K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 Filers! CSC
QUOTE (mitch.snyder @ Nov 19 2009, 03:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Do yourself a favor, read the books... they are well done, the movies, not so much...

Ummmm I would rather watch the movies have you seen the fellas they have in it? OMG! Although I'm sure one is young enough to put me in jail for thinking he's that hot but we'll pretend he's old enough....A few more years and I could be considered a cougar smile.gif

jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-19 16:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 Filers! CSC
QUOTE (kizza @ Nov 19 2009, 03:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jkminney @ Nov 19 2009, 03:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (kizza @ Nov 19 2009, 02:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jkminney @ Nov 19 2009, 04:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was reading a thread on another page and I just sit here laughing and shaking my head. Some dude was like well my gf has overstayed by 3 years and we were thinking we would just move to Canada or Europe to wait until she's able to move back again. HELLLLLOOOOOO you can just decide to move to any country you want. Does he not understand that just like there is a process here for getting to move here or stay here that there is going to be a process like that EVERYWHERE else???????? I don't mean to sound nasty but have some sense dude. If it were that easy I would have moved to Ireland 3 years ago!!!!

I read that too! the woman who came on the K1 petitioned by another man... yeah... thought the same thing. Sure, just come over to Canada, my fiance and I are apart just cuz we FEEL like it! Buy a box of Cracker Jacks and you'll get a permanent residence to some other country.

I was sitting here thinking ya know we all are perfectly aware that we only have 90 days once they get here to get married or you are outside the status window...she knew when she left that other fella that she was going to be out of status and now she's probably in a panic thinking omg how can I stay and some poor chump has actually fallen in love. It amazes me how some people are so duped into things...I dont know if it's because they are lonely or what.

I read another one this week where the gal married some Nigerian and of course he screwed her over. I want to say to them there's a reason that Nigeria is a high fraud's because there are A LOT of scammers!

Ok I'm done kvetching now. I just read some stuff on here and think are you completely daft to believe that this person didn't have some sort of agenda?

John never wanted to come to the U.S....matter of fact he didn't even get his passport until a day before he was coming the first time. The only reason we are having him come here is because I have children and he doesn't so eventually we'll make our way back.

By the way anyone going to see New Moon tonight??? My daughter and i are going!

ooh!! I didnt know you have kids! Just your daughter or more? how old?
Cant wait to have kids.... although I want to spend more time just Matt & I, without the obligations and responsibilities that come with children. That's part of why Im in such a hurry to get there.... my poor eggs!! lol hmmm probably sharing too much. But im at an age where EVERYBODY and their dog is having babies. This is cutting in our time together. *sigh*

New Moon... damn it, Im so out of the loop! Hearing about it everywhere and dont know what it is. Is this another vampire movie???
let me google it...

ah yes, twilight. Havent seen that either. I should get with the program, huh.

I have 2 my daugher is 12 and my son is 5. John doesn't have any and he's ok with not having anymore. I want to be able to have "us" time and I'm concerned that by the time he gets here and we have that time we will feel like we are too old to start having a family beyond what we already have. We will see. We haven't ruled it out but we aren't saying it's a must either. All in due time I suppose.

New Moon is the next story in the Twightlight series so yes it's another vampire movie. My daughter has read the series of books...I haven't bothered I figure I'll just wait for the movies smile.gif I told her we would go the first night it comes out so we are hitting the midnight showing of it. I'm gonna be so tired tomorrow at work. I'll be having to caffiene it up all day tomorrow. It should be a pretty good movie. I liked the first one so I'm hoping this one is just as good!

jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-19 16:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 Filers! CSC
QUOTE (kizza @ Nov 19 2009, 02:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jkminney @ Nov 19 2009, 04:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was reading a thread on another page and I just sit here laughing and shaking my head. Some dude was like well my gf has overstayed by 3 years and we were thinking we would just move to Canada or Europe to wait until she's able to move back again. HELLLLLOOOOOO you can just decide to move to any country you want. Does he not understand that just like there is a process here for getting to move here or stay here that there is going to be a process like that EVERYWHERE else???????? I don't mean to sound nasty but have some sense dude. If it were that easy I would have moved to Ireland 3 years ago!!!!

I read that too! the woman who came on the K1 petitioned by another man... yeah... thought the same thing. Sure, just come over to Canada, my fiance and I are apart just cuz we FEEL like it! Buy a box of Cracker Jacks and you'll get a permanent residence to some other country.

I was sitting here thinking ya know we all are perfectly aware that we only have 90 days once they get here to get married or you are outside the status window...she knew when she left that other fella that she was going to be out of status and now she's probably in a panic thinking omg how can I stay and some poor chump has actually fallen in love. It amazes me how some people are so duped into things...I dont know if it's because they are lonely or what.

I read another one this week where the gal married some Nigerian and of course he screwed her over. I want to say to them there's a reason that Nigeria is a high fraud's because there are A LOT of scammers!

Ok I'm done kvetching now. I just read some stuff on here and think are you completely daft to believe that this person didn't have some sort of agenda?

John never wanted to come to the U.S....matter of fact he didn't even get his passport until a day before he was coming the first time. The only reason we are having him come here is because I have children and he doesn't so eventually we'll make our way back.

By the way anyone going to see New Moon tonight??? My daughter and i are going!

jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-19 15:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 Filers! CSC
I was reading a thread on another page and I just sit here laughing and shaking my head. Some dude was like well my gf has overstayed by 3 years and we were thinking we would just move to Canada or Europe to wait until she's able to move back again. HELLLLLOOOOOO you can just decide to move to any country you want. Does he not understand that just like there is a process here for getting to move here or stay here that there is going to be a process like that EVERYWHERE else???????? I don't mean to sound nasty but have some sense dude. If it were that easy I would have moved to Ireland 3 years ago!!!!
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-19 15:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 Filers! CSC
QUOTE (kizza @ Nov 19 2009, 10:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If they are busy getting high, then they should get a big pile of files out, and that big APPROVED stamp, and start stamping away. Hell, I dont even care if they leave crumbs in my file. Just as long as we get approved sometime soon.

Dude are you kidding? I dont even go shopping during black friday. that many people all going f'n crazy over the 1 xbox that walmart is selling for 99 bucks....yeah no thanks...I'll pass!

You know it's funny because the longer time goes and the more we exchange our postings the more random they seem to get. I mean we are all so excited at the beginning of this I'm reduced to chalkin the lack of approvals up to drug use! HA!

Oh well....We are all still well within the 5 month window that we should really have prepared ourselves for so we can't really start complaining hard core until Feb. I will say if I'm still on this thread in Feb you all should be very very scared as to what the topic of conversation will be! I may start contemplating things like ... why exactly yellow and blue make green??? goofy.gif

jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-19 11:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 Filers! CSC
QUOTE (mitch.snyder @ Nov 19 2009, 09:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jkminney @ Nov 19 2009, 07:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well a week has gone by and not a single person approved from VJ. Date has moved back about 10 days now sad.gif I see that VSC managed to get a couple people approved....Maybe the people in California are just too laid back. It's all that "medical marjuana" they are all smokin dope and eating munchies and not focused on anything other than them moving their hand back and forth infront of their face thinkin wow.....this is trippy.

LOL!!! don't panic just yet!! VSC has only approved two in the same time!!!! Although I do like your medical marijuana theory....

ready for me throw another curve ball into our wait?? American Thanksgiving is next week... that means they'll be shut down for a few more days! aren't I the bearer of good news tongue.gif

OMG shut your face! Just Kidding!

I was laughing at myself this morning thinking about them all sitting there with their bongs and someone yelling "puff, puff, pass" hahahaha!

I actually don't mind them being shut down for Thanksgiving as I will be partaking in some pumpkin pie, way too much cool whip on it, the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and probably about 8 movies thanks to Netflix! John will be experiencing his first Thanksgiving...he'll like it...the man LOVES to eat!

jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-19 10:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 Filers! CSC
Well a week has gone by and not a single person approved from VJ. Date has moved back about 10 days now sad.gif I see that VSC managed to get a couple people approved....Maybe the people in California are just too laid back. It's all that "medical marjuana" they are all smokin dope and eating munchies and not focused on anything other than them moving their hand back and forth infront of their face thinkin wow.....this is trippy.
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-19 09:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 Filers! CSC
QUOTE (mitch.snyder @ Nov 18 2009, 02:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
lol wouldn't that be nice... by the way I love your optimism!!


no but really every visa in both the CSC and VSC are listed as 0 so they must be updating something. When that page comes up I usally don't even bother looking at it because I dont want to know that 500000 people sent in their visa applications the same time I did LOL. I would prefer to believe that the few of us on here are the ONLY september visa applications so there's absolutely no reason it should take much longer smile.gif That's my story and I'm stickin to it!

jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-18 15:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 Filers! CSC
QUOTE (mitch.snyder @ Nov 18 2009, 01:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
question, in watching Igor's list have you ever seen a week's worth of no movement?? I thought I've seen it once before but can't remember

Now you've got ME lookin at that stupid USCIS site! YOU'RE FIRED!

jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-18 15:03:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~

Yep, but who knows. I kind of got the feeling the guy had pretty much diddly squat on the status of our case even with our case number, makes you wonder if you can even talk to someone who has your case in their hand.. seems not!

Also as you said, im not sure why we're not eligible considering we've sent in all the stuff needed and they've obviously looked at it at some point for them to write the note about our hopefull wedding date. Said they would contact us though if they're missing anything, which is some comfort I suppose.. no news is good news? ... gah I hate this waiting!!! :crying:

Amen to that! After I read your post I called DOS back. I got the same lady. I'm sure she thought why is this crazy lady calling AGAIN! She said they logged packet 3 on the 11th. So I asked her does that mean we are eligable for an interview now? She said yes. But really that makes NO sense. Yours was logged back in January and they are telling you that they are processing your papework just now? If they are processing your paperwork now why in the hell would it take till Mid-End of March for you to receive an interview letter? I mean it's like they work on these jacked up time lines of when they send things out. It's harding waiting when there's nothing you can do to speed it up. Booo LOL. I'll be glad when this K1 is over. At least with the AOS you are together. This bit here is rough going.
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-13 10:29:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
Here's what I dont get....if they've logged your packet 3 and they are processing it now...why in the world would it take till the mid to end of march to receive a notice? I just wish I could figure out the method to the madness because I REALLY don't get it
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-12 14:27:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
I have a question....Once the packet 3 has been logged why would you NOT be eligable for an interview at that point? When I called they said the paperwork was just entered yesterday so I guess I'm just wondering does that make us eligable for an interview now or are we just in limbo?
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-12 13:53:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~

Just got off the phone with DOS, who pretty much made us both panic because the lady said that im still not eligible for the interview - which could be because not all the forms have been sent in!? Ive sent both the packet 3 and had the medical in december.
Anyway phoned the embassy and he told me that both the medical and packet 3 has been received (even told us that its noted on the system for a july/august wedding) but that their system is limited and not to panic as they're only just processing it now, and that an appointment letter will probably be sent between middle/end of march. Longer than I thought, oh well :(

They told ya it wouldnt even be sent till the middle or end of March??? THAT SUCKS! It doesn't even look like there are THAT many frigin March interviews. We should be having one in March dammit!
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-12 13:36:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
Packet 3 is officially logged as of 2/10. Now the wait for the interview date....come on people! We've got a life to lead!
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-12 10:57:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
HOLY SH!T! I would REALLY appreciate it if it would STOP snowing in DC because I would LOVE to be able to call DOS and check our status! I'm ready to breakdown and have John call the extortion line blahhhh!!!! Anyone else frustrated?
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-11 10:04:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~

They were closed again today and were supposed to get about another 10 inches of snow....At this rate the packet 4 will be to John before people are back to work at DOS!

I read in the Washington Post that DOS is closed tomorrow (wed) as well. Just a heads up to those of you checking your status through there.
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-09 20:54:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~

LOL me too LOL sucks now that I know i can find out by calling dos now I want to all day. I think if the mailman has to work through rain and snow should dos.

They were closed again today and were supposed to get about another 10 inches of snow....At this rate the packet 4 will be to John before people are back to work at DOS!
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-09 19:04:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
Well I guess that's ONE good way for me to not call DOS..."closed due to inclimate weather" HA!
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-08 16:17:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~

When i was going through what some of you are now, it was terrible...the waiting! I kept calling them everyday.....their answer was, nope, its not been logged yet. Then i missed calling them 1 day (wednesday) called them on the thursday, they didnt say it was logged, they said i have interview date. So, it can spring up on you really quickly, bear with it, your almost there.

Almost there it's like the last hour driving on a long trip....You are almost there but it's the LONGEST hour of the entire trip!
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-06 22:05:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~

Anthony was here over Christmas and until late January, we were hoping I'd get an interview before he had to leave but now he's had to go back to Texas so I have to go it alone... we filed our i129f back in July so our timings wouldn't have been off if the NVC hadn't held us hostage for so long! I swear I'm getting on a plane the day I get my visa. He's calling DOS on Monday so we'll let you know if we hear good news.

Maybe we should alternate calling. If one of us gets approved one day then the other one could call and check theirs. It would save us from both being on hold everyday. John was here from Halloween until Christmas and I went back with him for a week. I've only been home a month and it feels like I haven't seen him in forever.

It's too bad you guys got hung up at NVC. I'm praying that they log that packet this week. There have been a few lately that took about 2 wks so I'm hoping they continue that trend. I'm ready to get him here already.
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-06 19:52:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~

jkminney, i wonder if we'll have interviews the same day seeing as we sent off our packet 3s at the same time! have your had your medical yet? i'll be getting my fiance to start bugging the DOS now as well... i really hope i get an interview in march :(

His medical is the 22nd. We weren't in any big rush to have it because we figured we would be looking at a late March interview if we lucky. Might as well leave the spots open for people who are needing it sooner.

I called DOS today and once again...NOT LOGGED lol. I'm not calling now till next wed/thurs. Is your fiance going to the interview with you? I'm gonna go with John. I'm really hoping for a March interview as well. We aren't getting married until June 5th (that's the plan) but I would really really love for him to be here by mid April fingers crossed! I guess just gotta wait...the ball is in the other court right now!
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-05 21:36:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~

Had ny inteview on the 4th of feb and i was APROVED :dance:

jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-05 15:04:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~

Perhaps they were applying for a different visa? CR-1, maybe?

Nope K1 at the London Embassy. The posts after that are referring to an I-134 maybe he just mistyped or something...I dont know. I just want to make sure that the I-134 along with letter from employer, copy of my 2009 tax return, copy of bank statement, and copy of pay stubs will suffice as proof. That fella made me spaz out this morning like I've missed something through all my research!
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-04 09:00:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
Ok so I just read an interview and the fella said they asked him for an I-135???? ####### is that? I mean I know about the I-134 but I have NO idea what an I-135 is?
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-04 07:17:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~

Well my finance phoned DOS today, they have it in their system as they were able to pull it all up, but no interview date yet. Good to know they've actually got all the stuff needed though. Your's must be very close now!

Nope...still now showing :( Now I'm REALLY going to wait till Friday!
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-03 14:06:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~

Well my finance phoned DOS today, they have it in their system as they were able to pull it all up, but no interview date yet. Good to know they've actually got all the stuff needed though. Your's must be very close now!

I'm on hold right now. Even if not today maybe by the end of the week for me. Guess time will tell!
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-03 13:54:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~

Hehe I know how you feel. We sent ours in a few days before you, So we should get it roughly the same time as each other i'd imagine. Going to ring the USE on friday and see if they've finally logged our packet.. can't bare this waiting!

Oh I've called already! I'm sure they think I'm on drugs. I keep telling myself you aren't calling again till friday...get a grip but yeah about 2 in the afternoon I think dammit! I can't wait! I'm hoping that I can make it 2 more days. I just want to know it's logged and that we are eligable at that point for an interview. Let me know if you find anything out. It would be good to know someone else with basically the same timeline is moving forward!
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-03 07:15:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~

Congratulations! I had a feeling you'd be okay, though I know there's always that element of doubt and uncertainty and second guessing that makes us all worry about the outcome.

By the time my interview day arrived, the mere thought of it sent me into a breathless sort of terror. I tried very hard not to think about it-after a certain point, you've done as much as you can, there's no time to do any more, and to think on it too much more is not healthy. But it's natural. This is important to all of us - the most important thing I've ever done in my life, certainly - it's natural to worry.

That's just's SO important that you can't help but feel some stress about it. If I didn't have children I wouldn't be in such a panic because there's always the option of moving there but because of my children that would be the worst case scenario! I wish they would just log my bloody packet 3 already and set up the interview date. I have a month or so before I probably get anything so I'm going to have to find my zen and all that :)
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-02 16:07:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~

Thanks everyone for all your help, advice and support! I got my visa approved today yay!

Congrats! Hopefully it wasn't as bad as we all think it's going to be. I spend so much time thinking about's not healthy! Did he go with you? I was wondering what they asked if he was with you.
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-02 15:57:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
After having a hell of a time getting through to DOS I found out today that they sent packet 3 today. John did go ahead and book his medical so that's all set too. Slowly but surely!
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-20 16:55:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~

I have been trying to look at flights, and the route im looking at is Bristol to new york, then new york to las vegas, does anyone know how much time I should leave myself at new york to have my files checked etc before i catch my connecting flight? i was looking at a gap of about 4 hours, do you think this is enough?

Just coming into the country as a U.S. citizen they like to allowe at least an hour layover 4 hours should be PLENTY of time. I think John came through NY once just on the VWP and never had an issues at all. I would think your brown envelope should have everything in order and there shouldn't be too much hassle anyway!
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-18 08:35:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~

Yeah i know, i met my other half while she was working over here, we lived together for 2 years, then in June she had to go back home cause she got out of the military, and i havent seen her since. Plus, she gave birth to our first child last week, so now im even more excited to have my interview so soon.

Congratulations on the new arrival. I'm sure you ARE excited. Where was she stationed at? I was at RAF Lakenheath in the 90s....seems like a lifetime ago now!
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-16 14:24:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~

Thats a good idea, we hired a lawyer to do all our paperwork for us cause we just didnt like the looks of it all.. :)

I sent in ALL my paperwork with the checklist (ds156k etc) at the same time, that was sent 10th december, i got told my interview has been scheduled for 2nd feb so you can work out the rough sort of time it will take from when you send in yours. If you get your packet 3 in the beginning of Feb, their is a good chance you will get your interview about mid to end of march, providing all the paperwork with the P3 is correct, but, that is just a guesstimate on pass people on here.

I would very happy with an interview at the end of March. I shouldn't really complain about not seeing him. He was here from Halloween until Christmas and then I went back with him for a week but it's one of those things where it seems you get SO used to having someone around that when they aren't it sucks even worse than having gone so long without them...boooo to the process LOL. I just want him back that's all. Just like EVERYONE else. I think this site is nice because at least you know that other people are suffering too...that whole misery loves company thing hold true in this situation for sure!
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-16 14:09:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~

I think i was just lucky to be fair, I called them and they said the first date, i asked if they had anything sooner because i also wanted it all done asap (like most of us, if not all here do) , they said no, but they rang me up about an hour later saying they just had a cancellation and did i want the appointment. If you have any questions and you are on skype, send me a message my skype ID is gregglloyd, and that goes for anyone else too.

I think we are going to fill out the packet 3 forms this wkend so we have them all ready for when the time comes to mail them. John isnt really a paperwork kinda guy so we'll go through the forms together to make sure we don't miss anything. I'm actually planning on attending the interview with him so the stuff we need that I have I'll just bring with me. He's already received his police certificate and has the long form birth certficate so those things are taken care of. We should be able to send the checklist back with the forms. Do you send ALL the forms back? I was trying to get on that I-157 link and it wasnt working the other day..seems like an easy enough form if it works!

I've come to the conclusion it doesnt make any sense to look at other peoples timelines because they really do all differ from one to the next. Do you know if they only schedule interviews for an entire month at one time? I see where people already have their Feb interviews and I'm just wondering if for arguements sake they DO tell me that packet 3 has been sent out and we were to get it in the beginning of Feb or even mid Feb do you think it's possible to still get a March interview date?
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-16 13:31:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~

If you have already got your LND# I would book the medical ASAP, I didn't have my P3 when i booked it, just the case number, glad i did cause I had the choice of either Dec 16th of 2nd week of Jan, and that was the 3rd week of November when i booked it. If you have been assigned a LND case number, your file will be logged and you will get a P3, just takes time. Good luck

So you had a choice of days with the medical appointment? Maybe I'll have him call on Monday and book it. I suppose if they are a month out or so then our file should certainly be logged by then! Thanks for the info. I want to be on top of it but not TOO far on top of it and have it get there and people say who the hell is so and so? LOL
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-16 12:48:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~

Have you had your packet 3 yet?

Nope...I keep calling DOS they say the file was sent from NVC on 12/29 but no packet 3 sent out yet. There are plenty of people waiting I'm sure just seems strange that it would take that much time just to log it and say YES it IS in London. If they would tell me packet 3 was sent I would feel secure in booking the medical but right now...just don't want to do it. I look at other peoples timelines between NVC and packet 3 some are a week some are a month. There doesn't seem to be any system to when they send things out. I was hoping to have packet 3 sent out and have ours back by the end of the month...hoping for a March interview date but I'm thinking that's not going to work now. I guess we'll have to continue with the waiting game!
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-16 11:39:00
United KingdomPeople between NOA2 and Interview ~2009~
It sorta drives me insane that I know that our file is there and that it takes soooooo long just to log it in. I have the LND# but I am apprehensive to book a medical without our file being logged into the system. I dont want to book the appointment and for some reason the file still not be logged in. would be nice if they would just pacify us and get the stuff logged in so at least we can feel like we are moving forward a bit...I feel like I'm in limbo :(
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-16 09:52:00
United KingdomVisa Received

congrats! :) When will your POE be?

Not sure when POE will be yet. John needs to make a trip back to Ireland before he comes over. We didn't think he would get the visa back THAT fast...hopefully he'll be here before the end of the month! Wooo Hooo!!!
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-09 10:39:00
United KingdomVisa Received
I know I couldn't believe it! I'm in shock. I thought with everyone being out sick that it would have taken a bit to get it....I'm super happy LOL. It's my birthday today so that's just made a great day of it
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-08 20:27:00
United KingdomVisa Received
We had our interview on the 5th and we received the visa today the 8th of March! I thought he was lying to me when he said he got it!
jkminneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-08 19:40:00