CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!
I'm experiencing such a huge amount of culture shock, haha. A lot more than I thought I would. :wacko:

As for the dreary, I think it was mostly because of the fact that it was raining. When Matthew and I woke up yesterday, his dad came down and told us that it was supposed to be "Sunny alllll the way to Montreal! No signs of rain at all!" It was cloudy the whole way and the moment we entered Quebec, it started raining. LOL. That's okay, though; it was peaceful.

I'm trying to decide what time to set the alarm for tomorrow morning. I know I'll be up before he will be, lol. We're going to walk to the embassy today, to gauge our timing, so we'll probably be out the door super early. I want to be first in line, and as of right now, I haven't a clue where to stand by the building. LOL.
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2010-05-16 04:28:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!
HOLY MOLY! We just went and had THE BEST PASTA EVER!!!! On the far end of the Convention Center by Hotel Dauphin, there is a place called La Popessa. You pick your pasta type, the sauce, all of it. It's fairly cheap considering the quality, AND you get a bit of a show, too! The cook was flipping our plates around and tossing the pasta around and all of that jazz. We're going again tomorrow night for dinner!

Other than that, so far, it's been pretty dreary here. I'll likely have tons of pictures after tomorrow, though. We're going to head out and see some sights and what not. We're walking everywhere, so it probably won't be anything super fantastic, but yeah. I'm excited!!! :)

Hope you all are having a great evening!!!
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2010-05-15 18:45:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!
Well if they ask for it now, it`s too late! I left it at home. We made it to Montreal safe and sound, though. Doing the sleep/rest thing today, the tourist thing tomorrow, and then... well.. playing guinea pigs on Monday. Fingers crossed!!!!
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2010-05-15 16:23:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!
Awesome! Thanks for the pointers! :D Do we need to take his X-Ray???
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2010-05-14 21:21:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!
Wooo! After a whirlwind experience at the bank in which I proved to be an EPIC amount of FAIL, I have our visa fee in exact change, and then I went to Staples and got photocopies of his birth cert and police cert, then stopped by Pita Nutso and got something DELICIOUS to eat (thought about running into Tim Horton's for some timbits, buuuut I can get those later LOL) and now I'm home. That's the most productive I've been ALL WEEK! All we have left to get is the mailer! :D

(I'm really, really trying to stay calm and collected. I don't think I'm fooling anyone. Are you guys fooled? LOL :D)
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2010-05-14 13:04:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!

You two are going together though right frenzy? At least you will have each other to lean on. :)

Yeah, we leave for Montreal tomorrow morning. I think I'm more nervous than he is, and I'm the USC... :wacko:
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2010-05-14 10:42:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!

I guess we will wait until Monday to find out what happens next. Hopefully all goes well.

HOPEFULLY. (my stomach won't stop turning!)
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2010-05-14 10:30:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!
Guess I get to be the guinea pig, lol. My actual guinea pigs are much cuter than me... wonder if I could just send them? :P
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2010-05-13 14:09:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!
Woohoo! Thanks for the recommendations! Bev, I'm really sorry they threw you into AP... :( I'm hoping it won't be a trend, and I'm hoping that you go through it quickly, and that you have your visa very very soon!

My stomach is in so many knots right now that I don't quite know how to deal with it. :wacko:
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2010-05-13 10:41:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!
I give you a story! (Because I need to dance around and such.. lol)

I had a full semester: 4 classes - Women's Lit, Intro to Lit, Comp II and Intro to Philosophy. I dropped Women's Lit early in the semester to focus more on Philosophy. MISTAKE #1. Women's Lit = easy to pass; Philsophy = not so much. Comp II didn't start until the beginning of April, so I just had Philosophy and Intro to Lit. This was fine.... until I realized that I really, really hated Philosophy, and the chances that I was going to pass it were slim, and thus, I just stopped going. So that was done, and I had Lit, and then Comp II started. Planned on finishing out the semester and then leaving Iowa around May 17th - until May 17th ended up being our interview date. UH OH. So we re-arrange things, and I talk to my teachers about finishing the semester via email. They both agree. I turn in ONE rough draft for Comp II, and ended up leaving with a D in Intro to Lit. After I get up here, things go downhill. Fiance wasn't working, and I was trying to get all the paperwork together and deal with family issues and yeah - I didn't do anything else for Comp past that first rough draft, and I didn't do the final exam in Lit, which was worth 15% of my grade. It was all on me, so I told myself that the F's I would get were my own fault, and that I could just deal with the bad GPA next semester, as I didn't really need the classes anymore anyways due to a major change.
I just got my semester grades. "W" (withdraw) from Women's Lit (so it doesn't count in my GPA), "F" in Philosophy (figured this would happen, obviously)... and then the shockers: "B+" in Comp II and "D-" in Lit. I somehow managed to still pass these two classes that I was supposed to fail. I mean, hello, I did ONE rough draft in Comp II, out of 4 papers. Clearly, the teacher based my grade off the fact that I got an A+ in her Comp I class and she knows I can write... or she was just being nice because my semester went down the tubes. As for my Lit grade, I'm TOTALLY shocked I passed. Don't know if that was the teacher being nice, or if I actually passed even without the final.

Either way, I passed. I don't have the greatest GPA right now, but I can get it back up there.

I'm wondering if this is a sign of good things to come? Maybe an easy approval next Monday??? :D I SURE HOPE SO!!!!

Anyways, GOOD LUCK to everyone who has interviews this week!!!! If you find a decent poutine place within Montreal, PLEASE let me know because that's all I've heard about the last few days from Matthew. "Montreal has to have good poutine; IT'S MONTREAL, FOR PETE'S SAKE." I've looked online, but first hand experience is better, hehe.

Have a wonderful evening!!
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2010-05-12 00:28:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!

I know the tax forms are necessary for the I-864. Montreal didn't ask for them, so my fiance' didn't give the tax forms to the visa assistant, because he had already given the deposits into bank account letter. Is it possible to get that kind of letter from your grandfather? If not, if his taxes prove his income, that may be enough (and I haven't completely started reading the I-864 affidavit of support documentation list yet but I know tax transcripts or taxes with all W-2's and attached schedules are needed).

At this point? Getting the letter from him would take too long. We've got the letter from his employer with all his employment info, plus all the documents from the past 3 years for his job AND his social security/pension. I guess we're just going to have to go on a hope and a prayer that it'll be okay. It'll be my own fault if it isn't. *sigh*

Thanks lilac.
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2010-05-05 12:54:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!
The worry is DEFINITELY setting in. I'm wondering if they are going to throw us into AP... why? I don't have my grandfather's bank account information. I have his tax stuff, his home ownership information, employer information/letter, all that .... but no bank account information because he makes well over the required amount for 3 people, PLUS he owns his home, and so we didn't think it'd be necessary to use his bank information. GOD. Now I'm freaking out over this. :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: I do not want to be denied or thrown into AP... I feel so stupid right now. :(

Are we totally screwed?

Edit: I'm reading through the instructions, and it does say "Evidence should consist of copies of any of the documents listed below that applies to your situation." That "any" leads me to believe that we MIGHT be okay... anyone have any other thoughts???

Edited by frenzyheart, 05 May 2010 - 12:24 PM.

frenzyheartFemaleCanada2010-05-05 12:20:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!
I think the worry has started to set in. I've got this knot in my stomach now whenever I think about it. :wacko:
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2010-05-05 00:49:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!
I have a few things left to print off, but that's about it. I think the thing I'm most worried about right now is what I'm going to wear, lol. My fiance's mom and I are going to go shopping here in a few days so I can get something.

I'm amazingly calm about the whole situation right now. I suspect that the storm is brewing, and that come the 14th when we leave for Montreal, I'll be a spazzy, nervous wreck.
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2010-04-30 21:27:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!
We ordered his long form BC months ago! It showed up stupidly fast, and was even written by his mother! That seemed so weird to me, but OKAY! lol. It's his official one, so they better not have any problems with it.

Things are S L O W L Y looking up for us, too. His boss called him yesterday and said "Okay, here's the deal: You work Monday through Thursday from 4 - 8 PM. Good, good?" and he jumped all over it. It may only be 16 hours a week, but that's 16 hours a week more than he's worked lately, and money is definitely needed, lol. Can't believe our interview is less than a month away. I'm giddy and nervous and excited and anxious ... :whistle: :bonk: :dance: :wacko: All at the same time.
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2010-04-20 11:26:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!
OH #######. It's like 11 PM EST, and my fiance just ran to Shoppers to get his passport pictures for his medical -- it's tomorrow morning! We both completely spaced it off! OOOOOOPS!!!!! :wacko: :blink:
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2010-04-13 21:59:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!

Ok, but I called today like 1:30 PM and they have my packet 3 into the computer just not assigned it an interview date long did you have to wait after they had yours in the computer to get a interview date attached?

I only contacted DoS once during the whole period of time, and that was after other people started getting their interview dates. We mailed off P3 on the 23rd of Feb and got our interview date on Mar 17th. That's about as narrowed down on a time frame as I can give you.
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2010-04-13 16:08:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!
Most of us with interviews in May sent our P3s back in January/February. It's unlikely that you'll have a May/June Interview, but you never know!!! That's why they say not to make any real specific and finite plans (like booking things, etc) until you have the visa. :( I hope you get it your wish, though. :)
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2010-04-13 15:02:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!
Well, you don't really have to if you make over the 125% poverty line, especially if it's well over. If you don't, then you can supplement with the other sources. We just used the other sources as a "just in case!" type of thing. :)
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2010-04-12 13:28:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!

I am glad you posted your frustrations/questions because I had forgotten I needed to get this done. May 3 is coming up quickly for me and my fiance'.

What did you do with the "bank deposits" part of the I-134 (the date account was opened, total amount deposited fro the last year, and the present balance)? How long did it take for your bank to get this document for you? (I only get paid once a month and would like to have my April paycheck in my account before I get this statement) What about the statement from your employer?

Well, my grandfather makes way over what he needs to with income (between his part time job, pension and social security) so we used that, his personal property, and his house (which is 100% paid off). We were going to use his bank account stuff, but it just seemed a little like overkill. For his employment letter, he just got them to write out his position, his annual salary, how long he's worked there, etc. We have copies of his 2007, 2008, 2009 taxes, along with W2s for his job, his pension and his social security. We're pretty optimistic that this will be enough because all of it together adds up to over $150k. For his house, we have a print off of the assessed value from the county assessors office, and you can't really prove up the personal property, so we just rounded down to 20k.

We managed to get all of this together in one week, because my grandfather had all of his tax papers already, so we didn't have to wait for the IRS to send them, and the letter from his employer.. well, he went in and said "I need this for my granddaughter, like, yesterday." so they got it to him quickly.

I'm really, really hoping it'll be sufficient. Stupid employment hasn't been very nice to me, so I don't have a job currently. I guess at least I'm going to school full time! LOL.
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2010-04-11 23:55:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!
I'm SOOOO happy right now. We got all of our I-134 paperwork together BEFORE we leave tomorrow! I was so stressed that it was going to take so long, but it took less than a week once I went with a cosponsor that didn't yank my chain. This process has been so grueling and I'm so upset with my aunt/uncle for what they pulled. Luckily, my grandpa saved the day! I can't wait to be back in Canada tomorrow night!!! :blush:
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2010-04-10 23:35:00
CanadaJumping a bit ahead of myself, but I'm curious...
Well, I've decided to save up and go, and I'm dragging my maid of honor along for the ride!! (well, that's assuming she can get her passport in time, which I don't see why not) I'm not one to travel alone, so having her there will be a lot of fun, and we'll all get to celebrate WHEN we are finally done! (BEING OPTIMISTIC!!!!!! biggrin.gif biggrin.gif) She's already cool with staying at the hotel during the interview and stuff; I just hope my fiance's dad doesn't bore her with tech talk! LOL.

Here's to speedy processing, and to a likeable interview date! (It would suck if we had to miss finals or something to be up there -- I wouldn't care, but not so sure about her, haha!)

Thanks, everyone!!!! <3

Edited by frenzyheart, 08 September 2009 - 01:43 PM.

frenzyheartFemaleCanada2009-09-08 13:42:00
CanadaJumping a bit ahead of myself, but I'm curious...
So what would I say to them at the border? "Going to Montreal for a K1 Visa interview" ??? (I might have to take a bus or drive; I'm not too kosher on flying, lol -- in fact, I'm deathly afraid of it!!!)
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2009-09-07 11:51:00
CanadaJumping a bit ahead of myself, but I'm curious...
Like the topic says, I'm getting a little ahead of myself, but I want to start saving now, so I figured I'd ask! smile.gif (and I hope this is in the right spot... if not, Sorry!)

I was just curious to those of you who have had interviews at the Montreal Embassy - do they frown upon the petitioner being at the interview? Were you even allowed to go in, or did you have to sit outside and wait? I'm considering going (if I can come up with the funding for it) but I wanted to find out from those that have done it in the past. My fiance gets suuuper duper nervous, and I'd love to be able to a) go to Montreal and cool.gif be there with him for support. We both agreed to be in this 100% together... and it would be pretty sucky if I couldn't be there with him... wacko.gif

Any thoughts? Advice?

frenzyheartFemaleCanada2009-09-07 11:35:00
CanadaWhy doesn't the 'world'd talk about visas???
While it all does seem fishy, I know that not every celebrity (and I would hope not all of them) get away with things just because of their status -- at least when it comes to immigration stuff...

What I mean is...
When David and Victoria Beckham moved from England to the States (when he was trasferred to the LA team), they applied for their bodyguard/housing staff to come with them, and the entire team of workers were apparently denied their work visas because there are people in the States that can do that type of work, so Posh and Becks had to hire a whole new team for the States. Don't know how true that is, but I would think it'd be pretty accurate since, after they moved, there were suddenly new people around them.

It'd be so nice if things went the way they do in Hollywood. Wouldn't have to worry about co-sponsers and paying fees. I'm sure a couple grand for fees would be a drop in a bucket.... oh, to be rich would most definitely be nice.... :x
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2009-09-11 11:26:00
CanadaI want to make sure I'm reading this right...
QUOTE (Kathryn41 @ Sep 23 2009, 11:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I would try to aim for proof of the 125% level even for the I-134 because once you start to fill out the AOS application (the next stage after K-1) you do need to use the I-864 and that does require the 125%. You don't want the Consulate denying you because they don't feel you have enough evidence of income for the affidavit of support even if it does say 100% in the instructions. Arm yourself with the stronger case right from the beginning. If that requires a co-sponsor, then track one down now because you will need one for the next stage of the process. The K-1 is basically permission to come to the US for 90 days to get married and start the AOS process. The AOS process is your husband's r permission to stay in the US beyond those 90 days. You file for the AOS once you are married.

No, the short form is not accepted. The long form will also include his parents' names which is what they want. He should order it early because sometimes the Ontario Provincial forms take a while to come back.

Yes, you can post this here in the Canada forum as it is information specific to the process in Canada. Welcome to the VJ family - and good luck.

Thanks! I knew all the stuff about the K-1 and AOS stuff already, I just wanted to make sure I was reading things right. It sucks being a student (not to mention the economy right now... I haven't been able to find a job at all since I moved back from schooling in Canada...)

He's been peeking at this thread, so hopefully he'll get his butt in gear and get his birth certificate. He didn't even know that the long form existed. All he's had is his card certificate all this time, haha.

Thank you again!
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2009-09-23 17:45:00
CanadaI want to make sure I'm reading this right...
Okay, so I was doing a little bit of poking around Montreal's Embassy and the US DOS site, and I found this:

Do the same income requirements apply to all immigrant visa applicants even if they use the I-134?

No. The 125 percent minimum income requirement, the most recent year's tax return and other requirements only apply when an I-864 is needed. Applicants using the I-134 will need to show that their sponsor's income is 100 percent of federal poverty guidelines as required under Section 212(a)(4) of the INA.

Now, I'm under the assumption that I will be filing the I-134 for my fiance, and not the I-864, and therefore, I only need to make roughly 15k instead of the almost 20k ... right? I know, already, that I'll need a co-sponsor because I'm in school and am not currently employed, and from what I've read here, they don't look at financial aid at all (not that I have enough with that, either...) so I'm hoping someone can shead some light on this for me, so I can start looking through my family and seeing who it is I can ask to help out.

OH! Another quick question for you Ontario people - My fiance has the "short form" version of the birth certificate (the little card) -- is this good enough or does he need to send away for that long, certified copy? I'm assuming the latter is needed, but he wanted me to find out. smile.gif

(Also: I wasn't sure where to post this at... so hopefully it's in the right spot. If not, sorry!!! wacko.gif )

Edited by frenzyheart, 22 September 2009 - 11:21 PM.

frenzyheartFemaleCanada2009-09-22 23:18:00
CanadaDS-156 Question..
Thanks a ton, Krikit! smile.gif
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2009-10-05 07:38:00
CanadaDS-156 Question..
Okay, so I was glancing through the example forms to get a feel, and I got to number 29 on the DS-156, where it asks if/when you've been to the US. If he were from a country not connected to the US, I would understand better, but seeing as Canada is right there... I'm slightly confused as to what he should put... and I am curious as to what everyone else put, because I know we can't be the only people in the same situation in that my fiance has visited the US so many times that I don't think he remembers them all. (I know I sure don't, and my memory is much better than his, lol)

So I guess what I'm really wondering is this: Do they mean visits where he's spent a significant amount of time (like 2 weeks+), or should we be trying to remember every single weekend visit????
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2009-10-05 00:24:00
CanadaDS-156 Question..
Thanks a ton, Krikit! smile.gif
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2009-10-05 07:38:00
CanadaDS-156 Question..
Okay, so I was glancing through the example forms to get a feel, and I got to number 29 on the DS-156, where it asks if/when you've been to the US. If he were from a country not connected to the US, I would understand better, but seeing as Canada is right there... I'm slightly confused as to what he should put... and I am curious as to what everyone else put, because I know we can't be the only people in the same situation in that my fiance has visited the US so many times that I don't think he remembers them all. (I know I sure don't, and my memory is much better than his, lol)

So I guess what I'm really wondering is this: Do they mean visits where he's spent a significant amount of time (like 2 weeks+), or should we be trying to remember every single weekend visit????
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2009-10-05 00:24:00
CanadaCanada POE... HELP!
ACK I apologize for being so unclear. Thanks for setting straight, trailmix! I know I'm probably more worried than I should be considering he's only staying for a weekend, but yeah -- the horror stories aren't helping lol.
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2009-10-09 14:50:00
CanadaCanada POE... HELP!
QUOTE (Hugglebuggles @ Oct 9 2009, 12:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think you have the best information you can have: a return ticket, a letter from his employer, and a I-129F NOA1. If the question of moving comes up, he will be able to prove he understands the immigration system and he is following proper procedures to move to the US legally. A letter from his employer will show intent to return, as will a plane ticket. I think you are in good shape! With that said, the danger of being denied entry is always there. Its up to the discretion of the officer at the POE (unfortunately).

Should I mail him the NOA1? Or just scan it in for him to print off?
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2009-10-09 13:08:00
CanadaCanada POE... HELP!
Okay, so my fiance has decided to visit me, and we're trying to think of as many things as possible to help him prove he's going to return. Granted, he's only staying a weekend, but I still figure it's better to give them as much as possible rather than just chancing it. The problem with this? He's currently living with his parents who pretty much take care of everything for him. As much as I adore him and his parents, this is making things very difficult. I keep reading about USC's SOs being detained and all that... and to be honest, it scares me. We'd never dream of lying to them, so he knows to tell them about the visa application if he's asked, but I can't help but be afraid that they're going to deny him and/or ban him.

So far, the only two things we have, and can think of, are his return flight information (he's buying a round trip ticket) and a letter from his employer stating that he has to be back at work on Monday. Now, we've never had any issues with him entering the US for weekend visits while he was driving or flying, but since the application is in the system... well, you know.

So what do you do when you have no rental agreement, no bills to show, etc? How are we supposed to prove he'll be going home? wacko.gif
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2009-10-09 12:30:00
CanadaMontreal taking so long
QUOTE (Missa @ Oct 16 2009, 12:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
did someone say ... kittens?! (this is actually my nephew)

Not quite sure why, but this picture reminds me of the magnets I bought about a month ago...

LOLMagnetz. biggrin.gif

Now that I think about it... I think what got the connection for me was the cat in the picture, and the fact that most of the phrases on these magnets are things you'd usually find on ... maybe, lol. smile.gif
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2009-10-16 14:09:00
CanadaMontreal taking so long
QUOTE (Sam and Ben @ Oct 14 2009, 10:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
To quickly add: I blame Varba for disintegrating this thread into nerdspeak. yes.gif

whistling.gif Okay, so only a few of us will get the nerdspeak... but ... that's okay! yes.gif We're special in our own way! biggrin.gif

(I blame the cute kitties and their PEW PEW SPARKLE LASERS...)
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2009-10-15 00:35:00
CanadaMontreal taking so long
QUOTE (Sam and Ben @ Oct 14 2009, 10:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (frenzyheart @ Oct 14 2009, 11:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Sam and Ben @ Oct 14 2009, 08:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I disagree. Some of those kitties has some maaaaad skills in a battleground. sad.gif Bullies.

Yeeeah. i think one of them owned me in AV last week. :/ They were all "KITTY SPARKLE PEW PEW" and I just died right on the spot.

ohmy.gif THAT'S what those Montreal folks are doing throughout the day...

ohmy.gif I NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT. Maybe THAT'S why there's a sudden leaving of people -- they all got invites to Ensidia or something... :x

"Why give interview dates when we can PVP?"

Edited by frenzyheart, 14 October 2009 - 10:50 PM.

frenzyheartFemaleCanada2009-10-14 22:47:00
CanadaMontreal taking so long
QUOTE (Sam and Ben @ Oct 14 2009, 08:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I disagree. Some of those kitties has some maaaaad skills in a battleground. sad.gif Bullies.

Yeeeah. i think one of them owned me in AV last week. :/ They were all "KITTY SPARKLE PEW PEW" and I just died right on the spot.
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2009-10-14 22:37:00
CanadaMontreal taking so long
QUOTE (Missa @ Oct 14 2009, 03:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
you're very welcome
lol i HAD to do something, yesterday had me and probably everyone else so depressed i didn't want it to be the same today.
no one can resist kittens their powers are supernatural!

Unfortunately, I'm still in a slumpy depression over it all (well, that and other things, too). My mom keeps showing me these motivational and inspirational videos on youtube to try and help out... but really, it's just making it worse. I don't want to be rude though, so I watch them. Today is horrible. unsure.gif
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2009-10-14 16:46:00
CanadaMontreal taking so long
QUOTE (Missa @ Oct 14 2009, 09:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

That seriously just made my day (which was HORRIBLE!!!!)

THANK YOU MISSA! <3 blush.gif
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2009-10-14 12:01:00