Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
Salut tout le monde,

Un petit update pour vous dire que j'ai passé le test médical sans soucis. En tout et pour tout ça m'a pris 1h15 (examen chez le Dr Slattery, puis prise de sang dans le labo en face du cabinet et radio à 700m). Puis je suis passé récupérer les résultats en fin de journée.

Je profite de ce post pour vous poser cette question à 3 jours de mon entretien : ma fiancée m'avait envoyé le "I-134 affidavit of support" avec les documents associés (letter from sponsor's employer, bank,). Par contre, on a semble-t-il oublié les "copies of tax returns" :unsure:
Et j'ai l'impression qu'il leur faut ça à l'ambassade? J'ai demandé à ma fiancée de me les scanner. Pourriez-vous m'éclairer sur ce sujet? :help:


Edited by nado2010, 23 May 2011 - 03:50 PM.

nado2010MaleFrance2011-05-23 15:49:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples

:unsure: :wacko: :crying:

Mon seul espoir est que je reçoive le courrier avant le 26 mai ou un coup de fil de l'ambassade et que l'on résolve ce problème !

To be continued...

Je viens de recevoir un coup de fil de l'ambassade qui me soulage d'un poids : ils m'ont dit que si je n'ai toujours pas reçu la convocation je pourrai venir sans à l'ambassade et il suffira que je le dise au gars de la sécurité qui les contactera :D

J'aime leur réactivité. Il ne manque plus que j'annonce la bonne nouvelle à ma fiancée B-)
D'après ce que m'a dit la dame au tél Le montant à verser sur leur mandat compte à baisser par rapport aux infos posté sur visajourney sur la page consacrée à l'ambassade de France. Il est passé de 287e à 263? ;)

Merci et bonne journée :dance:

Edited by nado2010, 18 May 2011 - 03:26 AM.

nado2010MaleFrance2011-05-18 03:21:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples

Le plus simple serait qu'ils te faxent le paquet, t'as un fax a dispo ?

Quoiqu'il en soit je suis persuadée moi aussi que tout çà n'est pas bien grave.
Prépare tes formulaires déjà, sont assez prise de tête ceux là.

Genre lister tes adresses successives depuis tes 16ans.
Enfin moi franchement, j'ai fait ca a la louche.

Menfin !!! o_O
Dis pas n'importe quoi ! On renonce pas ou on échoue pas à cause d'un truc comme çà...!

Essaie de rester rationnel !

Oui j'ai un fax de dispo. J'ai déjà tout rempli : les DS156 x 2, DS 156k et le DS 157 et toute la paprasse demandée.
Il faut juste que j'achète une enveloppe chronopost et que je paye le visa fee. Si j'ai bien compris c'est 287€ à payer par mandat postale (Receipt for payment of the 287€ fee paid by mandat compte to account 2006L).

J'espère que demain sera un meilleur jour. En tout cas merci pour vos soutiens respectifs.

Bonne soirée je pars me coucher :star:
nado2010MaleFrance2011-05-17 17:40:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples

Autant pour moi, j'apporte une experience pour les futurs interviewes, vu que je suis allé trois fois a l'embassade pour des interviews de k1... Hé oui c'est possible, j'ai vu trois fois madame Doubtfire :-) Bref... La deuxième fois fut pour revalider mon premier Visa k1 en 2009... La dame sympa qui monte nos dossiers m'avait dit au tel de venir tel jour et de dire a l'agent sécurité que vous avez RDV. Donc je me suis pointe, le gars m'a demande la convocation que je n'avais pas puisque je revenais pour quelques choses de spécial. Il a appelle la dame en question qui lui a confirme que je pouvais rentrer; Bien sur il faut son passeport... Donc il est possible de rentrer sans convocation, pourvu que l'on soit planifié; Ceci dit a éviter je pense, il est préférable me semble t'il de remuer l'embassade pour avoir ton P4.

Merci, tu me redonnes de l'espoir. Dans tous les cas, je vais remuer ciel et terre pour la faire cette interview. Pas moyen de renoncer si près du but :(
nado2010MaleFrance2011-05-17 14:30:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples

Si, zut, la lettre de convocation, je crois que tu en as besoin pour rentrer dans le consulat....

:unsure: :wacko: :crying:

Mon seul espoir est que je reçoive le courrier avant le 26 mai ou un coup de fil de l'ambassade et que l'on résolve ce problème !

To be continued...
nado2010MaleFrance2011-05-17 13:49:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples

Non effectivement je n'avais pas suivi. Je confirme qu'il n'y a rien d'essentiel/personel dans ce packet 4, le plus simple c'est qu'une bonne ame de ce forum qui a eu le packet 4 recemment te scanne les docs (que tu pourras trouver en ligne). Et no panic, a part aller faire un tour a la poste pour le mandat compte et le chronopost, il n'y a pas grand chose a faire, surtout qu'apparemment tu as deja pris ton RDV chez Slatery.

Ca me rassure de lire vos commentaires. Oui effectivement j'avais oublié de préciser qu'il m'avait appeler le vendredi 13 (justement parce que je m'inquiétais à l'époque de ne rien recevoir).

Donc si je comprend bien, je n'ai pas besoin d'une lettre de convocation ou quoique ce soit pour me présenter le jour de mon entretien à l'ambassade? Si tel est le cas, ça serait super :thumbs:

Bon là, j'attends que l'ambassade réponde à mon email/FAX.

J'veux bien qu'on me scanne le packet 4 si quelqu'un peut le faire :blush:

nado2010MaleFrance2011-05-17 13:16:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
Bonjour à tous,

Je suis en ce moment en mode stress :crying: . Je vous explique, je suis censé avoir l'entretien le jeudi 26 mai et à ce jour je n'ai toujours pas reçu le courrier contenant le packet 4. A noter qu'ils m'ont envoyé ce courrier le samedi 7 mai (il y a 10 jours) à mon ancienne adresse. Tous mes courriers sont (normalement) réexpédiés à mon adresse actuelle. J'ai contacté La Poste et ils vont chercher et me répondre (par courrier) dans un délai de 15 jours :wacko:
Je viens d'écrire et de de faxer à l'ambassade pour leur expliquer ma situation.

J'ai besoin de vos conseils :help:

nado2010MaleFrance2011-05-17 09:03:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples

moi aussi mon entretien c'est le 26mai!
tu as pris rdv quand avec le Dr? moi c'est le 20 avec le Dr Slattery aussi

Oui J'ai pris rdv le 23 mai à 10h30. J'ai cru lire qu'il faut repasser en fin de journée pour récupérer les résultats?

Ton entretien le 20 mai est à quelle heure?
nado2010MaleFrance2011-05-13 09:59:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
Finally j'ai la date de mon entretien :D Après avoir envoyé hier un email et un fax à l'ambassade, j'ai reçu un coup de fil aujourd'hui pour m'annoncer que mon entretien aura lieu le 26 mai à 13h :dance:

Et je comprends maintenant pourquoi je n'ai pas reçu le courrier : ils l'ont expédié le 7 mai à mon ancienne adresse (celle que j'avais mise au départ dans le dossier) alors que j'avais spécifié la nouvelle adresse sur le DS2001 ! Enfin, avec la redirection du courrier je devrais le recevoir bientôt ce paquet 4. J'ai aussi pris rdv avec le docteur Slaterry.

Vive le vendredi 13 ;)
nado2010MaleFrance2011-05-13 08:48:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples

Ce numéro payant est pour les demandes de renseignements hors procédure de Visa en cours; Tu vas perdre 14€ si tu les appelles pour ton k1 alors que ce n'est qu'une question de jours te concernant.
Tu peux par contre leur envoyer un fax, ils m'ont toujours répondu, le numéro est dans la section ambages France de VJ.
Regarde bien ma signature pour avoir un exemple de délais bien que cela depend de la charge de travail qu'ils ont a l'embassade...

Merci tu viens de me faire économiser 14€50 :thumbs:
Je viens de leur envoyer un fax ainsi qu'un email en parallèle :)
J'ai regardé ta signature ainsi que celle de certaines personnes et comme je voyais un délai de traitement inférieur au mien, du coup cela commençait à m'inquiéter.

nado2010MaleFrance2011-05-12 03:53:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples

Essaye de leur envoyer un email a, ils repondent normalement. Mais bon ca va, ca fait quoi, 3 semaines?! Moi ca avait pris autant de temps aussi. Mais j'avais aussi envoye un email, just in case!

Merci pour l'info, je viens de leur envoyer un email.
Y a plus qu'à croiser les doigts :unsure:

nado2010MaleFrance2011-05-12 03:49:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples

Courage à ceux qui vont passer l'entretien.
J?attends de recevoir le paquet 4. J'ai envoyé le paquet 3 le 21 avril et toujours rien. Pensez vous que je dois appeler le 0810 26 46 26 (14?50 par appel) ? Ou bien connaissez vous un autre numéro. J'avais essayé ceux donner dans la rubrique "Embassy info" mais sans succès :crying:

Que me conseillez-vous?

Nader :)

Edited by nado2010, 11 May 2011 - 03:41 PM.

nado2010MaleFrance2011-05-11 15:37:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples

vous savez quoi?

J'ai reçu ma date d'entretien : 26 mai :dance:

Bonjour Carine,

Je vois que dans ton timeline tu as reçu le packet 4 le 10 mai dernier soit 2 semaines après l'envoi de ton packet 3.
Pour ma part je l'ai envoyé le 21 avril et je n'ai toujours rien reçu :unsure:

A t-on avis et je demande aussi l'avis des autres, faut-il s'inquiéter et les contacter?
Si oui, à quel numéro non surtaxe?

Merci d'avance
nado2010MaleFrance2011-05-11 03:36:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples

Je suis actuellement en attente de recevoir le paquet 4 pour mon visa K1. J'ai une question concernant le formulaire DS-157 :
à la question 12 il est dit : "Not Including Current Employer, List Your Last Two Employers"
Or mon employeur actuel est mon premier employeur depuis 2006 et précédemment j'ai fait deux stages rémunérés. Faut-il alors remplir dans cette case en mettant ces 2 stages ou pas?

Merci :)
nado2010MaleFrance2011-05-01 18:01:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples

De mémoire, c'est pas que Tetanos, faut avoir eu le cocktail DT Polio ou DT Coqueluche, je ne sais plus lequel y en a deux...
Et le ROR oui (deux injections en tout il faut avoir eu).
Je crois qu'il faut avoir eu un rappel du DT y a moins de 10 aussi.

J'ai donc eu ma premiere injection de ROR a 36 ans moi...
Le docteur et la pharmacienne en rigole encore...

Oui je pense aussi. J'essayerai demain de passer chez mon médecin traitant avec mon carnet de santé en main ;)

nado2010MaleFrance2011-04-21 17:01:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples


- C'est variable, mais je compterais sur un bon mois, ils vont surement te renvoyer le packet 4 dans 3 semaines et l'interview devrait être 15 jrs plus tard.
- Fonce chez ton médecin, fais un checkup complet, vazy rapidement parce que tu peux avoir besoin de plusieurs injections et elles doivent être espacées.
Profite en pour faire le plein de médocs, pour les bobos dont tu souffres plus ou moins fréquemment. Par exemple, mon médecin m'avait fait une ordonnance pour tous les médocs qu'il m'avait préscrit pendant l'année.
- Le docteur Slattery, il est beau et gentil. :D Les autres sont clairement moins bien selon les témoignages.
- Non, quand tu vas prendre rendez-vous chez le doc, ils vont te demander ta date d'interview donc bon non, attends le packet 4 pour çà.

Bon courage ! :)

Merci pour ces infos :thumbs:
D'après le site ils ont besoin que je sois vacciné contre : tetanus, measles, mumps, rubella (MMR vaccine), cad le contre le tétanos, la rougeole, les oreillons, la rubéole (ROR), c'est bien cela? :)

nado2010MaleFrance2011-04-20 11:02:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
Bonjour à tous,

ça fait quelques temps que ma fiancée et moi parcourons ce site et je veux dire un grand merci pour les personnes qui ont concus ce site et ceux qui y participent, car il nous aide beaucoup dans notre recherche d'info. En effet, nous sommes décidés à nous marier aux États-Unis en passant par le VISA K1. Les choses avancent bien et je viens d'envoyer aujourd'hui les 2 formulaires (DS-230 part 1 et DS-2001) à l'ambassade des USA à Paris (cf timelines).
Je voulais avoir votre avis concernant les questions suivantes :
- Dans combien de temps pensez-vous que j'aurai l'interview?
- Concernant les vaccins demandés, vaut-il mieux aller voir son médecin traitant et faire un check-up global ou bien attendra la visite chez l'un des médecins officiels?
- Parmi les 3, lequel recommandez-vous?
- Faut-il prendre rendez-vous dès maintenant?

Merci d'avance.
nado2010MaleFrance2011-04-20 10:11:00
Asia: East and PacificBiggest F*&C!K* UP EVER in history of VISA JOURNEY. HELP.
Okay, yeah it does sound bad. But realistically it could have been worse. Postive note, pick up your things and work with what you have. I strongly suggest you turn to your Congressman and plead your case like nothing before. Insha'allah everything will work out.

Faith in Allah to give you both patience and a positive attitude will take care of it. That is a Noosh Promise.
NooshFemale02009-06-08 14:03:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Expecting Interview in June
Hey Amanda,

You're so cute! If we had a mock election in this thread you for sure would have "Most Excited"! Insha'allah I wish you the best of luck.

You too EcaYBubu! smile.gif

My husband was approved this Monday but I haven't spoke to him about his actual journey...he just kept saying it was nothing he expected. It was so simple. He just said, make sure everyone has there documents in order.

I sent him a package couple weeks before his interview and it contained as follow;

In clear jackets I included each step for him during his interview:

Clear Jacket: Appointment Letter and Medical Report
Blue: A copy of the DS230 (I made some changes to the original sent to NVC, just to study over)
Green: Sponsor financial docs. ( Tax form 2008,07 and 06, Job Letter, Bank Statement, Attestment (his brother will employ him as soon as he reaches the states) and I-864 copy.) I included my docs too just without the attestment.
Red: Proof of bono fide marriage. (Skype, calling cards, our first e-mails and pictures before we got married and after.) He also created three small albums each from each event during the wedding.

Also, to be honest, the one thing that I really think got my husband the token that day was he had the "addiotional questionare" form filled out. Typically, this is not mentioned in the NVC letter but my consulate (DHAKA) made a comment about that form on the embassy website. I just had him fill it out the night before, one of the last things we did for the interview.

It turned out another guy he knew did not have it with him and he was sent away with a AP. (WHICH SUCKS!)

Anyway.. I hope this helps some folks!

NooshFemale02009-06-12 13:50:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Expecting Interview in June
First off, Congrats Vny and atk!

Alhumdulilah! My husband just called, he's APPROVED! I will post details as soon after I get to speak with him. He said "jaan" and I knew, everyone in JUNE will be approved I have a gut feeling insha'allah!

Thank you guys sooooo much for being here and just reading everyones post made me for POE!

I wish I could take you all to lunch and talk about our own experience!

Love you guys!
NooshFemale02009-06-08 00:27:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Expecting Interview in June
Ahh! I know. My husband just called and said he reached the embassy and he would leave the cellphone with the driver. I'm sooo excited. Everyone good luck!

Okay, questions.. I know a lot of us aren't going to sleep until we hear some a couple hours... what's everyone's plan for tonite?
NooshFemale02009-06-07 20:38:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Expecting Interview in June
Hi Guys! I thought this day would never come...but the long wait is finally over.

This wait is a bit exciting don't you think? My husband is Dhaka now and preparing for his interview. HSB, a fellow VJ'r mentioned his wife who was interviewed in Dhaka also filled out the "Additional Questionnaire" something they asked for while she was getting her finger prints. I wanted to know if anyone else was aware of this or is it just some consulates require this.

Hmm...I think the great part is for most of us before we start our day tomorrow we will know the status of our beloved!

wow! Insha'allah everyone is staying positive and wish everyone a success!
NooshFemale02009-06-07 11:49:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Expecting Interview in June
I'm soooo happy for everyone. But I've been really nervous lately and can't even speak about how impatient I'm getting for my husband. He's so well prepared! I love it! I thought I was the perfectionist after I found out this morning he booked tickets two days prior to our 1st year anniversary! His interview will take place Monday, June 8 @ 8:00 in Dhaka, Bangladesh and our 1 year anniversary is on June 16. For some reason after reading everyones good news I'm soo happy for you all... even though we've never met and god knows we will cross each others path... but from the bottom of my heart...taking part of this forum has lifted a ton from my shoulders along this long journey all thanks to the faithful and positive members of this page. Insha'allah Allah (SWT) grants us all a beautiful and healthy marriage.

For those who have been assigned interview dates in the latter part of the month, your long wait is over. Now take this time and hold it close for it will be a feeling that will never return, the anticipation of our loved one was long and great, but alhum'dulillah we've all made it through in good health. smile.gif For those of you getting 4 hours of sleep, I promise it's all worth it.

For me it looks like it will be Sunday late evening when my husband starts out to head to the consulate. Insha'allah I'll have everyone updated through and through and bare satisfying news in the end.

Many many dua's (prayers) to all and the best luck!

NooshFemale02009-06-05 01:09:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Expecting Interview in June
Hi Guys! I'm really busy too with work and school but I am for sure counting down the days to hear about everyones GOOD NEWS! Congrats to Princess she mentioned she had no problems and her CO was nice. I hope the same for the rest of us.

As of now, I keep myself busy with my 9-5 job and class at night 4 days a week, busy much?!

What about you guys, what's going on?

Champi, I guess you're the first to in June and I'm really excited for you. Will you be with your husband at the interview?
NooshFemale02009-05-18 13:56:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Expecting Interview in June
Wow! Al'humdulilah! Congrats GS4ever!
NooshFemale02009-05-12 06:07:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Expecting Interview in June
I am sooo excited fr Gs4ever! Insha'allah every thing works out just the way you want. Allah (Swt) has been sooo good to us thus far, I pray that following goes as smooth.

Smile, it's almost over smile.gif

I'm going to bed now but hopefully when I wake up you can update us on the news!

While I'm still here... I'm still trying to put together a packet for my husband when he goes to his interview... like the tax return forms from me and the sponsor...what other things might I need...

Thanks bunch guys smile.gif
NooshFemale02009-05-11 23:55:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Expecting Interview in June
Hi Guys! I've been busy with finals. I hope you guys are doing well!
NooshFemale02009-05-01 18:25:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Expecting Interview in June
QUOTE (Sanam143 @ Apr 27 2009, 05:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Noosh @ Apr 27 2009, 03:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Sanam143 @ Apr 27 2009, 02:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey everyone congrats on everyone getting their case completed and interview dates! My hubby got his interview date as well today for June 8 at 8am! So excited! Our case was completed on April 23rd. Congrats again to everyone! We're so close to the END!

Sanam! Congrats, I'm really glad to hear your husband will attend the June 8 interview, as well as mine! I'm so to prepare him for the intreview!

Any tips on the Dhaka consulate?


Thank you guys for all your support, I have no idea where I'd be with out you guys!

Hey Noosh, are you planning on attending the interview with your husband in Dhaka? I'm more than likely going to go and be a part of the experience.

smile.gif No I'm not... I just got moved up in my department and vacation doesnt' kick in for me yet... but it's okay...I just want it all to be over...

NooshFemale02009-04-27 19:18:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Expecting Interview in June
QUOTE (Sanam143 @ Apr 27 2009, 02:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey everyone congrats on everyone getting their case completed and interview dates! My hubby got his interview date as well today for June 8 at 8am! So excited! Our case was completed on April 23rd. Congrats again to everyone! We're so close to the END!

Sanam! Congrats, I'm really glad to hear your husband will attend the June 8 interview, as well as mine! I'm so to prepare him for the intreview!

Any tips on the Dhaka consulate?


Thank you guys for all your support, I have no idea where I'd be with out you guys!
NooshFemale02009-04-27 14:46:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Expecting Interview in June
Oh my gosh, so how's everyone hold up?!

Honestly this weekend was such a dread for me...waiting for Monday to come so I can call.... ugh!

Case complete on April 13 but nothing yet from the Consulate in Dhaka...
NooshFemale02009-04-27 11:55:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Expecting Interview in June
I'm waiting for atleast 3:00 PM so I can call and get some good news :: crossing fingers::
NooshFemale02009-04-27 11:38:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Expecting Interview in June
QUOTE (champi @ Apr 23 2009, 09:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good to hear from you!!! As you can see, lots of us had a roller coaster day today, a good ride though smile.gif I just got the appointment letter in email so now I can breath smile.gif I hope everyone's waiting is over soon too. I really like to be part of this group smile.gif

QUOTE (atk_721 @ Apr 23 2009, 08:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
just received the interview email,so i really believe now my interview has been assigned smile.gif
kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

Yep me too. smile.gif

Hey champi,

I called twice already today after hearing the good news about everyone today but no luck. Although I am disappointed I am very very very happy to hear you all have got your dates! How exciting, I am sure!

Thank god to VJ I accomplished more than I ever thought I could with my case. I am truly grateful.

Especially everyone here, gosh, you all are really keeping me calm and excited at the same time

I wish everyone the best!
NooshFemale02009-04-23 20:36:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Waiting For Case Completion At NVC
Hey HSB,

You have nothing to worry about, just give it a couple more business days. I was waiting to hear my case to be complete too and calling the NVC everyday at 11:30PM after I got back from class...oh man...I hated it.

Anyway, insha'allah it'll work out. My husbands coming out to the Dhaka consulate too...insha'allah they both have a clean's insane what people have to go through there.

Again, best of luck.

Oh,ha... one more thing...don't worry about annoying them. Seriously, you get a different person everyday.. I'll be damned if they make a note each time they talked to you.

NooshFemale02009-04-14 22:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!
ok... well still not preggers... I"m so impatient


I got an interview ( only at Macy's, but every little helps, as per Tesco's lol)

so lets see if we can knock one of these out of the park this week...

more Baby Dust....Me and hubby going to be baby dancing all the way to ovulation....ok ...TMI huh...
MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-31 18:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

tell her jap hmph...:angry:

I can respect that, but how we gonna add you if we don't know who to add... you get me? lol

lol right.. mi sorry.

prima mojet. theres only one of me...add away, just send a message so i know who is adding me.
MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-27 22:13:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!
hey , howdy, hello, bonjour... wahpen...etc

i hope the stress of waiting for the visa isnt getting those of you hoping for it, too down. I know it will at times, but thats when faith kicks in. like they say at my old church "you got to know that you know that you know that you know, its gonna be alright" lol. Hold on.. keep your head up.

well ladies i have to say that the last few weeks in this forum has been awesome, good to know that there are some yardies here in MI going through this and to have a chat that just reminds you of home. I have made the decision to come off visajourney for a while, to focus on getting a job and trying to get preggers. I'm old , 40, so i need to put all my energy into it ( the ttc part that is). I hope that everyone of you will be happy like no ones business, and have strong productive marriages and families. I can be added on facebook should anyone feel the need.. or if anyone wants help with Detroit( not that i know much lol)
I hope 2010 is your year of favour, testimony and fulfilment ..... yougetmedough!!!

all the best, sending prayers of fruitfulness and a ton of approvals your way.


Edited by MissusM09, 27 July 2010 - 03:45 PM.

MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-27 15:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Hey Yall!!!

Whats going on??

Sorry Miss about your loss. Many prayers to your family

JAP well I'm sorry that your K1 didn't work out but at least you have some sort of closure and now you can move on to another option.......! Yayy a wedding!!

I can't remember anything us that I wanted to comment on but congrats, condolences and apply for as many jobs as you can. That should cover it... :D

Thank you Shanette.. i appreciate it.

Bess..Well got damn..... Congratulations ... you must be over the moon... I have been somewhat distracted this weekend but i know you are happy. clarify for me is it the i-485 or the K1 you are getting??? I saw your status, though i dont go back in posts becos too many on yardie thread.
MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-26 17:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!
[quote name='DedicatedWife' timestamp='1280154575' post='4088451']
So sorry for your loss Missus! Prayers with you and your family! (F)

thank you dedicated. Post mortem today, it was a rough day on friday. jack daniels was my best friend..

HOw is everyone else doing...

noticed something the other day, i hope that no one took offence because I said i hated carnival, it wasnt a dig at anyone just an opinion....

ok well back to looking for work... i'm sorry but this jobsearch is bruking my spirit..
MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-26 13:18:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!
hello and good afternoon to everyone.
congrats to just.

i'm over here grieving just found out my cousin( who i loved) died of a heart attack, he was battling cancer. He died of a heart attack... he was only 45. its days like these that i want to be with my family at home...

What to do ...
MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-23 13:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

I got the pic to prove it...

Posted Image


AFR: All Fruits Ripe
AO: Alms Ouse
BC: Box Cover
BOT = Back On Top
BIB - Baggy Ina Bungle
BOABDL - buss out one big dutty laff
BOAL - Buss Out A Laff
BOWLAFDOOMB - Bowed Ova Wid Laff An Fawl Dung Out Of Mi Bed
BYBAL - Ban Yuh Belly An Laff
CAS= Crack a smile
DWL - Dead Wid Laff
DWLTMPUMS - similar to bloz own cept til mi peepee up mi self
DWLAPUMS = Dead Wid Laff And Peepee Up Mi Self
FR - Fe Real
GDAB - Go Dead a Bush
KMN: Kiss Mi Neckback
KYAWO -Kut Yeye and Wheel Out
LIH = Lick innu Head
LM - Likkle Mo
MAK: Mi A Kinpupalick
MT: Mo Time
MPD - mad people dem
MYODB - mine yuh own dyamn binezz
NR - Nuff Respect
ROTFWL rolling on the floor with laff.
XA: X Amount

Edited by MissusM09, 19 July 2010 - 03:18 PM.

MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-19 15:17:00