CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Yep I know exactly where you're coming from too, when my wife first moved to the States we lived with my parents for about six months. She got a job after about a month or two of getting here and we just started saving up money, got her a car, all that kinda jazz that needs to be done. Once we realized we'd have enough money to not take a huge dip in our lifestyle, such as having cable tv, having the internet, being able to afford to go out here and there, my wife started looking for apartments and then we moved out.

I'm sure once you get a job and are making all the benjamins everything will work out :) Good luck to you!!
bowflexMaleCanada2010-03-18 14:52:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Very sorry to hear, hope you feel better!
bowflexMaleCanada2010-03-11 11:45:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

I'm excited. I'll be THRILLED when it's in my hand...and absolutely over the moon when I'm on the U.S. side of the POE! :P

Lol Your plans sound a lot like my wife's and mine back when she got hers. She called me at around noon one day while I was at work saying she got it in the mail, I was there by 6pm and we were home getting congratulated by midnight the same day. I really enjoy reading when people have everything finished and are just waiting for that little sticker on their visa to bust ####### outta town haha

Congrats to you guys!
bowflexMaleCanada2010-03-09 11:10:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

I think Keanu Reeves is quite possibly the worst actor of all time. But he at least seems to be quite aware of his limitations and only does movies that suit him. Neo in The Matrix and Bill and Tedd's Excellent Adventures don't really require all that much range :lol:

Lol Don't you dare forget Point Break, that was his Mona Lisa!!!
bowflexMaleCanada2010-03-08 14:13:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Lol Seriously some of y'all need to star in the Tim Horton commercials with Sidney Crosby, that's some intense determination and loyalty haha
bowflexMaleCanada2010-03-05 11:10:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Lol I really wanted to post in that dumbhead's thread about the Olympics but I fought the good fight and realized the less response we all give him the faster he may leave Lol
bowflexMaleCanada2010-03-04 11:23:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
My wife and I pretty much followed the path it seems most in this thread did. We lived with my parents for about 6 months, then she went apartment shopping and we got a nice little place to get used to the bills and responsibility for a year. After the market crashed she crunched our numbers and began house shopping and managed to find a house that she just loved. I still remember as I was cleaning the lil 655 square foot apartment we were in, she comes back with some information on the house she found with a friend and it was 2,051 square feet Lol. I asked her what's with the huge increase and she just said "Oh the potential" hahaha.

I can honestly say I've never been happier with a purchase in my life, even if the money is a little too tight to allow me to buy my surround sound that I was SO badly as I'm a sports and video game freak Lol
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-25 10:52:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Lol If I sleep for even 5 minutes longer than my wife on the weekend I ALWAYS wake up to HGTV haha
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-23 11:00:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

They counter offered our offer but are willing to negotiate. We could for sure afford the asking price as it was within our budget, and we'd be paying less than we right now for rent with our down payment. So we're going to try to go a little less and ask for a one year home warranty too.

This is becoming more real. I am so scared/excited.

:) Good luck to you guys!!!
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-22 12:39:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Good morning all.

Well I haven't heard from the lawyer's office this morning so I am hoping that means the bank managed to rush the documents to her and therefore we will be able to take possession of the house on Monday.

Was this house a foreclosure? We had a lot of problems with the bank supplying the paperwork too, actually went to closing and signed everything and they didn't show up. We had to wait about another 3 to 4 weeks for everything to finally get pushed through, terribly frustrating lol
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-19 12:01:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

It's my 30.5th birthday today! I was born on August 19th, and turned 30 last that makes me exactly 30.5 today.

Anyhow, speaking of wife just changed her cell phone plan yesterday to a family plan, and got me my VERY FIRST cell phone. Yep...I went 30.5 years without a cell -- totally by choice -- but now, alas, I'll have one. The main reason is that she doesn't have or need a land line, and I really don't want to be relying on one cell between the two of us when I get down there. Also, it will be very convenient to have a cell while I'm driving across the continent next month. She's mailing it up to me today.

Two weeks from right now, I should know whether or not I passed my immigration interview... :clock:

Lol Congrats on the half birthday and entering the age of technology. You'll be texting and crashing into people while driving in no time like most americans :rofl:
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-19 10:57:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

So we didn't get the fixer upper, an offer was put in yesterday and is now under contract... so we're putting an offer into the nice place.

This stuff happens so fast... I don't like it at all.

Wow that was fast! When my wife and I put in an offer on the house we ended up having to wait about a month and a half to hear back.

Hope you're not too disappointed, didn't seem like you would be from your previous posts but I know the dangers of starting to picture yourself in a house :) When my wife first found our house the bank denied our original offer. We went on our way and looked at other houses but it was obvious to me she'd never be as happy as being in that one so we just kept working on it. Good luck to you guys!!!
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-17 15:31:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Lol My wife and I have owned a house for about a year and a half now and it's still really surreal to me. Owning a home was always so grown up and out of reach to me that I still don't know quite how it happened haha :)
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-17 12:24:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Tegan and Sara just released a bunch of tickets for tonights show so I bought my husband one. He originally just bought two, one for me and my son for Christmas, and he was going to drive us out there and wait for us. BUT more tickets, so I bought him one. He won't be sitting with us, but now we're all going together and no one has to wait outside or drive around. :)

Very excited.

I feel that not being from Canada is possibly the cause for me not knowing who these folks are Lol :blush:
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-16 12:56:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

I can't believe I am actaully below 210 lbs now :dance: i hope to be under 200 lbs by the summer :thumbs:

Congrats!!! :)
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-15 16:58:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Good morning all!

I don't watch scary movies, they scare me and I don't like being scared. Upon reading this thread, I think perhaps I need to drink more.

Lol I heard a saying once, "A bottle a day keeps reality away". Well that's a bit too much, I believe some hobo vodka could even get me to watch Encino Man again and enjoy it haha :)
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-12 12:23:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

John has told me that when he was in the Navy, his group would watch Dazed and Confused, and every time the kid with the long hair would touch his face, they would have to drink.

They were hammered by the end of the movie!

Hahaha This must be a common one, I've done this with my friends too :dance:
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-12 12:05:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

It's like how there's this small town called Latchford in Northern Ontario, I used to go up and visit my grandparents all the time as a kid. Down from the highway at the back of the town is an old dirt road called Murphy's road surrounded by forest. But if you walk a mile back, you'll see a slight clearing in the forest and if you walk back about 10 minutes into the forest there's an old abandoned graveyard with mostly children's graves who all died around the same time in the early 1900's. Anyways for a bunch of bored kids, this was a great place to go scare ourselves silly.

Lol That kinda stuff always creeps me out. Heck after seeing Pet Cemetary I had to jump into my bed for years for fear that a lil kid was under there waiting to slice my Achilles :blink:
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-12 11:27:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

That's funny! My wife hates scary movies, so I'll be in the same boat -- watching them when she's either in bed or away somewhere.

Unfortunately I haven't seen a movie that scared me since Blair Witch Project, I don't think...but that's only because I saw it in theatres when there were still strong rumors that the footage was real. I guess I'd call that "willful gullibility". :lol:

The Ring was pretty creepy, but didn't prevent me from sleeping the night I watched it.

I should probably watch Paranormal Activity. I wonder if that will do the trick...

Oh yeah I heard Paranormal Activity was great, haven't seen it yet either though.

Most movies really don't scare me too bad but you'll be amazed at what a slight buzz will do to help that process along a little haha.
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-12 11:15:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

I love scaring myself. My husband sits there and is like: "Why are you watching it?"

I don't know why I love being scared but I do. Maybe it's because I like bringing myself up to that anxiety and then calming myself down knowing that it couldn't happen to me.

Haha I get the same questions from my wife and my friends. It's pretty sweet to be sitting there alone in the dark, hearing noises coming from outside or downstairs, and freaking out pretty sufficiently hahaha.
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-12 11:08:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
I just saw that SAW VI is available On Demand last night :) If my wife goes to bed early I'm going to enjoy one of my favorite times :) I will grab some good ol' hobo cheap vodka, turn off all the lights, and try to scare myself senseless watching it alone haha.

I've done this with The Strangers as well as Saw V (both movies kinda sucked) but it definitely gets the ol' heart pumping hahaha
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-12 11:01:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Day two of snowmageddon today and no work for me. Well they are saying they are going to open up the restaurants at the Club at 11:00 but none of the office staff are going in, I for sure am not. My son is home, my husbands home and I am enjoying the day with them.

Very jealous of ya right there. If I was home I'd be destroying some NHL 10 on the ol' xbox, let the ferret free-roam in her playpen, and hot chocolate would be brewing. Instead it just snowed like 6-7 inches and only people who go to school have had the days off here Lol.
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-11 10:19:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
My wife and I have never really done anything for Valentine's Day but I have a plan to surprise her with a nice dinner and some flowers this year, she's been having a rough go of it at work lately :( I find she's always happiest when I surprise her with stuff that doesn't cost too much money so this will be right in her wheelhouse haha :)
bowflexMaleCanada2010-02-11 10:00:00
CanadaFour Years Ago Today We Were Married :)
Sure is crazy how fast time starts to fly after your SO/wife/husband and you are finally united and able to live together :) Four years ago today we were in Windsor, Ontario at a Romanian Orthodox Church walking around in circles and vowing to try and not piss each other off every day for the rest of our lives lol.

I remember getting engaged in a lawyer's office by calling her while my dad was sitting next to me and telling her what we'd need to do to be together again. My dad was smiling and just shaking his head and then said something to the effect of "Figures this would be how you get engaged you weirdo."

I just want to tell everyone that's going through the waiting part of the process that although it sucks INCREDIBLY now, when you're finally together it's more amazing than you can even hope for :) Good luck to all!!
bowflexMaleCanada2010-01-21 10:47:00
CanadaReasons for Optimism
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Nov 17 2009, 04:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have decided that until lgg gets an interview I am going to stop using vowels!

strtng nw.


You're gonna be crazy bummed if Wheel of Fortune calls you tomorrow crying.gif

Edited by bowflex, 17 November 2009 - 04:05 PM.

bowflexMaleCanada2009-11-17 16:05:00
CanadaReasons for Optimism
QUOTE (lgg @ Nov 17 2009, 03:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OH #######... and you got DENIED on top of it all.
Geezus... yeah, this process has the real propensity to suck the joy out of life. But damn, I just can't let that happen otherwise what would have been the point of just about everything...

If you don't want to answer the questions here, please PM me? But I wanted to ask on what basis were you originally denied? Was it the now infamous establishing of domicile?
just curious as I like know that things either will or will not be a factor for me to have to consider. The domicile thing is NOT a factor for us.

Thanks so much for your well-wishes -- this site is invaluable at helping us all keep our chins up.
Once we get an interview, watch for the flares shooting off on this site.

Lol Oh it's all good. Yeah I remember the day that my wife said she got the visa in the mail, it was 12:15 in the afternoon. Upon finishing my work day I drove right over there to pick her up and I had her home with me forever on my birthday by 12:30AM, was a very cool memory smile.gif

My wife's denial was based on her family's asylum claim in the States that started way back in 1991. Long story short the case was eventually denied and her family either had to return to the craphole that WAS Yugoslavia (Serbia specifically) back then or try to go somewhere else. Luckily Canada recognized the horrible state of that country and she was able to move there and we started the process of bringing her back a few years later.

Just imagine how cool it will be if you find out right around Christmas time that your interview is scheduled smile.gif It's weird how it sometimes happens like that but we actually found out about her interview right around a holiday so maybe some people at Montreal do it that way on purpose Lol.

bowflexMaleCanada2009-11-17 15:58:00
CanadaReasons for Optimism
Well my wife's case was extremely weird and unique so I wouldn't put too much into how long ours took, but we were outside of the posted timeframe by about 2 months when we finally got the interview, then we had to wait for the stupid Consul to actually look at the docs that we had with us when she denied us, so it took a while.

I know so well that helpless feeling you're talking about. My wife and I actually started to review other countries and their immigration processes as it was really beginning to look like it wasn't going to happen for us here.

I'm very glad you two will be seeing each other for a few weeks soon, that will most definitely help with the waiting. I can't remember a worse feeling than coming back from Montreal after they denied us but thinking back being outside the timeframe and not knowing what to do was just as bad. I wish you guys nothing but the best!

bowflexMaleCanada2009-11-17 15:50:00
CanadaReasons for Optimism
QUOTE (lgg @ Nov 17 2009, 03:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I guess so... my husband already got a hold of his congressman and filled out a release of information in order for the congressman to go and see what was happening. But the truth is... they can't really expedite any files so... I just wish Montreal would pick it up a bit -- I don't' care if they're getting their damn feelings hurt reading this. I realize that yes, some of them were working hard. We're all working hard. So we get to be held back because of a flaw in their managerial system??? How can that possibly be right?

But I look at my job, if we were falling behind on our publishing schedules (and we're two people down due to maternity leave and such) we would get our butts kicked. We HAVE to fulfill our timeline despite being short-staffed. If it means that I log off of VJ or come in early or work over lunch or stay late, then that is what I must do.

My boss makes sure that that happens. WE could never let a publishing mandate go unfulfilled for 3 or 4 or 5 months beyond 'processing' times.

Just saying.

Oh completely agree, I remember talking about this same stuff with my wife when we were out of the times. You should check and see if any state representative of his has anything to do with the immigration board. Luckily my senator (Senator Levin of MI) was the head of a board and they completely RODE Montreal and called and mailed them a bunch of stuff. Now granted it ended up annoying the Consul and she even stated to them, in other words of course, that the reason the review was taking longer was because she was getting annoyed. In the end I called Montreal every single day and had the Senator's office contact her a few times a week until it was finally remedied smile.gif

bowflexMaleCanada2009-11-17 15:27:00
CanadaReasons for Optimism
QUOTE (lgg @ Nov 17 2009, 02:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeah, it's okay-ish-ish.... I called NVC, some woman who mumbled her name... but I believe them, this has been their M.O. for the past few months --it's to the clock, pretty much. It's not just me I'm bummed about either, it's the people from July waiting before me, and the people who finished after me -- how long WILL we wait? Like are we really stuck here living in limbo-land for many more months?


(just learned that from Malr... it's pretty appropriate)

Well, I guess i'll make good on the xmas ticket we got and the time I booked off from work and go and have a xmas visit. But geez... it mostly sucks because we have NO recourse. Who'm I gonna write a letter to next, President Obama????


Well, chin up everyone -- let's see what the next month of waiting brings, right?

If you're in any way out of the posted times you can contact the state senator and they will have their office call. I got my senator involved when Montreal was dragging its feet and continued to be a pain in their ####### until they did the right thing smile.gif

bowflexMaleCanada2009-11-17 15:06:00
CanadaMy Montreal Experience
I'm VERY sorry to hear this. My wife and I were actually initially "denied" a visa but with the help of a lawyer we got it turned around. If you have any questions on what you can do just go ahead and PM me and I'll give you as much information as possible about what we went through/did. Good luck to you!!!
bowflexMaleCanada2010-01-21 10:09:00
CanadaWhat's on your Ipod?

I saw them at the Borgata in AC and there was this security guard, big guy looked like he was probably into hip hop, standing there. We'd look over at him every now and then and his mouth would just be open in awe.
After the show we got up to walk out and he looked at us and just said: "Holy #######"

Their shows are absolutely beautiful! It's a sit down affair but it's amazing.

Haha Very cool, as someone who was born in America and in Michigan specifically (in the top 5 of biggin' people in the country) I will most likely highly enjoy being able to sit down for as long as possible :whistle:
bowflexMaleCanada2010-01-21 11:03:00
CanadaWhat's on your Ipod?


Ever see those guys live?? EPIC!


I like to pretend I know what they're talking about... like I'll tell my husband: "This song is about bananas"

Haha I felt cheated when I found a rough translation of their lyrics online, I really didn't want to know what they were talking about either haha.

I've only seen taped live shows on some weird channel we get with our cable that shows a bunch of live shows, lots of lasers and light effects haha.
bowflexMaleCanada2010-01-21 10:58:00
CanadaWhat's on your Ipod?


I have to admit, I have most of their albums, and now that I think about it, I really don't know why! They have some good music...but you REALLY have to be in the right mood. A very specific kind of mood. As in...sedated.

It takes a certain frame of mind to listen to lyrics like:

"Oooooeeeeoooo mnaah...oooooeeeeoooo mnaah....ayyyyy ohhhhhh oooooeeeoooo bleeeee mnah cohhhh oh oh...."

Haha I could not have summarized this any better :) They're actually going to release an album in English this year and my wife wants to go to a show when they come around here (hopefully). I'm used to going to a Dave Matthews Band show every year and then maybe a Less than Jake smaller show or something here and there, can't imagine what the mood and crowd will be like at that thing haha
bowflexMaleCanada2010-01-21 10:49:00
CanadaWhat's on your Ipod?
lol I remember I tried adding some of my wife's favorite band's stuff, Sigur Ros, on mine but I thought I was going to fall asleep while doing my bench press so that was quickly removed haha.
bowflexMaleCanada2010-01-21 10:40:00
CanadaWhat's on your Ipod?
I've got a lot of different stuff but off the top of my head:

Dave Matthews Band (favorite band)
Less than Jake
Rise Against
Limp Bizkit
Coheed and Cambria
Jason Mraz
New Found Glory
Rusted Root

bowflexMaleCanada2010-01-20 11:51:00
CanadaGood luck for all the people interviewing on the 20th !!!
Congrats to everyone!

bowflexMaleCanada2009-11-20 11:04:00
CanadaWell it's been a long wait! But we have an k1 inteview!
Congrats and good luck!!
bowflexMaleCanada2010-01-25 12:24:00
CanadaAn Open Thank You to Montreal's Consulate

I agree. I guess I just expect too much out of people though.

I have an opinion on virtually everything, but I don't feel the need to wedge my opinion into a thread that clearly has a contrary opinion. That's the mentality that has made Off-Topic such a wasteland. I just find it rude.

I suppose I hoped that if someone had contrary opinions than the first dozen or so in this thread, they would have kept them to his/herself or created a well-thought-out "Open Damning of Montreal's Consulate" thread.

Lol Again I'll just agree to disagree and move on :thumbs:
bowflexMaleCanada2010-01-26 12:44:00
CanadaPOE tomorrow
Good luck to you!!!
bowflexMaleCanada2010-01-28 15:38:00
CanadaI'm getting my Visa!
bowflexMaleCanada2010-01-28 17:12:00