ChinaInterview appointment using CGI Stanley

When inputting the personal info in the CGI website and they ask for an address, does that address have to be her home address (which really isn't a legitmate address...she has never had mail arrive there) or can it be her work address where she always has all of her mail sent anyways?

And does it matter if that address conflicts with the address we used for the original K-1 application form AND the address we will probably input for the rest of the forms (DS forms) that we will take for the interview?



Q&RNot TellingChina2013-05-13 10:58:00
ChinaWrong birth date on Chinese passport - any way to fix it?

And secondly, she'd probably also have to go back to Zhengzhou where her hukou is registered


Just curious, where in Henan is she from?  Near Zhengzhou i am guessing?

My fiancee and I live in Zhengzhou.  Quite rare to see Zhengzhou peeps is all i'm saying!

Q&RNot TellingChina2013-06-28 21:51:00
ChinaGuangzhou Interview Dates?

I am having the same problem.  I have been waiting days since we have paid our fee and were emailed by the embassy that we could schedule the appointment. 

I really have no idea what is going on and it is becoming very very frustrating...especially after we had to wait so long from immigration originally.   Always such great timing!!

Q&RNot TellingChina2013-06-22 20:34:00
ChinaPolice Certificates - definition of resided

We talked with the PSB where my fiancee lives to see if they would even consider giving us a police certificate (this is where she currently lives, not her hukou town).  Without a hukou in that area, and with no money or guanxi, they basically just laughed in our faces and said f@#$ off.  (ok, that was a bit of an exaggeration, but you get the idea)

We only have the police cert in her hometown, which has been notarized and whatnot.  So, although we haven't done the interview yet, I am trusitng all my fellow VJers that everything will be fine!

Q&RNot TellingChina2013-07-06 08:39:00
ChinaDS-156; Chinese nationals must fill out in both English and Chinese

From what I know, and I haven't filled it out yet however my fiancee and I will be doing it soon, is you CANT really print the form with nothing on it.  You need to fill it out online first, make sure everything is in order, than hit the submit (or whatever button it is) at the bottom of the page.  From there you can print it, but I guess, supposedly, it saves your information and you can't change it (or so I am told). 

But, like someone just said, you can make changes to the printed copy by handwriting as well.  Whether its adding stuff or editing (like say if someone moved in the meantime from originally fililng it out).

And I believe there really isn't any pdf format for this form.  (I really know nothing about if this barcode business has any influence....the ones that Darnell posted....but I am pretty sure you can't just fill out those non-barcode forms by hand and use them at the interview.  I would say best do it the 'right' way).

Again, I haven't done it myself, but I will soon

Good luck

Edited by Q&R, 06 July 2013 - 08:43 AM.

Q&RNot TellingChina2013-07-06 08:34:00
ChinaThis is so messed up...

Although we didn't send our P3 through CITIC bank (we posted it), my fiancee has been talking to other K-1 girls on QQ and they basically said that, IF CITIC bank is saying they won't send the P3 documents OR they can't do it.... then you must do the childish Chinese girl method of kicking and screaming and make the employees lose face telling them they are ignorant fools etc...  I guess this has worked for some other girls because eventually the CITIC bank workers will make some calls, talk to upper management and find out that they CAN send the P3 documents.


This is what I was told...its definitely not something I have done.  Just passing along the info.......good luck!!

Edited by Q&R, 11 July 2013 - 11:18 AM.

Q&RNot TellingChina2013-07-11 11:16:00
ChinaThis is so messed up...


What address did you send yours to? May be better just to send it that way.


Late August??? Jeez.... then it may be sometime in September for us.....crying.gif


Here is the address


????? ???????1? 510133


But, like you were saying, bc they are moving I don't know if they will receive it at this address.  But this is what was on my form.

Q&RNot TellingChina2013-07-01 19:50:00
ChinaThis is so messed up...

p4 includes all of the ds-15x forms which you submit before your interview in person.


What the heck is a ds-15x form? 

Is that what you print from the email the consulate sent you telling you you may now schedule the interview?  Thats all we got after sending in the p3 documents.

I really never know the names of these files or forms unless it says directly on it.

Q&RNot TellingChina2013-07-01 19:47:00
ChinaThis is so messed up...

I actually got that exact same letter.  As well as a copy of my approved petition of the I-129F, and another letter indicating that they have begun the process of the fiancee visa case.  It was those 3 items and also a pamphlet for the Chinese fiancee on what to do if you encounter domestic violence in America.


However, my letter (the one you took a photograph of) was a little bit different.  Yours says "How to Submit Required Materials."  Mine didn't say that.


When I got mine (around the beginning of June), we just did whats on the checklist (ds-230 part 1, copy of passport, photos) and then mailed it in by normal post.  That was it.  We didn't have to use CITIC bank for that process.  We only used the CITIC bank for paying for the visa fee (but that was later). 

After we sent in the package back to the embassy, a week later they contacted us through email and said we may start to schedule the interview (that was around June 15th and we finally got an interview slot today for late August).


So, unless within the past month they changed how to send the documents, I don't know what to tell you.  Back in the beginning of June, we just mailed them by post to the embassy and we didn't have a problem.

Edited by Q&R, 01 July 2013 - 06:37 AM.

Q&RNot TellingChina2013-07-01 06:32:00
ChinaMedical Exam

I have a question about the wording from the embassy on when to do the medical exam.


It says, "You must go to the designated panel physician to have your examination at least two weeks before your visa interview appointment date."


Now, can someone please tell me, after we schedule our interview date with the embassy, does this mean we must go to the medical 2 weeks WITHIN the date of the interview??  OR, could we have the medical exam, for example, 3 or 4 weeks before? 


Let's say for example in two weeks from today is my interview date at the embassy.  Would I have to have the medical exam in the next two weeks...OR, should i have already finished the exam by this date?


Thanks for anyones help!

Q&RNot TellingChina2013-06-02 01:25:00
ChinaScheduling the interview using CGI Stanley

I've already begun sending out letters; initially complaints to CGI Stanley and the Guangzhou embassy on a completely ridiculous system of scheduling interviews they have in place.  


My fiancee cannot log in to the website, she even had a Chinese friend that works in IT try to help her and she still cannot get in.  This leaves the burden of scheduling the interview all on me.  My days are now spent checking the CGI Stanley scheduling site every hour to see if there is an opening which doesn't exactly offer me a lot of time for sleep (typically six hours a day).  


After I receive a response from CGI Stanley (already have one limited response documented, waiting on a response to my full letter) and the Guangzhou embassy (probably not until middle of next week) I plan to write my congressman, Senators and, the IG and the media (basically what I did for the CSC slowdown).  I currently have a good rapport with my congressman so I do feel like there will be some pressure on CGI Stanley and the embassy to get this issue fixed; not for me but for all of those future applicants.  It seems that at every step of the way we have run into speed bumps; first it was CSC and their complete work stoppage on K1 visas (due to the DACA petitions), then a RFE (which I believe was caused by our lawyer losing part of our documentation), the lawyer and insanely slow responses to get things done from him (I have had to hound him every day it seems) and now this CGI Stanley Interview Lottery #######.  Unless people complain, this system will never change, they will simply believe it to be working, and that is very sad indeed.


I was saying earlier how I was going to file a complaint with the Office of the Inspector General.  You can try them too, just google search them for their website and call them.  The lady I talked to was really helpful, so hopefully you get someone who is good!!

Q&RNot TellingChina2013-07-17 09:41:00
ChinaScheduling the interview using CGI Stanley

I'll be filling a complaint with the state department when this whole process is over and done with.  This is complete ####### that we're expected to jump on the appointment site within an hour of all the appointments for August.  If anyone wishes to join me in this let me know and I'll see about doing a class action style complaint.


I actually called the State Department a while back when I couldn't get interview dates.  They said if I want to make a formal complain I should contact the Office of the Inspector General.  So I did.  I made the complaint to the lady.  But then she was telling me what was gonig to happen with the process and to me, it sounded pretty harsh and scared me a little.  I didn't want a complaint being made to theh embassy in my name, which might piss them off and then effect our chances of getting interviews or even pass the exam.  So the lady said she will hold the complaint for me and if later I wanted to go through with it, she will process the complaint.  Nice lady.


But yes, I am thinking when my fiancee gets to the states, I will call them back and make a complaint.  Though I doubt the embassy really cares, ha

Q&RNot TellingChina2013-07-01 19:56:00
ChinaScheduling the interview using CGI Stanley

Got one too!  (wiping sweat off forehead now)

August 19th

Looks like August is almost completely full, and only after less than 6 hours

Q&RNot TellingChina2013-07-01 02:54:00
ChinaScheduling the interview using CGI Stanley

Jeez, everyone is going to be getting on at the same time Monday morning China time! 

I live in China, and I'll wake up early, but I'm still nervous I won't get an interview date!! 

LOVE this new system...and a special thanks to Guangzhou embassy for guys are the best! (i just hope all of you can pick up sarcasm through text)

Edited by Q&R, 28 June 2013 - 10:00 PM.

Q&RNot TellingChina2013-06-28 21:59:00
ChinaScheduling the interview using CGI Stanley

I live in China, I was checking yesterday afternoon.  Guess I'm not quick enough.  Still no luck for me too

Q&RNot TellingChina2013-06-28 00:11:00
ChinaScheduling the interview using CGI Stanley

When and how did GUZ contact you about the dates? 


Well, my priority date is in August.  Does that mean that the interview should be done before that date?  Or is this date now totally meaningless to them?

Q&RNot TellingChina2013-06-26 11:30:00
ChinaScheduling the interview using CGI Stanley

Has there been any luck for anyone for scheduling an interview?  Still no luck for me.  ????


How many types of visas apply through the Guangzhou embassy?  I'm just trying to realize how many people are waiting to get an interview date.  Thousands perhaps?


Also, is your priority date totally meaningless to the embassy?

Edited by Q&R, 26 June 2013 - 11:04 AM.

Q&RNot TellingChina2013-06-26 11:01:00
ChinaScheduling the interview using CGI Stanley

I called the Guangzhou USCIS office overnight (they were open China time wink.png


and talked with a receptionist there.  I asked her - hey ! is USCIS Guangzhou moving in July?  Her answer was yes. 

Then I asked - is the Immigrant Visa unit moving in July also?  Her answer was yes. 


So, my opinion is shifting a bit.   Here it is... 


IMO, there will not be any visas scheduled from 8 July to 22 July, as the move is occuring between 15 to 22 July.  It makes more sense to use that prior week, of 8 July to 12 July, to get out the approved visas from the prior week , get them OUT of the IV Unit, prior to the IV Unit closing. 


But that's just my current opinion.  


see http://www.visajourn...-2#entry6318989 for my log of what I did overnight. 


Wow, I really have no idea how to feel about this news.  Good or bad?  Good in we have some answers.  Bad in it will still take us forever just to get an interview date.

First immigration, and now this. 

But thanks for the link.  Now I can finally call the embassy and hound them.

Q&RNot TellingChina2013-06-24 11:47:00
ChinaScheduling the interview using CGI Stanley


> Thank you for your inquiry.

> As the interview schedule for the month of July is already full, please try later in the first week or second week of July for the August interview appointment slot which will be available then.



First of all, I am sad to see that they contacted you but haven't contacted me about this matter...(sad face)


Secondly, I don't know how to take this news.  I am happy that at least they have finally responded about this matter and that there will be time slots available for August.  I am sad because I don't know what is going to happen in July...a MAD rush of people trying to schedule an appointment.  Then what if there are too many people bc I am too slow and August is booked?  Then I have to wait another whole month?! 

Sorry...just ranting...gotta love your government

Q&RNot TellingChina2013-06-24 09:46:00
ChinaScheduling the interview using CGI Stanley

So I called the Department of State to see if someone could talk to the embassy, at least get some kind of answers.  Nothing from them...they were useless.  They just said contact CGI Stanley...even though I told them I already did and that they were just as helpless.

So they recommended me to call the Office of the Inspector General to make a complaint.  I made the complaint to the lady on the phone, but when she was telling me the process of what they will do with a complaint, I got a little scared.  I don't want a complaint made to the embassy in my name...that will most likely @#$% up my chances of getting an interview, or worse, getting the visa!!  Last thing I wanna do is piss off the embassy!!

So the lady was nice and said that she will hold my complaint and we can wait a couple days.  If still in a few days nothing from the embassy, I should call back and she can process the complaint.

Q&RNot TellingChina2013-06-24 08:17:00
ChinaScheduling the interview using CGI Stanley

if a CGI Stanley rep said this -> its the embassy who makes the appointments


then that CGI Stanley employee is stupid - the appointments are made WITH CGI Stanley's website. 




I think what he meant is that even though CGI is used to make the appointments, but the embassy still has to free up time slots for the appointment.  If they block all time schedules, like they are doing now, then i guess CGI has nothing to do with it.  If the embassy doesn't want appointments, then they won't do appointments, and there is nothing CGI can do about it.

That's just my guess

Q&RNot TellingChina2013-06-23 22:45:00
ChinaScheduling the interview using CGI Stanley

click the link, the number is there. 


Wow...I'm stupid.  Sorry about that.


I called them and they said that even they don't know what the problem is because its the embassy who makes the appointments, and it looks like CGI Stanley and the embassy don't even have any kind of communication with each other because no one at CGI knows why this is happening (or they know but they don't tell us).  He also said that last week Thursday some slots were opened up but were taken really fast. 

Is there any way to call the Guangzhou embassy and talk to a representative?  I'm getting really sick and tired of this bull@#$%

Q&RNot TellingChina2013-06-23 22:02:00
ChinaScheduling the interview using CGI Stanley

Desperate to find out if the blank calendar wasn't just a computer glitch on my end, I searched for a number to call and found one here: http://ustraveldocs....n-contactus.asp

I called the US number and, amazingly, a real person answered. "Jen" was her name. She went to the calendar page on her computer and said she saw the same thing. She was very kind in her speech, but I could tell she was not very knowledgeable about the inside information as to why there were no available dates.



What is the phone number you called?  I would like to also call

Q&RNot TellingChina2013-06-23 20:47:00
ChinaScheduling the interview using CGI Stanley

scheduling seems a problem at the moment - I don't know why. 


I suggest you keep trying, several times, or tens of several times, each day. 




The problem with that I idea to keep trying several times a day is that the CGI website is telling me that I will reach a maximum amount of times I can view the 'scheulde appointment' page and will ultimately kick me off if viewed too many times. 

WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!  I wish the embassy had some excuse or answers

Q&RNot TellingChina2013-06-22 21:57:00
ChinaScheduling the interview using CGI Stanley

The Guangzhou embassy has received our case, we have received the package in the mail, we have sent the package back with the required documents.  They have received it and then told us to schedule the interview using CGI Stanley.  Same day we went to the China CITIC Bank to pay the fee and got the receipt.

Using CGI went smoothly until it got to the page where you actually have to set the interview date.  When we get there it says:

"There are currently no appointments available."

And the calander is just blank.

On the previous page, the 'confirm receipt' page, it says:

"Please note that there could be a delay between the time of payment and the time that you can proceed to schedule your appointment. Please be patient and thanks for your cooperation. "

We have already waited a few days.  Does anyone know how long this takes??!!


And one more question...does your "priority date" mean that the interview MUST take place before that date??


Any help will be GREATLY appreciated...thanks!!

Q&RNot TellingChina2013-06-20 09:43:00 slip for co-sponsor


The new blue slips say specifically "DO NOT" send passport unless you are asked to do so

I see, THANKS!

Q&RNot TellingChina2013-08-19 20:16:00 slip for co-sponsor


Didnt take long at all, we mailed it off the following week and the week after the approval email came. Yesterday she just dropped the passport off at CITIC so we will see how long it takes to get the visa back

So when you send the paperwork through CITIC first, you don't send your passport along with it?  You send them two separate times?  Could she send it with it if she wanted to?

Q&RNot TellingChina2013-08-19 19:46:00 slip for co-sponsor

We haven't had any problems with the CITIC bank system although I have heard they have been slow about sending the visas out once granted


I was just saying that I had a similiar situation like you.  But they said that my brother's wife (brother is the cosponsor) needs to fill out a i-864a form and write a letter as well.  This was very unseen. 


Have she received the visa in hand yet?  How long did it all take?

Q&RNot TellingChina2013-08-18 22:39:00
ChinaVisa is delayed, requesting additional documents

Well, only thing I can do now is just move as fast as possible and pray. 

I think I will also contact my congressman and tell him the situation.


Its just no fair, people on here have met AFTER I applied for the visa, and they are already approved. 

Thank you immigration.  You know how to brighten up my day

Q&RNot TellingChina2013-08-18 22:46:00
ChinaVisa is delayed, requesting additional documents

i've seen this before, your exact situation, here at VJ.


Sorry you got bitten...


Turn-around time? Maybe 5 weeks once she does CITIC bank drop-off.

Thanks.  I don't understand why it would have to be even that long.  Unbelievable

Q&RNot TellingChina2013-08-18 22:33:00
ChinaVisa is delayed, requesting additional documents

So after applying OVER A YEAR ago, and then waiting for the interview day to come, it finally came.  But of course, our day of glory to pass the interview and get my fiance to the united states is stil not here and we have to wait even longer now. 

The embassy requested additional documents


Since I have a co-sponsor who is married, they said his wife needs to fill out the i-864a form.  And also write a letter saying that she will agree to co-sponsor with her husband for my fiancee.


In no where during my countless hours of research on this site, on gov sites, by talking to a lawyer, and by word of mouth, did I ever know I would need these things.


So does anyone have any clue how long this could take (assuming I will be getting her the documents ASAP and I would guess the embassy will get them in less than two weeks)?????


Who has been delayed before and how long did you wait??!!




i LOVE america

Q&RNot TellingChina2013-08-18 22:16:00
ChinaBeijing Medical Hospital address changed!!!

If you're using the "Prepare  Documents" on the CGI Stanley site: address.pdf


It has the updated address. 




Ok, thanks.  I guess its really my fault since I've been using the same one since I applied for the visa last year in August. 

I can't expect things NOT to change!

Q&RNot TellingChina2013-07-11 20:25:00
ChinaBeijing Medical Hospital address changed!!!
For any of you who was going to do the medical exam in Beijing (and didn't already know of this since apparently its been changed since May), the address has changed.  This is the instruction packet I have been using with this address on it for the Beijing hospital:
And the address says:
Beijing International Travel Healthcare Center
No.20 Hepingli North Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing Tel: (010) 58648801
Chinese address:
???  ???????????20?
But this is the NEW address of the hospital in Chinese:
???? ??????????17? ??????25?
The phone number is still the same though
My fiancee and I were on our way to Beijing (literaly on the train) when we learned of the new address. 
But once we got there everything went fairly smoothly.  We had to wait about 2 days for the results.

Q&RNot TellingChina2013-07-11 10:45:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples

Est-ce qu'il faut prévenir la secu française de mon départ, et rendre la carte vital? c'est possible de faire ça par internet?
Je ne compte pas prendre la CFE, j'ai une assurance maladie expat qui me couvre.

Bonjour Carine,

Je viens d'appeler à l'instant la sécu et ils m'ont dit que je n'ai aucune démarche à faire. Elle m'a parlé de contacter la CFE. Toi tu va prendre quelle assurance maladie d'expat?
Pour ma part, je pars le 28 juillet aux USA, puis nous comptons nous marier à la mi-août. Je me suis dit qu'une fois marié, je pourrai me mettre sur la même mutuelle que ma femme? Ou bien serait-il plus prudent de prendre comme toi une assurance maladie d'expat? D'ailleurs laquelle tu as?

Merci :)
nado2010MaleFrance2011-06-10 03:46:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples

Félicitations et bienvenue au club!

Merci :) Maintenant va falloir préparer la suite des choses ;)
nado2010MaleFrance2011-06-01 07:12:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples

Ça y est, j'ai reçu ce matin mon VISA juste avant de partir travailler. :dance: :D
J'en ai eu les larmes aux yeux :blush:
So happy i am :yes:
nado2010MaleFrance2011-06-01 03:14:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples

Pour les impôts de l'année prochaine, il faudra donc déclarer les revenus de janv2011 à Juin 2011 (mois de mon départ) en France, et aux USA aussi?
Ou il suffit d'informer les impôts français de mon départ et déclarer juste aux USA?
Je sais qu'il y a déjà eu des discussions là dessus mais je comprends pas tout.

Sinon, c'est normal que je vérifie mon numéro de suivi chronopost toutes les heures pour la reception de mon visa?
ou je suis juste un cas desespéré :wacko: :wacko:

Tout comme toi, je vérifie tous les jours le numéro de suivi chronopost ;)
nado2010MaleFrance2011-05-31 05:12:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
Hello tout le monde,

Tout comme Carine, j'ai eu mon interview hier et en lisant vos posts ça me rassure, car la frenchie m'avait exactement dit la même chose qu'à Carine (2 à 3 ans avant de sortir des USA).

J'ai été étonné de la rapidité de l'interview, à peine 5 min ;) La consule m'a dit que je devrais recevoir sous 1 à 2 semaines le fameux sésame :dance:

En tout cas merci à tous pour votre aide dans cette première partie. Maintenant il va falloir s'attaquer à l'AOS & Co, et cette fois ci je parcourai les posts bien comme il faut ;)
nado2010MaleFrance2011-05-27 08:12:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples


Attention, il vous faut les trois derniers tax TRANSCRIPTS, c'est pas la même chose que les returns.

Tout est indiqué là :,00.html

Attention : Allow five to ten days for delivery if you order online or by phone.

Je crois qu'ils peuvent les faxer pour réduire le délai.

Merci, j'ai pu récupérer via ma fiancée les tax transcripts qu'elle a récupérés par FAX :dance:
Là je pense (et j'espère) que le dossier est complet.

Demain is the big Day B-)

nado2010MaleFrance2011-05-25 03:36:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
Salut tout le monde,

Un petit update pour vous dire que j'ai passé le test médical sans soucis. En tout et pour tout ça m'a pris 1h15 (examen chez le Dr Slattery, puis prise de sang dans le labo en face du cabinet et radio à 700m). Puis je suis passé récupérer les résultats en fin de journée.

Je profite de ce post pour vous poser cette question à 3 jours de mon entretien : ma fiancée m'avait envoyé le "I-134 affidavit of support" avec les documents associés (letter from sponsor's employer, bank,). Par contre, on a semble-t-il oublié les "copies of tax returns" :unsure:
Et j'ai l'impression qu'il leur faut ça à l'ambassade? J'ai demandé à ma fiancée de me les scanner. Pourriez-vous m'éclairer sur ce sujet? :help:


Edited by nado2010, 23 May 2011 - 03:50 PM.

nado2010MaleFrance2011-05-23 15:49:00