Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

I got the pic to prove it...

Posted Image


AFR: All Fruits Ripe
AO: Alms Ouse
BC: Box Cover
BOT = Back On Top
BIB - Baggy Ina Bungle
BOABDL - buss out one big dutty laff
BOAL - Buss Out A Laff
BOWLAFDOOMB - Bowed Ova Wid Laff An Fawl Dung Out Of Mi Bed
BYBAL - Ban Yuh Belly An Laff
CAS= Crack a smile
DWL - Dead Wid Laff
DWLTMPUMS - similar to bloz own cept til mi peepee up mi self
DWLAPUMS = Dead Wid Laff And Peepee Up Mi Self
FR - Fe Real
GDAB - Go Dead a Bush
KMN: Kiss Mi Neckback
KYAWO -Kut Yeye and Wheel Out
LIH = Lick innu Head
LM - Likkle Mo
MAK: Mi A Kinpupalick
MT: Mo Time
MPD - mad people dem
MYODB - mine yuh own dyamn binezz
NR - Nuff Respect
ROTFWL rolling on the floor with laff.
XA: X Amount

Edited by MissusM09, 19 July 2010 - 03:18 PM.

MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-19 15:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

:bonk: :bonk: :bonk: they probably have never left Detroit to see what horrible it really is. I know you live there and hubby is from folks were born and raised there but Detroit has been bad for a really long time. I loved to hear my Dad talk about growing up there it sounded like such a great place but not now. Hope they can do something to revitalize it.

Dillon, thats what my hubby says, they have never left Detroit. but the thing is, and heres the kicker.. it was a teacher that said it.

japrincess, there will come a time when you will be with him, and it may seem like it will take forever to get there, but you will get there. theres not much that someone can say in that situation except stuff like , delay is not denial, and keep the faith, and know that this will also pass. I hope the time will pass quickly..

Edited by MissusM09, 19 July 2010 - 12:26 PM.

MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-19 12:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!
[quote name='MRStee' date='19 July 2010 - 12:33 PM' timestamp='1279557195' post='4073851']
Can we NOT talking about getting hit? :angry: It leaves a bad taste in my mouth! lol

alright then.....

I remember... that.. you must have been pissed. hey its a new day..

this might make you smile if you havent seen it before

Mi fed up ....loool.
MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-19 11:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!
MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-19 11:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Hey Miss yea I've tried watching them for free on various sites in fact me and philly both try but they always skip and you have to keep clicking on a new slide and half the time they don't load the whole movie. But if the site you know really works then send it my way. I buy them off the net there only about $2-5 bucks so its not free shipping. Gotta love that!!

well mebbe the site i was looking at was the one you use, ok well lemme go find it and you can tell me. What a shock my mum got when she went to Jamaica a couple years ago to find that jamaicans were watching nollywood movies. lol she loves em, got to admit i watch them also( or at least i did when i was in uk) but you need a whole half day to watch them, its no joke, i watched one that lasted for 5 hours!. lool my favourites are the one where the women are gangsters, or desmond elliot is in em.. love it.
MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-19 05:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!
good evening, mawhning, and afternoon... ( depending on what time you all read this)
I hope life is treating you all great, shanette, I saw that you posted about watching Nollywood films, well there is a website you can watch them direct its free, if you want it, i'll go digg it up for ya.

got my driving licence, with no where to go. have yet to go over to canada, lol.
mrstee, how u been? and Bessangel,and my facebook friends ? How is Matt and Kaci doing too? they must be happy as a couple of pigs in mud...

well a couple days ago i saw a great quote from a lady on one of these hair forums, she said all men want is "food, sex and piece" . I asked my husband if this was true and he said yes with alot of support too.

so there you go ladies, lol, Piece of food, some piece and peace... Men are simple creatures.
MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-18 22:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

I so know that me...hang in there.

I agree with D.wife. and it is hard, esp if you are like me a newlywed. it gets better though.

Had a lovely night, with hubby. i love him tooo much, he kinda messed up at first then made it wonderful by just being a loving doting hubby. Lovely. I hope evry1 has a wundabar weekend.

MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-10 17:54:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Ok I need to vent. Last week I was sayin how my stepdaughter's mom has been came to get her or called in over 7 months well on tuesday she finally called and said she wants to come and get her then on wed she called again to say never mine and now today she sent him a text sayin she don't want no long talk she is coming for her. This woman is crazy. This pisses me off cause she does nothing for her I don't even know how to feel or what to say cause that is her daughter but I'm help support her she doesn't.

ok.. wow... this blew me away. So i'm not the only one then. The rass hole of a baby mother that my husband has hasnt been to see her son but once in 2 years, and then at our request. She 'll try to come over to the house, but as she causes so much drama I say to her come when my husband is here, this dragged up nasyiness want to come tell me about how this is her son. Trust me hun I totally get how you feel, and if you want to vent to another stepmom who is doing all the work of a mother and not gettting the credit, mssg me.. lol we can rant together.

LOoooooool Dillon, Dedicated wife, yes its ma birthday, i'm gonna party like its my birthday, sip bacardi like its ma birthday. i'm just weaving my hair right now, and gonna get the house ready before we go out tonight. We went to some barbecue place last night, and woooi did we get some itis afterwards, that doozy lasted for 12 HOURS!!. I dont know what ppl get so fretful about being 40, its a great age, you know who the hell you are, You dont give an ish what other ppl think (mostly) and if you are married and happy life is good. Yeaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

ok back to weaving... lickle more.

MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-09 13:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

I might be mistaken but I think someone has a birthday tomorrow... :whistle:

lmao... yeah ... imma be 40... milestone i think. no longer young but not really old either. my mum says i should start saying i'm 35 for the next 5 years. silly ...
MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-08 09:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

So our appt time was to be at 11:05 am but dealing with my rush, rush hubby, we got to Philly at 9:45 and had to kill some time til at least 10:15. We entered and went through the security scan (joked a lil with one of the guards- she was a sweety) and made our way up to the waiting room on the 3rd floor. Of course there were no clocks so we didn't have a clue how long we were waiting but the room was ¾ filled with AOS, ROC and Naturalization people. I walked to the front desk and handed the lady behind the glass window my interview letter and was told to have a seat and wait to be called.

At least 3-4 couples were, in my opinion, given the Stokes interview as the IO sent one spouse back to the waiting room while they interrogated the other spouse. Funny thing is, the ones who were given such treatments, had attorneys present while the others who didnt, including us, were never separated. We were the last to be called in before lunch (so to speak) at about 1. We were interviewed by an Asian lady, Ms. Cho. She was very polite yet got straight to the point since they were obviously runnin behind schedule.

She asked us if there were anything we wanted to add to the file and even though I had an enormous amount of stuff, I just let her look through our photo albums, joint bank accounts, lease, benefits enrollment form and pics (of which, only the photo albums were new evidence cuz she didn't ask for any of our insurance cards since we already submitted info regarding the enrollment). She then went straight into questioning us.

Hubby's questions
She spent a good 5 mins doing so and started to inquire about who went to the wedding (12). (Hubby named every single person but ticked me off by telling her how his mom didn't approve even though she didn't ask him all that lol)
When did we get married?
Where was it held?
What we did afterwards?
When did we start going out?
Where did we go on dates?
How long was it before we decided to get married?
Asked hubby visa am I on?
Where I lived in Detroit? (too many places so she by-passed it
What school I attend, and what school I got my degree from?
What is my major here and in my degree?
When was I last enrolled?

My questions
When and how did we meet?- Then if we still went to that church.
What did/do we have in common?
How often did we see each other during school?
What activities did we do when I visited?
Where hubby works?
How many times I visited the US? Too many to count
When did I enter on my student visa?
Has he ever taken time off to come to Detroit?
When did he visit and what did we do?
Oddly, will I go back to school in august?
What was our first movie? (too long ago) so she asked what was our last movie together? Made small talk as to her wanting to know about it.
Then asked about the I-130 questions

And if we're married?
What do we know about each other's parents? Age, Job, Name, Address
Then, asked us to verify our own and each others' Age, Job, Name, Address.
What do I want to do as a career?

After that, she asked, again, if I wanted in include anything. I gave her the most recent 3 pay stubs and employment letters from both jobs and to make a copy of my I-20. She then said thanks for coming in and that we'll get the letter in about 30 days as they have cut down on giving out stamps (even though she said sorry and we'll have to wait to take hubby to JA). She asked us to stay in the wait room until she made copies and when she came out, I told her about my EAD touches and said if I get it I coud use it but I might get my GC before that.

God is good. Posted Image

congrats bess hun. well done.

btw thats alot of questions, did she give any particular reason why?

nonetheless congrats
MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-07 22:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

I'll never get this phrase, especially since they are the cooler part of the body :whistle:

LOL... Im a match freak and hubby dont care what I iron... I see u tryin to be sneaky with it :unsure:

Happy bday DW hubby

Thanks ma... Besos

Later loves... Te amo (L)

oh congrats on your interview today, I know you'll be getting your greencard real soon.

MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-07 13:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

I'll never get this phrase, especially since they are the cooler part of the body :whistle:

LOL... Im a match freak and hubby dont care what I iron... I see u tryin to be sneaky with it :unsure:

Happy bday DW hubby

Thanks ma... Besos

Later loves... Te amo (L)

hello, afternoon. Been a bit sick today, think I have a touch of heat stroke. loool bess it was supposed to be "hot as the devil's balls" thats what you get for trying to be funny late in the evening when you are rock dead tired.....

this is the quietest i have seen this forum since I have joined, only one page all day. Something must be wrong.
MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-07 13:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!
aint been on in a minute. Happy birthday to the hubby's and all the wifey's. Its my birthday on friday too, and its a big one. the big 4 O. lol nonetheless. the week is turning out good. I passed my driving test today, so hopefully i'll be able to be autonomous ( relatively). its as hot as the devils balls in Michigan at the moment, it just makes you wanna sleep and roll over like some fat cat. I kinda like it.

I hope you all are enjoying the heat... lickle more.

MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-06 22:21:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Hope your day gets better mi friend...have a great holiday

Thank you, you too.
MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-02 16:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!


FOR THOSE INTERESTED, CAN WE MEET UP IN LANHAM, MD? I'd like to try this place called muffin man (carribean food)
Im going to ask on FB too...


sounds nice. not in the best mood today.. had some bad news. I'm so tired of michigan. Nonetheless everyone have a nice holiday.
MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-02 13:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

TRUST me, I know how you feel about the bonding MIL was right there from the start, not in the delivery room, but right outside...saw him almost every day from early, looked after him from days old....I have always worried about him bonding with someone who is not me or his father, but let me tell you this, that baby KNOWS who her mother is and you will ALWAYS have a UNBREAKABLE bond....My two year old hardly sees me, maybe two hours in the evenings and for a maximum of a full day on weekends...BUT he prefers me over ANYONE, if my husband is leaving the house he usually asks him if he wants to come with him, lately he's been saying 'Daddy I'm staying here' before my husband opens his for my MIL, one day I was home and she came by...when she was leaving she was doing her thing saying 'I'm GOING NOW TYLER!' etc etc hoping for a reaction...she got one, he slammed the door in her face!!

yeah u are right about this, thank god. its a blessing and it can be hard on the kid too. i'm a step mom to a child who's mum abandoned him at nine, he is now eleven his dad and i look after him. i get mad bcos i dont want to be his mum like that , its not possible he is too old for it, but i feel for him bcos while he cant replace her she isnt worth a sh i t. it really makes you appreciate your own mum when you see how some of these trifling women act. big ups to the good mummies and daddies...

ja english , how u doing?? i put up a post in the uk forum about watching uk tv here with relatively no hassle, i use vlc player it has an add on that plays live tv. right now i have it one bbc three, i watched dont tell the bride,earlier on i watched itv 1, coronation street which is my favourite. I dont know if you miss any brit tv but this is defo a godsend, i can send you the info if you like.

Edited by MissusM09, 30 June 2010 - 04:10 PM.

MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-30 16:09:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Text Msg received for I-765


Document production or Oath Ceremony
On June 29, 2010, we ordered production of your new card. Please allow 30 days for your card to be mailed to you. If we need something from you we will contact you. If you move before you receive the card, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.

This step applies to applications that result in an applicant receiving a card (such as a green card) or other document (such as a naturalization certificate, refugee travel documents or advance parole). Applications will be in this step from the time the order to produce the card/document is given until the card/document is produced and mailed to the applicant. You can expect to receive your card/document within 30 days of the approval of your application.

Posted Image

congrats to you bess, I hope your job search will not be frustrating, but rather satisfying. thanks for the congrats every1. i'm fit to be tied right now, i'm happy. coming up on 1 year since i came here, things is moving on.... thank god.

congrats on the beautiful baby bumpsss..... me next.

MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-30 13:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

UNU badd sah Posted Image

hello bessangel, bajankutie, jq, sugarapple, sus, finesse ( btw the outfit isnt that bad) how are you all? Did matt meet up with Kaci? nonetheless I hope everyone is having a great day.

My greencard just arrived in the post, big ole envelope i thought it was junk mail until i saw the lees summit address in the window. its a beautiful pretty green thing, with your birthday all over it. I'm sooooooo glad this part of the journey is over for a couple of years. I hope everyone has this much relief as I do.

all the
MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-30 13:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Hello and good morning ladies, less then 24 hours till I am with my baby. I am glowing right now!!! :blush: (L) :D

congrats matt, i know how that feels. You must be over the blooming moon.
Jaenglish, your photography is wonderful and i like the concepts, when i eventually drop the first baba, i think one of your portraits would be beautiful.

oH the beautiful game....

'well good afternoon to everyone. I'm here in a bar watching the usa game, i think i'm gonna support them, because why not. Hopefully i wont go to crazy on the beer.

I think i'm loving america here.. lol
MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-26 13:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Well that is good..heard it stormed pretty good on Friday. It knocked my Aunts electric out for a couple of days. Wish I was up there now so we could meet up. No I don't have the patience to watch...I just ask hubby for the updates. Are you on FB? IF so let us know so can send you a friend request.

ok will mssg you.
MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-23 15:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

I'm doing is it up your way? Heard you were suppose to get some severe storms.

a storm in a teacup, there must have been some little drizzle then it got muggy. and that was it. but we had an earthquake ( which I missed). you watch soccer dillon?
MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-23 15:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!


how u doing today dillon?

jaenglish.. the unemployment here isnt shabby like it is in england.

Edited by MissusM09, 23 June 2010 - 03:05 PM.

MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-23 15:03:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

:rofl: I may have slightly exaggerated the lipstick part, but YES it's hilarious!


yeah .. the quote that made me crack up was "Local media reported police laughed upon discovering the wig, which was said to be pink. "I guess bad man DO WEAR LOTION AND POWDA after all," commented one reader."


how is your day JaEnglishgiirl?
MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-23 14:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

yuh deh behind time!! He was caught last night!! Wearing a wig, a dress and lipstick :rofl: :rofl:

loooool that made me lmao.. for real... that got my husband cussing ...

my husband say " after weeks of wanton destruction, in the name of keeping him safe, you got an army strong enough to keep the military and police away from you, this ni**a go and get him self caught in a motherf***ing dress. That N**a wasn't incognito, he was on vacation! Batty man rass... dumb ####!, That is not pimping."

woi jokes... that made my day.
MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-23 14:47:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!
ooooh we had an earthquake. sucks cus i didnt even know...
5.2 on richter scale...
MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-23 14:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Hi Miss...I was unable to watch the match here at work but I read about it online...go USA!

hi there dedicated... hi dancehallquana
yeah that goal was sweeet. right on time too. i like that about usa, they have heart.

Ear what england isnt rusty, they just dont have that fighters heart, they are triers, not really warriors though. its been a thing in British sports for a while.

Can anyone tell me why customer service ppl who are black have to be so frigging rude to other black folk!!!???? i went down to the secretary of state and asked for a replacement permit. i asked a few questions and such, " i'm doing my road test next week, what documents do i need" and so on. She takes my documents, puts them in the system. prints out the permit. while she does it i see the date that allows me to do the test is like the 23rd of july, whereas i have already gone past the waiting time to take my test. So i ask her " Oh that says the 23rd of july, but my last permit had a different date" i wasnt rude, or sharp just polite and smiling...... this hybrid female canine of suspicious pedigree says "I havent finished yet,wait there."! in this rude tone, like she knows me. I just looked down and said "ok" ( thinking #######) All she had to say was i'm going to waive it. I know its been said over and over again, but black people treat other black people like shi t.

whats happening with "du du's " in Jamaica, its been kinda quiet.?? did he pay the police enough to hide him yet?
MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-23 14:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!
good afternoon every1.
congrats on the baby bump. smaddy pray that I'll get knocked up soon, too... I hear that clock a ticking.

dont know if any soccer fans on ere, but way to go USA , you pulled it out and made it. congrats

I dont say nothing about h'inglan bcos they more often than not disappoint. still congrats to them too.

right off to the secretary of state to deal with these rude customer service folk. Thats one thing about Detroit I will not miss.

MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-23 11:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!
I use british expats, there are no hookups in the D. I tried that a few months ago. As for wayne state I may be going there to do my masters next year. That rass cost 27 thousand a year to go to... nonetheless, i need it. ok back to idling/liming
MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-22 16:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

JaHoney is north of Detroit...what part are you in? When I am there I am usually in Troy and the unemployment there is no joke! I feel for you!

MmmmmmHmmmm...did your computer get any water damage?

yeah i'm in the Beirut part of Detroil. lol. west side. we are moving next month to Warren, so it should be more peaceful there.

no greencard in the post yet..*sigh*

ok back to jobsearch
MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-22 14:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Thanks - My cousin was teasing me about that this am - our friend just had neck surgery, so my cuzz told me she knew where I could get some strong drugs - that is if we could get her to part with them! I think I am going to have him do the top half of the same side next week, then just do the other side all at once to get it over with. Thurs is back to the regular dentist for two fillings - Then one extraction and four crowns and I should be done (yes, I have bad teeth, lol)

We are hereby revoking your West Indian Card Posted Image

lol..... can i get a one day pass. love everything else.. just hate that.

jahoney is in detroit??

Thats really sweet Dillon, for asking aunty. thanks

dillon I dont want to teach Esl anymore, though I will do it. In Detroit there are very few positions, if i was in new york, miami, florida in general it wouldnt be so much of a problem. thanks again.

Edited by MissusM09, 22 June 2010 - 02:17 PM.

MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-22 14:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

It's all ovah deh so - Yuh late fi di party, yuh run pon island time :bonk:

ok i know i hail from the caribbean, but ( hangs head in shame) i hate all forms of carnival. There I said it. Mi nuh care iff unnu noh like it. i hate calypso, i hate the bag o rag costume that look like tin foil and ride up sweaty cracks (skinny or thin) and the overly loud bass that gives you tinnitus and ting. over priced food you could get at home for free and it taste better too, But the worst thing, dutty nasty as s sweaty men trying to feel up on you rubbing they tings all on your booty like its cute, men/boys that you dont know or would never talk to in life... Thats why I hate carnivals.

Ok rant over.

sorry to hear about the job jaenglish, but you seem to be on a job roll right about now, I dont think its gonna be much of a problem.

I dont know who posted that picha of de gyal with the hot mess ghetto get up, but i laugh so hard I think the neighbours heard me. thanks for the job advice, i have done all those things you have mentioned. craigslist has a lot of scammers posting jobs at the mo here in michigan and it seems every one that I have applied to ( and there have been many ) has been some bUll. I'm still looking though..

ok lemme see how many pages you have all written now....

MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-22 13:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Hi everyone hope all is well just feel like crying today.

aaaah I remember those times,, it will get better ok. trouble dont last always. I had to remember when i felt like that, that everything has a season, and everything is subject to change.
ja english. i'm gonna add you if thats ok. then i'll message you. i was so happy when you said that, cus i dont have any friends here. all my family is there in the uk or Ja. God is good.

ok lemme go read pages 64 - 68 ,, unnu noh easy at all.
MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-22 13:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Morning! have you tried temp agencies? It's a great way to get work, especially right now where companies need people but aren't necessarily hiring FT. http://www.michigan....IES_63496_7.htm

Also search, - blast your resume out there every which way you can, even if you don't think it's a perfect fit to their requirements - Sometimes they see something on your resume that interests them.

I was trying to avoid temp agencies as much as possible. longterm they are mostly a dead end. they are the last resort. I signed up with one last week, though. I used to work for alot of them in London, and you have to stay up their as.s for them to remember to give YOU a job. I dont mind working for them, but there is no NHS in usa, I need benefits. Anyhoo worst comes to worse I'll do my time with em.
MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-22 09:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!
mawhning to every 1.
congrats on the job for hubby... I cant remember the name. Which reminds me to ask, anyone here got job tips because i have been looking at jobs and applying for two months ne'er one interview yet. I know i'll get it if I get an interview, I just need one. i hate having my husband have to work his #### off and me just stay home, we need two incomes, plus I'm used to the freedom of earning. I used to teach esl and literacy in london,but i have years of administrative work experience, I was even a prison librarian. Help anyone.. Oh and did i mention i live in stinking rass Michigan. 17 percent unemployment to rahtid... i so want to leave this*(&^(*%*@&%&....Breaaathe ...loool!


Ps. how can you all write so much in one day? you all are dedicated.. woi
MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-22 09:22:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

mi deh yah...

gonna take the boy to the pool today, got a friend coming over to help watch the little one..

dang pool rules say no child who is not potty trained or is under 3 allowed. cho!

I wanna get one of those floaties and play with Lilla too!

Oh well, should be a good day anyway.

My honey call me at 6:50 today, I was like you DO know it's Saturday right?? :blink:

He says yes he know, but he miss me (L)

Okay, mi done vex :lol: :wub:

You ready to go to Ja??

hello and good afternoon to one and all... yes i am in a good mood because today i was officially welcomed to America, 11 months after coming here. I got my welcome to america letter today, saying my greencard should arrive in the next 3 weeks. freaking awesome... i did a little dance, whine up mi waist.
now to finding a *(&(claht job!.. .....

bout to go down to the detroit riverwalk for the riverwalk festival... ok 1 year and 6 months to lifting conditions.... 2 years 6 months to citizenship and then no more uscis ever.

MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-19 13:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!
i like the breakdown of how ppl met thier hubby or wife. can i share mine.... i had been single for almost 8 years it was 2005, i just left a church i had been going to since i was 19. so it was a tumultuous time. that and I was unemployed. I just retrained to teach adults and the manager where i was didnt like me because i trained her, and she couldnt take it that I was better at it than her( weird nervous little woman who claimed to have been bullied because she was gay in her last job) so i left, and happilly too. i worked for about a month and then up rolled september, then november, then december.. lol all this time i remember talking to my friend saying "i feel so excited and i dont know why" . I remember praying and just getting the drop that in two years i'm gonna meet my husband.that was 2006

I was going online at first looking for love, then i gave up by 2007 after all the gits that i met up with, players, ppl who just wanted sex. I used to go into a chat room to talk and have a laugh on yahoo. It got shut down and they all migrated to another chat client. whilst there i started talking to a few ppl, one dude with the longest name i was like who dis. we got to talking at first i thought hmm maybe but he was dating someone. so we just remained friends. all that year 2006 i was dating, so was he. we on the phone chatting. then we found ourselves free. We continued to chat, I put it out of my mind that he could be it, but that whole year from january new years day i knew, and kept on telling my friends and even him " this is the year i'm meeting my husband"

well to cut a long story short, it was about may that we realised something was going on, by june he knew i was for him, and by august i went over to meet him in Michigan and we both knew. three days later he proposed to me in the kitchen lol..... very informal.

it was two years exactly. I'm glad i met all those players because even if my husband gets on my last nerve i know what it took to get him.

ok soppy bit over..... back to fassing inna ppl bidness
MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-18 17:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

I luv when the English say "mum"...

:ot2: lol... His dad and her got married last year so he and her aint close at all- he rarely talks to anyone in his family muchless his biological mother. I talked to his step-mom first (as I said, im coser to her) and then he asked to be added to the conference cuz he wanted to "clarify" some things. It was awkward cuz they dont talk so after the topic changed from not letting them in the apt, it was awkward silence. I do see your point and he handles things with his mom if she is rude, but not his step-mom

well its a small ting ya missus, concentrate on him and leave dem. for me right now i'm bout to go and clear up this house because it looks like Beirut and go down the park. will chat to every 1 later. when i get mi greencard in the post will let y'all know....

MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-18 11:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

OK, story time... I grew close to my hubby's step-mom while we were talking and me and her became good friends since like a year or so ago. Well lately, or since I moved over she's gotten a little too comfy with cussin at me and when I (shouldnt have but did) tell her about our fights since we got married, her responses were like "well im sorry kelly but if I were you, I'd leave. You have no kids and you're still young" :blink: So I kinda backed-off her cuz we just got married and I aint trying to hear all that- not like he cheated or physically abused me. Then one day my hubby told her about the GC, which he thought I told her (I didnt) then I was hospitalized a week later, and by the time I started to take my prescribed meds, she went psycho ###### on me. I tried to reach out to her telling her how I felt as I became anit-social and felt weird (never been admitted to a hospital nor was born at one lol) and she was like "you mean anti-social in the sense that your f-ed up cuz u wouldnt let us come into the apt? Thats f-ed up" Mind you, I was still in recovery mode and was "wrong" to not come out and say "hi" or "let them come in" and excuse the part where I didnt know they wanted to come in (but she still blaims me) and the part where I was just released two days before... So now I barely talk to her; have nothing much to say and I texted her yesterday cuz she had risky therapy and procedures done on her back and she didnt reply... The story of my life

ya know?!? :whistle:

ok not trying to nosy all up in you bidness, can i add my two cents??

your husband should always be the one to put his mother in line, its not up to you. if she has crossed the line in anyway. and though its good to be close to them, your marriage is your buisness. my hubby's mum and his younger sister started up a convo once about having babies past a certain age. i think his younger sister thought i was younger than i am, but the convo really hurt me because old as i apparently am i want kids. he tactfully talked to them both at a time when i wasnt there. there are things with the family you shouldnt have to deal with. it puts you in a position and its not neccesary. if after he talks to her and it still remains grimy, move. distance will put paid to it real quick

Edited by MissusM09, 18 June 2010 - 11:37 AM.

MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-18 11:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Lived in Tottenham for years!! First in Somerset Gardens and later Avenue Road! My son's father lives on Kitchener Road off Phillip Lane....Also lived in Walthamstow, can't remember the road but was across the road from the post office at the top of the market...

is that Vicarage road? near the nicer part of walthamstow. i know kitchener.... i used to be on Gloucester road, then i moved nearer Seven sisters station. I can tell you when i left there I just didnt give a ######... i was glad to be leaving to come here. and this year it hasnt been easy, partly because of the cost of AOS and just learning to be with someone other than yourself. theres always something to learn, but i wouldnt change it for anything.
MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-18 10:21:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Nuh beg fren business bout yah!!!!

I have a friend in Michigan, she's on FB, you two should link!! She's American born with Jamaican parents, always partying lol!

Happy birthday when it come, in case mi figget!!

Yuh neva tell we which pawt a England yuh come from!

lmao london mate... tottenham to be exact, originally from Walthamstow. u fass ee. looool
MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-18 09:44:00