Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Hey guys i know its been a million years since i have been on.

Hey Popcorn :star: It's good to see you.

Who's anniversary is next????

DECEMBER 11 will be 2 years for me and Tony (L) :dance:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-09-28 05:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

(L) Happy 1st Anniversary (L)

Jamie & Andre

Ditto :yes: Have a great day!!! You made it :P Don't worry - it gets better from here on out :whistle: :innocent: The first year is the hardest!
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-09-28 05:13:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

I can't believe nobody has been on here all day.....we really need Rhonda to get off the night shift :lol:

Yeah, you guys don't chat enough :lol: :no: Where is everybody? I only have ONE page to catch up on since this time last night. You guys are slacking off. Squitto - where are you???

Have a great day everyone! Hang in there Rhonda! I pray you can get a better job or a better schedule soon :yes:

Thanks :luv: I'm glad things are going well for you. Did you decide on a major yet?

I know I am asking this question way in advance but I need to know how to slow down the process :lol: How the heck do u think would ever say they need to slow done the process :lol: Am I the first one oh boy :whistle:

Yes, you are definately the first one to want to SLOW DOWN the process :yes: :o Most of us were so eager and impatient for it to hurry up!!

Hi Rhonda
I bet it can't be easy on the love life. How do u guys cope? Do u guys do something together in the middle of the day like an early afternoon movie or go out for an early dinner?

Unfortunately, we can't do much at all together during the week because Tony doesn't get home until after 6pm most nights :( Today he didn't get home til 8:30 and I had to leave for work at 9:30 :crying: The only days I see much of him are on the weekends since he's only been working 5 days a week lately. But even that is only for a few hours and then I'm off to work :ranting:

Sorry for ranting and raving, but this job is really getting to me :angry: It's going to drive me to drink! (Mindy, where's our Vodka symbol? :lol: We need a little, yellow smiley drinking out of a Vodka bottle!)
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-09-27 02:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Oh and Rhonda good day! This is your time of the day.. I don't know how u do it you are so strong. I hope work goes fast for u tonigh and into the morning. :yes: :whistle:

Thanks :star: I'm trying to hang in there. Working 7 days a week is killing me though :crying: It's not easy on the love life either (L) :(

(((((Rhonda))))) are you out there? :P

I just missed you. I am here from 10pm - 6:30am. I check VJ once or twice a night. If you're on you can always e-mail me - I check that more often - and I'll come in and chat :yes:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-09-26 03:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Where do you rent your car? Have you done that before? Just looking for other's experience with car rental.

I've rented a car the last 2 times I went to JA. The first time was through Hertz and the second time through Thrifty. They were both VERY expensive :( And we had to put a $1000 hold on my credit card until the car is safely returned :wacko: I would love to find a cheaper place to get one from.

I did not have to worry because Duane does not smoke but I was freaked because folks smoke so much all around and I was afraid he would test positive just for second-hand smoke.......(I know...I am a paranoid freak!!!!)

Oh my gosh, girl you sound just like me :lol: I just said something very similar to that before I read this post!

I normally rent if I am going to be there for more than a few days. I have a friend who has a couple vehicles and rent me for $30.00 US per day. The best rental company in one in Mo Bay that charges 160.00 per week for a Chevy Malibu. But then you pay about 12.00 a day for insurance cause credit card companies do not provide insurance for rentals in Jamaica, So renting from a private owner always works out best. I am pretty good on the roads in Jamaica. Similar to the roads I grew up with in my home country of Trinidad. Winding roads with no lanes and no lights except in Kingston.

Can you please give me the info. for these rental companies??? I've been spending way too much money on car rentals when I go down there :bonk: I spent $600 for a 10 day rental and then $300 for a 4 day rental :o
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-09-25 05:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Myisha(ricardoswife) had a little girl on September 1st! :dance: :dance: Everyone is doing well and she hopes to post a picture of the baby soon. Congratulations Myisha and Ricardo!!

CONGRATS :dance: Hope to hear from you soon Myisha! :luv:

OH MY GOD! Denied for testing positive for ganja--oh Christ, he'll never get here

Yes, they test everyone for this since it is so prevalant down there. And they don't just do a simple urine test for it either. They do a blood test and it stays in your blood longer than in the urine.

HypeTV has made my life so much easier -- Roy watches it 24/ of the best things I ever did!!

Tony is already impossible to drag away from the TV with out having HypeTV :lol: I don't think I'd ever see him if we got that :no:

Will two months do it? Is it a blood test?

Yes, two months will be fine. And yes, it is a blood test. I was so paranoid, I didn't even want my husband around anyone who was smoking :blush: I didn't want him getting it second-hand :no:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-09-25 05:18:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Happy Saturday!!!
Rhonda -- We're all sleeping..... :lol: :lol:

Sure, just rub it in :P Most of the normal people of the world are asleep while I'm at work. That's one of the reasons I hate this shift.

Well...when you join, they give you a book that has the point calculation for the most commons foods so you can have an idea for each food. They also sell a book that has almost ALL restautants in it and points for each item.

Thanks for the info. :thumbs: Is it expensive to join? I may have to try it. I'm trying to start working out again too, but it's SOOOO hard :( I just started a Pilates class on Thursdays that will be once a week for an hour and lasts 12 weeks. That will get me headed in the right direction. Then I just need to add a few days of cardio on my own time and I might get somewhere. :blush:

Hello everyone....
what a great yucky morning at work...blah....
oh well i have been in a battle with comcast for the past 3 weeks...finally gave them the boot today and tv.....i am excited cause like many of you already have i can enjoy hype tv... :yes: :yes: :P

I have direct TV and I love it. I was so happy to get rid of Comcast. After paying $63 a month for not much I have tons of channels. And Comcast had the nerve to tell me when I was cancelling them that I should have called and and they would have lowered my rate. I said being a long time customer they should have offered me a lower rate.
I have lost signal for maybe 1 hour during one huge thunderstorm. No problems with snow or wind. Up in the 800 section is all music channels. Listening to root reggae now as I am cleaning my house.

I'm getting pretty tired of Comcast myself. They keep raising their prices and I get nothing in return :angry: But, believe it or not, I did call them the other day and told them I was thinking of switching and they lowered my rate :D Even if it is only $10 a month cheaper - it's better than nothing!

In all my time of reading, I have not come across anyone being denied in Jamaica. Guess it's kind of hard to imagine what you could possibly do wrong to get denied. So none of us will ever know what a bad Jamaican experience was like.

This is NOT true at all. TWO different people's fiances from this thread have been denied for testing positive for ganja! Then they have to wait 3 years to apply again.

Also, many people have gotten temporarily denied until they provided more information or proof of relationship. Most of these incidents occurred when the U.S. fiance was NOT present at the interview. They definately badger them a lot more if the U.S. citizen is not there.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-09-24 04:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

There will be some rumblings tomorrow as he does not want me to spend the money to go to the interview seeing I will be going down on the 10th of November anyway but I really want to be there.

Can't you just pay the fee and change your Nov. 10th ticket to go down sooner for the interview? Most airlines will let you do this for a $100 fee.

Where is everyone today? I'm really bored, can you tell.....?????

I feel your pain :yes: NO ONE is on here while I'm at work - from 10pm-6:30am - I hate the midnight shift :angry: :ranting: And to top it off I have to work Sat. and Sun. :crying: :angry: :cry:

I feel like Rhonda today....:lol: :lol: :lol: It is sooooo slow at work and I am sooooo bored!!!!

:P Very funny Mindy! It's 4:25am - where IS everybody?? :wacko: :lol: :whistle: I'm bored too!

Hey...Weight Watchers point system is what I did to lose the 80 lbs.....and most importantly.....keep it off!!!!It really taught me how to eat and portion control. I was a size 20 and now and wearing size 10 so I lost half of me!!!! I show Duane the "fat" pictures and he keeps telling that he is sooooo happy he met me after the weight loss...he likes dem gyals thin.......guess I need to keep it off FOREVER!!!

That's awesome :thumbs: I want to lose about 20 lbs. and my sister recommended Weight Watchers. She's done it and she even worked there for awhile!! But, how do you calculate how many points each food has? Especially when you go out to eat! (bad habit of mine) And what happens when you eat your allotted points and you're still hungry? :innocent: :blush:


I am at work bored so I thought I would drop in and say hello to all of you!!! I have not been keeping
with the forum. So i hope all is well with everyone?

Hey girl :luv: We miss you in these parts. It's good to hear from you. I'm glad everything is going well.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-09-23 03:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

ROFL, the showing him how to close the ziplock bag! :lol: :lol: :lol: Oh my, omigosh. This is what I was trying to say several months back when I was talking bout showing my husband EVERY LITTLE THING.

I guess I'm lucky in that aspect because Tony doesn't like having to ask me to show him everything. He likes to figure stuff out on his own. Back when he first got here, he asked me if I had any vacuum bags for the vacuum. I'm like huh? How do you know it needs a new bag? He said it was full so he was changing the bag :blink: I'm like, how do you know how to do that? He's like, it's not that hard! :lol: He's never operated a vacuum cleaner in his life until he came here!!!

OCTOBER 27TH........... :yes: :yes:
Just got an e-mail response asking if an interview date has been set.

CONGRATS :dance: :thumbs:

Well they sent Dwains dad home last night and I don't understand why they did because he wasn't doing any better. We think they sent him home to die. This morning my hubbys dad did pass away. :crying: (F)

So sorry to hear the bad news :( That must be really hard for him and his mom.

Howdy Folks :luv:

Just wanted to check in and let you all know I am alive. Andre still is too but we have had a couple close calls :whistle: :lol:

Jamie, it's so good to hear from you :yes: :dance: :luv: Please dont' be such a stranger. How's school going? Where are you working now? We've missed you on here.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-09-22 02:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Another issue we're starting to have is the company he's starting to keep (or has made friends with) from work. They are black american, mostly single guys (or cheat on their gfriends) and do NOT taking working seriously!!! They are feeding Craig's head with ALLLLL sorts of #######, can just go out and buy a car, you don't NEED a license !!! That's only 1 of the things he's shared, I can ONLY imagine what else they've said to him.

I had a similar problem with the guys that Tony used to work with. Out of 5 guys Tony was the ONLY one who actually HAD his license!! :o They had him drive the work truck everyday because he was the only legal one. And two of the guys in particular that he hung out with sometimes were just bad news. They were always smoking, drinking, smoking weed, not showing up for work, picking fights with the supervisor, etc... One of the guys did get pulled over (on his own time) eventually and went to jail for no license and warrants out for his arrest (unpaid child support :wacko: ) so at least that showed him that you can't just do what you want and never get caught. But I had a REALLY hard time trying not to tell him he wasn't "allowed" to hang out with these guys. I brought it up once or twice and he accused me of "mothering" him so I learned to pick my battles. Luckily he works somewhere else now so doens't see too much of them now.

Have a Happy Thursday and remember...Greys Anatomy starts the new season TONIGHT!!!! That is one of my shows!!!!!

That is one of my favorites too! :yes: I'm recording it on my DVR since I'm always at work at night :(

Can you imagine if you were suddenly "dropped" into the middle of Jamaica and had to learn to "fend for yourself?"

I couldn't do it. NO WAY! :no: The worst would be leaving everyone you know. And no hot water, no indoor toilets, no A/C, no screens on the windows, no washing machine or dryer, oh my gosh, I could go on and on :D In the apartment that Tony was living in when I met him, he had to share a bathroom with the tenant next door :o At least they had an indoor toilet, but imagine having to share your bathroom with a total stranger :wacko: I give all our guys HUGE credit for sticking it out here. It can not be easy.

Edited by rhondapayter, 22 September 2006 - 01:49 AM.

rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-09-22 01:45:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Anyone have the following "issues" and/or "challenges"....cause these are our constant issues, or it can be the maturity (or lack there of).....

--We live in an apartment so that means you just can't go and sit in your car and have a drink and listen to music. You can do that IN your own home. He would not believe me that you can't have a drink (open) in your car....
--You can't just play music way loud at any hour.
--Can't leave the sliding glass door WIDE open when the air conditioning is on.
--Can't leave every flippin light and TV on in the house
--He HATES to wear a seatbelt and sometimes "refuses" to wear one!!

Yes, some of these have been "issues". Luckily, we have a house so the loud music isn't quite as big an issue. At least not when the windows are closed. :P There have been many times where I have come home and had to turn the radio way down because it was just blasting. I told him he was going to blow my speakers! He also has a bad habit of leaving all the lights, tv's, radio on all the time. Sometimes when he's not even home :angry: And the seatbelt thing was an issue at first. He's a little more used to wearing one now, but I used to constantly have to bug him to put it on. He doesn't want to be treated like a child but yet he won't just put the darn belt on by himself :wacko:

Okay...AOS/EAD officially mailed...we are on to STEP 2... :dance: :dance: :thumbs: :thumbs: I am afraid to say......the waiting begins...once again :whistle: :whistle:

Congrats on getting the packet mailed out :thumbs: The waiting for this one isn't as bad because at least your man is here now so you're waiting TOGETHER :luv: The worst part is waiting for the EAD so he can work.

If I may add my 2 sounds like more of a "control" issue for Craig and it sounds like he is rebelling against all the crazy American rules and he does not like being told what to do.....this is typical of most men..especially those hard-headed Jamaican men........

This is Sooooo true :yes: Tony couldn't believe the amount of "rules" we have here. He really couldn't believe that you can't walk out of a bar with your un-finished drink in your hand :o Also, you can't just "relieve" yourself anywhere you feel like it! He didn't believe me when I told him you can get a ticket for public urination (or whatever they call it) :lol: We're definately not nearly as laid back here as in Jamaica. Give it time, he'll get used to things.

So most ALL of you told me that our relationship in Jamaica was going to be a totally different relationship in America....Before he got here.....I thought...yeah whatever....we are soo close and I know him sooooo well so our relationship will be NO DIFFERENT.... :blush: BULLSHIZNIT...........Boy was I WRONG.....the whole dynamics is different........not that our relationship is worst but just VERY different.........when the real world hits you, the whole vibe is in Jamaica...he was in control for the most part and now I am in control...this is very different and very hard on a man.....How did you get over this? How long did it take for the adjustment? What advice would you give to some of us that are just now going through this and for those that will soon learn what I am talking about........ [/color] :whistle:

First of all, I told you so :P Just kidding :devil: No, you really don't know until he gets here. You can talk about it all you want, but hard, cold reality is something totally different. He's going to feel helpless and pretty much like a child - having to rely on you for everything for awhile. It just takes time. There's not a certain amount of time I can tell you, but it gets better each day/week/month.

It's the little things at first that help a LOT. Get him his own video store card so he can rent movies on his own. Get him a bike (or public transport) and let him explore the area on his own. Let him help you make decisions - for instance when we were going out on the weekend, Tony would say he didn't know anything, you just pick. So I would give him like 3 or 4 options and tell him to pick one. That way he feels like he has some input at least. If you can, get him an ATM card or a Debit card so he doesn't feel like he has to ask you for money whenever he needs something. (Obviously there have to be guidelines here :blush: ) Get him his own cell phone if possible - this made a HUGE difference for Tony anyhow. It will get better with time, I swear :luv:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-09-21 03:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Michael is a recovered alcoholic now. He hasn't had a drink since the day he got here... so he's been sober for 11 months now :dance: He had a bit of a problem with rum, actually it was so bad that it was starting to damage his liver.

He was a completely different man when he drank so yeah, it was a HUGE issue for us. He actually quit a while before he got here, but when we started geting close to an approval on our K1 and him moving he here he kind freaked out and had a relapse. But all is back on track now and he's doing great. He goes to AA meetings every Tuesday.

WOW :o Thanks for sharing your story. It's great that he's on the right track now. I know it's extremely difficult to get past admitting you have a problem. I've watched my cousin struggle with alcoholism for years now. I think he recently found out he has some liver damage too :(

So, how do you know when you're an alcohlic? How do they define "alcoholic"? Tony doesn't drink everyday, but sometimes he just HAS to have a drink. And he also drinks when he's bored or stressed (like Mindy said about Roy). I come from a family of social drinkers so it's unusual to me to drink during the middle of the week while you're just sitting at home watching TV :wacko:

To My Chicago family.....and whoever might be in town.....

The Link Up is set for Oct 14. And what about you Rhonda....Chicago isnt too far of a ride. Is it????

It's possible :blush: I think it's about a 4 or 5 hour drive for us. I've never been there, but I'd like to visit it one of these days. Let me talk to Tony and find out. I have 2 vacation days left for the year - maybe I could use one and take a long weekend.

In regards to the drinking issue. That was a major issue when Craig 1st got here. He wanted to just "have a drink" at 10am on any day and I'm like....hooooold up a second !! We had MANY talks about being a "responsible" parental (type). He would LOVE to have a drink EVERY night that he comes home from work. I don't keep anything in the house. I did buy a 6 pack on the wedding night, that went quick. I'm a social drinker and could have a 6 pk in the fridge for a month.

Yes, this sounds just like Tony and I. If it were up to him, I think he would have a drink every night. And if it's in the house, he feels like he MUST drink it! I can have some coolers in the fridge for a month and not drink them (he won't touch those, they're "girlie" drinks :lol: ) but if there's beer or rum, he drinks it. He likes Wray & Nephew and I like Appleton so we each have our own bottle. Mine lasts me a month or two while his is gone is a few weeks :o

Kelly -- We haven't had any of "your' issues.....but.....Roy has gotten pulled over TWICE by our wonderful, local about Racial Profiling......when he is bored he rides around the neighborhood on his bike...guess the cops don't like that too much. At the rate he is going.....he will be pulled over by ALL the cops in our town by the time the month is over.

Roy got pulled over on his BIKE??? :o That's crazy! I didn't even know the cops could do that!!!
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-09-21 02:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Ok, I have a new topic for you guys. Actually it is more of a question. How often does your man drink? Did he drink often in Jamaica? Does he drink more or less now than he did while living there? Is it an "issue"?

I'm just wondering what is considered "normal". I know the Jamaican culture is a lot different from ours here. I know drinking occurs way more often there (at least in my opinion). Me and Tony are having some issues about this topic and I'm just curious. I am a social drinker - weddings, parties, occasional weekends, having friends over, etc. - and this is what I would consider "normal". Tony is used to drinking way more often than that - in Jamaica, you can get a Guiness or a rum & coke on every corner all hours of the day or night. :o He was shocked when he got here and discovered that most liquor stores and bars close and stop serving alcohol at 2am.

I have a cousin that is a servere alcoholic and I had an uncle on the other side of the family that died of liver problems caused by alcoholism. So, I am very sensitive to this topic. Any comments and info. you give me would be great :blush:

Edited by rhondapayter, 20 September 2006 - 01:42 AM.

rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-09-20 01:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Kelly -- The pictures are beautiful -- the mountains are awesome. Glad you had a great day!!

Ditto :yes: Very nice romantic spot to have a private ceremony.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-09-20 01:18:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

if you a non-US citizen you have to make an appointment in Maryland so they can view all of your immigration paperwork. If you pass the driver's permit then you have to wait six months before you can apply for your license. Then you have take mandatory driving lessons - two weeks in the classroom and six hours on the road.
I think Maryland have the worse driving license laws. But at least he's almost at the end of the road - I hope.

Oh my gosh :o That's just crazy! Yes, it sounds like Maryland gets the reward for "most difficult state to obtain a drivers license"! :P

Hi all
I'm kind of new to the site and so relieved to see this thread. Sent of I-129F 9/1/06 and I already have approval (Vermont SC). But now what happens? I can't sleep, I can't eat, I can only dream of paperwork and what to expect and how to be completely and totally prepared. I hear that if I fed ex the original 797 to my finace in JA, he can bring it to the embassy and get "the packet", but do I have to wait to know the NVC sent the file to Kingston first? I'm jumping out of my skin...


Welcome to the Yardie thread. You are SOOOOO lucky to have gotten approved so quickly :yes: I had to wait 3 months to get approved as have many others on here. :angry: Yes, you must wait until the case gets sent to Jamaica from NVC before he can pick up the packet. He won't even be in the system until the case arrives in Jamaica.

Also...did you send separate checks for everything or just 1 check for AOS/Biometrics/EAD?

I sent seperate money orders for each thing. One for EAD, one for AP, and one for AOS. I wanted to keep everything seperate.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-09-20 01:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Well.....they can review the DMV guide and take the practice tests but they will not be able to go get a permit until after the EAD and adjustment of status arrives..(At least per Califonia law)...He could not even get a darn DMV ID card with the I-94 so the License is out of the question until he gets the green card.... :whistle: :whistle:

Belly.....I do not think any of us have the extra money for a car or others things but we need to help transition our husband and make him feel like we are trying to work towards that. Even if it means that we save up $1000.00 and buy him a "bucket" that gets him from point A to point B....this will help with job options and allows for some extra income (just like Mindy said)

Wow, sounds like Cali is strict with the drivers license laws :o As for the vehicle situation, I did exactly that - spent about $1800 and bought Tony a used '94 Chevy Lumina. It's not the prettiest car in the world, but it lets him get around and gives him his independance. :yes: I had two vehicles when he got here, but I don't drive my car in the winter so we had to get him something. It's lasted him for almost a year now and all he's had to do to it are replace the brake pads and (recently) buy new tires for it because the tires were getting bald and he had one blow-out the other day. Even if you can't afford another car, like the other ladies said, just having the license is a big step in the right direction. Even for little stuff like running to the video store to pick up a movie by himself - it makes a huge difference in their self-confidence ;)

huh? :unsure: :unsure: dats weird cuz on my packet 3 it says this"if u have any jamaican resident children who will be accompaying you who are aged 18 or older, each such child must present a certificateof non-impediment to marriage issued by the registrar general department on security paper" i wll cal the embassy tmrwo jus to make sure. ( plus we married already)

Sorry, I forgot you guys are already married. I don't understand why your kids would need that certificate? :unsure: Are they 18 or older? It sounds like if they're younger than that, they wouldn't need it. Maybe someone else can help you out with this. Like I said, a lot of the rules have changed in the 2 years since Tony got his Visa.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-09-19 02:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

i know this is a stupid quetion here ...but wat the hell.....this certificate of non- impediment to marriage........if u have no kid means u dont have to get it right? ( i know very stupid question)

No, it has nothing to do with children. It's some new certificate (they didn't make us get it back when we filed) that states that you're free to marry -either you've never been married before or you're legally divorced.

[b]Yeah for the soon as your man gets here get a copy of the DMV Manual and go online to your DMV website and have him do the practice quizzes over and over (for Henry it felt like school and he was accomplishing something). As soon as your hubby/fiance gets enough US identification to add up to the requisite points, run, as Mindy says to the DMV. Henry used his EAD, K3 visa, social security card, and his passport. They told us the EAD and K3 cancelled each other out because they were "Issued by the same entity". So we then had to get a utility bill put in his name showing our address and with that he got the learner's permit. Did a five hour class and passed the road test. :D

Tony got his Drivers license way before he had his Green Card. I think he had his EAD at the time, but I can't remember if we used it as id or not. He got his permit first (after passing the written test) and had to drive with another licensed driver for 30 days. Then he took the road test (about 30 minutes long) and passed it the 2nd time. He failed at parallel parking the first time :angry: How stupid to fail someone for that!!! What's with the 5 hour class??? That's insane. As for identification, I think he used his passport, birth certificate, Michigan ID, and social security card. No problem mon! what I WILL do is get him a monthly bus pass, and a SMART TRIP card for the metro trains! :thumbs: :D I don't want him sitting around doing nothing, and this way, he can explore the city and learn how to get around on his own while I'm away during the day!

You guys are so lucky you have public transportation nearby. We don't have that here in the suburbs. We did what Mindy and Roy did and bought Tony a used bicycle to ride around.

Okay I keep on getting bad news after bad news. Dwain's dad is now in the hospital he did not eat for a week and is getting really weak. His dad has altimers and Diabetes.

I'm so sorry to hear this sad news (F) Hang in there, my thoughts are with you.

Edited by rhondapayter, 19 September 2006 - 02:25 AM.

rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-09-19 02:28:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3) two cents worth......No, I don't think you are being need to try to not sweat the "small stuff." Right now, the MOST IMPORTANT thing is his Passport. If he doesn't get that NOTHING else here matters.

That being said......if he can pick up his Passport next week -- let him drop off the DS230 then. Unless you live in Kingston it is a pain in the ####### to keep going back there to do everything that needs to get done. A few more days isn't going ruin anything. Nothing is going to be done when YOU want it done. And I think all the girls on here can agree with that ;)

I agree :yes: The passport is most important right now. And, yes, the drive to Kingston is expensive and time-consuming. The more he can get done there at once, the better. And, no, nothing is going to be done when you want it done! :whistle: I also filled out all the forms for my hubby - DS230, 156, 157, etc. - and all he had to do was sign them. It wasnt' that I didn't trust him to do it, but his reading and writing skills leave much to be desired and I wanted everything to be completely accurate.

so if you force tooo much on them.....they feel like "we" American women are too bossy or controlling...(at least this is what my husband has told me...not sure about everyone else....)

Tony accuses me of this ALL THE TIME :blush: He says everything has to be MY way or no way. :innocent:

Also......I am not sure about your man but A LOT (NOT All) of Jamaican men have trouble with reading and writing so I can understand why the the DS230 may have been ultra confusing to him...That is why most of us completed it for our fiances and sent it to them.

:yes: Yes, this is so true also. See my above post on this topic.

Picking your battles and keeping your mouth shut......Now that's something that we could all learn from......I find myself "jumping" before he finishes his thought.....he just looks at me and shakes his head.... :huh: [color="#6600CC"]I'm trying to get better at that too!!

rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-09-19 02:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

I love my Air Jamaica :crying:

We don't have Air Jamaica out of Detroit :angry: And they always have such good deals!

I have taken United, Trans Merdian, Delta, At&T, and Ryan Air.

Hmmmm..... I have never heard of At&T or Ryan Air. They must not fly out of Detroit either. I have only flown Northwest and U.S. Air to JA.

Bears chomped the Detriot Lions :lol: !! Detriot should of not talked any smack cause they sure did get smacked.

Uh oh :( Our home team sucks :whistle: I'm not really a big football fan but it was cool when we hosted the Superbowl here back in the winter. :yes:

Hey Rhonda :)

Hey girl. Nice to see someone else awake besides me :blush: I'm waiting for my day-shift co-worker to arrive so I can leave and go home to sleep.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-09-18 04:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Happy Birthday Rhonda

Thank you :goofy: It's good to see you again :yes:

Rhonda - Happy Belated Birthday. I hope you are enjoying your time off.

Thanks :luv: I had a 3 day weekend but it went by SOOOOOO fast :(

Happy Birthday to Rhonda.

Thank you :D

"A great marriage is not when the 'perfect couple' come together. It is
when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences."

- Dave Meurer

That is an awesome quote :blush: I need to post that on our fridge at home!

Happy Belated Birthday to Rhonda!

Thank you (F)
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-09-18 04:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Now, it's just me staying on his back 2 get stuff done!! I hate it that I'm not there to do the stuff myself!! I HATE it when other people are in charge!! :angry:

I think this is totally a Jamaican thing. I went through the same thing with Tony. I had done SO MUCH darn paperwork and all he had to do was a few little things and it just seemed he was dragging his feet. No problem mon. Soon come. No worries. I was ready to strangle him :bonk: It will all work itself out eventually - hang in there.

Good luck - since hubby got here I gained about 10 (but I am still sexy :lol:). For all of you on the weight loss track, hang in there. Can't wait to be done with this school next month so I can get back in the gym.

:blush: I feel your pain :yes: I gained 15 in the first year we were married. My sister gained weight when she got married too. :help:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-09-14 16:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

yes its october 13th :dance: i call yesterday an they told me... my wife (savanphil) is very happy but im nervous , i wil pick up my police rec an pac 4 on friday

Congrats on the interview date :dance: and welcome to the board :star: Try not to be too nervous - as long as you have all your paperwork together you'll be fine!

ladies i was ssoo sick today at work...and on top of that the kids a swimming lessons....i feel like i was hit by a mac truck :( :( ....
so good nite to all...i am going to drink some mint tea....

Hope you feel better soon :luv: I hate having to work when I feel sick.

may the skies be full of sun here in the midwest tomorrow :yes:

:yes: Amen to that :yes: It has been so cloudy and gloomy and rainy here in Michigan lately. I can't remember the last time I had to wear my sunglasses! I'm off work Friday, Sat, and Sun for my birthday so I'm really hoping for some decent weather :jest:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-09-14 03:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

I could go on and on, that's why I have been in this business for 16 yrs and I don't need to advertise because of the many referrals that are sent to me.

It's funny you should say that because everytime someone on here mentions any sort of travel you are right there advertising your services :whistle:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-09-13 03:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Of course, anytime anyone needs help with travel arrangements, please do not hesitate to contact me!! I have direct access to all airlines all at one shot.

Thanks for reminding us AGAIN :whistle: Luckily Travelocity, Orbitz, Expedia, Priceline, Hotwire, Sidestep, and many other websites also have similar access for those of us less inclined to contact a travel agent :P Last time Tony went down for a funeral I got a ticket for less than $300 36 hours before he took off ;)

The movie was okay...Damien woke up right in the middle of a disgusting love scene :o He basically walked in and out of the room cussing for the rest of the movie:( .

Oh NO! :no: Bad timing!! Did he say anything? :unsure: I can just picture Tony's face if he would have done that :P
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-09-12 03:21:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)


How do you guys feel about bachelor and bachelorette parties? If your man doesn't reeeally know anyone here, except for the guys he's been working with (for a short period of time and you don't know any of them) you support HIS decision if he wanted to go to a club/bar to have his bachelor party???

Any honest advise, opinions etc would be greatly appreciated !!



Neither one of us had one. Tony didn't know anyone except one person and I would have felt bad going out for the night and leaving him sitting home alone. Another JA/US couple I know had a combined party for the girls and the guys. I think they did dinner then went to a bar that also had pool tables and karoke - something for everyone. It was a good opportunity for him to meet all her friends and their husbands/boyfriends. My sister and her new hubby did a similar thing. Only difference is they rented a hall and had a DJ. Same concept though - girls and guys. Sort of a combined Bachelor/bachelorette party.

I know I personally would be uncomfortable having Tony go out with a group of guys I didn't even know and he hadn't even known for long. A lot of guys have different concepts of what should go on at a Bachelor party if you get my drift ;)

Watch out Beyonce and Shakira :lol:

:lol: :devil: :jest: :P

What is BrokeBack mountain? i guess this is a movie I should go and see..........

Oh my gosh you've never heard of Brokeback Mountain?? :o It's a movie about 2 gay guys who fall in love with each other. That's why are Jamaican men refuse to watch it or go near it :whistle: :innocent:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-09-12 02:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Damien is off work today so I should be sleeping in but can't. I'm going to watch Brokeback Mountain while Damien is sleep :P I don't want to hear his mouth.

You have to let me know how that movie is. I've been curious to see it but I don't dare tell Tony :P He has a fit at the video store when I joke around and tell him we're getting Brokeback Mtn. Or I'll say Tony, look there's your favorite movie! :lol: He gets to mad :whistle:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-09-11 01:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Good morning.
Shamanya- I see you down there, I see I've got company so early this morning.

You too Rhonda. Still at work?

Yes, unfortunately. I'm leaving in a few minutes. It's been sooooo quiet in here today/tonight :hehe:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-09-10 05:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Hello everyone,

I'm just finishing up here at work :( ready to go home and go to bed. This shift is for the birds.

Has anyone heard from Jamie or Joanna lately? :unsure: What about ricardoswife (Myisha)? Isn't she due soon?

Hope everyone is having a good weekend. I'm stuck at work as usual :ranting:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-09-10 05:22:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

I went to the gym this morning and decided to do something new...take a bellydancing class. Well, the instructor is Caribbean so she combined bellydancing with dancehall and soca dancing. We even did the dutty whine :blink: It was so much fun...hard work. Gotta go pratice my new moves......

That's awesome! I've always wanted to try belly-dancing. Let me know how you like it. Be careful w/ that Dutty Wine :dance: :devil: I pulled a muscle in my neck doing it in Jamaica at Margaritaville :o It hurt for 3 days :unsure: :crying:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-09-09 23:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

My uncle just found out he has lung cancer.

I'm so sorry to hear this bad news (F) My thoughts are with you. I lost both my grandparents last summer within 7 weeks of each other - I know how difficult this can be.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-09-09 00:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

I am too shy -- wouldn't even do it in the mirror when I was home alone :lol: :lol:[/color]

But Mindy, I'm sure the dogs would love it :lol: :innocent:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-12-08 02:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

The instructor doesn't show us how to remove clothing...just to how to dance sexy with clothes on. Your SO should take your clothes off when the dance is least that's the goal :whistle: I think.

Thanks, I just got my answer :blush:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-12-08 02:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Thanks. I took a striptease aerobics class at my's again this Saturday. It is a true workout and very sexy. I don't know if I have enough courage to show Damien yet...his birthday is Monday.

My belly dancehall classes have really helped me to open up. But stripping is different...

I have always wondered about those classes???? How do you learn to strip in a class with all kinds of people around? :huh: Do you actually strip down to your underwear? :help:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-12-08 02:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

I have a bedroom question - if you haven't been so already....would you do a striptease dance for your fiance or hubby?

Yes, of course :devil: (see previous comment on Hedonism :lol: )
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-12-08 02:47:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Andre's mom will be visiting with us for 2 weeks over christmas and new years so your prayers for sanity, peace, and self control :whistle: will be greatly appreciated :innocent:

:lol: :lol:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-12-08 02:45:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

I have never gone to JA and done the touristy stay in a resort thing so that is what I would like to do......I also might like to experience Hedonism...j/k :innocent: Honestly I don't know if I could EVER go there :no:

I was there for one night with Tony. It was lots of fun and awesome - I'd LOVE to go there again. That's all I'm saying :devil:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-12-08 02:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)


We just got home from our AOS interview. It went extremely well and the immigration officer said that we were approved pending FBI clearance.

Congrats :dance: That's great!! Yes, it was very fast for you guys.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-12-08 02:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Hello family.

Kelly - I'm so sorry you are going through this but I wouldn't contact Ms. Mississippi....your problem should be with Craig not her.

Sorry, I don't agree. She knows he's married and yet she calls him at all hours of the night!! Kick her %#@ Kelly! :bonk: :diablo: :ranting:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-12-08 02:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Craig said, he's NOT going BACK !!! He's going to "run away"
Will "I" get in trouble?

I'm so sorry things are still rough for you. I thought they were getting a little bit better. That's awful that he still talks to that girl while he's married and living with YOU!! :angry: Yes, big time disrespect. I don't think you can get in trouble for his actions. It's not like you can physically stop him from leaving. I think having him sign something is a good idea. I know you don't want to be the "tattle tail" but you may want to consider reporting him to the authorities if he does run off just so YOU aren't liable. Hang in there - vent all you want!
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-12-08 02:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

I've been to Jamaica 26x and right now is THE longest stretch in the past 10 yrs that I haven't been there.

Ok, scratch that, Kelly wins hands down :lol: She's got special advantages though!! :P
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-12-08 02:26:00