K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTranslation of documents

We should use caution when self-translating legal documents. Check with the laws of your home-country before doing so. It is/may not (be)enough to be fluent in a language. It might (might) be good enough for USCIS/Dept of State, etc -but don't rely on that for future legal use. Just be cautious.

Birth certificates, marriage certificates, wills, diplomas, legal documents all need to be certified.

Certified translations are governed by local laws in each country.

In a non-certified translation the translator is sometimes entitled to give a personal style and tone to the text, to make it more appropriate for the target audience.

Certified translations often must be an exact translation of the source and must always include a clause from the certifier together with a round seal affixed which only Certified Court translators may use, and must be certified by the translators signature, in order to be accepted by the courts and the authorities.

@ - Someone said Certified Translators don't exist in the US - of course they do.

I do greatly appreciate your input.

From the experiences of successful Thai beneficiaries, documents such as House registration, ID card that are translated by the beneficiaries themselves are accepted by Consulate officers at the US consulate in Bangkok. You just have to certify that your translation is accurate and submit both the original and translation copies on your interview. I believe the consulate officers (both American and Thai) are fluent in both languages and are able to tell if the translation is accurate.

For documents submitted to USCIS, I kind of wondered if they'd accept documents translated by either the petitioner or beneficiary themselves, plus I couldn't find approriate statements to say on the translated copies. On my BC I requested from the government office responsible for Birth records in thailand, it doesn't have anything written on the translated document other than the phrase "Certified accurate translation" and then the signature of the translator and his printed name (who actually is a certified translator for that government office). So, what difference would it be if that was me who translated it? USCIS didn't ask for the certification of the translator to be submitted, right?

According to meow mix's posting, USCIS accepts documents translated by petitioners themselves.

Again, I do appreciate the time, help, inputs, and everything you guys provided here.

It is always good knowing you can get help when you need it.
ladywhiteFemaleThailand2007-04-04 02:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTranslation of documents

Wait, does all this mean that anyone who is fluent in English and the language in question can translate the foreign documents? It'd be a lot easier for my fiance to translate his police report than to pay a certified translator to do it and take two weeks.

Sometimes reading these forums give me more questions than I started out with!

The best way I've seen this described is: it says certified translatION not translatOR. From a professional translator, she said that there really is no such thing in the US, she can pull out her certificate recognizing her a translator from some association but that really means nothing and no one ever wants to see it, anyway. You're certifying the translation is accurate and you're competent to translate it. Many "professional" translators will do the same thing you do yourself, down to the statement saying they're competent to translate.

We translated my husband's birth certificate for AOS, and our interview is already scheduled, so I'm assuming there's no RFE coming about it - many people do it themselves with no issues.

Meow mix: Thank you for your explanation.

And some people should realize that not everyone was born with English as their first language like you were.
ladywhiteFemaleThailand2007-04-03 23:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTranslation of documents
All your help is greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot, everyone.

Ladywhite (F)
ladywhiteFemaleThailand2007-04-03 12:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTranslation of documents

May I ask which documents you translated yourself? (Curious)

I translated the evidence of my name change.
ladywhiteFemaleThailand2007-04-03 12:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTranslation of documents
Hi there:

I have a quick question.

I have done all the translations myself. But, I couldn't find the statements I need to put at the bottom of the documents (saying something like 'I am good at English so capable of correctly translating this..') before I sign my name as a translator. I found those statements somewhere on VJ but unfortunately can't find them now.

Please direct me to that page, please. Thank a lot.


ladywhiteFemaleThailand2007-04-03 11:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould I cancel my I-129F or let it fade by doing nothing?

I am sorry to hear things did not go well between you two. I can imagine how much it must have hurt.

Please take care and be encouraged. You will soon find someone who deserves you.

Best wishes.


ladywhiteFemaleThailand2007-05-11 23:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed urgent Help
I have read responses here and learned that, like Gwen666 said, without meeting this requirement, it is unlikely that the visa will be granted.

i understand how difficult it is to get a tourist visa to the US from a third world country, but you may want to try. If your girlfriend gets a visa and come to visit you, you'll have proof of meeting in the past 2 years and don't have to worry. I am NOT saying that you marry her on her visit on a tourist visa because that would be a visa fraud. So, if you girlfriend get a tourist visa, she will have to fly to see you in the US and go back to India and then fly again to marry you once a K-1 is granted.

I also understand it is not easy or convineint. But, if you would like to spend your lives together, there've got to be a sacrifice or two.

If her tourist visa is denied:
1. You may have that as a reason why you can't meet in person as required in addition to submitting the doctors' letters.
2. You may have to meet with her somewhere, like Mexico or Canada, if she can get a visa to such countries and if you can travel to meet her. where do you live in the US? anywhere close to the boarder?

I know it sounds very difficult and perhaps impossible to meet, but i think (and i'm sorry if i sound bad) that you should really try your best to fulfill this requirement.

Good luck to you and your girl. i am a believer of "love will conquer all."

Ladywhite (F)

I will appreciate if you could also tell me what approach they took after they were denied waiver? Is there any way you can identify the Vjers here who you were referring to so that I can get in touch with them and know their experience with this situation. Also if you can provide any information regarding what would be my best choice in bringing my fiancee to US to get married I would really appreciate.

It is unlikely that this will be granted - we have VJers here who are both wheelchair-bound permanently, who cannot travel without aides and medical attention, and they were denied the waiver of meeting.

ladywhiteFemaleThailand2007-06-30 07:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed urgent Help
I am just curious. How limited is your girlfriend to travel and how possible is it for her to come visit you in the US? If she is also very limited to travel by air, how could she come to live with you in the US if she was granted a k-1 visa?
ladywhiteFemaleThailand2007-06-30 02:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswould u believe it???

How do you add the footnote to your replies? Maybe I'm having a moment..... Thanks everyone!

you click on "My assistance" above and then choose on the dropdown menu "edit forum signature."

ladywhiteFemaleThailand2007-07-27 10:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures2 year restriction
I would try to get the police certificate before leaving Bulgaria. Meanwhile, find out also how to get it if you are out of the country because you may have to request for another one while back in Maldova. If it will expire before your interview date, get a new one ahead of time since it will probably be time connsuming (you know how it is like dealing with the government or anything related to it).

If you estimate that the rest of your HRR will end before your NOA2 extension is up, you don't have to do anything -- no waiver, no withdrawal of the petition, no nothing. Just hurry up and go back to Maldova and look forward to your NOA2, remember to request for an extension when it's time to do so, wait for the HRR to be over, then schedule an interview.

See??? it is not that bad, right???

:) Good luck.

ladywhiteFemaleThailand2007-03-27 08:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures2 year restriction

To Kinzaza,

What is the country you have listed on your DS2019 as the country listed as "Legal Permanent Residence Country" ?

Whatever country is stated there....that must be the country you spend your 2 years in.

Moldova :( I only wish I knew :(

Since finishing your much time (could be in parts)......have you spent in Moldova?

I came sometimes on June 17, 2002 and left for Bulgaria at the end of August 2003 so that makes it 14.5 months. Over three years I came on 7 spring/fall breaks of 7 days each so that makes it around 2 more months so it's 16.5 months.Then i came for four winter breaks (3 weeks each)...ok...there are 2.5 more months so it's 20 monts.


I think you should get a 'real' number of months and days you spent in Moldova since coming back from the US on that J-1 with the HRR. You should have a clear idea how much more time you need to be there to meet the HRR. Go to your passport and check the dates stamped on there for every entry and departure.

This is what they do at the consulate to determine if you have completed your 2 yr HRR.

Good Luck & Take care. (F)
ladywhiteFemaleThailand2007-03-27 08:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures2 year restriction

Guys you are totally freakin me out...Does that mean i'm not going to be able to see my honey for one more year even if i came from the US almost 5 years ago just because i'm studying in Bulgaria?
Ok, i wanna kill myself

Hey Kinzaza,
just wanted to say i really sympathy you...
Why don't you try check with our Embassy about your status for the J1?
They are kind of helpful...
And then you could try checking if Moldova would allow you to get waiver
Everyhting best kinzaza :)
Good luck!

Thank you so much. Does MY government have to grant me a waiver?

I am in a hurry and have not read all the responses here.

Find out fast about your J-1 status. If you have not fulfilled your 2 yr HHR, you need to find out if you would be able to get a waiver. Who considers whether or not to issue you a letter of no-objection (which you need to submit to USCIS) is your sponsor (in my case -- my government).

J-1 waiver takes time. i have a web site with a forum like this but i don't remember it now. i'll get back with you later.

Best of Luck, Kenzaza.

Thank you. So i have to submit the waiver to the USCIS as well? i mean when? during my 129 approval or before it gets to the consulate or...omg this is so confusing...and as it was previously mentioned is it worth it?

Dear Kinzaza:

I am sorry you have to hear all this. I think I know how you feel right now. Relax and take a deep breath, okay? :)

The following is my personal opinion. Other friends here may have more comments or better way for you.

If you have spent 20 months in Maldova (accumulatively) and have only 4 months to go, you need to fulfill those 4 months by or after the NOA2 is issued so that your interview date will be after your 2 years are up but within 4 months that NOA2 is valid.

But if your NOA2 would nearly expire, I heard that you could request an extension (That is all I know).

When do you think you can go back to Maldova and stay there for those 4 months? Could it be soon? I don't see your timeline and have no idea where you are on the I-129F journey. If it has already been filed, you should receive NOA2 soon (Vermont, right?). and if you still have 4 months to fulfill, that will be a problem. You won't be issued a visa. I don't know how long an extension is (maybe 3 months per one request) and how many requests for the extension you can ask for.

If you can't go back to Maldova to spend 4 months there soon and the petition has been filed, I would withdraw the petition and wait until I'm close to finish my 4 months and then refile it.

I waited for 19 months to finally be able to file it because of this 2 yr HRR on my back.

I agree with some friends here that a waiver may not be your choice now. It could take a long time to get it if you are eligible (you may be found ineligible). And I have not seen anyone petitioning a waiver after they return to their home country (I may be wrong on this).

Now you have some idea about the J-1 and what you could proceed. Do a lot of research and talking to an attorney probably is a good idea.

We are here to help each other out. I was in the dark also as to what to do as a J-1 holder and the k-1. You are very fortunate that more members here know about it now than in the past when I asked questions about it here. :)

If all you can do is wait, you will just have to take it. But I sincerely hope you don't have to wait long like me. Life sucks at times.

I wish you the best, Zinzaza. :star:
ladywhiteFemaleThailand2007-03-27 07:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures2 year restriction

Guys you are totally freakin me out...Does that mean i'm not going to be able to see my honey for one more year even if i came from the US almost 5 years ago just because i'm studying in Bulgaria?
Ok, i wanna kill myself

No, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to freak you out!! :no: I just meant to give you a heads up, to see if your 2 year HRR has been satisfied...have you spent 2 years in your home country, Moldova since returning from US? (By this I mean, returning from the US after using the J-1 visa with the 2 year HRR)
If not, you may not be able to adjust your status to get your residency once you get here w/ the K-1 visa, i.e. it will cause you more problems if your AOS petition is rejected because youre still bound by the 2yr HRR from a J1 issued many ears ago.

Your case is different because you left the US, but you're studying in Bulgaria a third country. I don't know what that means w/ regards to the 2 years HRR, if it is still in place. Perhaps doing a little further research into this and seeing about how to file a waiver letter. I think its something that can be filed in your home country....or at the Moldovan Consulate in Bulgaria?

Oh dear, I feel bad now....since I'm thinking I may be confusing you even further.....and I certainly don't want to cause you any more upset. :unsure:


If she is still on her 2 yr HRR on her interview date, K-1 visa would be granted.

Guys you are totally freakin me out...Does that mean i'm not going to be able to see my honey for one more year even if i came from the US almost 5 years ago just because i'm studying in Bulgaria?
Ok, i wanna kill myself

No, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to freak you out!! :no: I just meant to give you a heads up, to see if your 2 year HRR has been satisfied...have you spent 2 years in your home country, Moldova since returning from US? (By this I mean, returning from the US after using the J-1 visa with the 2 year HRR)
If not, you may not be able to adjust your status to get your residency once you get here w/ the K-1 visa, i.e. it will cause you more problems if your AOS petition is rejected because youre still bound by the 2yr HRR from a J1 issued many ears ago.

Your case is different because you left the US, but you're studying in Bulgaria a third country. I don't know what that means w/ regards to the 2 years HRR, if it is still in place. Perhaps doing a little further research into this and seeing about how to file a waiver letter. I think its something that can be filed in your home country....or at the Moldovan Consulate in Bulgaria?

Oh dear, I feel bad now....since I'm thinking I may be confusing you even further.....and I certainly don't want to cause you any more upset. :unsure:


If she is still on her 2 yr HRR on her interview date, K-1 visa would be granted.

I am sorry i was in such a hurry. what i meant is that she would NOT be granted the visa"
ladywhiteFemaleThailand2007-03-26 21:15:00
Asia: East and PacificPrenuptial agreement - anyone else do one?
QUOTE (ding @ Aug 26 2007, 03:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Of course there are exceptions, that's a given. The book "Thailand Fever" goes along with my experiences and others too. Were you raised in Isaan? What I've said is from friends who lived, worked, and married in Thailand. And from the books too. And my experience too. Not judging or intending to make blanket statements. But you are the first Thai I've talked to who hasn't aknowledged lying as a normal part of interpersonal communication there.

why did you ask if i was raised in Isaan? the question leads me to believe that you may very well have your most experience with Isaan people -- a specific group of people "with certain socioeconomic status."

no, i am not one of Issan people.

do you think it sounds right to say that somebody would lie "as a normal part of interpersonal communication"? you didn't talk about just 'somebody' but Thai as a whole. does it sound right? that is too extreme.

of course, i don't acknowledge that lying is a normal part of interpersonal communication here. if that was true, why would anyone want to have anything to do with Thais? i hate lies and accusation.

if you are aware that there are exceptions, then make your statements to reflect that. you said you didn't intend to make blanket statements but you just did so -- again.

i didn't want to interrupt the flow of your original thread. please try to keep it within the context of you and your wife, not Thais in general.
ladywhiteFemaleThailand2007-08-26 06:32:00
Asia: East and PacificPrenuptial agreement - anyone else do one?
QUOTE (ding @ Aug 25 2007, 01:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thais lie, and money is a big societal pressure for Thai daughters.

it sounds to me here that you are making generalization, which offends me, as a Thai woman and daughter of my parents.

it is true some people, including some Thais, lie, but talking about one ethnic group like that is inapproriate and insensitive.

your comments of Thai people in your posts below are disturbing, as well.

it is true some thai women attempt to get western boyfriends just to take advantage of them financially, but not all thai women are like that. when your wife lies to you, it doesn't mean all thai women lie.

if only you could have found yourself a good sincere honest wife, Ding. i feel sorry for you.
ladywhiteFemaleThailand2007-08-26 03:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHelp needed regarding Packet 3: Police Certificate

Yep, my bad. They (US Goverment) will check you out automatically with NCIC, for your time in the US.

Sorry for the misinformation.

Hi everyone,

Thank you very much for your time and help.

It would be nice if a US police certificate is not required as one of the documents that need to present on my interview.

I am still wondering, though, why it is stated on the instructions for immigrant visa applicants on the US Embassy web site (RE: http://bangkok.usemb.....eck list.pdf)

Or it is required only at the US Embassy in Bangkok?

Anyway, I think I had better have it in hand just in case they ask for it. I heard that a thai woman who went to school in Singapore for only 6 months was asked for a police certificate from Singapore on her interview.

Again, I appreciate all your time and help. May God bless you all and help speed up the process sothat you'll get to be with you loved ones very soon.

Ladywhite (L)
ladywhiteFemaleThailand2006-08-21 06:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHelp needed regarding Packet 3: Police Certificate
Hello There,

My fiance is a USC and will be filing the Form I-129F very soon. Right now, I am preparing any required documents needed in advance.

One thing that I have no idea where to obtain is a US police certificate. The reason I will need it is because I had stayed in the US for 8 years before returning to my home country. According to the instructions in Packet 3 (from the US Embassy Web site in my home country), "...the applicants must obtain police certificates from all countries where he/she resided for one year or more."

I emailed the US Embassy asking them. Unfortunately, they were unable to give me an answer.

So, I hope some of you here know where to get that certificate. Who would be able to issue a police certificate for me? A local police station in the area I used to live? or the FBI? My fiance and I have no idea what to do.

Thank you in advance for stopping by and for your time and help.

All responses would be greatly appreciated.

ladywhiteFemaleThailand2006-08-20 12:04:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNOA2 today

Congratulations on your NOA2....

You have got very good advice from MPGGPM that I am glad you follow. I'm wondering if you can contact the consulate via email. That is the only way the US Embassy in Thailand has available for contact. No calls. period.

Despite all the bumps, I believe you'll get through them fine.

I wish you the best.
Ladywhite (F)

Below is one the responses I received a while back from a member here. I am not sure if it helps, but I feel like sharing it with you. My point is this should be manageable with the consulate:

"...I was subject to the foreign residency requirement which was to end, back then, 7 month later. During those 7 months, we got our petition approved in 28 days but the K1 visa appointment was on the same day I was done with the rule (the consular officers selected that day on purpose as they knew that I would be eligible to receive the visa). So it means that I could have got the visa 5 months earlier but I wasn't eligible! I don't know if it was necessary or not but we included every possible info about the 2 year rule(Certificate of eligibility, Record of Departure from the US) in our application for the petition. "

Maybe, you would just have to explain your situation to a consulate office and ask for your interview to be scheduled on the day your HRR is up. I have heard that if the consulate schedules the interview after the valid date of NOA2, it means your NOA2 has been extended automatically by the consulate. But in the cases I have heard, their interview dates were like several days after. I am not sure if it is still be the case if your interview is like months after the NOA2 expires. But, if the consulate schedules it, it should mean they have full knowledge of the expiration of NOA2.

Just a thought.

Again, Good Luck.

(F) (F)
ladywhiteFemaleThailand2007-03-28 13:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWE GOT IT!
I am so very happy for you. Congratulations !!

(F) (F) (F) (F) (F) (F) (F) (F) (F) (F) (F) (F) (F) (F)
ladywhiteFemaleThailand2007-04-13 10:34:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 vs. I-864

Good morning,

Does anyone know the difference between the forms I-134 and I-864 Affidavits of Support? I am just curious as to which one I would need to fill out for our K-1 visa process.


for K-1 visa, you fill out I-134, have it notarized, and send it to your fiance for her interview in her country. I-864 is used for the filing of adjustment of status after she comes to the US and marries you.
ladywhiteFemaleThailand2007-08-04 06:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionTax return -- extension

Again, it's about tax return but different from the exsiting posts.

My fiance is not a business owner and makes way above the 125% poverty line. He has W-2 for 2004, 2005, and 2006 and tax returns for 2003, 2004, and 2005. for 2006, he filed for an extension, therefore won't have 2006 tax return in time for me to show at my interview i expect to be scheduled next month.

I will have his W2 for 2004-6, which will show his income. I will have his tax returns for the three previous years (2003-4-5) and his current pay stubs. And I will have a letter from a Vice President of a U.S. corporation saying about his employment.

Will these things suffice? Will there be a problem about me not having his 2006 tax return?

Has anyone experienced a similar situation like this? Please advice. My fiance thinks i will be fine at the interview, but i 'm not so sure.

Thank you everybody who helps or shares with me.

ladywhiteFemaleThailand2007-08-08 10:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 - Advice please

at what point is the I-134 required to be filed? As she may well have had the interview and started work by then. And would she be required to provide a number of payslips, or would the first one that she recieves be enough?

You won't need the form I-134 until you, as a beneficiary, have your interview in the UK. So, we are looking at few months from now since you just filed your pitition in July.

Yes, she will send you her last few pay stubs and a letter from her employer stating her starting date, job title, status (full- or part-time), and salary.

You can learn more by reading the guides here.

Good luck. (F)
ladywhiteFemaleThailand2007-08-14 11:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPassport size photos
QUOTE (kinzaza @ Aug 31 2007, 04:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Nini & Bee @ Aug 31 2007, 10:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (kinzaza @ Aug 31 2007, 01:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey guys
the photos for the medical have to be 2x2 inch just like the ones for the visa or smaller?

The photos should be 2x2" if it's not specified in your packet 3.

well...the ones for the medical examinations are not specified. Thank you immensely

In Thailand, one 1" x 1.5" photo is needed for the medical. I personally don't think the size of the photo matters for the medical but i was told by the nurse with whom i made an appointment to bring a photo this size. smile.gif
ladywhiteFemaleThailand2007-08-31 04:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionmy interview at BKK on September 5
Thank you very much, everyone. smile.gif I hope to receive my visa soon.

jasman0717: No, they didn't keep my passport.

God bless you all.

ladywhiteFemaleThailand2007-09-06 11:26:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionmy interview at BKK on September 5
Hi there:

I would like to share my interview experience with those of you who may find this useful. The interview was not successful but I hope they will grant me a visa when I submit what is said on Section 221(g).

I had an interview with a Japanese-american CO. He was okay, not overly polite. Here are the questions he asked about my fiance:

1. when did you meet him?
2. what is his name?
3. he came to Thailand, too?
4. when did the last time you saw him?
5. what does he do?
6.what does that do? many times was he married?

The CO's interest did not seem to be in our relationship or any paperwork I had submitted earlier, but in my 8 year stay in the US from 1997-2005. He asked me back and forth between questions about my fiance and my years in the US and school.

The fact that I was in the US for 8+ years was questioned by the CO. My J-1 visa was issued to me in 1997 and expired in 2000, which I didn't come back to Thailand to have it renewed. I in fact never came back to Thailand during those 8 years, so the visa never got renewed. The whole time I was in the US legally because of the DS-2019 that the school i had attended issued to me every two years. At my interview, I had only the DS-2019 from 2003-2005, which is the only one i have left with me. I did not think my years in school in the US would cause me any trouble, so I didn't bother carrying my transcripts with me to the interview.

What the CO needs is for me to "provide proof, such as transcripts, that applicant was in status during 8 year stay in the US." ---> as written in the paper I was given by the CO with a checked box on Section 221(g)

I tried to argue back about my status. how could I have got my Master's and PhD had i been out of status? who in the world would have let me enroll and take classes? that didn't work since he said "we don't have proof here that you were not out of status during those 8 years. Eight years were a long time. You need to show us your transcripts to prove that you were in school the whole time."

I was really pissed off. Come to think of it, he was right, though. Nothing on my file proved that I was not in the US illegally. I am not sure if things would have gone differently had I had a diploma with me. problaby not. sad.gif

Well, the bottom line is that, if you or your fiancee have stayed in the US at some point regardless of how long, prepare evidence that shows that your stay was legal.

I came to my interview with confidence without being nervous or excited because i knew our relationship was bona fide and the paperwork was complete. I didn't get any questions regarding my papaerwork.

here was the list of what I submitted:
- two 2*2 photos (one was returned)
- my passport + copy
- DS-156 (unsigned)
- DS-156K (unsigned)
- DS-157 (unsigned)
- my ID card + copy
- my House registration (Tabeain Baan) + copy
- my BC + copy
- Police certificate (original)
- Visa fee receipt (original)
- paperwork received from the hospital (a sealed envelop and a film checst x-ray)

- 2004, 2005, 2006 W2s
- copies of the first passport page and all the pages with entry and exit stamps to thailand
- his employer's letter
- his pay stubs x 3
- letter from his bank
- certified divorce decree
- I-134 (notarized)
- 2006 Tax return (I had 2004 and 2005 tax returns with me but didn't submit)

- 34 pics chosen from our 6+ years together
- Email from Jan 2007 until September 3, 2007.
- E-card he has sent me over the years
- A few cards he sent via snail mail
- Proof of our meetings in thailand (e.g., his boardig passes (copies and originals), Hotel receipts with both our names)

I am eagerly waiting for the transcipts to be sent to me from the US so I can go back to the embassy, submit the transcripts, and then get my visa.

I hope this helps even a little.

Good luck to you all in this visa journey (and god luck to me, too).

rose.gif rose.gif
ladywhiteFemaleThailand2007-09-06 07:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHad Interview Today

thank you... i hope i'll be fine.

did your fiancee receive the paper with the checked box on Section 221(g) like i did? i don't think so.

from what i read from another immigration web board, Section 221(g) is a "soft" denial. but once what is requested is submitted, the visa will be granted.

i thought this would be over in a few days when i came back to BKK to pick up my visa. it turns out i have two trips to BKK to go.

even though i plan on returning to the US in October, I want to have the visa in my passport now.. not later !!!

thanks again for your support.

ladywhiteFemaleThailand2007-09-06 08:27:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHad Interview Today
QUOTE (qbertz7 @ Sep 4 2007, 11:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Got the visa guys! I'm so relieved/happy! Thanks for all of your support, I know I needed it.


Congratulations !!! I am very happy for you.

Well, i came to my interview today with confidence and not expecting any surprises... Guess what? i have a surprise to share. It's got to be tomorrow since it's late tonight and i need to go to bed. just came back from BKK.

I was not approved today. sad.gif

ladywhiteFemaleThailand2007-09-05 12:02:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHad Interview Today

Thank you for more detailed info. i'm sure once they receive what they want, your girl will receive the visa.

Just be ready to celebrate. Congratulations in advance !!!!!!! smile.gif

rose.gif rose.gif
ladywhiteFemaleThailand2007-08-31 21:50:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHad Interview Today
QUOTE (MarkNAam @ Aug 30 2007, 02:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't remember if it was required or not, but I also did turn in copies of all pages in my passport with stamps.

Hello Mark-N-AAm:

I do not think the passport page(s) with entry and exit stamp(s) is"required." Most people have it ready or even submit it on their interviews as proof of their meetings/their fiances' visits. I plan on submitting it along with other things, as well.

But the "certified" passport pages sound strange, like i said. I'm wondering who the CO was that interviewed qbertz7's fiancee (i.e., Japanese or US officer). I would not be sure what that CO had in mind when asking for a "certified" copy of passport pages. If the CO is American, did he mean "certified" the same as it is supposed to mean in the US OR he just meant "certified" in a way that is acceptable in thailand?

To qbertz7: -- If i may, was your fiancee sure she was asked for the "certified" copy of the passort pages?

Anway, i wish all the best, qbertz7. my turn is in 5 days. smile.gif

ladywhiteFemaleThailand2007-08-31 02:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHad Interview Today
QUOTE (qbertz7 @ Aug 29 2007, 10:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So I just got off the phone with my fiance and it appears they will approve the visa as long as we provide the missing documents. One thing they asked for is 'certified copy of my (the petitioner's) pages of the passport that show when I last came and left Thailand'.

I am sorry for the delay but hope it will be fine in the end.

It is strange to me that the CO asked for a "certified" copy of your passport pages with entry and exit stamps. From what i read on another forum by thai fiancees of USCs, nobody got asked to submit such thing.

I hope you can keep your original plan. Good luck.

ladywhiteFemaleThailand2007-08-30 12:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUnusual delay at the embassy
QUOTE (winters @ Sep 7 2007, 12:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Woooooooooooo I just got this in email
Dear Mr. X

Thank you for your email inquiry. Your case number is BNKXXXXXXX. We
received your case from NVC on March 23, 2007. We scheduled an
interview appointment for the applicant, Ms. X, on 05-OCT-2007
at 07:30 am........

It still does not make any sense to me that it took about half a year for your interview date to be scheduled !!!!!

Your lawyer must have screwed up something. If the embassy mailed out Pk4 to you on September 5th, they must have received your Pk 3 only a few weeks earlier.

I wouldn't stop your fiancee from going to the lawyers office and sticking "a forkl in him."

Anyway, i'm glad you have finally received good news on your interview date. I hope the interview goes well. i'd prepare all required documents without help from the lawyer. i wouldn't want to get screwed again. smile.gif

ladywhiteFemaleThailand2007-09-07 06:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionmedical
What they are concerned about is whether or not you have any of contagious diseases such HIV, TB, STDs. So, they draw your blood to test for those things.

Then, other checkups are just common ones like others said here: Wt., Ht., vision (including if your are colorblind), vital signs (Temp, pulse rates, Respiration rates, and blood pressure).

they also ask when your last period was if you are female just to see if you are possibly pregnant. Besides that the doctor just ask you (in my case) about my past health history, e.g., past surgery or hospitalization.

It was easy and quick for me. I wouldn't worry if you are pretty much a healthy person with no contagious diseases mentioned above.

Good luck. rose.gif
ladywhiteFemaleThailand2007-09-15 21:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNew passport after packet four

the reason i asked if she would be accompanied by someone from the lawyer office is because i have seen that a certain attorney company who does K-1 here in BKK has their staff to take your fiancee to the places she has to go during the K-1 procees, e.g., the police department for your police record, the hospital for your medical, and the consulate for your interview.

i'm sure she will do well at the interview even though you can't be here with her on that day.

Good luck. rose.gif
ladywhiteFemaleThailand2007-09-18 10:04:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNew passport after packet four

Please tell you girl to bring her old passport to the interview with her. do not forget it. They will likely want to see it.

The fact that she had a new one issued may raise a question to the CO as to why she did not have it extended (she could have). They may think there is something in the old one she wants to cover up.

Well, good luck to you both. rose.gif rose.gif

Just my curiosity: will someone from the lawyer office accompany her to her interview?
ladywhiteFemaleThailand2007-09-15 22:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPhotos and Packet 3
QUOTE (Clarky and Tarah @ Sep 19 2007, 05:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey guys,

I have a quick question. My fiance is STILL working on his packet 3 headbonk.gif and we were wondering how many photos he needs to get. He's supposed to attach one to the DS-156, which is to be sent in in duplicate. So are those the only ones he needs or does he need to bring two more to the interview?

Thanks, sorry if this has been asked 90 million times.

Look at the instruction page that comes in your packet 3.

at the US consulate in BKK where i had my interview, i brought with me only 2 2*2 photos as instructed in packet 3. i didn't not attach any pics on the forms. after my interview, they returned one photo.

it wouldn't hurt if you bring more pics with me in case they request more.

Good luck at your interview.


oh..and i think he will need one photo for his medical, too (i did). smile.gif
ladywhiteFemaleThailand2007-09-20 11:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPacket 3??
QUOTE (mcfei @ Oct 2 2007, 10:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Ladywhite

Thanks for your reply, am very happy today, as received packet 3 from USE Malaysia, there is something I wanna verify, hope you can help.

FIRST: Complete and return immediately to this office Form DS-230 Part I and Part II, Immigrant Visa Application - Biographic Data along with a copy of your passport (1st biographic page only), and statement. This office cannot process your case until they are received.

SECOND: Obtain the following documents in this checklist. Check off the box next to each document as you obtain it. Then, return to us only this checklist along iwth completed and signed "Applicant Statement." Do not send the original documents to us at this time-you will bring them on the day of your itnerview, along with photocopies

from the sentence above, I just need to return USE
1) DS-230 Part I (no need for Part II, right?)
----Yes. as far as i know, Part II is needed for a K-3. I am not sure, though, what "statement" indicated above means. we don't have it here in BKK. smile.gif
2) Copy of my passport
----Yes, only the first page of your passport that has your personal info and picture.
3) Applicant statement
----This is what i am not sure about.
4) checklist
----Yes, check the boxes of the documents you'll bring as well as date and sign it.

I also sent two 2*2 photos along with the checklist to the USE in BKK as it is stated in the very end of the checklist. if it doesn't say in your checklist, i think you're good to go. keep all the original required documents for now and bring them with you to your interview.

Please let me know if I needed more to return. Thanks again.


Good luck and receive your interview date very soon. rose.gif
ladywhiteFemaleThailand2007-10-02 11:59:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPacket 3??
QUOTE (mcfei @ Oct 1 2007, 09:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi ladywhite

Thanks for the attachment, do I need to check or tick the box of "police cerficate, birth certificate, etc" if I have that particular of documents? Or just sign it and post it back to USE?

Hope to hear from you, thanks.

and you don't have to wait until you receive packet 3 in the mail. you can download the checklist, complete it, and return it to the embassy with a copy of the first passport page and 2 photos. by doing this, you save yourself days or even weeks of waiting.

ladywhiteFemaleThailand2007-10-02 09:45:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPacket 3??
QUOTE (mcfei @ Oct 1 2007, 09:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi ladywhite

Thanks for the attachment, do I need to check or tick the box of "police cerficate, birth certificate, etc" if I have that particular of documents? Or just sign it and post it back to USE?

Hope to hear from you, thanks.

You're welcome. smile.gif

I am not sure if the USE in Malaysia uses the same checklist as we do in BKK. to answer your question, I did check the boxes in front of the documents i will present at my interview (e.g., evidence of name change, birth certificate, police certificate). but i heard some people didn't check any of those boxes. they simply signed and dated it and returned the checklist to the embassy and they got their interview dates scheduled fine.

I'm not sure about what they do at USE in Malaysia, though.

Good luck. smile.gif

ladywhiteFemaleThailand2007-10-02 09:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPacket 3??
QUOTE (ladywhite @ Oct 1 2007, 08:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
here is the actual packet 3 your fiancee in Thailand will receive later on. IT doesn't provide you with all the links from which you can download the forms, but gives you an idea what you need to have ready for your girl's interview.

I hope you won't have to wait too long for your NOA2.

Good luck. rose.gif

sorry. forgot to attach the file. it is in fact a checklist that is a part of Pk3. not the whole packet, though.
ladywhiteFemaleThailand2007-10-01 20:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPacket 3??
QUOTE (bigsky @ Sep 28 2007, 10:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Does anyone know where I can find the packet three forms from Bangkok to download? I know I've seen it somewhere but I can't find it and a search gave me nothing. I want to start preparing. Thanks!

here is the actual packet 3 your fiancee in Thailand will receive later on. IT doesn't provide you with all the links from which you can download the forms, but gives you an idea what you need to have ready for your girl's interview.

I hope you won't have to wait too long for your NOA2.

Good luck. rose.gif
ladywhiteFemaleThailand2007-10-01 20:40:00