CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
Okay, so I'm a little curious now. How do they feel about the USC calling to inquire about P3 being logged and such? Have any of you other USC's done it? Fiance is so busy lately, and I'm kind of just sitting here stewing over it all the time, so I figured I'd do the calling (yay free calls to Canada!) and the inquiring, if possible, though I did plan to wait a couple weeks, hehe.

Inquiring minds want to know!! :)
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2010-02-28 13:00:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
Awww nuts. So yeah, throwing my little bit in here. I complained a bit about the Montreal backlog, but now that my fiance and I have planned stuff out, we're almost hoping we don't get our interview date until late May, early June-ish!!! We're even thinking about asking if we can schedule it then if they try and put it sooner, lol! I really want to be there with him, but I can't get up to Canada until May, and since I'm really, really afraid of airplanes, he figured he'd just come down and get me, and I could spend my summer vacation up there and we'd have our interview, and then when he brings me back, he could POE then. biggrin.gif

Knowing my luck? It won't happen this way, LOL. Luckily, though, we just got NOA2 on the 23rd, so we aren't even at NVC yet. Maybe we'll get lucky, hehe...
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2009-12-27 17:55:00
CanadaWeather & Road Report
6 ft snow drifts! 60 mph winds! My back door was snowed in this morning and my dogs wouldn't go to the bathroom at first. Heck, my shih tzu couldn't even WALK outside. wacko.gif

The front door blew open a little bit ago, and my sister's boyfriend said "See! Old Man Winter's trying to get in here. It's even too cold out there for him!" tongue.gif
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2009-12-09 09:51:00
CanadaWeather & Road Report
It is currently 28F and the entire state of Iowa is under a blizzard warning. It's been snowing nonstop for almost 15 hours now, and the visibility is very minimal. We're expected to get 10-16 inches of snow ~ but they are saying we will probably get closer to the 16 inches. Schools are closing and people are driving like idiots! biggrin.gif I LOVE WINTER, DONT YOU?!?!?! protest6wz.gif
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2009-12-08 13:43:00
CanadaTrip to DC..
I went to DC a few months ago (during the Cherry Blossom festival) and I absolutely loved it! I paid to take one of the double decker bus tours, and it was amazing! You can just hop on and off wherever you want to and then spend your time there, and then go back on and head to the next stop. I saw everything I wanted to see, and got plenty of pictures. My only regret was that I forgot my sunblock! I looked like a tomato afterwards! I don't really have any recommendations for hotels, because mine was completely paid for through school (that's who I went with). I hope you have a lot of fun!! (Sorry I'm not more help, lol)
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2011-06-11 21:21:00
CanadaHotel Reviews Montreal
I'd like to throw in another recommendation for Hotel Dauphin. We got there on Saturday and checked out on Monday, and it was (despite the interview jitters) one of the most relaxing and amazing hotels we've ever stayed at.

I know it's not a hotel, but I'd like to throw another recommendation out there, as well: We ate at the most amazing pasta place called La Popessa on the corner of the Convention Centre. (Not sure of street names, unfortunately) If you enjoy ANY kind of pasta, this is definitely an awesome place to eat. The price was low (we paid ~$20 for both of us, and that included the pasta, bread and a drink for each of us) but the quality was simply amazing AND everything is cooked to order - you walk in, pick the pasta, pick the sauce, add whatever you'd like to it, and they cook it right there. :)
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2010-05-28 08:49:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
I, too, hate the new wing... with one exception:

Frogger 3.0.

Now that provided MASSIVE amounts of LOLing for my guild the first night we went in there. :D But seriously, we got in roughly 6-7 attempts on Festergut, and I hate it. Sure, it's a pretty easy fight, but it is still going to drive me bonkers unless some of my guildies get their acts together and pay attention to who has the spore!
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2010-01-09 13:30:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
QUOTE (Udella&Wiz @ Dec 10 2009, 07:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (frenzyheart @ Dec 9 2009, 09:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am utterly ecstatic right now. Fiance found a guild that's looking for TWO dps.... and thus decided to take us to ICC tonight for a dual trial (we see if we like them, and vice versa)

SKLDJFSKD biggrin.gif!!!! IM IN ICC!!!! YAY! We're at the first boss, and I so hope we down him, hehe. biggrin.gif

Totally off topic - I love your name, Frenzyheart sounds like the newest member of the Carebear family smile.gif

Haha! It's actually named after:

Which brings your "totally off topic" back on topic! biggrin.gif YAY PUPPY FACES! biggrin.gif

frenzyheartFemaleCanada2009-12-10 12:02:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
I am utterly ecstatic right now. Fiance found a guild that's looking for TWO dps.... and thus decided to take us to ICC tonight for a dual trial (we see if we like them, and vice versa)

SKLDJFSKD biggrin.gif!!!! IM IN ICC!!!! YAY! We're at the first boss, and I so hope we down him, hehe. biggrin.gif
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2009-12-09 21:59:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
3.3! 3.3! 3.3! 3.3! 3.3! 3.3! *happy dance*

*ahem* No, I'm not excited. tongue.gif (I really want to raid ICC but my guild is like ... ded.)

OH and I forgot to mention, I'm up to about 280/700 for EK Loremaster. biggrin.gif The COOLEST part of the patch today?

Addon Author Changes
* ?registerForClicks? added to xml buttons.
* ?MouseIsOver? has been converted to a ?C? function for increased efficiency (e.g. /dump PlayerFrame:IsMouseOver() ).
* When an addon file is loaded, the addon name and an addon table are passed to the file through ???. The same addon table is passed to every file loaded by a particular TOC file (example at the top of a Lua file: ?local addonName, addonTable = ?;?.
* ?motionScriptsWhileDisabled? attribute added to buttons. This allows ?OnEnter?; and ?OnLeave?; to fire while the button is disabled.
* ?GetFileHeight()? and ?GetFileWidth()? added to Texture objects. 0 is returned if no texture file is associated with the texture.
* You can now query for a list of completed quests with ?QueryQuestsCompleted()? then wait for the ?QUEST_QUERY_COMPLETE? event, and call ?GetQuestsCompleted(<luatable>)?.

Loremaster = ezmode now.

Edited by frenzyheart, 08 December 2009 - 01:51 PM.

frenzyheartFemaleCanada2009-12-08 13:47:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
Finally started working on Loremaster last weekend, and now I'm continuing it this weekend. I started at 8/700 quests for Eastern Kingdoms last week; now I'm sitting at 168/700. Got all of the human noob zones done, and currently working on Duskwood. Blehh... so far to go, lol.

I'm kinda looking forward to the patch, but seeing as my guild has suddenly gotten very quiet, I dont see myself venturing into ICC anytime soon. sad.gif
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2009-12-04 14:03:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
QUOTE (Rob and Mel @ Sep 17 2009, 03:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (frenzyheart @ Sep 17 2009, 10:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
EEK! Well, instead of coming home and finding my K-1 NOA1 (which I'm hoping will show up soon lol)... I came home to a box on my front porch! Inside said box lived Zerky -- my (self-named) talking murloc plushie that I ordered from Jinx!!!! So I've been driving my family bonkers by making him MRGLMRGL, haha.

I faction changed last week, and oh my gosh. I honestly thought I'd probably end up regretting it, but I am not. I am enjoying the new atmosphere and doing heroics and raiding. It's a nice change of pace from my old server! biggrin.gif

What side did you change from and to?

Went from Horde to Alliance on my paladin. It was a nice fresh start, since I had just hit 80, and it's nice to actually be interested in my pally again. She was my first real "main", and I just kind of abandoned her close to the end of TBC when I got burnt out healing.
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2009-09-17 15:57:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
EEK! Well, instead of coming home and finding my K-1 NOA1 (which I'm hoping will show up soon lol)... I came home to a box on my front porch! Inside said box lived Zerky -- my (self-named) talking murloc plushie that I ordered from Jinx!!!! So I've been driving my family bonkers by making him MRGLMRGL, haha.

I faction changed last week, and oh my gosh. I honestly thought I'd probably end up regretting it, but I am not. I am enjoying the new atmosphere and doing heroics and raiding. It's a nice change of pace from my old server! biggrin.gif
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2009-09-17 13:56:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
No no! When I said I had made enough, I meant just as a basis of how much I've accrued the last few days! You don't have to buy anything! tongue.gif (sorry for the confusion!)
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2009-09-09 16:13:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
Well, it's a sad day today. I run off of paid time cards, and unfortunately, mine runs out today! LOL. Luckily, I get some cash on Friday, so I'll be able to throw another card on there. Also on my list of things I'm doing Friday that are WoW related: FACTION CHANGE! biggrin.gif I'm taking the plunge and switching my Pally to Alliance. I've just about had it with 99% of the population on Korgath, so I'm switching and transferring over to Bonechewer to play with some other friends. I've been in a mad haul the last few days and have made enough gold to buy another epic flyer + training! Who knew how much ####### I had on there!??! LOL.

I think once I do switch over that I'm going to start working on Loremaster. It'll be nice and peaceful instead of stressful and annoying.
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2009-09-09 09:57:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
Oooo, spiffy! Saw the topic and I couldn't resist!

Fiance and I play both factions, though we are predominantly Horde!

Server: Korgath

My characters:
Aelia - 80 Paladin
Nalani - 80 Hunter
Arysia - 80 Mage

His character:
Honami - 80 Shaman

He's got a few others, but that's his only 80 right now. 2nd closest is a 75ish warrior, I think, haha. Our alliance characters are on Bonechewer, but they're only 40-something. We're having fun with RAF stuff, lol.

Glad to find other WoWers in the same situation I'm in, too!!! smile.gif

I'd like to add that I really, really dislike the mounted combat, and my fiance claims that it's because I'm not giving it a fair enough chance... (and omigosh I'm so looking foward to Cataclysm...)
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2009-08-29 21:27:00
CanadaSarnia/Port Huron crossing

I cross once a month from Michigan to Ontario at Port Huron to visit my fiance and its pretty painless. They ask "Where are you going? Why are you going there? When will you come back? Do you have a job? Where do you work?" things like that. I'd definitely bring marriage cert and as long as the Canadian Citizen has AP I think you're good to go.

Good luck! And have a great trip!

P.S. When I came back from Canada on Canada Day this past time they asked why I was visiting Canada. I said was visiting my fiance. They asked if I was bringing him home with me. I laughed and said no and he said have a good day. Quickest border crossing ever!!!

Yeah, we've crossed there before (it's our main crossing area) but we haven't done it in so long that I didn't know if anything major had changed! :D

They asked me my status in the US and that was about it. Once they asked to see my GC which I thought was curious since they were the Cdn dudes :)

Otherwise nothing major.

PS - I wouldn't worry about your passport not matching your state id - all you need is the marriage license like you said, no biggie

Yay! Thank you so much for your help! Yeah, I figure we won't have many, if any, issues going into Canada, (we've only been pulled into secondary on the Canadian side once, and that was due to my student visa, lol) but still better to err on the side of caution than anything. :)
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2012-07-09 16:20:00
CanadaSarnia/Port Huron crossing
Well, it's been almost 2 years to date since my husband (Canadian) and I(USC) crossed back into the US and got married, and we're FINALLY visiting Ontario again, making our usual journey through Michigan and crossing at Sarnia/Port Huron. I'm curious though, and want to ask: to those that have crossed there recently - anything new or different? We're already batting a thousand because my passport is still in my maiden name, but we're taking our marriage license and IDs and all that fun stuff to prove the name change, so I'm hoping we won't have too many problems. But yeah.. I heard something back about them asking new questions or something about his status in the US (permanent resident, obviously) so I figured I'd go ahead and ask to play it safe! :D

Thanks so much, in advance! Hope you all are well! <3
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2012-07-09 13:02:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
You know, I've read a lot from others coming into the States and having issues adjusting, but there's something that I'm not understanding when it comes to my personal situation....

Why is it that I, the American, am having a harder time adjusting than he is??? He seems to be settling in just fine, whereas I'm a complete basket case and feel like crying all the time and have been since we got home? I feel really unstable about every aspect of my life (not just with him) and I think it's actually starting to irritate him. :( Is this normal? Any other US citizens feel this way??
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2010-08-14 23:23:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 April 2013 filers

Got his card today! =)

frenzyheartFemaleCanada2013-08-14 22:06:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 April 2013 filers

Was just settling in to go to bed when my phone went off.


"On August 8, 2013, we ordered production of your new card. Please allow 30 days for your card to be mailed to you."


YAHOO! I'll update again when we get his card. Good luck everyone!

frenzyheartFemaleCanada2013-08-08 22:19:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 April 2013 filers

So.. I tore apart all the papers I have... went through both cars... and I'm freaking out because I can't find it anywhere... and my husband goes "Oh, it might be in my passport."


Guess where it was?


Can I throw something at him now? :|


Either way, we're still set on initial review. Hopefully we get an approval soon, too. :)

frenzyheartFemaleCanada2013-07-31 21:32:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 April 2013 filers

YAY! Congrats!!!! Enjoy your time in Greece!


In other news: I attempted to hunt down my hubby's biometrics letter, and he seems to think they kept it. Either way... we don't have it, so we don't have our case number! GAAAH. :(

frenzyheartFemaleCanada2013-07-27 21:13:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 April 2013 filers

Biometrics: 5/23 


frenzyheartFemaleCanada2013-05-06 19:49:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 April 2013 filers

NOA! (check still hasn't cashed, but it's okay.) Receipt date: 4/9/13

frenzyheartFemaleCanada2013-05-03 21:04:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 April 2013 filers

Carry a passport at all times? LOL...sounds a little extreme to me. I dont think USCIS is that strict, it isn't like he is gonna get pulled over by border patrol for no reason and asked for documentation.

That's what he told us, because if caught "out of status", it can end up getting pretty nasty, because more often than not, they will punish first and ask questions later. It's not just border patrol that can cause issues. Say you get pulled over for whatever reason. They take your ID, find out that you aren't a US citizen, ask to see green card... OH LOOK. You're showing them a green card that is technically expired. Can you prove right there, other than saying it, that you are in the country legally? Nope. And I can guarantee that they aren't going to simply take your word for it, as much as we'd all love for it to be like that. In my opinion, It's NOT a hassle to carry the passport with you, even if just for the sake of knowing that you can 100% prove your status NO MATTER WHAT situation may arise, and even if it never happens... well, you still know. It is always better to be safe than sorry, and given that it was a SUPERVISOR that told us this? Yeah. I think we'll be listening to him. But you go ahead and do what you want if you think you'll be okay.
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2013-04-26 22:46:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 April 2013 filers

My check was cashed yesterday.

I have a silly question. What is USCIS Receipt Date? I just noticed it on someone's reply and I am wondering how you can look it up.

Plus, has anyone signed up for status updates on the official website? I have signed up and it did not even ask me for my A# or receipt #. That's strange, right?

I'm assuming you filed at VSC, then? More information so we can add you to the list!!

As for the Receipt Date - that'd be the date on your NOA1 when you get it.

Everyone. Please. I see a LOT of people worried about trips and green card expiry. I will continue to iterate this: if your green card expires and you have NOT received your NOA1 yet (it extends your green card by a year), and it's within 2-3 days of the expiry date (EXAMPLE: it's May 5th, and your green card expires on May 7th) then MAKE AN INFOPASS APPOINTMENT AS SOON AS YOU POSSIBLE CAN. They will give you a stamp in your passport (or should, anyways) that will extend your green card expiry date. My husband got a stamp in his passport today, and it extends his green card for another year. The only downside is that you will HAVE to carry your passport with you at ALL TIMES until you receive your NOA1, and once you get NOA1, then you'll carry that with you until you get your 10 year green card. This is what the guy at our immigration office told my husband and I when we spoke with him, and he was a supervisor, so I'm pretty much betting that we can trust that that's what's needed.
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2013-04-26 18:45:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 April 2013 filers

No not yet.. It would be nice just to see the check cleared..
I have to fly out on the middle of June, and my GC expired 10th of May. I don't know if I should make an infopass appointment now or wait till May.

Make the infopass appointment as CLOSE to the expiry date as you can. When we went in last week, they told us that they could extend it for us, but it has to be within a few days of it expiring, so he's going back today to get the extension.
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2013-04-26 05:35:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 April 2013 filers

no infopass appointments available for us anyways...guess we gotta just hope she doesnt get asked for it :P

Just grab an appointment for the closest date you can. If your card expires before that, you can try and go in without an appointment, and maybe they will see you on an emergency basis. Don't hold me to that, because I really don't know, but if you're close enough to the office, it's worth a shot. Better they know you're trying to make sure everything is on the level than for another source to request your now expired card, and thus have all that hassle... you know what I"m saying???
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2013-04-21 23:16:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 April 2013 filers

Hello everyone,

I have a question and if anybody could help it will be great! I am trying to make an appointment for info pass next week since my green card expires on 28th but i still haven't gotten anything from USCIS and i want to be on the safe side, but when i go to the page and it asks me what kind of service i want to sign up for, the options are: 1) You need Service on a case that has already been filed; 2)You want to file an application in person; 3)You need information or other services;
4)You need a form and a few other, but honestly i am not sure which one i have to choose?:( Sorry, if the question is stupid but i am a little confused!

For my husband's, I just did #3. It will take you to a page that says "We'd rather you use our website" blah blah blah... but down below that, it will say something along the lines of "If you still need an appointment, click here", and then it will take you through the appointment set up. Once you've got it set up, just print out the confirmation page (you HAVE to have it) and make sure you take your passport and photo ID with you. :) We were in and out in less than 20 minutes. (Times may vary; we're from Des Moines... very small. LOL.)

Edited by frenzyheart, 21 April 2013 - 08:13 AM.

frenzyheartFemaleCanada2013-04-21 08:13:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 April 2013 filers
A quick glance around various forums here shows that CSC has apparently taken a coffee break - not just for us ROC'ers, but K1, too... hopefully it's not an extended one.

Also, while they might count from the day they receive the application, it's still better to have legal documentation of your status in the US. 99.9% of officials will jump first and ask questions later. If you're stopped for whatever reason, and you can't prove your status right away, it will cause you a whole lot of unnecessary issues, time, and stress for everyone involved. Always front load, always have documentation, and always be safe rather than sorry. Make an infopass appointment as close to the date as you can, and get that stamp, because we have NO CLUE how long this coffee break at CSC will last, and I'd hate for there to be any problems. You might not have been asked for it in the past, but that doesn't mean it can't (or won't) happen. Like I stated previously: SAFE rather than SORRY. :)
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2013-04-20 05:14:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 April 2013 filers
Well, we had our infopass appointment this morning. Hubby missed out on 3 hours of work just to find out that, while they CAN and WILL give him an extension stamp, it has to be closer to the expiry date. So pretty much, if we don't hear anything by the 24th, we have to make ANOTHER appointment for the 26th, and his GC expires on the 28th. It would have been pretty nice if the lady I talked to at the National Service Center would have told us that little tidbit of knowledge. Money is pretty tight as it is, and losing 3 hours for nothing doesn't tickle either of our fancies. We also found out that they haven't even put it in the computer yet... so it's just sitting on someone's desk at CSC while they take a coffee break, lol. :(

Blaaaah. You know... we didn't have any issues with K1 or AOS... I should have figured ROC would bunk it all up, lol...
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2013-04-18 10:10:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 April 2013 filers

I sent my I 751 last week too. I will add mine to the list too.
My check is not cashed yet until today, 4/16/13. I am really starting to get worried.

We are in the same boat, they received application on monday 8th, no Noa1 or check cashed. But on my AOS i sent on march 26th and got Noa1 on 22nd April, so im hopeful we will all here something soon

THIS makes me feel LOADS better, actually. I'm not the only one! Welcome to the waiting boat, LOL. (I hate this boat.)
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2013-04-17 05:06:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 April 2013 filers

Did you send your package with a tracking number (i.e. do you know when it was received?)
The date on my NOA1 was 4/3 (the same day when it was received, according to USPS tracking), but our check wasn't cashed until 4/8.

Yeah, they got it. I got the card in the mail a few days ago. We went ahead and set up an infopass appointment for Thursday since it's so close to his expiry date.
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2013-04-16 12:43:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 April 2013 filers
Still waiting for my check to be cashed... and still waiting for NOA1. Hopefully we hear something this week, because if we don't, we're going to have to make an infopass appointment or something to see about an extension as his green card expires on the 26th of this month. :|
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2013-04-16 07:10:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 April 2013 filers

Adding Frenzyheart to the list. I assumed you filed with CSC if you're in Iowa.

Yeah, I am. I thought I had put that. Sorry! LOL. (Super tired when I wrote the post... lol)
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2013-04-12 23:51:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 April 2013 filers
Just adding my name to the list. :) Mailed off on 04/04; delivered 04/08. :)
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2013-04-11 11:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHoly Processing Batman!
QUOTE (jkminney @ Oct 1 2009, 08:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
VSC is killing these petition approvals! WHY oh WHY can't CSC follow suit! I'm only just beginning this process and I feel for those people that filed at the CSC and are seeing all these approvals going through the VSC. I look at Igor's list and there have been very few approvals for CSC and you look at VSC and about 10 were approved the last 2 days!

That's it...where can I file my complaint? HA! laughing.gif

At least I know I'm not the only crazy Iowan (Des Moines, too!!!) waiting for a K-1 from CSC!!!!! HIII!!!!! biggrin.gif laughing.gif
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2009-10-01 21:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVSC is moving quickly and decisively
QUOTE (Skip @ Sep 25 2009, 10:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I sent my K-1 visa package on August 1, 2009 and yesterday on September 24th I received my NAO2. (51 days) I am now preparing for the next step for my fiance - her physical and interview. Good luck to others in VSC they are working hard to assist us.

GRATS! Makes me wish I could have filed there instead of CSC... sad.gif
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2009-09-25 10:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 Filers! CSC
Well, Matt got Packet 3 in the mail today, and a bunch of people just got March Interviews, so it would seem that Montreal's backlog is working itself out. If how I worked things out in my mind based on other timelines, we're right on track for an April/May/June interview. We're certainly hoping it'll be after May 15th, though. :)

Grats to everyone else who's past NOA2 stage, and also hoping to see some more NOA2s. Sucks that they're working on stuff after September now, but hopefully they'll come back to you all soon! I can't see why they wouldn't. :/
frenzyheartFemaleCanada2010-01-25 20:04:00