United KingdomVisa---Pick up at depot or courier?

Ouch, wish I'd had known this, I paid my fee yesterday (My interview is on the 13th" and I paid the $30 for home delivery

I saw this article before paying for my K1 luckily!!!  I am going to pay the £8.99 at the embassy or if I have to pick up the passport I will.  I don't honestly think this should be allowed by the courier firm.  The K1 fee is inclusive of courier fee to the depot and I think charging $30 online is just a money making scheme.  Some people panic as they have booked their flight (although technically they shouldn't before approval it says). I glad people are posting this and helping us to save money because the K1 isn't cheap in itself without the couriers trying to rip us off!!

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-07 07:43:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors


haha oh wow! i've only ever met one other person with the same birthday as me xD  that's cool!


Yeah I think that's DOS, since it's an American phone number tongue.png  I think I'll give them a call on Monday or Tuesday! 

Thankyou very much !! smile.png x

No problem! That is what I love about this site, we all try to help each other out.  I will be looking at your profile intently.  Good luck!! x

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-23 21:02:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors


Yay that's great news!! Who did you call you find out your appointment date, the embassy? ^^

And also, that'll be the best birthday present ever to get your approval on your birthday! Good luck! I'm sure it will go fine! smile.png   my birthday is on the 28th Feb haha tongue.png

I'm laughing as my fiances  birthday is on Feb 28th and so is my older brothers!!  Nanton stan gave me the number today, his interview is Feb 13th too.  Let me copy and paste for you.



Call this: 001 202 485 7600 and on the first set of options hit 1, and the second hit 0 and you'll be put through to someone, ask if you have a date yet and they'll ask for your case number and your name and D.O.B and then tell you smile.png


I think its the DOS.  Good luck, sure it will be before your birthday. x

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-23 20:04:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

Update! ^^
I checked my CEAC status today and it says it was updated today, hopefully that means the embassy has got my medical results? biggrin.png

Hopefully it won't be TOO long for an interview smile.png

I'm glad to hear your test went well, srvman!

Just to let you know my results got there on Tuesday and today I rang up and I found out my appointment date, ,It's Feb 13th, my birthday of all days.   It's very quick!!   I hope you hear something really soon, Your results were logged two days after mine so it shouldn't be long. Glad you got it all sorted. xxx

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-23 19:42:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

Update! GP wrote a great letter, covered all the points that Knightsbridge had asked for. Went to Staples and faxed it, and then called Knightsbridge to confirm they received it. They confirmed they had gotten it, and the lady on the phone told me it will be checked through within 48 hours and if they need any additional info they'll call me. If it's all alright they'll send it off to the embassy, yay!

I've got my fingers crossed for you, but I don't see a problem at all.  They just wanted your letter.  My medical reports were sent on Friday and the CEAC updatedt today, probably to say they have received them.  Now the waiting game starts. x

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-21 13:11:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors


I found the X ray part rather scary as well, I wasn't very well over Christmas (I had a really bad cough too!) so I was worried it would make my lungs look bad on the X ray or something sad.png  But since I had no calls I'm hoping everything was fine. 


My arm is really bruised from where they kept trying to take blood though, hopefully it will go down. It's really painful, purple and blue! But at least they finally were able to do my blood test haha. It was weird because I usually have no problems when I have it done for tests at the hospital.


And good luck! Hopefully yours gets to the embassy fast and they will schedule your interview quickly smile.png mine will be a little delayed I reckon since I need the doctors letter, but hopefully it won't be too long for an interview. My fiancé is so excited and so am I! The longest part of the journey is all over, now just the wait for an interview appointment! biggrin.png

I think you are like me a born worrier!  I don't think your appointment will be delayed at all! In fact wouldn't be at all surprised if I see you in the waiting room, a bag of nerves again as you were when I saw you after your xray.  Next time hopefully we wont be sitting in those dreadful gowns though. ha ha ha!!  My fiance says he is holding in his emotions until the interview, but tonight I saw he getting a tad excited when he was sat talking to me on Skype!   I will be glad not to have to Skype any more and just be able to be together in person!  I am getting very excited now, just can't wait to be with him again and not have to leave. I hate it when we part we both end up crying.....

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-17 20:42:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

Hey! Yep that was me haha, I hope you got on alright! smile.png
Yeah the lady in reception told me that if they found anything wrong they'd call me by 5pm today, but I had no calls so HOPEFULLY that means everything is fine! And yeah it would be good to see you again at the interview, will be cool to have someone to chat to while we are all waiting biggrin.png

Hi, the dr told me too that if anything was wrong they would contact me by Friday, I too have had no phone calls TG.  I was like you so anxious, I didn't sleep the night before at all!   The dr was lovely, the reception staff were lovely too and so was the tech for the x ray, although I must admit that was probably the scariest part of all!


So it will be interesting to see how long the results get to the American Embassy the dr said to me Tuesday by the latest, but I looked on the site today and I think probably Tuesday by the earliest as there seems to be a "Bank Holiday" on Monday.


I'm counting the days now, we are so close to having our "Happy ever after".   Let me know when you hear anything wont you?!?!

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-17 20:10:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

Right so! Sitting in Victoria coach station as I write this haha.

Arrived in London with my mum at Victoria, went and took a taxi to Bentinck street, the driver dropped us right outside the doctors. Since we were realllly early we headed to Oxford street to look in the shops and grab something to eat while we waited for it to get to my appointment time.

Arrived at the doctors. Now, I'm gonna be honest with you guys: I found this whole thing a bit upsetting though I was extremely anxious the entire time. 

Went to reception and was asked to hand my passport (which they keep hold of til the end of the medical) a passport photo, police certificate, and vaccination records. I was told to go take a seat in the waiting area.

I was called in for the X-ray first. Was asked if I had one before, I hadn't. Had to remove clothing on my top half and wear some little gown type thing. I...had no idea how a healthy chest X-ray result looked so I  was super scared there was something wrong (I'm a worrier ^^wink.png but I was told to go to a waiting area for women. Me and my mum chatted to a lady in the waiting room about NOA2 times which was cool tongue.png

Then I was called in for a medical. Checked my eyes, ears, reflex test, eye test, blood pressure. checked my upper half and lower half (pretty embarrassing but it has to be done sad.png ) went through the questionnaire and was asked about my previous depression. Doctor asked me to take some letter to my GP so that she could give them more information. I was pretty upset by this thinking it was going to mess up my visa for some depression I suffered briefly when I was a little younger :/

Then he did the blood test, but couldn't get blood out of either arm. He said I seemed very dehydrated and to go drink a bunch of water. I returned to the waiting area pretty upset, thinking not only this depression thing was going to mess with my visa, AND the fact they couldn't get no blood out of me. So I was mega worried. I also asked him about the form I'm supposed to have for AOS and he looked at me like I was crazy so I stopped asking. He was kind of stern because I kept asking questions but I was worried so ^^;

But! Then the nurse called me through and she was AWESOME. She was really nice and saw I was upset. I explained I was worried because of what the doctor told me, thinking my visa would be declined or whatever. But she reassured me a lot of people had to go get more info from their GP, and that they'd hold my results until they get a letter faxed by my doctor. She attempted to take my blood again but no luck yet again xD told me to drink even more water and shed call me back in.

After like...6 or 7 cups of water, she called me back in. We got a tiny amount of blood and she said that was good enough. She went through my vaccinations and said I needed a flu jab. She joked with me and said she's sorry for stabbing me with so many needles xD so after the flu jab she explained the vaccination form and told me to keep hold of it for AOS.

After I was finally finished I was called to reception to pay. They gave me all my forms but they spelled my name wrong so they had to amend it. xD they handed back my passport also.  The receptionist was also really polite.

I feel kind of silly for getting so upset but I get very anxious and had been panicking all week haha. I'm really glad it's over. If you're the type of person to get easily nervous just try to be brave ^^

So pretty much what's happened is they're holding onto my results until I get my doctor to write and fax a letter, THEN they will send it to the embassy. So sadly a bit of a delay but I'm seeing my GP ASAP!

So if you were having your medical today and you saw some girl drinking a ton of water and being sad/worried, it was me! XD but hopefully it'll all be fine and I was silly for worrying tongue.png

I think that lady you were talking to was me! You are the girl who got approved in about 13 days right?!?! :)  I too suffered depression and took a letter with me, a few questions, but I passed that part, now just hope they aren't going to ring me up today for any reason.  Might see each other again at interview, be nice to see a familiar face!

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-17 10:20:00
United KingdomDocuments left USCIS to go to the NVC, but my mind is on the Philippines.

Hi everyone today I found out that USCIS sent the relevant ok to NVC on the 7th of November, but instead of feeling happy I feel nothing, but sadness I just can't stop thinking about our friends on here from the Philippines and now Vietnam. They have all been so kind,, thoughtful and helpful towards me.  I am praying right now that they and their families keep safe as I know everyone else on this forum will be.  

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-09 22:43:00
United KingdomACRO Police Check Waiting Times

Funny stuff!  I can actually endorse them too and I am a dizzy blonde, so that says it all really! Lol

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-31 16:09:00
United KingdomACRO Police Check Waiting Times

If this helps you you can use a long list of people in the community.  You can even use a care worker. I think its any one that is a public worker, works in the community or probably has an enhanced CRB. I rang the ACRPO a few months ago regarding who could sign.  Apparently it no longer has to be a "professional" as you it use to be with the passport form, but someone who is I guess "trustworthy".

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-31 15:51:00
United KingdomACRO Police Check Waiting Times

Thank you SO much!!  That is another thing of my mind and my tick list!  I love this forum everyone is so friendly and helpful.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-31 15:41:00
United KingdomACRO Police Check Waiting Times

Oh I forgot, this might be of some help  I think ACRPO ask for passport photos in standard British size, so if you are thinking of getting your photos done in the USA, hopefully there will be a machine there that does all different sizes for different countries.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-31 15:37:00
United KingdomACRO Police Check Waiting Times

Hi Guys,


I'm going to need an ACRPO as I now have my NOA2.   Is the standard service the one that can take up to 40 days or are you talking about the fast service?  I'm confused as when I looked at their website it said can take up to 40 days but Im reading on the forums that they are quoting up to 10 working days.  Thanks for your help.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-31 15:34:00
United KingdomPolice Cbeck

Mine arrived easy within 10 working days and I had booked my medical for two weeks after I ordered police check and didn't sweat at all

wish I could go for my medical or book it, but my fiance is due over for Christmas and it's such an expensive time of the year without having to book hotels and train fares and pay our lawyer too.  I wish they would do the medicals in other big cities like Manchester!

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-05 12:01:00
United KingdomPolice Cbeck

I just wanted to share my of applying for a Police check with you all in England.  I was umming and ahhing about whether or not to apply for the standard service check which takes 10 working days or to expedite the service. which takes 3 working days I think.  I haven't booked my medical yet  and time was on my side. I I decided I might as well go for the cheapest option.  So last week I think it was Tuesday I sent off for it, standard service



On Friday I was sent an email to say they have received my application form.  Today in the post it arrived.  It took less than a week.   I do realise that wont always be the case as I do have a enhanced CRB check for work, so perhaps that made it faster, but I just wanted to share that with you all so you can make an informed judgement for yourselves.   

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-03 09:37:00
United KingdomUn-Booking a Medical?

It's not too bad (skip in a bit for more recent reviews):


Thanks for the link. I've just been looking  for reviews! :)

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-03 10:23:00
United KingdomUn-Booking a Medical?

You should be OK, I applied for mine just before Christmas, standard and it took about a week. So glad I didn't pay extra for it. I have my medical on the 14th Jan, delayed it because of the expense of Christmas and because I had my fiance over.   This is the part I am dreading as I hear its pretty intensive and personal.  Good luck!

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-03 10:06:00
United KingdomDS-260 "Invoice ID Number"?

Sorry to double post but I just noticed my Case Updated just changed for the 14th January, good news for me!

what does it say?

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-14 15:05:00
United KingdomDS-260 "Invoice ID Number"?


Thanks a lot! Well this was my FIRST time in London by myself and I managed to find it just fine, I don't like London at all, I find it so confusing getting around on the underground, but I found it fine and the staff there are all really friendly, they joke with you and are really really happy! You'll be fine honestly smile.png

Can I ask you what you took with you to the medical apart from the police check. Ive downloaded the form filled it in, ,I have my immunisation records in order.   I have my photos ready, do I have to take my passport or will my driving licence do as I hate taking my passport any where in case I lose it.  Thanks for the words of encouragement.:)

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-14 13:48:00
United KingdomDS-260 "Invoice ID Number"?

I see your medical is tomorrow, good luck!! I've still not heard word of my results going through but it's only been 3 work days, so fingers crossed for the next couple of days 

Thanks for that  I'm so anxious about it, don't like going to the doctors at the best of times and being in London for a few hours by myself isn't the greatest feeling, although my work colleague suggested a trip to Harrods!!  Lol.


Let me know how you get on with the embassy, I will be following your posts eagerly to see how long it takes from medical to interview!  Good luck!!! I am sure they will update the system shortly and you will be on your merry way to your loved one.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-14 11:06:00
United KingdomDS-260 "Invoice ID Number"?


I had to go to London from Sheffield so it was a 2 hour trains journey! and then 2 hours back again, I got to St Pancras at 12 noon and my appointment was at 1:10, I had to take the tube to Oxford Circus, then Bond Street and then it was just a 5 minute walk to Bentinck Street. Then I was straightin, 30 minutes in the doctors and out and back through the tube, to the train.


As far as the readiness thing goes, I've got all my forms submitted and I did the readiness form, now I play the waiting game..

Thanks!  My timetable is pretty much the same from Manchester.  I arrive into Euston around noon and my appointment is 1ish.  I then have to wait around until 7pm until my train home. 


As for forms I have already submitted the DS-160. I guess if all goes well at the medical and I fill in the readiness form it's a waiting game for me too!   It will be interesting to see how long that takes...........

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-12 19:47:00
United KingdomDS-260 "Invoice ID Number"?


Thank you! I'll make another thread about it, you're right I feel it would help some people! Good luck with your medical, I had mine yesterday and the whole thing only lasted half an hour

I' m not looking forward to that process, but it has to be done. I arrive in London at noon, my appointment is around an hour or later and I don't get my train back until 7pm. I guess I will be doing some sightseeing!


Let me know how you get on with the readiness thing. I have already submitted my DS160 and not sure what else I need to do after the medical other than await a date?

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-10 10:32:00
United KingdomDS-260 "Invoice ID Number"?

Hey guys, I recently had my Medical exam (yesterday) I have all of my forms and submitted the DS-160, I just received Packet 3 and noticed I need to do DS-260 too? But it's asking for an "Invoice ID Number" What is this and where do I find it?

Congratulations on getting through another stage. I have my medical next Wednesday, have my train tickets booked. Going to be a long day!!


I noticed on your profile that you visited your fiancee  several times even after your NOA2 was approved and would love you to share that experience with everyone as I know many people on here worry about visiting during this lengthy process. 



shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-10 10:22:00
United KingdomWhat documents to mail to London Embassy?

I wish there was a confirmation email with the ds-2001. Would have been nice to have for my own records.

You have just answered the question I was already going to ask.  I thought hmm no confirmation like I got with the DS160 and no up date on their system to say they have received either, nothing updated since Nov 14th.  I think I saw you at the medical by the way. I was in a pink cardigan and I saw three guys in the waiting room, one alone who I spoke too and one sat with his dad at the far end of the room!!


I am anxiously waiting for CEAC to update they have my forms and my medical results, but today its a holiday, so the waiting continues!!  Sigh!!!

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-20 07:21:00
United KingdomDo i need to fill in other forms

i have filled out the DS-160 on the 18th dec i have been for a medical what am i doing wrong the london embassy is saying there is no status.

Did you fill the readiness form in?

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-21 13:18:00
United KingdomCalling DoS for A date, how long did it take you?


I keep praying we hear something soon! "Within 6 weeks" from the readiness doesn't mean anything really, within 6 weeks could mean tomorrow, next week, 2 weeks etc. so I wouldn't worry too much about that, I'm sure we'll all get good news in the coming days!

It will come soon for all of us.  You're a week ahead of everyone on this page with your medical so I am eagerly looking for updates from your posts.  I have read Nich- Nicks link and other posts and from what I can gather its about 4 weeks after the dated letter they send to us.   I wish I was patient, but I am not. I just have to count my blessings that I haven't been waiting a year just for the NOA2 like others that must be dreadful!  Any way I will check in tomorrow to see if your timeline has been updated with some good news.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-22 09:29:00
United KingdomCalling DoS for A date, how long did it take you?

DOS is closed today due to winter storm.  I have the number to the London Embassy ...question 1..Does the rate of $1.20 apply if I'm calling the 703-439-2367? question 2...The CEAC shows update today for us, I can assume it's they have Mark's medical.  If they have a interview date will they tell me?

.It updated for me too. Unfortunately now  its a waiting game up to 6 weeks, hopefully it wont be that long. Hold on in there. I will be praying for all of us to hear something soon. x

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-21 11:54:00
United KingdomCalling DoS for A date, how long did it take you?

He is and so much soul mate!! We understand how difficult emotionally this process is and our hearts go out to everyone who is in the journey to be together. We've been fortunately enough to be able to afford seeing each other every 9 weeks..but the time was never enough and those days apart are long and painful.. Soon..that's the. Word we continue to say over n over again..and soon it will be. Try to keep busy and fill your days until the moment comes. It doesn't make the hurt any easier but helps pass the time. When this is all over..we live in Central PA so we hope we will stay in touch!

Oops left man off!!   I just rang Knightsbridge to see if my file had left and apparently it left on Friday for the embassy so I'm getting nervously excited!!!!   Yeah it would be cool to stay in touch, when this is over we will be in Dubois PA, not sure how far away that is from you, but it will be nice to meet up, x

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-20 11:06:00
United KingdomCalling DoS for A date, how long did it take you?

The embassy gives you some insight in red writing on this page http://london.usemba..._readiness.html

You ought to know by now that in immigration every case is different so if John hears in 2 weeks, doesn't mean Joe will also hear in 2 weeks. It is often dependent on Embassy workload, holidays, etc.

Yeah that is so true Nich-Nick.  Thanks for that link at least we know that if we haven't heard within 6 weeks of them having all the relevant forms and such we can enquire.  Also whilst I have your attention is it true that its a holiday today and nothing much of anything will happen today?

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-20 09:32:00
United KingdomCalling DoS for A date, how long did it take you?

Hang in there! We are only a few days behind you in the process and you couldn't be more right about the stress at this point. That "so close but not to the end" feeling. I'm sure once we have a date for interview that the wait will be like another eternity..and then the anticipation of the visa in hand will be like every hour of every day is a lifetime x10..we so want to book a flight and have a date of arrival, but have decided the day the visa is in hand Mark will be on the next flight out of UK. At this point I don't care if I have to drive 10 hours to any airport just to get him here in my arms! It's definitely hard but encourage your girl to keep smiling and stay strong, soon this will be over and the remainder of the journey you will be side by side completing!

I can understand why you're so anxious. I met your fiance at the medical and he is a handsome young :)

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-20 09:30:00
United KingdomCalling DoS for A date, how long did it take you?


Definitely, it seems like we're able to track the whole process all the way to this point but when it gets to the end and you're waiting for the interview date you're just left hanging, it's very stressful not knowing.. the only thing keeping me going is the fact i'll have an actual date in a few days..

Well as we have been talking I've been perusing all posts.  It seems that you normally hear about an appointment day on average after two weeks of the medical being logged, the interview date on average is two weeks after.  So if I am correct you should get your interview date later this week!

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-20 08:07:00
United KingdomCalling DoS for A date, how long did it take you?


I got the exact same thing, I actually did the DS-160 and readiness form first so my medical was the last to update, and that was just a "Updated since" thing, this is probably the worst part of the whole process because it seems like we're in the dark, just waiting day to day!

I think one of us needs to write a topic regarding this subject once we have been contacted. I've looked aimlessly around the forum trying to get an insight and estimated times. Alas,  I can't find any topic on it.   It seems to be the part of the process that is a tad hazy.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-20 07:57:00
United KingdomCalling DoS for A date, how long did it take you?


You know what, I was kinda 50/50 about today, I was sure it was MLK day but I wasn't sure if it was an actual federal holiday, thanks for the encouragement, I know all of this will be over and we'll all be happy soon!

I might be wrong as it really isn't stating it any where. I just looked up the London Embassy and the holiday calendar!  Whilst you are online I need to ask you a question.  What did the CEAC say when it updated with your medical results? Mine hasn't updated since Nov 14th and I have submitted the DS-160 a few weeks ago and the readiness form last week, so I am kind of wondering why there is nothing other than a confirmation email from the submitted DS-160.  Thanks in advance!!!!

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-20 07:49:00
United KingdomCalling DoS for A date, how long did it take you?

Just thought i'd ask how long it took before people got a date from the Department of State, my last case update was the 14th which was them receiving the medical results, already sent off the readiness and DS-160 before this so that's everything, I'm calling the DoS every day because my fiancée in the US is so depressed with me being away so i'm trying so hard, can anyone maybe give me an estimate, I know the embassy is saying within 4 weeks now but obviously the DoS gets to know the date beforehand.

Hi again, I am like you looking for answers, so unfortunately I can't help you.  I can say though that unfortunately I doubt much will happen today as I am 99 percent sure it is a National Holiday today and I am sure they will be closed today. I understand how you feel though, the longer you go through the process the more anxious you become!   I am sure you will hear from this week and get a date though.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-20 07:43:00
United KingdomVisa fee London embassy


I'm thinking the same, i'd have to set off at around 5:30AM otherwise! 

I'm going to have to say to my boss I can't do the two 24 hours shifts she had booked me for, but I did warn her.    I am going to take it leisurely in London and try not to get stressed out.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-23 16:36:00
United KingdomVisa fee London embassy


Are you serious? That's great news!! We might see each other! I'm so happy we got our dates on the same day AND the interview dates are the same!

Yes I am serious!!  My fiance and I are so happy as it such a great birthday present and Valentines!!!  I will look out for you in London. I think I will book a hotel the night before as I don't fancy travelling via train at some ridiculous time in the morning!  Here's praying we get a great result!

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-23 16:26:00
United KingdomVisa fee London embassy

Thanks for that. I am nervous about ringing as I don't like to come across as harassing them, but I guess a gentle nudge wont harm.

just rang them and I have my interview date. Its the same as yours, at 9.30am in the morning, on my birthday!!!

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-23 14:15:00
United KingdomVisa fee London embassy


Call this: 001 202 485 7600 and on the first set of options hit 1, and the second hit 0 and you'll be put through to someone, ask if you have a date yet and they'll ask for your case number and your name and D.O.B and then tell you smile.png

Thanks for that. I am nervous about ringing as I don't like to come across as harassing them, but I guess a gentle nudge wont harm.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-23 14:06:00
United KingdomVisa fee London embassy


I called, you definitely need to be calling the DoS for the date!

Do you have the number?

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-23 11:05:00