United KingdomTime for medical
John had his medical this morning. He was in and out in 20 min. Easy peasy. Thanks for the info everyone!
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-22 09:39:00
United KingdomTime for medical

jkminney, I need MMR and tetanus booster for my medical. I went to my doctor and it was pretty smooth, but the best is to speak to travel clinic ( which should be at the medical surgery where your fiance goes) They told me I need to pay for tetanus prescription ( 4 pounds:-) The nurse stated that unfortunately I need to pay for my MMR immunisation as well, because NHS doesn't cover it for adults. The MMR cost me 6 pounds!!!! LOL It is much better than paying for MMR shot 35 pounds in London...I would advise you to tell your fiance to get more info from his surgery regarding immunizations...this way we have saved 40 pounds..:-)

That's where he DID go. They have all this info in their office about how they are a place to go for immigration immunizations but then said they won't give the MMR to someone over 12 or something rediculous like that. John said he stood there dumbfounded like #######??? It's not worth trying to convince him to go somewhere else. He's not diggin all this paperwork and whatnot he's had to do lol. Poor fella....I told him it will all be over soon and I promise to make it up to him. The office he goes to...they are a bunch of spastic people. Last summer he was given some medicine because he had a rash and the dr told him to get some sun and take the meds and it would clear right he DID what they said and really the meds made him SUPER sensitive to the sun and he ended up with the worst sunburn I've ever seen in my entire life. I've given up hope that they will actually help him. He asked for his shot records about 5 times each time he went to get it they would say oh we forgot. It's Birmingham.....I dont expect anything else LOL
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-17 10:30:00
United KingdomTime for medical

Mine was straight after lunch so maybe thats why it was so quick??

I stated this in my "story" but make sure he has had a tetanus within the last 10 years (with it on the vacc records) or you may have to pay 25 if u want it done there and then so your documents get released that day!

His GP is a complete idiot. He asked about the MMR because they can't find his medical records from when he was a kid but the doctor refuses to give it to him so I know he's going to have to pay for that for sure.
As far as the tetanus they are saying he's had one 9 years ago so we'll see how well that goes over. He has a paper from the dr office stating this. He just went and got his passport photos to take in and his bus ticket so he should be good to go for Monday. Last thing to do before we have the interview....whenver that may be :)
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-17 08:50:00
United KingdomTime for medical

Below is my experience. Depending on wether you need vaccinations an stuff it may take a bit longer? Im not too sure.

You might be best posting in the medical thread, pinned at the top of the forum, for better answers :)


That was perfect. I'll pass the info along to him. Thank You!
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-16 21:12:00
United KingdomTime for medical
Hiya everyone. Just wondering if anyone can give me an idea of how long the medical takes. John is going to be taking the coach down from Birmingham. His medical appointment is at 1.30 and he just wants to make sure he books the return ticket late enough to not miss it but not so late he's hanging around London for hours on end. Any info would help! Thank You!
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-16 20:40:00
United KingdomBrother comes to visit on Friday!

Wow time passes fast!
When we were over in Northern Ireland for Christmas he talked about booking a flight a few weeks after I got here. Give me a little time to settle in and then come over to see my new life. He's never been to the US before so this will be an experience. Really looking forward to him getting here :-)

He has a shopping list already composing of soda bread (for me), Strawberry Ribena (which C loves to mix with soda water) and Kinder eggs for Josie, which are an absolute ripoff over here. Yum!

Going to take him shopping, some theme parks, the usual. Maybe even a beach if it warms up a it.

I laughed when I read the soda bread was being brought over. I actually packed some in my bag coming back from there over new years. Funny how some things are just something you want to have lol
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-11 10:56:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~

Spoke to DOS this morning and they said Packet 3 has been received (so it's finally been logged) and they will be assigning an interview date soon!

Woooo Hooooo! Keep us posted. I called today and no interview date yet. I'm hopeful we'll hear something in the next couple of weeks....fingers crossed!
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-16 13:16:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~

I really hope that isn't the case, we only put that date down as a estimate depending on how long the visa/interview took to get. This is so frustrating!

Well you shouldnt list travel dates unless you have specific things already booked because there's no guarantee you would have it. We are planning a June 5th wedding and I did have John list that date on the paperwork. In good time I suppose. Just keep stalker calling DOS that's all ya can do!
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-13 15:39:00