PM me and maybe we can communicate. I am sure my fiancee would not mind emailing her and helping her in anyway. Good luck.

reach449MaleThailand2007-08-17 19:55:00
Asia: East and PacificInterview Highlights

Did the engagement party question come from something you wrote regarding question 18 on the I-129F form?

No, it didn't. I did write in my letter of intent that we had an engagement party in June when I came. I guess that is where it came from. The question that got me was: "Did he kneel when he ask you to marry you?" #######!!! I really don't know why he asked where our engagement party was; I just think he was too new. Sao was his third interview. I don't mean the 3rd of the day, I mean his 3rd interview. That day was his first day on the job. Go figure!

reach449MaleThailand2007-08-10 19:55:00
Asia: East and PacificInterview Highlights
She arrived at 7:45am and got called to the window at 10:00am. The interviewer was not the the Japanese woman that people have been talkinging about here on VJ. It was a new guy. He was Japanese also.

These were the questions:

1) How did you meet?
2) Where does your fiancee' work?
3) Where was the engagement party? Was it at a hotel?
4) Did your fiancee' kneel when he ask you to marry you? (I put this in my letter of intent)
5) How many times has your fiancee' been married?
6) How many times have you been married?
7) What kind of work does your fiancee' do?
8) Does your fiancee' have any children?
9) What was the name of the place where you had the engagement party?
10) When did your fiancee' visit? How many times?

There was one more question but I just can't remember. I felt that this was more questions asked than usaully are asked. The other girl interviewing at the same time was asked what her fiancee's email address was. They didn't ask that question to Sao. She also told me as the interviews progressed he asked more and more questions to each girl. By the end of the day he could be asking 20 or 30 questions! Sao was the 3rd to be interviewed. The first lady got asked 4 questions. Believe me there was nothing out of the ordinary at all with our application. I don't know why he asks so many questions, but she knew all the answers.

I hope this helps for people being interviewed in BKK. I will put more in the embassy review section when I have time.

Take care and good luck everyone! :thumbs:


Edited by reach449, 06 August 2007 - 05:47 AM.

reach449MaleThailand2007-08-06 05:45:00
Asia: East and PacificVisa Finally Issued
Hey Man,

I am so happy for you!!!! It was heartbreaking reading what you have went through in your post. I can't even imagine waiting that long. But I think in the long-run this has made your relationship that much stronger. I am glad at the sense of relief you must feel now.

Live happy and enjoy your new life together!

reach449MaleThailand2007-08-13 07:06:00
Asia: East and PacificEvidence for Interview
Correction on my post...tried to edit but was too late:

I said that the interviews for all the other ladies "that day" only lasted 5 minutes. What I meant was The interviews that were given, (I think around 4 or 5), during the same time-frame Sao was present was only 5 minutes. Of-course we don't know what happened with the other ladies being interviewed when Sao left the embassy.

Good Luck again good.gif

reach449MaleThailand2007-11-24 10:22:00
Asia: East and PacificEvidence for Interview
Good luck Jamie. good.gif Just take everything you have. Sao's, (and every other lady being interviewed the same day), only lasted 5 minutes. They did not ask Sao for any emails or chats sessions. The interviewer just asked around 8 questions. Remember, you turn in all of the paperwork as soon as you arrive at the embassy. So by the time of the interview, the interviewer already has reviewed your case and most likely has already made a decision. Read my post on the embassy section. Don't worry, everything will be fine!

This is the link to my review and a bunch of other BKK interviews:

Take Care,


Edited by reach449, 24 November 2007 - 10:14 AM.

reach449MaleThailand2007-11-24 10:11:00
Asia: East and PacificIn Need of Help....Anyone Fluent in Thai?
QUOTE (Nan&Steve @ Dec 21 2007, 04:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello Everyone,

My girl finally has the K-1 Visa! Four months of battles since the interview and we won. She flies to the US from BKK on the 23rd and I just thought I would see if anyone out there could take a few moments and help us out.

I need some one to tell Nan, in Thai, what to expect during her travels. Everything from check-in and carry-on baggage to Customs and POE instructions. I've explained as much as I know in English, but she's asked me to repeat this several times which leads be to believe she is a little anxious and not completely comfortable with what I've told her.

So, if anyone is familiar with the whole air travel and POE procedures and is fluent in Thai (or Laos), we would both greatly appreciate you taking a few moments and explaining everything to her.

Happy Holidays Everyone! and...

A big thanks to all you VJ'ers out there!

My wife is Thai. She went thru the whole process at LAX. She would be more than happy to help explain the procedure. PM me and I will give you my phone number.

reach449MaleThailand2007-12-23 10:20:00
Asia: East and PacificAny Thai people who's coming to Kentucky?
QUOTE (tuk_fred @ Jan 7 2008, 03:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi everybody ..

I'm in usa for 3 year now .. just moved from San Diego to Kentucky. I have a lot of Thai's friends in SD but rarely find Thai people over here. Anybody out there coming to Kentucky .. I want more Thai friend .. don't want to get too home sick ..

Best wishes

You are not alone Tuk...My wife just came from Thailand and we live in Memphis, Tennessee. There are practically no Thai people here in Memphis. Probably the same from Kentucky. So where do you live in Kentucky? You are only one state away from us. smile.gif Good luck in you search and quest. good.gif


Edited by reach449, 08 January 2008 - 07:43 AM.

reach449MaleThailand2008-01-08 07:41:00
Asia: East and PacificUS to Thailand calling card - best quality
QUOTE (Merrill @ Jul 5 2007, 09:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I would like to find a high quality calling card. The one that I use now is not very good. I am calling a cell number in Ubon Ratchathani and sometimes the sound is so bad I have to call back. Sometimes I get the all circuits are busy try later message. When Chutima calls me the sound quality is much better so I know that higher quality networks exist. I have vonage and the calls to thailand with vonage are even worse than the calling card and more expensive.

The one I have now I purchased on It is called HandyDirect and it says that the network is provided by LSR Telecom, USA.

What calling card do you use?

Are you satisfied with the quality?

Are you satisfied with the cost?


4.1 cents a minute, no extra charges and good connections. Been using it for 6 months and have had no dropped calls and usually connects the first time. They also track all your calls.


Edited by reach449, 30 December 2007 - 08:29 AM.

reach449MaleThailand2007-12-30 08:28:00
Asia: East and PacificUS to Thailand calling card - best quality

"THE ONE" card is available on

this is the card I swear by and is EASILY the best I've used. occassionally (maybe once a week, and i call everyday twice a day) I'll get a bad connection. but, if i hang up and call right back, the call quality is just fine

its only 1 penny per minute! and thats to land line, outlying provinces, and mobile phones

local access numbers, and also 800 access numbers

I HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend this card

buy it here:

Are there any connection fees or hidden fees? Sounds like a good deal.

reach449MaleThailand2007-08-03 22:14:00
Asia: East and PacificUS to Thailand calling card - best quality
I have tried many cards. The best one I could find is 4.3 a minute to Thailand and I always get connected, and connections are good; no matter what part of Thailand she is in at the time. Very, very, reliable. Works on cell phones also, the same price. No connection or extra fees. I have been using it for 4 months now and all I do is email them and they email me a complete list of all phone calls I made.


Edited by reach449, 06 July 2007 - 07:55 PM.

reach449MaleThailand2007-07-06 19:54:00
Asia: East and PacificTravel to Thailand
Hi Guys and Gals,

My wife has her green card now and we are planning to go to Thailand in April. Her green card is obviously in her married name and her passport is in her maiden name.

Does anyone know what Thai customs will want from her when entering the country? Do we even need to show them the green card? I am carrying our marraige license with us for the entry back into the USA, but I was wandering if need to anything when entering Thailand.


reach449MaleThailand2009-02-08 19:12:00
Asia: East and PacificTourist Visas from Thailand
Thanks Everyone, I will try my best to get them here for a couple of weeks.


reach449MaleThailand2009-09-19 12:46:00
Asia: East and PacificTourist Visas from Thailand
Hi Everyone,

My wife and I have been married now for two years. We would like to bring her father, mother, and brother here to the USofA to visit.

I know that all of them need to prove of ties to their country and I think we will be able to do that thru bank accounts in their names, owning a home there, etc.

We would like them to come next September for about three weeks. I guess I am asking the easy questions.."Where do I start?", "What is the process?". Does anyone have any experiance with getting Tourist Visas in Thailand? How long does it take?

I have heard of 10 year Tourist Visas. Do these exist? If so I would like to shoot for this type of Visa so if they visit again I won't have to go thru the process.

Any places on the web or here at VJ where I can get the answers or any advice from the seasoned Veterens here? smile.gif

Thanks a million?


reach449MaleThailand2009-09-18 15:17:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)After NOA2

Hello Everyone,

Since I am finished with USCIS/CSC, now it feels like starting over, (in a good way :) ).

I have read the threads telling us that we will get a NVC case # assigned and read a few other threads also, but I am still a little confused. So what do I do next? Do I sit on my butt and wait for a case # from NVC to be mailed to me or is there some other way to get the case #? I have read a few threads that have said by the time you get your NVC case # the petition is already at the embassy, or at least on its way. So do I call the NVC and how long should I wait to call? What is the telephone number? How long does it usaully take to get from CSC to the NVC? I know these questions have been asked a million times, but I ask you guys to indulge me. :)

Thanks for all you help ahead of time.


Wait about 10 days and then call NVC at 603.334.0700. Use menu selections -1-5 to speak to a human. They can give you your case number and a status. You want to know if the name check is complete and if they've sent the case on to the Consulate. Keep calling until you know the case is on its way abroad.

Thanks a lot. What is the name check?

reach449MaleThailand2007-06-04 10:24:00