Asia: East and PacificPhilippines Police report
My fiancee and I are nearing her interview date. She has just about everything ready. I know Manila requires a police report for the city she is currently living in. Does she need a police report for all cities she's lived in? (she's lived in one other). I remember reading about the requirements someplace but can't remember where and if it's all cities (even if ithey are all in Philippines) or only if there were other countries she's lived in. Does anyone know or can someone tell me where I read this? Thank you

treyNot TellingPhilippines2006-07-16 19:21:00
Asia: East and Pacificusing a co sponsor for K1 in Manila


It is possible for someone other than the fiance(e) to be the sponsor for a K1 visa applicant, but the anecdotal evidence seems to be that the consulate in Manila views such sponsors with a jaundiced eye. They seem to prefer a sponsor who has a close relationship to the applicant on the basis that the closer the relationship the more likely that the sponsor will provide the support that they have offered should it be required.



I have a friend wanting to do a K1 for his fiancee in Manila..He will need a co sponsor.

Is this possible? I can't really find a YES or NO on this it appears at one time around 2001

that Manila wasn't going to accept co sponsor's for K1's. But I am still not clear on that.

Any input would be great thanks.

Thanks in Advance



Hi so you mean if he had like his parents or maybe brother to co sponsor then this would be okj?



Yes, an immediate family relative would be the best choice for a co-sponsor.
treyNot TellingPhilippines2006-06-21 16:47:00
Asia: East and PacificCFO in Cebu
Does anyone know what days and times they have CFO seminars in Cebu and if there is a fee?
Thank you
treyNot TellingPhilippines2006-07-26 22:05:00
Asia: East and PacificArrived in USA :)
Welcome to America! And such a beautiful area asa Durango, CO. We wishs you the best in your future :D
treyNot TellingPhilippines2006-07-21 20:32:00
Asia: East and PacificMy fiancee and I are reunited.
Congratulations and best wishes to both of you! :dance:
treyNot TellingPhilippines2006-07-27 11:58:00
Asia: East and PacificUnited States female/ Philippines male

I've read through all the posts and didn't find this question yet, sorry if it's been asked and answered already, but I have a boyfriend whose Filipino, and if we get engaged I wondered if he will still be required to attend the CFO seminar? It seems to be geered for Filipina's, although I'm sure its good information for both male and female, I wonder how comfortable both sexes would be given the nature of the seminar. Or is there a CFO seminar for males only?
Any advice or information would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you

CFO is for any Philippine national leaving the country to live or work.
treyNot TellingPhilippines2006-08-01 19:44:00
Asia: East and Pacificquick tax question

I have a couple of unsigned copies of previous years tax returns. Obviously i need to sign those copies before handing them to the CO, my question is, should I date them the day i filed those tax returns or the day i sign them? i know this is a silly question, but these litlle things bother me,

Just my opinion but since you are going to sign previous years tax returns, I would put both the dates they were filed and the dates they were signed; like, filed Jan.30, 2003-signed Aug.2, 2006
treyNot TellingPhilippines2006-08-01 19:43:00
Asia: East and PacificQuestion for people with approved K1 visas already

Hi, I'm new to this board and just had a few questions about the K1 process.

First question is.. is my fiance required to have all her vaccinations done before she gets her VISA? According to the embassy website, it indicates that it is not required but they might deny her anyway due to this?

When my fiance gets her Packet, will it contain more information than just this?

I got the NVC letter with case number on July 14th. I have yet to recieve any information on when her interview is. I went to this website: http://manila.usemba...v/wwwh3227.html and typed the case number but it doesn't give a date. When will I be able to check using this site?

I understand that the packet will contain the interview date.. does the packet also include the St Lukes Medical exam date as well or can she go whenever she wants?

And finally..

Is there something within the packet that cannot be opened until the interview? I think I heard someone say before that there is something sealed in the packet that cannot be opened or you won't get your visa?

Thank you for your assistance

I don't know all the answers but here are those I do know:
1. I'm not sure. Someplace I saw the list of vaccinations required to leave the country. As I've read in previous posts, those that are not required can be gotten here, but it's still best to get them there where it is much cheaper.
2. Without going to the site you posted, I know your fiancee will get all the forms and instructions necessary.
3. My fiancee got her packet and the interview/medical dates and it is still not posted on the site. She should get it about one month before her medical/interview is scheduled. I found out early by calling the NVC and asking them. The phone number is posted in the lnks at the top of the page.
4. The packet will contain medical and interview dates and times. Usually scheduled about one week apart. She can go for her medical anytime but the embassy in Manila suggests she wait until her interview is scheduled because the medical is only good for one year. Not likely there will be that kind of delay, but you've done good being patient with the process this far; a little more patience is still a good idea. The packet will also include a map to St. Lukes as well as scheduled date and time. My fiancee's medical is scheduled Fri. Sept.1. Since it is a 2-day medical, she will go a day early and finish Friday. I've heard Mondays and Fridays are busiest at St. Lukes.
oh, and finally, there was nothing in my fiancee's packet that said "do not open".

Edited by trey, 01 August 2006 - 08:00 PM.

treyNot TellingPhilippines2006-08-01 19:59:00
Asia: East and PacificManila medical and interview
Stay tuned. I'll let you know as soon as she completes her medical and interview.

Edited by trey, 22 August 2006 - 08:45 AM.

treyNot TellingPhilippines2006-08-22 08:44:00
Asia: East and PacificManila medical and interview
My fiancee is going for her medical at St. Lukes next week (sept 31-june 1) and staying in manila with relatives until her interview on Sept. 8. Just wondering if anyone else has the same medical/interview dates that care to hang out while waiting in line. Having someone to talk to helps time go quicker.
Also, if everything goes right, I expect to be flying there to fetch her around the 23rd of Sept. Anyone else headed that way around then?

treyNot TellingPhilippines2006-08-21 13:03:00
Asia: East and PacificI-134 and Co-Sponsors -Philippines

I have heard this also. As far as I know, it is false. I used a co-sponsor (as added insurance in case I failed to qualify alone).

I have heard this as well.

Do you know for a fact that your co-sponsorship was even looked at though... they oculd have completely disregarded it without your knowledge.

I would wait to see whether someone else can validate this experience....


I will know in a couple weeks if they looked at my co-sponsor papers. I'll post an answer then.
treyNot TellingPhilippines2006-08-22 08:50:00
Asia: East and PacificI-134 and Co-Sponsors -Philippines
I have heard this also. As far as I know, it is false. I used a co-sponsor (as added insurance in case I failed to qualify alone).
treyNot TellingPhilippines2006-08-21 12:32:00
Asia: East and PacificAPPROVED!!!
Terrific news!!! Congratulations :dance:
treyNot TellingPhilippines2006-08-27 20:47:00
Asia: East and PacificChild to interview
My fiancee's interview is September 8 in Manila (WooHooooo!!!) but at the last minute, her cousin has informed her she will be unable to watch her child on that day because she cannot get off work. Does anyone know, will they (the consulate) allow my fiancee to bring her son (5 yrs. old) to the interview with her?
Thank you
treyNot TellingPhilippines2006-08-29 19:56:00
Asia: East and PacificFound a great website

It just the way my mind works...but I thought of something sexual :P

Glad I'm not the only one :blush:
treyNot TellingPhilippines2006-09-01 16:03:00
Asia: East and Pacificemployer letter??
I started my job in Sept 2005 and filed the k-1 petition in january 2006. I typed the paper for my supervisor to sign stating my hire date, position, salary, and full-time status. In your case, I suggest adding the dates from when you worked there before.
treyNot TellingPhilippines2006-09-10 22:44:00
Asia: East and PacificPhilippines NBI clearance question

hey fellow Philippines VJ'ers, my wife got her NBI clearance already in preparation for submitting our package to NVC. She did not get it authenticated from the authentication office at Malacanang Palace. Is that needed, or is the original she got from NBI ok to use? thx, bernie and sherwin

also, is the NBI clearance all that is needed or is a police cert from local manila police needed also?

The original is fine, but get copies made in case the consulate should want to keep one. Police certificates are required only from other countries she has resided or worked in.
treyNot TellingPhilippines2006-09-13 13:48:00
Asia: East and PacificManila Embassy

So its a $100 for the applicant and another $100 for child attending?


Yes. $100 for your fiancee is $100 for each child included in the petition.
treyNot TellingPhilippines2006-09-17 21:32:00
Asia: East and PacificManila Embassy
I had a long chat with my fiancee and asked her details of her interview. Thought I'd share it here so others have an idea what to expect. She took her 5 year old son, Nathan, with her and met some other filipinas there who she made friends with. I deleted the personal and trivial items to keep it as short and to the point as possible.

(Don): How did the interview go?
(Aimee): I thought the medical was more stressful but it turned out the opposite
(Don): tell me about the interview pls?
(Aimee): we arrived in the embassy at 5:30 past
(Aimee): and its only me and Nathan who can get inside
(Don): was there a long line already when you got there?
(Aimee): no one can stand outside if you dont have an appointment
(Aimee): yes when we get there the line was so long already
(Don): how many people do you guess were in line?
(Aimee): hmm maybe 50
(Aimee): for the non immigrant and immigrant visa
(Aimee): but if all in all there’s so many
(Aimee): and when we get inside we have to put all our things on a scanner
(Don): yes, like the airport?
(Aimee): and the lady guard said to leave my cell phone and one valid id with them
(Aimee): and they gave me a number ,I will show it to her when I want to get my cell phone back
(Aimee): and when we get inside we ask the other guard where to go next
(Aimee): he said just go straight ahead
(Aimee): we lined there for maybe 5 minutes
(Aimee): then my friend wondered where our other friend go cause she was next to me in line
(Aimee): but its a maximum of 5 persons every time you go inside
(Aimee): we realized then that we were in the wrong line
(Aimee): so we blamed the guard for it
(Aimee): it was a line for the business visa
(Aimee): so we went back on the other door
(Aimee): and there we saw our friend
(Aimee): and she was wondering where we went too
(Aimee): we sat down on the last vacant row
(Aimee): and they said we have to get a number on the ticket booth
(Aimee): so we went there and fall in line
(Aimee): I was bringing all my documents every time I fall in line, and I left Nathan on the chair
(Aimee): then when we fall in line we found out that they need some of our documents so my friends have to go back to our seats and get it
(Aimee): but they cant fall in line again cause the guard notice them that they were in the last row of seat and we did not know that its in order by rows, we cant line in the ticket booth if our row is not yet called
(Aimee): but I am already in the line and I cant get out anyway so I continue there
(Aimee): so I got the ticket number earlier than them
(Aimee): they asked for my passport, I said its with st.lukes and they will forward it to us embassy ,and she said yes
(Aimee): and also they asked for my appointment letter
(Aimee): and for my forms, the ds-156,157
(Aimee): and the proof of payment
(Aimee): they gave me a number and told me to look at the queuing board for my number to be flashed
(Aimee): on the opposite of you number is the number of the window where you will go to
(Aimee): so when I went back to my seat maybe after 5 minutes
(Aimee): my number was flashed already
(Aimee): but my friends is still on their seats and it would still be a while for them to get a ticket number
(Aimee): so when I went to window x
(Aimee): the lady was very nice there
(Aimee): she checked my files , and ask how much I paid for the application fee
(Aimee): I said 5,100
(Aimee): she said if I am bringing my son
(Aimee): I said yes
(Aimee): she said I have to pay another 100 dollars to BPI for my son
(Aimee): I guess I overlooked that
(Don): I must have read wrong someplace. I thought only your would have to pay
(Aimee): I thought so too
(Aimee): cause I have only one packet
(Aimee): once case number and I thought Nathan is just with my visa too
(Don): I think I remember telling you that only you would have to pay. I am sorry Aimee. That is my fault
(Aimee): so I asked where is the nearest BPI bank in the us embassy
(Aimee): they said in padre faura street and advised me to ask the guard for directions
(Aimee): I asked the police on the road where bpi is ,he pointed to a tall building and said its there
(Aimee): so we went there but it was still 8 a.m
(Aimee): so we waited for an hour cause the bank will open at exactly 9 am
(Don): already you have been at embassy 2½ hours
(Aimee): yes
(Aimee): when I get inside the bank I still have to wait again
(Aimee): cause they will check the current dollar rate for that day
(Aimee): they have to check it in the internet
(Aimee): then I went back to us embassy with Nathan
(Aimee): when I get back I am glad I did not start all over back in line, the guard let me in cause I showed them my ticket number already
(Aimee): when we went back inside it was already 10 am
(Aimee): and when I went to window X there’s so many people in line already
(Don): that means you wasted 2 hours
(Aimee): yes
(Aimee): and when the lady saw me she said she is glad im back coz she was about to go to another window where she is assigned
(Don): was she American lady or Filipina?
(Aimee): so I gave her the receipt and she told me to wait for my number to be flashed
(Aimee): she is Filipina
(Aimee): we sat down and Nathan was so sleepy
(Aimee): so Nathan slept ,and it took maybe 30 or 45 minutes for my number to be flashed
(Aimee): and we were told to go to the finger scanning window
(Aimee): I woke up Nathan cause I thought he will need his finger to be scanned too
(Aimee): but its only me that they finger scanned
(Aimee): there were many people on line on the finger scanning too
(Aimee): and the girl said good luck in your interview mam
(Aimee): pls wait for your number to be flashed
(Aimee): yes the girl in the finger scanning window is nice
(Aimee): so we waited again longer this time
(Aimee): it was already maybe 11:30 when my number is flashed to go to window 14
(Aimee): when I went there the Filipino guy asked me to fill up a form
(Aimee): after filling up the form he asked for the affidavit of support
(Aimee): oh first he asked for my birth certificate
(Aimee): then for my NBI clearance
(Aimee): then for nathans birth certificate
(Aimee): then for the affidavit of support
(Don): did he even look at the co-sponsor papers?
(Aimee): no
(Aimee): he did not ask for that
(Aimee): then he ask for pictures
(Aimee): he did not even ask for chats,emails,letters or receipts
(Aimee): only pictures
(Don): the visa or passport size pics?
(Aimee): no our pics
(Aimee): and he asked when did I met you
(Aimee): through where
(Aimee): or what
(Aimee): then he asked if we have met each other in person
(Aimee): and when was the last time we saw each other
(Aimee): I said it was Christmas
(Aimee): then thats all he asked me and he said for me to wait again for my number to be flashed
(Aimee): so we waited again but Nathan have to pee
(Aimee): so we went to the bathroom
(Don): how much was the delbros?
(Aimee): I paid 1,376
(Aimee): they said bayawan is far that’s why its expensive
(Aimee): it was 10 minutes to 12 when my number is flashed again to go to window 28
(Aimee): it was the American consul there
(Aimee): but we have to wait first cause he is interviewing two girls
(Aimee): I asked the guard if they have noon break
(Aimee): the guard said yes at 12noon they will be closed
(Aimee): so I was hoping I could be done, but it was already 10 minutes to 12
(Aimee): when it was my turn the consul asked how am I this morning
(Aimee): I said imp fine
(Aimee): he said good, I will be with you in a minute
(Aimee): he was gone for a while then he went back
(Aimee): then he saw Nathan
(Aimee): he said hi
(Aimee): are you Nathan
(Aimee): Nathan smiled and he thought it was you cause he is speaking your language
(Aimee): he nod
(Aimee): and the consul said hi Nathan
(Aimee): he laughed and asked me mommy is that don’s
(Aimee): I said no
(Aimee): the consul asked Nathan is this you in the picture Nathan
(Aimee): Nathan just keep laughing and nodded
(Aimee): cause the consul was pointing to his picture in the form
(Aimee): the consul asked me whats my fiancés name
(Aimee): when did we meet through what
(Aimee): whats your job?
(Aimee): he returned some pictures of us he said its not needed
(Aimee): he asked if you were married
(Aimee): I said yes but you are divorced already
(Aimee): he asked if I am married
(Aimee): I said no and I gave the cenomar but they did not take it
(Aimee): take it
(Aimee): and he encode something in the computer and his friend another American consul went to him for their lunch and he said I will just get this done
(Aimee): so he said this is enough enjoy your stay at the united states mam
(Aimee): you can have your lunch and go back and wait for your number to be called to pay for the delbros
(Aimee): so it was so easy
(Aimee): when we ate lunch that’s the time you called
(Aimee): when I get back just in time for my number to be called
(Aimee): I went to window 37
(Don): did they keep any of the personal papers I sent like the financial papers for me?
(Don): like the letter from my receipts?
(Aimee): and I saw my documents and my passport with a pink paper that says Approved
(Aimee): then they told me to pay delbros
(Aimee): and I paid 1,376 there and finally got out
(Don): what time was it when you got out?
(Aimee): yes they kept your affidavit of support
(Aimee): it was 2;30
(Don): 9 hours
(Aimee): yes
(Don): minus 2 wasted hours
(Don): actually, 3 hours counting the lunch hour
(Aimee): yes
treyNot TellingPhilippines2006-09-11 10:43:00
Asia: East and PacificAnswering Yes or no for Child to follow question - HELP!!!
A little difficult to follow what you are asking but I'll stake a stab at it.

You are petitioning to bring your fiancee here but not her child, right? Your intent is to have the child visit or move here in the future when he is older if he wishes? Did you include the child's name on the original I-129F petition? I am unsure if you need to include the child's name on the form DS156K if you are not going to utilize the K-2. And I don't believe you will need the child's birth certificate at the interview if you don't intend for him to accompany or follow within the one year period allowed on the K-2. But here's the clincher: The child WILL need a birth certificate to get a passport/visa to come here at a later time. In a number of years (5, I think) your spouse will be able to petition for her son to come here and live (much like you did for your fiancee), but the chances of him getting a tourist visa to come here for a visit are slim or none. The US embassy in the Philippines has a thing against granting tourist visas to USA unless there is solid evidence that they will return. ie: prestigious position, large business owner, rich, etc. One reason why filipinos make up the second lowest number of illegal immigrants in USA. If I was in your shoes, I would take along the child's birth certificate and copy just in case the consulate wants to see them. He will ask if the child will accompany or follow and your fiancee will want to say she will petition for him in the future. He is a child. He belongs with his mother (and new dad). I don't understand why your fiancee does not bring him here when she comes. But that was not a subject of your questions.
I hope this helps and I wish you both the best :)

HI guys maybe someone can help me here. ive only gotten one answer and would like a consensus if that is not too much to ask...

The USE or DS156K asks for names of the children of the beneficiary. followed by the question accompanying and another to follow...

situation is, we plan for the child to follow or visit us as he wishes. we think that in the future when he is 13-16, he can make a better decision as to whether he wants to follow here in the states or come in for visits. I know within a year of my Fiance's approval the child gets derivatory status but we are not going to take advantage of that. so should we still check yes to answer the to follow question?

Second question, since this is not a K2 visa application as well, do we still need to bring the birth certificate of his son to the interview? we have filed a request with the NSO to provide us with Certified birth certificates but after a month of waiting, they come back to us with a negative response saying that they ahve searched their database as well as the physical archives yet found no record of the certificate itself. I find this so weird for them not to have it...

im worried how this will affect our interview. Good News (i think) we have the original birth certificate but i dont think it would be wise to submit the one and only copy of his child's birth certificate. Im thinking to bring the original b/c with us and make a photocopy, show the consulate the original but submit the photocopy instead... Bad news, my fiance's (the birth father) name was not included in the B/C as decided upon by his ex. Good news, we have a public document (notarized and signed by both my fiance and his ex) stating that he is the father of the child. I dont know, this is a whole mess right now. Help

i just want to be prepared and maybe some person with similar experiences can shed light to our situation. thanks guys for taking the time to read this

treyNot TellingPhilippines2006-09-21 11:50:00
Asia: East and PacificHow much is CFO fee and also Delbros?

hello! there are two fees that you have to pay at the CFO.
1. When you attend the seminar (part 1) you need to pay 250Php
2. to get the certificate plus the sticker when you get your visa. itll be Php400

For delbros, i think it depends where you send it. some go up to 1400 Php but i think that was because the delivery was kinda far.

id say send $50-100 but id go for 100 if your budget permits. better safe than sorry.

hope the info helps

I read the fee for the CFO has gone up to p400 for the registration and p400 for the counseling. Delbros fees depend on where they will deliver to. My fiancee near dumaguete on visayas paid p1350 for hers.
treyNot TellingPhilippines2006-09-22 17:44:00
Asia: East and PacificNo visa yet
My fiancee had her interview in manila on Sept. 8 and was approved. It's been 17 days (11 working days) since and we still have not seen or heard anyting about her visa. Texting Delbros and going to their website only shows they still do not have it yet. Called the embassy call center and all they tell me is some cases take longer than others. They said there are no problems with it because it would show when he looked up our case number on his computer. He said to contact the embassy if we still have not gotten it in 6 weeks! Just venting some frustration here and also wondering if anyone else has experienced a long delay from when their visa was approved and when they received it from Delbros or if anyone can shed some light on the long delay. Is there a different number at the embassy I can call to talk with someone who knows something?
Thank you all
treyNot TellingPhilippines2006-09-25 07:49:00
Asia: East and PacificManila Seminar

Can anyone tell me about the seminar my fiancee has to attend before leaving to come to USA? Do i need to attend also? They say no they just need a copy of my passport. Do i myself need any documents? Any one who has already attended this seminar in manila recently could give me any info I would greatly appreciate it. She has her visa now i'm just going back and we are coming back together to start our lives together and i can't wait :-)
Thank you everyone for all the help and support, hand in there it will surely come.

No, you do not need to attend the CFO Seminar. It is for filipinos going out of the country to live or work. Your fiancee will need her passport and visa she received from the embassy after her interview. The fee, I believe is p400 for the counseling and p400 for the registration.
treyNot TellingPhilippines2006-09-20 12:35:00
Asia: East and Pacificdelbros wont deliver

after waiting 19 days after my fiancee's interview, we finally got word from Delbros that they have her visa and will be delivering it soon. Their website guarantees delivery 5-7 days after they receive it from the embassy so we made plane reservations. Nine days after delbros received it from the embassy, my fiancee still had not received it so she text'd them again. They told her they have her visa in their Dumaguete office but will not make the 2½ hour trip to her town to deliver only hers. Said they will maybe deliver it next week if they have other deliveries in her town. She offered to go to dumaguete to pick it up - they agreed. Visa in hand, plane tickets bought, my fiancee will arrive next week. The lesson here is; if your fiance lives in a smaller remote town, dont just sit and wait forever for delbros to deliver her visa. Keep texting them everyday. They may be sitting on it someplace. And dont rely on their website's online tracking function. They had her visa more than a week before anything was posted.

Im hoping this does not happen to me cause my Fiance lives in Bayawan which is 2 hours drive from Dumaguete

That is exactly whre my fiancee lives too!
treyNot TellingPhilippines2006-10-09 07:41:00
Asia: East and Pacificdelbros wont deliver
after waiting 19 days after my fiancee's interview, we finally got word from Delbros that they have her visa and will be delivering it soon. Their website guarantees delivery 5-7 days after they receive it from the embassy so we made plane reservations. Nine days after delbros received it from the embassy, my fiancee still had not received it so she text'd them again. They told her they have her visa in their Dumaguete office but will not make the 2½ hour trip to her town to deliver only hers. Said they will maybe deliver it next week if they have other deliveries in her town. She offered to go to dumaguete to pick it up - they agreed. Visa in hand, plane tickets bought, my fiancee will arrive next week. The lesson here is; if your fiance lives in a smaller remote town, dont just sit and wait forever for delbros to deliver her visa. Keep texting them everyday. They may be sitting on it someplace. And dont rely on their website's online tracking function. They had her visa more than a week before anything was posted.
treyNot TellingPhilippines2006-10-07 21:46:00
Asia: East and PacificCheap airfares from US back to Australia?

I'd like to fly back home (to Perth, from Boston or New York) for Christmas, 2007... but the cheapest tickets I can find online are like $1800 each. Does anyone know where to look to find cheaper tickets? I'm looking at Expedia, and Emirates directly...

Try It searches all the airlines and all the ticket broker sites at once.
treyNot TellingPhilippines2006-10-22 09:06:00
Asia: East and PacificHi, New Here

Hi everyone,

I have been reading the posts in this forum since February and now have done the first step in getting my fiancee here. Alot of information here and excellent resources.

What are the common obstacles that I will face in the up coming weeks. I think my case is pretty clear cut but don't we all?? :yes:

Does having an attorney fill out the forms and making sure everything is up to par a good idea? Do they prevent less headaches?

I'm sure I will have more questions as the days pass. You guys are great!!

My fiancee and I studied up on the k-1 visa process for several months here on VJ before beginning the process. We got our forms submitted just before the IMBRA change went into effect. She arrived here 8 days ago after 9 months of bureaucratic red tape and forms. Ours was a simple, clear cut case. We both agree on the same thing about this whole process.... Filling out the forms is the easy part. No need to pay the big money to an attorney to answer a handful of simple questions on forms. The hard part is the waiting and wondering. Think it through - ask questions when you have doubts - check, double check, and TRIPLE CHECK every form before submitting!!! and expect the visa journey to take a long time. Be patient. Be patient. Be patient.
-D & A-
treyNot TellingPhilippines2006-10-23 23:01:00
Asia: East and PacificIf Delbros cannot contact my fiance via text or phone call, will they still deliver?
I ended up emailing the embassy. Two days later, Delbros called saying they are on their way with the visa. Conicdental? Maybe.....maybe not. :o

Edited by trey, 25 October 2006 - 10:05 PM.

treyNot TellingPhilippines2006-10-25 22:04:00
Asia: East and PacificIf Delbros cannot contact my fiance via text or phone call, will they still deliver?
Delbros has a website with email address, fax number and phone number. I would suggest contacting them and asking them directly. I know my fiancee waited over 3 weeks for her visa to be delivered by delbros and even at that, rode the bus 2 hours to their office ijn dumaguete to pick it up herself. Speaking from experience, I do suggest keeping after them about it until you have it in your hand.
treyNot TellingPhilippines2006-10-24 21:14:00
Asia: East and PacificVisa Delivered - Cebu

19 days after the interview the Visa and Passport arrived in Cebu! NWA has flights on weekdays for $665 USD.

Congratulations! I know the "rush" you are feeling right now. I got my fiancee tickets to Minneapolis for $630 so yours is a good price also.
treyNot TellingPhilippines2006-10-26 09:32:00
Asia: East and PacificCustoms
I've heard good things about Detroit as POE. My fiancee came through Minneapolis and it was one hour from the time her flight arrived, to the time she got through immigration, customs and to the area where I was waiting for her. She said most the time was spent waiting in line; that the actual immigration procedure was only a few minutes for them to review her papers and ask her a few simple questions.
treyNot TellingPhilippines2006-10-28 19:29:00
Asia: East and PacificAirline tickets lets you purchase a ticket when flight is departing from another country. Check it out.

Good website. Funny how it directs you back to Orbitz instead of orbitz letting you book it direct from their site.
Bird, Cheapest flight Cebu-Char on was $1300+ one way. I really suggest you get a flight from one of the online agencies and then have your fiance book herself on the same flight and route with an agency in the Philippines. You can also try Ed Mumbunga , he is usually a west coast guy and gets great prices to the PI but not sure what he can do for the return flight. Ed may be able to point you to a preferred agency in Cebu or Manila though. Good luck, Payato

This is more of what I was looking for was a referral to a travel agent. I found a round trip for me about $1600-$1700 through Cathay Pacific, who was really awesome last 2 times I went to visit. $1300 for the one way for Tita is about right from their website right now confirming what you say above.


I flew my fiancee, one way from manila, for $650 thru NW Airlines. $1300 sounds like round-trip prices.
treyNot TellingPhilippines2006-11-07 17:28:00
Asia: East and PacificAirline tickets
Yes, like everyone else says, call the airline directly and they will coordinate tickets. You can visit their websites to get an idea of prices, schedules, etc.
treyNot TellingPhilippines2006-11-06 17:58:00
Asia: East and PacificGirl Sponsor Guy Beneficiary
I agree it's different for an american female to petition a filipino male, but it's not so uncommon for a female to petition a male. Don't quite know exactly what you're asking, but the visa rules/policies and process are the same regardless of the gender.
treyNot TellingPhilippines2006-11-06 13:20:00
Asia: East and PacificFlights from Manila to USA

Hello all

Can someone share their experience with picking the best flight to bring their fiancee to the USA.


I searched on which searches all the airlines and most the ticket brokers. I ended up using NW Airlines directly for the best price, thus eliminating the ticket broker fees.
treyNot TellingPhilippines2006-10-28 19:33:00
Asia: East and PacificLater
I don't know whats going on and it doesn't really matter. This is an open forum. People are free to come and go as they choose. People are also free to offer advice and ask for it as they choose, as well as accept or deny any advice offered. To get upset about any particular issue to the point you start posting slurs is, in my opinion, irrational and immature. Oh, and being a programmer doesn't make you any different than anyone else. :no:
treyNot TellingPhilippines2006-11-19 18:26:00
Asia: East and PacificWE GO IT!!!!
That's great news! Congratulations!!! :dance:
treyNot TellingPhilippines2006-11-26 21:27:00
Asia: East and PacificAnyone Else going to Manila for Christmas?

When I was on the phone with my fiance (at work) in the Philippines yesterday she said they were putting up their Christmas decorations, so I asked if she was spraying fake snow on the windows. Then there was this dead silence on the other end of the phone. :hehe:

:lol: :lol:
treyNot TellingPhilippines2006-11-27 13:52:00
Asia: East and Pacificjust a thank you
Your attitude alone will make your journey easier. When my (then fiancee) and I began the journey, we told ourselves it was going to take about 9 months and all the worrying and calendar watching wasn't going to help a bit. I have two things to add: 1) after all said and done and you are here with your fiance, all the months waiting will seem so short. 2) the time from your interview to the time you get your visa in hand is the longest wait. Good luck and God speed on your journey.
-don & aimee-
treyNot TellingPhilippines2006-12-22 16:30:00
Asia: East and Pacificearly airline ticket purchase?

has anyone done the obvious and purchased a plane ticket early to save a thousand dollars??..i understand you can purchase the ticket now and change the date of flight online..for a fee of course..but how far out can you go with the date?..does this increase the price of the ticket also...thx...

I don't know about changing schedules on a purchased airline ticket, but I know it took Delbros four weeks to deliver my fiancee's visa to her; twice as long as we would have expected and what is normal - and ours was a simple, clear-cut K-1 visa. Glad I didn't buy hers early!
treyNot TellingPhilippines2007-01-06 20:44:00