CanadaWaiting NINE WEEKS now (DCF Montreal, requested further proof domicile)
Good luck to ya!!!
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-18 14:22:00
CanadaWaiting NINE WEEKS now (DCF Montreal, requested further proof domicile)

"turn times for review"?


The Senator's office states first and foremost, at least ours did, that your case must be outside of the review times posted on the USCIS website in order for them to get involved. I'm sure quite a few people start emailing or contacting them a week after their docs were sent in to start the process so that's part of the deal in getting them involved. If you've already sent the documentation in so long ago I'd recommend at least contacting the office to see. They'll require you fill out a form to release your info which takes a few days for them to review so the sooner the better :) Good luck!
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-17 15:58:00
CanadaWaiting NINE WEEKS now (DCF Montreal, requested further proof domicile)
I'd HIGHLY recommend contacting the Senator as soon as possible. When my wife's case was originally denied we actually got them involved a week after the documents were submitted as you are out of the turn times for review. I was very surprised at the dilligence that our Senator's (Senator Levin) office had with our case. Even with the Consul fighting every step of the way it took about 2 1/2 - 3 months for our stuff to get processed and finally approved. Good luck to you guys, I know how insanely frustrating this is!
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-17 15:38:00
CanadaGood Luck, Froggie!
It's really cool to think while we're all going through our normal days working or whatever that someone is going through such an awesome life-altering event. Good luck to her!!!
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-26 12:59:00
CanadaGood Luck, Froggie!
:) Good luck to you, take plenty of pictures as this is seriously a memory of a lifetime. I remember everything about my wife's trip back back in 2007, was just amazing :)
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-24 11:55:00
CanadaInterview Length

Quick question - how long does the interview typically take? If mine is at 8 a.m., would I likely be out of there by noon at the latest? I was just trying to figure out if it's reasonable for me to catch a 2:30 p.m. flight home on the day of my interview.

While the interview process doesn't generally take very long, I'd give yourself more of a window just to be safe. My wife and I were probably third in line and we ended up not leaving until after 1pm, good luck!
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-26 15:13:00
CanadaCanadians feeling guilty about taking jobs away from Americans?
I'm not gonna get too into this thread but just so everyone knows, the Spanish population in the US is growing exponentially and white English speakers will be the minority in a few generations. Hope everyone's ready to go back to school and learn Spanish by some of the reasoning in this thread :)
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-18 14:15:00
CanadaCanadians feeling guilty about taking jobs away from Americans?

Im a P.R. and soon to be an American Citizen (february 26th) and I believe that who ever works in this country has a right to work in it. Even illegals because most jobs they do for the pay they do it for most Americans wont do it. For example restaurant workers work 12hr shifts everyday 6-7 fays a week for about 5-7 dollars an hour and I still haven't seen one American come and apply for a job like that

This is actually one of the most common misconceptions and it seems to be a rallying cry to me. The problem isn't that Americans won't do those jobs, it's that the companies that employ illegal immigrants typically pay completely below allowable limits and obviously an American would just complain and get that company in trouble.

If the laws were changed to affect the companies that employ illegal immigrants more harshly there would be some change.
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-15 13:03:00
CanadaCanadians feeling guilty about taking jobs away from Americans?
I've found that usually those Americans who have a problem with an immigrant working in the States somehow forgot along the way that almost all of us, within the last few generations, had a family member that was an immigrant too. One of those lil' funny things that most people forget here for some reason and is usually summed up by the overwhelming dumbhead population hehe
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-15 12:10:00
CanadaCanadians feeling guilty about taking jobs away from Americans?
Nope shouldn't feel guilty in the slightest, most of the time the more qualified person will get a job, especially in this economy where it's pretty much the employer's choice as so many people are looking for work.

I won't even get started on the illegal immigration-side though, might hit 500 posts on my own in here :)
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-15 11:42:00
CanadaWe got the IR-1 visa!!
:) Congrats!!!!
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-26 11:31:00
CanadaTo: Me From: Canada Post
bowflexMaleCanada2010-03-03 14:07:00
CanadaI will NEVER contact Montreal Consulate AGAIN!!
Such a great feeling isn't it? :) CONGRATS!!!!
bowflexMaleCanada2010-03-03 14:15:00
CanadaGood luck to all the Canadians with interviews this week!
Congrats to everyone who was approved and a huge good luck to everyone later in the week!!!
bowflexMaleCanada2010-03-02 15:27:00
CanadaIn these Olympics, Canadians only paid attention to Canada.

Again, not my fault the politically correct crowd takes things the wrong way or out of context.

People just need to relax....

Lol You throw around the term politically correct just like most people do with the word irony, INCORRECTLY :thumbs:
bowflexMaleCanada2010-03-03 17:05:00
CanadaIn these Olympics, Canadians only paid attention to Canada.
Lol Wait till you see Russia in 2014, that's going to be something for these cry babies to worry about :dance:
bowflexMaleCanada2010-03-03 13:59:00
CanadaIn these Olympics, Canadians only paid attention to Canada.

People take things as they wish and even my fiance agreed with my point on the hocket thing (again same thing as this with the arrogance).

That's the point of the article though, is it's not that normal..

Usually you see all nations fairly represented and the olympic rings everywhere to be seen. In Vancouver though, it was a sea of red and white w/Maple leafs everywhere. Hell, it had been that since almost a year prior. Even when I was in Toronto 3 times this past year (starting with May) it was all over the place.

The Olympics are supposed to be about togetherness, not nationalism.

Lol I'm not getting into it too deeply but the whole "America outscored Canada" argument was a dumbhead comment and that alone deserved some serious flaming.

As for the Olympics, they're actually ALL about nationalism. It's about the host country putting on a spectacular show and awesome face to the rest of the world and I really think Canada did a great job.
bowflexMaleCanada2010-03-03 13:27:00
CanadaIn these Olympics, Canadians only paid attention to Canada.
Lol Sure seems to me everything you post has quite a bit of anti-Canada flare to it

Of course a country is going to blow the trumpet on their own country when hosting the Olympics. Canada is a rather small nation in terms of population, I really enjoyed watching the Olympics and see the patriotism pumping out of seemingly every person. When I'd be spending every weekend there visiting my wife most people tried to "hide" being from Canada in case it would upset me or something when we'd hang out.
bowflexMaleCanada2010-03-03 13:10:00
CanadaVisa in Hand!!!!

OMG interview was the 2 and it came in today!

bowflexMaleCanada2010-03-04 11:53:00
CanadaGood Luck, Wyatt's Torch
bowflexMaleCanada2010-03-05 09:42:00
CanadaHappy Women's Day
Lol I tell my wife all the time that if she gets a job that makes enough where I don't need to work anymore I'll raise the kids and become a trophy husband for her, working out about 3 hours a day hahaha
bowflexMaleCanada2010-03-08 12:32:00
Baaah Wolski got traded for friggin Mueller? That guy is pure garbage, an AHL player at best. Wolski is frustrating but has 47 points in 62 games or something like that. I swear if this turns into another Chris Drury being sent away deal I'm going to look for Pierre LaCroix's gimpy kneecap lol
bowflexMaleCanada2010-03-03 12:56:00

I used to really like him, when he was on the Canadiens and Blackhawks. It's just quite sad now.

I'm all for living the dream and I'm sure he was doing a lot of good in the minors teaching the kids about working hard and playing smart but it's time for him to stop taking the NHL dream away from kids. He was slow as all getout in his last year in Detroit, was a healthy scratch for many games, and was getting even dirtier than he used to be cause he just couldn't play the new game. Granted it's Atlanta's fault for giving him a deal but he's got to realize it's over, he hasn't been good for a solid 10 years.
bowflexMaleCanada2010-03-02 17:06:00

LoL, I just read that Chris Chelios just signed a contract with the Thrashers. :lol:

Haha That sound you're hearing now is everyone in the league buying thicker shinpads in anticipation of his return to the NHL. I can only imagine how much worse it's gotten with him trying to keep up with young kids and having plenty of time in the minors to watch Axemen Lol
bowflexMaleCanada2010-03-02 16:30:00

That's my problem with the Maple Leafs. They have stood back and watched every team to adapt to the new philosophy but themselves. The day they start getting younger, fresher, more vibrant talent, that's the day they will make the playoffs again.

It does seem like a lot of the Leafs fans now are willing to accept a few years of rebuilding whereas in previous years they weren't so that should help out Brian Burke with creating a much better team. Getting rid of Blake this year was a great move but I'm still wondering how bad the Kessel trade is going to hurt them for the next few years. He's a great goal scorer but his work ethic is #######, he refuses to go to the dirty areas, and if he starts getting ripped on too much by the media he's going to be come a little pouty moron like he did in Boston.

I do love watching a team get rebuilt and come together (GO AVS BABY) so hopefully "Canada's Team" can do so finally. I would hate to see Toronto actually win the Cup though cause I have a feeling their fans would rival the ol' Flyers fans in their annoyance powers hahaha
bowflexMaleCanada2010-03-02 15:16:00
Lol Had the day off yesterday but good God that was surprising what went on in here :thumbs:

Congrats to Team Canada, can't really say either team deserved it more than the other as both played their butts off but in the end the score is all that matters so good for them :)

And as for anyone saying the tournament should've been a best of instead of one win and you move on, think about it. Team USA would not beat Canada 4 out of 7 or even 3 out of 5. Sure they played great in two games versus Canada but keep in mind Canada was still juggling the lines in the first game. You give that team longer to gel and it would be a massacre without Miller playing out of his mind. I think some forget that Canada had over 40 shots that first game lol

I really am glad that the Olympics are over now because I want every dumbhead American who might've seen Slap Shot or Miracle and nothing else to stop talking about hockey. I'm still hearing how it would've challenged the 1980 team's accomplishments if Team USA beat Team Canada for the gold. Umm, Russia had its pro team on the ice and Team USA was made up of a bunch of college kids who 9 out of 10 times would've been crushed. Be glad that Team USA over-achieved and is setting a very solid foundation for future years and congratulate the team that earned the win.

The lack of sportsmanship or even humility makes me want to puke sometimes lol
bowflexMaleCanada2010-03-02 14:08:00

Whoa, USA 4 Finland 0 with 9 minutes remaining in the 1st! :thumbs:

Sorry, Scott, they had to pull Kip. Not his game at all.

Setting up to be a good day :) Wish I was able to watch this one but I'll totally be tuned into Canada tonight. And to think all the national shows I've been watching/listening to say the NHL needs to pull out of the Olympics because they don't get prime time coverage in the States. I think Americans, above anyone else in the world, forget that there actually IS a world outside of the borders Lol
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-26 15:40:00
That game was absolutely brutal, Russia played like a bunch of individuals instead of a team. I really think they would've lost to any one of the teams that played last night, including the Czech Republic of Sweden. Canada did play very well but it was definitely more Russia losing than Canada winning in my opinion.

It all comes down to goaltending in these tournaments and Nabokov showed yet again that he simply can't stop a beachball when the stakes are raised. San Jose management really has to be sweating now thinking that he's going to be coming back with such a sub par performance on the biggest stage.

Canada most definitely is the favorite now but I've been really surprised how well Demitra and ol' Havvy in net have been playing. Yesterday was supposed to be my Super Bowl and I was so excited to see some great hockey and instead I had to watch a varsity team beat down a middle school team Lol
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-25 10:41:00

Can we all agree that Pronger sucks? :P

Lol He reminds me now of Hatcher but with a better shot. I think I saw a glacier pass him the other day, seriously ROUGH haha
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-24 12:04:00

Agreed on both counts! Luongo HAS come up big in big games...Game 7 against Dallas in the playoffs a few years ago was big...not to mention the first game in that series that went to quadruple (I think) overtime. But yes...last year's Game 5 against the Hawks was pretty bad. But he was unfairly criticized, I think. That's possibly the only "big game" that he has lost for his team. But it WAS a game 5, and the Canucks wouldn't have been facing elimination that early if the team had been better.

Long story short though...let's hope he comes up big tonight, and has two more great games afterwards! :D

Yeah I do want to see Canada win tonight along with the USA so at least I can look forward to them playing each other again, think it will be a different story in that one. I'd also like Sweden to go forward too so they'll be some great hockey to look forward to. I personally can't stand Semin on Russia after he tried to talk ####### about Crosby since he's nowhere near the type of player that he is. I think if someone's better than you it's in everyone's best interest for you to just shut up and not talk about them haha

I also would like to see Team Russia pay for trying to advertise how great the KHL is by putting players on the team over NHL players that were much more deserving of making the team. Radulov also needs to pay for running away to Russia when he still had a valid, signed contract with a NHL team :)
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-24 11:51:00

I think it's fairly safe to say that I think any pro athelet would chose to pay more attention to a hot girl than an 8 year old fan :P

When Lindros refused to play for the Nordiques, it wasn't just about being too big for a market. He didn't want to play in QC, period. The tax implications and salary issues weighed heavily, but at the end of the day, he didn't want to be in Quebec. Yes, it was a douchy thing to do, but hey, it's his life, his decision. Did it really backfire on him? Sure, he never won a cup, but he made far more money than he ever would have playing for the Nordiques/Avalanche.

Lol Oh I don't think it could be proven how much he would've made really. Think about it, there is not one NHL city he played in where he's still beloved so his income is nothing like it would be for say Sakic or Forsberg who could go to Denver, build a restaurant or something like that, and make a killing just off of their legacies :)

In the end it was of course his decision but he didn't have the mental makeup to pay his dues and maybe even just sign an entry-level deal to play in Quebec. He may not have wanted to play there but you see the best players in the league do it. Sometimes they turn the franchies around, sometimes they leave when the deal expires, but in the end it should be the league's decision where a rookie goes and not the player's. Look at Yzerman and Sakic as players who turned the franchise around or Ilya with the Thrashers as a player who paid his dues and still made his money. Granted he clearly got sick of playing there but he put in his years and then exercised his right to not resign after he paid his dues.

Lindros is even trying to continue his work with the NHLPA which is AWESOME since they fire everyone after a year or two hahaha
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-24 11:44:00

Yeah...why is it that I just can't see the Blackhawks as a Cup contender yet? I mean, they've got most of the elements...are a high scoring team, great defensive core, adequate goaltending (maybe), but I just can't see it. Maybe I'm just bitter because they rolled over the Canucks in five games last year. :lol:

Lol You better hope your boy Luongo comes up big tonight or the "He can't win the big one" is really gonna start being shouted off the rooftops. That elimination last year, WOW haha :whistle:
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-24 11:34:00

Back when he was drafted, I was still a Nordiques fan, so I really despised his move. I think most of my hatred disipated when the Nordiques moved. Now, I think it's quite funny to look back at it. TBH, if I was in his shoes, i'd probably have done the same thing. :whistle:

Lol I just love when people do those types of things and then get kicked in the figs for it. He tries to play the "I'm too big for the market, they'll never win" card and what happens? He gets his wish, the team goes on to win two Stanley Cups, and he wastes away all his talent without getting his name on the Cup, so awesome :)

Same reason I was cheering against Hossa for really. Goes to Pittsburgh, loses in the Finals. Jumps ship and everyone starts praising him for caring more about winning than money (even though his deal with the Wings paid him SICK money) and then loses to the team he abandoned the year before. He's really the ONLY reason I'm rooting that the Hawks don't win the Cup this year too, oh it'd be great to see him shaking hands with his head down yet again :rofl:
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-24 11:23:00

Yeah, I heard the rumors about palffy being a lazy git, but at least he wasn't a douche like Forsberg. I used to always say that Forsberg and Lindros were two of the biggest douches (along wtih Roy) to ever play the game. But as it turns out, my wife is actually related to Lindros, so I guess I can't say that anymore. :rofl:

Hahaha Oh yeah I remember you mentioning the relation to Lindros, and just judging by his lil draft move way back he certainly is the biggest I've ever heard about. Can you imagine anyone having the sheer balls to try what he did when the GM was Mr. Clarke? hahahaha
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-24 11:08:00

Sucks that I'm at work when both of these games start. I'm going to try to get them to turn the game on at work. Sadly, I have been unable to find a radio station that is broadcasting the Canada vs. Russia game so I can listen to it on my commute home. I despise the Swedish team for one reason, and one reason only..... Peter Forsberg. My dislike for him is only surpassed by my hatred for Patrick Roy. I also really like Palffy. I used to have one of his sweaters. Unfortunately, he had a falling out coupled with some head injuries when he was on the Kings.

Haha Hard to believe it's so easy to hate two of the best players in league history yet love Palffy when his work ethic was questioned so often :whistle: (just razzing you lol, Palffy could've been so much better but I always read that his dedication was up there with Yashin's ;) )

I can't wait for the games today. I got home from work yesterday and the ONLY thing that got me through my Plyo workout was knowing I got to watch a slew of hockey games afterwards without guilt from skipping it :)
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-24 11:00:00


Patrick Roy was and is a pvssy. He only picked fights with his wife, or midgets (Mike Vernon), and lost on both accounts. :hehe:

Lol Beat the ####### out of Osgood and winked after an incredible save, best moment by a goalie EVER haha :)
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-22 16:51:00

So, in summary of this whole arguement for the last 2 pages, I think we can surmise that somehow, some way, this is all Patrick Roy's fault. :rofl:

Lol Roy would've won the game and his son would've beat up Patrick Kane :)
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-22 13:22:00

All I have to say is, if my husband does not stop gloating, someone will be in the doghouse.

On another note, did anyone get to watch the Russia vs Czech Republic game? THAT game was awesome!

Lol Ovechkin knocked the grey clean out of Jagr's beard in that game :dance:
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-22 13:01:00
Lol Might even want to look at Fleury before Luongo as he's been the best high-pressure playoff goalie the last two or so years. Anyone remember ol' Luongo getting slapped around in his final game last year? lol :whistle:
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-22 10:51:00
Lol I just love all the references to the 1980 Miracle on Ice in regards to this game by the American media, many of whom never watched a hockey game in their life :bonk:

This was a PRELIMINARY game and neither team won or lost a medal, it really wasn't that big of a deal Lol. I bet this game wakes up Canada and you see them showing a much bigger effort on defense for the rest of the tournament. Don't get me wrong, I'm very glad the States won but this was not an incredible upset. Every single player on both sides plays in the NHL, I think it's pretty safe to say they're all relatively solid hockey players hahaha
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-22 10:00:00