CanadaI'm getting my Visa!
bowflexMaleCanada2010-01-28 17:12:00
CanadaDon't believe my lawyer

Oh, well that's rather harsh. :lol:

It honestly doesn't matter to me one way or another. I don't know their lives. I just get confused when people ask the same question over and over. It's like they're trying to find approval and justification for their actions. VJ is just kind of a weird place to search for it, though. lol

Maybe I've got it all wrong.

Haha I'm just REALLY against people knowingly doing the wrong and illegal thing, especially when it becomes clear they're just looking for that one person to tell them "Don't sweat it, it'll work out."

Definitely funny that on a site which has it plainly posted that it doesn't approve or allow any advice/questions on illegal activity that it still happens so much :blink:
bowflexMaleCanada2010-01-29 14:53:00
CanadaDon't believe my lawyer

I'm just curious as to why you keep asking the same question. You obviously have your mind set on that path. If you're looking for us to pat you on the back and tell you everything will be okay, you've come to the wrong place.

Actually exactly what I was thinking. If I could have it my way I'd love if anyone who tried that way got banned instantly for a lifetime :thumbs:
bowflexMaleCanada2010-01-29 14:32:00
CanadaDon't believe my lawyer
I'd most definitely do this the right way by filing and going through the process that's legit but of course that option is up to you. If you do decide to go the legal route I would look into reporting the lawyer's advice. Although I had a great lawyer who told my wife that this illegal option is often given but told us about the legal process which we used, other lawyers give this type of advice without thinking of the consenquences if you're found to be visiting with the intent to marry. Think about it, the lawyer either has a customer that they can charge for almost a year if everything works out, but if it doesn't they're not the ones that could get a lifetime ban.

Choose whichever way you wish but keep it in the back of your mind throughout the entire process that you could get caught and receive a very harsh punishment.
bowflexMaleCanada2010-01-29 09:41:00
CanadaAnt’s 3 years and 3000 posts later...Goodbye, Good Luck, and Thank You to All!
Good luck with everything!
bowflexMaleCanada2010-01-26 15:02:00
CanadaI just bought my first house
Wow great looking house, congrats!!!
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-01 12:10:00
CanadaRoasted Groundhog
Lol My brother moved from Michigan to Orlando, Florida and felt it necessary to call me while it was snowing last night to say how he was about to hit up a hot tub. If it was possible to bi%&* slap someone over the phone I would've done so immediately haha.

Now I love the cold, I just can't stand having to drive near other people with snow on the ground :) We keep it 65 in my house year round, mmmmmmmmmm haha
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-03 11:27:00
CanadaHow close/far away are/were you from your American/Canadian significant other?

So I guess you were on neutral ground, going to Oakland, lol.
Matt went to State for a while, then went to EMU. So either way, there's A LOT of green in our place!!

Haha My brother always razzed me about not caring since he was a HUGE UofM fan, yet he went to a local community college so it was fairly easy to shut him up, especially when his school was known as the Flying Monarchs hahaha.
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-03 14:37:00
CanadaHow close/far away are/were you from your American/Canadian significant other?

or something like that huh? :unsure: :blush:

soooo... your a MSU fan? :innocent: :whistle:

Haha If I had to pick a team to win between the two it'd be MSU but I really couldn't care less lol, I didn't go there and neither did all of my tuition money so whatever really Lol :dance:
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-03 14:23:00
CanadaHow close/far away are/were you from your American/Canadian significant other?

:wacko: lol

Hahaha I went to Oakland University, we don't even have a football team so I can't say anything lol

It's just funny to see people break the sound barrier and spraining their tongue trying to get out that they got a 4 year Communications Degree from U of M around here hahaha.
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-03 14:17:00
CanadaHow close/far away are/were you from your American/Canadian significant other?
Question: How do you know if someone went to the University of Michiga?

Answer: You won't even be able to finish the question because they will tell you way before you're able to think of or ask that question Lol :whistle:
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-03 14:04:00
CanadaHow close/far away are/were you from your American/Canadian significant other?

Where abouts are you? I'll be moving to Ann Arbor.

Not too far from there, we're in Auburn Hills :)
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-03 13:20:00
CanadaHow close/far away are/were you from your American/Canadian significant other?
Wife lived in Windsor, I lived within 30-40 minutes of Detroit so I usually made it over there in about an hour, including border waiting times :)
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-03 11:43:00
CanadaOh oh!!! Can't find my greencard!
Very glad to hear you found it!!!
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-03 11:23:00
CanadaDo I need a Visitor's Visa?

But I won't have a job. So what can I do? I am employed NOW, and will be right up until August but then my contract is over. So while without a job, I thought I would visit my fiance for a few months. I thought getting a Visitor's Visa (with him as my sponsor) would be the best way to do this, but I guess I'm wrong.

Unfortunately this could be a big problem as what other ties will you have? Bank statements and everything are good but I'd think that the two biggest links a guard would be looking for would be employment and housing. Just be sure that under no circumstances do you lie about how long you're going to visit for if asked, even if you think you're going to be denied entry, that's the biggest no-no you can do.
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-05 16:04:00
CanadaDo I need a Visitor's Visa?

Thank you. And I do want to everything the legit way, definitely!

So the impression I'm getting is that if we file for the K1 in March, there shouldn't be a problem with me visiting for six months in September 2010-March 2011 (provided I can prove I have ties to Canada) but getting BACK into the United States after that time is over is the issue..

Well there shouldn't be a problem but there most definitely could be. Many people in this forum have been denied entry at one time or another, and many more have never have a problem and were able to. Without job ties, rental/mortgage ties, school ties, etc... it could prove difficult to even get over the border with a visa processing. It's all unfortunately to the discretion of the border guard which can make this very frustrating sometimes :)
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-05 16:01:00
CanadaDo I need a Visitor's Visa?
As everyone has stated, unfortunately there's just no concrete or solid way to predict what will happen. My best advice is just to be prepared to be away from your significant other for a rather long period of time. During my wife's visa process I visited her every single weekend and sometimes during the week but most of the time we were away from each other Monday - Thursday. Luckily we both lived very close to the border to so it made that possible and we were extremely lucky, but of course many aren't.

Just be prepared as everyone has said and good luck to ya!!!

I know it will be longer than six months, but we are starting the process next month. So say it takes a year. We file in March, it would be done by the time my six months in the States is up (with a travel back to Canada in between for the interview and medical in Montreal, which is very close to where I live) ..

My plan is completely flexible, which is why I'm here. I think I just want to know the easiest way to a) file for the K1 and b) in the meantime, be able to visit my fiance for a significant amount of time.

Is it easier to simply get married in the United States and then file for an AOS? Or does that not make sense?

If you "visit" the US with the intention of getting married, living there, and then filing for AOS, that is completely illegal and could cause you problems down the road (possible lifetime ban if you lied about your intentions at the border). You're definitely on the right track with using the K-1, or even CR-1 should you decide, and we'd all higly recommend doing the process through the legit way.
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-05 15:54:00
CanadaDo I need a Visitor's Visa?

Hi all,

Here is my situation. I am visiting my fiance (an American citizen) in March, and we plan on starting the K1 process while I am there. Now, I am also planning on visiting him for the full six months at the beginning of September (so until beginning of March 2011) ... my question is this. Do I need a visitor's visa or can I easily get into the United States in Septemer if I have enough proof that I still have ties to Canada?

If I do need a B2 Visa, what happens after the six months? Am I allowed to come back to Canada for a short time (say a few days) and then re-enter into the United States visaless (for a shorter period of time, obviously) ... hopefully by then, our K1 process will be over or close to over.

Can anyone provide me with any information on this? I have read so many websites on this whole process that I'm confusing myself.

Thanks in advance!

Hi there,

You will not need to get a visitor's visa when coming over from Canada but be sure not to lie if they ask you how long you're planning on staying over (I've been asked 100% of the times that I've crossed, couple hundred times easily). Just like you stated, just make sure you have plenty of ties to Canada to minimize the risk that you'll be denied entry.

After you return for a little while in six months there is a chance that they could let you come back over again but that's at the discreption of the guard. Even with numerous ties to Canada, you will most likely have a hard time getting back over so quickly as being gone for six months, maybe spending a few days in Canada, and then coming back for another six months doesn't show a lot of actual strong ties to Canada.

Good luck to you!!
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-05 15:20:00
CanadaZansGirl and the Consulate
Big huge congrats to you :)
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-05 16:02:00
CanadaCanalien Houses

So we have this big TV, a Nintendo Wii, a surround sound system, a bed, two computers, a computer desk, and a love seat. That's it! And we need to furnish an entire house in a few weeks. Really shows you what Mr. Huggles priorities are :P

Hahaha This sounds exactly like my wife and I.

We had the xBox, TVs, Wii, and computer and I was happy as long as we got the pool table and gym equipment moved in too Lol.

She picked the colors for the paint, bed set, living room furniture, kitchen stuff, pretty much everything. Of course she asks me if I mind on everything but she's got such good taste I just stay out of the way Lol. The only thing I do NOT understand is the abundance of wickerballs that we have hahaha.
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-05 14:40:00
CanadaCanalien Houses

I have to much as I love watching movies, hockey and TV on DVD, I can't fathom the need for a television that big, ESPECIALLY if it's going to be in an apartment. If you've got a very large living room and ample seating for a dozen or so people, it might make sense...but otherwise, it just strikes me as an exercise in excess. We're in the market for a new TV too, but the largest I could justify going is 32". Anything bigger just becomes cumbersome and unnecessary, in my opinion.

Lol We've got a 62" in my rec room downstairs, a 40 inch plasma on the wall in the bedroom, and a 42 inch on the wall in the living room. It's supposed to be in guys' blood to want the biggest and badest electronic equipment I thought haha.
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-05 14:36:00
CanadaInterview question
I went with my wife to her interview but they really didn't want to hear anything from me at all :) Welcome to VJ and good luck!!
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-10 15:48:00
CanadaCanadian Guilt?
The fact that Canada has one of the best immigration processes set up in the world makes me wish that Canada could have some extra benefits from the States in regards to immigration :) While the United States' system can be so corrupt and stupid sometimes, it seems that Canada's is based much more on the individual than the country as a whole. My wife's family will get citizenship in Canada after living there for six years but they couldn't get beyond having to get a work visa renewed every year or so after 15 YEARS!!!

I hope no one feels any guilt as from what I've seen on these boards Canadians actually take longer to go through some processes than those in other non-MENA countries. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense but hey, it is the US Government afterall lol.
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-11 10:42:00
CanadaOlympic Men's Hockey Medal Predictions!
As long as Slovakia doesn't play Budaj in net they've got a chance. He SUNK the Avalanche last year by kicking out juicier rebounds than my grandma would, who's 94 by the way haha.
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-11 16:08:00
CanadaOlympic Men's Hockey Medal Predictions!
I say Canada Gold, United States Silver, Russia Bronze

Gonna be CRAZY good!
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-11 13:53:00
CanadaNOT Wyatt's Torch...

Totally! I'm really hoping TV coverage here in Vancouver will include some of the non-Canada hockey games. I'd LOVE to see Slovakia versus the Czech Republic...or Russia versus Sweden...or any combination of the seven teams I listed above.

And Bowflex, it looks like we've got even more in common: I'm a big Forsberg fan too! He was my favorite non-Canuck player when he played in the NHL. It always makes for entertaining conversations between my wife and I, because she HATES Forsberg. :P

Haha Right there with you.

Unfortunately I've tried to show my wife the awesomeness that was Forsberg but she didn't become a hockey fan until I brain-washed her and unfortunately that process didn't start until after they low-balled him with a pitiful contract and he bolted for Philly :( Lol
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-11 11:12:00
CanadaNOT Wyatt's Torch...


I was looking at all the rosters yesterday, and I think there are SEVEN teams that have a legitimate shot at gold:

United States
Czech Republic

I really don't think Canada is going to win gold this year...not in hockey, at least. The U.S. team looks really good, as does Russia. I'm really surprised at how great Slovakia looks too! It's going to be awesome to see Ziggy Palffy back on the ice again. One of the most underrated players when he was in the NHL. :thumbs:

It's going to rock so much I can't wait lol. I'm personally looking forward to watching as many games with Canada, the US, Russia, or Sweden. I want to see my ol' boy Forsberg ripping it up, hopefully not on a gimpy ankle or destroyed rib :)
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-11 10:56:00
CanadaNOT Wyatt's Torch...
I can't wait for all the epic men's hockey games that are in store, it's like the Super Bowl every day for me :)
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-08 14:08:00
CanadaHusband not a PR of Canada nor Canadian Citizen

My husband had his interview this morning. Because he is not a PR of Canada nor Canadian Citizen he was not issued a visa. He applied for assylum in Canada and is awaiting a hearing. The lady at the US Conslate said she could not make a decision and he needed to bring in the paperwork from when he crossed the border the first time into Canada. My question is will he have to wait on a hearing from Canada immigration inorder for them(US Conslate) to make a decision?So at this time his case with the US Conslate office is pending until she see's the paperwork from when he entered into Canada. Does anyone know anything about this, and that could bring me some relief. This has been going on for two years now, and with out a lawyer this was pretty hard for me to do all by myself. PLEASE HELP!!!!!

My wife and her family actually were originally in Canada through the Humanitarian and Compassionate process and this did not stop our eventual approval for our CR-1 Visa to get her into the USA. We did, after being given advice by our lawyer, bring all paperwork regarding her entry into Canada and proof that they were working towards becoming permanent residents in Canada. After this was reviewed we did not have any problem with that part of the case.

If he has family in Canada now, make sure you note that he will face problems crossing the border into Canada in the future most likely. Once he abandons his case to move to the States (if/when he is approved for the visa), he will not be able to apply for another visa in Canada (at least that is what we were told about 200 times by government officials there).

My wife's family will actually get their citizenship in Canada most likely but throughout the entire CR-1 process they technically had "no status" in Canada other than being part of the Humanitarian process. Good luck!
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-08 15:05:00
CanadaWho's going to light the Olympic tourch?
I don't think Pamela Anderson could afford the insurance anymore that would be required for getting her plastic body that close to an open flame :whistle:

It'd be cool if it was Gretzky and Michael J Fox :)
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-12 11:36:00
CanadaDecided and sending it in!
Welcome and good luck with the process!!!
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-15 12:08:00
CanadaI-130 Approved
So great to hear, congrats!!
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-17 15:27:00
CanadaBrith Certificate Question
We supplied my wife's original birth certificate that was in another language, then made a copy of it with a translation typed onto it as well and got it notarized and that was enough for USCIS, good luck!
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-19 11:59:00
CanadaCrossing the border 1st since marriage
Have a great time!!
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-10 14:33:00
CanadaHockey coverage sucks!
Yeah I really haven't liked their coverage but so far MSNBC always has hockey on as I'm going to bed and showed all three hockey games yesterday so that was pretty nice :)
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-22 12:42:00
CanadaWhy Do Canadian Fast Food Restaraunts Serve Fries With EVERYTHING!
Lol I think the explanation of Taco Bell meat will pretty much keep me good for years haha. I've only been really watching what I eat since June but every time I thought about allowing a cheat/rest day it would be for Taco Bell. I think I'll just enjoy a big ol' fat steak with some garlic mashed potatoes on the side now haha
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-24 15:47:00
CanadaWhy Do Canadian Fast Food Restaraunts Serve Fries With EVERYTHING!

Does anyone REALLY want to know what grade of meat taco bell uses? :P

Haha Heck yes I would, even PM me with it, I'd love to be able to remind myself when I'm craving it that it's grade Z meet (excuse me, zed, in the canada forum hahaha)
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-24 15:24:00
CanadaWhy Do Canadian Fast Food Restaraunts Serve Fries With EVERYTHING!

Man, I love taco bell and its nasty mushy meat. My husband on the other hand finds it disgusting and refuses to eat it. So I've had it like twice in the last 8 months. Sad.

Lol If I could pick one fast food place to eat at it would without a doubt be Taco Bell, oh man the grilled steak soft tacos *drool* haha

When I started to get serious about working out and watching what I ate I gave up all fast food but even to this day that's the only thing I TOTALLY miss lol

sooooooooooooo good
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-24 15:12:00
CanadaWhy Do Canadian Fast Food Restaraunts Serve Fries With EVERYTHING!
Lol I read this article on Yahoo Front Page last night about the worst fries in America, there's some restaurant in the south that has a small fries option that are over 1900 CALORIES!! Can you imagine eating an entire meal's worth of calories, probably three or four days of fat, and God knows how much other garbage in like 5 minutes? hahaha
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-24 15:03:00
CanadaWaiting NINE WEEKS now (DCF Montreal, requested further proof domicile)
Good luck to ya!!!
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-18 14:22:00