United KingdomVisa Received
We had our interview on the 5th and we received the visa today the 8th of March! I thought he was lying to me when he said he got it!
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-08 19:40:00
United KingdomWaiting...
We sent our packet on the 25th of Jan and we were told we had an interview by DOS on the 17th of Feb. Our interview is on the 5th of March. It seems to vary widely so I would say the best thing to do would be to just keep trying DOS. I wouldn't pay to call the embassy unless you HAD to...why spend the money for the same info you can get for free?
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-24 11:10:00
United Kingdomapproved, but where is my visa?
I would think if you didn't turn in your passport photos that THAT is the hold up.
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-11 16:19:00
United Kingdomapproved, but where is my visa?
It's very strange why some get theirs right away and others wait. I told John that we should just plan on waiting about 2 wks to get it because I had been reading the posts on here of people waiting so long. I have NO idea how he had that interview on Friday and got the visa back on's that even possible???

John isn't a UK citizen so I dont think that being a citizen of another country and just a resident of the UK makes that big of a difference unless you were originally from a high fraud country...that would make sense.

Hopefully everything will be sorted quickly and you can be on your way in no time at all!
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-11 13:16:00
United KingdomDoes the US Embassy take your passport and mail it later for K1 visa?

Yeah, Ryanair suck. We tried to take my 3-year-old nephew to Belfast to see his Grandparents - Ryanair would not let him on the plane because he didn't have Photo ID. Had his birth certificate and 2 passport-carrying adults with him, but nope, they were refused boarding at the gate because a 3-year-old doesn't have a photo ID - every other UK airline would have let him fly.

Last week we asked my nephew if he still wanted to fly and see his grandparents, he replied 'no because the lady didn't let me on the plane'.

Anyway, in answer to your original post, my understanding is that the embassy will keep hold of the passport and mail it to you with the visa. I know this now a moot point for you guys, but might help someone else like you say. Good luck for the interview!

John needs to get back to Derry before he comes over and we had a HOLD ON moment before we actually booked anything. I think he'll be heading over next week for a quick visit. He's coming over for good on the 10th. I can't wait!
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-17 10:12:00
United KingdomInterview
I actually asked the first gal we spoke with during our interview how long it takes for them to get finished. She said they try to get finished with all the interviews before lunchtime!!!! The room was full while we were there. I have NO idea how they would get finished by lunch unless they take it about 3 in the afternoon :) There weren't THAT many immigrant visa people there so I can only assume that since they can process the N visas far faster than the I visas that they really do get finished with all of it by mid day.
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-14 09:37:00
United KingdomInterview
We stayed at the Millenium Mayfair which was seriously about 100 yards from the embassy. I dont think it's cheap though. I used airmiles to pay for it :) It was a pretty nice hotel. I slept comfortably and they let us leave our bags after we checked out so we could go and explore a bit more after we had our interview.
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-10 11:15:00
United KingdomInterview
I was so glad all we had to do is get up, have a bite to eat, and just be there. I agree with Justine 100% I would not want to have to worry about getting lost or traffic or anything else.
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-10 06:38:00
United KingdomI-693
Thanks for all the information. It's much appreciated.

I think I'm going to just give it a go with the 3025. I've called about 10 people listed as CS in this area and either they aren't doing anything related to being a CS, they refuse to transcribe the vaccinations because they were done in another country, or they state he has to have the full physical done. I spent about an hour arguing with 2 offices yesterday and I was just at my wits end. The local Health Dept is listed as a CS and John can have it done there for 20 dollars but the soonest appointment was July 19!!! probably because they are the only reasonable CS listed. We aren't getting married until June I just hate the thought of delaying his EAD any further because I know he already wishes he was working let alone adding extended time to that for not filing before almost the end of July. So after speaking to him he just wants to send it in and chance it. We won't be sending the paperwork in until about mid June. Would you typically get an RFE straight away after submitting the packet or is that something that comes closer to the time they are actually processing your stuff? It's funny I talk about chancing it when it states on that stupid I-693 that if you had it done before you came you shouldn't have to do anything else...what a pain in the #######. I'm gonna have to find my "zen" until we get far enough I dont have to think about any of it for a while lol
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-27 14:43:00
United KingdomI-693
Did any of you have your vaccinations transcribed by a civil surgeon? Did you just send in the AOS with a copy of the 3025? I'm not sure what to do. John had his medical done at knightbridge, it's been within a year, but the dr. checked the box vaccinations incomplete...eligable for a blanket waiver. He had several boxes checked stating not appropriate because of age and he had a VH written next to the Chicken Pox shot. I'm trying to figure out if we are ok or not. Per the USCIS if you've had the medical done and it's within a year and the 3025 was filled out completely you shouldnt have to send in the i-693. Ugh...I'm spazzing out! Help!
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-26 17:42:00
United KingdomPOE Dublin
John flew from Birmingham and went through customs in Dublin. He flew on Aer Lingus and his final desitnation was ORD. He got his bags and walked straight out. That was in April so not too long ago.
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-02 19:09:00
United KingdomWedding Planning from the UK Chat

Ohhhhhhhh bother. Was thinking of going with sponge cake (instead of fruit cake, which is very English! lol) and using a buttercream as 'glue' for a rolled fondant outside, which is what makes cakes look pro-smooth.

Is there any way you might be able to find out for me, which is the right one for dust avoidance? I'll be ever so grateful. I'd get the fella onto it, but considering all his friends are guys..... LOL. He's not much into cakes either.

I'm a little worried about going for the 8.30 - 4.30 option, because it's still going to be hot in mid September, which is when we're likely to be having it. Doesn't look like there's a lot of shade. If we had the ceremony at say 12.30, spending 4 hours standing in the blazing sunshine with little shade is not going to be much fun.

And of course, now that I've started thinking about it, I'd much prefer the day option because having put my head together with my MOH, we're thinking 'English Tea Party' theme.

Mum keeps trying to tell me I insist on making life more complicated than it need be! lol

I'm sure the buttercream is the frosting that would collect the dust as it's a much softer icing. The fondant is almost like a shell so chances of it getting "stuck" on it would be far less.
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-25 13:52:00
United KingdomWedding Planning from the UK Chat

Oooh, sounds fun!

I've spent a lot of time pondering the whole wedding thing. I just don't want to deal with a big wedding, ever. Ry doesn't care much, because it's about the sentiment for him not the look. Neither of us are religious, so that's not an issue. If I'd never been married before, then yup, I'd want a big thing but

I almost want to find a cute ivory dress - not a formal gown, just a chiffon-style, empire waist, just above the knee style number. Fly my best mate in from NH, find some fab spot with an awesome view at sunset, stand in front of said view with his folks, my daughter, a couple of close friends plus whoever else wants to show up, exchange personal vows and rings in front of his pastor-licensed best friend, have said best mate (who's a photographer) take pics and then head to a restaurant for an evening of fun and laughter. End of.

Don't want to pay for a venue, caterers, favours.. I'll make our cake and the few invites we'll need. Just need confirmation of numbers for the restaurant and a ring for him. And some flowers for me and a couple of button holes/ corsages.. again, something I could easily do myself. We'd extend invitations to relatives, with a kind and gentle reassurance that it's so informal, that not attending (from out of state) wouldn't be offensive.

A night or two in an intimate B&B for us and that's the honeymoon taken care of.

I've come to realise that our life is going to be in the US and from experience, friends left behind gradually fade into the distance with less and less contact over time. Yes, I have family but we're so used to being scattered across the world, it's not a new experience. Of course, I'd like my parents, brother and sis in law to be there, but I don't want them to feel obligated. Yup, I'd love it if my bestie's husband and 2 girls could come too but that's a lot of money when they'd have to cover accommodation as well.

He asked today when we can expect to hear about our approval. I told him on average sometime in May. Some people get it in less, others longer. He asked what the quickest recent approval was, and I said "hmm, 33 days I think." And said, "Oh man, wish I hadn't asked now. I'm going to get to 34 days and start going, HEY!!!! Shift it!" lol.. It's the most excitement he's shown about it, he's such a laid back kind of guy. I know that it's not because he doesn't care and just his 'all in good time' attitude, so it was very sweet hearing him be impatient about getting on with our life together.

We've decided to do a little mini honeymoon at a cabin on Lake Superior. It's quiet with nothing to do and the view is gorgeous. Between going through this process and then having the wedding to deal with I think we'll both need a little R&R in a nice quiet place. I CANT WAIT!
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-13 22:42:00
United KingdomWedding Planning from the UK Chat

Totally get the benefits of a 'package' deal but in our case, we're both rather skint and also won't be having a very big wedding numbers-wise, so will likely keep it more DIYish. I love the idea that you can use anywhere you like to actually get married, unlike the UK where it has to be licensed as a venue for civil ceremonies and also, can have anyone who is registered be the 'minister'. Ry's best mate is actually licensed although I'm not sure if he wants him to perform the ceremony or act as his best man. But as it's really easy to get licensed, we could theoretically ask anyone we like to do it and the idea of it being that personal is fab. He's not a church goer, so doesn't have a family vicar or anyone like that.

That's really helpful to know about the dress alterations. This is my second marriage, and I did the traditional dress with train first time around. Definately going white and weddingy but thinking more for a knee length, empire bodice type, chiffony skirt type affair. Definately don't want to spend a fortune so will actually be looking at bridesmaid dresses too. Having said that, I get the impression (possibly wrongly, it has been 11 years since I last looked!) that we Brits tend to not have the same variety of styles for bridesmaids that they do in the States.

I don't want to shoot myself in the foot and say that I'm pretty confident that we'll get the visas for certain by x date, but by having it as a less formal event, we can get more flexibility. I like September 12th as a date, because it's shown up twice in our relationship history now but I'm unsure about having an anniversary so close to 9/11. It would also mean that some of my friends would want to fly in the day before and I just don't know how people feel about flying on that date. I know I'm a little wierd about it and I don't blink at the thought of flying usually.

How are you managing invites and is anyone from the UK traveling over for it?

Oooh, can you link us to a pic of it? Sounds like the sort of thing I'm looking for!

Here's the link to my dress and there is a store here called David's Bridal and they are having a $99 sale till Monday. You may want to have a look and see if you like anything because for 99 bucks I would sure try! If you found something online just have it mailed to your groom and you could get it fitted when you get here :)


jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-16 16:37:00
United KingdomWedding Planning from the UK Chat

Well we did the thing your not supposed to do, and booked our venue before the visa is approved. Got the interview in next month, so we will see soon if it was the wrong decision or not then! But I wanted this place because they do a 'package' wedding, which makes it so much easier for me with planning from over here. They include, ceremony, reception, food, dj, invites and so much more stuff. But all this depends on what kind of wedding you want and where you are getting married.
With the dress...I would advise starting to loose weight slowly now. My friend use to work in a wedding dress shop and she told me that they can alter a dress 2 sizes either way. So if you buy a size 12, they can go down to an 8, or up to a 16. I actually found my perfect dress in a shop here, but found it half the price from america. But, I ordered it in July and its only just arrived in the UK this week. And I forgot about all the taxes I needed to pay for it, luckily, I get to claim it back when I leave to the states though :thumbs:
Are you planning on waiting until you get the visa and then decide on a date for the wedding, or you want to start planning now??

We picked June 5th. My parents have a beautiful garden with a nice pond and loads of plants and flowers so we've decided to actually get married there. I did pay for the tent/chairs/tables but made sure that if for some reason we needed to change the date that it wasn't going to be a problem. Thank goodness for small town living because they were more than happy to change it if I need them to. I found a Michael Kors dress that is perfectly informal for the wedding...not a traditional wedding dress but given the location I think it's fantastic. I haven't bought any invites yet because I really want to make sure we are good to go. I can't see it being a problem given that it's still 5 months away but you just never know!
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-16 14:31:00
It's like's a medical...they look at everything...they check your bits for god sakes..if there was even the slimmest chance that they were going to take a urine sample he should have stop smoking...that's it. there's no second chance. if he fails it it's because of his own choices. there's nobody to be upset with beyond himself
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-27 18:15:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

I've been looking to see where are good places to stay around the Embassy... Radisson Edwardian Sussex looks quite good, not too expensive and nicely placed between the embassy & the docs... Anyone stayed there?

We stayed at the Millenium Mayfair and it was VERY close and was a nice hotel as well. Not sure about the price as I used airline miles to pay for it....thank you Delta!
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-01 15:27:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

Hi, our case seems to be a bit stuck. The embassy has a electronic copy from NVC but have not had hard copy. I think I've seen somewhere that it is trackable through DHL does anyone know where I would get the reference number from?

Our case was received by the London Embassy on Jan. 31st and wasn't actually logged until aprox. 3 weeks later. It isn't stuck. It just takes time...the whole process is a lot of waiting. It looks like your case was received on the 9th of March so it may not be logged for a bit yet...hold will happen soon!
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-20 06:31:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

APPROVED!!!!!!!!! Such a huge relief. Will write a review soon.

jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-16 15:05:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
You can move a lovely star next to John and I. We were approved today!
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-05 15:42:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

To confirm, is the "Operator Assisted Visa Information & Appointment Booking" line what I need to call? 09042-450-100?

Yep that's the number you need to use!
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-25 13:49:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

Had my interview today and was approved. yay! The actual "interview" part took about one minute. The waiting 3 hours for that one minute wasn't so great but had to be done.

Congrats! Hopefully you won't have too long to wait for the visa in hand!
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-23 17:39:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

Please update us too! Interview on MARCH 11! Seems like they're finally getting stuff done at the embassy!

I am packed and ready to go and want to fly as soon as possible after the interview. Anyone got an estimate on how long the visa takes to come through so I can start looking at flights?

Also, it's out of the question for me to accompany my fiancee on a short trip to Mexico a week or so after I arrive in the USA, right? One-time-only use visa and everything? Just wanted to check.


CONGRATS! I figured yours wouldnt be too far behind! I think from the sounds of it it takes about 7 business days if maybe not a tad longer to get the passport back. You are right about wouldnt be able to come here first and THEN go. But you could just go to Mexico before you did your US entry? I mean if it's only a week I would hold out and just meet him in Mexico and come back with him!
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-18 13:07:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

Congratulations! How are you feeling? Relieved at getting the date but terrified at the thought of the interview?

I am feeling spastic! I said to the gal on the phone are you sh!tting me? I called earlier today but the girls english wasn't great so on my lunch I called back and I got a very nice girl and she was laughing when I said it. I'm stoked! I have to book a ticket because I'll leave next Friday to be there for a few days before we actually have it....OMG!
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-17 15:19:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
You can add our name to the list to be interviewed! March 5th 9 am!
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-17 14:26:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

You can put me in the list for waiting for an interview date.

I'm really disheartened to see on Justine+David and errol's timelines that just receiving packet 4 is taking 2-3 months. I thought it was more like a week, based on the flowchart. I guess London is behind.

While within it, it seems like this process never ends.

Dont get discouraged....really Justine+David were not the norm. I think it's good to be realistic but I think she would agree that hers did seem to take longer than most peoples did.
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-17 10:32:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

Also (I couldn;t edit my post, so I'm posting again.) I saw that people with electrical items, their items went into a 'bin'. Was that so that they could go through the scanner, then you got them back? Or were they deposited and collected at the end? Orrr were they destroyed upon entry?
That's something else that's bothering me. I'm going to have my cellphone and iPod, and I don't want to have to try and find somewhere to put them while I'm interviewed.

You aren't able to bring electronics in the embassy. You need to either leave them at home or check them it at Goulds Pharmacy. They charge a fee and when you are finished at the Embassy you go pick them up. DO NOT take them with because they won't let you in with them.
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-15 16:41:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

Recieved my visa today :dance: , can now relax and get ready to leave :).

Good luck to every one :)

Woooo Hoooo! How excited are you right now???
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-12 07:27:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

Wow, just got back in town and it's so nice to see the new approvals and interview dates! Congrats to all :)

Just a quick POE review for everyone...

First off, the flight from Gatwick was okay, and there was a bit of excitement We sat on the tarmac for an hour as 2 passengers were removed from the plane then we were off for home. The winds in Charlotte can be quite brutal and I nearly lost my lunch as we were touching down, and I fly a lot. The cabin was applauding the crew, which I've never seen before. Wow...just, wow.

POE - We both queued up in the non-USC line and filled out the 'White' I-94 form while in line. The people on the plane kept shoving the I-94W 'Green form' in our faces and wouldn't give us the white one, saying we didn't need it. Grrr...

There was a woman checking documents at the front of the queue and I explained that I, the USC, was escorting my fiancee back from England and was hoping to accompany her through immigration since I was the visa sponsor. She agreed to allow me to move to the booth to check in with my fiancee. The officer took our passports, asked the standard questions about what we brought in as he was looking at the customs forms. We explained that my fiancee was entering on a K-1 visa, he didn't' bat an eye and took the xray and brown envelope then handed the xray right back. He opened the envelope to verify it's contents and told us that if anyone asks why it was opened to tell them he did it. At that point I noted his name badge and booth number just in case. She was fingerprinted, photographed, given a number and told to exit to to an area and present the number to an official there. He took my fiancee's passport and envelope and sent them off with someone.

We both were allowed to wait together with our luggage in this area while everything was being processed. During this time I was called by name and asked why I was there. I said I was traveling with my fiancee and she said ok, then disappeared around the corner. Then another man walked by and congratulated me on my marriage and I said, thanks but we're not married yet. He laughed and said, oh right!

Another very nice woman called us over and explained the one entry bit and recommended we file for AP and a SS card for her asap, went over a few more things and told us we could gather our luggage and proceed out. We smiled as we realized that was it, we're through! A very good experience overall, no hassles and very professional people, especially the last woman, she was just as nice as could be and very informative. The queue was quite long and the whole process took about 1 hour 45 minutes. The worst part was the landing in Charlotte. Luckily our connection wasn't for another 2 hours after that, so I treated Claire to a pulled pork sandwich with slaw on top (Carolina style) and fried dill pickles which she loved!

We're home now and catchin up on sleep!

Glad to know you both made it back ok! Good luck on the upcoming marriage...not long now!
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-11 10:54:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread


We dug out my (soon to be ours) car out of the snow in 32 inches after getting back from Seattle to DC only to be dumped with 10 more last night, decided to call David's home and ask if he had gotten an embassy letter because DOS still isn't open... and he did!!

March 10th!!!

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

That's SUPER exciting! Cograts to you. It's great to see you've finally got your letter!
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-10 16:26:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

Hey Guys!

We got an interview date but it's not until 19th April (8:00). Ricky is estatic because we have the date and I was hoping for March. But really for not good reasons considering I don't want to leave until the end of July anyway! lol

We have a date :)

Way to go with the April date! Now I'm certain we won't have ours in March. At least we know this way I suppose!
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-10 13:18:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

I called NVC because we are on the CR1 route and then they sent us an email with all the details a few hours later - apparently this is the week for scheduling so I would keep hassling them!

DOS is closed due to inclimate weather...I would be stalker calling them this week if they were actually open LOL. What's 3 ft of snow? They can't handle it in D.C. or what?
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-09 09:27:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

Hi guys,

just got our interview date for our CR1 visa March 9th at 8.30!!!!

Congrats...not long now then!
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-08 15:37:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

I sent packet 3 back on january 25th and it was received and signed for on the 27th. But then this morning I got a letter dated 2nd Feb from the embassy, saying they haven't heard anything from me and do I still want to continue with my visa application?! I was really worried so called the expensive number only to be told by an operator that, due to a high backlog of applications, cases aren't showing up in the system for up to four weeks. So I'm not supposed to worry.

Just came on here to rant and see if anyone else has had the same thing happen. Still waiting on an interview date. We got stuck in AP at the NVC for three months so really hoping things don't keep dragging now they're in London. Oh, and my medical is on Tuesday!

We sent ours on the 25th too. Royal Mail showed it delivered on the 26th. Our packet 3 isn't logged yet either so you aren't alone :) I was really hoping it would be done this week mostly because if they are going to only assign interviews once a month I would have liked to have been in the March group but that hope is fading fast now. Oh well....guess I just kick back and hope for the best.
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-05 13:10:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-04 13:46:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

This is specifically for filing the I-129F, though. I'm a little baffled as to why we don't need to prove who I am in any way, except by virtue of the information I provide and sign as true. I mean, they do security/ name checks at NVC level, he could have said I'm Mother Theresa, they've nothing that shows otherwise.... and yup, I know she's dead :D

You are providing a divorce decree with your married name on it...that's enough for them to note the name change.
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-26 19:52:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
Good Good. I had to laugh the other night while he was doing all that packet 3 paperwork. I think he thought it was going to be FAR more simple than what it was. I sat there on the webcam laughing as he would throw his hands up. Just made me laugh. Poor John...paperwork is not his forte'. He sent it overnight and I know it got there today...thank you royal mail! Now back to the waiting game. I'm thinking from the looks of previous timelines we are looking at April. I was sure hoping for March but April will have to do!
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-26 15:39:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

My friend lives in Dover, I'll be moving to Missouri. Not sure whether to be happy about that :whistle: Joking of course... :innocent:

I planned on getting there for 8am, but I think that I actually joined the queue at 8:10. I'm glad the review was helpful :) Honestly, it's really easy if you have your documents organised. I saw some other immigrant visa people who seemed to take a huge amount of time fumbling with documents. I am so grateful for this place, it's the only reason I was organised!

I was thinking when I was going to be getting all the paperwork organized I may use a small accordian style folder so that I can mark them as to what they are and all he'll have to do is go to the tab that whatever they ask for is listed under. I'll be there too I just don't want to have to say anything and be able to let him get on with it as easy as possible...what do you think?
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-26 14:16:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
Cogratulations all of you! We've only just submitted packet 3 yesterday but I love reading about the success stories! It makes me a feel a bit more at ease. I know I still have a couple months to go and I'm already nervous so knowing what actually happens is a relief!
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-25 20:09:00
United KingdomDriving in the USA
Most insurance in the U.S. covers the driver of the car as long as they are driving with the permission of the owner/insured. Your UK license is sufficient but i would suggest to bring both the paper/photo id version so there isn't any issue with that. My husband used to drive my car without me because he had permission to do so. So even if he was to get in an accident or pulled over it wouldn't have been an issue. I did verify this information with my insurance company because I also didnt want to run into any problems if something were to happen.
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-03-17 08:38:00