CanadaEntering USA on CR-1 Question.
QUOTE (trailmix @ Nov 17 2009, 02:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If you are really on the ball with returning your stuff to NVC - around 11 months or so.

Yep if everything goes smoothly and you're ready to submit stuff right away this is about the time frame, good luck!

bowflexMaleCanada2009-11-17 14:51:00
CanadaInterview Review at the US Consulate in Vancouver

bowflexMaleCanada2009-11-20 12:41:00
CanadaGood Reasons to Punch Someone in the Face
Lol I never thought if it that way, but the ignorant do seem to talk more than others, ####### just look at Fox News (hiyooooooooooooooo haha).

I've even had friends that never understood why I married my wife, even though for the first 11 months we were together we lived less than 15 minutes away from each other. When I stayed with her after she went to Canada and then got married a few years later I was still getting the little "why don't you get with someone that's already over here" comments. Some people will just never experience caring about someone enough to make going through something like the immigration process worth it I guess. All I can say is sucks to be them haha.

bowflexMaleCanada2009-11-20 12:39:00
CanadaGood Reasons to Punch Someone in the Face
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Nov 20 2009, 11:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
But if we didn't have stupid people who would we laugh at??

Lol Great Point smile.gif

bowflexMaleCanada2009-11-20 11:51:00
CanadaGood Reasons to Punch Someone in the Face
Lol I've decided I'm just going to visit my wife for lunch and ask him how living with his mother at the age of 43 is treating him, that outta do the trick without him being able to sue me haha.

Lol Another funny part is that we're in friggin Michigan, not even an hour away from Canada. I don't know one single person around here who hasn't visited Canada their entire life. The change going over the border is barely even noticeable unless you count seeing people actually walking around or riding public transportation in Canada haha.

bowflexMaleCanada2009-11-20 11:49:00
CanadaGood Reasons to Punch Someone in the Face
I only post this because I'm sure some of you have come across the same type of ignorance and I'm curious how you just brush it off Lol. Knowing that some people know so little of other countries is one thing, but accepting that they could then just speak without caring about how it'll affect others just disgusts me haha.

bowflexMaleCanada2009-11-20 11:33:00
CanadaGood Reasons to Punch Someone in the Face
Lol This has happened a few times but I'm seriously considering ending this old man's face today Lol. Just a quick summarization, he works with my wife at the digital design and printing company she works for. He's been a friend of the boss for decades so that's really the only reason he has a job. Barely comes in, goes home early, barely does anything, steals from the little change jar, just a horrible excuse for a person Lol.

Well my wife has practically been running the place for a year of the two she's been there now as the boss has a bunch of investment properties that he's pretty much managing now. The company is thriving, actually making a profit throughout these rough times, blah blah blah haha.

Anywho, the guy goes up to my wife from the back of the shop yesterday and starts asking her a bit about where she's from and stuff since my wife has quite the unique accent (imagine slight Romanian, Canadian, and American rolled into one). My wife was nice and told him the story of how she ended up here and then after all that he says "Oh so you married an American to get out of Canada and have a better life. I thought America has stricter laws on that stuff."

I'm really thinking about picking her up for lunch and just destroying the guy in the back of the shop, at least no one can hear him scream since the machinery is so loud Lol.

Edited by bowflex, 20 November 2009 - 11:30 AM.

bowflexMaleCanada2009-11-20 11:29:00
CanadaRaise in Unemployment Benifits makes some ineligable for food stamps
I'm actually pretty good at common sense, logical thinking. It's sort of what I have to do in my line of work. But you are stating something that isn't a fact, you are simply stating that it's your opinion that Canadians get preferential treatment on visitor's visas.

Just wanted to make sure you knew I didn't mean anything by my comment, I was just saying I wasn't using statistics like 99% of all statistics are made up smile.gif

I don't agree. It's as simple as that. Mexicans, for one, don't need visitor's visas either. So, it's not just Canadians.

Then both Mexicans and Canadians have preferential treatment over other countries in the world. Regardless of the reasons of the sheer magnitude of effort that it would take to include those two countries, they are outside of the system that the rest of the world has to go by. That in itself is preferential treatment as one group is given perks that another is not. It does make complete logical sense that Canada and Mexico would not have to go through the same process, but it still is something they get that others do not.

I mean you really should take a look at it from a perspective of supply and demand. Say 100 people a day come into the US from Bosnia and Herzegovina. How many Canadians come into the US per day? 10, 0000? 100,000? For work? For Visiting? For immigration? By sheer numbers alone, the US could not process visitor's visas for Canadians. There would be almost a chaotic confusion over the whole thing.

It's not preference, it's about what works for certain countries.

This actually still is preferential treatment

Professional sports players and celebrities would obviously get a working visa easier than others, and that's been seen time and time again with the NHL, NBA, MLB, etc... While someone who's coming over to be a computer programmer would most likely be able to get a visa unless there's something in their past, it is not the same week or two process that happens in pro sports.

Again, it goes back to demand! Most sports teams get visas for their players and they are not inolved in the process at all. Most computer programmers are involved in their process in some way, probably slowing down the process from not knowing how to do everything step by step. Pro organizations have lawyers and other people who are experts and getting things finished.

This is a very good point but it's also a little naive in my opinion to not also consider that money plays a roll in this.

Oh and just so you know, both of my brothers have had visas to go to the US for hockey, and they've both had NOTHING but problems with them as well. It's not a smooth process for some and not for others, which is how you are really making it sound.

Yes, the process is actually very smooth for some and not for others, just as everything is

I was just surprised at the number of people throwing out the word ignorant at someone who's just going through the process and wishing things were unequal in their case too so they could be with their SO faster, that's all smile.gif[/b]

You don't think it's ignorant to imply Canadians should get through the family based immigration process faster than other citizens from other countries? Well, I guess none of us see eye to eye with you on that one and I will tell you why. Because Moni's answer to the question, although not provided to us because she/he knew it would probably be EXTREMELY offensive, of why Canadians should be processed faster, is probably full of bigotry and racism. I don't see how it wouldn't be.

If one part of the immigration process is already allowing for perks to be given to certain countries, it is not illogical to wish that other parts would as well. Again, I don't think any country should have any perk that another doesn't have, but there are inequalities in place everywhere.

Again, I think you are seeing preferential treatment, where many of us just see processes put into place to try to rid out mistakes in the already "ridden with mistakes" immigration process.

I believe we can just agree to disagree on this which is completely fine. I'd personally like to see a complete overhaul of the system as many others would smile.gif
bowflexMaleCanada2009-06-17 10:58:00
CanadaRaise in Unemployment Benifits makes some ineligable for food stamps
How so? Explain how you feel it's preferential treatment.

This one is actually easy. If my wife's grandparents want to come visit from Serbia, they need to go through a process to obtain their visa, pay quite a bit of money for it, wait for it to actually be processed, then come over. If a friend from Windsor wants to come check out my house, they grab their passport and drive over the border that afternoon. There are some "perks" given to folks who live in Canada that are not given to other countries.

I think you would find that Canada is at the bottom of the list when you see couples who have gone from visitors status to AOS. Not to mention, I'm one of those people that DID do that and I was unemployed and sitting on my #### for 10 months...went through the process like everyone else. I believe MOST canadians do not do this, however, and think you would find it more common for those who are on visitors visas from other countries, feel they might not be able to take another trip back to their home country, and end up overstaying and adjusting.

Oh I have no doubt that Canadians go through this process far less than other countries, but the fact remains that it would be much easier for a Canadian to do this than someone who had to apply for a visitor's visa. Heck it's been seen many time on this very board, even a case quite recently as I remember posting to the person, where someone sees nothing wrong with purposely stating they were just going to visit the States and then going for AOS a few months later. While I know these are isolated cases, I was just stating that it would be far easier for a Canadian to do this than someone trying to visit from another country. The amount of evidence that someone would need to show for a visitor visa from Serbia (I've researched this and even helped with the process) is far greater than someone from Canada needing to show a few paychecks and a lease payment on an apartment to show their ties.

Do you have facts on that you can show us? Can you show us the processing times of a Mexican national VS a Canadian national who have chosen to immigrate legally to the US? Again, this is all opinion based. You have no facts to back this up, and even if something has hit you specifically, it's one instance. There are Canadians here on this form who have been waiting for YEARS for a green card. It's not easy for each and every one of us.

This was just more of a statement that I made out of experience of crossing the Canadian border hundreds of times as opposed to crossing the Mexican border. I wasn't stating it was easier for Canadians to actually immigrate here, only visit. The lines and time it takes to get over the Mexican border is typically FAR greater than it is for the Canadian border. As stated at the beginning that I posted here I was not just looking at family-based immigration but all types of immigration/visiting.

Doesn't every country look out for the interests of it's own people first before someone else's? laughing.gif Sorry I just thought this was kind of a funny statement. I don't expect Japan, South Korea, Great Britain, etc. to look after any one else's interests but their own. That is their job.

I'm not thinking that I was clear enough on this one. I was just stating that when it's more advantageous for the States, or any country for that matter, to give certain countries more perks that they usually do it, which explains Canada and the lack of having to go through the visitor visa process as stated earlier.

This makes no sense. What do you mean that the US puts people who want US Citizenship ahead of those who don't want citizenship? Please clarify.

I personally think that if someone is immigrating to the United States on a family-based immigration visa and doesn't plan to apply for US Citizenship, they should be placed behind those that are planning on it. While I know it is a great expense to go through this process and money matters and all that could change throughout their lives, if someone has no intent of ever going for citizenship, they should be placed behind someone that does show that intent when applying at the same time. My wife's family moved to the States during the ethnic cleansing period of Yugoslavia's final years and fought like all ####### for 15 years to be able to stay. When the garbage government decided that it was long enough and denied their case for unbelieveable reasons, her family was forced to pack up and start all over again. For this reason and many others I feel that if someone is willing to commit themselves to the country that they're moving to and want a voice in how that country is run and what decisions are made, that should be viewed as something very special and noble. This is of course a very personal and opinion-based stance and I don't expect anyone to agree with me or anything, it's just how I view the process now after seeing the very dark side of immigration as well as the light.

I find your statements vague, full of speculation and it seems as though you are trying to base them on facts but let's be honest, none of us have actually facts on this. We are simply arguing that no preferential treatment be given to any nation. But you are saying that Canadains already get special preferential treatment. Ask any one of us here...and we will all tell you we don't feel we got it! We went through the process like every one else does, we paid the same money, gave the same documents... I don't see how I got preference at all.

Actually most of what I was talking about wasn't based on statistics or anything like that, just common-sense type stuff. If someone from Canada doesn't need to apply for a visitor visa, then they are receiving preferential treatment over a country that does. On the family-immigration front, the process is nearly the same for all and that's pretty much what I said from the start. I did say that I don't find anything wrong with someone going through the process thinking or wishing that they'd get preferential treatment as it's already done in other areas of immigration, including visiting and working visas. Professional sports players and celebrities would obviously get a working visa easier than others, and that's been seen time and time again with the NHL, NBA, MLB, etc... While someone who's coming over to be a computer programmer would most likely be able to get a visa unless there's something in their past, it is not the same week or two process that happens in pro sports. Immigration and US law is filled with inequity and it always will be, and I personally don't think it should be either. I was just surprised at the number of people throwing out the word ignorant at someone who's just going through the process and wishing things were unequal in their case too so they could be with their SO faster, that's all smile.gif
bowflexMaleCanada2009-06-17 09:52:00
CanadaRaise in Unemployment Benifits makes some ineligable for food stamps
Bowflex, indeed we do have special cross-border programs already in place. I don't think this is preferential treatment, these are programs both governments have set up, put money into, and they STILL have screening processes in place. For example, it is for the good of both countries that Canadians do not have to apply for visitor's visas. With the largest trading partership in the world, amongst a whole pot of other things like tourism in both countries, Canadians and Americans spend UBER amounts of money in both countries every year. It pays for the governments to have programs like not requiring visitors visas into place. I wouldn't say they were "preferential treatment " programs at all because that is not their intention.

My brother plays hockey in the US and every year he gets a visa in a matter of weeks through his team. Is that preferential treatment? No. Thats situation specific. The job is all lined up. All the ducks are in a row and the season starts as of a certain date. And again, that's not just for Canadians, it's for all hockey players out there playing pro in the USA. So, I don't really know how that relates to the RIDICULOUS argument this poster is making about Canadians having special rules when it comes to family immigration.

We are talking about family immigration though, not visiting, not working, etc. We are talking about someone actually immigrating to stay and live here for the rest of their life and do it through a US citizen.

It's a different ball game and we need to all be treated the same.


I was more just pointing out things that are already not fair about all parts of the immigration process., not necessarily just the family-based. While I do realize there is a HUGE difference between actually immigrating to the States and just working there, it's beyond a shadow of a doubt preferential treatment for some countries not to require actually going through a visitor visa process as others do. And then when you add in how many people that use the visitor visa later get married and circumvent the system completely by just going straight to the AOS process, I would see it as unfair. A great amount of people go to Cancun or the like in Mexico but it's definitely not as easy for a Mexican to go into the States as it is for a Canadian. The USA will always have its best interests placed first before trying to be equal, I think that's painfully obvious with what occurred over the last 8 years.

I do know that on some types of issues, such as putting folks who go for citizenship in front of those who do not plan on, I will never end up agreeing with any here but I base that more on what happened to my wife's family during their 15 years of living in the States. I don't think that any country should be set up to have their citizens fast-tracked to move to the States before others, but I also don't see the intense anger at the thought that someone would like it that way when everything else over the broad spectrum of immigration is already not fair as well.

Edited by bowflex, 16 June 2009 - 04:03 PM.

bowflexMaleCanada2009-06-16 16:02:00
CanadaRaise in Unemployment Benifits makes some ineligable for food stamps
QUOTE (JillA @ Jun 16 2009, 03:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (bowflex @ Jun 16 2009, 03:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am in NO way saying that any country should get fast-tracked through the system, but do keep in mind that folks from Canada already have preferential treatment in the way their "automatic" visitor visa works. There are all types of specialized laws to all parts of America, whether we're talking visitor visas or celebrity justice or whatever. I remember for the Winter Olympics the Canadian skater was moved ahead of a ton of people so that she'd have her status here and be eligible to skate for the US Olympic Team, and I also remember being uber angry about that as well.

I'm not supporting the actual agrument but just showing that there is preferential treatment given all the time. I even remember when Efgeni Malkin got a visa to play for the Penguins in a matter of weeks and I can guarantee that doesn't happen for most people.

I also won't even get started on the horrors of welfare or anything like that as I currently know a 25 year old girl that quit her job 8 months ago and is making enough money through unemployment to afford a house and brag to people about how she has time off wacko.gif

True, but that's working visas which is a whole other ball game. Celebrities and athletes get visas really quickly, yes but nothing to do with family immigration.

Very very true, but I'd have a tough time if two officials came to me and tried to explain to me that someone deserves to move before me due to a job rather than having a family together. I know what you're talking about but just another quirk I disagree with in terms of the immigration process smile.gif

bowflexMaleCanada2009-06-16 14:27:00
CanadaRaise in Unemployment Benifits makes some ineligable for food stamps
I am in NO way saying that any country should get fast-tracked through the system, but do keep in mind that folks from Canada already have preferential treatment in the way their "automatic" visitor visa works. There are all types of specialized laws to all parts of America, whether we're talking visitor visas or celebrity justice or whatever. I remember for the Winter Olympics the Canadian skater was moved ahead of a ton of people so that she'd have her status here and be eligible to skate for the US Olympic Team, and I also remember being uber angry about that as well.

I'm not supporting the actual agrument but just showing that there is preferential treatment given all the time. I even remember when Efgeni Malkin got a visa to play for the Penguins in a matter of weeks and I can guarantee that doesn't happen for most people.

I also won't even get started on the horrors of welfare or anything like that as I currently know a 25 year old girl that quit her job 8 months ago and is making enough money through unemployment to afford a house and brag to people about how she has time off wacko.gif
bowflexMaleCanada2009-06-16 14:16:00
CanadaTree or not to Tree
I think my wife broke some sort of speed record with the tree this year haha. We bought the tree on Saturday afternoon (fake one as it's cheaper and we can start a tradition of putting the same one up for years), had it setup within 30 minutes, then had it completely decorated with new ornaments and stuff by Sunday. She really got into it, even made a few Christmas pillows to put on the couch when she was done. Mind you I just helped put the tree up and then played some NHL 10 on the ol' Xbox lol, great life to have.

bowflexMaleCanada2009-11-19 10:20:00
CanadaGood luck today's interviewees!!!!
Good luck to everyone!!

bowflexMaleCanada2009-11-23 10:40:00
CanadaNew Years Plans?
QUOTE (July09Bride @ Oct 30 2009, 04:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (bowflex @ Oct 30 2009, 03:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (CDAgirlMI @ Oct 30 2009, 03:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My gosh...with everything that's gone/going on with this visa thing right now....I haven't even thought of New Years, haha.

I plan on moving to Michigan after Christmas...Sunday, Monday(???).

So with my fingers crossed I'll be spendig the first day of 2010 with my man, not thinking about having to go home & back to work on the following Monday!!!

Have fun in Chicago!!

Lol First girl in the history of the world to be excited about having New Years in Michigan I'm thinking haha smile.gif Soon we'll be partial neighbors smile.gif

Hmmm... maybe a Detroit (okay, SUBURBS!!!!) VJ New Year's Eve party??!! CDAgirlMI, we have a spare bedroom... I'd be willing to offer up our place ... perhaps if people are interested.

This could well be the biggest New Years Party in Michigan this year haha, I don't know anyone who's actually staying in town smile.gif

bowflexMaleCanada2009-10-30 15:59:00
CanadaNew Years Plans?
QUOTE (DeadPoolX @ Oct 30 2009, 04:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My New Years resolution shall be 1680x1050. star_smile.gif

LOL Hiyooooooooooooo

bowflexMaleCanada2009-10-30 15:08:00
CanadaNew Years Plans?
QUOTE (JillA @ Oct 30 2009, 03:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The past few New Year's have been sort of quiet... 2 years ago I was in Philly visiting, it was just me and my man hanging together, watching ####### Clark and cuddling with some drinks.... last year we went to a friend's house, just a few other couples.... I guess I'm getting old LOL. I used to party and drink like there was no tomorrow, back in the day on NY eve. I'm turning 30 a week after NY EVE biggrin.gif maybe I'll save my energy for that day instead LOL

Lol When my older brother turned 30 his wife had an ice sculpture carved out for multiples shots at once and had a whole bunch of people over, you should go for that too smile.gif

QUOTE (CDAgirlMI @ Oct 30 2009, 03:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My gosh...with everything that's gone/going on with this visa thing right now....I haven't even thought of New Years, haha.

I plan on moving to Michigan after Christmas...Sunday, Monday(???).

So with my fingers crossed I'll be spendig the first day of 2010 with my man, not thinking about having to go home & back to work on the following Monday!!!

Have fun in Chicago!!

Lol First girl in the history of the world to be excited about having New Years in Michigan I'm thinking haha smile.gif Soon we'll be partial neighbors smile.gif

bowflexMaleCanada2009-10-30 14:39:00
CanadaNew Years Plans?
QUOTE (Sam and Ben @ Oct 30 2009, 02:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Not quite sure as of yet.

Once I POE on the 27th, we're headed to Ohio for a couple of days to spend time with some friends of my fiance's. So we'll either be there, on the road, or just getting settled at home in Florida.

Lol I spent a New Years in Ohio, I would highly recommend against that smile.gif

bowflexMaleCanada2009-10-30 14:03:00
CanadaNew Years Plans?
QUOTE (warlord @ Oct 30 2009, 12:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My tradition for the past 12 years is driving to Vegas and partying for 3 nights on the Strip for New Years. Only missed one year a few years back due to a snow storm that closed all the interstates. Last year we went to LA for a few nights, then drove to Vegas for 2 and then back to LA which was great. This year we planned to go just to LA and celebrate it at this club we always go to.

Now that the divorce is finalized, I have no definate plans. My 2 friends I go to Vegas with many of the years, don't know if they will have the time off as both used their vacation time being sick already. I was invited in Sept by my coworker to spend it with her, but now doubt that will happen and really I have no freaking clue.

My friend in Vegas might be moving and is now unemployed so they won't be going out if I go there alone. If I'm here, I might just go to a club. First time I have no actual plans for once...

No problems there, still got a solid two months to find some place to find somewhere to destroy your liver smile.gif

QUOTE (thetreble @ Oct 30 2009, 12:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Oct 30 2009, 11:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Probably something with copious amounts of alcohol.

Oh yaaaa. laughing.gif

Honestly, we aren't big party people and there is a chance Jared will be working! haha But I hope it involves champagne. I like your idea, krikit.

smile.gif Right on, have fun!

bowflexMaleCanada2009-10-30 11:41:00
CanadaNew Years Plans?
QUOTE (Hugglebuggles @ Oct 30 2009, 11:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (bowflex @ Oct 30 2009, 09:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Hugglebuggles @ Oct 30 2009, 11:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Peachey @ Oct 30 2009, 08:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Getting married smile.gif

That's awesome!

I've always found New Years to be a little depressing. I always feel like I didn't accomplish what I wanted to all year and need more time before everything changes. I have a hard time dealing with change sometime, I'm a little strange that way.

I'm trying to convince Bill that we should go to Canada for New Years. I've already committed to spending Christmas here in Colorado since he spent Christmas in Canada with my family and I last year. We do an every other year thing, we spend Christmas in Canada one year, then one in Colorado the next year, and so on. But since my parents are coming out here to visit me next week they probably won't be coming for Christmas. There is something about spending no time with my family all Christmas season that is a little upsetting. We'll see what happens!

Good luck smile.gif For three years straight my wife and I went to Toronto, ate dinner at the CN Tower, was sooooo good smile.gif I remember taking a picture of the bar bill as we thought it was open till 2am but found out it was only till midnight so we downed shots like crazy, spent $115 bucks in 35 minutes Lol.

Oh by the way, how bout them Avs smile.gif

laughing.gif oh boy! Sounds like fun!

How about them avs?! We went to the game on Saturday vs. the Wings and it was awesome. I can't believe the turnaround from last year, wow. Hey Bowflex, how do you get away with being an Avs fan in the Detriot area? Around here we heckle the Red Wings fans tongue.gif Although there are a lot of them! A good 1/4 of the Pepsi Centre on Saturday was of people wearing red and white. It actually fueled the "Red Wings Suck!" chant laughing.gif

I sooo wanted to go to the game the week before when they were here but ticket prices are insane at the moment so I just watched on TV. I got a TON of ####### for being an Avs fan back when I was in high school cause that was at the height of the rivalry, now it's not too bad since they were so awful last year Lol. I've been a fan since they were the Nordiques so everyone that knows me understands that I've liked them my whole life so they just enjoy ribbing me from time to time haha. The downstairs of my house is COMPLETELY decked out in Avs stuff so if anyone has a problem with it they don't get to come over for pool, darts, or Wii smile.gif

QUOTE (cdneh @ Oct 30 2009, 11:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't know what we will do this year. But I do know whatever we end up doing, a webcam will NOT be involved for the first time this year kicking.gif

First New Years with my wife after she got back was the best smile.gif Have a great time!!

QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Oct 30 2009, 11:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Probably something with copious amounts of alcohol.

Classiest way I've ever seen of saying I'm going to get faced haha smile.gif

bowflexMaleCanada2009-10-30 10:41:00
CanadaNew Years Plans?
QUOTE (Rob and Mel @ Oct 30 2009, 11:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I always used to get down right before New Years, My birthday is 4 days before it and I hate birthdays. But I always made up for it by having incredible New Years eves. I would always try to go out of the country or at a minimum out of town. My favorite place will always be either Las Vegas or Amsterdam. This year, I think Mel and I will spend it alone. It really is our first together and I like the idea of that. I just feel too old to go out and party like a maniac. blush.gif

Haha you're never too old for one night of craziness a year smile.gif I'm 28 and starting to feel like I only have a few more club/bar trips in me for New Years but then hopefully I'll have enough money to hit up Vegas Lol.

bowflexMaleCanada2009-10-30 10:35:00
CanadaNew Years Plans?
QUOTE (Hugglebuggles @ Oct 30 2009, 11:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Peachey @ Oct 30 2009, 08:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Getting married smile.gif

That's awesome!

I've always found New Years to be a little depressing. I always feel like I didn't accomplish what I wanted to all year and need more time before everything changes. I have a hard time dealing with change sometime, I'm a little strange that way.

I'm trying to convince Bill that we should go to Canada for New Years. I've already committed to spending Christmas here in Colorado since he spent Christmas in Canada with my family and I last year. We do an every other year thing, we spend Christmas in Canada one year, then one in Colorado the next year, and so on. But since my parents are coming out here to visit me next week they probably won't be coming for Christmas. There is something about spending no time with my family all Christmas season that is a little upsetting. We'll see what happens!

Good luck smile.gif For three years straight my wife and I went to Toronto, ate dinner at the CN Tower, was sooooo good smile.gif I remember taking a picture of the bar bill as we thought it was open till 2am but found out it was only till midnight so we downed shots like crazy, spent $115 bucks in 35 minutes Lol.

Oh by the way, how bout them Avs smile.gif

bowflexMaleCanada2009-10-30 10:26:00
CanadaNew Years Plans?
QUOTE (lgg @ Oct 30 2009, 11:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hells to the YES, baby!

Are you guys really getting married on New Years!??? that is rocking...

Me? me and hub'll be sitting on the couch watching movies or something. I am excited.
Not even joking.

QUOTE (Peachey @ Oct 30 2009, 10:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Getting married smile.gif

That sounds like a lot of fun, plus you don't have to worry about all the drunkos and dumbheads that will be roaming the streets smile.gif

bowflexMaleCanada2009-10-30 10:07:00
CanadaNew Years Plans?
QUOTE (Krikit @ Oct 30 2009, 11:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yep, Peachey trumps all our plans right out of the starting gate. laughing.gif

I have no plans at the moment. My family will have been here and gone by then. I'm thinking I would like a nice quiet dinner out, and then a horse and buggy ride around town to see all the lights. Maybe I'll bring some champagne. smile.gif

Lol That's a solid idea, maybe I can surprise my wife with something like that around Christmas smile.gif I sure as heck won't do it around Detroit though, maybe have to see if that's offered while we're in Chicago Lol.

bowflexMaleCanada2009-10-30 10:04:00
CanadaNew Years Plans?
QUOTE (Peachey @ Oct 30 2009, 10:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Getting married smile.gif

Haha yeah I think you just topped my plans, congrats!! smile.gif I got married on January 21st of 06, was awesome as normally in weddings it's crazy hot but I required one of the doors to be left open at the church so I was in heeeeeaven smile.gif Lol

Edited by bowflex, 30 October 2009 - 09:59 AM.

bowflexMaleCanada2009-10-30 09:58:00
CanadaNew Years Plans?
My wife and I are probably going out with some really good friends to Chicago for a week or so, never been there smile.gif

Any of you have exciting plans yet?
bowflexMaleCanada2009-10-30 09:55:00
CanadaGot married last Friday! About time.
Congrats to you both!!

bowflexMaleCanada2009-11-25 11:20:00
CanadaHappy Thanksgiving!
QUOTE (CDAgirlMI @ Nov 25 2009, 02:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (bowflex @ Nov 25 2009, 02:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (CDAgirlMI @ Nov 25 2009, 02:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Happy Thanksgiving to Americans & all the Canadians living in the U.S.

I'll be there next year. Maybe even experience the whole "Black Friday" hoopla.........


or not

Lol My wife has Friday off but I don't, she's so excited for a whole day of shopping with deals everywhere and me not being there trying to escape constantly smile.gif

I don't know if I could fight the crowd! Even with my elbows out, all 5' of me might get trampled, haha

Haha That's funny, my wife is about 5'1ish too, luckily she's scrappy and would probably take down someone twice her size. Unfortunately we live in Michigan though so most people here weigh more than 180 pounds so she may be doomed haha
bowflexMaleCanada2009-11-25 14:49:00
CanadaHappy Thanksgiving!
QUOTE (CDAgirlMI @ Nov 25 2009, 02:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Happy Thanksgiving to Americans & all the Canadians living in the U.S.

I'll be there next year. Maybe even experience the whole "Black Friday" hoopla.........


or not

Lol My wife has Friday off but I don't, she's so excited for a whole day of shopping with deals everywhere and me not being there trying to escape constantly smile.gif

bowflexMaleCanada2009-11-25 14:28:00
CanadaVisa 'canceled'?!?!
smile.gif I really wouldn't worry about it too much at all. The Consul actually created two alien numbers for my wife which caused some inconveniences at the border but never kept us from going or coming. Just remember it's the government so about 99% of the time something will not be right haha, good luck with coming over!

bowflexMaleCanada2009-11-27 11:17:00
CanadaWhat A Crazy POE
Sorry to hear about all the drama but I'm sure finally being home is making up for it, congratulations!!
bowflexMaleCanada2009-11-25 14:39:00
CanadaApproved NOA2
Congrats to ya!!

bowflexMaleCanada2009-11-27 15:39:00
CanadaChristmas Presents...whatcha going to buy?
QUOTE (Misty1979 @ Nov 1 2009, 11:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi everyone! I know it's a bit early, but since I'm a huge Christmas fan and thought there's definitely a bunch of others around here like me, I thought it might be neat to share what we're all planning on getting our SO's or little ones for Christmas smile.gif

This will be our first Christmas with a normal, not Charlie-brown-like tiny Christmas tree, so I'm getting pretty stoked about it and have already started shopping. For David, I'm getting him a new keyboard since I sort of accidentally fried his nice new one a couple months ago with coffee; a DVD player since our old one has pretty much stopped working, and possibly this: as a "together" present because he seen it on tv a few weeks ago and really liked it, which will also give us a way to work out together smile.gif The doggies are like kids to us, so they're getting their own stockings as usual, and I'll probably buy them a new bed and wrap it up to put under the tree.

I'm actually on my second round of P90x, been going since June 1, it's AWESOME and you'll love it smile.gif

As far as the gifts go my wife and I have usually just bought something for both of us over the last few years. Last year we bought ourselves a house so I'm really not sure how we're gonna top that one Lol.

bowflexMaleCanada2009-11-02 10:15:00
CanadaDid interview yesterday and denied!
I'm very very sorry to hear that, my wife was also denied at the interview and it completely caught me off guard. Your best bet is to just send over the evidence and as long as you bit your tongue and didn't make any type of a scene or get on their bad side, you should get the approval within a few weeks. Good luck to ya!!

bowflexMaleCanada2009-06-18 09:16:00
CanadaAOS interview tomorrow - checklist
Looks like you've got everything, nice job smile.gif Enjoy the new building, I was actually pleasantly surprised that they moved out of the old dungeon building they had going on when I first visited at the beginning of the process. Good luck!!!

bowflexMaleCanada2009-10-26 14:35:00
CanadaOffer accepted!! We will be home owners!

bowflexMaleCanada2009-11-30 10:12:00
CanadaMontreal K-1 Interview December
QUOTE (Ebrech N Persona @ Oct 27 2009, 12:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ebrech+Persona 01-12-2009
Asylumgreen 02-12-2009

kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

Congrats and Good Luck!!!

bowflexMaleCanada2009-10-27 11:43:00
CanadaWe got our Interview Date!!!!
Lol Very late on this thread but awesome news, congrats!!!!

bowflexMaleCanada2009-12-04 11:45:00
CanadaCanadian marrying American....Which ways the best?
QUOTE (mstangie @ Dec 11 2009, 12:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (bowflex @ Dec 11 2009, 12:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (mstangie @ Dec 11 2009, 11:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If you get married in Canada especially Montreal she will not get your last name.

I would do option 2.

I even think they process k1 faster.

Yeah they should require a test to be able to post advice Lol.

"You can only get married in Canada and apply for the CR-1 if a penguin is your best man"

So what are you saying? I have to take a test to post my opinion!!!!!

Lol This thread is someone asking for clarification, not someone making up rules smile.gif

To the OP, I would recommend the CR-1 as it saves you a lot of time in the future and from what I've read about here a lot of headaches. My wife and I got married in Canada and then applied for the CR-1 and by doing so she was able to apply for jobs the very next day after she came over. Good luck to you with whatever you decide!!

bowflexMaleCanada2009-12-11 12:36:00
CanadaCanadian marrying American....Which ways the best?
QUOTE (mstangie @ Dec 11 2009, 11:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If you get married in Canada especially Montreal she will not get your last name.

I would do option 2.

I even think they process k1 faster.

Yeah they should require a test to be able to post advice Lol.

"You can only get married in Canada and apply for the CR-1 if a penguin is your best man"

bowflexMaleCanada2009-12-11 12:10:00