IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
[quote name='abdcas' post='258441' date='Jun 18 2006, 12:38 PM']
[quote name='zethris' post='258341' date='Jun 18 2006, 10:32 AM']
[quote name='rlt' post='258227' date='Jun 18 2006, 09:51 AM']
I think no one is..
not even USCIS itself.

I wonder if they will respect the NOA1 dates.

They are not considering it to send the RFEs, that´s for sure.

Nope, I just found out they aren't. My friend who works at the lawfirm I am using as representation just came over for breakfast and told me that even though they were able to get them to start sending out RFE's sooner than 30 more days, the RFE's they are sending out are the ones they have on hand, and are most recent first which can take a month to get through. Then they will start sending us RFE's and will be processed in the order the RFE's arrive. So it's as if the NOA2 no longer matters. Once it goes back to the embasy, it will be put in the que in the order it was recieved in the very back of the line. So another 2-5 months wait once it arrives at the embasys before we get our interview dates.. So it's almost as if we haven't even applied yet. I expressed my outrage, and he explained that this is the kind of game they try to play. You ask them to do something and they do it half assed IF they even agree to it. So the next thing they are going to do is try to setup some meetings with some key folks (I have no idea who they are) at the DHS and work with them on implementing a true FIFO system to prevent this from happening again when they add You misunderstand a bit with your statement about somehow directing the USCIS. other new hairbrained laws.

[quote name='StevenJinky' post='258251' date='Jun 18 2006, 10:11 AM']
[quote name='top-gorilla' post='258031' date='Jun 17 2006, 10:23 PM']

Okay, me again. My knowledge of this deal is that it was done by people who really don't want to see men getting foreign women. They don't think it is fair, they don't like it.

I'll take issue with this. That is simply not accurate. As frustrating as everyone is feeling about the delays, let's be sensible about this. The days may soon be over for Mail-Order Bride services. That doesn't mean if you're an American dating a foreign woman, you can't bring her over. It just means if you bought her out of a catalog, you're going to have some 'splainin' to do to immigration. Illegal immigration is a whole other issue that is being debated and dealt with by politicans right now - let's not try to compare.

No in many ways that statement is accurate. There are many politicians who are exactly that way regardless of mail order or not. They are so xenophobic that they will be making it harder and harder to get anyone here. What StevenJinky said was just one group of the many xenophobe's that are causing such problems for us.

I disagree with your law firm because I don't believe that this law firm has that much power to direct the USCIS. Who paid for the breakfast? Further, the USCIS had the RFE template approved on June 13th, 2006 by the OMB. Following that they will reduce the template into the format required to get the needed information(s) from the specific applicant, then they will mail them out.

In my estimation the 1100 applications will completed soon (starting June 19th, 2006) and will be done in block and sent back to the embassy within two (2) weeks of the receipt of the petitioner's response because most of these people have paid the $100.00 to the respective embassy banks and done their medical which expires in a year.

There seems to be misunderstanding of the intent of IMBRA. The intent of this act is to have your foreign fiancé fully informed of whom you including your criminal background if any. Upon which she has to decide whether or not she wants you no matter how bad or how great you are. That decision is totally hers. So the best medicine is full disclosure before you apply for her.

This is a little daisy for those whose petitioner whose applications have been approved and their fiancé’s invited for an interview. They are forced to disclose these bad records to their fiancé even if they don’t want to because the cat is out of the bag already. I think the RFE meant for these 1100 petitioners must have a place to give these guys a face saving means of backing out because one does not give up his constitutional right to privacy to marry a foreign wife especially without notice. That may be why it taking a little longer to send these ones out.

The best thing is to call your congressman, remember the November election is near and every vote counts. Use your power in the ballot box, call.

Welcome to visajourney.

This law firm is over 180 years old, and does have quite a few people in political positions of power. Regardless of that, you seem to have the wrong impression of what their "clout" is doing. It's not directing the USCIS. I made the breakfast. This lawfirm is working WITH the USCIS through political means and pressures well played short of outright lawsuits. Yet.

Just because the template was approved on June 13th, doesn't mean it wont take the beureuacratic 30-60 days to become "official". Then another 30 days to sit on it before sending it out.

Your estimation is actually 9000 applications too low. over 10,000 are currently effected. If left to their own devices, we would not see any RFE's until mid July or beginning of August. However, that has been changed due to the leveraging that my friends, and many of you have been able to accomplish by contacting your congressmen and key officials in the DHS, and USCIS directly. (eg. your calls helped them to have an open ear to the right people, which is hard to do.)

With some of the red tape cut, and seemingly about to getout of this tunnel once the RFE's were sent, many of us were hopefull that we would see them next week or so. Instead, people have been noticing those with NOA1's and 2's much later than theirs getting notifications of RFE's. While many of us who were closer to the Marth 6th deadline haven't even heard word that we have been "officially effected" yet. (Such as myself)

Fast foward to today, reality strikes, and the real reason why those of us who have May and some April NOA's are getting RFE's sooner than those of us who have been in the process for 4 months to a year or more comes out. Thats not to say we should give up, or that I will have my "hounds" back off. Quite the contrary. If we can keep calling to keep the walls soft against the words spoken by them and those they can get to talk to the powers that be at the USCIS, they may see a way to make it fair for all. Or at least implement a new system of cataloging for future use so future petitioners don't have to suffer like this with future changes.

The complaint is not against IMBRA itself, it has it's usefullness. But it also has it's flaws in terms of the obvious political agenda it's writers and passers have. So the misunderstanding about the law doesn't exist. What was said is true. Just as much as the good parts of it that will help protect incoming fiances in the future. The major problem with it, is not the law itself, but how it is being implemented. The way they are doing it is reprehensable.

[quote name='rlt' date='Jun 18 2006, 12:51 PM' post='258463']
[quote name='zethris' date='Jun 18 2006, 01:39 PM' post='258444']
[quote name='Cigarovich' date='Jun 18 2006, 12:24 PM' post='258417']
[quote name='zethris' date='Jun 18 2006, 07:39 PM' post='258363']
[quote name='Aquelunya' post='258355' date='Jun 18 2006, 11:33 AM']
[quote name='zethris' post='258341' date='Jun 18 2006, 11:32 AM']
[quote name='rlt' post='258227' date='Jun 18 2006, 09:51 AM']
I think no one is..
not even USCIS itself.

I wonder if they will respect the NOA1 dates.

They are not considering it to send the RFEs, that´s for sure.

Nope, I just found out they aren't. My friend who works at the lawfirm I am using as representation just came over for breakfast and told me that even though they were able to get them to start sending out RFE's sooner than 30 more days, the RFE's they are sending out are the ones they have on hand, and are most recent first which can take a month to get through. Then they will start sending us RFE's and will be processed in the order the RFE's arrive. So it's as if the NOA2 no longer matters. Once it goes back to the embasy, it will be put in the que in the order it was recieved in the very back of the line. So another 2-5 months wait once it arrives at the embasys before we get our interview dates.. So it's almost as if we haven't even applied yet. I expressed my outrage, and he explained that this is the kind of game they try to play. You ask them to do something and they do it half assed IF they even agree to it. So the next thing they are going to do is try to setup some meetings with some key folks (I have no idea who they are) at the DHS and work with them on implementing a true FIFO system to prevent this from happening again when they add other new hairbrained laws.

[quote name='StevenJinky' post='258251' date='Jun 18 2006, 10:11 AM']
[quote name='top-gorilla' post='258031' date='Jun 17 2006, 10:23 PM']

Well zethris (and everyone else who got recalled) I urge you to take my advice and apply for an Expedite Request when you send in, or even before you send in your RFE. (see my post: Lost Link) If we get denied it will be more fuel for your class action lawsuit fire.

However, there is so much conflicting information out there please don't take offense if I take your breakfast conversation with a large grain of salt. But by all means keep digging!

oh absolutely! none taken. I understand. I had wished that, that which I have been doing could have had more of an effect, but this is a 6 headed hydra beast and unfortunatly I can seem to only fight 2 heads at a time. At the very least, I could say I helped to hopefully shave of 30 days from their intended time to begin sending RFE's. I just wish we had the foresight to request it was the RFE's that are being sent out now were based on the NOA1 and 2.

They are going to keep trying. I have good friends who are doing this all for free. But tick one more thing on the list of complaints on the class action should there ever be one.

You mean the RFEs they are issuing now are not about IMBRA?

Yes they are, except for the normal RFE's that come about when they do regular RFE's during a petitions process. (Need more pictures/evidence, missing information, request for originals etc.) But the majority of the RFE's logicaly would be from the IMBRA effects. However, becauswe normal RFE's are also being processed, there may be some of us who get one not related to IMBRA (but might later).
zethrisNot Telling02006-06-18 12:03:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
[quote name='Cigarovich' date='Jun 18 2006, 12:24 PM' post='258417']
[quote name='zethris' date='Jun 18 2006, 07:39 PM' post='258363']
[quote name='Aquelunya' post='258355' date='Jun 18 2006, 11:33 AM']
[quote name='zethris' post='258341' date='Jun 18 2006, 11:32 AM']
[quote name='rlt' post='258227' date='Jun 18 2006, 09:51 AM']
I think no one is..
not even USCIS itself.

I wonder if they will respect the NOA1 dates.

They are not considering it to send the RFEs, that´s for sure.

Nope, I just found out they aren't. My friend who works at the lawfirm I am using as representation just came over for breakfast and told me that even though they were able to get them to start sending out RFE's sooner than 30 more days, the RFE's they are sending out are the ones they have on hand, and are most recent first which can take a month to get through. Then they will start sending us RFE's and will be processed in the order the RFE's arrive. So it's as if the NOA2 no longer matters. Once it goes back to the embasy, it will be put in the que in the order it was recieved in the very back of the line. So another 2-5 months wait once it arrives at the embasys before we get our interview dates.. So it's almost as if we haven't even applied yet. I expressed my outrage, and he explained that this is the kind of game they try to play. You ask them to do something and they do it half assed IF they even agree to it. So the next thing they are going to do is try to setup some meetings with some key folks (I have no idea who they are) at the DHS and work with them on implementing a true FIFO system to prevent this from happening again when they add other new hairbrained laws.

[quote name='StevenJinky' post='258251' date='Jun 18 2006, 10:11 AM']
[quote name='top-gorilla' post='258031' date='Jun 17 2006, 10:23 PM']

Well zethris (and everyone else who got recalled) I urge you to take my advice and apply for an Expedite Request when you send in, or even before you send in your RFE. (see my post: Lost Link) If we get denied it will be more fuel for your class action lawsuit fire.

However, there is so much conflicting information out there please don't take offense if I take your breakfast conversation with a large grain of salt. But by all means keep digging!

oh absolutely! none taken. I understand. I had wished that, that which I have been doing could have had more of an effect, but this is a 6 headed hydra beast and unfortunatly I can seem to only fight 2 heads at a time. At the very least, I could say I helped to hopefully shave of 30 days from their intended time to begin sending RFE's. I just wish we had the foresight to request it was the RFE's that are being sent out now were based on the NOA1 and 2.

They are going to keep trying. I have good friends who are doing this all for free. But tick one more thing on the list of complaints on the class action should there ever be one.
zethrisNot Telling02006-06-18 11:39:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects

I think no one is..
not even USCIS itself.

I wonder if they will respect the NOA1 dates.

They are not considering it to send the RFEs, that´s for sure.

Nope, I just found out they aren't. My friend who works at the lawfirm I am using as representation just came over for breakfast and told me that even though they were able to get them to start sending out RFE's sooner than 30 more days, the RFE's they are sending out are the ones they have on hand, and are most recent first which can take a month to get through. Then they will start sending us RFE's and will be processed in the order the RFE's arrive. So it's as if the NOA2 no longer matters. Once it goes back to the embasy, it will be put in the que in the order it was recieved in the very back of the line. So another 2-5 months wait once it arrives at the embasys before we get our interview dates.. So it's almost as if we haven't even applied yet. I expressed my outrage, and he explained that this is the kind of game they try to play. You ask them to do something and they do it half assed IF they even agree to it. So the next thing they are going to do is try to setup some meetings with some key folks (I have no idea who they are) at the DHS and work with them on implementing a true FIFO system to prevent this from happening again when they add other new hairbrained laws.

Okay, me again. My knowledge of this deal is that it was done by people who really don't want to see men getting foreign women. They don't think it is fair, they don't like it.

I'll take issue with this. That is simply not accurate. As frustrating as everyone is feeling about the delays, let's be sensible about this. The days may soon be over for Mail-Order Bride services. That doesn't mean if you're an American dating a foreign woman, you can't bring her over. It just means if you bought her out of a catalog, you're going to have some 'splainin' to do to immigration. Illegal immigration is a whole other issue that is being debated and dealt with by politicans right now - let's not try to compare.

No in many ways that statement is accurate. There are many politicians who are exactly that way regardless of mail order or not. They are so xenophobic that they will be making it harder and harder to get anyone here. What StevenJinky said was just one group of the many xenophob's that are causing such problems for us.

this is vey disturbing, I must say I felt the anger rush through my whole being upon reading this post. these half-brained morons :ranting:

Yeah, my fury kind of shows with the bad writing I typed. Maybe when I calm down i'll edit it and type it out a bit better. But I don't see that happening any time soon.
zethrisNot Telling02006-06-18 10:39:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects

I think no one is..
not even USCIS itself.

I wonder if they will respect the NOA1 dates.

They are not considering it to send the RFEs, that´s for sure.

Nope, I just found out they aren't. My friend who works at the lawfirm I am using as representation just came over for breakfast and told me that even though they were able to get them to start sending out RFE's sooner than 30 more days, the RFE's they are sending out are the ones they have on hand, and are most recent first which can take a month to get through. Then they will start sending us RFE's and will be processed in the order the RFE's arrive. So it's as if the NOA2 no longer matters. Once it goes back to the embasy, it will be put in the que in the order it was recieved in the very back of the line. So another 2-5 months wait once it arrives at the embasys before we get our interview dates.. So it's almost as if we haven't even applied yet. I expressed my outrage, and he explained that this is the kind of game they try to play. You ask them to do something and they do it half assed IF they even agree to it. So the next thing they are going to do is try to setup some meetings with some key folks (I have no idea who they are) at the DHS and work with them on implementing a true FIFO system to prevent this from happening again when they add other new hairbrained laws.

Okay, me again. My knowledge of this deal is that it was done by people who really don't want to see men getting foreign women. They don't think it is fair, they don't like it.

I'll take issue with this. That is simply not accurate. As frustrating as everyone is feeling about the delays, let's be sensible about this. The days may soon be over for Mail-Order Bride services. That doesn't mean if you're an American dating a foreign woman, you can't bring her over. It just means if you bought her out of a catalog, you're going to have some 'splainin' to do to immigration. Illegal immigration is a whole other issue that is being debated and dealt with by politicans right now - let's not try to compare.

No in many ways that statement is accurate. There are many politicians who are exactly that way regardless of mail order or not. They are so xenophobic that they will be making it harder and harder to get anyone here. What StevenJinky said was just one group of the many xenophobe's that are causing such problems for us.

Edited by zethris, 18 June 2006 - 10:32 AM.

zethrisNot Telling02006-06-18 10:32:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects

Let's not be overly pessimistic here people. CSC has been on February 3 for 2.5 months now. My bet is that it's going to go through a jump again once it gets its procedure sorted out. Also, because some people have gotten NOA2s from before March from CSC, so I don't think Feb 3d is an accurate date.

I think that's a fair point and a good point of view. But it's pretty discouraging to see people from May at Vermont get notification that their RFE has already been sent out when people from March at CSC are still waiting waiting waiting.

Zethris, you're right. No one aside from people who were unfortunate enough to have their petitions recalled from the consulate have received any kind of official communication from USCIS indicating that we are affected by this. They seem to have taken the view from day one that not telling us anything is the way to go.

It may be that the majority of the applicants, they assume, are not DIY'ers like we are and aren't at this message board (or a few other competing ones) so they may think that lack of communication until an RFE arrives will lead the petitioner to believe this is all just a normal part of the process. Business as usuall. Very CIA/NSA skunkworks of them.

Honestly I would not be surprised if this is the case. The American Government plays on our ignorance all the time like this. Sneaking in laws, and policy changes without our true awareness. IMBRA is a sign of the times. But it's just one of many things that our government has been doing lately (last 12 years) across the board. Corporations own it now. So these slight handed new laws and policies will be more and more prevalent as the years go on.
zethrisNot Telling02006-06-17 09:51:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects

Saw online that they are sending my RFE. And yes, I don't have NOA2 yet. May 4th is my NOA1 date.

What service center are you?

I think we might have people receiving RFEs either tomorrow or monday, but definitely next week.
As the only people who got an email stating that RFE is on the way never got their NOA2, we need to wait and make sure this is actually about IMBRA.. I´m pretty sure it is, but at this time I don´t question anything...

They are supposed to be gearing up big time to get these out next week. But that doesn't mean many of us will see anything for a few weeks as they process all of these things. As far as I know nothing is going in any specific order anymore they are just trying to process everything as fast as possible to get through this mess.

As a matter of fact, oficialy I haven't recieved any notification that I have been effected at all by this either. However, due to the time when my NOA1 was, we fall well passed the march 6th "Deadline", so it is disconcerting to say the least when no one is hearing anything, AND the philippines embassy operator still thinks it's at the embassy. My greatest fear is they lose it and I have to start all over again.

Is there a way to get them to physicaly confirm it's still there rather than checking an easily flawed catalog?
zethrisNot Telling02006-06-17 08:27:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects

Yes this last Monday the 12th. I should have made that more clear.

I don´t knoe if the information you got is accurate, though.

There are people getting messages from USCIS saying a RFE was mailed yesterday.

Also, the public notice said they would start sending RFEs immediately and later, the form would become available.

I think they are already sending it, which would be great...!

Well 7-10 business days is standard response for "immediatly" with most companies in the world, minus the beaureucracy wait period for 30+ days in this case. That doesn't mean some could be sent sooner, and it also doesn't mean some wont be sent until next week sometime or past the 10 day timeline given. There are 10,000 that have to be looked at, and then sent out. They don't have an image scan of each of our 30+ pages of our cases, so they do have to be seen by eyes to ensure they need an RFE (some might have gotten recalled and shouldn't have been, for one example).
zethrisNot Telling02006-06-16 08:13:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects

I hated to be the pessimist in the midst of all the good news, but when they say 'immediate' RFE's, what exactly is the government's definition of 'immediate'?

If its the same as their BS 90 day timelines they're good at tossing out, I would assume 'immediate' would be about 3 weeks from now. :lol:

But since there's lots of spotlight on them now, that might nip that in the bud.

Well i'll jump in on this particular comment because it is part of what I have been working on this last week with my lawyers. They contacted the right people it seems and have been able to put a fire under the decision makers. Also, I had my friend Mitt Romney (Governer of MA) make a call and he did so along with my (our) legal representation out of New York.

Previously it was going to be 30 days before RFE's were going to be sent out because they wanted to wait until the official I-129F form was released. However, they already had the section about the background check approved. So with some leveraging, we should now see many of the RFE's begin to be sent in the mail within 7-10 business days as of this Monday. But because of the volume, there could be a slight delay.

We can thank that those who run the DHS and USCIS are still human and sometimes the too realize how stupid bureauacracy can be. So, they saw reason in the letter and communication they recieved and they updated the notice. But, even with this news, changes can still happen. Someone there could have a different opinion, or 10,000 RFE's in 7-10 days is not plausible. But, at least it seems to be a tiny bit more expidited and they will START sending them out sooner than 30 days.

As far as any class action goes, they have decided that at this time it wont really do much good. However they are going to keep an eye on the situation and will read these message boards for possible leads to the negative outcomes of this sudden policy change and for any future effects. Not for legal retribution, but for "bug fixing" so to speak in the programming code of new law.

By this monday you mean last monday, the 12th?


Yes this last Monday the 12th. I should have made that more clear.
zethrisNot Telling02006-06-16 06:38:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects

I hated to be the pessimist in the midst of all the good news, but when they say 'immediate' RFE's, what exactly is the government's definition of 'immediate'?

If its the same as their BS 90 day timelines they're good at tossing out, I would assume 'immediate' would be about 3 weeks from now. :lol:

But since there's lots of spotlight on them now, that might nip that in the bud.

Well i'll jump in on this particular comment because it is part of what I have been working on this last week with my lawyers. They contacted the right people it seems and have been able to put a fire under the decision makers. Also, I had my friend Mitt Romney (Governer of MA) make a call and he did so along with my (our) legal representation out of New York.

Previously it was going to be 30 days before RFE's were going to be sent out because they wanted to wait until the official I-129F form was released. However, they already had the section about the background check approved. So with some leveraging, we should now see many of the RFE's begin to be sent in the mail within 7-10 business days as of this Monday. But because of the volume, there could be a slight delay.

We can thank that those who run the DHS and USCIS are still human and sometimes the too realize how stupid bureauacracy can be. So, they saw reason in the letter and communication they recieved and they updated the notice. But, even with this news, changes can still happen. Someone there could have a different opinion, or 10,000 RFE's in 7-10 days is not plausible. But, at least it seems to be a tiny bit more expidited and they will START sending them out sooner than 30 days.

As far as any class action goes, they have decided that at this time it wont really do much good. However they are going to keep an eye on the situation and will read these message boards for possible leads to the negative outcomes of this sudden policy change and for any future effects. Not for legal retribution, but for "bug fixing" so to speak in the programming code of new law.
zethrisNot Telling02006-06-15 18:28:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects

QUOTE(americanwoman @ Jun 6 2006, 08:11 AM)
this is such a load of shite!!!
what is this "killing me", "suffering", "torture" c r a p?
all of you who are suffering, dying or being tortured OFF TO IRAQ RIGHT NOW!
and get yourself a reality check!

wow AmericanWoman I'm very proud of ya that you can handle your petition recall and interview cancellation with such ease and savoir faire, if I'm spelling it correctly. But who made you judge and jury of how other people such react emotionally to this unexpected stress? Or perhaps, as the Brits and Aussies say, you were just taking the pi$$? If that is the case I congratulate you on your absolutely poor taste.

It's ok. I am sure we all have to cope with this in our own way. For me, I get the mad mother bear syndrom (yet i'm a guy) and find out who can be made accountable for something they did to hurt me and mine. Thus why I am persuing legal action which is looking to be over and above just this one IMBRA thing, but to plant the seeds for future reform.

Sometimes others may lash out in a jealous rage, or others may feel overly sensitive when reading the very things they percieve they feel too. While others may cope with playing devils advocate with themselves and externaly in the forum.

This is a very stressful time for all of us, and I think the greatest support we can offer, is to allow us to all cope the way we feel we need to through this, even if that includes allowing for such comments like above on occasion.

Edited by zethris, 06 June 2006 - 10:10 AM.

zethrisNot Telling02006-06-06 10:08:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects

Only getting worse. I emailed them over 2 weeks ago. My Fiancee received her packet 3 a few days before that, and just finished filling out the papers last night at 1:00 in the morning. She sent them fast mail this morning, and a few hours later I receive the email saying that our case was returned. They also stated that they sent out packet 3 on May 10, and Returned our petition on May 12. They stated that she should not take any action at this time, meantime she mailed packet 3 a few hours before the email.

I just called the case status line, and there was no information regarding our case being returned. I can only hope that it is still on it's way and they will receive it very soon. I aslo hope the Consulate will file the papers returned from packet 3, and when they receive our petition back, they can then process the DS-230. Why does this have to be so difficult.

Yeah it really doesn't make sense on why this has to be so difficult for something so simple. No rational about it, there is really no excuse for the immagration process to be so rediculous. Larger things are done with MUCH less involved in this country.
zethrisNot Telling02006-06-06 09:10:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects


People have a right to be 'grandfathered' when something has been done contrary to the applicable law? Agreed that USCIS erred in approving some petitions improperly, but the appropriate remedy for that is to correct the error that was made. And that is what USCIS is doing. Doesn't ease the pain, but it does right the wrong.


Here, our rights, in my opinion, are being violated by the fact that we are not being grandfathered in for those of us who have already applied and been approved. ....

According to the information you present in your timeline, your fiancee never had an approved visa application to revoke.

Well now that the USCIS "officialy" knows, they can act upon it, and i am sure they want to immediatly train all staff on the changes and what this law means immediatly. Especially how the troublesooters plan to attack the flood of us coming in from both newly filed applications, and those of us who have had our already approved visa's revoked because of this. ...


I am speaking in terms of the people, not my current personal experience which hadn't gotten that far quite yet, but could very well have.

Readers of this thread - If you have not contacted your Congressperson or Senator, you must do so today. Tell them this abuse of applicants and lack of accountability by USCIS is not acceptable.

Sheep to the back of the visa line.

With all due respect, zethris: you are now all up in MY Kool-Aid, and you don't even know the flavor.

We are all trying to handle our immigration cases as best we can. It is ultimately our prerogative to decide which actions to take on our OWN cases. We do not work for you, we do not owe you or your agenda anything. I have already written to the CIS Ombudsman; the fact that I have chosen not to contact Rep. Kuhl or Senators Schumer and Clinton at this time is tactical--I may require their assistance on another, unrelated issue. I am simply picking my battles.

Your suggestion that those who elect not to pursue your favored course of action on their own cases should have their applications penalized is your own opinion, to which you are entitled. Airing it, however, has earned you 90 Rude Points, out of a possible 100.

Bottom line: you're not the boss of me. Adjust your attitude accordingly.

As for your secret civil liberties lawsuit, I share Pax's skepticism. I realize I'm not one of "the professionals," nor am I privy to the secret strategy conferences of your legal team, but from my view you might have a procedural due process claim, at most (FYI, I communicated the due process issue to the Ombudsman when I contacted him). Usually when there is some kind of procedural due process SNAFU, the remedy is at equity and not at law. That means that the erring party needs to FIX IT, which is what the relevant agencies are in the process of doing right now. As for a standard negligence claim, I admit that my plebian ignorance makes it too difficult for me to process that one, or to envision how such a claim might possibly be structured.

Which is just as well, since it's a secret.


A ticked-off Tigre

To brass tacks, you ARE doing something. You are doing something MUCH more than just posting on a message board. THAT was the point I was making about those that just want to be a devils advocate to make miserable an already miserable situation by being lucid, and complacent in something that many consider a cause for alarm and a cause for action. There are many faces of a troll, even one that is purposefully rude and condesending in a place that has a lot of people that need support, not more questions. You do not fall into this category. you misunderstood what I was saying. But you are not one of those who just sit idly by and do drive by commentary on a message board which goes no where.

You have contacted, and offered much valuable information and support to us.

Edited by zethris, 05 June 2006 - 06:28 PM.

zethrisNot Telling02006-06-05 18:23:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects

Bottom line: USCIS is charged with processing petitions in a timely manner. 90-120- who knows how many days is not a timely manner. This is a government agency, and as such is paid for by my tax dollars (and my application fees!).

Anybody remember "No taxation without representation"?? If memory serves, that particular issue led to some minor changes here in the USA :-)

There sure as hell is no applicant representation as far as USCIS goes. All there is, is stonewalling, obfuscation and hours hold time on the telephone for contract call center employees that know nothing.

They go home at night, every night, to their loved ones. I don't. And I have no idea when I will because of their lack of transparancy and inability to CARRY OUT THIER DUTY TO PROCESS APPLICATIONS.

Yes, I am not happy, yes I am willing to try to change the system for the better.

And thats what we should try to do. The trick would be to hopefully make changes for the future petitioners, should changes like these be made (and they probably will) so that this type of thing never happens again to people and their loved ones. This country was made on the idea of designing it to hopefully make it a much better place for their families present and future. In many ways they did. But that doesn't mean anything in present day when these things are being taken away in favor of someone trying to create job security for themselves (bureaucracy) and money wasted on irresponsible implementation of law.
zethrisNot Telling02006-06-05 15:40:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects

once you have NOA2, it's an approval. Those that have had it approved are in revokation status. However, it's a special consession that is being made to run an RFE on the Visa's that had been approved past the march 6th deadline. Some, actually are finding their final interviews canceled until further notice. Others even finished everything and were waiting for the visa in the mail, but had it canceled. Meanwhile they had quit their job in preparation to move, which is about as bad as it can get.

Please tell us where visas have been cancelled—actual visas, not approved petitions.

Second of all, the petitions have not been revoked. That's a whole other process. They've been recalled.

Last response to you for any of this:

They are in revoked status. That is what it is called. Yes they have been recalled, but placed under administrative revoked status. With the consession that they are not permanently revoked pending a time limit set on us (later) to send back the RFE. If they do not recieve the RFE, or the person that has had their visa returned doesn't get the notice in time to fulfill the RFE, them's the breaks and they have to start all over. While those may be few, there will be a few, and thats one of the many causes of the effect of the implementation of this law that is going to come from it all.

Ultimatly, someone has to take action more than just talking about it on the message boards. You can say and think what you want, but I propose that it's your kind of attitude that has put us in this sort of mess with such lack of control over our own government that was supposed to be made by US.
zethrisNot Telling02006-06-05 15:28:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects

I do hope you two wake up a bit and lay off the kool-aid.


Did you know we were supposed to get Kool-Aid? Hell, if I'd known, I'd have signed up for this whole immigration thing YEARS ago.



To our intrepid defender of human rights:

Please tell me, again, which civil liberties are being violated.

Also please explain to me how you intend to get a class-action lawsuit against the government off the ground before the problem is actually resolved—which, from everything I've read, should be happening fairly soon.

Finally, please tell me how telling you that you're wasting your time on this one amounts to a claim that everything is "hunky dory" in the United States.

because it's the lackadaisical attitude of the two of you who not only seem to be looking to troll in an already difficult situation, but is a sign of the times and state of the people in America who just sit by and not take matters back into their hands because they are too lazy to do anything more than talk about it, or act like a troll in a message board as some sort of "devil's advocate" knowing that they can get a rise out of the people that are suffering. I don't appreciate that, and I would like it to stop or please leave.
zethrisNot Telling02006-06-05 15:23:00
IMBRA Special TopicsK-1's Treated as Criminals While Illegals Live and Love

Well let's see, we have people coming to work in the United States to work jobs that the average born and raised American won't work. We have people coming to work in the United States because we don't have the "talent" or the "knowledge" for the job. Hmmmm, is it that we won't work the jobs or that we don't have the skills and knowledge to perform the other jobs, I think that it boils down to one thing and one thing only, corporate greed!!!

I don't blame anyone at all for wanting a better life, we all want that! I blame corporate America for selling out people, not just American people but people from all countries, all races, all religions. Think about the patrolium industry, yes people, it's a monopoly where they set the prices, the rules, the standards. Now think about corporate U.S., same thing applies, exploiting the people, no matter where they're from.

Just my thought, please don't blame people for wanting a better life.

Absoulutely, it's all about corporate greed. Largely the republican money machine is to blame for that part. It is still good for their bottom line to keep the boarders wide open, and allow a trickle of legal immagrants to come in. Take away that incentive with heavy fines (we are talking $10,000 per month fine per undocumented worker) and that will change very fast.

On the flip side, democrats have no incentive to allow anyone in. In further regards to the "civil rights" comment I made, Civil is the key word. (Of, relating to, or befitting a citizen or citizens) that does not include rights for incoming legal immigrants, and barely any for those that are already here illegaly (they get sympathy points from the emotionaly driven liberal side though, so the line isn't as firmly closed as it is for legal immigrants). No, rights are fought for current citizens of the USA not any others.

The general concensus of the democrat about legal immigrants is: We have too many here taking our jobs already, we don't need any more. But oh, don't you dare ship our jobs overseas when we ask for a ton of money and benefits.

But the gist of this example is, neither party has the right focus to create the reform that is needed to truely cut the red tape, or prevent illegals from coming in. They don't care.
zethrisNot Telling02006-06-15 17:42:00