K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2013 Filers

Hi,if this helps I filed in September received my NOA1 in late Sept and have now received my NOA2, it took 33 days. I was shocked as it did say that the wait could be up to 5 months. As of yet I haven't heard anything regarding NVC,I'm fearing it may slow things down a tad.  As soon as I hear anything I will update my time line and  also post  to share my experience  with others.  Good luck to everyone!

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-31 21:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 VISA & DS 260

Did you find out the answer?   I am also stuck with the same question. My lawyer sent me a DS-260 form and I queried it and asked shouldn't it be a DS-160?  The answer I received was it might be a 160 or 260 or both.  So I am non the wiser just very, very confused. I guess I should just wait until the embassy contact me with their list of requirements, it seems they keep changing the forms.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-05 22:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS-260?

Perhaps not it seems I have now sent the message twice!!  I will get the hang of this guys eventually!

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-07 20:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS-260?

Nick Niche, Thank you so much!!!  I was so amazed and just filled with admiration that you took the time out to write that information for me!  I shared it with my fiance!


 My lawyer wants me to fill out the form for a DS-260, but like meuy 99 said the DS-260 is a very complex form asking for addresses since the age of 16 and employers and your managers name for the past 10 years. I sat there that night when our lawyer told me and I thought ok, Ive had 3 jobs in the last 10 years.  The first job I was with the company for a year until  we relocated and my manager was called Sean, but we were on first name terms and I can't remember his last name the same applied to my 2nd job, I was with the company 3 and half years until they made us all redundant and relocated our service to India.  So what am I suppose to say oh yes, my manager was Sean something and the next was Matt something, but I can't tell you as Matt is now redundant from that position as I am?  That's why that night I got so upset. I didn't want to fill in a form that was needless and put myself through stress that was so unnecessary, as let's be honest here guys, don't we go through enough stress during the process and the anxiety of not being with the love of our life's!?!?!  P.S posting this again as somehow I ended up posting on meuy 99 posts.  Just another blonde moment!!  Sorry.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-07 20:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS-260?

Nick Niche, Thank you so much!!!  I was so amazed and just filled with admiration that you took the time out to write that information for me!  I shared it with my fiance!


 My lawyer wants me to fill out the form for a DS-260, but like meuy 99 said the DS-260 is a very complex form asking for addresses since the age of 16 and employers and your managers name for the past 10 years. I sat there that night when our lawyer told me and I thought ok, Ive had 3 jobs in the last 10 years.  The first job I was with the company for a year until  we relocated and my manager was called Sean, but we were on first name terms and I can't remember his last name the same applied to my 2nd job, I was with the company 3 and half years until they made us all redundant and relocated our service to India.  So what am I suppose to say oh yes, my manager was Sean something and the next was Matt something, but I can't tell you as Matt is now redundant from that position as I am?  That's why that night I got so upset. I didn't want to fill in a form that was needless and put myself through stress that was so unnecessary, as let's be honest here guys, don't we go through enough stress during the process and the anxiety of not being with the love of our life's!?!?!

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-07 20:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS-260?

Oh and Rjmazur, I see you have your interview on the 14th of Nov.  Good luck with that, that is my nephews birthday a special day, so I am sure  it is a lucky sign and an omen for celebration!! :)

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-05 23:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS-260?

Thanks Guys, thanks for your support, feeling better already now, your support and might I add a game of Candy Crush lol, now everything seems so much better. It's a great forum with great people and I am so glad I found it because of people like you!!!  :)

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-05 22:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS-260?

Thanks for your quick replies Guys, just reading through them and a couple of questions for you.  Firstly, Thank you  Rjmazur for your help and quick response. My question is,   Is it really my fiance who fills in the form?  I am the beneficiary he is the petitioner.  My fiance decided to contact a lawyer because we were going to get married in Miami when I was on holiday there in April. I wasn't sure if that was legal or not and so my fiance rang an lawyer for advice and she told us not to go ahead because if we did it could mean a life time ban.  When preparing the first stage of the form she asked  me to fill in a ds156 only to tell me I didn't need to do that. My fiance and I have been in a heated discussion tonight about our lawyer, He really doesn't like to see me confused or stressed.  Right now, I could  just cry!n I also don't know much about NVC. I am not sure when to contact them for our number or if I can trace it onlline. , I just feel like I am on that journey right now, elated one minute and stressed and lost the next! Thank you Nich Nick, you have come to my rescue once before  with words of wisdom and thank you Makulit 909 everything helps and everything is appreciated and it has to be the DS-160 for me as I don't as of yet have an interview lined up.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-05 22:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS-260?

I am feeling rather perplexed and very stressed.  After receiving our NOA2 my fiance and I consulted our lawyer.  She said that I need to fill in the details of a DS-260 form.  I emailed her back saying do you mean a DS-160?  She said that it could be the DS-160 or the DS-260 or both.   I thought the DS-260 was for people who were already married?  I am so confused now and I don't want to be sending in the wrong form or filling in needless forms.  Can anyone help please?   Thank you in advance.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-05 21:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 DS160 form Urgent help.

If any one has recently filled in a DS160 form online for the K1 visa please help me.  The situation is that my lawyer wants to fill in the form online, on my behalf she is asking questions that I am not sure are irrelevant to this form.. I.e all the places I have lived since I was 16. I can't remember what I did yesterday, never mind what I was doing 32 years ago an I am getting increasingly stressed about it.  Obviously, if I need to answer the questions regarding that I will do, but she has already made me fill out a DS156 and then told me I didn't need to do that.   So please, please I would be eternally grateful for any info regarding this form.


Thanks in advance. 

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-25 19:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhich form is used? (split topic)

I just saw London Embassy at my home portal, My bad, sorry.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-25 13:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhich form is used? (split topic)

Ah perhaps its because you are all IR/CR. I was looking at my home portal and didn't see the visa you guys were applying for.  Sorry.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-25 13:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhich form is used? (split topic)

I'm so confused now I thought the DS260 was no longer applicable and it was replaced with the DS160?

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-25 13:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 DS160 form Urgent help.

I feel you.. sorry about what happened.. hoping everything will be okay

Thanks icedblu 15,


We are still discussing it.


My fiance did not sleep last night, today his hands are actually shaking at work, as he is that upset. We have discussed our lawyer and he wants to terminate their services immediately, apparently he drafted 13 or so emails last night. I can't believe a lawyer could cause so much upset.    It's not the first time though.  It's been awful the past 24 hours,  both of us at some point have shed tears regarding it all.. I feel like ####### and I really don't know how I will get through work later today.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-06 08:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 DS160 form Urgent help.

Hello shell20.. looks like your atty is thinking of how to get money from you.. k1 just need ds160 now. ( only form you need to fill out online ) and print the confirmation page and bring it with you during your interview...

She isn't after any money, we paid in advance.  Right now my fiance and I are discussing it, we are both in shock that an atty can cause us to have such a bitter argument to the point we even mentioned splitting up.  As for the DS160 I hope our lawyer isn't thinking of submitting it, it can only be done by myself if I even get to that stage now.  I feel terrible, I hate fighting with my fiance, it hurts.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-06 07:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 DS160 form Urgent help.


We began the process with a lawyer but I binned them once our file got to London.  They had given us so much bad and wrong advice and was really condescending to me.  He kept telling me to keep off the internet and researching our situation.  I told him that if I didn't do that, I wouldn't know anything!  Getting rid of him did not cause us any problems at all.  He wanted to charge another $500 for the AOS forms but I did them myself (well - I got my husband's signature on the I-864!).  We didn't get an RFE and I got my EAD/AP in 2 months.  Still waiting for my 2 year Green Card but I think we're in the 'interview waiver' pile.


The worst thing our lawyer told us was that as soon as we applied for our K1, I would not be able to travel to the US until I had the K1 visa in my passport.  It was only finding the VJ site that showed us that he was wrong.  You might not get in but you can certainly travel.

Hi Anna,


Well last night it all exploded with the lawyer, resulting in a massive argument with my fiance and I.    And the reason for this is because we asked should we be filling in addresses from when I was 16 years old. Apparently not, they don't seem to like the fact that we have researched and we have queried and so I am in the line of attack getting a rather venomous email, shifting the blame onto me and my fiance.  My fiance and I are still as I speak arguing regarding it all. I feel miserable.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-06 07:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 DS160 form Urgent help.

Second thread in 2 days where I've seen someone with their lawyer asking for more than they need.


If it's anything like the lawyer we had (and fired) it's because they just use this *one* questionnaire for *all* of their clients (some of which do need to know everywhere they've lived since age 16).  It's so frustrating. The amount of useless information you end up having to dig up.


Sorry for the no-information comment - it just makes me really grumpy. ranting33va.gif  I feel for you!

I wouldn't mind, but we engaged this lawyer because we were going to marry in the USA.  We were advised under NO circumstances  to do that!  It was like we were criminals plotting a bank raid or something, but all we wanted to do was be together. Is that a crime?


  Then we were told the K1 visa was MUCH better than a spouse's visa. Pondering upon it, I really don't know if that was about money now!


Following this revelation,  we were  told that I needed to fill out a form,  a DS156, if I remember correctly.  I did just that!   Only  to be asked why did I fill this form? Hmm, let me think because you sent it me perhaps?!?!


Then,  at a latter date, I had a query about the police check for our lawyer," Can I use my enhanced CRB from work?"  I was told that my work one would suffice! I read this forum and apparently, my work one will not suffice, I need to have a  special immigrant police check., I thought beyond the box, I have sent for it!


 Anyway, to dig the knife in a bit more,  I was  sent an email  last month after my noa2 had arrived and advised  to fill in a DS260,, Upon querying the forms I had a reply saying  it might be a DS260 or 160  that we need.  . I just threw the towel in at that point, admitted defeat and retreated not replying /


Today, I have been emailed what seems to be a DS260 questionnaire. I give in!.. Personally  I want to terminate their services right now, but as my fiance quite rightly pointed out the embassy will expect a correspondence from our lawyers as our lawyers are our FPC, but seemingly the first point of incompetency too.


Hey ho, so the confusion begins! Lol

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-25 22:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 DS160 form Urgent help.

Sorry, it should have read "relevant", see I am getting stressed about it.  As if I don't have enough on my plate right now with work, a close relative being poorly, decorating and Christmas.  THANK YOU Ilovemyman for your advice, its appreciated.   We have paid for a lawyer who should know the current forms and here I am getting advice from visajourney. Without all your great advice, I would be filling out needless questions.  I wouldn't mind, but I said to my lawyer would my enhanced CRB check be ok from work for the police check? I was told yes and then I looked it up here and its a ACPO police check I need.   Thank God for visa journey!!

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-25 20:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 DS160 form Urgent help.

If any one has recently filled in a DS160 form online for the K1 visa please help me.  The situation is that my lawyer wants to fill in the form online, on my behalf she is asking questions that I am not sure are irrelevant to this form.. I.e all the places I have lived since I was 16. I can't remember what I did yesterday, never mind what I was doing 32 years ago an I am getting increasingly stressed about it.  Obviously, if I need to answer the questions regarding that I will do, but she has already made me fill out a DS156 and then told me I didn't need to do that.   So please, please I would be eternally grateful for any info regarding this form.


Thanks in advance. 

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-25 19:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDeferring a Visa, DUI problems

The K1 visa is not valid for 90 days upon entering. The K1 is only valid for one entry into USA, as soon as you enter the country it is used. You would then need to get married within 90 days, but can leave the adjustment of status until you are both ready.

That is what i was trying to say but it seems not very eloquently.  I was also trying to point out the fact that it isn't 60 days given to get married, but in fact 90 days..

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-13 11:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDeferring a Visa, DUI problems




She is indeed in the USC (I'm guessing that mean the United States Citizen), Second and final offence, nobody hurt and anything damaged.


Thank you

My fiance had a DUi, it has never been bought up, nor has it been a problem.   I think they are more concerned about the beneficiary's background, rather than the petitioner's.   And the K1 visa is valid for 90 days upon entering the USA.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-13 10:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan you leave and re-enter the US while on a K1 visa?

I am not an authority on this topic, but I do know the K1 is a once only use visa. I was advised by my lawyer that I would need to file some kind of form  when I got there, (don't know which one) so if there was an emergency I could fly home and not be denied entry upon my return. .  I'm sure someone on this forum will  be able to give you more of a  definitive answer to your question.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-22 10:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa Interview Fees

I gave him the link too, but some people can't be bothered to read.

You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink...........

Well thanks for the link it was immensely helpful. I got my date for my interview today and I just can't contain my excitement it was so quick!!  I will be reading your experiences regarding the embassy and your visit there. You're a great help, thanks SO much!!!

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-23 21:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa Interview Fees

Hey all,


I have my k1 VISA interview tomorrow and from what I've read online the fee is $240 can anyone confirm this? Also are there any other fees that I should be paying?


Not only that but I'm going to be paying in cash. Is that okay? At what point do I pay that? Also I assume it's okay that I pay in sterling?





Nich-Nick kindly gave me this link when I queried something regarding the fees. If you scroll down it should answer all your questions. I think also you will need to pay a courier. http://www.visajourn...uide/?p=6741216

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-23 20:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBritish Fiance needs to find a Notary where does he look?

He doesn't need a notary and England doesn't have such a thing.

We were told by lawyers we did  need  them notarised.  England do have notaries, I went to one for my brother and son's statements. It cost an arm and a leg, around £120. I got my own notarised in the USA upon a visit to see my fiance.  The cost was $4 each. I WISH I had known at the time they didn't need to be notarised, that would have helped immensely with stress levels and the expense of it all!  It's just amazes me how wonderful this site is,how knowledgeable people like yourself are.  If it wasn't for joining this site, I would be unaware of so many other things and just paying out needless money and wasting time!!  Thanks for letting people know and not making the same mistake.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-11 20:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Denied :(

Although unfortunately I can't give you advice, I just wanted to say I am sorry that happened to you both.   I find it quite incredulous that it wasn't denied when they received your forms, but I don't know much about the processing procedure, to be honest I didn't realise there could be a denial at fpc. It's not an easy process any of it, the form filling, the waiting and uncertainty, the medical, interview etc.   I hope the link that someone kindly put on here helps you and I would advice to get yourself a lawyer.  Everyone has their own opinions regarding lawyers, we have one and it's made the process a bit easier for us.   They do know their stuff and if anyone can help you it will be a lawyer.  I am not sure if one specialises in this or this just come under one big umbrella, I think our lawyer does various things, than just the K1 visa.


Any way I'm sure you don't want me talking away.  I wish you much luck with whichever route you decide to go. Hold in there, nothing is impossible.

Edited by shell20, 10 February 2014 - 08:44 PM.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-10 20:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTo Lawyer or Not To Lawyer?

Shell20, do you mind posting how much you paid?

$800 up to now without filing fees.  For a CR 1 I think they charge $1800 for the stage up to the issue of a green card.   I don't know what adjustment of status will cost, but I think its over a $1000.  Hope that helps!


 As for comments on here about being lazy or too busy with regard to individuals hiring a lawyer, well I beg to differ. I think it's a very personal choice based on each individual case.  Could we have done this alone? Yes we could had we found this site a bit earlier.  What happened with us is we decided to marry in Miami last year and there was so much conflicting information out there that we consulted a lawyer who advised us not to do that on a visa waiver as it could be construed as fraud. We didn't want to commit any kind of fraud, so engaged their services.   I personally find the process of all the form filling a complete minefield and my fiance and I have many other demands on our time, so again it was a personal choice and I guess it gives us peace of mind to know that if we have missed something crucial then our lawyer will  hopefully pick it up!

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-09 11:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTo Lawyer or Not To Lawyer?

Hello all. It's a pity that I've only just stumbled across this forum... would have help greatly if I had found it a few months back!

I'm putting together my papers and documents for my I-129F, and as a precautionary measure, I was thinking of hiring an immigration lawyer for my application.

Personally I don't think my case is particularly complex or unusal, however time is of the essence (my doctoral studies commence in August of this year).

Does anyone have any opinions and/or experience with this?

I'm currently in the UK, so I don't know if that would present itself as a caveat.



Hello Louis, 


I don't think it actually matters one way or another.   We did hire a lawyer and we did  find that they helped to make sure we had the relevant documents at hand and they put them in order for us, as they do that daily.  On the downside they didn't seem to be as update with current things as visajourney are. I questioned them when they asked me to fill in a DS-260, when I had read on visajourney it was now a DS-160. The forms seem to change frequently.


I guess it's a personal thing.  Would I use them for POE shortly? Yes probably, just to double check documents and make sure all papers are together.   We didn't have any RFE's, which saved an awful lot of time.   I will be honest though, I feel visajourney have been the one's to give me the information I have needed at any one time and made this journey a thousand times easier for us.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-08 20:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhen can you fill out the ds-160 form?


Thanks for your help Shell, that helps me.


I just received our scanned I129F package back from our lawyer this morning, and my mothers maiden name is misspelled on the G325-a form (despite me pointing this out to them in December)


Will this affect things at the embassy in London? Or before then? Or can I submit a new form at interview stage? (sorry if I have gone off topic)


Hoping it doesn't lead to an RFE

I can't honestly answer that one, I am afraid, what I do know is that they ask you questions at the interview where you have the chance to explain things that aren't quite black and white.  I don't think I have seen any one in RFE after an interview though, normally it would be an RFE before the NOA2 is approved. And before any one says anything to the contrary, I admit I really don't know the answer to that one and whether or not RFE can happen at an interview or not.   I would imagine if it's not to far out from your mother's maiden name they will probably look at it as a typo error, as it seems to be.  I wouldn't worry about it too much though now your NOA2 has been approved I would personally be booking my medical and getting all the evidence together that you may need.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-19 09:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhen can you fill out the ds-160 form?

Hi all,

Quick question, when can you fill out and submit your ds-160 form? We just received our NOA2 last week, but nothing from NVC yet (it's only been 5/6 days). When am I able to fill out the ds-160 form? Do I need to wait for a letter from the NVC?

Secondly, is that the number (applicant number on ds-160 form) I can use to book my medical? Or is it something else? When can I book my medical? (Applying through London embassy)

Sorry if I missed something, I did do some searching but couldn't find anything.

Thanks for your help.

You can book your medical when you get a reference number it starts with LDN (london).  The medical send the relevant documents to London, normally three days later, dependant on whether its a weekend or not.   You can fill out your DS -160 form  when you want to, I waited until after I passed the medical, then you fill in a readiness form to say you have it all together and are ready for an interview and then London will contact you with a date.  Once London gives you a date you can then pay your MRV fees online.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-18 20:57:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportscase status


Are you sure you're not talking about the CEAC site? USCIS site would never say a visa has been issued.

You just hit the nail on the head!! You're absolutely right, I am looking at the CEAC website.  There we go everyone the USCIS, is down the CEAC is still up!!!  So now I can get back to cooking my son's tea!    Thanks for unravelling the mystery for me!! :)

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-22 15:32:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportscase status


Not working for me either. Using chrome, restarted, and made sure cookies were enabled. Front page will load, but none of the tools.


Message: This webpage is not available.


The webpage at https://egov.uscis.g...d/ might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.


this is very strange, I thought perhaps it is old data I am getting, so I turned off my computer, rebooted, put in my id number and it is still taking me to the page where it says my visa has been issued.  cant be old data if I had restarted my computer.  Perhaps I have a super turbo computer that is the only one with a connection to the website status page!!!

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-22 15:30:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportscase status


Restarting a computer doesn't do anything to make a web site come up that's down!


It's down - has been most of the day.  Doesn't matter what you do - it's not going to come up until they get it back online.

I am not getting into the politics of it all. My page is up, now if it''s reloading old data fair enough, I'm hearing trying to help people. My friend on here restarted her computer last week and it worked for her.  Sheez sometimes trying to help people seems to backfire.  With that I take my leave!!

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-22 15:13:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportscase status

Is saying this page cannot be displayed since last for me

I don't know what to advice you, other than restarting your computer and using Google chrome. I haven't got a clue why it seems to work for me and it isn't for many others.  Hope it works shortly for you.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-22 13:36:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportscase status

@mariepear has the same problem..this is weird..ive tried everything..doesnt work..

If it's loading the main page and there is no error code then perhaps it's to do with the speed or connection of your broadband?!?!  Not an expert with computers, all I can say that twice I have tried it and twice it has bought up my status. I did see a comment from someone in the USA saying that it was down, so no idea why mine seems to be working and others are not!

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-22 13:25:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportscase status

The case status page is running?? The main page is up but this isnt..even with google chrome..

Yes I tried the case status page and it's definitely working, try restarting your computer and see if that helps.

The case status page is running?? The main page is up but this isnt..even with google chrome..

I've just tried  it again, gone to the main page put in my id number and it has bought up that my visa has been issued, so it's definitely working, well it is in England any way.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-22 13:18:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportscase status

It doesnt say error or anything..the page just doesnt load..

Have you tried with google chrome?

I have the same problem today...

Just tried with google chrome and it IS up and running.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-22 13:10:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportscase status

Is the uscis case status page under maintainence or something? Been trying all day and it doesnt it just me or everyone else experiancing this?

I haven't looked today, but it could well be as it was all last weekend.  If it says error, then high likely!

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-22 12:58:00
United KingdomCEAC Status "Case Created" Date changed?

Mine says exactly the same, I actually just said next week (meaning this week) and she told me it should definitely be here so that I could leave at the end of the week, I'm not worrying about it being late or anything, you can look at peoples timelines on here from this month and they're getting visas super quick! I guess you're like me and you're planning on shooting off as soon as you get the visa?



Mine text hasn't changed nor has the creation date.:(  The only thing that has changed is the fact they accessed my file on the 16th and today.  No idea why they have if nothing has changed!  I guess I will just have to wait and see, but I'm not rushing, I did want to get married on Valentines Day, but that obviously wasn't going to happen. I have decided to take my time to say my goodbyes now and tie things up here but if Im honest I wish I was on the plane today!!  Ah well.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-18 07:01:00
United KingdomVisa---Pick up at depot or courier?

Ouch, wish I'd had known this, I paid my fee yesterday (My interview is on the 13th" and I paid the $30 for home delivery

I saw this article before paying for my K1 luckily!!!  I am going to pay the £8.99 at the embassy or if I have to pick up the passport I will.  I don't honestly think this should be allowed by the courier firm.  The K1 fee is inclusive of courier fee to the depot and I think charging $30 online is just a money making scheme.  Some people panic as they have booked their flight (although technically they shouldn't before approval it says). I glad people are posting this and helping us to save money because the K1 isn't cheap in itself without the couriers trying to rip us off!!

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-07 07:43:00