Asia: East and PacificUpdate
YAY for you I am so glad for you! I say wait for the big wedding she deserves a great one!
RingsFemaleAustralia2009-10-06 00:27:00
Asia: East and PacificEx's wife problem. What to do?Im lost
wow.. I wouls divorce him and file to remove conditions when divorce is final......
RingsFemaleAustralia2009-11-20 00:58:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Do you think there is a chance ???
Depends really on how many people are in processing. Of course the more there are, the less interview times are available. That and the embassy is always up to something. For example: The Australian Embassy in Sydney is closing down for a couple weeks due to APEC and so they are scheduling around it and it is affecting some people in regard to time of the interview, but each embassy is different.
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-07-10 23:22:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)marriage with permanent resident
There are only a certain amount of Visa's given out each year under certain conditions. I would call the USCIS and check on your case or go to one of the immigration offices so they can better explain it to you, but from the sound of what you said the only thing you can do is wait.
RingsFemaleAustralia2009-09-05 10:25:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion regarding the I-129F Petition
Does anyone know about the life act? Can Loke come any earlier on this while he is waiting for the K3 visa? Is there any way or anything we can do? Would it mess things up if he came on the visitors visa?
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-02-07 23:02:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion regarding the I-129F Petition
The kit has all of the forms in it, but these are not the forms that we are using because we are so paranoid. Loke and I have been filling out the forms directly on line and using the packet for the checklists and just as a cross referencing source.
The packet basically has examples of the G325A and the petition I-130 that are filled out as well as general information on what type of documents that you need, may need and what you can do to prepare yourself in the sense of the types of information that they will need for each step along the way. There are things like example questions that they will ask you at the interview and final checklists before you mail each form. There are also lists of options available to us.
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-02-05 13:18:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion regarding the I-129F Petition
Hello I am a new member and this is my first post (please go easy on me). I did read the FAQ's as well as as many posts that I could find on my type of case, but I am still at a loss in a mound of paperwork that I am terrified to file incorrectly.

My husband is Australian and I am a U.S. citizen. He is there and I am in the United States. I bought an immigration packet and I also cross reference everything with the USCIS website and the forms there. According to what I have learned I will file the petition I-130 and then wait for the approval, but in order to prepare myself for all of the major steps so that I can get Loke here as soon as humanly possible, I have tried to look further ahead of the process to figure out what other things I will need so I can begin gathering that information.

The I-129F petition looks like it is for fiance(s) only, but everywhere I look, it seems as if this will be my next step in the process. My question is that even though we are already married and I have the legal documentation to prove that, should I still prepare this form and gather the documents neccessary to send this in next? If so, can I send this form in conjunction with the petition I-130?

Thank you for any advice that you may be able to offer me. I am so desperate to make sure this is done right!

RingsFemaleAustralia2007-02-05 01:34:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 Visa or IR1/CR1- The Choice
Thank you all so much for the information. I really want to go the CR1 route but Loke wants speed. I am also a single mother and I do see the value in the wait and the costs :(
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-02-24 00:17:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 Visa or IR1/CR1- The Choice

The Choice

How do you know what will work best for you?
Is there really that much of a difference?
Can you file for both?
If so, can you do it at the same time?

At the end of the day will I regret my choice?

these are the questions that are pouring through me as I read and read and read through this forum. I feel like I do not know much more than when I started even though it is apparent that I have learned at l;east how to get started. We have filed the I-130 and now we must make the best decision for us in what visa we will apply for. I think that the IR1/CR1 seems like it may be the better option in the long run for us, but Loke is stearing for the K3 for speed. He figures that we can get more paperwork done when he arrives, but is that all there is to it?

If yes, then why does it seem as if most couples feel there is a benifit to "waiting it out"?

*sigh* I just wish I had a "Immigration for dummies" book sometimes... :(

RingsFemaleAustralia2007-02-22 23:55:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Petition sent to California Center?
Thanks so much for all of your help! lol Standard Operating Procedure.. now that's dosen't sound as good to me :P
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-03-20 00:54:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Petition sent to California Center?

The transfer to California is SOP now as only CSC and VSC process I-129F's now. The VSC is quicker than CSC but that doesn't always mean a really long wait. Our I-129F was approved in less than 2 months and I've seen other timelines through the CSC in that area. Good luck! :thumbs:

I am hoping so much that you are right. I know that we are impatient but even 3 months for this part of the process feels like a lifetime.
SOP = state of play?

I think he means that it is "State of Process" or something like that, but it is somewhere along those lines. Do you know if this means that they will not be requeesting a RFE?
I hope they have everything they need.

I love you Loke x
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-03-19 13:21:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Petition sent to California Center?
Awe thanks so much. I am so worried that everything goes okay because I do not want to be without my husband for too much longer. I hope that they begin approving them faster. Do you suppose that means that I will not get an RFE then?
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-03-19 10:36:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Petition sent to California Center?
I got touched today saying that they have sent our I-129F petition to the California Center for processing. Please please please tell me this is a good thing!
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-03-19 09:41:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresApproval
I personally would go for the I-130 because it will cost you less in the end and provide you with more benifits that you do not have to do at a later time (like you would with your K1/K3) but really with both approved, you have your choice between which visa you want to pursue.
Congrats! Wish I was where you are *hugs*
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-04-20 00:37:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLast in the slow line... boo :(
I am trying to stay positive. I really am. I just miss him so much. I know that all of you are waiting too and you all have your own sorrows. I am just so torn up as petitions get approved that were sent in at later times than ours. We got the slow line and that is so hard to swallow when you throw everything into the petition and research and studies to be sure every detail is right. I spent so many late nights just pouring over sites and taking notes.

I know that patience is a virtue. I feel like a child who is throwing a temper tantrum haha. I can't help it though... the kids miss him and ask about him and it is heartbreaking. I miss the simple things... his smell or the way his hand feels in mine. I know that someday this ache will end and that we will be stronger and we will be more aware of what we could be living without. I know this all rationally, but my head is having such a hard time sending that rationality to my heart. I have never done anything so hard in my entire life.

I know that each one of you is going through this and I hope that luck is on your side. I hope so much that you all remain strong and fight the fight. If any of you ever need an ear.. I have two
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-05-31 22:37:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLast in the slow line... boo :(
Did you get a Transfer notice for your I-130? You should have gotten at least the I-797C saying that they transfered the petition and an e-mail update stating when CSC received it

Edited by Rings, 31 May 2007 - 07:41 PM.

RingsFemaleAustralia2007-05-31 19:40:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLast in the slow line... boo :(
The number is (800) 375 – 5283

They have been no use to me at all. I have called it every day and asked if I have gotten an RFE and they say "Have you gotten a request in the mail?" and when I say "No" they say "Your case is pending and we will have no information for you unless the petition was received 180 days or further out" and that is all they tell me.

They did say that they update the website only once every two weeks which I thought was interesting.
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-05-31 19:38:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLast in the slow line... boo :(
I have called and called and they won't let me know anything because the petition has not exceed the 180 days from the date it was received at CSC. They tell me nothing. I have called the RFE customer service too... nothing.

They told me they only update the website every two weeks :(
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-05-31 10:22:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLast in the slow line... boo :(
It's not fair to us. We are good people. We sent them enough proof. What do they want from us? I gave them everything I could. They can have this house. They can have my clothes and my car. Hell, they can have my birthday if they want it...They can take anything they want from me, but instead they take David and he is my everything. It's not fair and they don't know the pain. They see us as a number.. another petition in another day of paperwork. They do not know us and they do not see us and yet they get to choose our paths in our lives. I understand the need to protect a country. I understand the need to check peoples records to make sure they are not criminals. I understand the need to make the country as safe as possible, but what I don't understand is how they can't hire more people. We gave them our money to process the paperwork. We have to pay them to put their eyes on it and yet they still have to take half a year of my life??? Why?

Every day is a day closer to him, but a day robbed of him nonetheless. They can never give me that day back!

It's so wrong and unfair and mean and yes I am sad and hurting and miserable and mad. We are good people and we work hard. These people are determining our fate and they judge us by a piece of paper... a number...

I am tired of being patient... I am tired
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-05-31 03:13:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLast in the slow line... boo :(
I always think of all the things I did wrong. maybe I missed something. I know rationally that I followed every checklist that I could find and if they needed something they would have sent an RFE by now. I don't know where else to turn. I am sorry you are in the slow line too. My life, David always says that our time will come and he tries to help me through it, but everyday I get worse and worse. They have our lives in their hands. I feel helpless. He holds me up, but I am afraid I am pulling him down sometimes. He holds onto hope and I think of the worst. My mind is constantly pouring through the steps to see if there is anything I can do and I hunt this site looking for a new answer to no avail.

The slow line

They need to see how much pain this causes for people. Do they know the importance of their jobs? Are they chatting in the coffee room wasting valuable time? Do they go home to their husbands and wives each night and think nothing of those who are without that honor? People tell me that it makes us stronger, but I don't feel strong. I feel hurt and sad and upset and mad. I feel lost and without. Is there something wrong? Could I have done something more? Should I write a letter and if I do, where would I send it and would they even read it?

I feel like a voice in an empty room...echoing

I don't know how to be :(

Edited by Rings, 31 May 2007 - 02:11 AM.

RingsFemaleAustralia2007-05-31 02:09:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLast in the slow line... boo :(
I am bummed out. We have been watching and comparing timelines and waiting and we have shown excitement as we see all our VJ friends get approvals. We wait for ours and we look everyday and still nothing. People are good to us and offer us sound advise on being patient and how we will see our approval soon. Everyday I look for something... anything to happen only to be let down again.

They say they process them in order, but people are flying by us now. I called and they can't tell me anything. We are somehow in limbo and I am at a loss for what to do.

We are in the slow line :(

It seems so unfair and hurtful. They hold our lives in their hands and we can't do anything about it. We are trying to do what's right and it still seems that not only is immigration against us, but the entire world. He is so far away and we miss him more than I can put into words.

We did all our paperwork, we did all the paperwork and steps for as far into the future that we could...

I looked again for probably the 20th time today just hoping somone stayed late at the California Service Center to process just one more petition. I try to keep my mind off it, but it's there... it is like the darkness behind your eyelids.... you see it everytime you blink.

It is so hard to wait and watch as others succeed. Most of the Australian American couples have seen approvals, even the ones who submitted petitions after ours and even the ones sent to CSC after ours. I try to remain strong and happy, but each day that passes makes me think of the newest layer of dust sitting on our petitions.

I wish there was a way to see what is going on.. did they throw the petitions away? Guess you just never really know...

Thanks for listening

Edited by Rings, 31 May 2007 - 01:56 AM.

RingsFemaleAustralia2007-05-31 01:52:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNo NOA2 Recieved
Call this number and use your receipt number from your petition to see if NVC has received your case and assigned a number. If they have received it, you can obtain your case number and if they have not recived it, then you will be told by the automated message that they have no record of it and it is still at CSC

603 334-0700
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-06-02 23:47:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNo NOA2 Recieved
We have no NOA2 either :(
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-06-02 18:26:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIs your case at NVC or CSC?
Call this number and use your receipt number from your petition to see if NVC has received your case and assigned a number. If they have received it, you can obtain your case number and if they have not recived it, then you will be told by the automated message that they have no record of it and it is still at CSC

603 334-0700
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-06-02 23:50:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK-3 February Filers (CSC Office)
Yes I called them and they told me it was still pending. I called the NVC as well to ask them about my "Approved" petition although I really didn't know if it was approved or not and they told me that they did not have it, but that same day I got the letter in the mail. I called the next morning (this morning) and they told me that the petition was already sent to the US ebassy in AUS on 05/30/07 and I double checked with her because our NVC letter was dated 05/31/07 and she said that was correct so..... Loke is calling the embassy when he wakes up to see if it has arrived there because I am too cheap to make an international call lol
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-06-05 16:52:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK-3 February Filers (CSC Office)
Just to let you know that I also got my notice from NVC saying that they received my APPROVED I-129F petition. We still have not gotten our NOA2 and there have not been any touches or updates to the web site outside of what you see in my signature. I got the letter yesterday and I had called NVC that morning and my petition was not on file with the messaging service. This means that they are still processing as fast as they can, but putting off letting you actually know about it because of time constraints and processing is more important than advising people.

I called the NVC yesterday morning and nothing and then last night I checked the mail and the NVC notice was there. This morning I called the NVC and the lady said that she was glad to offer the good news that not only did the NVC receive the petition, but they don't even have it anymore and she said it was sent to the embassey in Australia on 05/30/07.

This means that stuff is still happening with your petitions, but the tracking has been thrown off due to the H1B application overflow. The CSC will be in compliance with the dates by 06/15/07 according to the press release. For those of you who are waiting... keep checking the mail!
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-06-05 12:50:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-129f ALSO BEEN APPROVED!!!
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *dances for you*
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-06-05 20:52:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNewbie Question Re: K3 Process
I actually sent in copies of everything. i did not send originals of anything outside of the G235A forms, but I kept tons of copies for myself anyway. I figured that the more they know and want to look into, the less likely I would get and RFE. I would rather just not risk it so I sent them copies of everything, but then again I am a paperwork nutcase so........
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-06-08 00:56:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNewbie Question Re: K3 Process
Prepare for a long journey, get the papers and make a lot of copies of everything. You should look into the I-130 and all the required forms for that. Start having your friends and family sign sworn affidavits to your relationship. Try to get them to get those notarized if you can. Your petition is very important and you do not want and RFE (Request for Information) so make sure you follow the guides and the checklist and just when you think you may have it all... double check it and add some more to it. The reality here is that you can't send them too much information, but you can cause yourself delays by not sending enough. Prepare for a long hard wait and keep your spirits high. The time goes slowly in the beginning, but it passes nevertheless.
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-06-08 00:44:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresquestions on K-3
we had all our friends and family fill out affidavits and get them notarized lol. I went crazy with it. I made everyone do them for me and I had a tab in my petition that had a whole section on it. You can never be too detailed when it comes to proving to the government that you are a legit couple.
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-06-08 07:19:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK-3 / B-2 / I-130 / I-129F / DS-156 SPOUSE / WIFE / VISA WORK-AROUNDS /
We all want to speed this up, but unfortunately there are not many ways of avoiding the system and still doing it legally. I recommend that you just hang tight and submit the I-130 and you never know...things may go quickly for you ;)
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-06-08 00:13:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp with filing I-129F before NOA1 received



I'm curious, though - since you argee that the I-130 Receipt Notice is not the only evidence that could be presented, and were able to edit the post, why did you leave the statement "that NOA1 (Notice of Action) will be required in order to submit that petition." unchanged?


Indeed...hense the immediate edit before your post clarification

Ahh I was at work earlier and I had to be in a meeting in five minutes so I was limited on time. I returned to this thread to see your post after that meeting and that's why it took me so long to repsond.

However if you want my real opinion on this matter, I just wouldn't risk added delay to the processing of my petition without the actual valid documentation. I miss Loke, but I would not want to hinder our case either. I do feel that if you submit enough evidence, then someone in a good mood may pass it through without problems or issues, but there may be some big red tape jerk off who got a bad cup of coffee and is hacked off at the moment who may be handling your petition as well. The reality here is that... you just don't know, so really you should ask yourself the ultimate question "Am I willing to risk it?"
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-06-08 20:08:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp with filing I-129F before NOA1 received
Indeed...hense the immediate edit before your post clarification
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-06-08 12:34:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp with filing I-129F before NOA1 received
The NOA1 is required because the K3 visa was created under "The Life Act" and was passed into law to bring families together faster. The K3 visa was created so that a family member immigrating into the states could come here early and finish out the I-130 process instead of waiting. Essentially you still have to go through the I-130 process, but you can come into the states to finish it here. This was created back in a time when the process took 3-5 years or so.
Since then, there has been another law passed called "The Paperwork Reduction Act" and this has required the USCIS to process petitions using less paperwork and therefore the CR1 (I-130) is now being processed at a rate that has caught up with the K3 visa.

Essentially we are all applying for I-130, but those who wish to immigrate sooner can also petition for the I-29F (K3) so in order to actually process your K3, the government needs proof that you have filed the I-130 and that NOA1 (Notice of Action) will be required in order to submit that petition. It actual makes sense when you know why you are doing what you are doing.

Hope this helps.

EDIT: I agree that you should be able to provide proof that you have submitted the I-130 with a copy of the check and proof that it was cashed by the USCIS. You should also try to provide your receipt number at least (You can obtain that by e-mailing or calling the service center if you know your petition has been received)

Edited by Rings, 08 June 2007 - 12:10 PM.

RingsFemaleAustralia2007-06-08 12:07:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI130 approved today!!!
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-06-09 02:24:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBottom Line... what does a "touch" mean.
No one really knows what a touch actually means outside of the fact that someone man-handled your paperwork in some fashion (For lack of a better expression) Every petition is different and every persons case is different. Some people get one touch and they are approved. Some people can be touched 7 times before it is approved. It's hard to tell what a touch means, but it is a good feeling to know that they are at least touching it.

Wish I had a better explaination for you
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-06-09 13:30:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresfiled k3 and i-130 - now confused
Gosh wow. Okay I am probably not the best person to ask in this, but if I found myself in this situation I would ask myself this:

Rings do you want a headache and more paperwork and more money for a visa that may take longer to process due to the mistake?

My personal answer to myself would be: "No ... ummm not really"

So what Rings would do is go for the K3.. it may not be as good as the CR1, but you have to ask yourself what you are willing to go through and what you want to deal with. If the CR1 is important to you, then the solution is to fix the mistake.

I wish you all of the luck and I hope this turns around for you and congrats on your approvals too *hugs*
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-06-11 03:34:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWait for Marriage Certificate, or start process?
I think he is essentially saying that you need to get a certified copy of the certificate. If you call them and ask them to endorse it, then it somehow speeds it up and you can get a copy of it stamped (certified) upon request in most cases even if they can't give you the actual original copy. At least that was what I took from his post.
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-06-18 19:56:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A
Yes you both do
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-06-18 20:04:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 last name yet to change
No there won't be. You should list all names used and clarify which one is your maiden name and previous married name. I am living breathing proof that this works.
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-06-21 23:00:00