United Kingdomneed help now to plan a civil wedding in michigan and shipping

hey i just got approved ( pending some minor paperwork) and i m now stuck in a quandry.
1. I need to have two ceremonies , a civil and a more traditional ceremonyI am leaving in July this year, and I have to have a civil ceremony, but we do not want it in a court house. I'm going to Detroit ( or maybe Chicago depends which ticket is cheaper) and i dont know how to go about getting an officiant to do a ceremony for just us in a place of our choosing. can anyone help?

2. I don't know where to start with getting hold of quotes for shipping companies from london to usa. We dont have a lot of money so everything is on a tight budget it looks like i'm leaving most of my stuff apart from my clothes, shoes. papers and books. still that is alot in itself. Can anyone give me a heads up with what I need to do, how I go about getting quotes.

I know it seems like i should have thought of this before but to be honest when you are in the process of getting the visa, thats all I was thinking about.

I hope someone can help me out here...........



MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-04-26 09:36:00
United Kingdomswine flu
QUOTE (mr and mrs @ Apr 27 2009, 11:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
im hoping it'll be cleared up by 8pm EST on wednesday evening.

be damned to the nether regions, i'm with you on that. I'm out of here in July, its not gonna stop me, just wondered what other folk thought about it.
MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-04-27 18:03:00
United Kingdomswine flu
i just saw this:

Avoid US and Mexico, Britons told

Britons were urged to postpone non-essential travel to the United States or Mexico as senior officials held emergency talks over the deadly outbreak of swine flu. Skip related content

The European Union's health commissioner Andorra Vassiliou met EU foreign ministers on the subject and advised people to reassess their travel plans.

"They should avoid travelling to Mexico or the United States of America unless it is very urgent for them," she said.

Public health experts from all EU countries were also summoned to Brussels for urgent talks on the swine flu outbreak after more than 100 people were killed by the virus in Mexico.

The meeting is the first in a series being convened by the current Czech EU presidency in the run-up to an emergency meeting of EU health ministers, probably on Thursday.

At Gatwick airport in west Sussex, Britons arriving back from Mexico were questioned by a doctor on board about possible flu symptoms before leaving the aircraft.
MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-04-27 17:32:00
United KingdomStages of preparation for leaving...And a question!
QUOTE (nickandkayte @ Jun 21 2009, 10:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well i need to sell up early on ebay for the money to pay off credit cards and loans so that I can start saving for my AOS. I dont earn that much a month with all my jobs so money is hard to come by.

I was thinking of the Cineworld thing actually cool.gif , it looks like a good deal but I just need to figure out if I have people to go with LOL! Yeah Alcohol, figured that one out, it literally kills 12 hours at a time happy.gif

Other than that, just giving myself a tonne of facials and teaching my dog new tricks tongue.gif. I think the summer will be easier when all my friends come home from University.

yeah u dont need to go with anyone to the cinema, trust me on this.......just go! u know youre not a billy no mates, you have a purpose in it. if you can get someone to go with u thats cool too, but its not essential.

i'm gonna get a really good recipe for margharita's this weekend while i pack, i'll tell you if its any good.

MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-06-22 17:19:00
United KingdomStages of preparation for leaving...And a question!
QUOTE (nickandkayte @ Jun 21 2009, 05:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So yeah...Back on topic!

Just finding things to pass the time is hard at the moment, I dont have any hobbies (Cant afford them!) and all I am doing currently is listing items on ebay and cleaning out my room, daily!
I talk to my Fiancee everyday but he has to go out with his family a lot, so its pretty boring right now... What do you guys do to pass the time?

try to be as normal as poss and not focus how on how much you miss him/her. u really are selling up a little too early, take your time.

hobbies, i joined cineworld for 13.99 a month unlimited watching of films. took myself out on dates every week, a bit of escapism.
also i'm not trying to make you into an alcoholic, just spend as much time with friends and family, say goodbye to things and them.

look for things you love and like about this country and suck it all in a moment of artistic and reverent admiration, store it up for all the times you are going to miss it when you do leave.

or you can just watch tv and sell stuff on Ebay. up to you, do what makes you happy and learn to be flexible.
MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-06-21 15:28:00
United KingdomStages of preparation for leaving...And a question!
QUOTE (Nik+Heather @ Jun 19 2009, 03:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (prima and jay @ Jun 18 2009, 03:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
And I'd kindly like to give you some advice to take or leave. You are WAY ahead of your self by packing and wondering when to quit your jobs. You will be a total basket case before this is over because the wait becomes so seemingly endless when you have no control over how long it's going to take other people to approve each step and move you to the next. You will get become a visa-zilla and get moody and depressed and your relationship could suffer. I've been around awhile and I see it happen. I know a number of breakups during the process.

E r visa -zilla nich.............did you just nich-nick my word???????? girlwerewolf2xn.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif girlwerewolf2xn.gif

I totally agree btw.

I dunno, with all these visas being based mostly around marriage, and bridezillas already being well known, I don't think it's a unique jump to visazilla....I'd been calling myself that without ever having read it anywhere. wink.gif

yeah but she got it from a thread we were in, jump or not. But hey you are allowed to be one too.......... Bridezilla isnt that well known I think.

to the OP, take your time, learn to be flexible, realise the goalposts are never fixed. xx

MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-06-19 14:27:00
United KingdomStages of preparation for leaving...And a question!
QUOTE (Nich-Nick @ Jun 19 2009, 12:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (prima and jay @ Jun 18 2009, 05:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
E r visa -zilla nich.............did you just nich-nick my word???????? girlwerewolf2xn.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif girlwerewolf2xn.gif

hahahaha I did. I did. rofl.gif I Nich-Nicked your word.

Well I do love watching Bridezillas. I think I'll produce a new show called Visa-zilla and use all the hand-wringing and fretting posts here in the UK forum archives as script ideas.

We've got:
  • Mrs. SDP and Hannah with gazillions of questions as the supreme worriers.
  • SKParker who seemed to have everything delay them, but somehow made it over the finish line.
  • MARM and the UK Home Office saga with a constant cliff-hanger story of "where is that passport now?"
  • Magpie with a little intrigue to escape the parents.
  • Damian P--smart, laid back, prepared, yet put in the VJ penalty box for 2 days for potty mouth.
  • And Bob and Patricia the poster children ('er parents) of smooth sailing, preparation, patience and understanding what relationships are all about.

I love reality TV and this forum is just as entertaining. God love ya every one. heart.gif

i get copyright pay outs.
MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-06-18 20:07:00
United KingdomStages of preparation for leaving...And a question!

And I'd kindly like to give you some advice to take or leave. You are WAY ahead of your self by packing and wondering when to quit your jobs. You will be a total basket case before this is over because the wait becomes so seemingly endless when you have no control over how long it's going to take other people to approve each step and move you to the next. You will get become a visa-zilla and get moody and depressed and your relationship could suffer. I've been around awhile and I see it happen. I know a number of breakups during the process.

E r visa -zilla nich.............did you just nich-nick my word???????? girlwerewolf2xn.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif girlwerewolf2xn.gif

I totally agree btw.
MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-06-18 17:08:00
United KingdomThe Joys of the US medical system
QUOTE (TracyTN @ Jun 22 2009, 03:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (primahen @ Jun 20 2009, 05:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
did I say YOU??? I said some americans. Its not everyone. sheesh. I was using some of the statistics from that film Sicko. lol i probably jujed them a little but its around that mark. CALM DOWN!!

sorry to hear about your father its really sad, and MRSA will attack someones immune system that has been compromised, but especially so if they are elderly.

My mum has been working in the NHS for nearly 35 years, as yet MRSA cases are not epidemic proportions in the NHS not that we would want them to be, even one case is one case too much however in proportion to the thousands of americans dying or infirm from serious illness, the old, the poor, because they cant afford healthcare in the USA its like comparing a mouse to an elephant.

I assume this was intended for me. And trust me, I'm calm -- I have no idea what 'jujed' means, though.

Any statistics that come from Michael Moore would make me dubious anyway.

And it wasn't my father - it was my husband's father, and he wasn't what I'd consider 'elderly', but thanks. I don't recall saying MRSA was epidemic there, either, but alas!

This thread is no different than the 2000000 others I've ever been in about the NHS/US health system. People who LOVED the NHS aren't going to admit to it's shortcomings, while those of us who aren't so keen on it are seen as people who think the US system is perfect (note: it is NOT).

SSDD, which is why I got 'calm' about it after the 199th time I'd discussed it.

MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-06-22 10:49:00
United KingdomThe Joys of the US medical system
QUOTE (Persephone @ Jun 21 2009, 09:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have nothing but praise for the NHS.

here, here

( how british was that!!! lol)
MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-06-22 08:55:00
United KingdomThe Joys of the US medical system
did I say YOU??? I said some americans. Its not everyone. sheesh. I was using some of the statistics from that film Sicko. lol i probably jujed them a little but its around that mark. CALM DOWN!!

sorry to hear about your father its really sad, and MRSA will attack someones immune system that has been compromised, but especially so if they are elderly.

My mum has been working in the NHS for nearly 35 years, as yet MRSA cases are not epidemic proportions in the NHS not that we would want them to be, even one case is one case too much however in proportion to the thousands of americans dying or infirm from serious illness, the old, the poor, because they cant afford healthcare in the USA its like comparing a mouse to an elephant.

MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-06-20 17:07:00
United KingdomThe Joys of the US medical system
it just amazes me how brainwashed some americans are about systems like the NHS. Someone did a job on them thats for sure, and it was probably the same people who profited from it, lots of backhanders, under the table sh**, propagandising against it, republicans love that stuff because it benefits them and thier friends ( who have major shares in those medical drug companies).

LOok the NHS or systems like it ARE NOT communist regimes, where we all sit down in hippy-hold-hand-circles-kumbayaying. sharing out our belongings and last few vestiges of dignity, but a well thought out system that though heavily burdened increases the life expectancy over EVERY person in the uk by 15 - 25 years or more in comparison to thOSE living in the USA. I am fretting because i have to get a root canal, and i'll be darned if i'M going to pay for it thru the nose, when i can get it here for 46 pounds . I'll even delay my ticket to avoid it. All this talk about how expensive it is for drug companies to develop products and the testing and the blah blah blah blah....seriously they do it here, and we still pay £6 for our prescriptions. The american medical insurance system is a scam, promoted by those who profit from it. No one should put up with it.

I love the USA but I'm not going to be giving up my rights to any NHS benefits in a hurry. TRust me i'm paying my contributions over here.
MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-06-18 16:58:00
United Kingdomwhy dont people get how stressful this is
QUOTE (Ellie-and-David @ Jun 15 2009, 01:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I've stopped talking to mum about it now. she looks like she is going to cry every time me leaving is brought up.

I think the thing I found the most difficult was this feeling of having to legitimise my relationship over and over and over to patronising colleagues who couldn't understand how you could possibly conduct a relationship over the internet. The whole legitimising thing, and stigma of having met someone on the WWW often left me frustrated and in tears.

Prima, I think how stressed and frustrated you are at the moment is born out of the fact that things are out of your hands at the moment. I get stressed when my actions have absolutely no effect on the end result. I guess what it boils down to is that I dont like being put in a position of reliance on others.

Hold in there. I know you have mentioned it is hard to see approvals when the K1 situation is yet to be resolved for you. Visajourney is here for the good, bad and the down right ugly times. And this is an ugly time for you. Not bad.....because you will get the pending documentation sorted and you will be issued your visa

ooooooooh shoot Ellie, you made me tear up over here lol in class, i'm here at work, they are going to think i'm a nervous wreck. lol i'm really not. You are all right, You can make the stress for yourself, and you can take an easy route into it by minimising how many people we tell. YOu feel out of control with this thing thats the truth. I love hearing from the veterans, lol the ones who have been in the 4years huh..... you are right this is just a taste of things to come..

I do get tired of telling folk who I told before, I put out a moratorium on it last week, I said i'm not talking about it anymore. overthinking stuff.

You all are great and i'm going to be reading this post again, because its soooooo cool.


MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-06-15 15:05:00
United Kingdomwhy dont people get how stressful this is
this is a bit of a gripe, but does anyone else just get tired of explaining how stressful this is to people???? I know that I have just stop explaining why I'm tired or why I just dont want to socialise that much. mad.gif mad.gif mad.gif mad.gif mad.gif I mean, i'm immigrating, moving and getting married. there are times when you just want to break down in floods of tears or other times when you just zone out and go quiet, stare into space. I have weeks and months of restless sleep because my mind wont stop working even though my body is tired. I stood in Safeway/Somerfields on Thursday night completley confused and wanting to cry because I couldnt find the Turkey Kabanos!!lol seriously. wacko.gif

I often try to break down how it feels to folk to be leaving here to go there, but they dont get it. Either they think I will miss England ( which in all honesty I wont) or they think its a financial issue, or wonder if i'm making the right decision considering that I havent spent 10 years dating the guy before marrying him. blink.gif blink.gif blink.gif blink.gif It all just makes me wanna go ....AAAAAAAAAArgh. I understand how this process is hard to understand if you have never done it, but seriously if they knew how difficult this was do they think we would do this on a whim.

I'm a strong person, I can handle all of this, its just a little frustrating.

Can anyone share what they have experienced when telling friends about the process, or have you just given up???? Anyone got a solution to it?
Please take time to share it could help someone.

primaandjay good.gif

Edited by prima and jay, 14 June 2009 - 02:48 PM.

MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-06-14 14:46:00
United Kingdomyou can get all your taxes back
QUOTE (paul1979 @ Aug 2 2009, 07:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Lioncub4 @ Jun 29 2009, 10:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (perfect @ Jun 29 2009, 03:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
ok - I thought about doing this as I left 6 months into a tax year but I never got a P45. So what do I do? I guess it went to my old address and never got forwarded!

I've just checked my P45 - it states that copies are not available! However, I would suggest as a first port of call you contact your last local tax office and explain that the P45 was never received (as opposed to being lost). With your NI number they should be able to pull up your records from their system. Where you go from there the tax office should be able to advise.

Good luck!

I know this was posted June 29th, but you can request a 'Statement of Earnings' from your past employer which details gross salary and tax paid. I did this for my US fiancee (we lived together in the UK) and this was accepted by Inland Revenue.

thanks I will do that. i have 2007 - 2008 to do, its not straight forward. I just looked at it, i'm still waiting on my p45 from my employer to be redirected here. i dont know how to do this, do i send my p45 and p60 with the self assessment or do i just send them my p60 and send the p45's with the p85?

this and my last post, was posted today. i rejuvenated it to clarify these issues.

Edited by primahen, 02 August 2009 - 09:57 PM.

MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-08-02 21:57:00
United Kingdomyou can get all your taxes back
QUOTE (primahen @ Jun 29 2009, 09:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (TayRivers @ Jun 29 2009, 10:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (perfect @ Jun 29 2009, 04:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
ok - I thought about doing this as I left 6 months into a tax year but I never got a P45. So what do I do? I guess it went to my old address and never got forwarded!

Contact your last employer and request a duplicate P45, make sure you give them your current address in the US.

yeah i rang the tax office and they basically said the same thing. its alright though as it akes a good six weeks to get the money in the first place. To the person that applied for the rebate, and didnt hear anything back, did you ring the tax office to see what happened. Maybe it got lost, you never know?

i'm going to have to wait till i get the p45 from my last job, which will take 2 weeks so i'll probably get that money in september or thereabouts. It will come in handy. Anyone here have to do Self Assesment. I do, had a company which I never used. wonder if anyone here knows about them???

ok dont know if anyone is still reading this thread, but can someone help me with my self assessment and the p85, i'm going to do them today just want to make sure i'm doing it right. its sunday so no tax office is open.

MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-08-02 11:41:00
United Kingdomyou can get all your taxes back
QUOTE (TayRivers @ Jun 29 2009, 10:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (perfect @ Jun 29 2009, 04:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
ok - I thought about doing this as I left 6 months into a tax year but I never got a P45. So what do I do? I guess it went to my old address and never got forwarded!

Contact your last employer and request a duplicate P45, make sure you give them your current address in the US.

yeah i rang the tax office and they basically said the same thing. its alright though as it akes a good six weeks to get the money in the first place. To the person that applied for the rebate, and didnt hear anything back, did you ring the tax office to see what happened. Maybe it got lost, you never know?

i'm going to have to wait till i get the p45 from my last job, which will take 2 weeks so i'll probably get that money in september or thereabouts. It will come in handy. Anyone here have to do Self Assesment. I do, had a company which I never used. wonder if anyone here knows about them???
MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-06-29 16:43:00
United Kingdomyou can get all your taxes back
QUOTE (TayRivers @ Jun 28 2009, 03:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Gary_UK @ Jun 28 2009, 06:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hi paul1979 thanks for the numerical reply. that has answered the question nicely smile.gif

Just as an off topic here. (and i think i will need to talk with a money man about this too ) but I guess there is also the question about state pensions. I know that a friend of a friend works 99.9% of his time outside the UK and therefore pays no UK taxes but still pays into the UK govt a "contribution" to keep his state pension ticking over. He is not yet of pensionable age. But It sounds like a good idea for those of us who didn't opt into a private pension scheme for whatever reason.

As I said I need to do some research on this and hope to post something here when i know more.

It called Class 3Voluntary Contribution, and yes you can continue to pay into your State Pension, You first need to send for a pensions forecast and on that forecast it will tell you how many years you have paid towards your pension and how many more you need to pay to get a full State Pension. Then you need to complete the form that is available on-line and select the method and frequency of your payment and then mail it to the Overseas Pension center they then contact you and the payments start.

More info can be found here

I have been doing this for the last 4 years as I will reach retirement age in less than 20 years I wanted to protect the money I have already paid into the system.

For anyone over 40 this is a good idea.

can you do the same for national insurance contributions: continue to pay so you can use the NHS???
MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-06-28 18:23:00
United Kingdomyou can get all your taxes back
QUOTE (Mags @ Jun 7 2009, 08:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Some banks will charge you around $25 for a foreign check - it isn't always free. Check with your bank for their regulations as they all differ substantially.

Incidentally, you don't get all your tax back - I think there is a maximum they pay out.

i'm going to ring them and find out. thanks
MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-06-08 10:38:00
United Kingdomyou can get all your taxes back
QUOTE (JimandChristy @ Jun 7 2009, 04:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Does the P85 take into account any over paid tax in the previous tax year as well as the current one? If so does that mean I should send my P60 from last tax year with the P45 for this tax year?

ok well , all i can say is check the link. if its not explained there i would suggest just giving them a call, they seemed to be helpful to me. You get all your taxes back, so i would have thought that would have included what has been taken. I'm not an accountant however, lol. try the link and see how it goes from there.

has anyone found this useful, me posting the link??? i can see ppl have visited but i dont know if they knew prior to coming to this page or not> ???
MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-06-07 11:07:00
United Kingdomyou can get all your taxes back
QUOTE (TayRivers @ Jun 7 2009, 02:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (prima and jay @ Jun 7 2009, 03:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (TayRivers @ Jun 7 2009, 02:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (prima and jay @ Jun 6 2009, 08:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
just in case you didnt know , if you were working this year you are entitled to claim all your tax back. I dont think alot of folk know about it, but i'm just gonna put the link here. The form is P85, you need your p45 ( maybe p60) to send with it . you may not get your tax back while you are here, but when I rang them they said they will forward it on, and/or pay it directly into your uk bank account.

this is an expensive process, and ( arrrrrrrrgh , i'm gonna say this) every little helps!!!! <<<<<<< this is for information about the process

and this is the actual form >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

( no I dont work for Tesco!)

When I did it back in 2005 I had them send a check to me here in the USA and I paid it into my us bank. It is well worth doing.

how long did it take? do they give it to you in dollars?

Check was in GBP and it took about 6 weeks from when I sent the P-85, It was easy to cash the check I just paid it into my US bank and it cleared 3 days later.

sometimes you get issues with the currency, what bank are you with. can i sign up with em immediately, after poe.?????????????????????????
MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-06-07 08:26:00
United Kingdomyou can get all your taxes back
QUOTE (TayRivers @ Jun 7 2009, 02:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (prima and jay @ Jun 6 2009, 08:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
just in case you didnt know , if you were working this year you are entitled to claim all your tax back. I dont think alot of folk know about it, but i'm just gonna put the link here. The form is P85, you need your p45 ( maybe p60) to send with it . you may not get your tax back while you are here, but when I rang them they said they will forward it on, and/or pay it directly into your uk bank account.

this is an expensive process, and ( arrrrrrrrgh , i'm gonna say this) every little helps!!!! <<<<<<< this is for information about the process

and this is the actual form >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

( no I dont work for Tesco!)

When I did it back in 2005 I had them send a check to me here in the USA and I paid it into my us bank. It is well worth doing.

how long did it take? do they give it to you in dollars?
MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-06-07 02:50:00
United Kingdomyou can get all your taxes back
just in case you didnt know , if you were working this year you are entitled to claim all your tax back. I dont think alot of folk know about it, but i'm just gonna put the link here. The form is P85, you need your p45 ( maybe p60) to send with it . you may not get your tax back while you are here, but when I rang them they said they will forward it on, and/or pay it directly into your uk bank account.

this is an expensive process, and ( arrrrrrrrgh , i'm gonna say this) every little helps!!!! <<<<<<< this is for information about the process

and this is the actual form >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

( no I dont work for Tesco!)
MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-06-06 19:08:00
United KingdomLondon not replying to emails?!
QUOTE (Boiler @ Jul 29 2009, 05:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
See Post 47.

I assumed it was correct, it was not contradicted. Maybe a wrong assumption.

definately a troll
MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-07-29 05:08:00
United KingdomLondon not replying to emails?!
QUOTE (MARM @ Jul 28 2009, 06:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Boiler @ Jul 28 2009, 11:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Not all of us are phsycic.

She applied for a K1. So something is wrong here.

No one needs to be psychic to read related posts or the entire thread before posting.

And nothing is wrong here. My fiance has applied for a K-1 at the US Embassy in London. I am his fiancee and the one that petitioned for him using the I-129F.

And here is a little lesson that you may benefit from:
PETITIONER: USC Fiancee/fiance petitioning for foreign fiancee/fiance.
BENEFICIARY: The one for whom the USC petitioner petitions for, the fiance/fiancee of the USC petitioner.
K-1 APPLICANT: The beneficiary/foreign fiance or fiancee who interviews at a US consulate/embassy abroad for the K-1 visa.

I don't think that I should be explaining everything over and over again, especially to those who don't bother to read or research before posting baseless opinions and statements such as
QUOTE (Boiler @ Jul 28 2009, 11:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
She applied for a K1. So something is wrong here.

is this, perchance a troll? should we continue to feed it? lets focus on important stuff ............and er.. just in case this is a troll

i could be wrong .......

Edited by primahen, 28 July 2009 - 01:25 PM.

MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-07-28 13:23:00
United KingdomLondon not replying to emails?!

To the twatola, who got Marm pissed
you know I have had my moments on this forum when I have run off at the cyber mouth without thinking or looking through a thread thoroughly( alot of it due to the visa stress ), frankly the only person that benefits from that are the ones who looooove to point out how silly, stupid, uninformed you are. As with all threads on this forum read through the whole thread and associated threads ( if need be ) before commenting. just a little research, would have clued you in.

Marm, its only Tuesday so lets hope and pray this charade ends this week. I'm still here cheering you on......

Edited by primahen, 28 July 2009 - 12:07 AM.

MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-07-28 00:06:00
United Kingdomhow to watch UK tv Online
QUOTE (JeremyR @ Sep 24 2009, 04:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think it must vary - I got the 'subscription expired' message on Channel 4 after about 10 minutes of watching it. After that, I was able to watch some other channels (including BBC2) for quite some time without that message appearing again... Maybe it's just 'random' interruption, kinda like a nag screen, in which case I'll just ignore it.

As for the sport, I guess I'll test it out during the Singapore GP this weekend... Speed's coverage isn't that bad and credit to the Yorkshire bloke who makes a sterling effort but the BBC's sport coverage in general has always been top notch.

Looking forward to watching Footie Focus too... biggrin.gif

yeah i have had it for two months u dont need it for ch 4, nag screen is a good way of putting it. they want to make money afterall.
MissusM09FemaleUnited Kingdom2009-09-24 11:56:00
Vietnamflirting= harmless?
Like many things, a little playful flirting can be ok, perhaps even necessary. Too much can be harmful.
Laser1MalePhilippines2011-05-20 16:42:00
VietnamPersonal issues re my Viet Nam girlfriend
Mike_Mac, the next time she or you visits, maybe she needs a nice dinner at a restaurant, of course with some wine, . That should help her to fess up.
Laser1MalePhilippines2011-07-29 22:50:00
VietnamPersonal issues re my Viet Nam girlfriend
You may be dealing with a drug smuggler, or something as bad as that. Please rule that out before going anywhere with her. She obviously MUST know that you know she has gotten money from men in recent years; yet she still has not told you about her recent past. She may intend for you to think that she is an escort, to hide something worse.
Laser1MalePhilippines2011-07-18 11:05:00
VietnamPersonal issues re my Viet Nam girlfriend
Those red flags suggest criminal behavior. If I were you, I would stay away from her.
Laser1MalePhilippines2011-07-18 09:27:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)refused for no valid relationship

Dear VJ friends, i need your help and please help me as soon as possible.

well i interviewed on march 5 in New Delhi, US Embassy, the interviewer ask me few question about me and my fiancee, and i answer his all question, after 5 or 10 minutes he give me a 221g letter and told me to submit all the documents to the vfs center, on march 16, i submit all the the documents required in 221g letter and today on April 3 they give me a letter in which it says

What questions did he ask you and your fiancee? What were your answers? Your answers, and how you looked answering them, were probably more important than the evidence you sent.
Laser1MalePhilippines2012-04-03 12:26:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)After 4 and a half years visa is issued

Wow, congratulations to both of you!! That's very good news!

Laser1MalePhilippines2014-02-07 13:14:00
IndiaConsulate doesnt schedule the interview!

u need to email the us embassy and ask  them to pls update ur status thats what i do,after 3 days i received email from them and got my new schedule...

JowsaNot TellingPhilippines2013-09-12 07:29:00
Australia and New ZealandHELP police clearance australia

u can message usembassy and ask them how u can get police clearance ,from australia they will help u 


JowsaNot TellingPhilippines2013-09-11 21:30:00
USCIS Service CentersHow long from pre-adjudication to final adjudication?

Apologies for cross-postings. I posted this in the April 2013 I-130 string, but not everyone will visit that page.


I visited my local office with an infopass today. My priority date is April 4th.


1. The lady said that approvals were now taking 6-8 months (nothing new there).


2. She said that my I-130 application was at the NBC and that it was pre-adjudicated. She said that pre-adjudicated means that someone has looked at it and confirmed that I sent all the necessary documents. She said that she was not authorized to tell me when this pre-adjudication was done.


3. She said that it is now waiting for final adjudication from someone else. This process can take anywhere from a few days to a maximum of 2 months. (It is possible that she was saying a maximum of 2 months to be consistent with her earlier statement that approvals are taking 6-8 months overall)


My questions are:


1. Has anyone ever heard of pre-adjudication before?


2. Do you know how long it typically takes to go from pre-adjudication to final adjudication?


(Final aside. i handed her my paper work and she looked up my file based on that. Afterwards, I realized that I never confirmed with her that she was looking at the right file. (Suppose she had typed in the incorrect receipt number of some such)!! I worried about that afterwards. Lesson to all: It is always good to confirm with someone that they are looking at the right file. At least you do not sit there afterwards, like me, and wonder about it!!)

takingtoolongNot TellingPakistan2013-10-09 17:38:00
USCIS Service CentersShould we file a class action lawsuit like Kaplan vs. Chertoff?

I actually thought that a lawsuit was not a bad idea. Not because we would win. As many of you pointed out, we will probably lose. But, to me, it is the message and publicity that matter. I think that our pressure so far has helped. A little more pressure from a different angle will help even more.


(We only now need to find a lawyer who will do it for free for ..... or who thinks that putting "sued the American government to protect the rights of citizens" on his/her resume will help with future business).

takingtoolongNot TellingPakistan2013-12-13 19:14:00
Australia and New ZealandInterview email
Ok you guys, since you're way ahead of me (just got I-130 approved today) maybe you can answer me a very confusing question: at NVC stage they ask for docs you guys mentioned like police Certs etc. I'm planning on sending all originals of everything (and more) to NVC. What is the stuff we have to bring to sydney then? If they'll already have all of our original police Certs, birth and marriage Certs etc?

I thought it was only extra evidence (and copies of everything already sent just in case) and the medical. And there's the "I'm ready for interview" form too... Right?

I'm a little hazy on this cuz it seems a but different for sydney than other places... No?

Please help!!

BradreanNot TellingAustralia2014-05-28 06:56:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK-3 Spouse Visa processing center
Greatttttt. So should we just assume it really is that they're on March 2013 then? Or it's basically a toss up anyway..
BradreanNot TellingAustralia2014-02-03 07:07:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK-3 Spouse Visa processing center
Speaking of nebraska- at the top of their processing page right now says "posted January 21 2014" but above the processing times it says "as of November 2013"... Anyone know/guess why? Error? Is it actually as of the January 21 date?
BradreanNot TellingAustralia2014-02-03 06:53:00