IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 November Filers

Hi! My husband also lives with me abroad as he is the USC. We are also wondering about this, we are not sure what to have ready yet as we sent call logs, skype logs, lots of photos etc with out I-130. My husband is still addressed to his mothers house as he gets his mail there from his bank and also has his car there, do you think that would be enough for us to prove his domicile/ties to the US?

I think it'll be enough. Especially if you have a consigner too. I followed the NVC thread on here, and got a lot of stuff together. It's A LOT I would suggest getting it going!! Police certificates especially. It'll save time later. He might have to go home early, or arrange somehow a lease for you guys, or at least letter from his mom saying you guys are staying there until get an apartment. He had to "establish domicile" in States.

BradreanNot TellingAustralia2014-03-24 18:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 November Filers
Hey guys! Hopefully the new week brings more approvals closer to us!

Question: anyone else getting their NVC packets ready and getting confused? A lot of what we have to send is for interview too, if we send our original things to NVC it does all get forwarded to our interviews right? I'm living abroad with hubby so I have to include all this extra stuff to prove my domicile/ties to US. Anyone else doing that too?

BradreanNot TellingAustralia2014-03-24 00:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 November Filers

Saw one person who filed on nov. 5 and one who filed on dec. 6 got approved today. They updated their timeline that is how I know and they both are at Nebraska. So unfair to watch people who filed after you getting approval before you.

Woah whattt. Expedites??

BradreanNot TellingAustralia2014-03-17 20:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 November Filers

I agree with Dude on this one. I feel positive things are going to be shaking soon.

I agree too, for you guys! Nebraska is a black random hole :< but maybe if everyone else is ahead of schedule then NSC will get told to hustle. I hope.. Sigh.

BradreanNot TellingAustralia2014-03-14 00:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 November Filers

I disagree. Vermont just started processing and some OCtober people are getting NOA2. California is ahead of the pack. IMO we will see November NOA2's by this time next month. 

I really hope you're right that would be awesome. Still nebraska is SO behind. And that's where I am :(((

BradreanNot TellingAustralia2014-03-13 23:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 November Filers
I really doubt there'll be any nov approvals before may. They have to get thru July, August, sept and October transfers and approve them before they touch us. Most places aren't even finished with July and June yet... Especially nebraska.
Look at the other spreadsheets. There's a LOT before they get to us. Transfers do not mean approval. In most cases they pass the "60 day decision" promise they tell the transfers.

BradreanNot TellingAustralia2014-03-13 22:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 November Filers
Does anyone have the link to the October spreadsheet?? I can find the main one with all of the months but not October. Anyway, Yay!
BradreanNot TellingAustralia2014-03-06 06:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 November Filers
Wasn't that mostly to track the transfers? I guess even just to see any updates or when approvals start coming through. I'm SO bad at that too!
BradreanNot TellingAustralia2014-02-25 21:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 November Filers

I hope you're right! May is my hope too, and I think a lot of Nov/Dec filers. 


I guess all that we can do is check VJ periodically and try to search for some patterns/keep our eyes on everything. Then just hope for the best.


I agree though, no rhyme or reason haha. Maybe Nebraska will learn how to deal with I-130s and start shoveling them through! Wishful thinking..


Maybe I'll start watching December and January from time to time as well. :)


I started a thread for Nebraska people of all Months - just to try to find a pattern. Who knows.

BradreanNot TellingAustralia2014-02-25 21:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 November Filers

AngelDaemon Thanks  so much. It does help keeping an eye on other months.


I was just checking the processing timelines on VJ, set a filter to Nebraska transfers and I see that they are up to Junes! (The pattern or lack thereof goes; april, may may june april may june april) Its all over. But I guess keeping an eye on these things usually helps as soon Junes will be July's and so on then US!


Do you have any guess or idea if they are doing all transfers before they get to Nov/Dec people who went right to the centers? I have been setting filters and trying to figure it out but they seem to go back and forth between approving a transfer person, then one from recent months that got sent straight there.. its totally random maybe?  What month are you counting/hoping on getting approval?

Edited by Bradrean, 25 February 2014 - 08:31 PM.

BradreanNot TellingAustralia2014-02-25 20:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 November Filers
That makes me feel a bit better thank you!

The sept transfers could mean faster for November? I'm confused.. :) I guess I came in after transfers so I don't understand that part.

The thing that bothers me the most is that the months are all over the place at nebraska.

It doesn't even seem like there are many in nebraska... Unless there are some people forgetting to update.

Do you have any idea what nebraska is really on? I can't see it on VJ and as we know the USCIS website is always 3 months behind.

BradreanNot TellingAustralia2014-02-25 19:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 November Filers
Guys please cheer me up for our November petitions, and tell me what this tier 2 said is just a script:

-I-129f at same time frame as i-130
-ALL centres say it will take 9 months (supposedly she called Nebraska when she put me on hold)
-Nebraska told her they're on April 5 (I told her NUMEROUS times that those numbers are from DECEMBER...) but she insisted that they are on April even now...
-She can't see if there are background checks done yet since it's done "internally".
-When I brought up that we've seen first hand that petitions are getting approved from July and even a few at Nebraska from NOV and that there is no pattern she said "all cases are different"
-and that we Nov filers have 200 something days to wait. She actually said that.

Someone please debunk this...
OH PS--- she F($&$)ing hung up on me too. After waiting for 1.5 hours on hold... She hung up on me when I wasn't finished.

BradreanNot TellingAustralia2014-02-25 18:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 November Filers
Yeah but that's just at NBC right? Nebraska is still spastic with dates. I talked to a tier 1 today (couldn't transfer to tier 2 cuz it was too late) and they said "nebraska is currently on April" I'm like "yeah in December they were. Thats the numbers from Your website as of December" she's like "no those are current" I thought about everyone on VJ calling them zombies and i just rolled my eyes and hung up.
BradreanNot TellingAustralia2014-02-24 22:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 November Filers
What about nebraska? Any nov filers at nebraska? When you look at their timelines it's ALL over the place, like July/August/ even later! (even some November filers not from Philippines ..) I don't know how they can say they do them as they receive them...
BradreanNot TellingAustralia2014-02-19 22:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 November Filers
I REALLY hope it's May too. I'm in Australia with my husband and I wanna go home! I'm hoping July isn't even too much of a stretch since sydney is good with interview dates and were gunna be ready with nvc stuff! If we are ready it will shave off time!

It's just the I-130 I'm worried about :(

BradreanNot TellingAustralia2014-02-05 23:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 November Filers
You guys who have to travel and are worried about costs- you could try couch surfing! I've done it in a few different countries and never had a bad experience! Just an idea :)
BradreanNot TellingAustralia2014-02-05 15:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 November Filers
If august are getting a few of theirs that would be good right?! As aposed to like them being on May which is what I'm thinking... But we don't know what centers they're at. Mine went directly to nebraska (both I-130 and I-129f)

From reading back we all got lucky to get directly into a service center and not stuck at NBC like everyone else for a long time.

I really hope our times are going to be better. I'm praying for mid-late May.

BradreanNot TellingAustralia2014-02-04 04:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 November Filers

Oh, the website has updated. It's just that it's always 2 months behind. The update that brought us to "current on November 30, 2013 was posted on January 22.

Exactly!! That's what I just saw and am confused about... Anyone have any ideas?

I don't know which month to even have hope for anymore...?

Edited by Bradrean, 03 February 2014 - 07:00 AM.

BradreanNot TellingAustralia2014-02-03 06:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 November Filers
Hey guys.. Finally found you Nov. Filers!! Our priority/noa1 date is nov 15 2013, we did the i129f too (I know all the obsolete stuff but oh well like others just trying it), which is dec 10th for that noa1. Like the couple from CAnada mine both went directly to nebraska, and the ARN changed on my i130 after i129f got there.

Does anyone know anything or have any idea on if nebraska is good/bad thing and ARN changing is a good/bad thing?

Also, what are your guys' estimated (or hopeful) time frame for approval? I know the website hasn't updated in at least two months.

Good luck to us all! And thanks for answering me if you can!

BradreanNot TellingAustralia2014-02-03 00:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsALL Nebraska I-130 Filers
A few are Japanese... Or in japan.

Has anyone brought this up on the phone with a tier 2 yet?
If this is true I'm going to go ape ######

BradreanNot TellingAustralia2014-05-20 01:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsALL Nebraska I-130 Filers
Auto expedites for people abroad?? I'm abroad.. My PD is nov 15 too.

Are you sure?

BradreanNot TellingAustralia2014-05-20 00:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsALL Nebraska I-130 Filers
Hey guys is it me or are nov approvals not reflected in VJ timeline thing? Is the spreadsheet more accurate? I didn't realize there was one for nov. Can someone post the link..? I can't find it anywhere. :/

Also: interesting! Yesterday my case said something like "your petition for employment blah blah " I called and they said they saw that it's i-130 still that maybe I put in wrong number, which I didn't, cuz it said employment in status update we hear on the phone recording too. What does that mean? Today it's back to normal....

Any ideas?

BradreanNot TellingAustralia2014-05-01 16:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsALL Nebraska I-130 Filers

Hi im not citizen, permanent resident PD NOV 1 2013 sent direct to NSC.How long my case will approval?

November PD are hoping for approval next month or may. I'm November 15 and hoping for April.

BradreanNot TellingAustralia2014-03-29 02:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsALL Nebraska I-130 Filers

So NSC approved 9 September filers this week and issued 2 RFEs based on the transfer sheet data - out of ~30 cases in the beginning of the week. This is the  highest rate of approvals that i've seen from NSC for a single month registered in VJ spreadsheets since i started compiling data..
NSC is really accelerating guys.. At this rate, remaining 18 September filers has 50% of chance getting response from NSC next week and should be able to finish up almost all in 2 weeks :secret:
This is a crude measure of course.. but trend is clear.. NSC is alive and kicking... Roughly speaking NSC has been approving more cases than other service centers combined. 

As I said if you watch the timelines too they are more accurate and there's even more than the spreadsheets. This week they did 3 Octobers!!! That makes me so happy when I saw those. They approve more according to timelines than the other centers you're right! They finally kicked into gear! But yeah 3 Octobers. Yay!!

BradreanNot TellingAustralia2014-03-29 00:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsALL Nebraska I-130 Filers
There was an October approved today guys!!! Keep up the positivity!
BradreanNot TellingAustralia2014-03-25 15:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsALL Nebraska I-130 Filers

To update my crude measure:
This week NSC approved 12 cases, compared to 4 by CSC, 4 TSC and 1 VSC - from those cases registered in the VJ tracking spreadsheet for months June to September only.
There are still 47 pending NOA1 sitting at NSC for these months (10 june,6 july,1 august and 30 from September).
At current rate weekly rate of 12, it will take 3.9 week to go through 47 cases. 

Your formula and estimation is great! But they actually did about 23 from the 17th-20th. It's better to look at the VJ timelines with the filter set to "transfer: nebraska" the spreadsheets aren't as up to date I think, or some people aren't participating.

How many weeks do you think then, with the number of last weeks approvals which is 23?

BradreanNot TellingAustralia2014-03-21 22:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsALL Nebraska I-130 Filers
They're definitely moving. On the 19th they did 7!! 3 sept, 3 July and an old May. This is like the 7th or 8th sept in the past week so yeah they're kicking it into gear. Definitely on sept. If they keep this up... It just might be 5 months (or just a but after)!!!!

Positive energy guys!!!

BradreanNot TellingAustralia2014-03-20 06:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsALL Nebraska I-130 Filers

That was my point though:  except for "officially approved line-jumpers":   illegal aliens & folks from the Philippines. While I'm the first to say that the typhoon that happened waaaay back in November was dreadful, current USCIS approval times of zero days for Philippino beneficiaries do not lessen our feelings of unfairness in this process.  Time the administration and USCIS go back to following their own rules.   ranting33va.gif


BradreanNot TellingAustralia2014-03-17 20:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsALL Nebraska I-130 Filers

I think at least one of the September was expedited. When you look in the remark of their timeline they mention expedite. but I may be wrong.

That's what I was thinking too but I checked today again.. Now there's 4 septembers : two from thurs and two from fri... I'm too scared to get my hopes up. I guess we'll have to wait and see how the week unfolds as far as this mysterious September approving.

BradreanNot TellingAustralia2014-03-16 15:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsALL Nebraska I-130 Filers
I hope this isn't a fluke.. Nebraska has done like 6 or so julys in the last few days... And two septembers in the last two days!!! It looks like their definitely on July too now. But the septembers confuse me.
BradreanNot TellingAustralia2014-03-14 19:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsALL Nebraska I-130 Filers

I found it lol. So I counted all months up to page 28 where it hits 2010. I did 2013 and this is what I found, minus the transfers:

July is 0, Aug is 0, Sept. Had 3, October has 21, November has 39 and December has 44. Remember thisiisn't transfers. A lot of filers in December! I didn't count approvals either.

Sounds about right! Then with transfers even still there's like no (well only one) August! So it's good there's barely any. The only approvals though in those months would be some randoms and expedites. Using the transfer filter is the only way to see what they're doing now.

BradreanNot TellingAustralia2014-03-11 22:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsALL Nebraska I-130 Filers

What???? No way. Can't be. We would be waiting over a year for an approval and they are trying fix thebacklog. I do not believe this.

April 5 2013 as of December 31 2013. They can not still be on April.

I agree. They're not. And you're right it's as of December. Check the the timelines on here with filter set the nebraska transfers! They did a July the other day! But mainly they're on May and June. They barely got any august (according to 100 ppl on VJ only one got NSC - that's good!)!as soon as they're in July and pumping them out it'll go faster. At least that's what I'm obsessing over now haha.
They flat out LIE. We can SEE firsthand that they've been doing May and June. Do NOT listen to them. Following VJ is your most reliable thing I've found.

Edited by Ryan H, 11 March 2014 - 07:50 PM.

BradreanNot TellingAustralia2014-03-11 16:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsALL Nebraska I-130 Filers
They told you ten?! They were saying 11 in December and 9 last month but told a congressman 5-6 months. That's crazy. It can't be 10 in reality they're on June and I've even seen them do two julys in the last week.
Let's pray that was yet another know nothing customer service rep.
Numbers (from three months ago) will be out next week. Will be interesting.

BradreanNot TellingAustralia2014-03-11 00:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsALL Nebraska I-130 Filers

Hi all,
My NOA1 date is June 26, 2013
Case transferred to Nebraska (NSC) December 27, 2013
No other notice at all since then.
I've tried to send an e-request but the receipt number is not working on that page. It works when I check my status though.
I guess my husband will need to call, right?

You could have him talk to a tier 2, but it's still a bunch of misinformation. They'll tell you they're on April. In reality, you're probably next!! Read what I told the last person a minute ago and look at VJ timelines filter set to transfer NSC. They're in June right now. (Not going in order of dates but still definitely in June). I would be surprised and sad if you didn't have yours within two weeks. Look at June transfers spreadsheet too. You can see it there too.

BradreanNot TellingAustralia2014-03-06 23:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsALL Nebraska I-130 Filers

I'm a bit confused - that date NSC has on their website for April, that means they are working on April 2013 cases? 
I filed in November 2013 - is there an estimate wait I should wait for? Like August?

That's April 5 thing is nonsense. Go to VJ timeline, and set the filter for transfers to NSC. Their well into June (halfway thru). They just say April. And if you notice those April numbers are "as of December 2013". It's always three months behind. But they go by that cuz they don't want other months calling them. I'm also November filer at NSC. I'm hoping for May.

If we see on the timelines that July is popping up by the end of the month-- that would be good news. They also barely have ANY august transfers according to aug transfer spreadsheet.

I bet when they update the website numbers mid march their numbers will say they're on May "as of January" which we know might have been true in January, but it's March and they're halfway thru June. And they're not gunna tell is otherwise. Thank god for VJ or wed all be in the dark!!

BradreanNot TellingAustralia2014-03-06 22:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsALL Nebraska I-130 Filers
Rdienette, it looks like they are still working through the May and June transfers. It actually looks like there's no order between the two. I'd be surprised if you didn't have your approval soon. They're working on your dates now! (And later which is not fair for you). But look at VJ timelines, and set the filter to nebraska transfers and hit the little down arrow where the column says "noa2". You can see exactly what they've been doing. That's what I watch. They even did 4 on a Sunday! (#######? I hope that means they put them in overtime!!!) but you can see the dates they've been doing. In fact everyone should try this!! It's the best way to keep on top of what's going on. Just keep praying they get done with May/June and we start seeing July pop up by the end of the month!
The other centers are on AUGUST. !!!!! >:(

BradreanNot TellingAustralia2014-03-05 15:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsALL Nebraska I-130 Filers
Meehan! Following the NSC spreadsheets and what's actually being approved from there, seems you'll be very soon! I hope this is true for you, and the rest of us- cuz if they get into July that would be a good thing for all!
Also: I'm in AU in Sydney with hubby too! We should meet up! Haha. We can all complain together. ;)

I hope that 5-6 month thing is true for the newer petitions!

I'm gunna try to start spreadsheet, gimme a few days guys :D

BradreanNot TellingAustralia2014-03-04 04:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsALL Nebraska I-130 Filers

Guys! I'm thinking I'll make a spreadsheet (no promises it'll be good! And I have to work the next few days so dont expect it right away :) ) But how should we do this? The Monthly ones were by month and transfer and NOA1 and 2 dates. 


Since ours will be ALL months at Nebraska.. What should our columns be? I want to be able to get the best info out of it.


Let me know what you think! This could help us see whats going on.

BradreanNot TellingAustralia2014-02-27 04:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsALL Nebraska I-130 Filers
So my only input today is that I looked at the spreadsheets from April-sept, and we can see that:
-April: quite a few went to nebraska however looks like they're pretty much done with those.
-May: again many to nebraska but looks like they are getting through them decently.
-June: they are DEFINITELY well begginning into June. There are a few approvals through.
-July: not a crazy amount sent there and we've seen one at least go through (today).
-August: not many at all seem to be there.
-September: not many shown at NSC as of now.
-October: this one a little hazy since it's when transfers stopped I would say there are some though.
-November: a LOT of us there. We can see there have been approvals but they were Philippines expedites and a few randoms (?)
-December: same as November.

Again this is only a sample of the volume there really is since I'm drawing conclusions from what people put on VJ. There are plenty of petitions who aren't on VJ as well.
If you guys see the spreadsheets and come to any other conclusions let me know!
I do think this is a good start. If April (for the most part) is finished and half of May, and June is underway.. They just have those two to finish off, some July, then very few July-September, they'll be on October! Let's hope these numbers are a good representation of what's really happening.

Stay strong everyone :)

Edited by Bradrean, 27 February 2014 - 12:03 AM.

BradreanNot TellingAustralia2014-02-26 23:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsALL Nebraska I-130 Filers
Can't remember if someone posted this here yet... But here it is again!! It couldn't hurt! Sign this petition!


BradreanNot TellingAustralia2014-02-26 23:00:00