Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

thanks for everyone's thoughts regarding my question. i'm really in a bind because we had recently been talking about moving to Austin, TX where my parents live...i love austin and feel it could be a good place for us to start our real his mom and sister are in dallas! perfect we thought!

now my sister is saying that i should prepare myself for some of the family possibly never understanding and not being able to cope with the relationship...she said "don't be suprised if dad just can't deal and can't continue with his talks with you" and to piss me off even more she brought up the oprah show from the other day about interracial marriages...she said that at least 60% of the US has a problem with it. I asked her where she got that statistic....she said"shutup". THen she asked what henry does, what his brothers do...etc. and I told her "cook, nurse, construction". she said "and that's what a typical immigrant family does.." i'm so angry!

So much for austin...i'm so bummed. We can't decide where to move and we want to move by December. i don't know...

mindy, do your parents live near you?

and did you have a close relationship before Roy?

is being with a jamaican man totally out of the blue for your personality or had you dated men similar to him?

I am so sorry you are having so many problems with your family accepting your relationship. Both of my parents were completely against the idea too at first. They wouldn't even acknowledge that I was engaged! Even after Tony got here, my dad refused to meet him or talk about the situation. My mom caved in first and eventually dad came around too. Now they really like Tony and vice versa. Tony even went out of town with my dad and my cousin last summer for a weekend fishing trip! Just give it time. If they're old fashioned like my parents, it's going to take some time, patience (on both ends) and understanding. Hang in there :luv:

martha's vineyard is amazing...i love it. but as i said before, with the average single family home starting at about $450,000 it doesn't make much sense... :wacko:

Holy cow :o That is crazy!!! I can't imagine paying that much for a starter home. My house is 1100 square feet with 3 bedrooms, 2 car garage, basement, etc. and was only about $145,000 :yes:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-10 16:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Yeah we're filing for AP simply because in NY, we hear it takes forever and a day to get your interview and we'd like to honeymoon in July after our big wedding. :D

I'm headed to to the PO now :dance: :dance: :dance:

That's great Squitto :dance: Now you just have to sit and wait for your NOA's for all 3 items then you don't really have to do anything else until the interview. It's a HUGE relief to have all of that done, I know :yes:

We got AP but we never actually used it. So I guess it was a waste of money, but I would hate for something to have happened to one of Tony's family and he couldn't go down there. All in all, from the time we filed for everything (AOS, AP, EAD) until he actually received the Green Card was about 8 months. We didn't go back to JA until 3 months after he got the GC.

I just got a call from Adrians friend (Ann Marie) where packet 3 was suppose to go...she went down to the embassy to pick up the packet for him but she did not know his birthdate and middle name so they gave her a hard time and would not give it to her...she said she will go back on Monday and try again.

Try not to stress out girl. You already sent the DS-230 so as soon as they get that they should be assigning you an interview date right? You'll get Packet 3 eventually, but you won't actually need anything in it yet since you already did the DS-230. I think the only thing we actually used out of the packet was the info. for the medical. I did ALL the forms on-line and had them done before Tony even picked up Packet 3. All we did was verify that they were all the same forms.

They didn't even issue Packet 4 when we went through the process. Is it just the interview date info?
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-10 10:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

No, I'm not in the UAW - I'm a production supervisor. They have also changed the rules for the UAW though. Now the first week they are given holiday pay and the 2nd week they have to use their vacation time. It was something negotiated in the contract awhile back.

We had had model changes that had lasted 6-8 weeks, what would happen then? If I didn't take the buyout when they closed the plant in 89 I'd have 7 months till 30 and out, tell me they changed that too... Please...

No, they haven't changed it YET. It's still 30 and out for the UAW workers. But, I have heard that they are trying to change it.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-10 08:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Hey Everyone!

As you can see I am new to the site, I am really glad to have found it. please read me and my fiance story under OUR STORY.
I have a question for all you who have experience with the Kingston embassy. I am scheduled to go to Jamaica for an event in April, however I just found out they wont be scheduling interviews till May. I am trying to get advice on whether it is better to cancel going to this event I really want to go to and of course getting to spend time with my Boo or forgo it to spend a few days with him in May and go to the interview with him. Is the interview process tedious, Is it something he can do on his own? Do I really need to be there? Is it more difficult to get through somehow with me not there. AS YOU CAN SEE, my head is whirling with questions. Please give me your feedback, as you all have some experience.



I would definately go to the interview with him. YOU being there is the best "proof of relationship" that there is :yes: Some of the couples who weren't there with their fiance didn't get approved right away or had some issues. It just seems more legit if the fiance (you) is there for the interview also. Just my opinion. So if you can do it, I would be there with him.

They force you to use vacation time??? I worked for GM for 13 years, I always collected unemployment and Sub pay. I never took a vacation. They closed the plant in 89.

Yes, my first year they gave me 10 vacation days and made me use 9 of them during the first two weeks in July! :o We didn't have to use one for the actual July 4th - just the other 9 days!!

Now I think I get 12 1/2 days and then I purchase 5 more so I have 17 1/2 altogether. Still gotta use 9 in July though. It sucks. I would rather be laid off for 2 weeks.

This must not be a UAW position.

No, I'm not in the UAW - I'm a production supervisor. They have also changed the rules for the UAW though. Now the first week they are given holiday pay and the 2nd week they have to use their vacation time. It was something negotiated in the contract awhile back.

Edited by rhondapayter, 10 March 2006 - 06:47 AM.

rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-10 06:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
OK, where is everybody today?
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-09 13:56:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
They force you to use vacation time??? I worked for GM for 13 years, I always collected unemployment and Sub pay. I never took a vacation. They closed the plant in 89.

Yes, my first year they gave me 10 vacation days and made me use 9 of them during the first two weeks in July! :o We didn't have to use one for the actual July 4th - just the other 9 days!!

Now I think I get 12 1/2 days and then I purchase 5 more so I have 17 1/2 altogether. Still gotta use 9 in July though. It sucks. I would rather be laid off for 2 weeks.

Edited by rhondapayter, 09 March 2006 - 01:17 PM.

rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-09 13:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

WOW Rhonda, that sucks that you got sick while on vacation. I was wondering how DR was, I had told Adrian that I wanted to go there some time, but now with your experience we might think of some where else, I have always wanted to go to Trinidad.
Rhonda I asked you a while back but you never responded, dont you get "mandatory" vacation in July...I couldnt remember if it was you or Jamie who's work closed in July and you had to take vacation?


Yes, they force us to use our vacation time in July. Usually it's the first TWO weeks in July but this year it may only be one week and we may have to work the 2nd week. All of the Big 3 auto company's usually shut-down during this two weeks - GM, Ford, & Chrysler. Why do you ask?

750 for Platinum -=- 1000 for your first (L)

THEN.....each additional heart is 1000 more posts :wacko:

And you guys say I chat a lot :o I don't even have a heart yet!!! Unlike some people I know! :P
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-09 10:47:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Well I finally got through to the embassy and they said that since I already have the DS-230 form filled out and signed by Adrian to over night it to them and they will set an interview date, as Eric already said they have already made April interviews so I will probally get a May date :dance:
They said they mailed packet 3 out on Fed. 21st and that people are having problems not recieving them in the mail, but she did say that someone can go and pick it up for him, which is a good thing.
So tonight I am going to Fed ex to get the DS230 form on its way to JA...
I am happy now...a few more months and he will be here....I know you all know how I feel.

That's good news Joanna! At least they can give you an interview date once they receive the DS-230. I know you're excited :yes:

Ok Ladies, I finally just finished catching up! And you all say I chat too much :lol:

Jamie: Happy belated Birthday and Congrats on the EAD approval :thumbs: I know that's a huge weight off your shoulders.

Mindy: You're officially a married woman now :D Sorry you were sick on your wedding night. What is the White Rum supposed to do? Bring a fever down? I'll have to ask Tony if he's heard of that.

Jonesie & Mindy: We want wedding pics ladies :yes:

Goodmorning everyone.
At work as usual...hope everyone has a great day, my day has not started out so well, about 15 mins before i was leaving for work this morning I got the worst stomach ache...I am better now, but boy was that awful...I thought I was going to be late for work but I am better now.

Rhonda - how was your trip?? we want details and pics

The trip was good and bad. The good thing is we had great weather - warm and sunny - the hotel was beautiful, the beach and pools were great, etc.. The bad thing is we both got sick :crying: Tony got really sick the first night - he had way too much rum but he's drank more than that in the past and he's never gotten sick before. I had stomach problems the first night. Then the 3rd night I got REALLY sick - I think it was food poisoning or something.

The food there was awful. It was weird and nasty. I was afraid to eat anything after that but we had 3 more days of vacation so I ate only what I thought was "safe" - bread, pasta, etc. and only drank bottled water and Pepsi. I will NEVER go back to this resort due to the nasty food and strange rum. I don't know if we'll even return to Punta Cana again. There are plenty of other Caribbean islands to explore. And there's always Jamaica!

If you are going to the Dominican, be very careful choosing your resort. Our's was listed as a 4 star and yet we still had problems :( Also, our A/C in our room had to be "fixed" 4 times before it finally begin working right and there was a huge language barrier between all the guests and employees. All the employees spoke Spanish, a lot of the guests spoke French, German, Italian, and some English. It was hard to meet people and chat with them.

All in all, we still managed to have a good time, but I don't see us returning to the Dominican.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-09 08:13:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Our trip was wonderful. Damien was so happy to see his family and friends. We spent quality time together - it felt like we fell in love all over again. We had dinner with my mother, aunt and Damien's father and brothers - it was very nice. He was a little emotional at the airport. He made out of JA with no problems with the AP but they made him wait 45 minutes in Fort Lauderdale so we missed our flight to DC - after waiting in line for almost an hour because part of the airport was closed so 6 international flights landed at the same time. US Airways booked us on the next flight with no problems. I miss JA already.

I'm so glad you guys had a good time. You deserved it :yes: You both waited long enough to get the damn AP!! Glad you made it back safely.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-09 07:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Congrats Jill and Lake! :dance: :dance:

Yes, CONGRATS!!! I know it's a huge relief to have that done with :yes:

Anna -- I think you are skinny if you need a whole new wardrobe. Keep up the good work -- you are my hero. You are very successfully sending all your lost weight down to me..... :lol:

Eric & Joanna -- Any luck with the Embassy? :P

Darah -- Yes, thank you very much. I used both letters -- yours and Jamie's. I am done with my "packets" Just waiting for the Marriage Certificate, the passport photos (getting those tomorrow) and the Vaccination Supplement (Dr on Friday). Thank you, again!!

sjb -- Welcome back. Hope you guys had a wonderful time!!

Regarding the pictures -- I am waiting for my friend (with the digital camera) to send them to me. I will see her again tonight and bug her about it. I promise :jest:

Rhonda is coming home -- this will end the VJ quiet spell :whistle: :lol:

Mindy, You are so evil :devil: I don't chat THAT much :lol:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-09 07:13:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Jonesie...sending your foreign vax records doens't mean anything to these people. you have to have a us civil surgeon sign for those vax. that's where the supplement comes into play. we took the vax card in, she signed for the ones he had in JA and she administered two more that he needed. it cost about $80 for everything and we were given the supplement copy and sealed to mail in with AOS.

Also, the good thing about the AP documents are...vacation oportunities..emergencies that could come up...we had to get it just in case something every happened with his daughter. we wouldn't want to not be able to go down just becuase of some stupid document.

just my opinions.


I know a lot of discussion has come up regarding civil surgeons and such, but we did NOT use one at all! We just sent a copy of the paper the doctor gave him when he did the medical in Kingston stating which vaccines he had been given. We had no problem at all. No RFE and Tony already had his interview and received his Green Card. I don't think there's any consistancy with this stuff.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-09 06:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

David is watching Superman for the 4th time, like it's his 1st.... drive's me insane :blink:, it dosen't matter what movie he'll watch it over and over, He's yelling at the screen, like he dosen't know whats going to happen next :lol: Keeps asking me to watch with him, It's the very first one to make it so bad, I don't have to tell you how many times I've seen superman 1. :wacko:

I feel your pain :yes: Some Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays - I'm stuck watching WWE wrestling and the NBA channel almost every night. I REALLY dislike watching them both. But he has to watch Will & Grace with me or a Lifetime movie :whistle:

Ditto :yes: Tony is obsessed with action movies - anything with Jet Li or Jackie Chan or the James Bond movies - he will watch them over and over again :wacko: Drives me crazy! The only night I get the remote control is on Sundays to watch Desperate Housewives & Grey's Anatomy! Usually, the rest of the week I sit with him but I read a book or magazine ;)
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-08 13:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

I have a feeling it is going to be quiet in here this week since Rhonda wont be here....we need to really talk alot so she will come back and have a lot of pages to read :devil: :reading: LOL

Joanna, you are so bad :devil: :lol: I'm still catching up............
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-08 11:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Hey everybody :star:

I'm back from my trip and back to work. I'm going to try to catch up now :reading:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-08 10:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
I'm trying to get finished up here at work so I can get out of here early. We're leaving tomorrow :dance: so I won't be on here for about a week. I may check back in tonight if I have time. If not:

Mindy: Good luck & best wishes on your upcoming wedding day! (L) :D

Elizabeth: Hope your mom feels better soon :thumbs:

Jamie: Hang in there! You guys will get through it. :luv:

Joanna: Wishing you a speedy Packet 3 :yes:

Rita: Hope you're enjoying the "honeymoon phase" :devil:

Everyone else, have a great week and weekend and I'll be back soon :P
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-02-28 13:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Money is definitely the biggest misconception. Andre is still grasping with the ideas of bills having to be paid on time or things getting cancelled or incuring late charges, budgets, checks, debit cards, how credit works, taxes, how expensive bills are, etc. We have also really struggled with wants vs. needs especially now since we are only living on one income. You need shoes...but you don't need $110 Timberlands - you just want them. Your need can be met with $40 shoes from payless. They may not be what you want...but it does fit the need. Your car needs an oil change but it doesn't need seat covers, you need new shirts but they can come from doesn't need to come from Gap, you want a new CD but you don't need it...that kind of stuff. We have decided that each month we will get X amount of "mad" money to go towards our "wants". It is working out ok...but it is definitely a struggle to him the difference between wants and needs and what items come out of the mad money vs the house money.

You make a REALLY good point with the Needs vs. Wants topic :yes: Oh, this sounds just like Tony! I NEED some new Nikes, or I NEED some new Timberlands. No, you want them - you don't need them! :lol: We're still working through this and he's been here almost a year and a half now. Plus he's trying to save money for a new car. (he doesn't LIKE the one I bought him :angry: ) I've explained to him that when he decides to send money to Jamaica to family or friends, it's coming out of HIS savings or money that he would save otherwise. It is NOT coming out of our fund for the house & bills. I know you other ladies must be having these issues too :blush: that or they'll come up in the near future!

Edited by rhondapayter, 28 February 2006 - 11:54 AM.

rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-02-28 11:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Good morning. TGIF :dance: :dance: yippie can't wait for mothers day. I am having my family over. Saturday will be fun a few of my friends that I used to go to High School with our coming over. I feel old my 10 year reunion is coming up this year. Whats everyone else up to?

Don't feel bad, my 10 year reunion (if we actually had one planned) would be this year too ;) I graduated in 1996 also.

I have to work Saturday :angry: I hate working every weekend!
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-05-12 19:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Somthing funny...We got into a arugment......He was yelling words I could not understand. I was like you better be lucky I cannot understand rey rey rey...Anyways he kept calling the kids "picney"...somthing like that.....I'm yelling stop calling my children names and rey rey....I felt so silly when much later he explained that thats their word for kid, or child.

ooppsss..i would have said the same thing.. :yes:

You guys need to brush up on your Patois :lol:

aahh Kim and i are freaking out!!!! :( :( :(
i guess the new Marriage Broker Law has come into play and they are re-calling all of the K-1...with the NOA 1 after March 6th....well i got mine march 17th...i am in a serious state of confusion!!!! wondering if it is EVERY single k1 visa OR if it for certian countries that are known for the whole mail bride???? i'm about ready to cry :cry:

What on earth is a Marriage Broker Law??? Good luck with your case - hopefully this won't apply to you.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-05-12 18:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Hey everybody,

Afternoon shift checking in. You guys have been chatting a lot lately :P I'm still not caught up. I have 15 pages to read as of right now! :wacko: At least I won't be bored at work tonight :devil:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-05-12 17:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

I only skim read the last few pages (as I've been in training for most of the day) but I'd like to share one observation that I've made. I've noticed a slight trend. Last year this time many of us were agonizing over approvals and missing our SO's so much and ranting about phone cards and the separation issues and LDR frustrations and all that. Now that many of us have our men right here with us, reality has set in and we now complain about the f*ckery associated with a real relationship and find our men driving us bonkers. I ask myself...was I (we) living in fantasy land all that time when he was in JA? Did I (we) just dream that everything was going to be a-ok once he finally made it to the US? Did I (we) really believe that the deep love that we had for one another would be the bridge to get us over whatever problem presented itself? :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

Yes, Yes, and Yes!!! :lol: Visiting someone for a few days or a couple weeks at a time is a LOT different than living with someone on a day to day basis. I know whenever I visited Tony he would take off work so neither of us had any stress to deal with. We were both on vacation in a wonderful sunny place doing whatever we felt like doing. There was no stress and pressure of everyday living. Then he came here and reality set in :( It's quite depressing sometimes.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-05-11 22:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

or Rohan to me, after I reiterated I am not having sex until after marriage "there one was a man who married a lady (I forgot the name) and never let the man try her out, until their wedding night and on that night he find out she has ' no where to receive him" :huh: , beside the impossibility of this scenerio- I found it odd that I hear my other Christian sisters here and abroad, say Jamaican always use the same scenereo

OH MY GOSH! :o Tony told me the EXACT same story not long after I first met him :o :o :o His father had told him the story and it just kept getting passed down! Only he said it was some great, great distant relative of his :lol:

[color=#6600CC]Since Rhonda is upset with Tony right now I don't think she is going to have anything nice to say :blush:

:lol: :lol: :lol: Men suck :P

Edited by rhondapayter, 11 May 2006 - 09:02 PM.

rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-05-11 21:03:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

I know that most of the time I find myself treating Roy like a little kid -- he is a 35 year old man....but, sometimes I just can't help myself. I'm constantly working on that. And I know, once he has more freedom (i.e., job, car...) it's just going to get worse. I can see him doing the same thing Andre is doing.

Mindy, this is SO true :yes: I unintentionally treat Tony like a little kid a LOT. When he first came here, I had to show him everything - how to get around, how to drive in America, what the culture was like, etc... I guess it's hard for me to realize that he doesn't need me in that way anymore. I have to cut the apron strings I guess :lol: He definately does not want to be treated like a little kid and I really can't blame him.

He has JA common sense...not US common sense and unfortunatly there is a difference.

Oh, how true that is :yes: Yes, in Jamaica, they can get away with WAY more than you can here. Drinking and driving for one thing. In Jamaica, they don't think anything of buying a Guiness and drinking it in the car while driving. You do that here and you just broke like 3 laws :bonk:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-05-11 19:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Over the last couple months...well basically since Andre got here he seems like a complete different person than the guy I knew for almost 4 years in JA. Things were minor but we had our spats. Well ever since Andre has had a car and now a job I have noticed some serious changes and not for the good.

So I call. He answers and there is people and laughing in the background. Where are you? Well I am at Doug’s house (one of our friends). Then I hear in the background Doug making some smart a$$ remark about the wife and a short leash. Andre asks me why did I call. I hung up. The anger was bubbling over and I wasn’t about to hash it out over the phone. He never called me back and didn’t show up until another 45 minutes had passed. Then he has the audacity to ask me why I am vexed! Why the hell do you think I am vexed!?!?! :ranting: :ranting: Cause I just spent the last 90 mins worried about my husband who said he was just going for a drive for 10 mins. Are men really that dense?!? There is no way that he just “happened” to wander over to Dougs house…it is a 15 min drive and it is in town. Not somewhere you just happen to pass on a nice evening drive. So why the lying? Why the secrets and the hidden agendas? This has happened before so its not like I am blowing things out of proportion over one simple thing…it happens often. Then when I call him on it and tell him how hurt I am and how disrespectful his actions are he takes the road of the victim. We had very minor trust issues while he was in JA that we resolved very well and never really dealt with again…so why the trust issues now? :(

Sorry to vent and air our dirty laundry…I am just at my ropes end and don’t have any idea why there is all this lying going on :crying:

First of all Jamie, don't feel sorry for venting and confiding. We all have our "dirty laundry". Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one having problems with my marriage :wacko: Very similar issues happened when Tony started working and then got his own car. All of a sudden he wanted his freedom. If I said anything to him, he would reply that he's not a child and I'm not his mother, blah, blah... He doesn't want me telling him what to do, etc... I tried to explain to him that it's more a matter of respect and courtesy to let the other person know where you're going and how long you'll be gone. Why should I be sitting there worried about him - like you were with Andre - while he's out having a good ole time? :angry: I try to turn it around on him and say if the situation was reversed, he wouldn't like me doing that to him would he?

As for the lying, that's bad. I have caught Tony is some lies since he's moved here and it's really, really hard to trust someone once they have lied to you. (He has caught me in one lie too so I am not saying anyones perfect :innocent: ) We're STILL working on our trust issues many months later. Trust is a hard thing to earn back once it's gone. Try to find out why he's lying to you in the first place. I know - easier said than done. But sometimes guys tell you what you want to hear because it won't hurt but they don't understand that when we find out they lied, that hurts WAY more.

Good luck and hang in there. Vent anytime you want. I'll e-mail you later.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-05-11 19:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Rhonda...Dose Tony really like working for your parents???

He doesn't work for my parents. He works for my cousin's husband who owns his own company. He doesnt' seem to mind it at all. His goal is to buy his own truck and then he and another guy will work independently but still work under my cousin's license. He will get a small cut of the money, but Tony could make more money with his own truck.

Squito and I live on a rollercoaster. One day we're way up and things are great, and the very next we sink deeply into anger frustration and finger pointing. We're such extremists. I guess when you love hard, you fight hard.

Oh my gosh, this sounds just like me and Tony :yes: It's either really good or really bad :unsure:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-05-11 18:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Ok y'all, I married "SYBIL". Henry just got home and IS speaking to if nothing happened...all my bilingual telling off....wasted. I wondereth: is he manic??? :o

Girl, sometimes I think the same thing about Tony! I call him Jekyl and Hyde :lol: He goes from good mood to bad in 3.5 seconds!
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-05-11 17:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Hi ladies,
Just checking in. Work has been hectic so I haven't been on in a couple days. Me and Tony talked and made up (for now) so things are ok. Marriage is difficult :yes: don't believe anyone who tells you otherwise :blush:

I'm going back to try to catch up now :reading: I have like 17 pages to read since Tuesday night! :help:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-05-11 17:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

MEN SUCK :angry: Me and Tony are fighting again too. I'm seriously considering a Divorce if some major things don't change soon. I'm just so glad you found out BEFORE you brought him here.

Sorry to hear that Rhonda :( Do you think part of it is the stress of being apart now that you are working different shifts? I definitely see a difference in our relationship now that Andre is working. It is a pretty hard adjustment for both of us. Sometimes I wonder if this whole adjustment thing will ever end :wacko: :unsure:

The problem seems to be that I am the only one trying to make our marriage work. He won't talk about our issues. He is hardly ever affectionate or loving anymore, even when we do see each other. I just feel like he doesn't care :( I have refrained from calling him today just to see how long it would take him to call me - here it is over 12 hours since he left for work this morning and not a single phone call :angry: I just don't know if I can do it anymore :crying:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-05-09 17:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

:dance: :dance: :dance: Just received e-mail notification that my case was approved. Yippy!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

I guess that "touch" yesterday was a good touch!!!!!

One step closer...........................

rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-05-09 17:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

I want to say thanks for all the messages. Yesterday I was teared up reading them. Its good to know yall are here for me. I'm just so mad at him!!!! He's been asking me to call the girl and tell her that we we're only friends!!! :angry: And the more he asks me to call her...the more I want to post more pics on the yahoo site. Cause if we we're "just friends" in March then why heck were you saying and doing the stuff you were doing while I was down there?????? I have plenty of pictures to prove it. UUURRRGGHHHHH!!!!

He's a mess. He blew it with 2 real nice girls. Apparently, 1 wasn't enough. I feel like the biggest fool. But it is what it is. A chapter in my life. I can't wait to see what happens next in the Book of JillyBean!!!!

Just imagine the man that God is preparing for me. I can't wait ladies. All is going to be just fine! (F)

MEN SUCK :angry: Me and Tony are fighting again too. I'm seriously considering a Divorce if some major things don't change soon. I'm just so glad you found out BEFORE you brought him here.

He's been asking me to call the girl and tell her that we we're only friends!!! :angry: And the more he asks me to call her...the more I want to post more pics on the yahoo site........I feel like the biggest fool

...and you're suppose to do this....WHY?? Give me a break. I say go post all the pictures you could be saving someone the same heartache you are going through now. Don't feel like a fool -- there are many things you are allowed to feel. A fool is NOT one of them (L)

I agree with Mindy completely :yes: It's his loss for sure.

Just got back from the embassy!!

:dance: :dance: APPROVED :dance: :dance:

CONGRATULATIONS :dance: :dance: :dance:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-05-09 16:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Hi Ladies…

I want to say that all of you had made my journey a very pleasant, humorous and peaceful one. However, I just want to say that God was surely watching over me when Kirk got his denial last April. As hard as it has been to understand why, I now know the reason. Kirk was not 100% honest with me and was in at least 1 additional relationship. I have always been speculating but it has now been confirmed. It is very disturbing how twisted his mind is and how he is able to manipulate my mind in to believing that I am wrong. I am hurt, sad, and angry. But I know I will be okay. I always am. I wish you all the best. I consider many of you good friends of mind. I just needed to get this off my chest and tell people who would understand being in a LDR with a Jamaican. Most of my friends here would have a “I told ya so” attitude. Thanks ladies. I love you all. (F)

Oh my gosh Jill I am so sorry for you :( Try to keep your head up. At least it's better that you found out now than 2 years from now. You can e-mail me anytime you want to chat.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-05-09 16:28:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'


Adrian applied for the No impediment and paid for express service over 2 weeks ago and we finally got it today.

Things were going well with us till tonight we went to his aunts house and I used her computer to check my e-mail and there was an e-mail from expedia about his flight on May 18th...I called my mom to ask her to call them and find out what was going on, she called back to say that his flight was cancelled..I am so stressed right now...Adrian didnt have any credit on his phone so the neighbor next door let me use his phone to call and I was on hold forever with expedia, till I finally hung up...I have my laptop with me and the neighbor ran internet over to our apartment so at least I have internet and can start searching for flights...I am going to call expedia again tomorrow and see about trying to get another flight for him...they said they could give him a flight to Orlando, but we really want him to go through JFK and then to Orlando.

I will log in tomorrow and catch up on some reading...just wanted to drop in and say hello...Adrian is asleep next to me on the couch right now.


Hey girl,
Sorry to hear about the plane ticket trouble. Don't worry, you'll get it straightened out. GOOD LUCK tomorrow - it's the BIG DAY!!! Let us know how it goes.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-05-08 23:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Nite everyone!

Oh, Rhonda, what bout the other questions. Is Tony mechanically inclined? I am imagining since he is doing construction he has at least learned a lot, but did he do that kind of thing before hand? Was he naturally handy? Or no?
At least Lake hasnt blown up a new mower yet. ROFL :lol:

Tony is pretty good with little stuff around the house. He used to do light mechanical repairs to the boat engines on the catamaran he used to sail in Jamaica. Now he's doing roofing and siding. He had never done it before he came here, but he caught on quick.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-05-08 23:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Damien finally received his green card :dance: :dance: It's about time.

Nice dress Shauna.

Going to celebrate............. :devil:

CONGRATULATIONS!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: It's about time :yes:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-05-06 22:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Wow! I just finished catching up on everything. Now I have to check out the websites ya'll are talking about so I can see what the hell Dutty Wine is all about??? :lol: I'm sure Tony knows but I haven't had a chance to ask him yet.

I've got about 2 1/2 hours left at work then I have tomorrow off :) Thank God.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-05-06 20:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

So...what are the things you DONT like about your man???? :lol:

Another interesting topic! :lol: My man is very stubborn. When he thinks he's right, there is no talking any sense into him, even if he's wrong! He also doesn't like to discuss emotions very much, but I'm beginning to think that is a "man" thing. He also smokes :( which he knows I hate and he promised to quit, but he still smokes though not as much as he used to. I'm sure I'll think of more :P
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-05-06 19:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

[New discussion topic:


rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-05-06 19:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Hi everybody :luv: Just checking in. I've been kinda busy at work so I have lots of catching up to do :reading: I'm at work now :angry: Haven't seen Tony (awake) since Sunday :crying: Gotta go read 10 pages worth now!
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-05-06 19:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

I have a quick question for discussion - ladies, how do you feel about your man getting manicures and pedicures? or professional facials? I'm just curious because more men are going to day spas.

I've taken Tony to get a pedicure twice now :yes: Mainly because he had ingrown toe nails and they sort of dig them out :o I have the same problem - that's why I get a pedicure every 2 weeks! They cut the nail down a certain way so it doesn't grow under. Sorry, too much information :P
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-05-04 21:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Second---US Jamaican friend became a citizen and you do have to study but its doable. He is not the smartest and he did just fine! Second, you cant do it until he has been in the country for 5 years.

If you are married to a U.S. citizen you only have to wait 3 years to apply for citizenship - not 5 years. The 3 years starts from the time you are issued the Green Card.

OK MINDY!!!! were are your pics??????

Yeah Mindy, Where are your pics? :whistle: :innocent:

Good Morning all,

Joanna have a safe trip and good luck on the interview, even though we already know you'll be approved.


Ditto! Good luck Joanna and Adrian :thumbs: :dance: :luv:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-05-02 21:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Hi everybody,

Just checking in. Going back now to catch up :reading:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-05-02 20:39:00