Russia, Ukraine and BelarusInterview date

My fiance just called and received the interview date. I have read others here before posting about the US citizen calling to try and move the interview date up. I know everyone wants their fiance here faster but I am trying to get it move forward as my fiance has a child who will enroll in school. The current interview date will be pushing the start of school.

Can someone tell me if I can call the embassy in Kyiv to try and change the date? Thanks in advance. I am very excited that we at least have an interview date.

Many congratulations. My Lena will arrive here next Monday! Try calling every few days, what can it hurt?
Lena and IgorMaleUkraine2011-07-06 15:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNOA2 was approved finally!
Congratulations. Things will begin to move more quickly now.
Lena and IgorMaleUkraine2011-07-19 06:57:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belaruslet the fun begin
Lena and IgorMaleUkraine2011-07-19 06:52:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarus5 Days Post-POE - GREAT!

I have only one question.

How did she do that? She can contact me and share the secret :lol:

As for the clothes, my fiance lets me pick it for him, but I try to get something that resembles whatever he is used to. Worked out great so far. Plus he hates shopping and he's glad that I can do it for him :yes:

How? Like a malenki tornado! No questions asked. She just began picking through my clothes and boom!...suddenly many of my clothes disappeared. No answers. She follows the NIKE credo, "Just do it!" :-)
Lena and IgorMaleUkraine2011-07-21 07:31:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarus5 Days Post-POE - GREAT!
After only one week, there are two big black garbage bags full of my clothing Lena despises. Now I am left with 4 pair of modern (her word) jeans.

Off topic: why won't she use the clothes dryer? I showed her how.

Lena and IgorMaleUkraine2011-07-20 11:43:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarus5 Days Post-POE - GREAT!

I wonder why nobody has mentioned Nordstrom (and Nordstrom Rack!!!) yet.

:rofl: Is there a rule or something? :lol:

Lena and Igor, happy for you, guys!
Counting the days till I can get on VJ and report the same thing!

It is truly great having Lena here! Your day will come soon. Nordstrom rack-got it!
Lena and IgorMaleUkraine2011-07-17 20:02:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarus5 Days Post-POE - GREAT!
Yep, JC Penney, Target maybe. She's not a clothes hound by any means. She even alters clothing to suit her body. Small gymnast type, 5' 0" She's actually quite frugal. Again, as she always tells me: "you are a lucky man." I concur! :dance: :innocent:
Lena and IgorMaleUkraine2011-07-17 10:01:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarus5 Days Post-POE - GREAT!

Are you saying Lena is not thrilled with the clothes and shoes? Or YOU are not thrilled that she discovered them? :lol:

When they start saying "Look! They are almost FREE!" you are in deep doo-doo. Worse yet is when they come home and announce that they saved "you" $400, at least, today!

Just sayin' that her first impression of clothes in the big box and those that women were wearing on the street were "not modern". You know, we know that RUB women dress well with or without food on the table. Gotta take her to Macy's and DSW pretty soon.
Lena and IgorMaleUkraine2011-07-17 08:09:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarus5 Days Post-POE - GREAT!
Well, my former bachelor pad no longer resembles one. Everything now has "its place." From cleaning supplies to a warm and cuddly bedroom (with stuffed mishkas) :-) wow, great zupa each day! My daughter who's in town from Maui has been enjoying Lena's company while I'm at work. We did stop-by the local big box store (Meijer) and...ugh, not so thrilled, especially the clothes, shoes. Everything is great however! She'll be in her comfort zone later today when we make the 30 min trip to the Russian market and the small Russian church on Sunday morning. Next week: marriage license app and SSN. Then AOS. Happy times!

Lena and IgorMaleUkraine2011-07-16 12:12:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMy wife just left Odessa for Kiev and 8am interview at embassy.
Congratulations! The visa will be in her hand soon.
Lena and IgorMaleUkraine2011-07-25 05:54:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOK...She's met my two teenage sons - Culture Clash!

Actually, Crazy Train is part of Ozzy's solo oeurve.

I stand corrected!
Lena and IgorMaleUkraine2011-07-27 06:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOK...She's met my two teenage sons - Culture Clash!

Just realize that the light you see is really a train heading straight at you. :lol:

CRAZY TRAIN - Black Sabbath
Lena and IgorMaleUkraine2011-07-26 05:20:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOK...She's met my two teenage sons - Culture Clash!
VJ - particularly the RUB forum has been and continues to be a guiding light during the process. Thank you.
Lena and IgorMaleUkraine2011-07-25 15:43:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOK...She's met my two teenage sons - Culture Clash!

My step-children, girl 20 and boy 24, want to have a step mother as they lost their mom 3 yrs ago. I feel, hear, and see it every moment we're together. My boys (21, 26) respect my X's woman, she is close to my children - they call/sms/email each other, have some trips together. I do the same to her children, boy 21 and girl 25. I have no negative thoughts and feelings. 0 jealousy. My boys know I'm irreplaceable. I'm also fortunate that we (parents) don't have to deal with radically different parenting styles. However, I know few families where children did not accept step parents. Those children, though, did not have strong feelings with their bio parents. A girl would cross the street seeing her mother and demonstrate resentment to her life. That girl was resenting her step father regardless of the material support he provided.

What is happening has nothing to do with RUB or FSU. Maybe you did not expect it, or you do not find it normal, but that is because 1) you have 35+ years more behind you than your boys, 2) Lena is '5min before an hr' in the country and her new family. It cannot be any other way. Your boys will understand your needs and feelings to have a 'significant other.' They will appreciate the benefit of having a step mother, give them a time. I can only suggest that you relax and stop worrying about it. Moreover, adjust your expectations. The sooner you do so the easier it will be for you in the long term. Do the uncomfortable. Undoubtedly, you will be spending time with Lena. Always invite your children to join but never force. Welcome them but do not expect to follow. Don't do anything that puts boys over Lena.
Go ahead and enjoy your life.

Thank you. I believe as you it takes time to adjust to the new environment. I may have jumped the gun a bit but, I posted because there are signs of discontent coming from the boys and Lena and I would like to work towards a happy compromise. Yes, she is here only since 11 July. I like your final thought, "Go ahead and enjoy your life." :thumbs:

I hope that my post will help others in a similar situation.
Lena and IgorMaleUkraine2011-07-25 10:50:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOK...She's met my two teenage sons - Culture Clash!

Hmmm - would not let me edit my topic to add the following...

Edited to add: I didn't address your point about the differences between American kids' upbringing and those from other countries. I think kids in European countries do have a slightly stricter upbringing than in the US with less autonomy and fewer privileges but it can often just come down to your own individual upbringing and family. Within a particular country or culture some families are stricter than others. The challenge in a blended family or even just a regular one is for both parents to blend their individual parenting style and expectations in ways which work for everyone. I'm certainly more of a disciplinarian than my husband and now we have our own child I know I am going to be tougher on her on some things than her older sisters experienced but I will cross than bridge when we come to it.

Also encourage Lena to join an internet chat room like this but for step-moms - it just helps to vent sometimes with people going through the same things as you.

Good Luck

Thank you. And thank you for the PM.
Lena and IgorMaleUkraine2011-07-24 06:34:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOK...She's met my two teenage sons - Culture Clash!

There is such great advice given in this thread - it really translates to all the blended families around. The age of the children is the biggest indicator of what type of relationship the step child and step parent may develop.

My 2 stepsons do not regard me as their mom, and neitehr do I expect that of them - I arrived on the scene when they were 14 and 16, my own daughter was 15 and she does not regard my husband as her father.

We expect everyone to be respectful, it's a battle - what with an ex wifes who bad mouths both of us etc. It's a work in progress and will probably always be.

I can't tell you how grateful (we) are for your sincere and forthright advice and comments. This one hit home. The X has been spending unusually more time with the boys lately. I know she has been shoving negativity down their throats, "Russian bride" and "free ride to the US".

My plan is to let them know Lena is part of the family. Let them know that I love them. Do things together, slowly. Involve them in our daily activities. Never diss the X in front of them and always include Lena in the decision making. It's been two weeks now and I do see a little progress. We are now sitting down together for the evening meal :-) we're all going to the Detroit Tiger's game in a couple of weeks. That's progress.
Lena and IgorMaleUkraine2011-07-24 06:31:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOK...She's met my two teenage sons - Culture Clash!

Do the boys have regular jobs?

No. This is a big problem! I hammer my 19 y.o. frequently and bring him applications occasionally. Yea, the job market sucks but you gotta get your feet on the street and work at getting a job. Him, I'm ready to ship back to the X. Honestly. :( :bonk:
Lena and IgorMaleUkraine2011-07-23 10:56:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOK...She's met my two teenage sons - Culture Clash!
For Lena:

I have two teenage sons who, for the most part are good boys. One is now a senior and the other will start jr. college in the fall. I've had custody since my divorce 4 years ago. Good boys who have had it good (too good) with dad. Kinda lazy, on their computers playing Counterstrike and World of Warcraft constantly. So far, I am observing that they are slow to be as welcoming with Lena as I would've hoped. She asked me to post the following question: has any RUB fiancées/wives experienced the ups and downs of developing a relationship with the American kids of the OP? I know this one's on me really. I've been too soft with my boys and when comparing how children are raised in the FSU according to Lena. I can foresee this situation becoming problematic. Any similar experiences/solutions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Lena and IgorMaleUkraine2011-07-22 09:25:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusVisa in hand
Oh happy day! Clean the house as best you can and just know that she will re-clean it and rearrange everything to suit her lifestyle. Remember, shoes stay in a shoe rack near the door. Pyjamas for the home and another for sleep :-) Buy good tea and enjoy your life.
Lena and IgorMaleUkraine2011-07-30 06:39:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusParents' visas approval!
Great news!
Lena and IgorMaleUkraine2011-07-27 10:25:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWhich POE?

there was an article about Camay in the New York Times... apparently lots of old people have been using it for like, fifty years and are now freaking out because it's not in stores. The link above has it; it's a mail-order company full of hard-to-find things for the older generations.

Thanks for the link, will do.
Lena and IgorMaleUkraine2011-07-28 05:21:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWhich POE?
She's trying to find Camay and or Palmolive bar soap. Abundant in Ukraine but not available in the chains here. Right now, Dove is the only alternative for her.
Lena and IgorMaleUkraine2011-07-27 10:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRecieved NOA2
Congratulations on this step in the process.
Lena and IgorMaleUkraine2011-07-27 11:56:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAlla Graduates, Finally!

Congratulations Alla!
Lena and IgorMaleUkraine2011-07-29 09:18:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAlla Graduates, Finally!
Lena and IgorMaleUkraine2011-07-29 06:47:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusReady, Set, Go !!!!

Thank you ALL!

Any recommendations on shipping vs paying for extra baggage?
FEDEX and UPS are ridiculously over priced. Haven't checked DHL yet

Someone said its usually cheaper to just pay the fee at the airport but she is saying that they may want to charge for an additional seat

thank you!

Meest has their main office I'm Lvov. We will be sending aout 50 kilos for around 300 USD.
We were lucky, there is a Meest office in Kharkov.
Lena and IgorMaleUkraine2011-07-28 05:28:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusReady, Set, Go !!!!
Lena and IgorMaleUkraine2011-07-27 17:53:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI'm no longer married to a Ukrainian!
Many congratulations!
Lena and IgorMaleUkraine2011-07-07 18:03:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusONA is in the States!
Lena and IgorMaleUkraine2011-08-11 04:16:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusYulia Tymoshenko Jailed
Thank you, I am now more learned.
Lena and IgorMaleUkraine2011-08-09 16:44:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusYulia Tymoshenko Jailed
I have a good friend who's ancestors were from the west, my dad's relatives too. Lena is from the East. I am learning about the continuing rift between the peoples of the East and the West. Both suffer the consequences of the Kremlin's dictates. Politics!
Lena and IgorMaleUkraine2011-08-09 15:01:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusYulia Tymoshenko Jailed
And the people of Ukraine will protest...then follow in lock step. What democracy?
Lena and IgorMaleUkraine2011-08-09 06:34:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusYulia Tymoshenko Jailed
Lena and IgorMaleUkraine2011-08-08 12:56:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusYulia T. is sick or poisoned?
It's common knowledge that as the Ukraine (East & West) economy continues to fall and commodity prices continue to rise disproportionately, of course many will look to the pre-democracy days as. a period that allowed them some affordability for their sustenance. Rent, bread, cheese, kulbasa, gas, electric, etc. What, will the good people of Ukraine now need 3 or 4 jobs to "just get by?" Only Venting.
Lena and IgorMaleUkraine2011-08-26 08:32:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusYulia T. is sick or poisoned?
If true, these tactics/strategies will surely blow-up in Yanko's face. Ukraine is slipping back to a regime mentality. How can the working class and the poor afford the scheduled September 25% increase for electric service? Will the gas be turned-on in October? Such is democracy.
Lena and IgorMaleUkraine2011-08-22 12:01:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing *back* to Ukraine
Will UA also raise monthly pension payments?
Lena and IgorMaleUkraine2011-08-03 10:08:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSad Day for hockey fans
Sad time for Red Wings hockey and those that lost loved ones. RIP.
Lena and IgorMaleUkraine2011-09-09 11:50:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTranslation Q
Lena and IgorMaleUkraine2011-08-18 11:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHaving my Russian boyfriend visit
Great! :thumbs:
Lena and IgorMaleUkraine2011-09-14 10:46:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI need to know specifically what is in Packet 3
I'm sure that 99.9% of the time doing the medical exam in Kiev the day before the interview is solid advice. We are thankful that Lena went 1 month before her interview because she was forced to return the next week for 3 consecutive days for AFB sputum tests (TB screening). Apparently the good doctor there saw a questionable spot in one lung. She was cleared after the additional testing the following week and she had her interview 3 weeks later as scheduled. Always plan for the unexpected. Good luck!

The other 0.5%,
Lena and Igor
Lena and IgorMaleUkraine2011-09-24 05:43:00