Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

:no: :no:

I am so upset and mad :angry: My boss just told me today that starting this Monday, I have to go to afternoon shift :ranting: I HATE afternoons. I will never see Tony or any of my family or friends for that matter. I have had enough of this damn job. The lady that is on 2nd shift now is coming back to days because she has "issues" with her babysitter and her kids. That's not my problem! How come I get punished? Life sucks :angry:

Have you tried simply telling them no. I find it intrusive and insulting that some jobs think they have this right to uproot you from your fixed schedule. I find simply sticking to a firm but polite " I am sorry , about ______ problems she is facing, however, Im sorry but I cannot change the times I am working on a short notice like this. Are you under some kindah of contract where your employer reserves the right to change you hours whenever they feel like it. Unless you are I dont see how they can fire you, becuase you have other obligations. Of course though you would never want to risk it, not while going through this process.

Unfortunately, the nature of this job is that we have NO say so in what shift we get put on at ALL. :angry: Since we are salary and not hourly, we are not in the Union so we don't have any rights or protection. I was on day shift for the first 3 years, then afternoons for almost a year, then back to days for 6 months, now back to afternoons this Monday :wacko: I HATE this job. I'm really trying to look for another job. The problem is finding one that pays even close to what I make here. I just want something with normal hours - 40 hours a week and NO weekends!!

The results are in: IT'S A BOY!!! :dance: :dance:

CONGRATULATIONS :dance: :D Any ideas for names yet?
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-25 08:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
I am so upset and mad :angry: My boss just told me today that starting this Monday, I have to go to afternoon shift :ranting: I HATE afternoons. I will never see Tony or any of my family or friends for that matter. I have had enough of this damn job. The lady that is on 2nd shift now is coming back to days because she has "issues" with her babysitter and her kids. That's not my problem! How come I get punished? Life sucks :angry:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-24 13:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Well I am surviving. Life just send you for a loop sometimes. Andre went for his drive test yesterday but we found out the brake lights weren’t working so they wouldn’t let him take the test. He is rescheduled for next Thursday. Still doing the job search thing. We are putting a resume together as we speak. He is currently doing some side work for a couple from church and it’s paying $8/hr so that’s a good start. It’s just sporadic and nothing that will last long but it has boosted the spirits. The only part that is bad is that I am now a full time chauffer shuttling him all over the place and I think my job is getting a little sick of it to be honest. He needs to get his license quick. Well this weekend we are putting up a 300ft fence for the dogs…the garage is just not cutting it and now that Andre is working in the days we really need something bigger and outdoors.

Jamie, it's so good to see you back :luv: I'm glad you're doing ok. Trust me, I totally understand what you mean about the chauffer thing :yes: We've all been there. I bought Tony a bike too like Mindy mentioned and that seemed to help a lot. At least he wasn't totally stuck without transportation. Hang in there, it gets better, I promise :blush: Even the small things will make you so grateful when they happen. Like when Tony finally got his license and we needed to pick up something for dinner or from the store and I could send him instead of ME always having to go. Good luck with the driver's test Andre! :thumbs:

And yes :yes: tomorrow is the day for the gender, crossing my fingers for uncrossed legs :thumbs:

:lol: :lol: :lol: Thanks, I needed a laugh! That just sounds so funny the way you put it!
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-24 09:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Well, Tony I delivered Tony successfully to the airport at 4:30am this morning :blink: He made it to Washington DC for his layover and now he's en route to Jamaica. I'm jealous :P I know he's not going there for a vacation exactly, but I'm stuck at work and he's gonna be in 85 degree weather! This is just one more thing that sucks about long distance relationships. All his family and friends are so far away. I give him credit though - I could never move so far from MY family :blush:

This day is dragging :clock: . I've been here since 5am -_- And I have to work Saturday too :angry: So much for a 2 day weekend!

Jamie, Rita, Elizabeth, Myisha - Where are you ladies??? We're going to send out a search party for you :lol:

Edited by rhondapayter, 23 March 2006 - 10:35 AM.

rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-23 10:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

I guess the company itself was hiring up until right around this time, and now they have switched over to a staffing agency/temp company, and so...this lady said its just a formality and all we had to bring was 2 forms of I.D and SSN. Well we get there, and they want us to fill out a whole new app as if we had gone thru THEM. That and the pay is reduced by 1.00 an hour. I was definitately getting a baaaaad feeling about this, cuz this is a company where there is heavy lifting and hot metals and industrial stuff and so its no cake walk, they pay fairly well, but it can be very hazardous, so ....anyone know anything about electroplating???? Also, I saw a guy coming out that passed the safety video test and they were making him sign contracts with them, the staffing agency. I have no idea what kind, but that REALLY made me on edge.

I think you guys did the right thing. The whole thing sounds kinda fishy to me. You don't want him doing anything unsafe, especially when they just told you they were reducing his pay by $1.00 an hour! I work in the Manufacturing industry and we have lots of safety videos and safety classes, but you never have to pass a test about them :no: I'm wondering if those contracts they were making him sign were waiving liability off of them in case he got hurt or something? That's what it sounds like to me. Keep looking and hang in there. Usually your gut instinct is right anyway.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-23 06:22:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

We got more bad news last night. Tony's uncle died on Monday evening :( :crying: It was his dad's brother and he was pretty close to him growing up. I feel so bad for Tony. He wants to go down to JA for the funeral and to be with his dad and his family. We really can't afford it right now. The cheapest airfare I could find is $531 which isn't that bad for last minute,

RHODA: Sorry about all the difficulty you guys are presently experienceing. Have you triend, it compares all of the sites for the lowest fair. Hope all works out.

Thank you, thank you, thank you :luv: :D I used Sidestep as you suggested and found a flight for $401 - you saved me $130 :dance: :dance: I just booked Tony's flight - he leaves tomorrow (Thurs.) and comes home on Monday. Wish him luck please - it's his first time flying alone :blush:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-22 12:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Good morning ladies

We got more bad news last night. Tony's uncle died on Monday evening :( :crying: It was his dad's brother and he was pretty close to him growing up. I feel so bad for Tony. He wants to go down to JA for the funeral and to be with his dad and his family. We really can't afford it right now. The cheapest airfare I could find is $531 which isn't that bad for last minute, but we're still broke from our last trip :( I can't tell him NO, because I know if the situation were reversed I would want to be there for my family. He is supposed to decide today what he's going to do. Please keep us in your thoughts.

Well I just got off the phone with Adrian he fianlly got his promotion so as of tomorrow he will start working as a bar server...that means more $$$$$$$ :dance: :dance:

CONGRATS Adrian on the promotion :thumbs: Also, CONGRATS to Lake on the new job :yes: Good luck guys.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-22 08:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'


Rohan picked up his presecription today...Can someone explain to me why they are giveing him Zantac :blink: .. If I am correct that is a anti-acid, He said he told them when he fell from the ladder he dropped on his stomache.. ZANTAC!!?!.. :o ...and another medicine I am assuming is an pain med, I have to research it. But nothing to fix a broken bone....pssssstttt

Zantac??? :o What on earth for? They are so messed up down there. Did they set his bone or anything? I feel so bad for him. Hope he feels better soon.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-21 16:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Good morning everyone :star:

It's the first day of spring and it was only 25 degrees on my way in to work this morning :o Doesn't feel like spring to me!

Squitto - sorry to hear about your AOS/EAD/AP confusion :(

Popcorn - don't be too hard on yourself - with all that paperwork to fill out, people are bound to make mistakes :yes: Can you try calling them?

Where is everybody else? It was awfully quiet in here yesterday.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-21 06:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Hello Everyone


I have good and bad news. GOOD NEWS. Rohan picked up his paket 4 today :D . I scheduled his medical they said the earliest is April 6, but his interview is April 13, is than enough time? hmmm

Bad News

:( Rohan was trying to earn some extra money (to help with the expenses) by doing some painting at church. He fell off a ladder and broke his left hand :( . My baby is in sooo much pain. The thing with the hospital is that if you dont have the money they wont treat u. So he went to the hospintal for 1000 they gave him an injection 2000 more thosand just to register him, then they said his hand is broke and SENT HIM HOME :angry: , and said if you want to see the bone specialist come back Thurdsay and it will be 20,000. He is in PAIN, how can u send someone home with a broken bone, is beyond me. :angry: . Not just that look at that kind of money we already were short of money and I have no support to help me financaily with all the expenses. I just found out 335 US for Visa form 100us to paymaster 200 for physical and this does not touch his plane ticket. hugggghhhh. Well what to do. Please pray for Rohan to get well soon


I'm so sorry to hear about your honey :( I can't believe they didn't set his bone back in place and put a cast on it! What's he gonna do now? It won't heal right if they don't set it. The entire health care system in Jamaica is so jacked up. That's one of the reasons I could never live there. I'll keep you guys in my thoughts.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-20 11:28:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Anyone know what I put on part 4, section D-poverty guidelines of I-864 affidavit of support form?? Number three where it ask about the min income requirement for my household size(5). I am sure it will be based on my income, but is there a chart some where?

Also seeing as I will not most like file my 2005 taxes in time, Should I leave out my 2005 information all together, and just go with 2004,03,02?? Or send the 2005 w2's without the return.

I would send the 04', 03', and 02' tax info AND your 05' W-2. It can never hurt to have too much information. Regarding the poverty guidelines, if you do search on the web, you should find the national guidelines.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-20 10:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Good morning everyone :star:

Another Monday underway :blink: The weekend went by way too fast as usual. Nothing much new here. Just finished catching up :reading:

Joanna - hopefully you will find something out this week about the interview date

Julie - Congrats on Michael's EAD approval :yes: Let us know if it's a boy or a girl when you find out!

Mindy - We're still waiting on your pics :innocent: :whistle:

Rita, Elizabeth, Jonesie, & Myisha - where are you ladies??? Haven't heard from you in awhile :no:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-20 08:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

1 1/2 hours to the nearest mall :o . I relocated about 1 1/2 years ago and I want to move again because it takes about 15-20 minutes to get to nearest malls/shopping areas, whereas where I lived before the mall was only about 5 minutes away; and I could hit 3 Walmart's and 2 Target's within a 10 mile radius :lol: and they were on my way home from work to boot!! When people come to my house and if I open my closets I say: "My name is Michele, and I am a shopaholic". They get the idea.

Yeah, I couldn't deal with that either - 1 1/2 hours to the nearest mall? :o I have 2 huge malls within 15 minutes of me and also 2 Targets, 1 Walmart, 3 Meijers, etc.. within 10-15 minutes. I could never live in a rural area. I would go nuts :wacko:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-20 08:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

I am also used to getting a pedicure every 2 weeks, but I have cut that out in order to save money, plus I have not been wearing any open toed shoes lately so it has not mattered that much :hehe:

Oh, now that is a sacrifice :o I can't imagine giving up my pedicure! I get my nails and toes done every 2 weeks too. Oh my gosh, if I stopped doing that I could save about $90 a month :o Don't tell Tony that :devil:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-18 13:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Yes I am very fortunate to have the job I have and to be able to work OT if I choose to. I usually live paycheck to paycheck, so I have to say I am very proud of myself for the money we have saved so far. I just want to be able to have some extra money when he gets here so I dont have to work so much OT and can spend time on our relationship. I am usually a shopaholic but since I have been working so much it has kept me out of the stores :yes: :whistle:

As your fellow shopaholic, I can relate :lol: I can't even go to the mall. If I go there, I will spend money even if I don't "need" anything! I am obsessed with clothes and shoes. I have over 70 pairs of shoes :o Hang in there girl, you can do it :yes:


As you were writing this, I was responding to your post :lol: :lol: I get off at 2:30 today.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-18 11:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

What do you think???? Of course I am working today....I swear I have been working everyday...but one day that will come to an end and I will have every 2 days off...just bustin butt trying to save....I am hoping we will have at least $5,000 saved before Adrian returns to JA for his interview :yes: .. I am so bad at saving but lately I guess since we have a goal I am doing pretty good at saving. Plus since Adrian might be getting a promotion on the ship, that will help out.

Anyway hope everyone has a good weekend

I just wish I had the option of working or not working. Because I'm not in the Union here (I'm salaried) we just get TOLD what we're doing. We don't get a choice :angry: I don't mind working some Saturdays but it would be nice if it were up to me when I worked :yes:

Sounds like you guys are doing pretty good at saving $$$ Yes, it definately helps to have a specific goal in mind :yes:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-18 10:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Good morning everybody

I am unhappy because I'm at work and I really didn't want to work today :crying: :angry: I need 2 days off from this place to relax and get things done around the house. To top it off my boss waited until 2:00 yesterday afternoon to tell me that I had to come in today! Talk about short notice.

Hopefully some of you will check in today so I won't be on here all alone :P Joanna, are you working today girl? Holla :D
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-18 07:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Just got off the phone with the Embassy. NIckiesha has an Interview on April 7th. Now if I can just extend my stay that long... It's a couple days longer than I have vacation time left.

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

CONGRATULATIONS ERIC :dance: :dance: :dance: I really hope everything works out for you guys. You have waited for so long and been so patient. Good luck :thumbs:

Well I also just got off the phone with the embassy also and they said they do not have an interview date for Adrian yet...they said that April interviews are already scheduled and that he will probally get a May date...she said call back between April 12-15th...WHAT!!!
That really sucks butt :lol: ...I am going to call every Friday till they give us a date....
Sorry but Tenika I am very just flew through this process .... But I guess there is a reason and the lord has a plan for us.

But on a good note Adrian is being promoted to a bar server and will make more $$$$$$...I told him just to bust butt and make as much money as he can right now...he will make like 15% of what he sells in drinks (which is more them what he makes now)...I told him to flirt with the ladies to try and make more money :lol: :whistle: :lol:



They should be scheduling May dates on April 1st if they do it like they usually do. You're right, I would keep calling once a week :yes: Maybe they'll get tired of you bugging them and give you a date :devil:

Congrats to Adrian on the promotion. You crack me up with the flirting thing :lol:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-17 16:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'


Never be afraid of this tomorrow of having he/she near
There are trials, errors in any formula to have the proper doses of love
To find the one who cares God knows if tomorrow he/she will be Dear
We started friends now my heart always wants you near
At times we are all afraid, what really made us afraid
Was it something we saw or something that was said?
Imagine no heaven, even with John Lennon dead--that was a lot he said
Online visa journey you ladies/gents do so much--still so much to be done

Tears, fears, distraught is just the start to obtain the love of your heart
Love is always compared to a rose--to me so delicate a touch could harm it
So strong--nothing can hurt it
I talk this truth--my heart has been to and from seeking happiness
Found hurt and pain--at times refused to go on and then I remember Solomon
He knew what love really is--love nor -knowledge nor wisdom is in the grave
No one sees the heart but God
Madness is in the heart of love
For the living know that they will die but the dead know not anything
For in life there is hope--for a living dog is better than a dead lion
Live joyfully with the person of your life for the time is short
Tomorrow, the last time we checked was not promised to us
Yet optimistically we all made plans
Be not afraid of tomorrow
Live life and be happy

by Anthony Henry
March 16, 2006

To All VJers:

This poem is nice and all but last time I checked love (L) doesn't pay the bills :no:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-17 13:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

:dance: :D :dance: :P :dance: :D :dance: :P :dance:

AGGGHHHHHHHHHHH I got an interview date, this has got to be a record in processing time. I filed January 30, just March 7. DS 230 dropped off, And my interview is APRIL 13TH Less than 3 months after filing, this seems like a record.

CONGRATS and I'm happy for you :dance:

I must comment though that is it still so unfair that certain service centers (Vermont) are so much faster than all the others. You shouldn't be punished for living in a particular area of the U.S. They need to re-vamp the system to make it fair and equitable for everyone. Maybe the whole thing needs to be centralized - I don't know.

.....I just e-mailed the embassy to see if they have set ours yet....might be a chance we would get an April date. Our DS230 was recieved March 10th.

I am keeping my fingers crossed for you girl :yes: You've been waiting a long time for this. You guys deserve an April interview date :luv:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-17 12:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Ok I have a question. I know it's late on Friday but hopefully we can get some good answers over the next couple of days.

I have been reading around the site and looking up AOS ####### and I have noticed a few posts where the couple has gone through this entire visa process and been approved and then shortly after the beneficiary arrives they break up and want to know how to "ship them back". The visa process takes a considerable amount of time, effort, and money so what happens to make some change their mind so quickly? So for the real questions...

-Have any of you regretted or doubted your decision once your SO was here?
-Are things just not what they were when you were still in the LDR?
-What do you think makes someone change their mind so quickly?

Anyone feel free to chime in...even if your SO is still overseas.

Just wondering about this as it seems to happen way more than it should :no:

Have a good weekend :star:

I have definately considered "shipping" Tony back to Jamaica :lol: We were having way too many fights the first year of our marriage. We were both frustrated by him not working or contributing. Things are different when you're actually living together vs. just visiting each other every few months. When I was in Jamaica I was on vacation - no work, no stress, no problem :whistle: When Tony got here and we had to deal with bills, cleaning the house, working, and every day life, it was a HUGE adjustment. Add to that family not accepting our situation right away, all the money it costs to do the Visa, AOS, etc., cultural adjustments, having to get married so quickly, and you've got a lot of issues to deal with all at once.

It's easy for me to see how a lot of couple couldn't handle the pressure and decided to call it quits. We almost did more than once. We still have our doubts sometimes about whether or not we can really see this being long term - being together forever - but we're trying to work things out as they come up and we're constantly working on better communication :yes:

I hope this answers your question somewhat :blush:

Regarding the LDR -- I have said it before and I will say it again. Jamaica is Fantasy Island. Nothing that happens there is what happens in real life. When you bring them into "your" life everything becomes real. It's not a fantasy anymore. This is when you really need to be strong. Going through the whole K-1 process (up until the interview is over) is a piece of cake compared to what happens when they get to America. I think that goes for anyone coming from any country in which "them" obtaining a Tourist Visa is impossible thus making a visit to you impossible.

I don't know about you but I did all the work for this. And I am still doing all the work for this. Sometimes (and I will admit it), I get home and I am bitter that I was working all day and he was sitting around watching TV. I am tired when I get home and he wants to talk because he has been home alone all day. Talking to him on the phone was much less stressful and (at times) much more fun that what "real life" has become.

Mindy, I couldn't agree with you more :thumbs: Jamaica is definately Fantasy Island. They have no idea what it costs to live in the U.S. They think everyone is rich because people make more money here BUT everything costs so much more here! And I can totally relate to feeling bitter. The first 6 months or so that Tony wasn't working is when we had the majority of our fights :( It is so hard.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-17 08:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Hello everyone else, I am going to do my bridal registry today at Bed Bath and Beyond, I dont need too much but there are a few things we could use, my friend is throwing me a bridal shower at the end of April, she wants to have it before Adrian gets here so I dont have to leave him alone, while I go have a party.

So will chat later, Joanna

I love Bed, Bath, & Beyond! We registered at Kohl's (which I don't think you have in FL) and Target. Tony went to the Bridal Shower with me and helped me open the gifts :blush: Everyone wanted to meet him anyways. We had the shower 1 month after he got here and the wedding 1 month after the shower. NONE of it was planned until after he arrived in the U.S.!!! :o My mom is GOOD! :D We were just going to get married by a judge or something but my parents wanted me to have a "real" wedding with a shower and everything. It was small (about 30 people) but really nice.

Have fun registering - it's like shopping without spending any money :lol: Let us know when you're registered so I can go on-line and see what you want ;)
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-16 13:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Hey Rita,
Where you been girl? I know you can't still be on your honeymoon :devil: Let that poor boy come up for air :lol: :devil: :lol: We want to know how you guys are doing? How are the kids?

Same to you. You've been MIA lately. Check in and let us know you're ok. :yes:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-16 10:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Good morning all :luv:

One more day til TGIF :yes: Why do the weeks drag by so slow and the weekends fly by? :angry: I just finished catching up.

Good luck with the driver's test Jamie & Andre. Make sure he practices parallel parking. Tony failed the test the 1st time because of that. They're pretty strict here. He did fine with everything else and passed it the 2nd time. The part that sucks is you have to pay EACH time you take it - whether you pass or not :angry:

Wow, sounds like a lot of you are going to JA next month. You guys can have your own little "reunion"! My friend Jackie and Craig (her Jamaican husband) and their 7 month old baby are down there right now. They had to bring the baby to show her to all his family :luv: She's such a doll.

Hope everyone has a good day.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-16 09:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Thanks Min
actually I meant 7 c, it reads, I have personal property the reasonable value which is..?
I was wondering if that is like clothes, computer, car etc. Not sure what to put there


Like Mindy said, I think you only need to claim personal assets if you don't make enough money to meet the guidelines (% above poverty level or whatever it is). I didn't use any assets - just my income.

OOOOHHHHH my goodness I cannot believe it, I e-mailed the Embassy this morning before I left work and I just looked at my e-mail and they already e-mailed me back, I have e-mailed them 2 other times and never recieved a responce. Anyway I am happy that I got a responce they said that they are processing our case and should assign Adrian a May 2005 interview date soon....
Anyway I gotta get ready for work now...will chat later.


That's great Joanna :yes: It won't be long now. Hang in there.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-16 08:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Squito's a little under the weather today ladies :blush:

He is trying to enroll himself in a technical school here in NY but is bummed about his ineligibility for financial aid. I spoke to the financial aid lady a little while ago and she explained to me that he would have to enroll as a cash paying student and receive a private loan from the school (of $6000) at 12% interest and pay the balance ($950 per month) :crying: :crying:

there's no way i can swing that, things are already tight enough as it is with just me working. he's so dissapointed right now and feels completely helpless. I don't know what to do :blush:

i swear, the us government has damn near set us up to fail, #######

Just a thought, but could he pay for just one class at a time or something? Then it wouldn't cost so much all at once. I'm assuming the $6000 would be for a number of classes. What about grants or scholarships or something? Just trying to think outside the box here :wacko:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-15 13:21:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Here is a question for today.....

Rhonda~ How are you doing? I am here today lonely and bored as well. Why can’t the days go by faster?!?!

Hey Rhonda...I saw THIS discussion in OT and thought you could chime in about your experience...if you want to :yes:

Thanks Jamie! I just added my 2 cents to the vacation discussion :blush: This week is dragging by. I'm ready to go home. 2 more hours to go. I really want a new job. It's so hard to quit and start all over again when you're already established somewhere. I've been here about 4 1/2 years now :o I can't believe it's been that long.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-15 12:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

That doesn't work here in Illinois. When the Judge gave us our "special" copy he told us to go home and put it in a frame -- it won't do us any good anyplace else.

Didn't you need the Certified Copy for your AOS paperwork?

Nope, never got a certified copy :no: Just used a copy of the one the Pastor gave us for everything.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-15 12:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Here is a question for today.....

How many copies of your Certified Marriage Certificate did you initially request?

We never went downtown to get a "certified" copy of ours. We just kept the original one that the Pastor gave us at the church and made copies of it. Apparantly that was enough because we had no problems. I originally thought we had to have an official, certified copy, but Jackie (who also went through the Detroit office) said they didn't need one, so we didn't get one.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-15 11:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Where is everybody today? I'm lonely and bored :crying: :wacko:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-15 11:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
I read this in the Detroit newspaper today. It's from a couple who used to be island travel consultants (arranging trips to the Caribbean) and now they spend much of their free time in St. Lucia. I thought it was kinda interesting.

Nine Vacation-enhancing suggestions:

Leave Perfect at home:
The best way to ruin your vacation is to expect it to be perfect. Your attitude will determine how wonderful it turns out.

Expect to have an adventure:
Travel is an adventure and the unexpected often is the best part of a trip.

Get away from the capital:
In many countries, the capital is often the least representative area of the country. Our best experiences generally came in the countryside where the scenery is often dramatic and the people less hurried.

Give yourself an opportunity to meet the people:
Culturally different experiences often produce the best memories. When you get out and about you'll generally find the locals very friendly; they'll help you experience the uniqueness of their lives.

Eat out:The culinary experience is often most ordinary at the hotel. Take a chance and go out to local places, even if you paid for an all-inclusive. Meals at independent restaurants can be truly extraordinary and memorable.

Ask questions:
Sometimes you'll get pat answers but sometimes you'll get amazing information. People love to talk about their lives - let them share it with you. And they're usually proud of their country - encourage them to share its history.

Stay safe:
Don't pick up strangers or let yourself be picked up by strangers. You wouldn't do it at home, don't do it away. It's more difficult to assess people outside your home country, so when in doubt, don't.

Avoid places you wouldn't go at home:
For example, bars late on Saturday night, when drinking is heavy, are not a good idea. Expect a warm reception if you're buying drinks. But trouble may be just the next drink away.

Don't leave your brain at home:
That's what it comes down to - think about what you're doing and keep yourself safe.

Another tip they had was to "keep your sense of humor". "Some of those annoying and unpleasant things become precious stories when you get home".
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-15 10:09:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Rhonda -- alot of my clients have stayed at Secrets (I had a group of 82 people stay there last year and the only complaint that I received was the waves were to "I" had anything to do with that), but I sell tons and tons of Punta Cana. Other popular resorts that I sell alot of is Sunscape and the Iberostar properties--mostly Iberostar Bavaro or Iberostar Dominicana or the RIU properties. I have a small group going to the Ocean Blue in May.


Hey Kelly,
I've heard that Secrets is very nice. That one is adults only right? Let me know how Ocean Blue is. I know they're affiliated with Ocean Bavaro (where we stayed) and Ocean Cana. In fact they had reps trying to get us to come and listen/see a presentation at Ocean Blue while we were at Ocean Bavaro! I think it's a pretty new resort but I could be wrong. Anyway, I don't think we'll be going to Punta Cana again. There's too many other places we want to go (Bahama's, Vegas, Disneyworld, Hawaii, etc). And of course we have to go to Jamaica every year to see Tony's family and friends :yes:

You sound so busy with your son's soccer :wacko: I don't know how you do it?!! Wish him luck - sounds like a lot of big games coming up!

I was quite surprised and pleased when I checked Air Jamaica for flights from Mobay to Kingston. When I was living in Jamaica and Air Jamaica Express was in operations it was about $160 for a round trip ticket. I just booked Nickiesha a round trip ticket for $122. You'd be lucky to get a taxi for that these days.

The good thing is her flight to the US won't be her first flight.

That is a good deal Eric :yes: Like you said, it would cost that much for a taxi just about anyways. Has she flown before or will this be her first flight? At least it's nice and short.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-15 08:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

remember how much evidence you had to submit for K1? just having the k1 helps you in the AOS process. there is an already existing approved screening process on your relationship. remember that.

Darah -- What you are saying makes so much sense. Just hope I remember it when my time comes. I am already a nervous wreck!!

I just read something yesterday (in another forum) about the interviewer asking to see the peoples house keys -- to make sure they matched.......give me a break :blink: But, you know, you can't help but wonder when you see things like that. I believe we will all be okay -- we have to!!

Good Morning (L)

I read that thread about the keys thing too and I have to admit it got me scared for a minute or two until I realized...well if they want to see our keys they will match :yes: We all went through the ringer in Kingston so I know we have all gathered more than our share of evidence and proof of relationship. We are prepared! People going through London and Canada usually have a way easier time and don't have to gather so much for the K1 so when AOS comes they panic and started running around looking for proof. I believe we (and others going through tough embassies) have a better understanding of what is needed to truly proof a relationship and that really helps in the AOS process. Don't worry everyone! WE ALL WILL BE FINE! :yes:

I sure do hope so. I'm praying that Squito and I's AOS interview will be as easy as our K-1 interview. He and I are attached at the hip, and most people can tell when they see us together. I think that house keys bit is ridiculous. :angry:

Darah, your opinion has given me great hope! Thanks a million :luv:

Good morning all :D

Michele, will be in touch hon.

You guys all need to stop worrying :yes: You are all in legitimate, loving relationships. You're not hiding anything or pretending you love each other to get a GC. That's all they're trying to do is weed out the fakes. Just tell the truth and you'll be fine. We brought all of the evidence they requested and then some and they hardly even looked at it. They have your whole file right there in front of them during the interview.

Without going into too much personal detail, Tony had been arrested here in the U.S. (long story) before we got married and we still got the GC. We were just delayed by a week or two because we were lacking one letter (regarding his situation) that we didn't know we needed. Just tell the truth, whatever they ask you and you'll be fine. Trust me, I was worried to death because of our situation, but we still got everything ok.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-14 11:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Good morning everyone :star:

I am so ready for spring. We've been having some really weird weather here in Michigan. Yesterday it was 70 degrees now today it is back in the 30's :o This is the kind of weather that makes everyone sick.

My Jamaican woke up on the wrong side of the bed today - he's grumpy :angry: Men...........

Hope everyone has a good day.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-14 07:28:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Has anyone heard from Myisha (Ricardoswife) lately? She hasn't checked in in ages. I hope everything is all right with her pregnancy.

I sent a pm to her a couple of weeks ago and she replied on March 2. She said that the family is fine; the boys turned 1 on February 9th, and the pregnancy is going well. She also said the boys have been keeping her very busy and she hoped everyone was doing well.

Thanks. I've been concerned about her - we haven't heard from her in so long. Myisha, if you're reading this - WE MISS YOU :yes:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-13 12:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
It's too quiet in here today :blink: Where is everybody?

Has anyone heard from Myisha (Ricardoswife) lately? She hasn't checked in in ages. I hope everything is all right with her pregnancy.

Mindy and Jonesie - we're still waiting for wedding pics ladies!
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-13 11:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Rhonda that stinks that you guys got sick. I can't remember which hotel you stayed in, but I know it's was one that I've never sold to any clients before. What makes people sick in the Dominican Republic and Mexico is the water. You cannot even brush your teeth with it. Bottled water for everything !! The beaches are beautiful and the food was outstanding where we've stayed. Yes it's a spanish speaking country and there are some hotels that "cater" to the spanish speaking, not Americans. Punta Cana is the most requested destination that I sell, then Las Vegas.


We stayed at Ocean Bavaro Spa & Beach Resort. It's supposed to be a 4 star. Except for the food/water issues, everything else was great. We didn't touch any of the tap water - yes, we even brushed out teeth w/ bottled water! - but still got sick. I really think it was the food. Also, there weren't really a lot of Spanish speaking people staying there - there were a lot of French though both from France & Canada. Language wasn't really a problem as the key hotel workers spoke 4 or 5 languages :yes: Where do you mostly send travelers who are going to Punta Cana? What resorts are the most popular? I don't think we'll be going there again though :no: There are too many other places I'd rather visit and of course our annual trip to Jamaica :D
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-13 08:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'


Today was a great day!!! :dance: :dance: In the mailbox was Andre's work authorization card and our appointment letter for our AOS interview on April 27th! Just a month and a half away...all in all it has only taken about 4 months for this whole AOS much faster than I originally thought. The craziest part is that our interview is on the 27th...everything happens on the 27th...we started dating, we got married, its andre's birthday and so much else is on the 27th...its got to be a good sign :yes: Well I thought I would share the good news with you all. Hope you all are having a great weekend.

Catch back up with everyone on Monday!!!

CONGRATULATIONS Jamie & Andre :dance: See, it all works out eventually. You'll have the GC before you know it :yes:


That's because you chat too much :P :lol:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-13 08:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Good morning everyone :star: Well, actually it's good afternoon :lol: It's a lazy day for me today. I slept in and got some much needed rest. Now I'm doing laundry and straightening up the house.

Joanna - hoping for a May interview date for you guys :thumbs: Hopefully you'll find out soon.

What's everyone else up to today?
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-11 15:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

thanks for everyone's thoughts regarding my question. i'm really in a bind because we had recently been talking about moving to Austin, TX where my parents live...i love austin and feel it could be a good place for us to start our real his mom and sister are in dallas! perfect we thought!

now my sister is saying that i should prepare myself for some of the family possibly never understanding and not being able to cope with the relationship...she said "don't be suprised if dad just can't deal and can't continue with his talks with you" and to piss me off even more she brought up the oprah show from the other day about interracial marriages...she said that at least 60% of the US has a problem with it. I asked her where she got that statistic....she said"shutup". THen she asked what henry does, what his brothers do...etc. and I told her "cook, nurse, construction". she said "and that's what a typical immigrant family does.." i'm so angry!

So much for austin...i'm so bummed. We can't decide where to move and we want to move by December. i don't know...

mindy, do your parents live near you?

and did you have a close relationship before Roy?

is being with a jamaican man totally out of the blue for your personality or had you dated men similar to him?

I am so sorry you are having so many problems with your family accepting your relationship. Both of my parents were completely against the idea too at first. They wouldn't even acknowledge that I was engaged! Even after Tony got here, my dad refused to meet him or talk about the situation. My mom caved in first and eventually dad came around too. Now they really like Tony and vice versa. Tony even went out of town with my dad and my cousin last summer for a weekend fishing trip! Just give it time. If they're old fashioned like my parents, it's going to take some time, patience (on both ends) and understanding. Hang in there :luv:

martha's vineyard is amazing...i love it. but as i said before, with the average single family home starting at about $450,000 it doesn't make much sense... :wacko:

Holy cow :o That is crazy!!! I can't imagine paying that much for a starter home. My house is 1100 square feet with 3 bedrooms, 2 car garage, basement, etc. and was only about $145,000 :yes:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-03-10 16:12:00