Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

On August 19, 2006, the card order was completed and we mailed the applicant's new card directly to him or her.

Congrats :dance: :luv: :thumbs:

One minute I was head over heels in love - ready to do anything for my man to get here. The next minute I was wondering if I should have my head examined. :wacko: When I got to the I-134 and saw all the personal financial information I was going to have to disclose, I freaked. But after some prayer (and some wine), I relaxed and decided that I'd rather live with a mistake than a regret.

You're not alone :no: I was in the same position a while back but, like you said, I would rather try it and see if it worked then spend the rest of my life wondering what if?? :blush: We've been married almost 2 years now and even though the first year was very rough, I don't regret it at all.

Edited by rhondapayter, 23 August 2006 - 12:54 AM.

rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-08-23 00:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Question...Did your fiance have a difficult with adjusting to the rules here in the states? My guy is being so pig headed and the arguments have been more frequent. I try to explain that is how it is done here and that is the rule or the law. He is having a hard time getting past that. Thick headed Jamaican!!!!

Yes, I have experienced these problems w/ my Jamaican also :yes: Hang in there - it gets better!! Tony couldn't believe all the rules/laws we have here. A few of the more memorable ones: not being able to just urinate at the side of the road (or anywhere else you feel like going!) :lol: not being able to carry your drink out of the bar with you, the fact that all the bars stop serving alcohol at 2am, the fact that you can't drive here without having a legit license, etc.. I could go on and on. He's been here almost 2 years now, so he's getting more used to everything.

Rhonda do you like red bull? I remembered when I used to work 3rd shift for CitiBank as a Check Encoder I knew ppl that would drink that all night. Me, however used to take power naps during break. It would help a little since I also has another job to go after my shift was over. Girl, I know how you must feel but you have to take care of yourself or it will only get worse.

Funny you should say that Anna, I just drank a Red Bull :lol: I love it. I can't stand coffee so that's my drink of choice. I try not to drink too much of it though because I want to be able to go to sleep as soon as I get home from work :blush: I wish I could take a nap here, but because I'm the supervisor, it wouldn't look too good to my employees to find the boss sleeping on the job :whistle:

Hey Rhonda. I did/do the night shift at times. I thinks it's a killer on your body. For me at about 3:30 in the morning my body shuts down. I get so tired, I once nodded of in the middle of a conversation. How can they just move you with out asking you first? Have you tried telling you boss that you just cannot do it? Are they threating to fire you? Like Anna said the Redbull works. Also those monster drinks, they really work for me. Streaching or walking exercices during your break or on down times. Then I cannot get to sleep when I get home :wacko: :blink: Any way good luck.

Unfortunately, they can move me to any shift any time they want :angry: This is the 3rd time I've been moved in less than a year. In the 5 years that I've been here I was on day shift for 3 years, then afternoons for almost 1 year, then days for about 6 months, then afternoons for almost 5 months, now midnights :ranting: I have been looking for other jobs, but will have to take a huge pay cut and I'm not ready to do that just yet.

Thanks for the advice ;)

Hey ladies.. keep my family in your prayers my uncle Lowell died this morning. He went out at 3am to smoke when he couldn't sleep and had a heart attack we think. So I will be going to his visitation Thursday. (F)

Jax, so sorry to hear of the bad news :( My thoughts are with you. I know how difficult it is for you - our grandfather died exactly 1 week after my sister had gotten married.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-08-23 00:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Oh my gosh, I am so tired my eyes will barely stay open -_- I am still at work :angry: So far, I am not liking 3rd shift. Has anyone been on the midnight shift before? I need all the ideas I can get on how to cope with this. There is nothing I can do short of quitting my job to get out of it and I can't afford to quit. :help:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-08-22 05:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Hello everyone - we received the greencard on Saturday :dance:

Congratulations Jonesie :dance: Wow, we've had a lot of good news while I was in Jamaica!! :yes:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-08-22 00:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Squito's working some crazy hours. Most nights he doesn't get home until around 10. But you're right, it is a killer on the (L) life.

Now you guys are all in the same position me and Tony have been in for awhile now! Our (L) life is WAY less than what it was before he was working. And it's even worse being on seperate shifts. We never even see each other :(

THEY SENT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

Congrats :thumbs: Interview soon come.

Well...We did is official!!

We had a great day...everything went great......I will post pics soon.....

Congrats :dance: (F)
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-08-22 00:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Hello everyone!

We just got back from Jamaica last night. :blush: We had a lot of fun but the time flew by. 4 nights is just too short, especially when we have so many people to visit. We had a blast at Margaritaville the night of Tony's birthday. I got so drunk I did the Dutty Wine :dance: :D :devil: And I actually did a pretty good job of it! Although I did pull a muscle in my neck that hurt for 2 days :o

I'm here at work now and not happy about it :angry: I'm on 3rd shift (midnights) as of today :ranting: I'm convinced that my boss hates me. No one else here gets moved around all the time like I do.

Going back to catch up now. Looks like I have about 9 pages to read :reading:

Topic for today:

Now that you're living together what is the one quality that stands out that your spouse/fiance has that makes you say 'I am the most fortunate/lucky/blessed woman/man in the world'?

His sense of humor. He always makes me laugh :lol: I love that about him.

Rhonda and Tony have a great trip! Will you be able to bring everything with the airline restrictions in place?

Thanks. Yes we took everything we needed to take. We just had to check most of our luggage instead of just carrying it on like we had planned. We even managed to bring 3 bottles of Rum back :devil: we just checked it with the luggage!!
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-08-21 23:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
One more day of work after tonight and we'll be on our way to Jamaica!! :dance: I hope the airport isn't too backed up with all the new security rules :unsure:

Where is everyone at tonight??
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-08-14 19:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

We got a 2006 Saturn ION, its in the garage now, and we're loving it :thumbs:

My sister just got one of those a few months ago too. She loves it! She got the coupe but it has 2 little doors to get in the backseat so it's great. GM vehicles RULE :dance: :yes: (gotta keep me in business!)
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-08-14 18:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Night shift checking in. I'm at work and not happy to be here :angry: :wacko: I hope the time goes by quickly so I can go home and do the whole thing over again tomorrow! :( I hope some of you will be on today so I'm not all alone :luv:

I'm feeling great now... I shaved :blink: ---how I navigated around my belly I will never know!

:lol: :lol: Julie, you crack me up!! :lol: Is it true that you can't see your feet when you're pregnant? :o I can't imagine.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-08-12 15:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Maybe if I give the dutty wine a try??? :P

:lol: Julie, I don't know if your doctor would advise this!! :lol:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-08-11 23:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Sorry for's how things went down yesterday

He then told us that the name check has already been cleared, and that we were approved.

CONGRATS Jonesie :dance: We told you not to stress over it!!

i will be heading up to new jersey today...another working weekend...but extra money works is always a plus!!!

Have a great weekend everyone!!

I feel your pain girl - I have to work all weekend too :angry: :ranting: This job is going to drive me to drink :wacko: :bonk:

OK It's my turn!! I am doing the "3rd heart dutty wine!!" This is my 3000th post!!!! :lol: :dance: :dance:

Woman, you chat WAY, WAY too much :yes: :innocent: You are out of control!!!
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-08-11 23:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Current Status:

This case has been approved. On August 8, 2006, an approval notice was mailed

Yippee :dance: :D :star: Finally! I know you are so happy and relieved. Congratulations :dance:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-08-10 23:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Hello ladies,

I'm just checking in. I've been really busy these last few days. I'm training a new supervisor at work so it's taking up tons of time. On the bright side, I finally have some help!!

We leave for JA in 5 days :dance: Unfortunately since this Terrorist stuff in London today, I'm worried about flying. It's gonna be such a pain getting thru security and all that now.

Going back now to catch up :reading:

Hi ,
Just wanted to let you all know that the interview was successful. It was quite easy , spent less thn 6minutes at the interview window. Having ones fiancee there certainly makes a huge difference.


CONGRATULATIONS :dance: :thumbs: Another VJ success!!!!
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-08-10 22:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

I'm glad you finally got some quality time off. How much extra did you have to pay extra to bring all that stuff into the country?

We don't have to pay any extra money to bring the stuff. Jamaican citizens are allowed to bring (I think) $500 worth of gifts / items in when they visit. I'm not sure of the exact dollar amt. but I think it's $500. I would rather buy stuff for the kids and bring it down to them than just send her (baby's mama) money. Who knows what she does with it? :blush:

:yes: -don't I know it. It'll be really nice for him to see his children though. How's his son doing now?

His son is doing well. Thanks for asking. I know he's excited to see the kids and all his family and friends. I just wish we could stay longer than just 4 nights.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-08-07 19:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Good luck on your interview tomorrow Shar!

Good luck to Jonsie too on her AOS interview Wednesday!

Ditto! Good luck ladies (and gents!) with your upcoming interviews :dance: :thumbs:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-08-07 19:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Hello everyone :luv: I'm back to work now. My 3 days off flew by! At least I had a lot of fun. I went to a street fair w/ my mom and sister on Friday and then a dinner and a comedy club with Tony and his JA friends. On Saturday we went shopping then dinner out again, then rented some movies and chilled. Sunday we went to the community pool and got some sun and hung in the pool for awhile. Then my mom made dinner for Tony's birthday. His birthday isn't until August 16, but we celebrated early since I have to work this coming weekend :(

By the way, I told Tony about his "surprise" birthday present - trip to Jamaica! He is so excited :dance: At first he couldn't even believe it - he thought I was just joking with him! :P The only bad part is EVERY time we go down there now, we have to spend SO much money buying stuff for everybody :wacko: That's why we spent Sat. shopping. We bought his 2 kids tons of clothes and 3 pairs of shoes each. We bought his dad and one of his cousin's gifts. Still have to find something for his mom and 2 nieces. Help :help: :wacko: Every time we go to JA it costs us a TON!!!

Glad everyone is well. Julie - good luck with delivery :luv:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-08-07 19:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Hello :star: Night shift checking in. It was awfully quiet in here today. I have to work tomorrow and then I'm off for 3 whole days :D Yippee!!!

What are everybody's plans for the weekend?

Edited by rhondapayter, 02 August 2006 - 06:12 PM.

rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-08-02 18:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Hi everyone!! I have been in this forum many times, but this is the 1st time that I am actually saying hello to you all!! Everyone here seems to have such a great relationship!!! I hope that I can join in on the conversations and fun sometime!! Have a good day!! :D


Welcome Tamisha :dance: Where are you at in the Visa process?

I will read the board a little bit more tonight I need to finish my odds and ends before I can rest and get ready to board the plane tommorow morning.

Wow, I can't believe you're getting married ONE week from today!! Best wishes and have a wonderful vacation :star: Actually, you'll still be in JA when me and Tony come down (Aug. 16-20) for his birthday trip. We want pics when you get back!! :P
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-08-01 19:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Now let's get familiar, answer these questions:

Name : Rhonda
SO's Name: Tony
Location : Detroit, MIMy Significant Other Hails From : Ocho Rios, JamaicaWhere is he now?: In Detroit with me
Wedding Date: December 11, 2004
At What Point of the Visa Journey are you?: Tony received his Green Card almost 1 year ago. In another 9 months we will file to "lift conditions"What's your JA connection/How did you meet?: I was on a Single's Cruise and I was only in Jamaica for about 6 hours. I met Tony on a catamaran that he worked on as we cruised to Dunn's River. We started talking on the phone and I visited JA a million times and the rest is history!Do you have a pic?: Yes, we have assorted pics up on YahooWhat is your most memorable yardie thread moment?: When Squitto had to go toe-to-toe with the moderators before our thread was moved to the regional section :lol: :lol: :devil:

Edited by rhondapayter, 01 August 2006 - 07:15 PM.

rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-08-01 19:13:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

But on top of all of this, the I-134 talks about providing information on investments and life insurance. I feel that is really excessive. What am I supposed to do, copy all my 401k stuff?

Welcome Tali,
I believe the info. they're asking for is ONLY if you don't exceed the poverty limit. In other words, if your salary is not enough to support both of you, you have to have proof of other assets.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-08-01 19:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

You can apply for an EAD when filing your paperwork, but I don't know the in between stuff. I would like to be able to have Craig travel (before the interview)...just in case....ya know, being in the travel industry....good deals, we gotta go !!

It's the AP that allows you to travel before the Green Card. The EAD is for work authorization. You can apply for all 3 at once (AOS, AP, and EAD) if you want to and if you can afford it! :wacko: It adds up to quite a bit of money.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-08-01 18:56:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Quick questions for all you veterans......after your submit the AOS and your husband receives approval (green card).....What document does he use to travel back to Jamaica?????? Does he get a new passport or what happens...we are traveling back to Jamaica in April 2007 for his son's birthday....we should have the green card by then (God willing....) But I am not sure how that works.....HELP!!! :help:

All he will need is his Green Card. He will still use his Jamaican passport but he'll use his GC to prove that he's a US resident. If you apply for AP with AOS, he can use the AP until he gets the Green Card.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-08-01 18:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Hey all, just checking in. I've been really busy at work lately. I have two more departments and a lot more people to cover. Thankfully I will be off this Fri, Sat, and Sun. :dance:

Going back to catch up now :reading:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-08-01 18:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

You can wrap the box in Jamaican flags. Just print a bunch of Jamaican flag pictures off the internet. Use that paper to wrap your box!! I am sure he will be soooooooo excited!!!!! What a great surprise..... Are you staying at a hotel or with family in JA????

We're staying at a hotel in Ochi - Room on the Beach. I need my air conditioning and I love having a pool and the ocean right there. I'm reading all your comments to come up with how to give Tony his "present". Keep em coming. I'm just very limited on time :wacko: with working every day.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-07-31 19:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Hello everyone :luv:

I am at work again on a Saturday :angry: No rest for the wicked I guess. I can't wait to get my next paycheck - I will have over 33 hours of overtime on it!! :D I gotta look at the bright side! Just in time for Tony's surprise trip to Jamaica for his birthday :P I still haven't told him yet. I think I'll tell him next Sunday which will be 10 days before we leave.

Does anyone have any cool ideas as to how to break the surprise to him? We will have e-tickets so I can't exactly just wrap up the plane tickets and hand them over. Any fun, creative ideas will be appreciated.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-07-29 16:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

We're fresh off of our wedding and honeymoon, Squito got a job offer yesterday (pending his work permit, which he won't even need now) and now this!!! I'm truely beaming right now :luv:

I uploaded two pictures from our wedding on the yahoo site.

PM me if you want to see more :D

Congrats on the job and the AOS news :dance: Your wedding pics are gorgeous (F) I would love to see more. I'm glad everything is going great for you guys.

i know this is SOOO off topic......BUT i was reading on CNN last night and Lance from n'sync is gay :blink: he was my fav back in that day...:lol: but i never saw that coming....just thought i would share...

I totally wasn't surprised...I used to think they were all gay anyway :lol: :lol: :lol:

:lol: I was going to say the same thing, but you beat me to it!! :lol: Same as the Backstreet Boys - they look like Chi Chi men too :P
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-07-27 23:21:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Thank you so much everyone for your support and thoughts and prayers :luv: You guys are great. I feel so bad that Tony's family is so far away and he can't always be there with them when he wants to be :( I think that is the worst thing about these kinds of relationships. We just can not afford to keep going down there for everything that happens. I feel awful for him though that he can't be there with them :unsure:

Unfortunatley, they have not caught the monster that committed this crime. :ranting: It sounds like they don't even have any leads. I agree with you guys, the violence down there is getting out of control. I love to visit but I could never live down there.

Leaving in less than 8 hours for the airport. I am finally getting excited.

Have a good trip and be safe. Hopefully you'll have good news when you get back home :yes:

Sorry, I've only been lurking lately - I don't have as much time to post at work anymore. But we are doing just fine - I'm definitely ready for him to be born :yes: :yes: :yes:

Julie, I can't believe it's almost here! 9 months flew by :yes: Good luck with everything and make them give you pain killers :whistle: Keep us updated if you can.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-07-26 16:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

OMG! I am so sorry to hear that. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your families.
What is going on with this world??? So sad...
Where does Tony's family live?

Most of them live in Ocho Rios. His mom lives in Exchange with is part of Ochi I think. His kids and their mom live in Port Maria, in St. Mary.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-07-25 19:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Hello everyone,

Well, I have more bad news again :( Tony's uncle was killed last night in JA! :o The only details I know is that someone broke into his house and shot him twice while he was sleeping!! It is just devastating. He was only 41 or 42 years old. This is the 3rd uncle of his who has died in the past year - 2 on mom's side, 1 on dad's side. Please keep him and his family in your thoughts and prayers.

Rhonda - how are things with your stepson?

Good morning everyone (F)

He is doing better. He spent 2 nights in the hospital, but he is back at home now. Thank you for asking and thanks to all of you for your support :luv:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-07-25 17:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Just a quick "HI" to everyone.

I miss you guys and I have been crazy busy!! Dont think I dont love you....just dont have the net at home and have been way to busy at work to write.

Our AOS case got forwarded to Cali so I am waiting on an interview date....hopefully soon. I will holla again soon.


Oh my gosh Rita, it's SO good to hear from you :yes: :luv: It's been months since you've been on - don't be such a stranger!! Is everything going good for you guys? How are Tashi and the kids? Keep in touch.

Hello ladies...I feel like I've been MIA for ages. Squito and I just got back from oiur St. Lucia honeymoon last night. Our big wedding was just wonderful, we enjoyed every minute of it. I will try to get some pictures uploaded to share later. I hope everyone is doing well...

Squitto, Welcome home :D Yes, you have been MIA for ages (though not as long as Rita has :P ). I'm glad the wedding went great. Can't wait to see pics. How was St. Lucia?

JoJo --by us signing the affadavit of support holding "us" (that petition) liable? or is that ONLY after the marriage ?? I thought by signing that, we are "responsible" for them for 10 yrs???


I believe the stipulation here is that you MUST marry within 90 days. If you don't marry, I don't think that contract applies anymore. There's probably something about it in the fine print :unsure:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-07-24 18:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

please keep my family in your prayes as my grandmother passed away last friday night. I was at work with my bags packed ready to come to jamaica to come see her. i grew up with her so this is really hard but just please pray for my family

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss :( Are you able to go down for the funeral and be with your family? The boys are still in JA right? I understand your grief. I just lost both of my grandparents on my mom's side last summer within 7 weeks of each other.

went to the was fun....not the humid....but i picked the WRONG shoe was SO muddy because we had really bad storms last didn't dawn on me it would be muddy..i had on flip flops... :no: :no: :wacko: :wacko:
well i technically started on thursday at 8 am...worked all the way till last night at 8pm then started again at 10 am and will end tomorrow at 8pm....

Wow! How do they pay you when you work consecutive days like that? By the hour or day? At least you're making a whole ton of money :yes: That's what I keep telling myself when I get depressed that I'm at work on a Sunday. Oh well, less than 1 hour to go now.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-07-23 21:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

sorry ladies but i have to let off a little offence to the newbies who just got approved or their Noa 1
i am getting so MAD...don't get me wrong i am happy for the new people on VJ who are getting approved...but it just doesn't seem fair that a lot of them sent int there petitions in like may or even june and they are getting approved and getting NOA2's while I am approved and waiting for lord knows how long until they even get to my just doesn't seem fair...mike would be here in the states.. :( :(

I know what you mean. When we were going through the process people in going through Vermont (VSC) were getting approved in like 2 weeks :o Those of us at NSC had to wait 3-4 months. :angry: I would get so mad and annoyed at the unfairness of it all. The USCIS really needs to do something to make if fair and equitable for everyone - it shouldn't depend on which area you live in.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-07-23 15:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Good Morning....
just checking in to say HELLO!!!
As for me i am off to the fair with the kiddles....should be fun... :whistle:

Hey Shauna,
Looks like it's me and you again today at work :hehe: I just got here at 3:00 - I have to work til 11:30pm :angry: I just hope the time doesn't drag by.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-07-23 14:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

I was just asking if you could be there with him because my sentors rep told me it was not worth going to his interview because he would be in a holding room where he did the interview hiself but it sounds like that is not the case at all.

I'm not sure where your senator got his info. from, but it is totally inaccurate :blush: Almost all of us that were at the Embassy with our fiances were able to be there for the ENTIRE interview. In a few cases, the interviewer asked the US citizen to go sit down for a moment so they could ask a few questions just to the fiance. There is no holding room :no: or anything like that. It is more like a long hallway with about 10 windows and you just stand in front of the window for the whole interivew. (Picture a bank with the plexi-glass windows with a little opening at the bottom to slide paperwork in and out and a speaker to talk into)

I would highly suggest that the US citizen attend the interview if at all possible. YOU are the best evidence and "proof of relationship" you could possibly have. It seems that all of the guys who interviewed alone got hassled a bit and were asked a LOT more questions. Just my opinion.

My bacherlorette party is tommorow it seems the girls have settled down. I told them they act that way they can't go since my family and I are paying their way. I am already upset that I am hosting it at my place and cooking the dinner. They better treat me well tommorrow.

That sounds like fun, but why are they making YOU do all the cooking? :o It's supposed to be your day to be spoiled and pampered! Don't work too hard and have fun. Have a drink for me too - I'll be at work again ;)

Hello all-

It feels like I have been gone forever........I am slowly trying to catch up but I think I have missed many things. Looks like we have some new folks in the yardies thread....welcome all!!!

Welcome Home Kim and Duane :dance: I'm glad to hear everything went smoothly for you guys. Enjoy your time together now that he's here. Another VJ success story :luv: :thumbs:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-07-22 21:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

anyway happy weekend to all!!!!!!!!!!!!
as for me i am working :( :(

Don't feel bad girl, I'm stuck at work too :angry: Today and Sunday :crying: I only got to see my boo for a couple hours today. I want a "normal" job - Mon thru Friday, 8 hours a day, and NO weekends! Is that too much to ask? :innocent:

ME TOO!!!! :yes: :yes:
at least the extra pay is helping with bills ect....but it just sucks....i feel like i have NO life.....

I totally agree with you about the having no life thing :yes: Imagine working all these hours with your honey sitting at home and you just want to spend time with him :( Are you still doing the Nanny thing? Are the parents gone for the weekend or something?

Edited by rhondapayter, 22 July 2006 - 05:18 PM.

rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-07-22 17:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

anyway happy weekend to all!!!!!!!!!!!!
as for me i am working :( :(

Don't feel bad girl, I'm stuck at work too :angry: Today and Sunday :crying: I only got to see my boo for a couple hours today. I want a "normal" job - Mon thru Friday, 8 hours a day, and NO weekends! Is that too much to ask? :innocent:

Rhonda -- that's so horrible about Tony's son.....when do you guys leave to go down there? Does Tony know yet or is it still a surprise? Maybe you should tell him.....then, at least he will know he will get to see him soon.

We are going down there on August 16 for 4 nights. Tony doesn't know yet - I really want it to be a surprise for his birthday :wub: I think I will tell him about 10 days before we go - I haven't decided for sure yet.

So far, his son seems to be doing a little bit better. He has an IV in him to get him some fluids - I don't doubt (like Kim said) that he is probably dehydrated. He might be able to come home from the hospital tonight. The baby's mama is going back around 6:00 to see him again. I guess they are really strict about the visiting hours down there :( You'd think they wouldn't be so strict when the patient is only 3 years old :o and probably desperately wants his mommy.

Thank you all for your well wishes and prayers :luv:


Welcome to the thread Ebony :star: Your mom is definately Supermom - I don't know how she does it :wacko: That is way too many hours for me! So what's your story? Is your fiance/ spouse still in Jamaica? Feel free to ask any questions - nothing is off limits here :lol:

Edited by rhondapayter, 22 July 2006 - 04:31 PM.

rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-07-22 16:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Well, I just got some bad news. Tony's baby mama just called and told him that his 3 year old son is very sick :( She took him to the hospital and they admitted him overnight. He has some kind of fever - never heard of it before. Tony is so worried and I'm worried too and I feel so bad that he can't be down there with him. We are going to send her some money tomorrow morning to help cover the doctor bills. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-07-21 20:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Hi everybody,
Night shift checking in. I am so depressed lately about my job :( I can't stand the thought of working 7 days a week. Sunday is usually the ONLY day me and Tony see each other :crying: and now I have to work. I'm scared of what impact this will have on our marriage. It was bad enough with me working 6 days a week on opposite shifts from each other. Help :cry:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-07-21 17:45:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Part of the reason I'm thinking that maybe the excuse he game me is bogus. Maybe it's something else, That he did not want to disclose at the time. I thought that was one of the first things they check for. I'm sure they would have caught it at the Embassy :( .

If the other visa was indeed issued BEFORE he was even born, I don't see why it would even be an issue at all? :wacko: And if that is the case, that's why the Embassy didn't make a big issue of it.
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-07-20 19:54:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Adrian is giving me a hard time and I wanted you guys prospective on the whole thing.....the lawyer said he heard of a case where the woman was arrested because she brought the man to the US and then didnt marry him??? then another case he told me that a woman was issued by the court to pay the male immigrant $50,000??? have any of you heard anything like that???

I have never heard of such a thing! It sounds pretty crazy to me. It sounds like a scare tactic to try to get you to marry him so he can stay here. Try not to stress too much. It sounds like you're doing the right thing. When is his 90 days up?

He goes on to say that there is an A-number in D's name from way back in the 1970's. :o :crying: We were like he wasn't born until 1975 :blink: Then he says well, Who ever filed this petition. Filed it for a person with his same name, same mother and fathers name ect. :o

Wow, that is so crazy! What are the chances of someone else w/ the same name AND the same parents names? Is there any chance that his parents filed for a visa for him when he was really young? Try to be patient and hang in there. Like someone else mentioned, at least he's here with you now so you can wait together instead of being 2000 miles away :yes:
rhondapayterFemaleJamaica2006-07-20 19:23:00