CanadaLol My Wife's Immigration Luck Will Always Suck :)
QUOTE (Malrothien @ Oct 9 2009, 03:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Your wife REALLY is an alien!

Haha I'm going to have to search for a zipper to her costume this weekend. If I get slapped I get to come on here and complain about it smile.gif

bowflexMaleCanada2009-10-09 14:49:00
CanadaLol My Wife's Immigration Luck Will Always Suck :)
QUOTE (JillA @ Oct 9 2009, 03:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (bowflex @ Oct 9 2009, 03:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We get her 10 year permanent resident card in the mail, she's excited as she's finally done with USCIS and immigration until we decide to go for citizenship, and then boom, on the card it says 'Unknown' under the Country heading. Her last one said Serbia but for some reason they decided not to use that on this one. We already get stopped at the border for about 45 minutes everytime visiting her folks in Canada so I can only imagine what this is going to do.

Not a big deal but it's hilarious how much everything costs and how specific they want all of our paperwork to be yet this stuff happens constantly haha good.gif

Can you get it fixed, maybe it's a mistake? That's so wierd!

Lol Another good part, I actually called the help line earlier today, they pretty much told me "Oh don't worry about it the card's still good" and that was it smile.gif

bowflexMaleCanada2009-10-09 14:45:00
CanadaLol My Wife's Immigration Luck Will Always Suck :)
We get her 10 year permanent resident card in the mail, she's excited as she's finally done with USCIS and immigration until we decide to go for citizenship, and then boom, on the card it says 'Unknown' under the Country heading. Her last one said Serbia but for some reason they decided not to use that on this one. We already get stopped at the border for about 45 minutes everytime visiting her folks in Canada so I can only imagine what this is going to do.

Not a big deal but it's hilarious how much everything costs and how specific they want all of our paperwork to be yet this stuff happens constantly haha good.gif
bowflexMaleCanada2009-10-09 14:43:00
CanadaCountdown to Citizenship test/interview...

bowflexMaleCanada2009-10-14 10:46:00
CanadaGetting a US driver's license
Haha Just to add some LOLs to this thread, a few days after my wife moved to the States, I was driving her to process her driver's license at the Secretary of State and I ended up getting into an accident whistling.gif

bowflexMaleCanada2009-10-16 10:10:00
CanadaHappy Birthday Missa!
Big ol' Happy Birthday!!!

bowflexMaleCanada2009-10-16 14:36:00
Canadahow DO people get by doing the A.O.S
Yep wasn't my intention to start this in another thread, just went back and read some of the originals.

I'm really surprised that an overstay wouldn't have any bearing on filing for AOS. When the Consulate was grilling my wife during our CR-1 interview that's all she talked about and even refused to look at the documents we had to show that she was never here illegally. That seems like a HUGE loophole that I'm surprised was never buttoned-up. What's the point of limitations on the length of time a visitor can stay if those deadlines aren't punished if ignored? With all the insanely stupid and fiery hoops we all have to jump through I can't believe this exists, just in awe.

bowflexMaleCanada2009-10-16 15:08:00
Canadahow DO people get by doing the A.O.S
QUOTE (Kittyfang @ Oct 16 2009, 03:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
They're talking about me, hun.

What I did was come to visit my (then) boyfriend. We loved (and still do) being together so we decided to get married.
The thing that pisses these people off is that I overstayed, by a lot (2.5 years as someone so graciously mentioned). We were not aware of the rules and the forms we had to file.
We were part of the group of people that thought "well we're married now, get a SSN, get to work and let's live happy every after".
The problem is that because someone knows the rules and forms, they believe everyone should know them as well. That because someone went one route, another person can't do anything different.

Believe me, now I know exactly what is illegal and what isn't, but I'm here now. I might as well get some money together and aply for AoS. They don't like that.

With the overstay and everything did you have to go with a waiver and everything? I didn't mean to start any fights or anything, I'm just curious as my wife was charged with an overstay from her original case with her parents even though we had documentation showing that wasn't the case. Was a HUGE headache and really drove the way we had to handle the entire case.

bowflexMaleCanada2009-10-16 14:36:00
Canadahow DO people get by doing the A.O.S
Just like in any other instance though it's on the person/couple to find an educated and competent lawyer. My wife's family went with horrible attornies at the beginning yet found a great one right before they left. I ended up researching nearly 50 lawyers and went to quite a few consultations before we went with the one we went with. I checked reviews on the Board website, checked with local people who have used him, and even kind of "interviewed" him. When you go through all that it really helps make you feel safe with the decision you make.

Granted my wife's case was FAR more complicated than most so we actually needed a lawyer but in the end I couldn't be happier with the work he's done so far.

bowflexMaleCanada2009-10-16 12:16:00
Canadahow DO people get by doing the A.O.S
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Oct 16 2009, 10:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I know you are all in rush to get to your significant others but honestly, just take this time to really take in your home's surroundings and spend time with the people you love and care about most. Prior to moving I was so consumed with moving I had a "one foot out the door" attitude. You are going to spend the rest of your life with the person you are with, you will have many days with him or her.

This is your last few months in your home country. Spend it wisely. I sure wish I did.

Actually really good advice for everything in life smile.gif When my wife and I first started dating, I just kind of took it for granted that I'd see her every day and we'd be together whenever we wanted. When the good ol' US Government decided that wasn't in the cards, the next 2 1/2 years were spent with me going to bed alone 5 out of 7 nights a week alone wondering why I didn't enjoy every minute we had together. Now that we're married and living together and everything, whenever I find myself taking it for granted, I just remember the last night we spent together looking up apartments and stuff for her family in Canada and quickly give her a hug. Of course this is way too softie to tell her so if she reads this I'll have to remove part of her brain as to not get made fun of smile.gif

Great post on that one Sprailenes smile.gif

bowflexMaleCanada2009-10-16 09:47:00
Canadahow DO people get by doing the A.O.S
QUOTE (domegirl1978 @ Oct 15 2009, 11:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Honestly, I think it all has to do with what immigration officer you get when you do AOS the "illegal" way. When speaking to my cousin's brother in law (he's an immigration lawyer), he said to me that LOADS of people just enter and adjust and MOST people get away with it no problem.

Lol That's just it though, you can't put illegal in quotes here. Just the fact that you have to get advice that you could get caught for it implies that it's illegal smile.gif For every 10 or 100 people that get away with it, there's always going to be that 1 person that gets caught and is banned for life from visiting or immigrating to the USA. Now I was "lucky" and the illegal way wouldn't have been doable for my wife and I anyway, but I really wish every person that tried it would get caught.

bowflexMaleCanada2009-10-15 10:38:00
Canadahow DO people get by doing the A.O.S
QUOTE (thetreble @ Oct 15 2009, 10:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Right. And I think people, in general, need to make a bigger distinction between doing what someone like I did, and simply overstaying. I was only there for 3 months before we got married so I wasn't even close to an overstay.

Completely agree that a distinction should be made. If someone is visiting for a few months and actually does get married on a whim or spur of the moment, by all means that should be allowed and I've got no problem with that. If someone, however, has the intent to marry when they cross the border and just plans on filing for AOS, I think they should be permanently banned and if the significant other knew and participated in that plan, they should also face heavy fines and a loss of their sponsorship rights.

I'm not really jealous of those who go through AOS about anything other than the fact that they get to spend time with their significant other while the process is going on. Now I was EXTREMELY lucky and only lived about 45 minutes to an hour away from my wife during our process, but it is in no way, shape, or form fair for someone to get around the process by lying and committing fraud.

In the end, if it was done in the way that the law states is legal, good for those folks and I wish them nothing but the best good.gif

QUOTE (Rob and Mel @ Oct 15 2009, 10:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Oct 15 2009, 06:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
And those who overstay and live here illegally for 2.5 years. whistling.gif

And keep making newly titled and worded threads asking the same question in the upper forums seeking some sort of validation whistling.gif

Lol I need to spend more time here to get to know the inside information smile.gif

bowflexMaleCanada2009-10-15 09:55:00
CanadaAnyone watch Hells Kitchen on Tv this season?
QUOTE (Marilyn. @ Oct 21 2009, 05:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (warlord @ Oct 21 2009, 02:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have watched every season too. I just didn't want to look at this until I finally saw the final episode which I did the other day finally. Another good one was Kitchen Nightmares that's actually really good. I wasn't too fond of the British season they did before the American one, but I definatly like the American Kitchen Nightmares.

My friend always asks me what happend to this winner or that winner. It's kind of funny that not many have gone on to be famous really other then a couple of them. Some have dropped completely off the radar...

seriously? laughing.gif I thought the American version was too dramatized and fake...

I never really understood restaurants that would be on the Nightmare show. A restaurant was redone that was located about 15 minutes from where my folks lived, and sure it got remade and looked nice, but just seeing how those people were cooking with bugs and rotten stuff everywhere would keep me from ever visiting it lol. You know once Gordon leaves they're not going to keep up the higher priced ways of keeping the kitchen clean when they can just go back to their old ways and make money, grooooooss lol.

bowflexMaleCanada2009-10-21 16:22:00
CanadaAnyone watch Hells Kitchen on Tv this season?
An American chef won the show and will be the Executive Chef at a restaurant in Vancouver, right where the 2010 Olympics will be. I wonder if he'll get his immigration paperwork in order and get the Visa by the time he's got to be there whistling.gif

bowflexMaleCanada2009-10-14 10:42:00
CanadaAt Least Immigration is Dumb on Both Sides of the Border Lol
QUOTE (Peachey @ Oct 21 2009, 03:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I've had both Canadian and American border guards yell at me.

Oh same here, it's just never really been as odd as this time. He also felt it appropriate to keep mentioning that since she removed herself from her family's case that my wife would never be able to file for a status in Canada. We told him right away we understood and actually took that into account before removing her, then he just shook his head. I just wanted to look at him and ask him what his problem was but we hadn't seen her family in a few months and it wouldn't have been fair to them to get denied.

Eventually I couldn't hold back anymore but man it's rough to get disrespected when we probably know more about immigration than some kid who went through a training course and probably saw three visas in his entire life haha.

bowflexMaleCanada2009-10-21 14:37:00
CanadaAt Least Immigration is Dumb on Both Sides of the Border Lol
Wow that was just about the nicest post I've ever seen, thanks Lol smile.gif

When going over the border from Detroit to Windsor I usually take the tunnel, then coming back we usually take the Ambassador Bridge since it's slower there. We're always sure to leave around 9:30 or 10pm as any later and we may run into the drunk crowd leaving all the bars and clubs.

As long as it's only going to Canada that we get garbage I'm okay with that. The worst they'll do is deny us entry and then we'd just have to go home. I'd get nervous if they were going to deny us entry back to the States though, as I'm kind of attached to our house and ferrets lol.

bowflexMaleCanada2009-10-21 14:22:00
CanadaAt Least Immigration is Dumb on Both Sides of the Border Lol
QUOTE (Malrothien @ Oct 21 2009, 02:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What a jerk.

smile.gif Standard though, he was a younger guy. Whenever we see a younger guard I just gear up to get ####### as they're all on power trips lol.

bowflexMaleCanada2009-10-21 13:28:00
CanadaAt Least Immigration is Dumb on Both Sides of the Border Lol
Went to Canada this weekend to visit my wife's family for the first of our Thanksgivings and to my surprise we didn't get called in when coming back on the American side, even with my wife's permanent resident card stating country of birth as 'Unknown.' We did, however, get called in on our way into Canada. After seeing the poor guard read the 1,300 pages or whatever of my wife's case on her computer, she called over another guard and called us up. They asked if my wife had removed herself from her family's case (they are permanent residents in Canada now, soon to be citizens next year smile.gif ). My wife said yes and verified that she had gone to downtown Windsor and filled out the paperwork with her mom when she received the American visa in the mail, blah blah blah. The guard then stated if she had done the Verification of Depature, and being unsure of what that was, I asked. The guard then said that it's a requirement to go into the Canadian side of the border, go into the immigration office, and get a guard to watch you drive over the border.

My wife let them know that she was never instructed of this, even when filling out the paperwork, to which the guard said under his breath something along the lines of "if you even went and filled out the paperwork." Being a little annoyed with the new attitude I told him that we have her passport with us and it shows the date that we activated the visa as it's stamped on there and he responded by asking me if it was a Canadian document. I said nope and he said "well that won't help us then will it?"

I laughed and said if you're going to deny us entry go ahead and do it now otherwise feel free to speed this up. First time I actually got snippy with a guard but he just had us sit down for 15 more minutes and then gave us our info back. On our way out I asked him if I should come in and ask for anyone to watch us drive over the bridge or if we're good to go. He smirked and walked away and within 20 minutes we were hanging with her family Lol.

bowflexMaleCanada2009-10-21 13:23:00
CanadaImmigration Lawyer - Minnesota
I used a great lawyer, granted I'm in Michigan, but he helps with cases all over the States. If you'd like his information go ahead and PM me. He is willing to let you pay monthly payments if needed and was very professional and great with my wife's complicated case. Good luck!

bowflexMaleCanada2009-10-23 13:55:00
CanadaMy letter to Lee McClenny
This makes no sense and I can't believe it's even real. They save your letter of complaint that you sent to the consulate and it can somehow be linked to you and viewed at the border? That does not seem ethical!
Oh it's great fun, the border guards even are surprised sometimes as they're reading it Lol. When we get a younger person they tell us we had some big ones to write such a letter and that it must've taken forever to find all those facts. The older guards usually tsk tsk us with their eyes haha.

I'm sure during our trip this weekend for Thanksgiving we're going to have a blast, especially with her new card saying 'Unknown' for country lol

bowflexMaleCanada2009-10-14 14:09:00
CanadaMy letter to Lee McClenny
QUOTE (lgg @ Oct 14 2009, 12:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yep... this is what i'm looking for...
It was hard to write because I was/am emotional...

Hey Lgg,

Yep unfortunately I agree with Peachey as well. When I wrote the letters to my Senator after our case fell way out of the timelines I actually had to rewrite it about 30 times to get all of the emotion out of it. In the end I'm glad I did because a copy of that letter can be viewed at the border whenever we cross. We often have border guards reading it back to us as we're waiting the usual 45 minutes to get over smile.gif

I'd just stick to the facts, maybe post the exact turn times that are being given by Montreal now and even post how the customer support service isn't very helpful. I researched a ton of facts about the current conditions from where my wife was born and included them along with a paragraph towards the end that was more personal and told of our troubled times not being together.

I definitely wish you all the good luck in the world!

bowflexMaleCanada2009-10-14 11:41:00
CanadaAbsolute Worst Timing Having to Lease a Car
Just an update, I finally gave up trying after visiting a slew of dealerships all weekend and picked up the Camry yesterday. I must say it's rough sitting so low to the ground after being in a Commander for 2 1/2 years but it's a sweet looking car. Guess the next foreclosure or red fox that moves into downtown Detroit can be blamed on me blush.gif
bowflexMaleCanada2009-08-04 11:18:00
CanadaAbsolute Worst Timing Having to Lease a Car
QUOTE (thetreble @ Jul 31 2009, 06:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We got a used 2006 CRV in February and compaired to the negotiations that took place on getting our previous vehicle a in late 2007 (2008 Nissan Versa), they were NOT willing to budge at ALL.

They basically said, pay this amount or walk because we aren't going down a penny. My husband and I were there for 3 hours not talking to them, but deciding if it was worth it to pay the price.

Yep that's exactly the boat I'm in now! When I was pricing Chryslers and Jeeps at the place I've been going to forever, the salesperson said right off the bat that they pretty much couldn't do anything to help me and went into a speech about the banks. I wanted to tell them that the problem stemmed of course from the car company itself, otherwise it would still be handling its own leases, but I could tell this isn't the first time it came up so I just left good and well alone.

When my wife was house shopping I just told her I wanted to see it before we bought it but other than that, find your dream house. She deserved and deserves nothing less than that, but now when her lease is up in October I have a feeling there's going to be shiny new Huffy bike waiting for her in the garage LOL.

QUOTE (SapphireDreams @ Jul 31 2009, 12:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Try a different dealership if you can. I'd send you to my Dad, but he's all the way in Mississauga smile.gif My Dad said that a lot of people don't have good experience with certain Ford dealerships and then they come to his to compare and end up buying a car there simply because they are impressed with the service. I believe it.

I'm gonna go ahead and believe this too and try a few more tonight smile.gif Thanks for this, I'm really hoping it works. I just read an article about Detroit saying that there are so many vacant lots everywhere now that red foxes are moving in, then coyotes are moving in hunting those foxes Lol.

bowflexMaleCanada2009-07-31 11:44:00
CanadaAbsolute Worst Timing Having to Lease a Car
Lol Just an update, I ended up not picking up the car yesterday and am going to give it one more go after work today to find a domestic car. I would rather be able to tell myself that I did everything I could to try to help and save Detroit and Windsor but I'm not expecting much. My wife rules so much she's been calling and emailing everyone today while she's working trying to find something that's logical. I will not pay over $400 for a car that I'm going to lease for three years and doesn't have the letters "errari" or "borgini" in their names haha.

Either way I've gotta decide by tomorrow cause the ol' Jeep is due to leave me. So weird how one can have so many memories in a car. I've only had it for 2 1/2 years but it's the car that I went camping with my wife in Ontario in, the car that we used to tailgate for so many Dave Matthews Band concerts in, the car that we drove around Windsor trying to pass the time until she was allowed to come home with me, and the very car that we packed up all her belongings in and crossed the Ambassador Bridge in.

Now I get to take it back and double my car payment, life enjoys kicking ya in the figs every once in a while to keep you honest I guess haha.

bowflexMaleCanada2009-07-31 11:38:00
CanadaAbsolute Worst Timing Having to Lease a Car
QUOTE (Rhiann @ Jul 30 2009, 05:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good pick on a car I must say.
Keep it in great shape and it'll last you at least 15 years.

My fiance has a Toyota Camry from 14 years ago and it still runs fine. Rattles a bit, but that's it.
It even still gets like 22 miles to the gallon on the highway, which seems pretty darn good to me.

Lol Thanks. Yeah I always joked with my wife that my Jeep Commander went through three gallons of gas backing out of the driveway smile.gif

bowflexMaleCanada2009-07-30 16:13:00
CanadaAbsolute Worst Timing Having to Lease a Car
QUOTE (CDAgirlMI @ Jul 30 2009, 04:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Bowflex: What car did you decide on?

Since I started driving, I always drove an American-made car. And I had it in my mind that I would always drive one. But that has changed to say the least.
People who say "Buy domestic, save our jobs".....right.
I'm going for the best deal for my dollar whoever makes the vehicle...and foreign seems to get the upper hand in that in my opinion.

I'll be in the market for a car next year & I don't think it'll be made by any of the big(?) 3.

I ended up deciding on the Toyota Camry. I really wanted to get another SUV but the price of those right now are just incredible. When I was sitting in the office at a guy with Ford, I was asking about the Mustang, and while he was telling me it was going to be like $550 a month and they weren't offering leases on those I noticed he had a "Out of a job yet...keep buying foreign" bumper sticker on the front of his cabinet. I just laughed to myself as I walked out LOL.

bowflexMaleCanada2009-07-30 16:03:00
CanadaAbsolute Worst Timing Having to Lease a Car
Hey y'all,

I write this to you hoping that if you lease your cars that you're not coming up on the time to go shopping any time soon. I got to spend my entire day yesterday driving from shop to shop and unfortunately after always buying American I'm going foreign with this lease. Somehow part of the way that the car companies are trying to stay alive is giving out their leases to banks and that's just a horrible idea since they're not going to take into account brand loyalty, only about the bottom line of the loan (I even work for a bank so I'm not trying to bash them LOL).

Going to some of the American dealerships and seeing the looks on the faces of the salesmen and women seriously hurt. When I went to the dealership where I've leased my last two cars, the poor person who helped me since I got my first new car a few years ago just had to stand there and shrug saying unless I wanted to pay BMW or Mercedes-type money for a lease that he couldn't help me. I just shook his hand and wished him luck as I can't imagine many of these car companies are doing okay with the sky-rocketing prices.

In short, living near Detroit, I'm feeling quite guilty about buying a foreign car for the first time in my life, but I most definitely tried to go American first. When I've visited my wife's family in Windsor it's just so easy to see how a dying industry is hurting both cities on the river. I just hope the car companies are able to come up with a business plan that doesn't price out loyal customers like myself.

Sorry just had to vent, I go to pick up my car tonight but I'll be very sorry to see my Commander leave on Saturday sad.gif

Edited by bowflex, 30 July 2009 - 02:16 PM.

bowflexMaleCanada2009-07-30 14:13:00
CanadaMarriage Certificate
Our priest actually made a call to the Thunder Bay office first to get everything rolling, and then when we called we asked if there was any way to expedite the processing but picking it up at the Registrar's Office in Toronto. Apparently it's just a lesser-known process and you've got to bring it up in order to use it, maybe they're just not fans of doing it or something Lol. We just had to bring a copy of our marriage certificate from the priest as well as having him mail a copy over before we had left. We just paid for everything to be expressed and were able to get it very quickly.

Also please note that no unofficial docs should ever be sent to USCIS unless it's also accompanied with the official doc as well. Our lawyer warned about this as it's not uncommon at all for someone with USCIS to come across an unofficial doc and then just RFE the entire file for the needed docs right away. I had printouts and such with our case when we went to Montreal and the Consulate actually refused to look over the rest of our documents. Just make sure that everything that you submit is what's needed, don't try to do any shortcuts. Good luck!!

bowflexMaleCanada2009-10-27 10:04:00
CanadaMarriage Certificate
QUOTE (lgg @ Oct 26 2009, 04:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wow... I wish I would have known that -- we got married right in Toronto proper last year and were told that there was no way we could get it expedited... wish we had done what you'd done, Bowflex -- we'd be 8 weeks ahead of the game! Totally would have paid an extra 100$ too...

LOL Yep I don't know how many people we ended up calling but some lil ol' lady in Thunder Bay finally let us know. Actually took about 4 hours to drive to Toronto and I was in the building to get it processed for maybe 15 minutes smile.gif

bowflexMaleCanada2009-10-26 15:55:00
CanadaMarriage Certificate
My wife and I were married in Windsor, Ontario, and were told that if we waited by mail that it could be months before it was ready. We called the Thunder Bay office and were told that if we went to Toronto we could get it right on the spot, it would just cost a whole lot more (I believe we paid about $100 more than normal back in February of 2006). My wife, parents, and I drove to Toronto for the day, picked up the certificate about a week after we were married, and had our documents ready for the lawyer to send in the next day. Good luck!

bowflexMaleCanada2009-10-26 15:40:00
CanadaWill This Be The Night
QUOTE (thetreble @ Oct 27 2009, 08:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm a pretty big hockey person. I don't refer to myself as a fan, as that would be an understatement. My brothers and I all played (although is pent most of my time playing ringette) and my oldest brother just stopped two years ago after a pro season in Georgia. My little brother is not playing in the German second division, trying to get to the first next year.

Any ways, what bothers me most about the that they have been horrible for SO many years..They must have one of the highest payrolls due to fan base, merchandise, etc., and they have NOT purchased any "great" players in the last few years. Like come on! look at their roster...With the money they have, they could be picking up some fast, young forwards..there are so many now in the league..and they refuse to succumb to the new NHL. The fast paced, fast moving, not based upon "big" guys anymore, NHL. I don't understand how that GM can make such bad decisions.

They suck just because of their ownership I think. You have that entire board of people running a team and not one of them cares about anything other than making money. Look how much bloody money they earn and they've sucked since Tim Horton played Lol.

bowflexMaleCanada2009-10-27 10:21:00
CanadaNew cameras for Biometrics?
Nothing like seeing each individual pore to put ya in a solid mood for the next few years that the card is valid for Lol.

bowflexMaleCanada2009-10-30 10:49:00
CanadaAccompanying fiance when he moves
I went and picked up my wife and drove her over the border. It's actually one of the memories we both hold closest, I'd definitely recommend doing it smile.gif

bowflexMaleCanada2009-10-30 13:15:00
CanadaWhat to wear.....
Haha pic is great.

When my wife and I went we were pretty much the only people dressed up. I wore a shirt and tie, she wore a business-type suit. I figured it would be a lot better than wearing an Avs jersey or something and having the person be a Canucks fan and denying us. smile.gif

bowflexMaleCanada2009-10-29 14:58:00
CanadaMy interview plan of attack ;)
QUOTE (Peachey @ Nov 4 2009, 10:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Question for you that you might not have thought about. Do you have a plan B inc ase your flight to MTL gets delayed or canceled because of snow? Would suck to miss your interview because of the weather.

Exactly what I was thinking. For my wife's interview we drove to Toronto from Windsor and then flew from Toronto to Montreal. The way there wasn't too bad but our flight coming back to Toronto was delayed for an hour or two. After we finally arrived in Toronto I began driving back to Windsor and drove right into the stupid storm again so it took FOREVER. I'd definitely book a hotel for at least one day to make sure that you have plenty of time. Imagine waiting at a bus terminal or something nervous that you won't make it in time, that'd be the worst! Good luck!

bowflexMaleCanada2009-11-04 10:06:00
CanadaIt's here!
Congrats to ya!!!!

My wife and I went over the Ambassador Bridge so a little different but we were done after 45 minutes to an hour smile.gif Enjoy the drive over as it's a lifetime memory that you will love to have, congrats again!!!

bowflexMaleCanada2009-11-04 10:15:00
CanadaSports Fans Gather Here!
QUOTE (Rob and Mel @ Nov 5 2009, 12:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (bowflex @ Nov 5 2009, 09:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Lol McCarty was painfully slow and had no shot. I HATED Maltby but at least you knew if he had any open space he could roof it. Claude Lemieux played rough and painfully dirty at times but he could score 20-30 goals a year and would put a team on his back during the playoffs. If you put McCarty fresh out of juniors and trying to get in the NHL now he'd never make it, no skill with the puck and no speed smile.gif

I'll agree with that. He was slow, not nearly as skilled offensively. But he played in an era where physical play was a major component. That is the NHL that I loved. I don't like the rules changes now. It's like watching pee wee hockey with no checking. mad.gif

Did you ever play any of the EA Sports NHL video games? I imagine you must have hated them. They always had McCarty rated really high jest.gif

Haha oh without a doubt I've been playing those games forever smile.gif I make it a point to try to play at least 2 games a day now during the week Lol.

I just like guys that hit hard AND can play, guys like Iginla or Forsberg or even Lucic with Boston. I named the trend of guys getting booted out of the league after the rule changes as the "Hatcher Effect" cause holy ####### did Derian Hatcher look like a slow moving glacier after the rule changes but earned a ton of money before hahaha.

QUOTE (thetreble @ Nov 5 2009, 12:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Gotta love Maltby because he's a local boy.

I actually got to go to a Wings playoff game against the Ducks last year and Joey Kocur came up to the box and signed autographs. He was ripping on Maltby the entire time, guess those guys are really close and he looooves to rip into him hahaha.

bowflexMaleCanada2009-11-05 12:33:00
CanadaSports Fans Gather Here!
Lol McCarty was painfully slow and had no shot. I HATED Maltby but at least you knew if he had any open space he could roof it. Claude Lemieux played rough and painfully dirty at times but he could score 20-30 goals a year and would put a team on his back during the playoffs. If you put McCarty fresh out of juniors and trying to get in the NHL now he'd never make it, no skill with the puck and no speed smile.gif
bowflexMaleCanada2009-11-05 12:25:00
CanadaSports Fans Gather Here!
Lol By the time McCarty made it to the NHL Yzerman was already way too well respected to get obliterated, just like Nik Lidstrom, Joe Sakic, etc...You never see those guys getting rocked because of their reputation and the respect players have for them, not for hacks like McCarty or McSorley back in the day Lol.

Bob Probert played while Yzerman was still coming up and guys might've wanted to take liberties against him. Heck the man was banned from entering Canada for years cause he was such a nut, that was awesome Lol.

McCarty had one highlight reel goal and one lucky friggin hat trick and other than that he was a bum. It was so well known in this area that he was more into the celebrity of being a pro hockey player than working hard. There were a ton of pictures everywhere of him drinking the nights after games and stuff, lol he even went bankrupt cause he was such a dumbhead. If I'm not mistaken he's playing for the AHL's Grand Rapids Griffins as we speak haha.

bowflexMaleCanada2009-11-05 11:44:00
CanadaSports Fans Gather Here!
QUOTE (Rob and Mel @ Nov 5 2009, 11:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (bowflex @ Nov 5 2009, 08:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Rob and Mel @ Nov 5 2009, 11:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Nov 5 2009, 08:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Rob and Mel @ Nov 5 2009, 11:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just a random thought. I hate Patrick Roy. I met him once at a sports memorabilia show about 6 years ago. I waited in line with my friend who wanted to get his autograph. I was so delighted to see him get mad and actually try to get me kicked out of the show for mispronouncing his name on purpose rofl.gif

his son is a douche bag.

I've heard that, but I've also heard that about a lot of sons/daughters of great atheletes who go on to play sports.

On another note, Bowflex, I used to love the Nordiques. I had no idea about Quebec or anything, I just loved the way the jersey's looked. I got a peter stasny sweater for x-mas one year, and then, they took off. I just couldn't support them anymore. Funny now that I think of it, I remember when Eric Lindros refused to play for the Nordiques when they drafted him. I hated him for that and always thought he was a douche. Well flash forward to 3 years ago and I am talking hockey with my in-laws. I almost put my foot in my mouth by telling about Lindros. Come to find out my in-laws are related to him blush.gif

Haha you actually would've been fine as he in fact is a huge douchebag Lol. I love how hockey karma got him though. Avs got Forsberg out of that, won 2 cups, and Lindros became a hockey diva, hated by all of his teams, and never won the cup. smile.gif

Forsberg was a diva too. Remember how he whined and whined after McCarty blew him up in the corner in the playoffs? tongue.gif

Haha When a dude gets his spleen removed due to the dirty hits he gets every game I tend to go with their opinion from time to time Lol.

Plus McCarty had no place in the NHL, and his band Grinder sucks too hahahaha

bowflexMaleCanada2009-11-05 11:27:00