United KingdomVisa fee London embassy


I called, you definitely need to be calling the DoS for the date!

Do you have the number?

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-23 11:05:00
United KingdomVisa fee London embassy


I made that topic with you in mind, I hope you get yours next week!

I only just saw  the topic. Thanks so much for updating us. I know every case is different but hopefully I might hear next week.  Did you ring them or did they send a letter or did they update their system?

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-23 10:57:00
United KingdomVisa fee London embassy


Don't worry, we don't pay till we get the date smile.png

I see you got your interview and its on my birthday so that has to be lucky!!  Glad for you!!!

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-23 10:49:00
United KingdomVisa fee London embassy

Just a quick question.  Could anyone tell me when I should pay the visa fee prior to my interview in London.  I have had my medical, filled in my DS-160 form and submitted it, submitted my readiness form as well.   I am just not very sure when the fee is due, but I am aware its due before the interview date.  Thanks in advance!

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-21 14:56:00
United KingdomI got my date!!

Good luck everyone, 13th Feb is my birthday so that's a good omen!!!  I am a week behind with my medical so hopefully I will hear soon.  Thanks Nanostan for giving the much needed up date that we were waiting for.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-23 10:54:00

could someone tell me if i have to book an interview for an fiance visa, or do they send one out

With the London embassy they send one out within 6 weeks of you filling in all the forms and having your medical..Now you have filled your readiness form they should be contacting you shortly.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-24 18:32:00
United KingdomI filed my I-134 with my Initial I-129F?


I gather from the fact you asked about your tax things that you're as nervous as me about this! I'm shaking so much because we've waited so long and I want everything to be perfect, I'm such an anxious person as it is so that doesn't help sad.png

I am not nervous about the tax forms. I don't understand them though and I'm not sure which things they want,  probably wage slips, w2 and a letter from the employer.   Did you make a copy of these things?   As long as she makes enough money or you have a sponsor you should be fine from what I am reading on here from different links !  I guess we will be both nervous until we get a yes, but it's the not knowing, the limbo that is the worse!!  Did have another question, but it's gone out of my head!

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-25 10:38:00
United KingdomI filed my I-134 with my Initial I-129F?


Haha I meant the 13th!! And I only have last years tax return also as she doesn't have the latest one yet so you're not alone there. About the trains, I'm also going back at 3PM, It sucks because our times are peak times so the fares are so expensive!!

That is #######. I've already booked the ticket for the journey there on the 12th and I got it for £12. I guess that helps towards the expense of the return journey.

That is #######. I've already booked the ticket for the journey there on the 12th and I got it for £12. I guess that helps towards the expense of the return journey.

Also, they said the letter for the interview was in the post, but I haven't received it yet and I am wondering if it is coming from London or the USA?

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-25 10:27:00
United KingdomI filed my I-134 with my Initial I-129F?

Hey guys I have my interview on the 14th Feb, something that's really worrying me, I actually submitted my I-134 form with the original package (I-129F), I do have the tax return & employee letter with me to bring, but am I right in thinking they'll have received my complete package anyway so they should have the I-134 that I included originally? This is worrying me to death!

Don't turn up on the 14th you might be late. Lol!   I have my fiance's tax returns, but I'm now wondering if they will need the one he has just sent off and not had a reply to yet?  Hmm.....

Hey guys I have my interview on the 14th Feb, something that's really worrying me, I actually submitted my I-134 form with the original package (I-129F), I do have the tax return & employee letter with me to bring, but am I right in thinking they'll have received my complete package anyway so they should have the I-134 that I included originally? This is worrying me to death!

Question..... when are you booking your return train fare for?   I'm thinking if I book a train around 3pm on the day of the interview I should be in and out and at the train station by then.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-25 10:13:00
United KingdomVisa approved!!! (And yes, you can now take mobile phones into the embassy)

Title says it all really, I got approved at about 9.15am this morning! And yes, you can now take mobile phones into the embassy as long as it is switched off at reception and at the interview.


The in interview was about 5 minutes long with a very pleasant woman who put very polite and friendly. I will write a full review, including application process (I had a few very specific situations that others may find helpful), over the coming week for other member's to read and gain perspective from.


I just want to say a massive THANK YOU to everyone who helped, especially Nich-Nick, Wheatly (especially for their joint information thread!) and AleGwi! This forum really is an incredible source of information and assistance! 

Congratulations!!  Go celebrate. I have mine on Thursday and I would love to hear your experience of the embassy.    Glad we can take our mobiles with us ,I'm going in the Embassy by myself, my brother will be at the hotel waiting and my fiance will be anxiously waiting to hear news, so the sooner I can inform them the better! Once again congratulations I am so happy for you.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-11 09:10:00
United KingdomD.O.S. no longer answering specific case questions?

Just getting emotional and excited...I reached someone at NVC who told me it could be as simple as they loaded this weeks interviews...and stated..virtually same thing.  The interview is schedule and I shouldn't worry about the update...but I could contact the embassy if I needed confirmation.


I think I'm good with that.  We've had very good experiences with everyone the entire process.  We are almost to the end of being seperated and the remainder of the journey will be tackled together.  I know whole heartedly we couldn't have gotten through all this with out the support of VJ and the members on here.


Thank you!  We will be checking in on Friday after the interview to share his experience at the Embassy! 

Just wanted to wish you good luck for tomorrow. I went today, got approved and it's not as bad as I thought!  I know you will get approved!! :)

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-13 12:46:00
United KingdomApproved this morning! (Phones everywhere!)

Got approved this morning, saw LOTS of people with their phones and even saw signs saying "Cell phones must be turned off at interview windows" Everything went so smooth and I honestly can't even believe how relaxed and easy everything was, I'll post my review tonight.

OK I will just add to this one. Yes you can have your phone switched on whilst waiting, but you need to put it on silent! I saw a woman, a member of staff, asking people to put their phones on silent when I was there.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-14 08:23:00
United KingdomApproved this morning! (Phones everywhere!)

I read your review. Wanted some clarification. For proof of income the only thing you gave them was one W2? Not the tax return that goes with iNo

No I don't think so.   They asked for the affidavit of support and I gave them a form which is one form with w2. I had a pile of tax returns and a letter from the employer, but they didn't want them. I can't answer your question 100 percent accurately as I didn't have a clue what it all meant. I only know I gave them the affidavit and one form marked w2.  Sorry.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-14 07:39:00
United KingdomApproved this morning! (Phones everywhere!)


Sheeeeell, I'm gonna write up a review of my experience on here so you can read, you should do the same!

I ready did I think, under embassy reviews. x

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-14 06:42:00
United KingdomApproved this morning! (Phones everywhere!)

Congrats to you and congrats to me!!!!  Lol

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-13 19:55:00
United KingdomGetting a Marriage License

I hope I am note posting this in the wrong forum. I'm sure I will soon be moved if I am...


I have now booked my one-way flight to JFK (£995?! Lucky I had lots of air miles saved up...) for 30th March. We are planning to get married soon after 19th April when my fiancee's mother gets back from a trip to China and my parents get in from the UK. 


I know that this varies state to state (if anyone has experience of this in New York City please let me know! We want to get married in City Hall.) but how/when can can we get a marriage license? How long does one last when you get it? Could my fiancee go and get it before I get across there to save time?

I cant help you about marriage licences either, but the person who posted about the price of a ticket has a point. If it's cheaper to get a round trip ticket then that would be the best option.  Funnily enough I have just been looking at prices myself and I looked on BA's site, which said if you cancel within 24 hours you can get a full refund and then rebook.  Hopefully you have only just booked and have the option then to get a cheaper ticket.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-17 19:45:00
United Kingdommedical issues and K 1 visa

Thank you so much!!!!! This makes me feel loads better. Maybe I can start breathing again on March 19th!! lol Thanks again for responding smile.png))

They are looking for everything to be under control, as long as you have a letter saying that, then there really should not be a problem.  As for the letter, I had an interview in Feb, along with a few others on this forum. I received my letter but some other people did not receive one although they still went for the interview and were listed, so I wouldn't worry about that.  . I know that it is easier said than done, because this is probably the hardest stage of the whole K1 journey. I remember myself and others worrying ourselves sick and when we went to the embassy it was kind of  wow, I was fretting for nothing.


You will be fine, please don't worry!!  It will soon be over and you can look forward to being reunited with your loved one. )

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-08 19:13:00
United KingdomCEAC Status "Case Created" Date changed?

That is even funnier, as my ticket is booked for May 10th! So we will be doing AOS around the same time!  Same thing here lots to sort out.

We haven't decided when we will marry exactly yet.  He  wants a church wedding with his priest, but it means counselling beforehand and we don't know if we can plan a big wedding and do everything in 90 days. He is going to discuss it with his priest.  We thought if it doesn't happen in time we will have a quick civil ceremony, followed by a blessing.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-24 09:03:00
United KingdomCEAC Status "Case Created" Date changed?



Funny! It's almost exactly the same. When are you planning on moving over? We're planning on 7th May, but don't want to make any concrete plans until he physically has his visa in hand. Lots of things to sort out yet. We bought a house and it won't be ready until late April and our wedding isn't until 4th of July, so we aren't in a massive hurry

That is even funnier, as my ticket is booked for May 10th! So we will be doing AOS around the same time!  Same thing here lots to sort out.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-24 08:57:00
United KingdomCEAC Status "Case Created" Date changed?


Great news! Safe journey and welcome to Texas tomorrow. I'm only about an hour or so from where you'll make your new home. 

Just notice you and I are nearly on the same time scale!

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-24 08:44:00
United KingdomCEAC Status "Case Created" Date changed?


Thank you! I'm so happy you got the email, I guess they just have a computerized system and as soon as 1PM hits they send them out, I remember I was literally watching the clock as it went from 12:59 to 1:00 and I refreshed my emails to see it smile.png

I love the fact that we can share this information with people who will soon be in a similar place to us!  Next will be AOS and by the time I get there you guys will be way ahead of me, but I know I will be able to ask you all questions. Hope the weather is good for you when you get there, although its a lovely day here today. Say hello to your fiancee for me and your fiancee's family and "Merry Christmas". :)

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-24 08:27:00
United KingdomCEAC Status "Case Created" Date changed?


Thanks and you too! I'll write a POE review as soon as I get there.



Congratulations!!    Good luck, will be thinking of you in the big plane! lol


Well I didn't get my link on Saturday, so I don't suppose they send them out at weekends, but today at precisely 1pm, I got a link for the passport they said it would be ready to collect tomorrow.   Strange how they send them out at 1pm every day. 

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-24 08:20:00
United KingdomCEAC Status "Case Created" Date changed?


No worries, I got my ticket, I'm actually going Birmingham > Newark and my layover time is 5hours so that's PERFECT and I won't be worrying about missing my connection to Dallas 

You might need to fill it in when you go to boarding online, 24 hours before?!?!? DId you get a window seat?  I did, I love watching out of the window the take off and landing.  I wonder if we still need our esta number or the K1 takes over that?



 I bet Dallas doesn't have half as much snow as Pennsylvania, they have been bombarded this winter!  As for my flight it is a direct flight, so no stay over.....  I also didn't get a tracking number, not yet any way, so I reckon that must apply during the week and not to weekends.  I have, however, located the depot for when it gets in and its not far away at all!

Yeah it was only about 3 or 4 hours for us too.

Is Mark flying into Philadelphia?   Let us know how POE goes, as I am due to fly into Philly in May.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-22 08:34:00