CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Lol I believe it's time to sell the Camaro sir haha.
bowflexMaleCanada2010-01-15 16:08:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

My vent...

Oh I have none. TRA LA LA!

*skips away*

Lol Life is gorgeous on a Friday eh :)
bowflexMaleCanada2010-01-15 14:02:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

I see nothing wrong with V8 juice. I love the stuff... other than the disgusting amount of sodium in it.
And I think Gatorade/Powerade is disgusting, am I the only one? :lol:

On another note... sinus headaches suck. The end.

Lol Yep, exactly the reason why I had to cut it out, so much sodium :( Had to cut out this awesome low calorie soup I like too for the same reason, stupid people not just making it normal haha.

Hope you feel better!
bowflexMaleCanada2010-01-15 14:01:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Lol A rather lame vent here but as I've started my third round of working out with p90x, I've given up absolutely every type of drink except for water (and water mixed with protein powder). I never knew how much I enjoyed the Diet V8 juice or just a Propel or Gatorade here and there, oh man it's been a rough few weeks haha.
bowflexMaleCanada2010-01-15 12:04:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

It's always been like this, seeing overweight children that are obviously mistreated (ie: I doubt there are that many families where the teenager is about to undergo gastric bypass and the parent encourages them to binge) is just the topic of this particular time in history.

Children are sexually abused, they have alcoholic parents, they are abandoned or left for hours on their own, their houses are health hazards - on and on the list goes. This is nothing new they are just easier to hide and hide they do.

Case in point. While living in Canada as a teenager, I was asked to babysit for the people across the street for a few hours, I said ok. While their children always looked slightly grubby, nothing indicated what was going on in that house, it was filthy (actually beyond filthy - without going in to detail). You would never know this looking from the outside.

I think the Biggest Loser program is slightly odd. It tries to portray itself as an inspiration - really it is just marketing a show where others can sit in judgement....

The trash that TLC has on sometimes - it's amazing.

Yep just amazes me how irresponsible some people are and then even weirder how they're rewarded by being on TV and being paid for it I guess. Makes me VERY glad that my wife and I waited to have kids until we're ready :thumbs:
bowflexMaleCanada2010-01-12 11:54:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
I'm trying to find out why there are so many shows on TV lately showing irresponsible people and parents lol. I was going through the channels yesterday in our bedroom while my wife was wasting away watching The Batchelor in the other room and couldn't believe how many shows there are involving morbidly obese people. I know America is increasingly getting worse in terms of health but Good God! Between shows rewarding people for letting themselves go to horrible levels (The Biggest Loser) and a show on TLC about a HALF-TON TEENAGER I just can't believe it. On one show a parent was allowing her 500-some odd pound kid to completely binge-out on their favorite foods a few nights before they had the gastro-bypass surgery.

My wife and I actually have been discussing this a lot lately and will be requiring our children (when we have them lol) to participate in at least one sport/physical activity until they're out of high school and will watch what they eat closely. I can't believe with all of the blessings and technology that come with living in a developed nation that people would be so irresponsible, really disappointing.
bowflexMaleCanada2010-01-12 11:38:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Lol Lots o' family vents today I guess :)

I'm going to surprise my wife in a few weeks but going out to each with her and then having my parents and my brother's family already waiting there for us. We celebrated her bday last weekend with a surprise party with some friends but nothing with the family yet so I thinik she'll like it :)

Anyway my brother's wife (who has a head that resembles a LEGO, I'm convinced her hair snaps on) has said some really stupid things over the years and is constantly trying to tell us how much better off my brother and her are. Now this is fine with me, I don't really care, my brother is four years older than me and everything, has two kids already, great for them :) The only problem is I know when they come over to see our new house for the first time, she's going to make it a point to say that the only reason we have the things we do is because we don't have kids yet. Now we're not really well off or anything but we've got the usual plasma tvs, pool table, Wii, just normal stuff really.

My wife and I have decided that probably within a year we'll try to begin adding to our family but it's a sensitive spot right now cause we're just trying to get our careers solidified and get the house setup and ready.

I just know it's going to go from having a great time at the restaurant to a big ol' ####### job when we all come back to the house Lol.
bowflexMaleCanada2010-01-05 13:45:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Haha I also only give my two ferrets water from the fridge filter Lol smile.gif

bowflexMaleCanada2009-12-29 16:19:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Lol I'll vent for the difficulty of stairs for my wife as she took a nice spill while taking down the garbage yesterday and could barely walk due to her bruised tailbone. She had the day off and told me when I got home from work that while she was down seeing all the garbage strewn about the tile and carpet she just started having a tantrum and cried crazily hahahaha.

bowflexMaleCanada2009-12-29 12:21:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Wow even though I worked from 8:30-2pm on Christmas Eve, then just had Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off, my brain can't seem to get back into work mode. It's like I just had a summer vacation and now I'm coming back lol, makes no sense. I only work Monday and Tuesday this week and then am off till Monday, wonder how bad it's going to be next week smile.gif Stupid After Christmas moods lol

bowflexMaleCanada2009-12-28 11:07:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
QUOTE (poprocks @ Dec 22 2009, 11:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Bow...meats can be expensive...especially organic or lean meats...have you considered protein shakes? There are some good brands that will give you calories and protein...with an ample amount of carbs too. It may cost about $30-40 for the container...but you could get a good 20 shakes out of it? When people train...and want to add mass...they will tack on a shake to their dinner as a healthy addition for bulking up on mass....

Just a thought smile.gif

smile.gif Thanks very much for the advice smile.gif I actually hit up a protein shake first thing in the morning and then one right after the workout when I get home from work. I'm having somewhere near 3,000 calories at the moment but it's just not enough with the ol' skinny furnace burning haha. Maybe I'll start hitting up a third shake right before bed smile.gif

QUOTE (Misty1979 @ Dec 22 2009, 11:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OMG!!! I totally just got a taste of what you're talking about: The P90x package came in today, so I went shopping for the first two days worth of food....over $150! Alot of it was just acquiring a "base" of things that I maybe should have that I don't (minced garlic, whey powder, bulk chicken, shrimp and a blender,) but Did you follow the menu exactly? If so I bet your wife wanted to smack you after she went looking for "hearts of palm" lol. Nobody in the store including myself knew what the heck that was.
Sigh...I better look like Xena the Warrior Princess after this is done.

Hahaha congrats on getting started, even if you only do 75% of what the program has you're gonna see some crazy results every single month, just be sure to take the pictures smile.gif

I actually just follow the percentages of protein to carbs to fat that it recommends. My wife has been cooking really healthy since we've been together so it was just a matter of making sure that I was eating my body weight in meat since it's supposed to be about 1.5g of protein for every pound of body weight smile.gif

You're gonna love the program, let me know what you think of Plyo after you try it for the first time smile.gif

bowflexMaleCanada2009-12-23 11:06:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
QUOTE (Misty1979 @ Dec 22 2009, 03:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Since it's the season of giving, I'll gladly switch you can put on some "mass" for me, and I'll lose some of that weight.
Too late to change your mind, you already complained. whistling.gif

Haha This may be easier than finding a way to consume even more lean beef and chicken every day smile.gif My poor wife does all the grocery shopping and keeps complaining cause all of the healthier foods cost more money. I'll be the first hobo to walk around the streets with a six pack but that lost his home due to a need for high protein foods smile.gif

bowflexMaleCanada2009-12-22 16:05:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Lol Weird vent here, but I somehow managed to lose 7 pounds over the last month while doing the p90X stuff. I know I know, my wife already told me that's such a "horrible problem to have" but it's not good when I was trying to put on mass lol, time to up the ol' chicken intake per day I guess. I swear if I have anymore I'm going to grow a beak haha.

bowflexMaleCanada2009-12-22 13:33:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Dec 21 2009, 11:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So as everyone knows, we got a lot of snow this past weekend. A lot of snow FOR THIS AREA.

Well I am just getting so sick and tired of people back home coming up with lame jokes every time I talk about it. My car was buried under snow, like you couldn't tell it was there. No one here has snow tires, I didn't even own a pair of boots. We don't get snow that often here. Sure it's funny if you're from the freaking snow belt and you're used to getting tons of snow, but around here they're not. So when I talk about it and they're like: "You need to come back to Canada" and "YOU ARE CANADIAN!" So!? Doesn't change the fact that this is a lot of snow and every store in a 45 mile radius is sold out of shovels!

I am just really annoyed by it all. I feel like I can't even talk about it because as soon as I do, they say something stupid. Especially my freaking uncle. Guy just can't shut up!

On Saturday morning, it was funny because there was barely any snow, maybe 2 inches. But by Sunday morning, even I stopped laughing.

/end vent

Lol I know exactly what you're talking about. I was in Windsor to spend the day with my wife's family and all the people on the news from CBC and stuff were kind of laughing at how it was such national news that the East Coast got slammed with snow. Guess you Canadians are hard core when it comes to complaining about snow haha.

bowflexMaleCanada2009-12-21 11:32:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
QUOTE (trailmix @ Dec 15 2009, 10:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (bowflex @ Dec 15 2009, 08:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Lol Stupid vent here but a vent nonetheless...I went to the Red Wings vs Coyotes game last night and parking in Detroit cost $15 friggin dollars. You can buy a house in the city limits there for $18,000 so I think using that as a benchmark parking should've cost me $2.50 and the parking structure should be heated, that is all lol.

Well a house here in Calgary costs around $240,000 - for a small house, under 1000 sq ft and my Husband pays $25 a day for parking at work - so yeah, they are ripping you off laughing.gif

Hahaha I couldn't even believe it, there are probably 8 people living within the city limits now and they wonder why no one is going to the professional games anymore. I'm pretty sure I could park in one of the 1,000 abandoned lots and just pay the local hobo $5 bucks to make sure no one pees on my car hahaha.

bowflexMaleCanada2009-12-15 10:48:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Lol Stupid vent here but a vent nonetheless...I went to the Red Wings vs Coyotes game last night and parking in Detroit cost $15 friggin dollars. You can buy a house in the city limits there for $18,000 so I think using that as a benchmark parking should've cost me $2.50 and the parking structure should be heated, that is all lol.

bowflexMaleCanada2009-12-15 10:43:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
QUOTE (Rhiann @ Dec 11 2009, 05:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, all the planning's already done, so there's nothing left for her to do.
She didn't even ask to be included, she just assumed my fiance knew.
My mother feels kind of threatened that her job of planning my wedding as the bride's mother might get taken away because my fiance's mom wants to be included.
She already did her daughter's wedding.
She's also angry that she didnt get invitations to hand out the way she wanted. I'm pretty sure it doesn't work that way... and cause of her anger she invited 3 people not on the original list.

Obviously don't know the entire story and everything but I know my mom was INSANELY happy when my wife and her mother just on their own included my mom in the planning of our wedding. It really brought everyone closer together and my mom felt like everyone was a nice big family, just a thought.

I know if my wife wasn't included in planning the wedding for one of my sons (don't have any kids yet lol), my son would most definitely hear about it from me lol.

bowflexMaleCanada2009-12-11 17:19:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Dear ESPN,

Please be more like TSN and cover more hockey. Furthermore, please stop showing the ####### that is Tiger Woods and constantly updating the country on the status of all the skanks who abused their integrity. I want to see a puck going in the net on a sports channel, not some story about how some woman made $5 million dollars for keeping text messages to herself, thanks Lol.

God I can't wait until Saturday night when I can just watch CBC and veg out watching 6 hours of hockey haha

bowflexMaleCanada2009-12-11 11:17:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
QUOTE (Rob and Mel @ Dec 10 2009, 10:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I bet his boyfriend says that too laughing.gif

In all seriousness, there is no feminine/masculine element to yoga. I did it as a part of physical therapy years ago and it is so much more than you really think it can be. I was absolutely floored at how tired I was the first couple of sessions. I kept saying to myself "#######, you just sit there and pose, yet i'm completely exhausted".

Lol Only problems I have with Yoga are the poses as some of them put you in rather weird positions, but I was totally surprised by how much my legs were burning during some of them. I remember when I started with the program I could just barely touch my feet standing up or while doing toe reaches. I can now go completely flat-handed from a straight-legged position standing up and can actually grab my wrists passed my feet when doing the toe reaches.

I'd never totally just do Yoga since I love weights but it's a really good part of the 6 day a week program, even relaxes me a bit between the lifting days smile.gif

bowflexMaleCanada2009-12-10 11:24:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
QUOTE (Misty1979 @ Dec 9 2009, 07:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I remember you saying about a month ago how great the P90x was, so I finally gave in and ordered it today! star_smile.gif Can't wait til it comes in the mail...even though I then have to wrap it and put it under the tree til Christmas blush.gif
Oh you do yoga everyday as part of the routine? I know I'll be into that (I've never done yoga, but have always wanted to,) but am not sure how "masculine" it might make my husband feel lol.

Haha it's actually only every fourth day of the program, then twice a week every 4th week (program is broken down into three 30day programs, 3 weeks of kicking your butt then every 4th week is a "recovery" week but you still do a lot). I tried the Yoga for the first time ever when I started and didn't really like it, but at the time it was my bday and my wife happened to get me a Yoga mat without knowing I wasn't enjoying it. After she bought it I decided I'd try to focus on it more and now I honestly love that part lol. Now I don't let my wife anywhere near me when I'm doing it cause I feel I look ridiculous but wow I've become very flexible using it smile.gif

You guys are gonna love it, almost impossible not to see awesome results but it really kicks your butt. I've even found the whole "diet" part of it pretty easy as it's just more of focusing on protein and limiting carbs, nothing really crazy that would make you hungry smile.gif

Good luck!!

bowflexMaleCanada2009-12-10 11:19:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Lol I've been doing Yoga as part of the P90X routine for the last 6 months and it's AMAZING how good I feel after that, highly recommend it smile.gif

Not to say, however, that a good butt grab from time to time wouldn't help out as well Lol.

Edited by bowflex, 09 December 2009 - 12:42 PM.

bowflexMaleCanada2009-12-09 12:42:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Dec 7 2009, 11:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Lets all bow our heads in silence for our fallen comrade: Kittyfang.

Lol What happened with her? I've seen little comments about her but I never heard what happened. Her situation was insane, did she end up getting picked up before submitting her case or something?

bowflexMaleCanada2009-12-07 11:44:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Yeah that kind of unreliable advice needs to be pointed out. I just hope most people who visit this site do research and don't take everything at face value because that's got a very real possibility of ruining someone's entire life. Just can't understand how people can do that and not worry about the devastation it could cause, it's very sad.

bowflexMaleCanada2009-12-07 11:37:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
QUOTE (Flames9_RN @ Dec 4 2009, 04:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
No one forced tiger to drop his pants. Nor did anyone force him to marry that model!! Poor tiger!! It comes with the territory. They get a lot of perks, he makes more $$$ in 10 seconds then many make in a year. Most of his $$$ comes from ENDORSEMENTS!! Companies pay him big $$$$$ because he is a great athlete, and supposedly great morals! last time I looked, dropping your pants with others--without the approval of your wife----isnt very good!! I dont really feel sorry for him at all! Even if it all crumbles down, he still will be better off financially that 99% of people on this planet, and he will still be dropping his pants with hot models. Oh poor tiger!

Haha Amen brother Flames!!

Oh and GO AVS!!! whistling.gif

bowflexMaleCanada2009-12-04 16:03:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Lol Once he decided to sell pictures of his newborn babies and give interviews in People and garbage about his family and how important it is to him, he opened up himself to this. I agree it's really none of anyone's business but he makes a great amount of money on his image and who he is so he shouldn't have any real expectation that this wouldn't happen. Also most of his bad press right now is coming from the skankos that he cheated with so again that's his fault. These women are being offered tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars to talk about what happened.

In the end he went to a great college but I think they forgot to teach him common sense Lol.

bowflexMaleCanada2009-12-04 15:47:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Very sorry to hear about the problems Necro, definitely stinks. I always heard that money was one of the top few reason for divorce but never really got it until I got married. Luckily my wife is someone who enjoys findings bargains on stuff, even looks for coupons in the paper and all that lol. I definitely had to change my spending habits as I was used to just going out and buying a TV or something if my check that week would cover it, and she definitely helped with that. I'm sure there are a ton of other issues causing you to think about possible divorce, but is there any chance that you could just sit him down and make him realize that the way he's going right now could keep him from a lot of things in the future (cars, house, apartment lease, etc)? With whatever happens I wish you both good luck!

bowflexMaleCanada2009-12-03 11:29:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Nov 25 2009, 03:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh god I should post pictures of me in my grunge phase. I had every flannel shirt imaginable and I had the coolest blue docs. laughing.gif

Lol Definitely had a few friends that I either never saw without a flannel or couldn't possibly stop throwing their Shawn Hunter from Boy Meets World hair back constantly smile.gif

bowflexMaleCanada2009-11-25 15:39:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Nov 25 2009, 02:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thats so funny. My son just bought a pair of skinny jeans and cords, and he started wearing a pea coat.

He looks good but inside I am screaming: "YOU LITTLE HIPSTER!" laughing.gif

He wore those jeans once btw and then deemed them as extremely uncomfortable. Uhh no doubt dude and please don't wear tight pants, I want grandchildren.

Haha That's awesome, good to get it outta the system when REALLY young Lol. I remember in high school my little brother (year younger than me) came home and had his hair bleached and started wearing white T-shirts just like Eminem. He only liked the look, never listened to rap or went gangster or anything, but after a few very solid bum-kickings I straightened him back off the path of the darkside smile.gif

bowflexMaleCanada2009-11-25 15:15:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
QUOTE (Rob and Mel @ Nov 25 2009, 02:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
One day, you're 17 and your mantra is "Don't trust anyone over 30", then bam, seems like 2 weeks later, you're 31 and pushing that number back to 40.

Lol I was just talking to my wife about this kinda stuff the other day. I'm 28, she's 25. We were watching tv and we both said that we're so glad we were born when we were cause a few years later and we'd both be wearing skinny jeans showing our smuggle-worthy items listening to emo and dying our hair together Lol.

bowflexMaleCanada2009-11-25 14:41:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Lol Good God yeah your vent trumps mine, I humbly bow down to you sir haha.

bowflexMaleCanada2009-11-19 10:49:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
QUOTE (lgg @ Nov 19 2009, 10:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wow. Nothing more fun than an early-morning conversation about 'lung butter'!!!


QUOTE (Wyatt's Torch @ Nov 19 2009, 10:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I've never smoked a day in my life (well, not cigarettes that is...I smoke cigars on occasion, but don't inhale), but I've always had to regularly clear my throat. It's no big deal, but it bugs me sometimes. I've tried Mucinex and another phlegm removing medicine or two, but they haven't had any effect. I suspect my tonsils are doing too good of a job...

So don't knock us throat clearers TOO much, Bowflex!

Haha Many apologies smile.gif

QUOTE (lgg @ Nov 19 2009, 10:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Who spits into a trashcan????? OMG, that is so effing gross. Uh. Uh. Uhhhhhh....

I would say something. I would march over there and do the famous LGG finger wag...



Lol I've talked to him once about it and all I got was "Well I've got to get it out somehow, what do you propose?". It's kind of funny because the people around him all just walk by and shake their heads constantly haha.

bowflexMaleCanada2009-11-19 10:38:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
QUOTE (Wyatt's Torch @ Nov 19 2009, 10:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I've never smoked a day in my life (well, not cigarettes that is...I smoke cigars on occasion, but don't inhale), but I've always had to regularly clear my throat. It's no big deal, but it bugs me sometimes. I've tried Mucinex and another phlegm removing medicine or two, but they haven't had any effect. I suspect my tonsils are doing too good of a job...

So don't knock us throat clearers TOO much, Bowflex!

Haha If it was just someone clearing their throat that didn't smell like the Marlboro man I'd just take it in stride, I realize some folks just have medical problems or something like that. The fact that I actually hear him spitting whatever he coughs up into his trash can does not help his cause either Lol.

QUOTE (Wyatt's Torch @ Nov 19 2009, 10:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Totally off-topic, but still vent-worthy...

Wow, I just checked the timeline statistics and found out that for CR-1 / IR-1 filers, only Ghana, Gambia and Iran have longer wait times between NOA2 and interview than Canada...


Seriously I hear this type of statistics about Montreal all the time but I'm always amazed how long it takes. I remember when I heard it took a year or more when we first started the process my jaw just dropped, then when I researched other countries and their times I just got angry haha.

bowflexMaleCanada2009-11-19 10:36:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
QUOTE (Rob and Mel @ Nov 19 2009, 10:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (bowflex @ Nov 19 2009, 07:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My big vent for the day is people that smoke. I'm so sorry but no matter how much cologne/perfume you put on, you still stink (unless it's cloves or something, I realize there are some exceptions Lol). Also those who've smoked for many years, yes it is very annoying to hear you clearing your throat every three seconds throughout the day. Please be aware that it is not normal for one human being to create enough lung butter in a day to require clearing a throat 30-40 times. You are gross, please stop immediately or move yourself to the basement so I don't have to hear you while working 9.5 hours a day smile.gif That is all haha.

Sounds more like a whine than a vent tongue.gif

Haha when you have someone who smells the backside of a skunk after eating chipotle all day for 5 days a week, 9 to 10 hours a day, you'd really rethink your phrasing there Lol.

bowflexMaleCanada2009-11-19 10:34:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
My big vent for the day is people that smoke. I'm so sorry but no matter how much cologne/perfume you put on, you still stink (unless it's cloves or something, I realize there are some exceptions Lol). Also those who've smoked for many years, yes it is very annoying to hear you clearing your throat every three seconds throughout the day. Please be aware that it is not normal for one human being to create enough lung butter in a day to require clearing a throat 30-40 times. You are gross, please stop immediately or move yourself to the basement so I don't have to hear you while working 9.5 hours a day smile.gif That is all haha.

bowflexMaleCanada2009-11-19 10:12:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
QUOTE (lgg @ Nov 16 2009, 11:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Wyatt!!!

I actually wish I could just ship all my stuff up NOW... that would be so awesome, but I can't right? Not until I have some sort of official approval? I gotta say, you make moving to your parent's house in the interim sound like a bad thing -- but dude, you are going to save SO Much money and it's only going to be for like 2 or 3 months max. IF I could live with parental type units for 2 or 3 months, I have so much damnmoney saved. Its' a good thing, Wyatt and I will say so every time you bring it up.

i have decided all that I want to bring, my only issue now is getting rid of the big furniture that I won't need . The thing is... I need it all now! I need my bed and my couch and stuff, as well as my office desk and chair and computers. I'm not sure how I'll finagle that but... I'm sure I will. We all will, actually.

QUOTE (Wyatt's Torch @ Nov 16 2009, 11:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'll be moving all by myself too. Actually, I'm moving TWICE all by myself...once as we speak, moving back to my parents' place on a (hopefully very brief) temporary basis...then down to Washington as soon as my passport is returned with that glorious I-551 stamp.

I don't mind it's kind of exciting, in a way. The only hard part is having to be really discerning about what I REALLY want to take versus what I'd kinda like to take. I'm prioritizing each box with an A, B or C. Yet I've somehow managed to throw a few B+ in there too. rolleyes.gif

I'd highly recommend trying to sell your stuff on Craigslist when you're ready. When my wife and I were moving out of our apartment last year into the new house we wanted a new start so we put pictures of our couches, tables, and chairs up there and within two days we had a ton of offers for everything. We sold it a bit cheaper than we probably could have but we made a nice newly divorced guy happy with being able to furnish his condo and we had a little spending money to put towards decorating the house. Good luck smile.gif

bowflexMaleCanada2009-11-16 11:27:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
QUOTE (Hugglebuggles @ Nov 13 2009, 04:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ya know, I love my husband dearly but I wish he would learn how to do his own dang laundry every now and again. My parents were here all week, so I was pretty busy showing them around town and trying to spend time with them, so there wasn't to much time left over in the day for household chores. So he complains to me the other day that he has no clean socks. My response? Then wash some! But no, that would only make sense. Instead we will complain about it for days and leave me with a million loads of laundry to do because apparently he is allergic to the washing machine. I blame his mom, really. Up until the day I moved in his mom would do his laundry every Sunday like clockwork. Why should I have to be his maid? Sure, I don't mind doing some work, he works long hours, I like to help. But when you need clean socks and I'm not around, wash your damn socks! On top of that, he didn't have any clean work shirts so instead of washing them himself, his mom washed them for him. What the heck!! He's an adult and married, make him do something for himself once and a while!!

Really, I have enough clothes that I don't need to do laundry every week. Heck, I don't even need to do laundry once a month. How about buying some more socks?!

Ok, rant mode off. I'm just on load 1000 with 2000 more to go! tongue.gif

Hahaha sounds like what my wife and I went through when we moved in together. I was just so used to having my stuff washed I never noticed. She brought it up one day and I've been doing all the laundry ever since. Although I REALLY hate folding clothes so I've been hanging a lot of stuff up lately hahaha.

bowflexMaleCanada2009-11-13 16:17:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Cheer on those Avs, man do they need it right now :crying:
bowflexMaleCanada2010-03-31 16:04:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Soooo I just got back from a job interview. I think it went well, but it seems like they're interviewing a million people. He said he'll call late next week if they decide to do a follow up interview, so I just need to wait I guess. I'd be surprised if they didn't want to do a second interview, but we'll see, you never know.

Good luck to you!!!
bowflexMaleCanada2010-03-29 12:36:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Congrats to you and your husband, that's great news!!!
bowflexMaleCanada2010-03-25 14:52:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Yep I know exactly where you're coming from too, when my wife first moved to the States we lived with my parents for about six months. She got a job after about a month or two of getting here and we just started saving up money, got her a car, all that kinda jazz that needs to be done. Once we realized we'd have enough money to not take a huge dip in our lifestyle, such as having cable tv, having the internet, being able to afford to go out here and there, my wife started looking for apartments and then we moved out.

I'm sure once you get a job and are making all the benjamins everything will work out :) Good luck to you!!
bowflexMaleCanada2010-03-18 14:52:00