Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

This is so funny cause Andre and I actually got into an argument about babies sleeping in cribs. He was looking through baby pictures of my son's nursery. He said "he slept in the other room? What if something went wrong?". I explained I had mother hearing and could hear pretty much every breath he took, plus, we had monitors. He was like "oh, no, babies sleep right next to their mother." I had to laugh.

I just cringe at that because it's so dangerous :o What if you roll over onto the baby in your sleep?!!!
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2007-03-30 12:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

We are very compatible so we rarely fight. Minor issues with the drinking, ganga (making friends in the local park nearly drove me to chop him up!), peeing in the back yard, carrying the machette around outside......Our biggest issue has been with family and friends calling and asking for money.

:lol: Girl, you have me cracking up!!! I'm picturing the machette right now! Yes, Tony didn't understand either that you can't just whip it out here and pee in public :o He still tries to do it sometimes if he's been drinking. One time we were at the drive-thru for White Castle (at 2am after the bar) and he had to go. He was just going to jump out and pee by the dumpster :o Thankfully I convinced him to go inside and use the restroom!!!

I love your pic :luv: You guys make a really cute couple!
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2007-03-30 11:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

I think part of the problem with unrealistic expectations stem from behaviour of visitors to Jamaica. If you are anything like me, I save the whole year to go to Jamaica, I comb through the sales to buy new clothes to wear there, I set myself a generous daily spending limit etc. When people there see how you 'live' for the two weeks or week you are there, they think that's how it is always.

Hmmm.... I never thought of it like this, but that is very true. I spend lots of money when I go on vacation - since it's only once or twice a year and you've saved up for it! When I was there we ate out every day - 2 or 3 meals day - went clubbing or to the bar every night, bought people drinks, etc.. And then of course, the shopping :whistle: I always spent lots of money shopping when I went. No wonder Tony thought I was so rich :lol:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2007-03-30 11:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

I made a decision along the way after going through my own struggles and seeing my other girlfriends go through all the issues that some of you are mentioning now - the irresponsibility, the lying, the infidelity, the abuse etc., that I would NEVER ever find myself in a relationship with a worthless, good-for-nothing, no-sense-of-values Jamaican man again. (this is where you can all cuss me now).

:lol: I think many of us have had the same awful experiences with AMERICAN men! Maybe that's why we turned to Jamaican men. There's one common equation here ladies: MEN!! :P
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2007-03-30 11:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

The problem is when there is alcohol in the house he drinks it -=- drinks it like he drinks pop. He still doesn't understand that you cannot drink a beer as you are walking out the door to go to work. I am a social drinker -- I would say he is too.
He drinks when he is bored and sitting around reading the paper.

Yes, we had this problem too :yes: In Jamaica, alcohol is everywhere. It is a normal part of daily life. If it were up to Tony he'd probably drink a beer (or more) every day! I only drink socially - weekend get togethers, parties, holidays, etc.. Tony drinks when he's bored, drinks when he's stressed, drinks when he needs to "ease his mind"! When we went to Jamaica last time, we brought back SIX bottles of rum :devil: He brought 3 Wray & Nephew and I brought 3 Appleton. His were gone in about 3 months. I still have 1 1/2 of mine! So then he tries to drink MY Appleton and I tell him NO - you drank all yours :lol: Go buy some Bacardi!!

No, seriously, I have an alcoholic in my family (had another one that died too) so I'm very sensitive to the whole drinking thing too. I do not want a husband who is going to drink EVERY day :no:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2007-03-30 11:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Go back to the first time you went to Jamaica where you in culture shock?

Most of the time when I hung out with Tony I was the ONLY white person around :lol: I would tell him that when he got here, there would be a lot of places where he'd be the only black man around! Luckily it doesn't seem to bother either of us. He is the only black person on our block in our neighborhood but everyone is really nice.

Some of the things that shocked me:

All the dogs running around :help: That is soooo not allowed here! Your dog has to be on a leash or fenced in the yard. Not just roaming the streets as it pleases! I used to feed the dogs on the beach all the time! They're too skinny.

No one has a car. They take cabs everywhere or walk. Here EVERYONE has a car (except maybe in NYC) - it would be unheard of NOT to.

Baby stuff: one of Tony's cousins' that I met my first time had a young baby. I couldn't believe they had No crib, No high chair, No car seat, No stroller, etc... The baby slept right in the bed with it's mom (and dad). I was in shock for real :o
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2007-03-30 11:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

It is real easy to be nice and easy going for a week or two at a time when you are on vacation because most of that time you are making up for lost time :devil: . When they are here 7 days a 24 hrs a day it gets to be more then a challege . You get up and go to work and he's still in the bed :blink: drives me wacko!!! And I know he would work if he could :thumbs: .

Yes, so true :yes: :P And yes, it drove me nuts too that I had to work EVERY day while he lounged around the house watching TV all day :angry: Even though I knew he wouldn't be able to work right away, it still sucked!
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2007-03-30 10:47:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

hhhmm mike thought money didn't grow on trees either in JA.....until he came here....then his eyes got very big and wanted EVERYTHING....

People in Jamaica have a really false concept that when you go a farrin' you are gonna get rich quick. What do they think happens? When you cross the border you get a blank check? Or do you immediately get a job paying $80,000 year? Or do you get a money tree to plant in your back yard? :jest: Honestly, I don't know how they get such a misconception.

Tony has been here for over 2 years now and he's finally starting to get it. I've explained to him over and over again that you have to WORK hard to get nice things. Yes, I have a really nice car... and a nice truck.... and a decent house.... and lots of clothes and shoes..... but I've been working (and saving) since I was 13 years old. It doesn't happen overnight. I bought him an old car when he got his license - nothing fancy, just to get to work and back - and he complained about it :o It's ugly. It's not what I wanted. I want a truck. I was so pissed off at him (just ask Mindy!) I almost took the car back and sold it!! He thought that because I had a nice car, I guess I was supposed to buy him a nice car too :ranting: He's finally getting it that HE has to work and earn money and SAVE his money if he wants to buy his dream truck. You want that brand new pair of Timberlands that cost $150 or should you put that in your savings account toward your truck?

Ok, I'm done ranting now :whistle:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2007-03-29 13:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

I'm going to stress this once again, that this process is NOT easy ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY ARRIVE HERE !!!! There's a HUGE adjustment for them --well everyone!!! It does NOT matter how many times you say something and "prepare" them in advance. What they've seen, heard, watched in the movies...will NOT compare to how it REALLY is here in the states.

Do NOT go into this with blinders on and think that everything will be sooooooooo hunky dory.

IF you do not have children, it will be like having an ADULT CHILD for awhile !!! If you do not have patience ....

VERY TRUE :yes: Many of the couples that used to be on VJ have since split up and many others are having problems. You think you know someone, but how well do you really know them? So you've been to Jamaica a few times for a week at a time? You've never lived together. You're on vacation when you go down there so there's NO stress. No work. No problem! When he gets here, it's a whole different story. I called off our wedding 2x in less than 2 months :wacko: Luckily, we're one of the lucky couples who have "made it".

No, us veterans are not being mean :P Just trying to prepare you!
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2007-03-29 11:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

If i do the K3, which is stated as having the same processing times as the K1, what would be my advantage over the K1 exactly.

Congrats on the engagement! The K-1 is faster than the k-3 - that's why most of us chose that one! :yes: Once your man gets here and you get married, you apply for AP (advanced parole) so he can travel. Ours only took about 2 months - see our timeline.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2007-03-29 11:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

What in the world is wrong with these people? I know it was bad before but it seems 100 times worse.
You got through, it is over and done with. All I can say is UNBELIEVABLE!!!!

They have always given a hard time to couples with a big age difference. As I said in my other reply, it's like a red flag to them and they interrogate extra hard to make sure the relationship is legit.

Edited by rhondapayter, 29 March 2007 - 11:22 AM.

rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2007-03-29 11:21:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

She interrogates him for 30 minutes!!!!!!! She calls him a liar 5 times, she asks him how we met, where we went out together and when we sex! She asks him if he knows how old I am (I am much older than he) when he says yes and tells her my age she says, "what is your problem? Dont you like women your own age?"

"I dont mean to judge you but you are a lot older than your fiance. We see a lot of that here, these young Jamaican men just want a greencard. So, I want to ask you why you are doing this?"

Ok, I have to ask, HOW OLD ARE YOU? And how old is your fiance? I have heard of them being really, really rough on couples with a huge age difference. You're lucky you were with him. If not, he probably wouldn't have gotten approved. For some reason a big age difference is a red flag to them. Sorry your experience was so awful :blush: At least the hard part is done now.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2007-03-29 11:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

I have never seen a place so screwed up as the US Embassy. Since they have moved they are almost impossible to deal with. I wish you all the best in getting the passport on Friday....

They've ALWAYS been impossible to deal with :( It's hard to believe that anything affiliated with the U.S. could be that messed up!
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2007-03-29 11:13:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

He asked what the error was and he was told not to worry that he would be approved but they needed until the 8th to correct the error.

Sounds like the Embassy screwed something up <_< I've never heard of them telling someone that.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2007-03-29 11:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

I sent it to my sister -- I can't tell you how many times I pushed her down the stairs when we were little -- it was fun pulling her up by her hair too!! :devil: We were really bad!!! We fought like boys..... :innocent:

Mindy, you're such a little devil :devil: :P
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2007-03-29 10:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Oh where is Mindy today?? It is quiet without her. Mindy when does Roy come home? Are the dogs doing better now?

I think Roy comes home today! Maybe they're home right now making up for lost time :lol: :devil: She said she missed him in bed........... :innocent:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2007-03-28 11:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Rhonda it is way to early for you to be up :yes: . What are you doing up so early?

I am TEMPORARILY on day shift for the rest of this week and next week. ^_^ I have mixed feelings about it. I would love day shift again but if it's only for 1 1/2 weeks, it's not worth it. It's too hard to adjust my sleep schedule only to have to adjust it back again week after next. And they only gave me 12 hours notice that I was getting moved to day shift :ranting: I really want a new job.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2007-03-28 11:13:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

hey guys!
I have a question - for the K1 VISA-do you have to own a house or other property or will your salary be suffecient proof of income?
I always thought it was just proving with your salary, but then I am about to buy a house and may or may not have closed by then so I thought "I bet the VJ friends will know!" hahaha
Thanks guys!

They don't look at that kind of stuff. As long as your income exceeds the poverty level (for 2 people - you and HIM) you will be fine. The only time you would use your other assets to help you out is IF you didn't make enough money.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2007-03-28 11:09:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

I spoke to LovinJA today and they were APPROVED as well!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

Congrats to LovinJA and to Ebonysean :dancing: More success stories!!
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2007-03-28 11:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Good morning family from Jamaica,

CONGRATS :dance: Practice makes perfect :blush:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2007-03-28 11:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Appleton rum, and frozen rum punch :yes: (L)

Appleton is my favorite too :yes: In a nice cold Rum & Coke. I like rum punch too, but I've never had it frozen :huh: sounds good though!
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2007-03-28 10:56:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Question what are some of your favorite drinks from JA

Mine the dirty bannanna

Oh my gosh, that's my favorite too :joy: I love it! Pina Colada's are also very yummy and you can usually get them anywhere. But the best one I ever had was in Negril - don't remember the name of the bar though.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2007-03-28 10:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Tony is running around in his shorts already :lol: . He must be excited that spring is on its way and summer is almost here. It has been 79 degrees here for the past 2 days wish it could stay ;) . Even though I do miss winter I love snow and the snow helps the earth water supply. Rhonda please don't hit me ;) :P B)

Woman :bonk: You knew that was coming!! You need to move to Alaska or something :devil: It was very warm here yesterday too. But then it rained and the cold came back. I want SPRING :ranting:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2007-03-28 10:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

:D Glad to be of help! Now all I have to do is find a decent dress.

I can sell you mine!! :devil: I only wore it once!!

:D Okay, post a pic!

I think there's a wedding pic of us on our Yahoo site. I'll have to go check. Do you have access to our Yardie pics on Yahoo?
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2007-03-28 10:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

:D Glad to be of help! Now all I have to do is find a decent dress.

I can sell you mine!! :devil: I only wore it once!!
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2007-03-26 02:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

-- I do miss him in bed -- I have taken to sleeping diagonally across the bed -- don't know why. It's pretty funny!!

I know what you mean. Me and Tony NEVER sleep together anymore because of my crazy work hours :crying: He sleeps at night and I sleep during the day - for over SIX months now :ranting:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2007-03-26 02:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Congrats :thumbs: It sounds like fun. Don't forget the Jamaican tradition of Flouring your love one on his birthday. It's the funniest thing I have seen. We did it to my husband last year :lol: . I don't know if a ten year old would enjoy that but how exciting for him he must be telling all his friends of his upcoming trip. :luv: You two have fun!

What is flouring? Never heard of it :huh:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2007-03-26 02:18:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Rhonda would you ever consider relocating for a better job? Check out this book from your public library Forty Days to the Work You Love by Dave Miller. This book is great for people who feel trapped by a job they don't want to be working for the rest of their lives. Anyone who wants a good read check it out.

I guess it just depends. I'm really close to my family so it would be really hard for me to move out of state. But if they retire and move upnorth (like they're thinking of) it may be a possibility. I'd like to move somewhere warm like Florida or the Carolinas. Tony says he doesn't like the cold weather either, but the past 2 days my crazy Jamaican was wearing shorts! :o :lol: And it was only in the upper 50's - lower 60's!!

Thanks for the book tip. I'll have to check it out.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2007-03-26 02:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Good morning ladies. I'm at work again as usual :ranting: I've been looking and looking for a new job, but the Michigan economy sucks right now. This job - working nights & weekends - is really putting a strain on my marriage :(

Good luck with the upcoming interviews! Keep up the good news :thumbs:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2007-03-24 06:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: Just heard from Sonshyne! VISA APPROVED!!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

Yippee :dancing: Another VJ success story!
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2007-03-22 03:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Anyway, I came, I went & I conquered. My trip was stressful due to the waiting with Airpak. But I got what I came for ---an APPROVAL.

Congrats :dance:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2007-03-22 03:13:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

i dressed my dog up as a dinosaur for halloween last year and sent him pictures of it.........he thought that was the craziest thing EVER and was running around the whole town showing those pictures off....and they are STILL talking about it....too funny

:lol: Too funny! Tony pretty much acted the same way when I showed him pics of my dog with Santa Clause at X-mas time!!! :P
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2007-03-22 03:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

my fiance is BEGGING me to get rid of him before he comes...partly because he is scared of pitbulls but mostly because he thinks it is so bizarre how we treat our animals like humans in America....he does not understand the "bond" in which we have with our dogs....i told him no chance in hell was my dog going anywhere....i know they will be best friends anyways...

Tony still doesn't "get it" and he's been here over 2 years now :huh: He can't understand why we treat them like family members! Just last night Harley had just had a bath and I was petting him and cuddling with him. When I went to give Tony a kiss goodbye he made a face at me and turned away :o He said he wasn't kissing me because I was just kissing the dog!! :bonk: :devil: He's so crazy. My actual lips never touched the dog!
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2007-03-22 03:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Where is Mindy today it is too quiet here.
Ha, you sound like Rhonda :lol:

Me sound like Rhonda oh no :lol: Good morning Rhonda hope your Tuesday is going swell :thumbs: !!

You ladies are just sooooo funny :P :content:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2007-03-21 04:09:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

during the summer when i'm not working, she's the sweetest dog ever. but once i start working she gets neurotic on me. for 4 years my fiance has been making remarks about how dogs shouldn't be inside. i highly doubt he'll go for my mia sleeping in the bed between us. your other half is really open-minded for a jamaican! lol

Harley hates being left home alone too :huh: He gets into everything - although not as bad as when he was a puppy! He has also been known to take dirty dishes out of the sink and lick them clean and then chew them to pieces :o He seems to prefer tupperware!!!! Have you come up with any compromises with your man regarding the dog? Hopefull they will bond and keep each other company while you're at work :blush:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2007-03-21 04:03:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

thanks rhondapayter. the dog in my avatar is a weimaraner. they're usually a very pretty silvery-gray color and kinda look like a lab only with short hair. some people say my weimaraner looks like a horse because of her coat and muscular build.

here's a pic of her. she's 9 years old and my fiance has his heart set on kicking her out since (like many jamaicans) he thinks that dogs are dirty and should be kept outside. wait til he sees her sitting on the couch and sneaking into bed. lol! that's my baby.

She is just beautiful :yes: I LOVE dogs. I've always had one ever since I was a little kid. Tony's biggest complaint about the dog being in the house is all the dog hair :rolleyes: But, I don't allow him (the dog, not Tony :P ) on the furniture or in the bed.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2007-03-20 02:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

We have an interview for May 3rd at 12:15pm :dance:

Yippee :dance: Congrats!
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2007-03-20 02:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Question for green card holders - does your husband or wife carry the green card in their wallets? I read somewhere on this site that green card holders have to carry it at all times.

Yeah, Tony does but he's decided that when he gets the 10 year card he's not going to. The current card is just trashed from being in his wallet :bonk: He gets really dirty at work and EVERYTHING in his wallet gets grimy too! We'll just make a copy of the card and he can carry the copy.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2007-03-20 02:03:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

the I-864 IS only for folks who are already married right?

my K-1 book is almost 200 pages long! i'll be picking up the last of the required documents (bank letter and notarize the I-134) tomorrow. all my fiance needs is the police report and med. exam. he already has about 10 passport photos but i think i'll send him back to get a few profile photos just in case the embassy asks for it.

Yes, you will need to do the I-864 after your man comes here and you are married and file for AOS (adjustment of status). It sounds like you are well prepared! :thumbs:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2007-03-19 01:47:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

thanks jonesie. i'll have my guy do the same. will the clinic know what shots we'll need?

Don't quote me on this, because it's been awhile......... but I think Tony had to have a Tetanus shot and the M.M.R. which is measles, mumps, and rubella. They may also need some type of Hepatitis shots - can't remember :huh:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2007-03-19 01:45:00