Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Had my interview and got a 221(g)
The 221(g) paper says :"Any information regarding your attempted trip, in 2005"
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2007-01-04 17:01:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Had my interview and got a 221(g)
They want to know I didn't have the intention to commit immigration fraud.
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2007-01-04 16:54:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Had my interview and got a 221(g)
Jenn, I hope I can get an appointment soon. Everything was so right and I had every pice of evidence they could ever ask for, or so I thought! But somehow they found a way to make me wait to be happy. :(
Now all I want is to be straight forward, and to the point. I want to get as much information as I can about this 221(g) and provide them with as much as I can, so there's no way they can make me wait again.
Plese everyone, keep sending me your good thoughts.
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2007-01-04 16:28:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Had my interview and got a 221(g)
Hey everyone. I'm joining all of you here now. First it was the K1 forum, then the NVC forum, then the Embassy forum... now the 221g forum, sadly.
So I had my interview on Jan 2nd and got a 221(g). The Consular Officer said he wants more evidence about a trip I tried to go on. I tried to go to the US on a tourist visa, in November of 2005, and did not mention David at the time. So now this came back to bite me in the a##. I'm so frustraded that it's not over yet. All I want is to fly home to be with my baby.
Now I have to call them and schedule an appointment so I can hand them all I have about this trip and then, hopefully, get my passport with my visa!
Any story, advice, help, word... is more than welcome! I just need to talk and hear from people going through something like this. Actually, I think I just need a shoulder.

I hope all of you reading this can get your visas soon. (F)
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2007-01-04 16:05:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)APPROVED
OMG!!!! Congratulations...... I'm very happy for you! :dance:
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2007-01-27 15:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaRio consulate and sponsorship
Paul123 :time:

:thumbs: Good luck!!
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-04-03 01:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrazil to vote on eliminating tourist visas for USC's

I disagree. I think dropping the fee/visa requirement will greatly increase toursim. It is a complete pain the @ss for a USC to get a visa for Brazil, and most just say "forget it" and spend their money somewhere else.

The US visa restriciton will never be lifted for Brazilians. Brazilians are second only to Mexicans in the amount of illegals here in the US.

It was not a pain for Dave to get his visa to come visit me. And that was not an issue to any of his friends either...
It only took 2 weeks for him to get his and he just had to send his passport in the mail and wait.
Yeah just the fact you need a visa to go anywhere is a pain but what about the amount of pain we're going through right now not being able to live with the person we love? I think that's a lot more impotant than just going somewhere to have fun, isn't it?
What about when my family wants to visit me in the US??
Reciprocity is the word!
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-03-13 22:09:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaWait time between Packet 3, and Interview Date
You lucky bastards.... LOL
I'm still waiting for my NOA2 :crying: :crying: :crying:
All I want is to be able to SURTAR about the interview with you girls...... hope I can do that soon!
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-08-14 21:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPacket 3!
Yeah I went to the embassy website and found information there but I wanted to know if there was anything else I needed to know!
Thank you!!! :thumbs:
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-08-24 19:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPacket 3!
I haven't been approved yet... but can anyone tell me all the stuff that comes in the Packet 3? I'd like to take a look at the forms and all I'll need to send back to them before the interview.
Thank you all! :thumbs:
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-08-24 18:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPlane tickets from Brazil to the U.S.
Well I just mentioned those sites because when my fiance went back to the US from Brazil those were the cheapest places we found.
We searched a lot and ended up buying it online.
Anyway....hope you find what you're looking for!
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-02-02 23:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPlane tickets from Brazil to the U.S.
Hey check or
Get roundtrip tickets....they're WAY cheaper!

Good Luck!

By the way..... we have lots of things in common..... :)

Edited by MrMrsKnight, 02 February 2006 - 11:33 PM.

MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-02-02 23:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaInterview Date
Congrats on your interview date!!! :dance:

But it makes me wonder if I'll be able to be there for Christmas though.... :unsure: it was all I wanted, but if yours is on the 7th, mine could be a lot later than that. <_<
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-09-14 23:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaDocumentos necessarios e nao necessarios para a entrevista no Rio de Janeiro

É , adianta mesmo pelo que eu vejo por aqui....
O RDJ number só é dado quando o caso chega ao consulado ou já é dado no NVC?
Ai tantas perguntas..... :P

Já achei a resposta da minha pergunta! :thumbs:
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-09-15 21:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaDocumentos necessarios e nao necessarios para a entrevista no Rio de Janeiro
É , adianta mesmo pelo que eu vejo por aqui....
O RDJ number só é dado quando o caso chega ao consulado ou já é dado no NVC?
Ai tantas perguntas..... :P
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-09-15 21:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaDocumentos necessarios e nao necessarios para a entrevista no Rio de Janeiro
Meninas... alguma de vocês mandou os documentos pro Consulado antes de receber o Packet 3? Que tipo de envelope vocês usaram e como vocês marcaram o envelope?
Queria mandar meus documentos logo que NVC mande meu caso pro consulado pra não perder muito tempo....
De acordo com o link que a Mew postou aí em cima, os documentos que eu devo mandar para eles são:
DS-2001 signed, DS-230 (just part 1) signed, 1 passaport picture, copy of passport's information page (first 4 pages).... tá faltando algum ou são só esses mesmo? :star:
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-09-15 20:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaDocumentos necessarios e nao necessarios para a entrevista no Rio de Janeiro
Ah, outra pergunta.... o email do consulado é ou tem outro?? :star:
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-09-15 16:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaDocumentos necessarios e nao necessarios para a entrevista no Rio de Janeiro

Perguntinha. Lembra aquele papo do sworn statement, do papelzinho estranho e daquela declaração de que a gente não vai se casar antes do K1?

Aquela lista da Carol com a orcem dos documentos diz que depois do Form FS-257a vem o sworn statement, é essa declaração de que a gente não vai casar que vem ali atrás do sworn statement do FS-257a?

O link da Carol não tá funcionando pra mim então alguém pode colocar a ordem dos documentos aqui?

Também não está funcionando pra mim... acho que é porque o link é do forum antigo! Alguém tem essa lista da Carol aí? :thumbs:
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-09-15 15:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPerguntas imbecis sobre o processo K1

Girsl, another question: did everybody pay already the US$ 100.00 Citibank fee for the Interview? My friend works at Caixa Econômica Federal and she says monday night there's gonna be an ''Assembléia'' to decide if the banks will start a strike and if they do they'll start next tuesday. Anybody heard anything about it?

At least here in Vitória the banks are gonna stop working on Tuesday.... and they have no idea when they'll open again. We have till Monday to do whatever we have to do, but I'm not sure the Citybank is part of the Brazilian Bank Association... they probably are!
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-09-23 15:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPerguntas imbecis sobre o processo K1

Eu faço, mas daí ele também faz e a gente fica no meio termo. A verdade é que ele tá em 2 empregos, só trabalha e dorme.

Dave também está só trabalhando e dormindo. Essa coisa de dois empregos deixa ele tão cansado que eu acabo tendo que fazer a maior parte das coisas. Mas é bom assim porque eu faço melhor. :lol:
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-09-15 20:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPerguntas imbecis sobre o processo K1
Lindinhas.... queria estar lah no dia de suas entrevistas!!!!!!! Como vocês conseguem ficar calmas? Meu caso nem chegou ao consulado e eu jah estou aki arrancando todos os fios de cabelo que ainda restam :P
Ai to tão nervosa.... que saco!!! Nem to conseguindo dormir de tanto tentar pensar positivo pro meu dia chegar logo. :lol:
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-09-15 00:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaMedical in Rio

Realmente, me enganei no valor do exame médico, foi R$150 mesmo. No total gastei R$480 com o médico, incluindo meu exame preventivo que fiz para levar para o Dr. Joaquim.

O preventivo pode ser feito pela minha ginecologista mesmo?
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-09-25 01:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrazilians I need HEELLLPPP!!!!
The certified translators have a computer program that allows them to put any document into its original format and only change the language it's in. Most of the time it'll look a lot like the original document!!
You can translate it yourself and send it back to them right away and that will save you some time. There's now rule you have to get a certified translation.... just go with your instincts I guess :P

Edit: Certified translators are not the only ones who have that computer program. The guy that translated my proof of meeting had it and he wasn't certified.... so you should pretty much ignore my first sentence! lol

Edited by MrMrsKnight, 28 September 2006 - 09:55 PM.

MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-09-28 21:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaEntrevista das Brasileiritchas trio

Hello girls!!!!
I'm glad to know everything is doing well here...
My interview will be November 12st!!!!
Um abracao pra vcs!!!! PARABENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm happy for you and for me :lol: Your interview date makes me a little more hopeful about getting an appointment before Christmas!
Good luck!!! :star:
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-09-28 21:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaEntrevista das Brasileiritchas trio
Girls.... when my time comes I'll be as nervous as all of you put together!!! :P
Parabéns Jana... todas nós estávamos torcendo por você!!!!!! :thumbs: :dance:
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-09-28 21:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaEntrevista das Brasileiritchas trio

Has anyone heard from Jana??

nope :( I hope everything worked out for her. I'm exhausted so I'm off to bed. I hope tomorrow we have good news from her.
Good night all (F)

I hope so... poor girl is probably so stressed.... :(
Boa noite Nessa :star:
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-09-27 19:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaEntrevista das Brasileiritchas trio
Has anyone heard from Jana??
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-09-27 19:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaEntrevista das Brasileiritchas trio
Estou MUITO feliz por vocês!!!!!!!! Nossa to até chorando!!! hehe.... Que emoção boa... nossa meu coração está acelerado :luv:
Parabéns meninas.... vocês merecem!!!

Espero que tudo dê certo para a Jana tbm!!! :star: (F)
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-09-26 11:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaEntrevista das Brasileiritchas trio
Boa sorte meninas! Desejo tudo de melhor pra vcs!!!
Estarei aqui com pensamentos bem positivos e esperando notícias suas!!!!
:P :P :dance: :luv: :star: (F) (L) ;)
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-09-25 01:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaAffidavit of Support - Question 11
I'll put NO as well
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-09-30 21:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHelp with DS 230!
Oh okay.... good idea! :thumbs:
Well... I'm ready to send everything out tomorrow... hoping for a good interview date!! :star:
Wish me luck!!!!!!! :yes:

BTW.... David, send Val a kiss from me (F)

Edited by MrMrsKnight, 03 October 2006 - 01:05 PM.

MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-10-03 13:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHelp with DS 230!
Thank you! :thumbs:

What about nº 22.... "In what occupation do you intend to work in the US"?
I'm gonna work at David's brother's pizza restaurant.... but only when I get my permit. Do I put anything there? :huh:
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-10-03 06:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHelp with DS 230!
Question 23 says: List below all educational intitutions attended.
* I haven't been to college yet... do I have to list all the schools I studied at?
* An English course falls under "all educational institutions"... do I have to list that as well?
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-10-03 03:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaNessitcha & Charlitcho
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Parabéns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :luv:

Edited by MrMrsKnight, 02 October 2006 - 01:56 PM.

MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-10-02 13:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaNessitcha & Charlitcho
I'm sure they'll get it.... but I'm nervous anyway! :P
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-10-02 08:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaNessitcha & Charlitcho
Good luck you two!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll be here praying for you :luv:

Edited by MrMrsKnight, 01 October 2006 - 07:39 PM.

MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-10-01 19:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBRAZIL - Portuguese or English forms for Consulate?
I'm doing everything in English.....
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-10-07 21:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaSending Packet 3 before receiving
She needs to send the following forms to the consulate:
- DS-2001 signed
- DS-230 (just part 1) signed
- 1 passaport picture
- copy of passport's information page (first 4 pages)

About the police certificate, it really depends on where she's from. My dad also works for the police and he said she doesn't need anything from the consulate in order to request the certificates. All I had to take was my ID and I had to pay R$14,00 for the state police. She could call them and ask what she needs to present when requesting the "Atestado de Antecedentes".
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-11-02 17:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaWell... Dodged a Bullet... a BIG Bullet
YaY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:
Congrats!! :thumbs: :star: :P :D
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-11-07 17:09:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPolice certificate
It really depends on the state. It usually takes 15 days from the time you request them.
They told me to come back and pick it up in 15 days, but my dad went back there one week after I had requested them and they were already done, just waiting for me.
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-10-31 00:17:00