Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
This is my last night of work, then I have TEN days off for Christmas break :dance: :D :jest: :energetic: :joy:

rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-12-22 05:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

If there is no way they are going to issue him a Visa now -- how can they in three years? What difference is the three years going to make -- the answer to the question will still remain the same. He can't take that back.

I am wondering the same thing? What difference will it make in 3 years? He already admitted to using the drug in the past - that answer will be on his permanent record now :unsure: So are they going to ask the question again in 3 years and see if his answer is the same? You need to find out more info. somehow.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-12-22 04:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

I am entertaining the idea of moving down there for a year or 2 until we are able to file again, but I'm not sure...

I personally would never do it, but more power to you if that's what you decide on :yes: Good luck with everything.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-12-22 04:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

I just called NVC to check on my case, they told me it's been mailed out today :dance: :dance:

CONGRATS :thumbs:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-12-22 03:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

I also heard you can up it in the oven -- on very low heat -- wrapped in a bath towel.....okay, on second thought, don't do that -- with the way this week is going for you, you will probably burn the house down :bonk: [/color]

No, burning the house down was Tony's job this week! An elderly friend of my mom's passed away and my mom inherited all her stuff. She had this very old toaster sitting on her counter (waiting to go to Goodwill) and Tony saw it there and said he wanted it :rolleyes: (This thing is like 30 years old but looks like it's never been used.) He doesn't like our toaster oven - he wants a toaster! Whatever.. Anyways a few days later I see the toaster in the garbage. I say "Tony, why did you throw your toaster away?"

He laughs and asks me "didn't you hear the smoke alarm going off the other day"? :o He was trying to make toast and the damn toaster started sparking and smoking and almost lit the kitchen on fire :o :( :bonk:

IAnd if he makes that "kiss teet" sound one more time with his mouth I am gonna be going to jail for murder :ranting: :girlwerewolf2xn:

Me too, It grives me crazy. :wacko:

How do we get them to stop??? :help:

As far as kissteet, D has the nerve to tell me its rude but he's doin it all the time. I told him one day he gonna wake up with just lips and gums cause imma knock dem teet out LMAO

:lol: I'm gonna have to tell Tony that one!!

Hey, why did my 3 seperate posts all post together??? They better not have changed the format again!!! :angry:

Edited by rhondapayter, 20 December 2006 - 02:33 AM.

rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-12-20 02:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Rhonda it might to be too late but I just saw a thing on TV that says that if your cell phone gets wet- to open up the battery pack remove it and dry the phone with a blowdryer as soon as you retreive it from the water. The correspondant said that you will probably have to replace the battery but may be able to save the phone.

Thanks :blush: I did open it up and set it in front of a small fan at the nail salon. I'm crossing my fingers now! I'm not eligable to upgrade my phone for 3 or 4 more months. I have insurance on it but it's such a hassle - I don't think they cover for water damage so I'd have to say I lost it!! Then I'd probably be without a phone for awhile while they mailed me another one. Ughhh.....
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-12-19 05:45:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
I am having a REALLY bad day today :crying: It started out ok - I was getting my usual manicure/pedicure when I dropped my cell phone in the tub full of water :bonk: Now it's all messed up - barely working - and I am so mad at myself :angry: Then when I got home me and Tony got in a huge fight - over what I do not know. He will NOT communicate with me - it's one of the biggest problems with our relationship. I am just beside myself. When I left for work he wouldn't even speak to me <_< And if he makes that "kiss teet" sound one more time with his mouth I am gonna be going to jail for murder :ranting: :girlwerewolf2xn:

HELP!!! :help:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-12-19 03:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

For those traveling to JA(Kingston area) be aware that there's a malaria alert :see article here

That's scary :o Are mosquito bites the only way malaria is passed on? I don't know much about it.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-12-18 04:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

What is your holiday tradition?

When we were kids we used to go and cut down our own Christmas tree. We always went with some friends of my parents who had kids our age so we'd have a lot of fun. Then we'd all go out to dinner at the same restaurant every year.

Other than that, we always spent Christmas Eve with my dad's side of the family and Christmas Day with my mom's side. No big traditions that I can think of though. Besides arguing with my sister about who was going to help dad put up the outside X-mas lights :lol:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-12-18 03:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Wow, it was really quiet in here this weekend :huh: Everyone must be out finishing their Christmas shopping!! I had a boring weekend. I didn't have to work which is good :D BUT Tony had to work Sat. AND Sun. :crying: I was pretty much alone all weekend because he's so tired when he gets home he eats and then goes to sleep. What did everyone else do this weekend?
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-12-18 03:47:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

When someone is having a problem w/their mate and want to talk about it they mostly mention all the negative things but remember everything has two sides. Marriage is work no matter how you want to put it. We are only human so we are bound to make mistakes ....

This is soooo TRUE!! :yes:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-12-15 01:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Cha!!!! Goway! Nah have to be soo facety wit dem gayl. :no: :lol: She has a right to express her own opinion. ;) :yes:

I think when you feel the need to start your post with this:

"Well I'm not going to endear myself to anyone by what I'm about to say but here goes..."
You're bound to get some negative feedback here and there! :blush:

Hi there...i know it's been a while just wanted to check in a say hello. I dropped Squito off at the airport this morning to go to Jamaica and I miss him terribly already :crying: I can't wait for next Friday when it's my turn to go down there!! How is everybody doing?

Hey Squitto :luv: Don't be such a stranger!! Have fun in JA - you'll be there before you know it.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-12-15 01:22:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

If I think the details of my relationship or lack thereof will benefit you; I'll let you know.

:lol: I guess one sarcastic remark deserves another :P
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-12-15 01:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

I am sure I speak for evryone when we say that whether we agree with your decision or not, it is yours to make and it is yours to live with and we send nothing but love your way, because at the end of the day, we all do things that others may not think is in our best interest. We laugh with each other, we cry with each other and we celebrate with each other.

:yes: VERY well said Trinilad. I think that pretty much sums it up.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-12-15 01:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3) my opinion I don't believe that Kelly is ready to give up on her marriage yet. That's totally up to her because she has to make her own decisions. I believe that she's using the comments made by others to show to Craig to "prove" to him that he's not acting in an appropiate manner to get him to shape up.
Kelly's inclined to think that things are ok now since other other woman is seemingly out of the picture; but I'm afraid that it's only a temporary improvement to her marriage.

So Michele, how's YOUR relationship going? Have you filed yet? You seem so inclined to comment on everyone else's relationships, but you never talk about your OWN. How do you know whether it's a "temporary improvement" to her marriage? Maybe you should take Kelly's lead and share some personal info. of yours.

Edited by rhondapayter, 14 December 2006 - 05:13 AM.

rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-12-14 05:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

It sure would have been nice to know about Eric's case. I wonder if they were denied :blush: Why else would he not have come back to let us know what went on. :unsure:

I was thinking the same, exact thing. But he could of at least told us what was going on <_<
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-12-14 04:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Well, Mr man had a slight temper and aggravated enough he would react. So she she set about the task of aggravating him until he became violent. He was arrested on domestic violence charges. It gave her a cause to take out a protective order which did not allow him to return to the house pending the outcome of the case.The law against foreigners are strict. He was not released and was subsequently deported to jamaica even before the case was completed. She filed for divorce and he was not here to defend himself and the domestic violence case was enough evidence.

This is just completely CRAZY!!! It is women like this who "cry wolf" that make it bad for women everywhere with REAL, LEGIT domestic violence problems :angry: Now he is going to have this on his record forever and will never be able to enter the U.S. again - all because this women cried wolf. There are other ways to end things amicably without stooping to this level.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-12-14 04:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

but I KNOW that there are several women on here that have gone (or are going) through what "I" am going through (not to this extreme)....some have made it, and some are still trying............but "I" have had the courage to post "my" entire f**d up situation!!!

Well put Kelly :yes: I have the utmost respect for you for standing up and putting your business out there - the good, the bad, and the ugly. Even if it helps one other person out there to know that they are not the ONLY ones having trouble with their relationship. Everyone is so scared to talk about the negative aspects of these relationships - almost as if they think if the speak about it out-loud then they can't keep convincing themselves that everything is paradise. :whistle: I KNOW for a fact that there has been at least 4 other couples on the Yardie thread that have split up since coming to the U.S. but yet Joanna (bless her heart) was the ONLY one woman enough to tell us the TRUTH!!!
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-12-14 04:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Thank u everyone for your thoughts and prayers...the lady at the Embassy told us that his test had come back clean, but because he admitted to the use from a couple of years ago, that was enough for them...I just feel like I'm at a complete loss...I don't even know what I can do, if anything...we would still like to be married--does anyone know if we can get married now, and then just wait? I don't thoughts are rambling right now...I haven't been able to concentrate on anything, eat, or sleep...

This is just crazy!!!!!!! My heart goes out to the two of you. (F)

I think the problem is that the Government has their rules. It sucks but I bet answering "yes" to that question is an automatic denial -- no questions asked. This just breaks my heart.... (F) I can't stop thinking about you.....

That's the crazy thing - they say that if you've EVER smoked weed you get automatically denied - even if you test negative. So what difference does 3 more years make? Does he have to join NA (Narcotics Anonymous) or something similar to prove that he's working on his "problem"? Can they deny him again in 3 years because he admitted already that "yes" once upon a time, he smoked? The whole thing is crazy! <_<
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-12-13 03:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Hello everyone
I can't believe there is less than 2 weeks before Christmas! :goofy: In answer to the question, yes, I have almost all of my x-mas shopping done. I don't really have too many people to buy for though so it doesn't take long.

Jax, I am so jealous that you're going to JA :P I'm not sure when we're going back. Tony doesn't want to go until he has lots of money saved up - he has to buy stuff for EVERYONE when we go (as you all know). The problem is, he hasn't been working that much lately because of the crappy weather. So who knows? That's why we're planning our next trip to some other Caribbean island!! Where we don't know anyone and don't have to buy all kinds of stuff ahead of time!

What is everyone else doing for the holidays?
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-12-13 03:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

As you may know, our interview was on Thursday, and despite our best efforts, the visa was denied--due to his admitted marijuana use from about 2 1/2 years ago...

Oh my gosh, I am soooooo sorry :( That is so crazy. As if there is anyone in JA who hasn't smoked before?!!! That's just not fair. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-12-12 07:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Hey SJB post that link for me too - I want to surprise D for our one year anniversary in Feb - that should give me enough time to work off the "happy pounds" I gained since he been here and get the routine down

Honey, I'll still working on losing my "visa trauma and marriage" weight gain....go to

:lol: I hear you ladies! I have gained 15-20 lbs. since I met Tony :o And it won't go away!!! :bonk:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-12-12 06:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

the best hula dancer on all of the islands at the time was a man who weighed over 500 lbs (yes, you read right). Boy could that man move :thumbs:.

Oh my :o That is quite the visual :lol: I just can't imagine!!
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-12-12 06:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

See I am the kind of person who wouldn't let a person who disrespects me even to stay in my house. I would of found him the nearst shelter and took him there. Then I would of changed all my locks on my house. Even if he was from here or wasn't.

That all changes when you're married. According to the law (at least here in MI) IF you are married, it is HIS house too and you can not prevent him from coming in because he lives there. Unless you have legally filed for seperation or divorce, the cops can force you to let him in the house. Just an FYI.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-12-12 06:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Hello family.

Kelly - I'm so sorry you are going through this but I wouldn't contact Ms. Mississippi....your problem should be with Craig not her.

Sorry, I don't agree. She knows he's married and yet she calls him at all hours of the night!! Kick her %#@ Kelly! :bonk: :diablo: :ranting:

:no: Let's not lose our class now Rhonda. It's just not worth it.

What would you do if it was YOUR man? She is half of the problem, like it or not. If these women would quit trying to get involved with MARRIED men, the world would be a much better place <_<
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-12-12 06:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Hedo is a place that should be seen. A few years ago 5 of us got a night pass and my oh was an experience. Just to people watch.. :o

I completely agree :yes: We also went there on a night pass - let's just say we were supposed to only be there til 3am and at 4am they came looking for us to kick us out :lol: The cool thing about Hedo is that anything goes. You can do as much or as little as you're comfortable with. No one pressures you to do anything.

Happy Anniversary to Tony and Rhonda...I hope you enjoy the weekend.

Thanks everyone :wub: We had a really good time.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-12-12 06:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Well Wednesday was my last day of classes and I found out in one of my english classes that I aced the final 100% as well as the individual project and presentation :dance: Bring on the Dean's list and my 4.0 GPA :dance:

Congrats Jamie :thumbs: Keep up the good work!
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-12-12 06:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Hey everybody, I have a 3 day weekend since I'm taking Monday as a vacation day :dance: Monday is our 2 yr. Anniversary!! :wub: We're going down to Ohio to an indoor waterpark / hotel for Saturday night. I probably won't be back on-line until late Monday night. Everyone have a good weekend.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-12-08 07:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

I hope we wrote enough to satisfy you tonight Rhonda!

Yes :yes: I was just thinking that! I had 5 pages to read since last night!!
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-12-08 03:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

OKAY ladies I am about to go home and practice this belly dancing thing :dance: Is it okay if you have more than one BELLY :wacko: .?

:lol: :lol: LMAO
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-12-08 02:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

You can't understand why he's being so tetchy, you work hard to make your lives better, you've sacrificed and saved to get you both this far, you've gone against what your friends and family have suggested and followed your heart, you've lain in bed nights dreaming about how you can be togehter and what life will be like, and here HE IS looking at YOU like YOU'RE the enemy???

:yes: OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!! Truer words have never been spoken! I was nodding my head the whole time I was reading this. I think I will print it out to read every time I run out of patience or get exasperated with Tony. Wow. Thank you. :blush:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2007-03-31 12:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

I would kid him all the time saying if I were younger or he were old I wouldn't let him get away. There is a LARGE age difference between us and it has never bothered him. It was me that held off because of it.

Woman, you're killing me here :wacko: How old are you? How old is he? You keep mentioning the HUGE age difference and my curiosity is getting the best of me. Are you 80 and he's 20? :lol: Anything less than that is fine by me!! I'm calling you Stella from now on :whistle: ( I love that movie!)
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2007-03-31 12:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Next time put a warning label DO NOT VIEW AT WORK!!! Girl I laugh so loud my co-worker came to see what was goin on!!! THANKS I NEEDED THAT!!!!

No fair :angry: I can't get to it from work - it's blocked!!! I'll have to wait til I get home!
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2007-03-31 12:13:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

that when he comes in can he just try his best to put away his stuff.... like glasses, CD player, shirt laying around the kitchen, cup in another location, lights on, doors open.

I'm always turning off lights all throughout the house :wacko: I don't understand why Tony leaves the lights all on - he's only in 1 room but the lights are on in 3 other rooms!!
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2007-03-31 11:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

We usually buy our 50 lb. bag of rice in the Japan section. (It never ceases to amaze me how much rice we can eat!)

Oh my gosh :o 50 lbs. ??!!!!!!
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2007-03-31 11:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Can't you guys get Jamaican food where you are? We have only one restaurant (that I know of) that cooks any decent Jamaican food. But, we have 2 international grocery stores and our local farmer's market where we buy everything we need. Andre is the cook in our family and cooks Jamaican dishes nearly every single night. We have saltfish, oxtail, goat, fish, mackrel, ackee (thank God that is back in the stores even if it is big $$$$), callaloo, yam, plantain, coconuts, breadfruit, etc. The only real issues we've had are that he doesn't like our pork and beans.

You're lucky! Where do you live? I'm guessing NYC or Miami - places where there's a large Jamaican population usually have the stuff more readily available. We have one JA store we've found about a 20 min. drive from us (in Detroit). We can't get certain things (breadfruit, goat) but most of the others are there. Tony doesn't like the fish though because it's frozen - not fresh. Also, they only have tin Ackee - I wish they had the real thing :P That's my favorite JA dish - ackee and saltfish! Tony laughs at me because I eat it EVERY day while I'm in JA - once for two weeks straight! :blush:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2007-03-31 10:56:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Immigration has basicly in my point of view, taken away their manhood.

Yes, I agree with this. When you're in Jamaica you're on THEIR turf. You have to RELY on them for everything. :yes: Where to go, what to do, how to get there, the culture, norms, exchange rate, etc.. Then they get here in the U.S. and they have to rely on YOU for everything. They are not the man of the house or head of the house - you are whether you like it or not. They have to learn a whole new set of rules and laws and cultures and norms. It's a complete role reversal. Add to that the major fact that they can't even work and help "bring home the bacon" and it really depresses them.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2007-03-31 10:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
I LOVE being back on day shift :dancing: You guys are so much fun! For once the days not dragging by like it does when I'm on midnights.

I miss my Jamaican :luv: We've both been working a lot of hours and I'm so tired with this shift change, we haven't spent any time together lately :crying: And I have to work tomorrow too! All this talk of Jamaica is making me want to go there NOW! We're going back in November.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2007-03-30 12:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Oh my we are so opposite. I would save just enough for air fare my 20 dollar room. We would go out to eat once at Margaritaville. I would usually just talk to my two girlfriends all day why Dwain went to work. Many trips I never went to the beach.

Don't get me wrong - I was not spending lots and lots of money on my hotel rooms. I've never stayed at a resort down there. I used to stay at Silver Sea in Ochi for $50/night (the Jamaican rate ;) ). Last time we splurged and stayed at Rooms on the Beach which was about $95/night and a lot nicer. I like to have hot water and air conditioning :innocent:

I must admit even my son had a crib, he slept in my bed for his first year....Never came even close to rolling on him....I think maybe if the parents drank it might be a problem then....In Jamaica many people would think it was barbaric to put a small baby in another room, monitor or none....For me I was scared of the house catching fire and being unable to get him in time....paranoid I know!

Just curious, where did you grow up? I can't remember if you said you're from Jamaica or the Uk? Or the U.S.? You probably already told us but I have a bad memory :blush:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2007-03-30 12:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

This is so funny cause Andre and I actually got into an argument about babies sleeping in cribs. He was looking through baby pictures of my son's nursery. He said "he slept in the other room? What if something went wrong?". I explained I had mother hearing and could hear pretty much every breath he took, plus, we had monitors. He was like "oh, no, babies sleep right next to their mother." I had to laugh.

I just cringe at that because it's so dangerous :o What if you roll over onto the baby in your sleep?!!!
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2007-03-30 12:02:00