K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers
Congratulations Kyle!!!! :D
Mateo&RaquelMalePeru2012-08-03 02:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers
Wow..some of the filers are getting noa2's???!! Thats great, no matter where their petition was sent! I know they are happy! :)..Lets keep faith, everyone. This time waiting seems like forever, but when we are finally in the arms of our love, this time will seem as if it were only a flash. My favorite quote: EL AMOR LO PUEDE TODO! >> LOVE CAN DO ANYTHING!! :)

**may filers** ...darn phone :P
Mateo&RaquelMalePeru2012-07-25 23:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers
Thank you! :) I'm sure something will open up soon. I'm going to take it as God having a bigger and better job for me waiting right around the corner. :)... Now, it's just trying to keep myself busy so as Im not thinking about this waiting period and being apart until interview. Thank God for skype and cell phones. :)
Mateo&RaquelMalePeru2012-07-18 12:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers
You are in my thoughts and prayers. Don't give up hope, the power of prayer is Amazing, and you've got a lot of people praying for you two. Last year, before my second trip to Peru, I recieved a heartbreaking phonecall from my Raquel. She had two large ovarian sists. She couldnt even move at times because of the pain. I was horrified because all I wanted to do was be ther to hold her in my arms and tell her everything was going to be ok. I felt helpless. At first, the doctor thought gallstones, the when doing an ultrasound, he found it was two large sists on her ovaries. After a few tests, he said that he needed a biopsy to check if the sists were cancerous. I had my family praying, my church, co-workers, you name it. Raquel was a little miffed at God at the time, because her little 8 month old half sister died after she had prayed and prayed and prayed for her. I told her that I didnt understand why her sister jad to die. A was praying for her too, but there are things in this world that we will never be able to understand. I finally was able to get Raquel to pray with me. I told God that in His Word, He says that where two or three are gathered in my name, I will be there. I told God that I didnt understand about Raquel's sister, but only He did, but Raquel and I, along with many others, were coming to Him and asking Him to heal my little Raquel. I prayed that those doctors would be baffled and not find anything at all, and told God that I had faith and believed in Him and his Word. Two weeks went by, and they seemed like eternity, but I kept faith. Raquel called me crying, after her follow heart sank until she told me that hear tears were happy, due to four doctors COULDNT FIND ANYTHING AT ALL. AS IF NOTHING HAD EVER BEEN THERE. They also stated that her ovaries looked excellent. I STARTED CRYING TOO! ..DONT GIVE UP FAITH, PAL! God can do Anything!
Mateo&RaquelMalePeru2012-07-18 12:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers
Hopefully things will move swiftly and smooth like for us VSC'ers. October will be here before we know it. But sometimes one day away from my Raquel feels like 1000 years. We gotta keep each other on our toes and in good spirits! We're gonna make it!! :)...By the way, anyone who doesn't mind, please say a prayer for me. Before Raquel and I filed our petition in May, I lost my job due to a lay off. That's not a good feeling at all, especially while we are in our K1 process. The good news is that my parents were going to co-sponsor Raquel and I anyway. Our lawyer said we have absolutely nothing to worry about and that everything will still be just fine. So I'm not so worried about that affecting our case. But I still need a job. I have some really good job prospects lined out, my applications and resumes are in, and hoping to find out something soon. It will be so much better when I am working again. With no job at the moment, all that is in my head is this process and the waiting. It can make you go crazy. And I know Raquel is worried as well. It would be do refreshing to call her and be able to tell her I've landed a new job. The best thing about that though is Raquel has been by my side this whole time, encouraging me and believing in me. I'm so blessed. I don't know what I would do without her. Thank you Lord for putting such an Amazing woman in my life!!! I guess that is what helps get me through this waiting..hehe! EL AMOR LO PUEDE TODO!!!! That means Love can do Anything! :) Good Night everyone! :)
Mateo&RaquelMalePeru2012-07-18 02:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers
Thanks Patty! It's great to be here. It's like a big deep breath of fresh air to be connected with people in the same boat. Whenever I get asked by or talk to someone about our visa process, I get looked at like I'm from another planet. Now I can come here and everyone now exactly what I'm talking about. :)
Mateo&RaquelMalePeru2012-07-17 10:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers
Mateo here! My fiance Raquel(Peru) and I filed in May as well..filed May 11.. NOA1 was May 15...we're really excited!!

Vermont Service Center
October 9, 2009: met online
November 15, 2009: started relationship
October 29 -November 15, 2010: went to Peru, met Raquel and her family in person, became engaged
August 17 - October 9, 2011: Went back to Peru to stay with Raquel and her family for a little while
October 17, 2011: Hired Immigration Attorney, Lawrence R. Holmes, and began the k1 process
Feburary 25 - March 11, 2012: went back to Peru to be with my beautiful Raquel
May 9, 2012: sent documents to attorney
May 11, 2012: I129F was filed
May 15, 2012: Acceptance at Vermont Service
May 21, 2012: Hard copy of NOA1, acceptance date May 15, mailed date May 17.

Our paralegal said that we should hear about the NOA2 between October 15, 2012 and November 1, 2012. :)

Attached Files

Mateo&RaquelMalePeru2012-07-14 22:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNow totally confused
Contact Mr. Lawrence R. Holmes ... is our immigration attorney and is AMAZING!! The paralegals who handle the cases never fail to relpy to any question we have. Even when our questions may seem crazy. If you hire him, he also gives a discount to you if you re-hire him for the Adjustment od Status process. He is based in California as well..I believe you can call for a free consultation..I know I did. Many people do not use lawyers, but then again, it is also very helpful when you have some, LEGIT, representing your case. Just visit the website and look over his services. :) GOD Bless and welcome to the journey!! :)
Mateo&RaquelMalePeru2012-07-25 17:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Interview Date
I dont know about other countries, but I know Peru allows you to be in the room with your fiance/e. As a matter of fact Ive been told it is always best to be there, so I will be with my fiancee at our interview. :)
Mateo&RaquelMalePeru2012-08-01 13:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSome K-1 Visa questions!!
Jude97, wait...The visa is being made for entry into the US, so yes, for Peru, the birth certificate must be translated and notorized. I was just reading over an email from the paralegal working our case, and she stated that this was the reason for sending one of the translations with our packet. I'm sorry for the confusion.
This is a stressful process, but dont worry, everything will turn out fine. In my opinion, the most stressful part is the waiting, but when you look at the outcome, it is totally worth it all. :)
Mateo&RaquelMalePeru2012-08-03 07:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSome K-1 Visa questions!!
We sent one translation with our packet, but I believe they will only be used state side. No worries. :)
Mateo&RaquelMalePeru2012-08-03 07:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSome K-1 Visa questions!!
I had 3 translations made of Raquel's birth certificate. I believe you only need 2 though. We sent one in the petition packet and we will need the other for the AOS here in the States. I had 3 made in case we needed an extra..its better to be safe than sorry. :)
Mateo&RaquelMalePeru2012-08-03 01:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSome K-1 Visa questions!!
The birth certificates need to be original(fiancee) and translated into English with notorized certification..I believe this will mainly be used for stateside, but I will double check to make sure..My fiancee and I both called and asked the embassy this and they said yes, as well as my lawyer. I was told to get three. If you are interested I can give you information on the translation was less than $100 for all three copies. Very vast too. But I want to double check then i will come back. And welcome to the journey. :)
Mateo&RaquelMalePeru2012-08-03 01:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhy are the people here so RUDE??? :(
Thanks Celeste! And everything went GREAT at the job interview! I start my new FULLTIME job on Monday, Thank God!! :dance:
Mateo&RaquelMalePeru2012-08-04 13:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhy are the people here so RUDE??? :(
HEYYY!!!!!!!!! I posted this thread in order to explain that I was not advertising for my lawyer, nor was I a spammer. I can see how my other topic was taken that way, and I apologized. I mentioned "rude" in this topic due to the fact that someone stated it that it must be great to have the resources to hire a lawyer AND THAT is when I felt it offensive, due to the fact I was sort of being stereo-typed as being rich or flaunting the fact I could pay for a lawyer...when in fact the truth is that I am just a down home country boy in south Arkansas, who was recently fired from my job because my racist boss didn't want anyone working for him who has anything to do with the Latino people, then he lied and stated that I was fired for misconduct, which was absolutely NOT TRUE..i've been unemployed since the month of april..have bills to pay such as anyone else, but by the Grace of God, my loving and caring family, and God's WONDERFUL blessing of having put my Beautiful Raquel in my life, I am making it just fine...and I just received a call for a job interview tomorrow, so I'm stoked! :dance:
I now see how I violated the TOS, however, by accident...but I vented off due to being accused of being a spammer, working for my attorney, a possible "rich kid," etc...especially after being lied about and wrongfully accused by my recent employer.....Though I will state, I understand that hiring a lawyer does not and cannot make our process any faster than everyone else, but with all of the stress I have had over the past 6 months with my recent job, I would have easily made a mistake, such as the couple in my previous topic did...I did not want that to happen and wanted to have I hired my lawyer..and in my opinion that is why I say its a good idea to have and experienced K1 visa attorney...I did an extensive amount of research on different law firms before I made my decision..and I for one know that I was not duped by him. With that being said, not everyone has to have a lawyer, but in My opinion, and in My situation, it is worth it.

As to the cuts to Americans...yes we can be rude or come off arrogant, but so can and are all other nationalities as well..we all have that tendency to be that way at times ..I am PROUD to be AMERICAN and I hope that you are PROUD of whatever nationality you may be as well! :) Let's not turn this site into a nationality bashing arena.

I and the mod have came to an understanding of the cause of the problem, and it has been resolved..let's keep it that way, folks, shall we?

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Take Care and God Bless!
Mateo y Raquel :)
Mateo&RaquelMalePeru2012-08-03 16:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhy are the people here so RUDE??? :(
William..i understand the tos now..but I did not recently just join vj, nor was this my first post..I have made several post since being here. If one wants to argue that fact, look at my profile and timeline. But Im not angry at anyone..i now see where one could think my post was an ad even though it was not..well..hope everyone has a good night..sorry for all the trouble. God Bles! :)
Mateo&RaquelMalePeru2012-08-02 21:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhy are the people here so RUDE??? :(
Well, sorry for the error on my part then..I can assure you in was not intentional..but they need to start paying attention to every post then, because ive seen others similar to mine..i mean geez, c'mon..if someone posts something that seems out of the ordinary then ask or tell the poster before acusing them of being something they are not. Im not angry, though..just people CAN say things without being so rude. Well, God Bless!
Mateo&RaquelMalePeru2012-08-02 21:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhy are the people here so RUDE??? :(
I know..but I was not advertising for his firm..I have read many posts where someone named a specific firm..I was meaning no harm..then people start stating that I must have good resources to hire a lawyer..IM NOT SOME SPOILED RICH BRAT..i lost my job back in april due to a racist employer and the fact.that my fiancee is from peru..he didnt think my relationship with my fiancee was a good idea..but it was none of his business and he told me that if I dont have a job then i wouldnt be in good shape to get three day i was let finances are not just great but by the Grace of God I am making it and my fiancee and I have a Love greater than anything in this world..My post was to help anyone who may want to consider hiring a firm...NOT TO CONSULT A PROSPECT.
Mateo&RaquelMalePeru2012-08-02 21:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhy are the people here so RUDE??? :(
I dont know where I should post ...but a few moments ago I posted a story and my opinion on why an immigration attorney can help...IT WAS MY OPINION..PEOPLE STARTED ATTACKING ME AS IF I SAID SOMETHING OFFENSIVE.. I posted thinking it would help others..but Ive noticed that lately when when I give wanted advice or help ive been critisized harshly for just my topics are locked because someone thinks it was spam or that I work for this people need to get a life..take a look at my profile and timelime and you can see I am one of you..MY FIANCEE AND I FILED AN I129f in May!!! I am not a spammer!!!! Thank you! Good night and God Bless!
Mateo and Raquel
Mateo&RaquelMalePeru2012-08-02 20:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust starting the K-1 process. Lawyer needed? Fees?
I have a lawyer and my fees were no where near $3740. Plus not everyone's case is the same. When looking for a lawyer, you do not just go for the best sounding firm you see.. Its called doing some research and being smart before hiring. People can find very helpful info here..and yes a person can do this on their own..but anyone can make a mistake, not just a lawyer. It all comes down to if the person feels better with a lawyer, or on their own. I was about to do this all on my own with info from others in this process, and then by the Grace of God, found out that I was very misinformed..So I for one am Very Glad I have a lawyer..and no Im not rich. In fact I have been unemployed for the last 3 employer fired me because my fiancee is latina..he said that he is doing me a favor because its not natural to be with someone from another race..well he did me a favor alright..Im about to be working with some amazing people and making a better living for Raquel and I :)...back to the topic..I just felt it was best for my fiancee and I to go with a lawyer, and it was for us. With that being said, the person filing needs to do what makes them feel the most comfortable. God Bless! :)
Mateo&RaquelMalePeru2012-07-27 23:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust starting the K-1 process. Lawyer needed? Fees?
If you do use an immigration attorney, i suggest Lawrence R. Holmes, He is our lawyer. His fee was $1795 and if needed for the aos he gives a discount since you hired him for the petition. There are no filing fees with him. He went through this same process, by himself, and realized how uninformed many people are about it. So he wanted to help others in the process. Many people here will tell you that you do not need a lawyer, but go with what makes you feel comfortable. People will say that a lawyer increases waiting time, but we all wait the same, my time has not increased due to hiring a law firm. Also when we have a question, whether it may be serious or not, his team never fails to reply all phone calls and/or emails if not same day then next day. AND THEY DO NOT CHARGE FOR CALLS. The $1795 was for everything. There is nothing hidden with them. Check the website and just see what you think. He also gives a free consultation. Someone else here at vj has used Mr. Holmes's law firm and experienced excellent results as well. Mr. Holmes's firm is not only a Lawyer and great team of Paralegals, but they have become our very good friends, too. You can't say that for most law firms. Remember, DO WHAT MAKES YOU FEEL COMFORTABLE. Good Luck and God Bless. :)
Mateo&RaquelMalePeru2012-07-27 13:26:00