IMBRA Special TopicsUSCIS direct to Embassy?
I thought it had been said before. All petitions and corespondance between Embassies and the USA go through the NVC only. ALL of them. Without exception. Not really sure why, but someone must have wanted to create a job for themselves, and there ya go.
zethrisNot Telling02006-08-08 15:46:00
IMBRA Special TopicsUSCIS direct to Embassy?
I was once told somewhere that all, and I mean all, corespondance with embassies and the US go through the DOS/NVC without exception.
zethrisNot Telling02006-07-31 19:44:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAny word as to what the second RFE's have been for?
I've already been NOA2, so nothing should be missing. Those who have gotten a second RFE in error, or if I did, do I still need to fill it out and send it back too?
zethrisNot Telling02006-08-09 14:34:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAny word as to what the second RFE's have been for?
I haven't heard much more about those who have gotten a second RFE even after sending back the IMBRA RFE and if it is in regards to IMBRA again, or just a regular RFE for missing information?

What has been the word on that?
zethrisNot Telling02006-08-08 15:48:00
IMBRA Special TopicsDarn, no notice that they recieved my RFE this week :(
I was hoping they would acknowledge recipt. Maybe Monday. I sent it Monday and handed it to the postman himself that day, so I know it went out Monady morning.
zethrisNot Telling02006-08-11 17:15:00
IMBRA Special TopicsOur friend CHRIS- red'c my RFE!

Congratulations, zethris, you're back in business. The letter you got was standard. It simply means they'll pick up where they left off before IMBRA. Where is that, exactly? You'd be better off interpreting tea leaves to get an answer. Hope it all works out soon!

Maybe thats why my tea was talking to me this morning. It was saying: "I have no idea, go ask Earl Grey."

Psh! as if i'll ever trust Oolong to know something ever again.

zethrisNot Telling02006-08-12 19:43:00
IMBRA Special TopicsOur friend CHRIS- red'c my RFE!
"..However because preliminary processing was complete.." Hmm... NOA2 in other words? Or the fact that I found out I was originaly going to have an Aug 23rd appointment set for the final interview.. hmmm...

".. the remaining processing time will be less than the maximum stated in this message..." :blink:


I didn't see a time on that message...
zethrisNot Telling02006-08-12 12:24:00
IMBRA Special TopicsOur friend CHRIS- red'c my RFE!
Application Type: I129F , PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)

Current Status:

On August 10, 2006, we received your response to our request for evidence or information. However because preliminary processing was complete, the remaining processing time will be less than the maximum stated in this message. You will receive a written decision on this case. You can use our processing dates to estimate when this case will be done. Follow the the link below for current processing dates.

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
zethrisNot Telling02006-08-12 11:52:00
IMBRA Special TopicsThe latestest in USCIS Screw ups

Excuse me, but #######, does no one get offended by this?! Or are we supposed to only use smily faces to pet each other and whine about missing our luvey-dovey-honey-bunnies? (It seems most folks who do that have a timeline something like Day 1 met on Yahoo chat or some such internet MB, instantly Clicked. Day 15 go to China/VietNam/Brazil/Philippines see her for the first time/propose).

To that end this site and many people on it have been extremely helpful... when you offer real information (about the process, your own experience, or various run-ins with officials along the way). I mean perking each other up occasionally and blowing off steam a little is one thing, but it seems that we get too much fluff and whining on this board.

And finally so you don't move this to some "general comments" section: before you "cordially email" and then drag out your slimy "wrath" on the senator, perhaps you should read her instructions on requesting services of her office: (Generally), fax all the requested documents and your information, and mail a release form for them to check into your file. Her website says of something like a 2 month period after you ask... most senators have those kinds of waits. I also don't think that they will do much if you're within the timeline you were given (30 days, 60 days after RFE etc...). Finally As someone mentioned your district representatives are usually more timely.

I gotta tell ya, I do get offended by this. And the stupidity in VJ!

I originally came to VJ becuase our case was recalled due to IMBRA. But I have been staying away from VJ as much as possible due to the abundance of misinformation on this site! I've gotten better, more accurate info from CIS, DoS, NVC and my congresswoman's office than in here (but yes, I have gotten misinfo from the gov as well, BUT I use my brain and THINK about the info before jumping to conclusions and rapid-fire posting). People are so quick to post without having solid findings it's pathetic. Then that riles everyone else up and we get threads like this (and so here I am posting!). Not to mention false hopes.

It appears many do not bother to do research, like checking a Congressperson's website to find out how to contact him/her. Then get pissed off when they don't get a response. Why would one think they have a direct line to a Congressperson? Are they not busy with so many other issues? That is just too stupid!

And there IS too much "fluff and whining" as Where'sTheVisa said. Are we really the spoiled, whiney little American brats the world sees us as?

OK, enough. I'm done. Rip me a new one if you so choose.

here! here!
zethrisNot Telling02006-08-27 19:40:00
IMBRA Special TopicsThe latestest in USCIS Screw ups

Hello again to all,
here is the latest stupid person at USCIS Comment.
Today when actually getting a live person on the PHone at USCIS, I inquired as to our Case and as to where is it ?
It was returned after 3 Months in Guangzhou China, and now after more time no response from either NVC or USCIS. When explaining the details to the customer service rep at USCIS, get this, He asked me what is IMBRA ? Do they actually hire ####### that are this stupid ? He did not know what IMBRA was,who processes it, or how to find information. I asked to speak to a supervisor, but he got back on in two minutes claiming the supervisor had the same answers as he did. Thank God no terrorists are trying in infiltrate our Country ! What a joke.
The DOS in DC told me the case was returned on July 1, but on July 5 I received an email from Guangzhou China that they had not received the file, Hey how can You return a file before You have even received it Duh !
well. to conclude my opinion that there are many incompetants working for USCIS, NVC and the Guangzhou embassy, I wonder why my Fiance is unhappy as she has not received one scrap of paper since we applies back in April. and wonder how these people can even sleep at night making all of uswait for unconsionable amounts of time.

Of Special interest to You fellow New Yorkers, It seems our illustrious Senator Hillary Clinton does not have time for us either, I sent her a cordial email in July asking if she could look into where our file is and after the usuall automated response, Nothing ! Nothing ! Nothing !
I would say if You are thinking of the Future, Vote NO for relection, NO for her wishful Presidency., No for New Yorker. and for all of You seeking Your Visa'a let her know there is a BIG Asian population here in NY
That understands that she is not interested in a Young Woman from China that wishes to immigrate to marry here, To all Our friends Vote Your thoughts when the time comes. Remember Hillary and Bill Bought some of her Senate Votes thru Presidential Pardons right here in Rockland County NY for several men that embezzled $45 Million in Taxpayer Money only to buy her a Block Vote of 1100 Jewish Votes, I guess we should start with the more corrupt ones ! Bring Our Fiancee's Home Now !

Sorry to blow off steam but we Should tell people the truth
it's 10PM do know where Your Visa Is ?

Ok I know you are a bit ticked off but don't bash our represenative. You still have the choice of STAYING IN CHINA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well we know what your political allignment is now. People of the "left" bash the president for breakfast. The president. So bashing a terrible representative and a possible threat to our country is no problem. Hillary is as corrupt as they come.

I am strong supporter of our current president . I am a proud registered republican and a proud conservatist. But, I do not think bashing a represenative is necessary because we are in this situation. It does not matter who it is . Hillary Clinton or anyone else. I know its hard waiting but as someone said earlier------- calling and insulting represenatives does not help any of us. Insulting our system in this case is aslo not right. I simply said if someone in China wants to insult people here , then maybe they need to consider their choice.
May God Bless America and our system.
Its sure better than most of the world. USCIS TAKES TIME FOR MOST OF US
So I will not let someone in china or any where else in the world take out their frustration without telling them what I think as well

My mistake then, but telling the truth is telling the truth. That was what this person was doing. In the environment he/she mentioned those things, ok I give you that, it wasn't the right place and was obviously said to incite an emotional response to gain sympathy for their situation.
zethrisNot Telling02006-08-27 09:04:00
IMBRA Special TopicsThe latestest in USCIS Screw ups

Hello again to all,
here is the latest stupid person at USCIS Comment.
Today when actually getting a live person on the PHone at USCIS, I inquired as to our Case and as to where is it ?
It was returned after 3 Months in Guangzhou China, and now after more time no response from either NVC or USCIS. When explaining the details to the customer service rep at USCIS, get this, He asked me what is IMBRA ? Do they actually hire ####### that are this stupid ? He did not know what IMBRA was,who processes it, or how to find information. I asked to speak to a supervisor, but he got back on in two minutes claiming the supervisor had the same answers as he did. Thank God no terrorists are trying in infiltrate our Country ! What a joke.
The DOS in DC told me the case was returned on July 1, but on July 5 I received an email from Guangzhou China that they had not received the file, Hey how can You return a file before You have even received it Duh !
well. to conclude my opinion that there are many incompetants working for USCIS, NVC and the Guangzhou embassy, I wonder why my Fiance is unhappy as she has not received one scrap of paper since we applies back in April. and wonder how these people can even sleep at night making all of uswait for unconsionable amounts of time.

Of Special interest to You fellow New Yorkers, It seems our illustrious Senator Hillary Clinton does not have time for us either, I sent her a cordial email in July asking if she could look into where our file is and after the usuall automated response, Nothing ! Nothing ! Nothing !
I would say if You are thinking of the Future, Vote NO for relection, NO for her wishful Presidency., No for New Yorker. and for all of You seeking Your Visa'a let her know there is a BIG Asian population here in NY
That understands that she is not interested in a Young Woman from China that wishes to immigrate to marry here, To all Our friends Vote Your thoughts when the time comes. Remember Hillary and Bill Bought some of her Senate Votes thru Presidential Pardons right here in Rockland County NY for several men that embezzled $45 Million in Taxpayer Money only to buy her a Block Vote of 1100 Jewish Votes, I guess we should start with the more corrupt ones ! Bring Our Fiancee's Home Now !

Sorry to blow off steam but we Should tell people the truth
it's 10PM do know where Your Visa Is ?

Ok I know you are a bit ticked off but don't bash our represenative. You still have the choice of STAYING IN CHINA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well we know what your political allignment is now. People of the "left" bash the president for breakfast. The president. So bashing a terrible representative and a possible threat to our country is no problem. Hillary is as corrupt as they come.
zethrisNot Telling02006-08-27 07:57:00
IMBRA Special TopicsWill it hurt to say "yes" to marraige broker?
I said yes, just because I didn't know as it just plain isn't clear enough. We met at
zethrisNot Telling02006-08-23 14:41:00
IMBRA Special TopicsMail-order brides in an Internet age
I think we all should say "hi" to this jackass.
zethrisNot Telling02006-10-19 20:46:00
IMBRA Special TopicsCompiled NOA2 RFE info- Add yours!
Same here. The nice lady at ext 5184 at the embassy told me 9/20 as well it was recieved. Also a little bit of insight of what she suspects the interview date will be she says to suspect/expect a Dec interview as that is the next available window of opportunity. Since most of those who also have had their IMBRA issues will have gone/flodded through by Mid November, the few of us who were delayed a lot longer for some reason means the chances are that it WILL be Dec and not overflow to a later month like what happened for those inteviews set for Sept/Oct/Nov.
zethrisNot Telling02006-09-21 19:32:00
Visa Classification: K1
St. Luke's Appointment Date: Monday, November 27, 2006 (7:00:00 AM)
Embassy Appointment Date: Monday, December 04, 2006 (7:30:00 AM)


:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
zethrisNot Telling02006-10-17 22:45:00
Wow that would be cool if that happened to my fiancee!
zethrisNot Telling02006-09-18 16:41:00
I really wish the phils would wake up. They must have been having some nice fiesta's the last 3 months with nothing to do.
zethrisNot Telling02006-09-18 15:08:00
Well group, it looks like I am going to have to find another message board to go through this at.

It seems our fearless leader Mr. Ewok likes the trolls more than those of us just being good people who occasionaly have weak moments exploited by some real scum. (I get banned for 24 hours, but they don't)

I can't be here for that.

Good luck all.

Edited by zethris, 28 August 2006 - 09:25 PM.

zethrisNot Telling02006-08-28 21:25:00
Well I think you might like the UK Eliza, it's really a great place. To be honest, if my fiancee was from there I might really consider going there over bringing her here myself.

Life is too short. I am glad you had that option, it is a great blessing I think to have that.


Well ok then, I got a touch today finally. Thats good. at least it's something. Strange thing is, it didn't update until after 8pm. Do they work that late maybe? Dunno.
zethrisNot Telling02006-08-28 20:39:00

I sure hope we have some results this week with getting approvals and interview dates.

Zethris - I hear that! Why have they sloooowed down?

Mike - I am very sorry to hear your news - I hope it will be a speedy review.

I really don't know. But I am getting really tired at all of these delays. It's starting to hurt my

Things just need to get going. It is lewd in the face of decency and personal freedoms with what
we have to go through now to live our lives.

Hey, Zethris
I had to wait for 3 weeks after getting the RFE update.
Your approval should come this week.
Good luck!

Thats what I hope, but it seems like nothing is happening much for anyone right now. I had hoped the trend of Friday would continue, but it doesn't sound like much is happening today.

zethrisNot Telling02006-08-28 17:55:00

I sure hope we have some results this week with getting approvals and interview dates.

Zethris - I hear that! Why have they sloooowed down?

Mike - I am very sorry to hear your news - I hope it will be a speedy review.

I really don't know. But I am getting really tired at all of these delays. It's starting to hurt my

Things just need to get going. It is lewd in the face of decency and personal freedoms with what
we have to go through now to live our lives.
zethrisNot Telling02006-08-28 17:07:00
I sure hope we have some results this week with getting approvals and interview dates.
zethrisNot Telling02006-08-28 14:30:00
I hope the rest of us get our approvals at least by this next week.



When can hope finally become reality? I am tired of just hoping.

It feels like I have been stuck in a tunnel trapped and waiting to be rescued so that I might be able to see my beloved once again. Hoping
and hoping for months of preparation, and months of waiting. Surviving off of rats and runnoff water for days and days on end. Having flashbacks of the happy times i have had and hope to have with my beloved and our eventuall children and grandchilren, wondering if the dream can still possibly come true. Hope becomes very old very fast after a while. It's time for something to finally start happening.

Congrats to those who finally have been found and are being pulled out of the collapsed coal mine of a mess that is the visa process.
zethrisNot Telling02006-08-26 21:00:00
I guess nothing this week. What a bunch of #######.
zethrisNot Telling02006-08-25 18:58:00
I really hope my being third (or fourth) to the last of everyone our of those 11 that seemed to have been forgotten doesn't make the same happen in this case. I am so sick and tired of being sick and tired.
zethrisNot Telling02006-08-24 16:42:00
Still nothing. Meh, this really sucks. Might it be at all productive if I call tomorrow?

Anyone get any new information?
zethrisNot Telling02006-08-24 16:19:00
No touches since the 17th here
zethrisNot Telling02006-08-23 20:53:00
I have had no touches since the 17th, so I don't know. I hope.
zethrisNot Telling02006-08-23 14:39:00
Darn it, I wonder if because I was one of the last few (5 weeks after most others) who got the RFE, that means processing time too and I wont see an approval for 3-6 more weeks.

I hope I am speaking too so and they get it approved this week, today, now. I am so exhauseted by all this I want to get back on track.
zethrisNot Telling02006-08-23 13:55:00
Got my I-797C and the RFE form in the mail today!
zethrisNot Telling02006-08-05 15:44:00
wait for tomorrow, thats when things starting going for me last week.
zethrisNot Telling02006-08-02 21:55:00

I think this will be a big week for all of us. Even those still MIA unless there is some other issue going on. If that is the case, they need to call the VSC and start an investigation.

I think thats possibly how mine got dug up finallly. I dunno.

It will be a good week. It´s only monday.
Maybe we´ll end this week with all cases reopened and more approvals.

I hope so. I am two states away from VT, so if it was sent today, I should see it by Thursday or Friday to send right back :D
zethrisNot Telling02006-07-31 17:07:00
I think this will be a big week for all of us. Even those still MIA unless there is some other issue going on. If that is the case, they need to call the VSC and start an investigation.

I think thats possibly how mine got dug up finallly. I dunno.
zethrisNot Telling02006-07-31 17:04:00

I'm calling on all forces of divine intervention to make this a good week for all of us. May lost petitions be found, approvals granted and screwed up cases be undone. Amen.

Seriously, good luck this week everyone!

Well thank you! it seems to be working!!

Application Type: I129F , PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)

Current Status:

On July 31, 2006, we mailed a notice requesting additional evidence or information
in this case. The notice explains in detail what additional material is needed. If
you have questions about the notice, what is required, or if 30 days have passed and
you have not received the notice. Please contact the service center where you
submitted your application during business hours.

If you have questions or concerns about your application or the case status results
listed above, or if you have not received a decision or advice from USCIS within the
projected processing time frame*, please contact the National Customer Service

National Customer Service Center (800) 375-5283.

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
zethrisNot Telling02006-07-31 16:53:00
I suspect sooner than later as by now things probably have become pretty routine.
zethrisNot Telling02006-07-28 22:44:00
yeah both e-mails were sent to me 3 times each too. Not sure why.
zethrisNot Telling02006-07-28 08:04:00
IMBRA Special TopicsRECALLED PETITION - UPDATE We both pay a fee to meet people online in other countries, but not necesarily to marry. (I joined earlier to talk with Japanese people to learn better Japanese. )

So... let's check what IMBRA brings...

(A) IN GENERAL.—The term ‘‘international marriage broker’’ means a corporation, partnership, business, individual, or other legal entity, whether or not organized under any law of the United States, that charges fees for providing dating, matrimonial, matchmaking services, or social referrals between United States citizens or nationals or aliens lawfully admitted to the United States as permanent residents and foreign national clients by providing personal contact information or otherwise facilitating communication between individuals.
(B) EXCEPTIONS.—Such term does not include—
(i) a traditional matchmaking organization of a cultural or religious nature that operates on a nonprofit
basis and otherwise operates in compliance with the laws of the countries in which it operates, including
the laws of the United States; or
(ii) an entity that provides dating services if its principal business is not to provide international dating
services between United States citizens or United States residents and foreign nationals and it charges
comparable rates and offers comparable services to all individuals it serves regardless of the individual’s
gender or country of citizenship.
(A) IN GENERAL.—The term ‘‘personal contact information’’ means information, or a forum to obtain such information, that would permit individuals to contact each other, including—
(i) the name or residential, postal, electronic mail, or instant message address of an individual;
(ii) the telephone, pager, cellphone, or fax number, or voice message mailbox of an individual; or
(iii) the provision of an opportunity for an in-person meeting.
(B) EXCEPTION.—Such term does not include a photograph or general information about the background or
interests of a person.

Okay. So you both had to pay a fee and it doesn't fall under the exceptions.

Now, what kind of information do you get to contact people? Maybe you can fall under the exception about "personal contact information".

All the contact you have is through IM on the website, you can post e-mail addresses or anything. Private personal info comes voluntarily.

Hey Zethris... Just wanted to give a congratulations to having your case opened... :thumbs:

Thanks Madison, you too! :dance: :dance:
zethrisNot Telling02006-07-27 18:03:00
IMBRA Special TopicsRECALLED PETITION - UPDATE We both pay a fee to meet people online in other countries, but not necesarily to marry. (I joined earlier to talk with Japanese people to learn better Japanese. )

So... let's check what IMBRA brings...

(A) IN GENERAL.?The term ??international marriage broker?? means a corporation, partnership, business, individual, or other legal entity, whether or not organized under any law of the United States, that charges fees for providing dating, matrimonial, matchmaking services, or social referrals between United States citizens or nationals or aliens lawfully admitted to the United States as permanent residents and foreign national clients by providing personal contact information or otherwise facilitating communication between individuals.
(B) EXCEPTIONS.?Such term does not include?
(i) a traditional matchmaking organization of a cultural or religious nature that operates on a nonprofit
basis and otherwise operates in compliance with the laws of the countries in which it operates, including
the laws of the United States; or
(ii) an entity that provides dating services if its principal business is not to provide international dating
services between United States citizens or United States residents and foreign nationals and it charges
comparable rates and offers comparable services to all individuals it serves regardless of the individual?s
gender or country of citizenship.
(A) IN GENERAL.?The term ??personal contact information?? means information, or a forum to obtain such information, that would permit individuals to contact each other, including?
(i) the name or residential, postal, electronic mail, or instant message address of an individual;
(ii) the telephone, pager, cellphone, or fax number, or voice message mailbox of an individual; or
(iii) the provision of an opportunity for an in-person meeting.
(B) EXCEPTION.?Such term does not include a photograph or general information about the background or
interests of a person.

Okay. So you both had to pay a fee and it doesn't fall under the exceptions.

Now, what kind of information do you get to contact people? Maybe you can fall under the exception about "personal contact information".

All the contact you have is through IM on the website, you can't post e-mail addresses or anything. Private personal info comes voluntarily.

Edited by zethris, 27 July 2006 - 05:59 PM.

zethrisNot Telling02006-07-27 17:55:00
IMBRA Special TopicsRECALLED PETITION - UPDATE We both pay a fee to meet people online in other countries, but not necesarily to marry. (I joined earlier to talk with Japanese people to learn better Japanese. )
zethrisNot Telling02006-07-27 16:53:00
Thinking through it logically, maybe the first e-mail was the one I was supposed to get weeks ago when the case was first sent from Manila to the NVC/DOS, not the other way around like it sounds. (ex not VSC -> NVC) Then they hurredly sent this other one to inform me of it now being at the VSC for RFE processing.

elementary my dear watson!

So I can have it added, and without opening a can of worms, was there ever a general consensus agreed upon as to if meeting online was an IMB?

If yes, put yes Mew, otherwise put no.

Edited by zethris, 27 July 2006 - 03:48 PM.

zethrisNot Telling02006-07-27 15:57:00