Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiritchas
I'm actually having a big party and decided to invite people I haven't seen in years. It's a good way to reconnect I think. They were all part of my life at some point and I love what each one of them represents...
That's just me though... I have a cousin that feels the same way you feel about that kinda stuff. :P
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-10-07 21:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiritchas
Que bom Laura!!!!!!! Ótimos presentes :dance:
Sempre foi meu sonho ter uma cama daquelas.... a nossa é normal mesmo, tipo cama box.
Mesmo tendo espaço limitado nas malas, vou fazer um chá de panela aqui... levo comigo algumas coisas e minha família manda o resto. Acho que vou ganhar um conjunto de panelas, aparelho de jantar, algumas coisas de cama e toalhas.
É tão chato não poder ser "normal" e ganhar um montão de presentes! :P
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-10-04 12:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiritchas
Parabéns Carol!!!!!!!!!!! Que xik hein.... :dance: :star:
Demorou uns 6 meses pra você receber né? Esse é o tempo médio mesmo?

Mudando de assunto..... alguma de vocês aqui tem Orkut (além da Carol, que já tenho na minha lista)??
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-10-03 20:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiritchas
Yeah I'm pretty sure Laura agrees with me... it really doesn't matter it's a rental. It's even more special to think everything we'll have someday will be built from scratch by both of us together. :P
It was just funny for some reason... hehe
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-10-03 01:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiritchas

Our first home is a rental though. :P

:lol: So is ours!!
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-10-02 16:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiritchas

Isn't it an amazing feeling? I mean, we're both leaving our parent's house and moving into our own house! Yay!

hehe Yeah it's an amazing feeling!! David and I lived together before, but never in our own house, by ourselves. But that is gonna be just ours you know... my living room, my bedroom, my house. I love the idea of him coming home from work everyday and actually having our home to come back to. It's the first big step or symbol towards forming our family and our life together, and it means the world to me. :P
It's hard to explain, but I'm sure you understand it! :luv:
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-10-02 09:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiritchas
I though I had already said this too but I haven't! I'm not trying to steal you thunder Laura... hehe... but David found us a house too!!!!!! :dance: It's a small one bedroom house too, but it's perfect for us and I'm so happy.... everything feels so right you know!
Laura, you probably feel just like I do right now.... like your first house with the love of your life! It's very exciting and romantic in a way! :luv:

I tell him we're grown ups now... hehe...

Edited by MrMrsKnight, 01 October 2006 - 07:44 PM.

MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-10-01 19:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiritchas
Today there was an accident involving 2 airplanes... one of them was Gol, the other one I don't know yet. One airplane is still missing... I hope all of our girls are okay and I hope they weren't traveling today!!

I also pray for everyone that was involved in the accident, and their families.... (F)
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-09-29 19:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiritchas
Edit: I just saw your previous post Laura... I'm glad you got the same answer I just gave you... hehe it means it's probably right! :P
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-09-28 20:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiritchas
Laura, conversei com minha amiga hoje e expliquei a situação todinha. Ela me disse que seu nome só consta no sistema da airline estrangeira por enquanto. Uns dias antes da viagem, eles passam a lista de nomes pra Gol, porque é assim que codeshare funciona. Ela também me disse que você deve receber uma confirmação de que seu nome consta nessa lista, e que se não receber nada de uma das airlines, pode ir direto ao balcão da Gol umas horas antes do vôo e lá eles vão saber que você estará voando com eles. De acordo com ela, somente a Gol tem codeshare com a outra airline nesse trecho da sua viagem.... então não tem erro.
Espero que eu tenha ajudado! Se você precisar de mais qualquer coisa ou se eu esqueci de mencionar alguma coisa tbm, me fala!! :thumbs:
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-09-28 20:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiritchas

Pense positivo. Eu vou torcer por você. Afinal teu caso é mais antigo, tá na hhora da entrevista, poxa :angry:
Não esqueça, veja pela DHL quando chega no Rio, mande o PAcket3 no dia seguinte por sedex10 que também dá pra reastrear e aí, soube que chegou lá espere 1 dia e ligue para saber da entrevista. Fique em cima!
Boa sorte (F)

aww Lis, I saw you included our interview at the calendar, thank you so much. Beijos!! (F) :dance: (F)

Valeu Nessa! Vou seguir seu conselho direitinho! :P :thumbs:
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-09-28 14:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiritchas
Laura, deixei recado com minha amiga e ela vai me ligar assim que receber!!
Enquanto isso, boa sorte aí tentando resolver tudo! :thumbs:

Nessa, pois é... eu li o seu post sobre a remarcação da entrevista! Por isso que fiquei preocupada. Se eles te disseram que só poderiam marcar pra agora ou pro fim de novembro, acho que vai ser muita sorte minha conseguir alguma coisa pra antes do Natal! Mas... vou continuar rezando pra tudo dar certo!
E vcs rezem por mim tambem meninas!!!!! :P
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-09-28 10:45:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiritchas

Laura, roda a baiana e diz que você vai processar! Código do consumidor já! :lol:

Seriously, misinformation é pouco. Que palhaçada é essa? Eu também ficaria p da vida. Tomara que Mrs. Knight consiga te ajudar.

Aliás, Mrs. Knight, boa sorte no consulado do Rio!

Ai valeu!! Espero que tudo dê certo e eu consiga passar o Natal, ou Ano Novo lá :luv: É a minha meta... hehe... vai ficar meio apertado (tem alguém aqui no fórum com entrevista pra novembro já...) mas espero que eu consiga!!
Já estou com o Packet 3 prontinho aqui pra mandar assim que o Consulado receber meu caso! :P
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-09-27 23:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiritchas
AHHHHHHHHH NVC mandou minha petição pro Rio hoje!!!
Ai meu Deus to tão feliz!!! :dance: Give me the happy dance :P

Laura, tenho uma amiga que trabalha na Gol (o pai dela é chefe da Gol aqui de Vitória). Amanhã ligo pra ela e me informo sobre sua bagagem! Se vc quiser me mandar alguns detalhes da sua viagem (tipo nº do vôo...) pode me mandar uma mensagem.
Amanhã posto aqui o que ela me disser! :thumbs:

Bem-vinda JaJo!!! :thumbs:
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-09-27 19:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiritchas

Senhora Knight :) já era hora de você se juntar as meninas super poderosas do VJ :lol: Agora que você tem seu RDJ é sinal que tudo vai ser rápido :) tenho certeza que sua entrevista vai ser antes do Natal :yes:

hehe Senhora.... aiai daqui um tempo eu vou ser uma mulher casada.... quem diria!!! hehe
Agora que tenho meu RDJ, já me sinto mais parte desse grupinho de gente boa :P
Espero que você esteja certa e minha entrevista seja antes do natal mesmo.... seria um sonho!!!! :luv:
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-09-26 12:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiritchas
Recebi meu RDJ number hoje.... to tão feliz!! :P
Tenho que começar a visitar essa parte do forum com mais frequencia... fico mais no Off ou K1 e perco todas as conversas boas que rolam por aqui!
Prometo que venho mais vezes pra encher o saco de vcs :D
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-09-26 01:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiritchas
Vc viram o fim do vídeo quando eles mostram o cara dentro da água de costas pra praia? Dá pra ver a coisinha dele :lol:
E ela tirando a sunga dele e se esfregando nele no meio da areia..... :no:
Pode até fazer :innocent: :devil: ... mas olha pra ver se não tem ninguém por perto, né?
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-09-21 20:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiritchas
Também estou olhando uns modelos de vestido... as ainda não decidi nada! Dave e eu estamos decidindo que tipo de casamento vamos ter primeiro (e em qual época do ano tampem, né?)!
Mas meu computador está lotado de fotos de vestidos... hehe Vou mandar fazer aqui no Brasil, antes de ir.
Quando souber qual vai ser, posto aqui! :thumbs:
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-09-17 20:22:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americaporque los hombres son mentirosos??
I used to speak Spanish fluently... but after I learned English I just forgot how to speak Spanish. I guess it's not like riding a bike :P
Here's some information on Catalan:

Catalan IPA: is a Romance language, the national language of Andorra and co-official in the Spanish autonomous communities of Balearic Islands, Valencia (under the name Valencian) and Catalonia. Spain has the majority of active Catalan speakers. It is spoken or understood by as many as 12 million people who live not only in Andorra and Spain, but also in parts of southwestern France (most of Pyrénées Orientales) and in the city of Alghero in Sardinia, Italy.

It shares many features with both Spanish and French, and is the language nearest to Occitan. Indeed, when comparing the modern descendants of Latin, Catalan is often thought of as a transitory language between the Iberian Romance languages (such as Spanish) and Gallo-Romance languages (such as French), though this characterization is not strictly accurate.

And on Portuguese

In spite of the obvious lexical and grammatical similarities between Portuguese and other Romance languages outside the West Iberian branch, it is not mutually intelligible with them to any practical extent. Portuguese speakers will usually need some formal study of basic grammar and vocabulary, before being able to understand even the simplest sentences in those languages (and vice-versa):

Ela fecha sempre a janela antes de jantar. (Portuguese)
Ela fecha sempre a fiestra antes de cear. (Galician)
Ella cierra siempre la ventana antes de cenar. (Spanish)
Ella tanca sempre la finestra abans de sopar. (Catalan)
Lei chiude sempre la finestra prima di cenare. (Italian)
Ea închide întotdeauna fereastra înainte de a cina. (Romanian)
Elle ferme toujours la fenêtre avant de dîner/souper. (French)
She always shuts the window before dining.

Hijacking the thread are we? :P

Edited by MrMrsKnight, 13 November 2006 - 04:23 PM.

MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-11-13 16:21:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americaporque los hombres son mentirosos??

Gallego is so not a dialect of Spanish. It's clearly a dialect of Portuguese.

and i thought it was a wine maker :crying:

So did I!!! :lol:

Catalan is more similar to Spanish than Italian is, but less similar than Portuguese is. (89% similarity with Portuguese, 85% with Catalan, and 82% with Italian.)

And if Spanish sounds like Portuguese, I don't know what language I've been speaking for the last 21 years... 'cause it sounds nothing like Spanish:unsure: It's just like saying that Japanese and Chinese are alike. It might sound like it to us, but it's not true.
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-11-13 15:56:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrazil's kitchen

Ah sim, não tô falando de preparado pra fazer cookie não, tô falando dos que vem num rolo e você só corta e põe pra assar. Ficam chewie, molhadinhos, derrentendo, maravilhosos!

Esse pronto, que só precisa cortar, é cookie dough :thumbs:
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-12-16 21:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrazil's kitchen
Eu amo chocotone!!!! hehe Não gosto de panetone por causa das frutas secas... :P

Nunca posto receitas aqui né... hehe... que preguiça.... :blush:
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-11-22 02:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiritchas
QUOTE (LiszyandKenny @ Oct 22 2008, 06:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Marcy !!!! Que bom que vc apareceu smile.gif

Eu sempre acompanho as fotinhos que vc poe la no orkut.... ta linda viu ?

E menininho ne ? Ta chegando a hora.. que felicidade smile.gif

Eh menino sim.... Marcus Stradlin Knight! smile.gif

QUOTE (Nessa @ Oct 24 2008, 02:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Marcela, ta linda a tua barriga. Eu estou de 4 meses, nasce em Abril. Eu me sinto super cansada, sem vontade de sair da cama. Espero que logo eu comece a me sentir melhor, quero voltar pra academia que ja faz umas 6 semanas.

Eu me senti cansada no comeco.... mas agora no final da gravidez eu estou praticamente MORTA. Ainda to trabalhando normalmente, mesmas horas, mas semana que vem, na minha 36th semana, eu comeco a trabalhar menos. Aproveita cada fase..... eh mto bom!!! E ve se coloca fotos da sua barriga pra gente ver tbm.
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2008-10-25 00:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiritchas
Aih vai uma foto minha com 7 meses!

Attached Files

MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2008-10-21 19:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiritchas
Oi amores!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Que saudades!!!!!!!!
Estou passando pra deixar um beijo e dizer que falta pouco pro meu baby nascer. Umas 4 semanas soh. Talvez o medico tenha que induzir, porque ele estah crecendo mto. Estou ficando nervosa.... mas minha mae estah vindo pra cah dia 9 de novembro, entao estou mto feliz tbm!
Quando ela e minha irma foram tirar o visto, minha mae passou, mas minha irma foi negada! Ve se pode..... Estou com tanta saudade da minha pequenininha.... mas pelo jeito vou ter que esperar ateh o proximo ano pra ve-la de novo.
Nessa.... estou sabendo q vc tbm estah esperando um baby!!! Como estah se sentindo e com quanto tempo vc estah?

Attached Files

MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2008-10-21 19:23:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Fiancee' Visas at NVC
Can I call too?? I know that they say only the USC can call the USCIS but I'm not sure that's true about the NVC.... if anyone knows, please let me know! :thumbs:
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-09-14 01:15:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Does everyone feel this way??

i think he meant infidel. i like it too. why didnt i think of it lol

by the way, i know its too late now but, why didnt you consider direct consular filling? if he lived in brasil more than 12 months , i think you could do that. but i guess you were also misinformed like my wife and i. we filed the i129f k3 visa petition 5 months late, because we were told it was for fiances only by the town hall marriage consular and the immigration.

my wifes brother got married in japan it took his wife about 40 days to get her cr-1, the enbassy in japan didnt require 12 months stay for the american citizen.

DCF was unfortunately wasnt offered for Ankara. they said they abondened it 3 years ago. now the american citizen must live 12 months in turkey to be eligable for dcf.

maybe there is still a way for you to do DCF since he lived in brazil for 2 years and its still recent.

He wasn't a resident here, he had a tourist status and I don't think it's possible to go the DCF route that way. Also, he couldn't work here and money was tight... it didn't feel right having to ask for help from our families all the time. They gave us everything for two years.... it was time to do the right thing. :yes:

Now I only have to wait for NVC to send the case to the embassy and then for them to give me an interview date. I hope it doesn't take too long!
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-09-15 01:31:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Does everyone feel this way??

i like your screen name

Infidel's or mine? :P
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-09-15 00:45:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Does everyone feel this way??
I'm so scared of being stuck at NVC! I know I shouldn't be.... every USA x Brazil couple on VJ had their cases sent to the embassy very quickly but I'm so scared.
Ugh I feel so weak for letting this get to me like it has. :blush: But yeah.... I can't help it! :crying:
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-09-14 23:56:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)GREAT!!! NVC is now swamped with petitions!

I just hate you guys are having to go through this long wait at the NVC process now, the long wait at the USCIS, was long enough, geeezzzz, good luck to all of you and wishing you the best :luv:


Thank you.... it is frustrating to spend 6 months waiting to be approved so things will move faster, just to get the NOA2 and realize NVC is getting slower. :P
I can't complain so much... it's only been 16 days for me. I guess I'm just very scared I'll have to wait a lot longer. :wacko: I hope not!
Good luck to all of us!!
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-09-22 01:48:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)GREAT!!! NVC is now swamped with petitions!

I got through in just a couple minutes but she seemed puzzled when I told her by noa2 was on the 9/11 and I was calling already. She goes 'I dont see you in the system, did you get a letter from us?'.


wait, edited because I didn't read properly!

Yeah, it seems to be taking a lot longer now. At least we are out of the CIS pinata!

Are we?? :unsure:
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-09-21 20:05:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)From CSC to NVC

I know it is very hard waiting for the next step in this long and stressful process. But there is nothing we can do to expedite. Calling USCIS will only generate more frustration because they will give standard replies. Since a load of K1 cases were approved in the first week of Sept. at CSC. They will all be shipped to NVC in batches. It is possible that our files have already arrived at NVC, but not appearing in their computer system because of the backlog.

I am in the same boat as yours. I am also very anxious. Actually I can hardly get sound sleep. I amtrying to divert my mind to other vain so far.

I know.... I'm having a lot of trouble sleeping! I need to relax.... hehe
Everything you said there makes sense and I agree with you, but it's hard to relax when I know that Christmas is coming and one week could make a HUGE difference.
Good luck to us!! :thumbs:
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-09-20 23:30:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)From CSC to NVC

How can we possibly contact them to know why the he*l they're not sending out petitions to the NVC?
The CSC doesn't reply to emails anymore... so I guess we can call them and ask. Well I can't, because I'm not the USC.
The last VJ case NVC received from CSC was approved on Sep 1st, but there are a lot of cases that were approved before that and are still stuck there.
Like we didn't have to wait enough to get our approvals....

have the US Citizen petitioner call and email NVC.

You probably meant USCIS, right? Because the NVC I can call and email myself.... and trust me I do it often!
As I've said it before, the problem (or my problem) is not NVC... the problem is that CSC is holding our petitions there for a long time instead of sending them out!
And yeah I'll have him call the USCIS (they don't reply to emails anymore)!

MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-09-20 23:01:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)From CSC to NVC

Our case was NOA2 on Aug 30 and was just sent to Consulate this Monday. I called NVC 1 time a week to check the status. The NVC is fairly easy to call and you are not on hold very long.

The NVC tends to vary in time doing a background check.

I would give them a call 1 or 2 times a week, they will either say "Administrative Review" or Has been sent on.

Don't feel too upset, In my case the petition will arrive in China and be held up at customs clearance for 1-2 months before even reaches the consulate.

I'm not upset yet, just anxious! And I'm not complaining about how long it takes NVC to do their service... I'm complaining about CSC not sending our cases to NVC. These are two different things :thumbs:
I know it's easy to call the NVC and I'm doing it often... but it annoys me to know that we're all stuck at the Service Center, that's all. :star:
I thought having my NOA2 meant not having to rely on USCIS... but as we can all see, that's not the case so much anymore.
Anyway.... it's only been 2 weeks... I'll wait to b*tch more if they haven't received my case in a couple of weeks. Hopefully that'll not be the case!

Edited by MrMrsKnight, 20 September 2006 - 08:50 PM.

MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-09-20 20:47:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)From CSC to NVC
How can we possibly contact them to know why the he*l they're not sending out petitions to the NVC?
The CSC doesn't reply to emails anymore... so I guess we can call them and ask. Well I can't, because I'm not the USC.
The last VJ case NVC received from CSC was approved on Sep 1st, but there are a lot of cases that were approved before that and are still stuck there.
Like we didn't have to wait enough to get our approvals....
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-09-20 20:16:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)help.. nvs questions
As Mew said, at the NVC they'll assign a case number, run security checks and then send your case to the Consulate in Russia.
That Consulate will send your fiance a Packet 3. You won't get any Packet but you'll have to work on the Affidavit of Support that you'll send your fiance so she can take with her to the interview.
Check the link Mew gave you and you'll have better answers there! Good Luck!! :thumbs:
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-09-24 13:26:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)emailing NVC instead of calling

I was told to wait two weeks after my approval before contacting NVC. We held out for 11 days and then called and found out our petition was being sent to Montreal that day. It usually takes a bit for petitions to get to NVC, it isn't an instant thing.

Best wishes for all those waiting :)

Yeah... the only problem is that it really seems CSC has stopped sending cases to NVC for awhile. It was going kinda fast in August... but September it turning out to be a very slow month.
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-09-23 23:24:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)emailing NVC instead of calling
I wish they'd work on Saturdays.... I wanna call and see if they got it :P

Edited by MrMrsKnight, 23 September 2006 - 09:51 PM.

MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-09-23 21:47:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)emailing NVC instead of calling

Check your USCIS account and see if you had a touch after your approval date. Normally that indicates that it has been sent by the Service Center. Once you see that it is at the NVC, it just means that they haven't entered it in the system. I was approved on August 31st, had a touch on September 2nd and received the same response you did until it was entered into the NVC system on September 14th. Try giving them a call and see if it hasn't been entered yet. Good luck!

Yeah I call them every other day.... still nothing ;)
MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-09-22 13:09:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)emailing NVC instead of calling
This is the email I got:

Good Afternoon,

Your inquiry indicates that the approved petition has been forwarded to the National Visa Center (NVC) for processing. The NVC has not yet received this petition from CIS (Citizenship and Immigration Services).

National Visa Center

MrMrsKnightFemaleBrazil2006-09-22 03:16:00